Medical Treatments

When 9 out of 10 Doctors Tell You You’re Dead, You are Supposed to Lie Down – Jan 2017

The amazing story of how Joe Tippens beat terminal cancer that had metastasized all through his body - 39 min 


Tippens Story Part 2 - 51 min 


Tippens Story Part 3 - 35 min                        


For the trials conducted by Stanford University and University of Washington 

google “Fenbendazole anti-tumor effect Stanford and Washington”.


Joe Tippens: Because the FDA says taking 2 grams 7 days a week is save, I have changed my original protocol from 1 gram 3 days on and 4 days off... to 2 grams 7 days a week. It’s safe and more effective. If you are a cancer patient in remission you should take it 7 days a week for the rest of your life. It’s great medicine to prevent reoccurrence because it produces the P53 gene. People who have never had cancer should take it in pulse, maybe 10 weeks on 10 weeks off, and in the 10 weeks on take it 3 days a week as a preventative medicine.


Q&A session January 10, 2024 - 2 hrs 

(Click on "watch on YouTube" tab, turn on CC and read along, or follow along using the transcript.)


🔺Excerpts from the Q&A session. This does not replace listening to the video!

The mechanism by which Fenben kills intestinal parasites is totally unrelated to the mechanism by which it kills cancer. So the dosage on the packaging for a goat or a dog has nothing to do with what we are talking about. The daily dosage for killing cancer is 200 mg on Amazon in crystal form, or 2 Milliliter in liquid form.


Since oncologists and allopathic doctors are not trained in supplements, in addition to your oncologist get under the care of a good clinical nutritionist, functional doctor, or naturopath that understands supplements and Fenbendazole, someone who understands the integrative aspect of cancer and how to work with it. In clinical trials the dosage that would cause liver toxicity or affect liver enzymes was a thousand times the dosage recommended here. The Fenben dosage used for cancer is extremely safe. For liver support, cancer or no cancer, take Milk Thistle.


Being that Fenben crystals for dogs cost $100 for a month supply, a lot of people switch from the crystal dog dewormer to the liquid cattle & goat formula from Merck on Amazon or from a Farm Supply or Tractor Supply. The product is the same as the dog dewormer, only in liquid form. The liquid formula is easier to take and more economical. A one year supply is $164. It is 100 mg per Milliliter, so take 2 mL or a tiny bit less than 1/2 teaspoon dailyFor better absorption take it with food containing a healthy fat like olive oil, coconut oil, or a slice of avocado. 


Because of me, there are now companies selling off-label Fenbendazole over the counter and I do not recommend them. They are not made in FDA CGMP approved manufacturing facilities, they are not made to safety standards, and they are lying about how much Fenbendazole they are putting into their products. I recommend the Safe-Guard or Panacur C brands by Merck. I know they are made in CGMP FDA approved facilities to high standards. You know what you’re buying is what you’re getting.


Safe-Guard Liquid Fenbendazole for Beef, Cattle and Goats by Merck - 1000 Milliliter 


On a low budget? Order 125 Millimeter, a 1.5 months supply at $34 


If you are taking Fenben in capsule form you have the wrong product. The right stuff doesn’t come in capsule form. For topical application for Melanoma people have been successful with the horse dewormer paste from Amazon. 


To add Dr. Bishop or Dr. Windham to your medical team for personalized advice go to… 

Dr. Keith Bishop 

Dr. Deana Windham  

To learn more about Ultra Botanica go to If you are on Medicare, Social Security or Disability we have significant discounts for you.


For the Joe Tippens Blog & Protocol go to 




Quotes from Joe Tippens: “Fenbendazole is unique in that it has already gone through human clinical trials (decades ago) as an anthelmintic (de-wormer), meaning all of the clinical trial work related to toxicity have already been done and it has, for many years, been deemed safe for human consumption.


“My story has spread from Europe to N America to Asia. I’m considered a Rock Star in China. The purpose of this blog is such that someone can read from start to finish what I endured, what I did differently and probably why I am still vertical on the right side of the grass, when I am supposed to be dead. If after reading this someone STILL needs to talk to me, I will make myself available. My theory is simple. For some reason I was spared. God isn’t done with me yet. And I think one of the reasons is to help others. I’m not a doctor and I’m not a scientist. BUT… I am qualified to tell my story to as many people as possible.


“Doc, if you have known for decades these anthelmintic class of drugs (meaning to destroy parasites in the intestines) have possible efficacy against cancer, and in fact in the 80’s and 90’s there was a drug called Levamisole that was used on colon cancer and it is an anthelmintic drug, why hasn’t more work been done on it?” His answer was honest. He said, “probably because of money…all of these drugs are far off-patent and nobody is going to spend a gazillion dollars to repurpose them for cancer…..only to have generic competition the next day.



Dr. Lee Merritt, retired military surgeon, says cancer is parasites. She includes Fenbendazole in her healing protocol because it crosses the blood brain barrier and kills parasites in the brain. 


Fenbendazole, a Dog Dewormer, could be the answer to cancer in dogs 

Call (575) 758-3985 about dosage for cancer 


A Cat Parasite May Be Controlling Our Minds