Directory  2 April 2013


These are folders, contents follow in listings

[10 Questions to outstep Banks Cops Courts^]

[13th Amendment]

9-11 Conspiracy Theory- Corbett Report `.mp4

[9-11 Explained by Dr Judy Wood flv]

[Active Info]

[Angels Don't Play this HAARP]

[Capital Name + Law]

[Cold Fusion]

[Commerce Game `]

[How I Clobbered- Mary Croft^]

[Judge Dale- Overview of History]

[Korean exposes Western propaganda flv]

[Land Ownership- Patent]

Land Patent - Regain your land.doc

[Law & Court]

Meet Your Strawman! 5m`.flv

Money As Debt - YouTube.flv


[on Taxes]

[OPPT One People's Public Trust]

Origins and History of Post Office.doc

Philosophy of Liberty - YouTube.flv

[Plain Talk]

[Post Office]

[Red 14th Amendment]

[Redress Rights-com]


[Spirit Science flv]

[Spirit Science Notes]

[Trade w Enemy]

Trance Formation - Awaken To The Truth.mp3

[Underground water Bases + Tunnels- Sauder]

Wayseer Manifesto Lyrics.flv

[Yel Fringe Flag Notes]


[_ Birthing New Earth- Div Prov Book]

_ Data Disc Summary.doc

[_ Programs Tot Cmmdr]

_ Thought Print- Search Method.doc




\10 Questions to outstep Banks Cops Courts^


10 Against Banks.doc

10 Against Courts.doc

10 Against FBI.doc

10 Against Police Alt.doc

10 Against Police.doc

10 Questions- Banks.txt

Bank Action F2 Advanta_xTE.doc

Bank Questions.doc

Expose Bank Fraud- Get Your Loans Forgiven.doc

Get out of Debt - 7 reasons.doc

`Bank Action F2 Advanta.doc


\13th Amendment


13th and US Corp.doc

Amendment XIII.doc

Amendment-13_Org Anti Shyster.htm

Daily Kos The Missing 13th Amendment, an odd Constitution story.mht

Idaho Observer War Dept_ document 1825 13th Amendment.mht

Missing 13th Amendment Am Pat Network.mht

Missing 13th Amendment Dodge.mht

Missing13thAmendment Court Case Nevada.pdf



\13th Amendment\pdf


13thAmendment D Dodge.pdf


Demon of Discord.pdf

The Missing Thirteenth Amendment TONA Amd.pdf

USA Republic Menu.doc



\9-11 Explained by Dr Judy Wood flv


Dr. Judy Wood - Breakthrough Energy Movement conference in Holland, 2012 - YouTube.flv


\Active Info


[1933 Bankrupt USA 1933]

[1933 War + Emergency Powers]

1984 Orwell Summary.doc

Addicted to War.doc

Amazon Books 19 Mar '12 Dav E Robinson.rtf

[Books PDF]

Caleb- Offer Made- Refused.rtf

[Cancer Cures]

[Chem Trails]

Committee-300- Coleman.doc

[Comp Annual Financial Report- Gov]

[Cooper Shadow Government]

[Coral Castele- Florida]

[Coscon Files]

[Crop Circles]

[Cross of Hendaye]

[Ether Anti-Gravity]

Fedaerl Zone 01-008-ZipCodes.pdf

[Federal Reserve]

[Flag Gold Fringe Military]

[Free Yourself]

[Health- Cures]

[HJR 192 House Joint Resolution]

[Illuminati- Makow]

[Law Without Prejudice]

Naked Communist Review Skousen.rtf

Nazi Hydra in America 2.doc

Secret Covenant.doc

Theft By Deception- No Inc Tax.mp3

[UFO Flying Sausers]

[US is Bankrupt]

[US is Corp 1871]

[US is Corporation]

[US True History]


Where Did Towers Go- J Wood Sum Shrt 3c.doc


\Active Info\1933 Bankrupt USA 1933


1933 1993 Bankruptcy Rahal.doc

1933 1993 Bankruptcy.doc

Bankrupct US 2sb.doc

Bankrupct US.doc

Bankrupt US 1 S.doc

Bankrupt US 1.doc

Bankruptcy of US Emergency Enemy Trifficant.doc

Bankruptcy of US Emergency Enemy Trifficant.htm

Bankruptcy US March 1933.htm

Commerce Game Exposed 1933.doc

[IRS Lien on uSA]

