Judge Anna von Reitz
1. Individual people don’t have to find two qualified guarantors to complete their own Private Registered Indemnity Bond — just two Witnesses. It’s better if you can find two such guarantors, but the process can be done one by one, with a couple living witnesses. To save time and protect property quickly, you can forego doing your own separate bond for now and place it under your state’s already posted indemnity bond—- “AMRI00001 RA393427640US — California”– for example.
2. It takes ninety (90) days for individual bonds to take effect, and it may take longer than that for the Treasury to process them, because the Treasury is absolutely swamped.
3. The reason that I recommend that people get their Birth Certificates verified by the State Secretary of State prior to sending to the Treasury is related — the Treasury has to go back and check all the BC’s, which adds time to the processing. You can expedite things by doing this step for them and producing the already confirmed record.
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July 7, 2017 by
Judge Anna von Reiz
All birth certificates issued to Americans between the years 1837 to date are suspect and may be fraudulent documents representing false and undisclosed claims of settlement entered into the public record.
Absent proof of actual and factual federal municipal or territorial employment or actual federal dependency, no presumption against the standing or identity of any American born within the borders of one of the organic states can be made on the basis of having a Birth Certificate, licenses, participation in the Social Security System or any similar documentation.
In the majority of cases, all such documentation is null and void for fraud.
All such non-federal, non-resident Americans are to be presumed free men and landlords on the land and as peaceful American vessels engaged in international trade on the sea; their names and other assets must be removed from all federal bankruptcies and held harmless by all federal bankruptcy trustees. Their copyrights, trademarks, patents, titles, and deeds must be promptly returned and all presumptions against them must be dropped.
All claims of federal personhood are open to rebuttal and full notice and disclosure must be given to those affected. All promises of Equal Civil Rights are extended and remain in effect.
All federal employees who do their jobs in good faith are held harmless and provided full amnesty pending debt forgiveness.
All members of the American Bar Association must file their Foreign Agent Registrations no later than September 1, 2017.
— James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The actual Notice will be posted on the www.annavonreitz.com website.
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James Clinton
Belcher, Head of State
The actual Constitution owed to this country is still in full force and effect despite the bankruptcy of the two major federal corporations doing business as the UNITED STATES and USA.
In November of 2015, the unincorporated United States of America took action to re-issue Sovereign Letters Patent and to secure new federal service providers under the express trust conveyed by The Joint Declaration of Sovereignty issued at that time.
The American Native Nations subscribing to these published agreements are our federal service providers.
Notice and copy of our action was provided to the Principals and the Principles of the Higher Contracting Powers worldwide including Pope Francis, HRM Elizabeth II, the United Nations Secretary General, the World Court, President Obama and numerous other parties of interest.
We are and we remain competent to conduct the business of the organic states and people, and we can and do exercise all non-delegated powers.
James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
United States of America
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James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The actual Constitution of this country is a tri-lateral international trust, treaty, and service agreement and is a public covenant of guarantees owed to and by the sovereign states operating in international jurisdiction. These guarantees include the Bill of Rights.
No private contract of any kind can abrogate, legislate, or stand against these public covenants and no right guaranteed by them can be waived or voided. All processes, procedures, acts of legislation, federal regulations, state statutes, and agency administrative codes, must be in full compliance or they are null and void and without enforcement on American soil.
This Notice has been necessitated by the finding that: (1) the Municipal United States has trespassed upon our jurisdiction; and (2) the federal judicial oath has been undermined and invalidated by deceptive legislation rendering it null and void since October of 1991 and (3) bankruptcy trustees named by Secondary Creditors of the Municipal and Territorial government corporations have trespassed upon our states and people.
The Municipal United States is in fact strictly limited to the ten square miles of the District of Columbia. The compromised federal judicial oath shall be immediate Cause to void all proceedings which have violated any right or prerogative owed to or by the states. Federal bankruptcy trustees have no authority to address the states or people or make any claim against them; we, the American states and people, are in fact the Paramount Security Interest Holders and priority creditors of all federal corporations.
James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
United States of America
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James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
Citizenship is a form of indentured servitude to a government. It must be voluntary, it must be proven, and it must be equitable or it becomes unlawful peonage.
Foreign commercial corporations merely under contract to serve the American states and people have falsely claimed that we are all citizens and/or wards of their States of State franchises.
This is a gross, deliberate, and obvious falsification of the public records.
Absent proof of a federal paycheck that is earned in actual federal employment or in payment of an unearnedfederal dependency –which does not include retirees receiving military pension or Social Security payments— no claims of federal citizenship are credible.
The American states and people are the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of all federal municipal and territorial corporations. There is no motivation for us to voluntarily donate our interest as landlords or freely agree to subject ourselves to indentured servitude without payment or abandon all our children to the care of foreign corporations.
Any such enslavement — voluntary or involuntary— is strictly forbidden under both national and international law.
All members of the American Bar Association, the Territorial and Municipal Congress, the State of State federal franchise legislatures and all federal bankruptcy trustees are under demand to correct their operations on our shores and return the missing land assets. Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents and Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
United States of America
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James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
All federal agencies are hired foreign subcontractors. For example: the Bureau of Land Management is a sub-corporation of the UNITED STATES, INC., a private foreign-owned off-shore corporation since its last incorporation in 1925, copyrighted, trademarked, and registered in Puerto Rico. Under the Reorganization Act of Washington, District of Columbia, and according to its private business charter, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has no authority, jurisdiction, or interstate nexus within the 50 state geographical landmass. The Bureau of Land Management is classified as an “Agent of Foreign Principle” under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act and is a franchise of the British Crown Corporation.
The BLM is a hired caretaker of public lands belonging to the states of the Union.
All federal and federal state of state franchises are foreign commercial entities under contract. They are not our government and they have no special rights. They have a job to do which does not include disposing of the property entrusted to them nor the bringing of improper claims against the landlords who are their actual employers. The IRS, BATF, FEMA, FBI, CIA, NSA, and all other federal and federated State of State agencies are in similar status and are hereby given lawful notice of the limits of their authority on our soil.
James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
United States of America
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Judge Anna explains that all around you are lies.
When you understand them, then they no longer can hurt you. If you choose NOT to understand the lies, then they can cause you grievous ill.
No Secret anymore.
Secret Treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, As shown recorded in our Congressional Record.
The Treaty of Verona shows the ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many.
All monarch European Kingdoms united to stop the conversion of nations to government by the people.
The threat under the Secret Treaty of Verona to suppress popular governments in the American Republics is the basis of the Monroe Doctrine. This secret treaty sets forth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and popular government and the government of the few as against the government of the many.
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Monetize Your Certificate of Live Birth. It's worth millions
Certificate of Live Birth (CoLB) or Birth Certificate is a security worth many millions.
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