Farm Rights / NESARA
The government and the banks have ILLEGALLY seized family farms across the Midwest, farms that rightfully belonged to the hardworking farmers’ unions. They handed out land patents like they were above the law, thinking they owned YOUR land!
But here's the truth they don't want you to know: these land patents are ironclad protection against the greedy hands of the elites. It's illegal for ANYONE to take property from the rightful owners without their consent. The farms were stolen when USA Inc. thought they could play God and take the land from the people.
These lands can only be transferred voluntarily by the owner – and what did they do? They forced these farmers into impossible loans, leaving them no choice but to pledge their land as collateral. This wasn’t just financial robbery – it was a calculated conspiracy!
Both the banks and the county clerks KNEW it was illegal. The clerks forged the transfer without the owner's signature, a blatant act of fraud justified by the deep state’s corrupt takeover. This is the same USA Corporation that’s been hiding the truth from you for decades!
But NESARA is coming for justice. Every stolen farm will be returned. Every illegal lawsuit, every fraudulent transfer, will be undone. The people will get their lands back – including our Native brothers and sisters, whose lands were confined to dying reservations. This is only the beginning.
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