US History- Bankruptcies.doc

War and Emergency Powers- 1933.doc


Wizard of Oz Bankruptcy 1933.doc


\Active Info\1933 Bankrupt USA 1933\IRS Lien on uSA


1.jpg   2.jpg   3.jpg   4.jpg  


\Active Info\1933 War + Emergency Powers


War and Emergency Powers.doc   What's Law 1933.doc


\Active Info\Books PDF


Antony Sutton_Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler.pdf

Awake to the Truth- Quotes.doc

Black Vault UFO hearing.pdf

Hendrickson Bicycle- Why Pay Tax.pdf

Lloyd Pye - History Buries Truth.doc



\Active Info\Cancer Cures


cons Cancer.doc  


\Active Info\Chem Trails


Avatar Chem Trails.txt                B Chemtrails Air Force.htm

C2C Chemtrails.doc                    Chem trails - Educate Yoursself.doc

Chem Trails 1 - 17 Pages.doc          Chem Trails over Charleston.doc

ChemTrail-Skulls.JPG                  ChemTrails taught in 7th Grade.doc

ChemTrails.htm                        ChemtrailsFrontSmoke.jpg

Morning Glory.doc                     MorningGloryClouds.JPG


\Active Info\Comp Annual Financial Report- Gov




\Active Info\Cooper Shadow Government


Secret Societies - Wm Cooper.doc    Secret Societies - Wm Cooper.pdf

Shadow Government of US.rtf         Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.txt


\Active Info\Coral Castele- Florida


Coral Castle 1- J Stride.doc   Coral Castle 2- J Stride.doc

[Prime Code 144 5 page doc]   


\Active Info\Coral Castele- Florida\Prime Code 144 5 page doc


Prime 1.doc                        Prime 2.doc

Prime 3.doc                        Prime 4.doc

Prime 5.doc                        Secret of Universe text only.doc


\Active Info\Coscon Files









COSCON34.TXT   COSCON35.TXT   COSCON36.TXT   peek.doc      


\Active Info\Crop Circles


Crop 2.bmp

Crop Circles 88.doc

Crop Circles by Sound Silva.doc

Crop Circles.txt


Secrets in the Fields Crop Cir-Silva.doc


\Active Info\Cross of Hendaye


Cyclic Cross of Hendaye.txt           Golden Age- Cross of Hendaye'01.rtf


\Active Info\Ether Anti-Gravity


_Lyne-ether-Tesla's propulsion.pdf  


\Active Info\Federal Reserve


David Icke - Federal Reserve System Fraud.doc

Eustace on Fed Res.doc

Fed Reserve Act- Eustace Mullins Link.doc

Fed Resv bailed out Wall Street.doc


\Active Info\Flag Gold Fringe Military


Flag Code.rtf

Flag Ex Order.doc

Flag Fringe OK.doc

Flag Gold Fringe.doc

Fringe on Flags.doc

Gold Fringe 2.JPG

Gold Fringe Flag - Google.doc

Gold Fringe Flag 3.JPG

Hillary Satanic Flag.jpg

mil flag.doc

Military - Yellow Fringed Flag.rtf

Military Flag with the Gold Fringe.doc

Miltary Flag.doc

US Flag - Army.pdf

USA Flag of Peace.doc


\Active Info\Free Yourself


Strawman nmc.doc


Terry Lee Cd - Get Free- Table of Contents.doc

Terry Lee CD @ Artic Beacon.txt


\Active Info\Health- Cures


Beautiful Truth - Cancer Cure.doc

Burzynski Beats Cancer.doc

Cancer Can Be Cured.htm

Cancer Cover up Cesium Science.doc


Energy Tapping.doc

Everyday Drug Prevents Cancer.doc

Everyday Drug Prevents Cancer.pdf

Fire Burn Doctor.doc

Heal Yourself in 15 days.doc

Heal Yourself.doc

Heal- Secret Sources For Healing Foods.pdf

Heal- Sunlight Healing Power.pdf


How to Stop a Heart Attack bonus1.pdf

Let food be your medicine.doc

LivewithGaryNull get healthy.pdf


Natural Cures- trudeau.doc




One Answer to Cancer.doc


Ron Schmid- Alternative Medicine.doc

Seed Chart 001.jpg

Spiritual Property of Food.pdf

Tapping Summit.doc

The germ theory and the vaccine theory have led us down the primrose path.mp3

[Water for Health]

