New Stuff Summary
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
John Paul Hansen will be on our call Wednesday night
Paul Hansen has been in and out of Jail about 200 times,
over the years. Although, he has good lawful information
as to how to move from Public to Private,
He is (may be) lacking adequate material on how to apply for American National Passport.
Over the phone and through e-mailing all he said was, Write..... No election of U.S. Citizenship.
9 zeroes after ss#.
Passport office clerk told me,
Your application may be delayed or denied.
Worse yet... Revoked.
Imprisoned within the U.S. Borders without right to, outside the U.S.,
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See Links to many documents I got 1st 2 weeks in Sept. 2017
a Texas girl was thrown before a court.
A Masonic judge told her to do this to gain control of her estate, her ALL CAP NAME, her life & assets.
Here is a legal ad to run in newspaper, 1 time a week for 3 weeks. Then get a certif. of publication from the newspaper and take the advertisement & cert. of pub. and record them in the court house.
Since none rebut, then it should stand in truth and commerce
the add is here
Reword it to your own known conditions
LEGAL NOTICE is hereby given that a "BIRTH CERTIFICATE " for HENRY THEODORE ELDEN JR, Serial # 2349, Dist. # 200, Record # B-2926715403, was rec. by reg. 5-22-1948. The record is corrected, nunc pro tunc from reaching the age of majority, that only this Owner, named below, has all rights, titles and interest to real and personal property, choate or inchoate, corporeal or incorporeal of the Estate. In accordance with Minnesota Rule 220. Further information at Kanawha County Courthouse and or contact: Elden, Henry Theodore Jr., temp mail location: 3## Venture Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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Every year 14,000 people are murdered.
1,200 are murdered by police.
Police are 0.38 of the population.
You are 22x more likely to be murdered by a policeman than anyone else.
--FBI statistic
The first minute of this video is pretty good. The other 8 minutes are subjective. Lawsuits might have been a viable tool at one time, but I do not see recently any wins in the win column for the People, but I do see a lot of complete BS rulings for the super elites' standing armies (cops) & govt. entities before your case gets dismissed.
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Al Gore Has New Movie On Climate Change. Here are notes from a book on refuting Gore's claims.
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The proper way to access the Federal Reserve and TDA account.
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2013 US Judges Handbook
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United States America Organic Law Taxes Property Jurisdiction Constitution
A student asked:
This is my response to Don.
In my book, "What Happened to Justice," co-author, Chris Hansen, and I show how the various revisions of the judiciary code dropped the addition of the "word" "State" from each of the "States" of the second Union. The United States Code has never referred to any States of the Confederacy under the articles of Confederation.
The current 28USC 142 has been repealed.
I believe that no document refers to any Confederate State’s native inhabitants as State Citizens. It is the Articles of Confederation which makes it possible for a so-called "Citizen of Georgia" to take up residence in New York at will. The same Articles permit each State inhabitant to take up residence in any State of the Confederacy.
In Truth,
Ed Rivera
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Final Warning: a history of the new world order
by David Allen Rivera
Introductory Briefing
Since the Persian Gulf War, the term "New World Order" has become well known. However, …
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Light House Law Club or You Are Law .com
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In agency law, an undisclosed principal is a person who uses an agent for negotiations with a third party who has no knowledge of the identity of the agent's principal. Often in such situations, the agent pretends to be acting for himself or herself. As a result, the third party does not know to look to the real principal in a dispute. More at "Wikipedia"
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Historical facts point to Pope Francis who took control of birth certificates, for Catholic Church Enrichment.
USA is owned by the Crown which is owned by the Vatican.
On July 7th. 2017, Pope destroyed corporation and transferred funds from your controlled accounts to World Trust - PCT Public Credit trust, now known as OPPT - One People Public Trust.
From few sources on Sept. 15, 2017, ACH system will be in place (15 days prior to Fiscal Yr. End). on Sept. 30, 2017.
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Bramble King or God's teaching
Legal Reality Email Resource page:
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Here's the link to Doug Herich's PC Cloud files for everyone to download documents and skype audio files
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$ 15 Trillion in Fiat Currency
The world’s major central banks have embarked on an unprecedented monetary experiment, printing more than $15 trillion and backing their currencies with risky mortgages, corporate debt, and even highly volatile American tech stocks.
