VP Pence says NO more Fiat Money
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
VP Pence - no more FIAT - now gold backed USN July 25 2 017
united States money NOW GOLD BACKED USN
July 25 2017
Vice President Mike Pense today declared the USA, Inc.'s surrender of the old (cabal Rothschild) fiat USD in favor of the new gold backed USN.
Per international treaty and domestic law, the USN is now considered the lone sovereign currency of the land and may be released globally across tiers of the Asian controlled financial system.
At approximately 4:30 PM Wednesday, July 26th, President Trump is scheduled to affix his signature to a document declaring the restoration of the Republic and the restoration of the gold backed USN. Upon this, the restoration of our Republic will be deemed complete by the Elders and the release codes for the Global Currency Revaluation are to be entered in Beijing.
'Obamacare' was to be voted on Tuesday July 25th by the Senate. The ending vote was a tie - 50/50. Pence cast the determining vote for the Senate to debate and REPEAL 'Obamacare'.
As reported, one of the provisions Obama demanded be hidden within 'Obamacare' was that the RV was NOT meant to be a benefit for the American People and the RV was NOT to take place for the benefit of the united States. Obama saw himself as being the eternal 'king' and 'ruler' of this nation, if not the entire planet, and made provisions within legislation and other means to guarantee slavery and distress upon the American people would continue and even increase. Obama's NO RV stipulation has been successfully overruled for the benefit of the people of the united States.
That stipulation, among many others yet to be revealed, was one of the primary reasons that Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House, kept insisting that the 'Obamacare' legislation should be 'passed' immediately without time for the customary review, questions and debates.
Now that Obama is out of office - despite what he may think otherwise - all the poison, rats, traps and treason at his hands is coming up through the cracks, including through DNC whistle blowers. It is definitely NOW the time for Obama's arrest and prosecution. Obama's 'legacy' is, by far, the worst record for any man in the office of the president of the cabal crime syndicate that ruled and reigned over this nation. Good riddance - FINALLY.
God bless President Trump, his family, staff and appointees.
God bless America and her people.
God bless those who have worked selflessly, diligently, faithfully - most without pay - behind the scenes to do what is necessary to take back our country and release her people from the imposed slavery of the birth certificate, the social security numbers and the corporation identification imposed upon us without out approval and knowledge upon our birth.
May this nation repent - each individually and as a nation of people - and turn back to her one true God that He may forgive us and place His hands of protection over us once again.
If the above is true then I guess we'll find out at approximately 4:30 PM TODAY!