Where There is No Doctor_whole_book.pdf


\Active Info\Health- Cures\Water for Health


Body Cries for Water- Batmanghelidj.doc

Water Cure- Interview.doc

Water for Health, Healing, Life- Batmanghelidj.doc


\Active Info\HJR 192 House Joint Resolution


HJR 192.pdf  


\Active Info\Illuminati- Makow


Henry MakowSaveTheMales-ca.txt

Illuminati - Makow 2.doc

Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanist.doc

Taliban Still Working for the CIA.doc


\Active Info\Law Without Prejudice


How the UCC 1-308 works.doc

Without Prejudice UCC 1-207.doc

Without Prejudice- Definition ^.doc

WO Prejudice UCC 308 narrative.doc

WO Prejudice UCC labels.doc

wo Prejudice Ucc Mail Label How To.doc

wo Prejudice Ucc Mail Label.doc


\Active Info\UFO Flying Sausers


Electricity is Directly Related To Gravity.txt

Flying Saucers Are Real- Keyhoe.rtf

German Flying Discs.doc

Hitler's Flying Saucers.doc

How UFOs Work.doc

I Remember Lemuria-

I Remember Lumeria - Shaver.rtf

Project Grudge- Bluebook 13.txt

Secret of the Saucers- Angelucci.doc

Secret of the Saucers.rtf

Secret Space DVD Notes.rtf

Secret Treaty of UFOs.doc

Shoot `em Down- Feschino outline.doc

The Flying Saucers Are Real- Keyhoe.gz

The Phoenix Lights- short.doc

UFO Conspiracy - Wm Cooper.txt

UFO Natl Archives.txt

UFO Seminar Sept 07.rtf


\Active Info\US is Bankrupt


Bankrupt Nation.rtf                    Bankruptcy 1933.doc

Bankruptcy of US 1933- Trificant.doc   JTraficant Bankruptcy.pdf

Link to Traficant.txt                 


\Active Info\US is Corp 1871


1871 2.doc          1871 3.txt

1871 Griffitn.doc  


\Active Info\US is Corporation


UNITED STATES Inc.doc          US Government Bankruptcy.doc

US is Corp references.doc      US Legal History.doc


\Active Info\US True History


American Governance USA vs US.doc


True History.doc

US History.doc

Who is Running America- Barefoot.doc


\Active Info\Vaccines


Bad Vaccine $ 75-.JPG                  Vac Ayoub Mercury Agenda.jpg

Vaccine & Brain Devlopment Cover.jpg   Vaccine Mania.doc

Vaccine Nation Cover.jpg               Vaccine Revolt.doc

Vaccine Warning.doc                   


\Angels Don't Play this HAARP


Angels Dont' Play this HAARP- Begich.doc

Angels Dont' Play this HAARP- Begich.pdf


lawful warrant.doc


\Capital Name + Law


Actions of Account.doc

Admirality Law.doc

Capital Name.doc

Convert Charge to Cash.txt

Law the Basics.doc

License Plate.bmp

Staying out of Court.doc

Student Loan Remedy.txt

SuiJui Shinola Short.doc

SuiJui Shinola.doc

Trusts & Constitution.doc

UnClean Hands.txt

Uniform Securitization Scheme.doc

Who Owns You.doc


\Cold Fusion


8.bmp                                 911Mysteries_Trailer+.wmv

Cold Fusion Notes.doc                 Cold Fusion- notes.txt

Deception-.rtf                        Focus Magic Image F.jpg

Hitler's Escape 43p 2c.doc            Jon HE Trust 2.wav

lease.htm                             Original 13th Amendment.pdf

test.xls                              _   Elden's Overview.doc

_ 2 Do MS Off Word htm pdfGhost.rtf  


\Commerce Game `


- Commerce Game.rtf                  Affidavit of Service IRS April.doc

Common Law.txt                       Court of Contact.txt

State Citizenship.doc                When all Crimes are Commercial.doc

z Service Process- Court.doc        


\How I Clobbered- Mary Croft^


Clobber Mary Croft - Summary.doc

Clobber- How_I_Clobbered- Croft.pdf

Clobbered Bureaucrats- Croft  Truth Quotes.doc

Clobbered Bureaucrats- Croft 6.doc

Clobbering the Bureaucracies 1.doc


\Judge Dale- Overview of History





\Korean exposes Western propaganda flv


North Korean film exposes Western propaganda - Part 1 of 10 - YouTube.flv


\Land Ownership- Patent


01  5397-attention-land-patents-allodial-title.pdf

Administrative Claims.doc

[Allodial Titles- Freedom Inst- Own Land]

Court Letter.doc

How  Land Patents.doc

I want to Own My Land- Intro.doc

I want to Own My Land.doc

Jean Keating Work Shop.doc

Notice of Removal and Request for Settlement.doc

Overview of Admiralty - Maritime Law.doc

[Quiet Title]

[Radio Interview Nov 12]

Secure a Land Patent- TeamLaw.doc

Truth About Land Ownership and Real Estate.rtf

UCC. Elvick Redemption SEDM.pdf


[_   Land Patent]


\Land Ownership- Patent\Allodial Titles- Freedom Inst- Own Land


True Land and Property Title- Allodial & Patent- Title.jpg

True Land and Property Title- Allodial & Patent.doc


\Land Ownership- Patent\Quiet Title




Quiet Title.doc

Ralph Witerowd- J Wood - Quiet Title.doc

Senate Bill No. 689 0 Quiet Title.doc

Winterowd Interviews Jean Keating- 12 Dec '10.doc



_ Estate Interview 2.doc


\Land Ownership- Patent\Radio Interview Nov 12






\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent


[ - - Land Patent- Ted Kriglow] [Accept the Deed]

BLM Letter.doc                  Culture Ctr Library.doc

[General Post Office & MP3]     [Great Registry disc files]

[Great Registry web files]      [Grt Reg Audios]

[L General Post Office]         [Land Patent]

Names Keith & Sam.rtf           [Search]



\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\ - - Land Patent- Ted Kriglow


01  5397-attention-land-patents-allodial-title.pdf


Greenbrier Co. Courthouse.txt

How to do Land Patent.doc

How to LP in WV.rtf

How To.doc

Kreglow 1st Reguest.doc

Kreglow Darius.rtf

Kreglow Darius.txt

Land Patent Money.txt

Land Patent.jpg


Section, Township & Range.doc

VA Commonwealth Help.doc

[Virginia Charters]

WV Culture Center Archives- Maps.txt

x Kreglow.doc


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\ - - Land Patent- Ted Kriglow\Virginia Charters