But not one American in 1,000 knows anything about these enormous risks that are now hiding in plain sight.
Not one in 1,000 understands the direct link between the central banks actions and the incredible bull market of the last eight years.
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FEMA Camps They're planning to kill everyone and Heres how WAKE UP!
George Green Investment Banker
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Manmade Hurricane Harvey; FEMA says: 450,000 Homeless; FEMA Camps/Coffins at the Ready
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NASA Admits We Never Went To The Moon
I have much more at
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9/11 Truth Rising: Univesity of Alaska Fairbanks Report "WTC7 did not collapse due to fire
Sept 8, 2017
from the Outer Light
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Wise men are instructed by reason;
Men of less understanding, by experience;
The most ignorant, by necessity;
The beasts by nature.
Letters to Atticus[?], Marcus Tullius Cicero
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People v. Persons; Private v. Public
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Serenity Prayer
My Creator,
grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I
cannot change, Courage
to change the things I
can, and Wisdom to
Know the difference.
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Over 1,400 years later Khazarians are still proliferating unimaginable destruction, death and evil everywhere they go, only much worse than ever.
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Senator Rand Paul demands Congress follow the Constitution on declaring War!
Short video 1 minute
Should U.S. go to war unless Congress considers it and votes to do it ?
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on claiming BC, do this:
Include language claiming / invoking article 4 of cestua qui vie act of 1666.
Note paragraph 2
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for me and my house we will be custodia legis of our records from now on
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By Anna Von Reitz
This is the actual structure in terms of organized bodies within the American Government:
The United Colonies of America gives rise to the united States of America (please note that the word "united" is used as an adjective.) --1781
The united States of America gives rise to the unincorporated business doing business as The United States of America. -- 1787
The United States of America then delegates some of its own delegated power to the United States-- 1789, a foreign corporation chartered under our flag and seal, in order to provide stipulated services and exercise associated delegated powers.
Because the international treasury functions were delegated, the treasury and accounts of the actual United States of America, Unincorporated, were founded in 1789 as the United States Treasury, so it remains to this day.
Read full article at link from title
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Youtube of Glenn Wilnningham,
talk about Passport and then some,
to get off the Grid by moving from
Public to Private where statutes, codes
Rules, Regulations do not apply.
They only apply to Public Employees.
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You don't have to go to Probate Court under this outline-- listen and see
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Global Warming --An Inconvenient Lie
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Index of Judge Anna's Articles
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US Debts are not YOUR Debts - Anna
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Claim Your Name and Estate -- the EZ Way by Judge Anna
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Kevin Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At a very important public awareness event, held by in Northern California, on July 28th, 2017, Mr. Shipp presented a shocking and compelling presentation on numerous, horrific and ongoing government crimes.
The total persecution of anyone who dares to tell the truth about rampant government tyranny is also fully exposed. The paradigm we have all known has been built on deception and the dark agendas of the global power structure.
The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny serves as a stellar example to us all. v=XHbrOg092GA
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Judge Anna recommend this guy & his knowledge of Common law
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Everything that is happening is allowed by the actual Constitution.
Granted, there have been abundant acts of fraud and breaches of trust, and counterfeiting and everything else, but, in re-venuing the government and choosing new "federal" service providers, we
are all well-within our rights as the actual sovereigns of the land jurisdiction owed to this country.
It is also crucial
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Contract = Sacrosanct Law!
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“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”
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Phil Dru thinks if we make affidavits and submit them to people (judges, courts, clerks) and they do not rebut them, then we have affidavits that stand in truth & commerce, but we have to go to a higher court to get a court order that says the same.
That MIGHT be true, if you go to higher court, or court of record, you seek a court order that concludes as you want.
My experience of doing administrative process, notary presentments is that no one ever answers anything.
So in my thinking, they defaulted, but I don't know how to get a court to agree with you or how to set up a common law court. Bill Thorton tries to help us establish a common law court with jury trial.
I have / share 35 DVDs from Thorton, as to how to apply Common Law, some of these processes, but that is 50 to 80 hours of watching.
