Military Intel: Devolution Plan:
The Storm is Here! Trump Sends Law of War Chapter 3.4 Jus in Bello Comm to Deep State
BOOM! Trump’s Devolution Plan is in full motion, and the Deep State is trembling. The activation of Law of War Chapter 3.4, specifically Jus in Bello, signals the beginning of the final battle. This is not just about politics; it’s about a global military strategy designed to dismantle the Deep State once and for all. Trump’s message to the military leaders is clear—prepare for action. The storm has arrived!
Trump has executed a strategic maneuver like never before. The symbolism is everywhere. When he stood between three and four flags, it wasn’t random. It was a coded message to the top military brass, signaling the use of Law of War 3.4, which governs the rules of warfare. This isn’t just about tactics; it’s about the survival of a nation and a people. The Deep State can’t hide from what’s coming.
The Devolution Plan is the ultimate continuity of government operation, initiated under Trump’s presidency. It’s all happening behind the scenes, and the mainstream media is blind to it. They don’t want you to know that the military tribunals are already in motion. War crimes, human rights violations, and the betrayal of the American people will not go unpunished.
The investigation against Trump isn’t what it seems. The illegal warrants, wiretapping, and attacks against him are all part of the Deep State’s desperate tactics. Figures like Bill Barr are playing both sides, but the truth is coming out. The entire corrupt system is collapsing.
Let’s talk about the missing Q Post #3967. The connection between 34 indictments against Trump and Law of War 3.4 is undeniable. This is a calculated, military operation, and the numerical enigma is the key. Every piece of this plan has been strategically placed, and the numbers don’t lie. The Deep State is exposed, and they can’t stop what’s coming.
The staged arrest of Trump is all part of the plan. It’s a military operation, designed to shine a spotlight on the corrupt players like Soros, Gates, and the entire CIA-run show. Trump’s arrest? It’s not a defeat—it’s the beginning of the final takedown. Foreign interference, election fraud, and the total control of our government by external forces—it’s all being exposed!
This is about more than just the U.S.—it’s a global operation. Putin, Xi, Modi, and others are all working together. This is the global alliance that will bring down the Deep State and restore world peace. This isn’t just about Trump vs. the elites—it’s about the people vs. the Deep State on a massive scale.
The resurrection of Zero Point Energy is the final piece of the puzzle. Tesla’s innovations will be unleashed, and the world will finally see what’s been hidden for so long. Infinite energy, free for all. The Deep State has kept it from us for too long, but now the truth will come to light. Zero Point Energy is about to revolutionize the entire world.
The Deep State is desperate. They’re throwing everything they have—false flags, staged events, media lies—but none of it will save them. Their time is up, and the Great Awakening is here. Jus in Bello, Devolution, QFS—it’s all coming together.
Prepare yourselves. The battle isn’t over, but the end is in sight. Stay strong, trust the plan, and remember—the best is yet to come!
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