The First Charter of Virginia; April 10, 1606.docx

The Second Charter of Virginia; May 23, 1609.docx

The Third Charter of Virginia; March 12, 1611.docx


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Accept the Deed


Accept Deed Forms.rtf            Accept Deed Forms.txt

Notes.rtf                        [Screen Captures of these notes]


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Accept the Deed\Screen Captures of these notes


Accept Deed 1.JPG   Accept Deed 2.JPG

Accept Deed 3.JPG   Accept Deed 4.JPG   Accept Deed 5.JPG   Accept Deed 6.jpg

Accept Deed 7.jpg  


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\General Post Office & MP3


[Bosom of Yahweh Forms]

Change of Address Form 101.doc

Change of Address Instructions.doc



General Post Office-2.wps

General Post Treaty.pdf

General post Treaty.wps


Handbook SP1.pdf

Keith & Sam Photos.wps

Keith Edward Land Patent.wps

keith-edward_declaration_of_land_patent 1.wps


[Land Patent Forms]

Letter of Restoration and Public Notice.pdf

Letter of Restoration Front & Back.pdf

M-38 Manual.pdf


Principles of 98.wps

Private Royal Claim & Decree.ppt



[Radio Shows- General Post mp3 files]

Republic Restored.wps

Rural Delivery Basics of Rural Route Management Module 2.pdf

Sweat Equity.wps

The Compact Easement Agreement.pdf

The Oregon Treaty.wps



Treaty of Oregon.wps



USA Boundaries.pdf

USA Boundaries.wps

usa- Boundaries- History.pdf

usa- Boundaries- History.wps


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\General Post Office & MP3\Bosom of Yahweh Forms


[Docs in-PDF Format]

[Docs in-PPT Format]  [Docs in-Word Format]


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\General Post Office & MP3\Bosom of Yahweh Forms\Docs in-PDF Format


2nd ser ext information docs_PDF.pdf

A private royal claim and decree.pdf

allodium title auto.pdf

allodium title land.pdf

Allodium Title stranger.pdf

chattel deed for autos.pdf

chattel deed on sanctuary.pdf

chattel deed sweat equity.pdf

covenant of transfer.pdf

declaration of collections.pdf

family scriptures extended.pdf


Letter to Immigration.pdf

Maxims bouvier's 1856.pdf

Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Lack of jurisdiction.pdf

private royal claim and decree explanation.pdf

Pronouncement of Allegiance.pdf

pronouncement of transfer chattel.pdf

pronouncement of transfer land.pdf

Read After All Your Paperwork Is Done.pdf

scriptural record short version.pdf

Sovereign Pronouncement.pdf

tax statement letter.pdf

The Jesus Interpolation of Josephus & The tribe of Christian.pdf

The office of the vicar of christ.pdf

yisra'el nation pronouncement.pdf



\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\General Post Office & MP3\Bosom of Yahweh Forms\Docs in-PPT Format


private royal claim and decree explanation.ppt

second series extended information.ppt



\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\General Post Office & MP3\Bosom of Yahweh Forms\Docs in-Word Format


A private royal claim and decree-final_1-03-2010.docx

allodium title auto.docx

allodium title land.docx

Back of page improved-Draft 1.docx

chattel deed for autos.docx

chattel deed on sanctuary.docx

chattel deed sweat equity.docx

covenant of transfer.docx

family scriptures extended version.docx


Pronouncement of Allegiance.docx

pronouncement of transfer chattel.docx

pronouncement of transfer land.doc

Read After All Your Paperwork Is Done.doc

scriptural record short version.docx

Sovereign Pronouncement.docx

tax statement letter.docx

The Jesus Interpolation in Josephus & The tribe of Christian.doc

The office of the vicar of christ.docx

yisra'el nation pronouncement.docx


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\General Post Office & MP3\Land Patent Forms


10 Questions.wps

Compact Easement Summary.wps

General Post Office Declaration of Treaty.wps

Land Patent Definition.wps

Patent or Grant Number.wps

Procedure for Land Patents.wps

Quitclaim Back.wps

Quitclaim Front.wps

Registration of the General Post Office.wps

[Republic Restored]

Treaty of Oregon.wps

USA Boundaries.wps


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\General Post Office & MP3\Land Patent Forms\Republic Restored


keith-edward_documents.pdf   request_form.pdf

sam-germain_documents.pdf    trust_agreement.pdf


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\General Post Office & MP3\Radio Shows- General Post mp3 files


Doug Riddle A4V.mp3

RR 1 show_951750.mp3     RR 10 show_1044010.mp3   RR 11 show_1044011.mp3

RR 2 show_951749.mp3     RR 3 show_951748.mp3     RR 4 show_951747.mp3

RR 5 show_951751.mp3     RR 6 show_1009190.mp3    RR 7 show_1009191.mp3

RR 8 show_1009192.mp3    RR 9 show_1009193.mp3   


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Great Registry disc files


[Docs in-PDF Format]

[Docs in-PPT Format]  [Docs in-Word Format] [PowerPoint as rtf]