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A Mass Action of Liability
When electric Company tries to put dangerous Smart Meter on your home, bill them $ 1 million daily until they remove it. People are succeeding. Corp. officers & public official resign rather than pay these obligations.
Notice of Liability
The InPower Docu-Series illustrates a powerful new method to restore social justice and accountability. Episode #1 focuses on solving the ‘smart’ meter problem: how we can prevent and reverse the installation of this dangerous technology, through holding corporate executives and government actors financially accountable — for the first time ever. And in so doing, we can restore safety in our homes, and bring balance to our world.
Liability Action Steps
Notice of Liability
Notice of Fault
Notice of Default
Billing & Enforcement
There is NO authority on us, it is all contract, and by our consent
but if we were not fully informed, their contract is void.
We offer an alternative contract, putting liability on them, the administrators
stripped of the corporate veil, their protection.
Use this to our advantage.
Watch video on their website,
Perhaps start at 20 minutes in.
This is probably the very best explanation of "The System" of control of The Matrix through the courts, that I have ever come across. They talk about Smart Meters, but this Strategy is applicable to every major issue on the Agenda of the Ruling Elites --
Geo-Engineering -- Climate control
Cell Phone Towers
Fiat Currency
Debt & Mortgages, etc.
This is not new information, but the way that they are applying it is creative. Dozens of high-level private and government officials have resigned, rather than face the liabilities created. They explain to us how to win every court case, but you must listen closely, or you will miss it.
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Every childhood vaccine may go into a single jab
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Walter Veith (7th Day Adventist Church - Canada)
Excellent preacher to reveal the secret societies & evil around us. They have web site & he is on You Tube.
I have 100 - 1+ hours of his presentations if you don't use internet, you can watch or listen form a generic media Player $ 20 or on any device. I can put all this on 1 SD chip.
Revolutions, Tyrants and Wars is excellent as well as his explaining United Nations is not so much government, but world control thru One (satanic) church.
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You cannot call yourself educated unless you know the story of Western Civilization. That is why we are offering our free online course, "Western Heritage." Based on a class that everyone at Hillsdale College must take in order to graduate, this course covers topics such as:
This course gives you a complete overview of the grand and unique story of the West. Take this course & share it with your friends and family.
I hope you enjoy your free online course. Start your course right now >>
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Get Winning State Of Mind course completely free right here.
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Some channelings and updates regarding NESARA?
Ascensions Times, by Caroline Oceana Ryan
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the British have passively succumbed to the Muslim invasion:
Mayor of London ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield .... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oxford ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Luton ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Rochdale ... MUSLIM
All the following achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population:
Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts
Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils
Muslims Only No-Go Areas Across The UK
Muslim Women... 78% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Men... 63% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Families... 6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT!
.... and we (the USA) can't decide on an immigration policy??
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NAVY RELEASES McCAIN’s RECORDS – McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy – Prepare for Change
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Passport link:
Check out these comments about recent Passport application attempts and successes Why maybe.... listed here i link below:
These comments below are from this link above:
Want to challenge jurisdiction with traffic issues? Go re-contract your registration and license at the DMV to an all dejure mail location, non-domestic without the US, no zip code, or zip in brackets, cross out everything you don't agree with, cross out "US citizen", sign By: Last, First Middle, all rights reserved, non-assumpsit. Write on your registration that your car is worth $300 in silver coin and make Demand for Lawful Money per 12USC411. They will leave you alone because you're no longer in their jurisdiction.
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Cancel Your Mortgage with The Little Promissory Note!
Rights Are Taken Away Through The Unconstitutional 14th Amendment
Bruce explains how our rights are slowly taken away one by one through the unconstitutional 14th amendment. THE 14th AMENDMENT…
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Name Change
Linda found & directed me to a talkshue.
That led me to this web site
I down loaded Name Change 1 & 2 and am reading these powerpoint presentations now.
On that web site under Entertainment
- Trump shows birth certificate.
- Congressman discusses Birth Certificate
- Trump publically pardons Hillary.
- Cadastral Survey.
odp files (below) work like Powerpoint files with Open Office.