What happens after NESARA is announced?
Once NESARA is revealed, it will spark a global transformation like nothing we’ve ever seen. Programs will be launched in every country, obliterating greed and providing the essentials of life to all citizens. Borders? They’re nothing but artificial barriers created to divide us. These walls were built because of income inequality, lack of education, and meaningless work. But all of that is about to be destroyed. As soon as these issues are resolved, borders will crumble, becoming obsolete.
Some of these provisions might take longer than others — but let’s be real, 12 to 15 months is nothing. And even in the slowest countries, basic needs will be met almost instantly. The 82nd Airborne Division is already encircling Washington, D.C., making sure that the NESARA announcement happens safely. It’s on the verge of being unleashed. They know it’s coming — we know it’s coming. And when it does, it’ll be like a storm. Every last one of our troops will be brought home in a massive coordinated effort.
But here’s the truth they aren’t ready for: There’s more at play here than they’ll admit. The military isn’t just bringing troops home. Some of the world’s most advanced crafts, hidden from us for decades, are going to make this operation possible. They have the technology — tech that’s been withheld from the public — and when it’s revealed, you’ll know that the elite’s game is over. The storm is coming, and there’s no stopping it. Buckle up.
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