[Unique PDF as rtf]   [Word Docs as rtf]   


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Great Registry disc files\Docs in-PDF Format


2nd ser ext information docs_PDF.pdf

A private royal claim and decree.pdf

allodium title auto.pdf

allodium title land.pdf

Allodium Title stranger.pdf

chattel deed for autos.pdf

chattel deed on sanctuary.pdf

chattel deed sweat equity.pdf

covenant of transfer.pdf

family scriptures extended.pdf


private royal claim and decree explanation.pdf

pronouncement of transfer chattel.pdf

pronouncement of transfer land.pdf

Read After All Your Paperwork Is Done.pdf

scriptural record short version.pdf

Sovereign Pronouncement.pdf

tax statement letter.pdf

The Jesus Interpolation of Josephus & The tribe of Christian.pdf

The office of the vicar of christ.pdf


yisra'el nation pronouncement.pdf



\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Great Registry disc files\Docs in-PDF Format\Unique


declaration of collections.pdf

Letter to Immigration.pdf

Maxims bouvier's 1856.pdf

Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Lack of jurisdiction.pdf

Pronouncement of Allegiance.pdf


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Great Registry disc files\Docs in-PPT Format


private royal claim and decree explanation.ppt

second series extended information.ppt



\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Great Registry disc files\Docs in-Word Format


A private royal claim and decree-final_1-03-2010.doc

allodium title auto.docx

allodium title land.docx

Back of page improved-Draft 1.docx

chattel deed for autos.docx

chattel deed on sanctuary.docx

chattel deed sweat equity.docx

covenant of transfer.docx

family scriptures extended version.docx


Pronouncement of Allegiance.docx

pronouncement of transfer chattel.docx

pronouncement of transfer land.doc

Read After All Your Paperwork Is Done.doc

scriptural record short version.docx

Sovereign Pronouncement.docx

tax statement letter.docx

The Jesus Interpolation in Josephus & The tribe of Christian.doc

The office of the vicar of christ.docx

yisra'el nation pronouncement.docx


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Great Registry disc files\PowerPoint as rtf


private royal claim and decree explanation.rtf

second series extended information.rtf



\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Great Registry disc files\Unique PDF as rtf


declaration of collections.rtf

Letter to Immigration.rtf

Maxims bouvier's 1856.rtf

Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Lack of jurisdiction.rtf

Pronouncement of Allegiance.rtf


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Great Registry disc files\Word Docs as rtf


A private royal claim and decree-final_1-03-2010.rtf

allodium title auto.rtf

allodium title land.rtf

Back of page improved-Draft 1.rtf

chattel deed for autos.rtf

chattel deed on sanctuary.rtf

chattel deed sweat equity.rtf

covenant of transfer.rtf

family scriptures extended version.rtf


Pronouncement of Allegiance.rtf

pronouncement of transfer chattel.rtf

pronouncement of transfer land.rtf

Read After All Your Paperwork Is Done.rtf

scriptural record short version.rtf

Sovereign Pronouncement.rtf

tax statement letter.rtf

The Jesus Interpolation in Josephus & The tribe of Christian.rtf

The office of the vicar of christ.rtf

yisra'el nation pronouncement.rtf


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Great Registry web files


Dar keith-edward_documents.pdf

Dar sam-germain_documents.pdf

Dar trust_agreement.pdf

General Post Office- K Edw- Dars 2c.doc



\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Grt Reg Audios


RR  1 show_951750.mp3             RR  2 show_951749.mp3

RR  3 show_951748.mp3             RR  4 show_951747.mp3

RR  5 show_951751.mp3             RR  6 show_1009190.mp3

RR  7 show_1009191.mp3            RR  8 show_1009192.mp3

RR  9 show_1009193.mp3            RR 10 show_1044010.mp3

RR 11 Pow Hr 1 show.mp3           RR 12 Pow Hr 2 show_1044011.mp3


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\L General Post Office




General post Treaty.doc



keith-edward_declaration_of_land_patent 1.doc







Republic Restored.doc


The Oregon Treaty.doc

the_compact_easement_agreement 1 pg.doc

the_compact_easement_agreement 1 pg.pdf

the_compact_easement_agreement 2 pg.pdf


Treaty of Oregon.doc


USA Boundaries.doc

usa- Boundaries- History.doc

usa- Boundaries- History.pdf


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Land Patent


All About Land Patents.doc


Do you own your Land.doc

Land 101.doc

Land access County Appraise.doc

[Land Patent]

Land Patent  Help.txt

Land Patent Info.doc

Land Patent of KY 17xx.doc

Land Patent Parts.txt

Land Patent Sample.txt

Land Patent- Color of Law.doc

Land patent- WikiPedia.doc

Land Patent-Procedure for your Land Patent.doc

Land Patent-Procedure for your Land Patent.rtf

Land Patents - b.doc

Land Patents - Team Law.doc

Land Patents- California.doc

Land Trusts - Casey.doc

Notice to Courts.doc

Patent or Grant No  Type Size 12 Format.doc

Patent or Grant No  Type Size 12 Format.rtf

Quitclaim back page format.doc

Quitclaim back page format.rtf

Quitclaim Deed-Front.doc

Quitclaim Deed-Front.rtf

Standing upon the Land.rtf

WV Land Records.doc


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Land Patent\Land Patent


All_Til.doc                          Freedom Books Title.txt

Glenn Turley Lawyer.txt              Griswold.txt

Land Patent - Allodia Title.doc      Orton Jones Spencer Land Title.doc

Orton Land.txt                       [other]

