"The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is evolving without any equivalent, and politicians and bankers are being caught red-handed, arrested, and sent to Gitmo, Cuba, to atone for their crimes in real time.

Therefore, the deep state is disappearing and GESARA is arriving.”

To participate in the QFS, countries must comply with GESARA.

“The QFS will put an end to corrupt cabal central banks. It will cover the network.

"This new QFS runs on a quantum computer based on an orbiting satellite and is protected by a secret space program against hackers.

Quantum technology was provided by a benevolent Galactic Extraterrestrial.

A new financial system The objective is to end corruption, usury and cabal manipulation in the banking world.

Most importantly, we will implement restrictions that prevent corrupt bankers from making huge profits.

“QFS is completely independent of existing centralized systems and all previous transfer systems, for example blockchain, are not necessary for the transfer network, which makes the need for cryptocurrencies highly questionable.

Additionally, upon revaluation, all sovereign currencies will be backed by gold or assets, ensuring sustainable value.

The need for cryptocurrencies will eventually become obsolete as they are just numbers in a computer's memory bank.

“Furthermore, the enthusiasm around cryptocurrencies is a modern example of the shepherd mentality, with an apparent lack of logical thinking.

It makes sense to exchange them for something of equal value.

There can never be a balanced transaction since cryptocurrencies have no intrinsic value in relation to their face value.

As with any other commodity, there is no stability between buyers and sellers of cryptocurrencies.

For example, there is little chance that a tossed coin will fall over the edge.

Just as there is always a majority that wants to sell, or most likely there is a majority that wants to sell.

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