US Inc. Government will close

from Charlie Ward on telegram


On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 the US Inc. Government will close down – ending the Deep State Cabal fiat Global Financial System that has been in place and stealing our taxpayer monies since the 1800s. European, American and Central Banks across the Globe were collapsing, while the gold/ asset-backed Quantum Financial System becomes liquid and fully operational on that same Tues. 1 Oct. 2024.

In connection with that Deep State US Inc. government collapse, the Global Military Alliance was serving over 700,000 sealed indictments while arresting and sending to places like GITMO for Military Tribunals, Global and Political Elites who have committed Crimes Against Humanity, mainly on children.

The White Hat Global Military Alliance had already overtaken the Zionists and elites controlling the world—those at the top were finished. The 13 Illuminati families, Vatican, Royal Families, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Obama, Clintons—all under White Hat control.

The Federal Reserve, Vatican, Illuminati, and Bilderberg Group have been controlling the world through fake money, Big Pharma, and human suffering. They are Satanic Worshippers who brainwash the public, conditioning us through movies, music and media filled with hidden symbolism.

One of their many projects: On Tues. 17 Sept. 2024, a new Covid strain “XEC” was announced as rapidly spreading across Europe. The Deep State was trying to stir panic again with Bird Flu in Colorado and Monkeypox in Singapore.

Children, trafficked by the Deep State, have been sacrificed in Satanic Rituals and pedophile rings that span the globe. This wasn’t just some isolated scandal; it’s a vast network of evil involving Hollywood, politicians, bankers and priests, with the Vatican at the helm.

Just like Trump, President Kennedy knew about the CIA’s Child Sex Trafficking Rings and how the Deep State used them to blackmail politicians. Human trafficking and pedophilia go to the highest levels—health, media, education, even governments.

This was why they assassinated Lincoln, tried to kill JFK, Trump, and others—because these Patriots were fighting to return taxpayer money to The People. That’s why the Q Movement was now in full swing.

Hillary Clinton? Long gone to GITMO. Her clone or actor might still be seen on TV, but she’s been dealt with. Even Pelosi, Kamala, and Biden—were all arrested, tried and executed. Their replacements keep the illusion alive, but Truth was on it’s way.

Both sides were covering it all up using more than 200,000 actors, clones, CGI, and AI in this dramatic movie called “Save The World.”

Though, this bubble of deception was set to burst by 20 Nov. 2024 with the start of Nuremberg Trials 2.0. The World will see the depth of their crimes.

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