Tinder Patent.doc                    Tinder.doc


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Land Patent\Land Patent\other


Allodia.rtf                         Books.rtf

Bur of Land Man jAN.doc             Bur of Land Man Ol 1.doc

Bur of Land Man.doc                 Bureau of Land Management.txt

Do you own your Land.doc            Freedom Books Northwest.rtf

Kan Co OK.doc                       Land Patent Brief.rtf

Land Patent Forum B.txt             Land Patent.htm

Land Patents- team law How To.doc   Land Patents- team law.doc

[Land Patent_files]                 Power of Land Patent 500.doc


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Land Patent\Land Patent\other\Land Patent_files



[banner_data]         Land 101.txt          Law Fraud Cites.doc

Law Fraud Cites.rtf   main.htm              mainTB.htm

[mainTB_data]         [main_data]          


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Land Patent\Land Patent\other\Land Patent_files\banner_data




\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Land Patent\Land Patent\other\Land Patent_files\mainTB_data


back4.jpg         egoldbutton.gif


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Land Patent\Land Patent\other\Land Patent_files\main_data


48starflag.jpg   reUse.js

sandwich.gif     TLBody.css       


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Search


Chas District USGS.JPG         Let to WV Counties lab.doc

Let to WV Counties.doc         Metes and Bonds 1 SOS.rtf

Metes and Bonds 1.rtf          Metes and Bonds CEO.doc

Metes and Bonds.doc            State.doc

States Adj to WV F.doc         States Adj to WV.doc

west-virginia-rivers-map.gif   WV Adj States SOS.txt

WV Border Counties Inc.doc     WV Border Counties.doc

WV Counties.gif               


\Land Ownership- Patent\_   Land Patent\Tresspas


Trespass courtorder.jpg

Trespass township1.jpg    Trespass township2.jpg    TRESPASSING- Stand.txt


\Law & Court


1 Strategy 1F 2c Complete.doc   _ Affidavit Master TE FF.doc


\on Taxes


Epistle Am I Tax Apx 33-41 frm Rebuttal^.doc

_1 Eliminate All Property Tax 10 6 2~pr .doc


\OPPT One People's Public Trust


Courtesy Notice F.pdf

OPPT Comments.htm

OPPT Courtesy Notice Guidelines-06p00.pdf

OPPT Discussion.mp3

PeoplesTrust1776 TOPPT1776-Presentation.doc


\Plain Talk (how to resolve any legal issue


Plain Talk- Judicial Ju-jit-tzu.doc   plain-talk-11-04-03.pdf


\Post Office


2 cent mail.rtf

Chas. Postmaster.txt

Christians Connect.rtf

Domestic Mail Manual notes.doc

Domestic Rates of Postage.doc

Gen Post.txt

General Post Office- Long.doc

General Post Office- Short History.doc

General Post Overview PO General.doc

General Post Overview.doc

General Post Success.rtf

Hank at Oakmont.doc

I79 to Pittsburgh Mail.doc

Letter of Appointment F Kan Co tel Kim.doc

Letter of Appointment F.doc

[Mail 2 Cents Congress Rates Bill]

Mail outside US.doc

[Mail Postage]

[Mail Rates]

PO & General PO- US & NY.JPG

[POMaster - Gen Post]

Post Office Origin.doc

Post Office Research.rtf

Post Offices in Charleston area.txt

Postage Rates 1920s.pdf

Postal Inspector.doc

Postmaster keep Downtown.doc

Rates of Postage.doc

Richard Anthony- How.doc

US Postal System and NY General Post 3.doc

USPO History Pub 119.doc

USPO History pub119.pdf

USPO not government.doc


[_ Postage 3 cent mail jpg]


\Post Office\Mail 2 Cents Congress Rates Bill


4 Non Domestic Label 3x10 Note.doc   Mail from Congress Cover.gif

Mail from Congress Page.gif          Mail-Matter Simple.pdf

Mail.rtf                             Non Domestic Label 3x10 Note.doc

Non Domestic Label 3x10.doc          SRates of Postage 1921.pdf

Two-cent postage.doc                 US Mail 37th Congress.gif

US Mail 37th Congress.jpg           


\Post Office\Mail Postage


1.jpg                            2 Cent Postage Law.doc

2.jpg                            3 cent (2).jpg

Rates of Postage 1869-1921.pdf  


\Post Office\Mail Rates


Mail rates from Congress 1863 Cover.gif

Mail rates from Congress 1863 Page.gif

Mail rates from Congress 1863.rtf

Mail-Matter Simple.pdf

Rates of Postage 1921.pdf


\Post Office\POMaster - Gen Post


[Final]                               Gen Post 1.doc

Gen Post Change of Add 5 Jan'11.jpg   Gen Post Open.doc

General Post Mail O F addnl.doc       General Post Mail O F.doc

General Post Overview PO.doc          General Post.jpg

[Originals]                           PO Chas I want Mail 4 jan.doc


\Post Office\POMaster - Gen Post\Final


Gen Post Ol 2.doc

Gen Post Ol F1.doc  


\Post Office\POMaster - Gen Post\Originals


Mail Please 4 Blu Env.doc       Mail Please 4 Blu sm copy.doc

Mail Please 4 w Thumb.jpg       


\Post Office\_ Postage 3 cent mail jpg



2.jpg                   3.jpg                   4.jpg

5.jpg                   6.jpg                   7.jpg

[Sample 3 cent letters]


\Post Office\_ Postage 3 cent mail jpg\Sample 3 cent letters


1.jpg   2.jpg   3.jpg   4.jpg   5.jpg   6.jpg   7.jpg  


\Red 14th Amendment


13th Amendment 1.doc              13th Amendment 2.doc

13th Amendment 3.doc              13th Amendment 4.doc

14th Amendment not Ratified.doc   14th Amendment.doc

Amendment XIV- text.doc           Red Amendment- 14th.doc



\Redress Rights-com


- Money Order.doc

04-02-12 OUR Style Money Order For

04-02-12 OUR Style Money Order Word

4-02-12 THE U.S. TREASURY OUR Style Money Order Word 2007.doc

4-2-12 THE U.S. Federal Reserve OUR Style Money Order Word 2007.doc

A Treatise On Arrests And False Imprisonment.pdf

A-nother Mort-gage

Accepted for Value afv explained.pdf



Alien Registration Act, 1940.docx


Azureus Vuze - 17 Search



Bailment BOND and EFT OVER LETTER .zip

Banks Can't Own Property CASELAW[1].zip


Banks cant lend own money].zip

Bills of Exchange 1884.pdf

Black's Law

Black's Law

Black's Law

Black's Law

Bond V. US.pdf

Braswell v. United States, 487 U.S. 99 (1988.pdf

Certified Statement of Account 2 .zip

Cestui que vie act .pdf


Citizens Guide to FOIA.pdf

Conditional acceptance of contract Lawful Notice.docx

Conditional acceptance of contract Lawful

Coram_Nobis_Writ of Error_template.pdf

Cracking the Code III.pdf

Credit Repair Letter   This is an attempt to Validate a Debt.docx

Credit Repair Letter   This is an attempt to Validate a

Declaration of Land Patent Instruction sheet.doc

Does everybody have a

EFT refusal letter.docx

EFT refusal

EFT response to closed acct letter.docx

EFT response to closed acct

EFT Returned.docx



Errant Handbook.pdf

Errant Sovereign Handbook.pdf

Federal Reserve Bank Demanding access to account and


FOIA Letter.pdf

Forgiveness Annotated Bibilography.pdf

Form 1040-V.pdf

form 1040.pdf

Form 1040v REAR .docx

form 1041.pdf

form 1099msc.pdf

form 843.pdf


form 8843.pdf

form 941.pdf

form 943.pdf

Forms 1099 OID INT.pdf

[HJR 192]


Homestead Act.pdf

How to Aquire your land through a declaration of land patent.doc

How to Claim land and not Buy.pdf

How To Live Within Contracts - REVISED.pdf

How to pay in another form of LEGAL TENDER any Notice of Fine from the courts.pdf


Instructions for Discharge of all Mortgage Payments.pdf

IRS Form 706-5.pdf

IRS Form 706.pdf

IRS manual 6209-2002.pdf

IRS Power of ATTY.pdf

John Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th

Law of Contracts.pdf

Mercier - Invisible Contracts.pdf

Nature of a Remedy.pdf

NEW IDENTIFICATION The Grantor will never



Quiet-Title-Handbook (2).pdf

Quiet-Title-Handbook (3).pdf


The Essential Law Dictionary 1st Edition.pdf


Treaty of Peace & Friendship.pdf

Trust Indentured ACT.pdf

U.S. Constitution.pdf

U.S. Corp bankruptcy 1930s.doc


United States is a Corporation i.e. Articles of Incorporation of U.S Corp Company.pdf

Universal Postal Convention UPU_Conv.pdf

_ web site PDFs http-redressright+org+pdf.txt


\Redress Rights-com\HJR 192


HJR 192 June 5 1933.doc

HJR LAW 1-5.pdf           HJR LAW 138-139.pdf       HJR LAW.pdf


\Spirit Science flv


01 Thoughts.flv                 02 Chakras.flv

04 Male and Female Energy.flv   05 Keys of Our Past.flv

06 Flower of Life.flv           07 Dimensions.flv

08 Meditations F.flv            10 Math of God F.flv

15 Power of the Heart.flv       17 Universal Geometry F.flv

18 The Four Elements sm.flv     20 Water.flv


\Spirit Science Notes


Flower of Life Vol 1.pdf

Flower of Life Vol 2.pdf

Flower of Life- Drumvano V1 235p rf.doc

Spirit Sc Intro 3 c.doc

Spirit Science Links.doc

Spirit Science Summary.txt


\Trade w Enemy


Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933.doc

Ex Ord 12148 FEMA.doc

Stealing of America - War Powers Act and the Fed.doc

Trade w Enemy 1917- Act.doc

Trade w Enemy 1917- Freedom Books.rtf

Trading with the Enemies Act 1917-79.doc

Trading with the Enemy Act '17 '33 overview.doc

Trading with the Enemy Act- Overview.doc

Trading_With_the_Enemy_Act War Powers Act 1917.doc

Trading_With_the_Enemy_Act War Powers Act 1917.pdf

War Powers Act - Comments.doc


\Underground water Bases + Tunnels- Sauder


Under Water & Ground Bases.doc

Underground Bases - Sauders 79p.doc

Underground Bases - Sauders Front Cover.jpg

Underground Bases - Sauders Rear Cover.jpg

Undr Grnd- Sand- Front Cover.jpg

Undr Grnd- Sand- Rear Cover.jpg


\Yel Fringe Flag Notes


Emergency Powers.doc            Flag Speech.doc

For The Claim Of The Life.doc   Foreign State.doc

Law of the Flag.doc             Quantum-Damages.doc

US Flag.doc                     Yellow Fringe Flag.doc




[Change on Horizon 2-3]      [Rights- Harris Porisky flv]

[Rights- Robert Menard mp3] 


\Your RIGHTS\Change on Horizon 2-3


Prt 2 + 3 Change on Horizon.txt       2 Am Federal Empire.doc

3 Farmers Claims- NESARA.txt            Change on Horizon-J Rink- Corp Am.doc

Change on Horizon-J Rink.doc            Change on Horizon.rtf

Change on Horizon.txt                   NESARA.doc



\Your RIGHTS\Rights- Harris Porisky flv


It's an illusion- John Harris- Stoke 'Lawful Rebellion' Conference


\Your RIGHTS\Rights- Robert Menard mp3


R Menard 1 1-50.mp3

RM Bursting Bubble of Gov Dec- Menard 1-12.mp3

RM Fundamentals of Freedom2.mp3

RM Magnificent Decp 1-07 Menard.mp3

RM Robert-Arthur Menard - Fundamentals of Freedom1.mp3

RM With Lawful Excuse- Menard.mp3


\_ Birthing New Earth- Div Prov Book


 0 Chapters 0-20.doc

 0 Chapters 21-46.doc

 0 Chapters Graphic.doc

00 Title- Index.doc

01 Introduction.doc

01 Lessons of History.doc

02 Threads that Bind Earth- Religion & Commerc.doc

03 Global Elite Gods.doc

04 Rothschild Dynasty.doc

05 Threads that Bind the Dynasties.doc

06 Black Empire.doc

07 New Age- Christ or Satan .doc

08 Empire of Planet Earth.doc

09 History of the Roman Cult-Jesuit Rise.doc

10 House of Rothschild.doc

11 Secret Societies of the New World Order.doc

12 Special Global Organizations.doc

13 Unified Plan of Conquest .doc

14 Story of the Bankruptcy of America.doc

15 Commerce and Money, the Chains of Control.doc

16 HOLD Story of the Strawman.doc

16 Story of the Strawman.doc

17 Laws of Land and Sea.doc

18 US Postal Service.doc

19 Story of Religious Dominion.doc

20 Historical Record and Word of God.doc

21 Lesson of Knowing Who You Are.doc

22 Something Is Amiss In God's Laws.doc

23 End Time of the Great Shift.doc

24 Rapture and Revelation- the Dark Side .doc

25 Rapture and Revelation- the Light Side .doc

26 Christ Consciousness.doc

27 Strawman Revolution.doc

28 Postmaster General for the Americas.doc

29 Universal Postal Treaty for the Americas.doc

30 It's All About Trust(s).doc

31 National Banking Association.doc

32 Process of Cure for James-Thomas- McBride.doc

33 Serving Notice On the Breach of Trust.doc

34 Activation of Authority- Federal Reserve.doc

35 Reclaiming Trusteeship and Postal Authority.doc

36 Phantom Administration of Planet Earth Inc.doc

37 Lessons From the Two Faced Earthling.doc

38 Management of Human Energies.doc

39 Self Potential and Laws Behind Manifestation.doc

40 Your Holographic Reality.doc

41 You Can't 'Bs' the Heart (or Soul).doc

42 So the Rubber Meets the Road.doc

43 Resigning From Planet Earth Inc.doc

44 New Earth- the Divine Province.doc

45 Love, Laugh, Live As One Heart.doc

46 Authors' Stories.doc

DP Birthing New Earth Index abbrev NoPage.txt

DP Birthing New Earth Index abbrev.txt


\_ Programs Tot Cmmdr


[ -Ms Word Viewer]  [ -Total Commander]


\_ Programs Tot Cmmdr\ -Ms Word Viewer





\_ Programs Tot Cmmdr\ -Total Commander


3 Computer Lesson Basics.doc   note.txt

Tot Com Lesson.rtf             _ tcmd756a.exe