Conf-Call-'21-11-16-House, West, Stewart
5 pm, recording starts
5 18 Conference starts
Many referenced materials are at
Click on 16 Nov Conf. House, West, Stewart
I hope to edit this soon. It needs huge work.
Anyone might send me comments & corrections.
Maybe I will have this in better shape by Thursday noon. Sorry for delay.
People on this call:
Allen Jo...
Ann D,
Bobby Tx,
Brian & Linda,
David SD,
Diane G,
Don I,
Jen W,
John Diz,
Ken Can,
Laura Du
Linda S
Marc B
Mike Ca
Ray Ho
Rob H
Steph. Ho
>> Robert House 239 2229 6343
239 229 6243 cell from 5 am, to 5 pm on phone
Do Live Life Claim- Step out of jurisdiction of United States Corp. and all their subsidiaries, like The State of …
template & instructions
Then how to Unregister the automobile registration.
Use c/o before street address.
We are under control of corporate entities.
Witness affidavit
Look for source documents thru the website I provided 1st,
then ask me,
then ask Robert.
Copy right number
I claim on a permanent vehicle tag.
Plate 1,
VIN # model,
Lawful owner,
Robert-Dean House
Who occupies the land (address)
NAC # Natural Area Code
Mike Ca
When you perfect your land patent on that land. That is highest title,
out of commerce,
(public) into the private
5 26 violation of federal court order.
The tag design,
pull up CharlotteClerk.com
Search for his name.
Robert House
No state or 3rd Party license shall be provided over public,
local or private roads
6 30
All tags are subject to transfer..
6 33 is claim
Form of Affidavit property claim of conveyance
Victim / witness
Permanent tag.pdf
Notice in form of affidavit
Automobile [vehicle]
Seal after signature/ autograph
Seal is thumb print,
Without that the documents in their defacto corporation,
they are illegal & unlawful.
Autograph in you own hand print,
not cursive.
A Warrior Calls ?
6 39
Tags & Copyright,
created & copyrighted
The Dept of Highway creaete the record.
Make a claim on them on that.
LEO don't mistake my property as stolen
Make their own tag.
They don't communicate to the authorities.
Must communicate with them,
so they know,
Do not engage.
They are claiming him as a diplomat to their own country
You do a copyright as a form of aff and send to Sec of State & Court of Record
Declaration of who you are
When you declare,
then they might block you from access to their building
File on Demand does not work in corporate entities (court)
Just send it,
your return receipt is their evidence.
Postal - Intl. Law,
stamp on top,
thru the post office.
Registered. Or certified mail.
Hold proof they have been notified.
Your own public record. Send to ayone,
send to anyone,
post on wwebsite.
Am. Patriot Email Report.
David Robinson.
At gas station,
post office.
Permanent Tag.pdf
Christopher James site,
A Warrior Calls.
Austria near Germany,
locked-down non vaccinated people. Italy a judge stood before 1,000s of people. He is for people,
not for corporations.
Australia is no ready to start hanging those enforcing covid/ vaccine.
Edward Mandel House,
Under Pres. Wilson.
corp. take over of government,
All things start with live life claim,
squash presumption that we are a member,
of their corporate world.
6 08
Ken, Canada,
He knew Robert Fox
He captured Fox's paperwork from his apartment.
Ken captured all Fox's material,
but it was later stolen from Ken.
Ken made effort to get Ken's property back.
If you are in court,
there is no advantage,
no benefit.
highway stop,
speeding. Where is the evidence,
name & badge number,
he got ballistic,
officer escalated to many charges,
he was locked up for 4 days over long weekend. With in 30 days,
the bank foreclosed on 160 acre ranch.
Bank got writ of possession,
sheriff requested federal gov. to accompany him to take the ranch and a warrant to appear in court on the speeding violation.
While locked up they pillaged all their property.
The police protected the purveyors,
the thieves.
Ken filed documents against the prosecuting attorney.
Christopher James said,
you go into court,
you lose.
Court has procedure,
when you participating in their game. James is going against all their procedures. James tells other to file documents different than the court wants.
Court accept the document,
the court puts a bond on it,
based on your birth certificate,
the court collects. The court can arrest you any time.
His public presence may be why he has not been arrested.
Return any paperwork. As a trespass.
6 19
Say & do in your paperwork,
that holds them liable. Then come at them later as a commercial lien.
Return their offer to contract.
Put them on notice,
and a fee schedule
You are building their own court file.
When you do a commercial lien.
I sent you notice,
you did not respond
6 21
Evoke the post office,
registered mail.
They receive & sign,
there is your evidence.
If they return to us,
When you do the commercial lien,
you ask questions
They do not rebut.
Relevant or not important.
Thru Fox Ken met Rene,
We have a live birth record,
like a mother filling out an affidavit making a statement that she had a birth,
and this is Christian name,
and family,
and signed. Like an affidavit,
witnessed by doctor or nurse.
Document is foundation document.
Government usurped
> Smiley started in this are.
Certificate of live birth
Registration of or record of live birth,
that mother filled out.
Our info,
parents occupation,
birth weight,
Form the Cert of Live irth
Thy derived the Birth Certificate
As we admit to the last name,
there he government controls us
The family name of Doe
Admitting he is John Henry Doe,
he is the BC on the stock exchange.
Say to John Henry,
what is your name ?
John Henry.
In Court,
judge will say,
are you John Henry Doe.
JH can't be,
John Henry Doe is paper
Court can place bonds against the JHD bonds.
This is how the govern makes money on stock exchange
Of the Doe family.
Doe is not any part of our name.
If you want to the owner of that name,
the first man that used that last name.
Show you a picture,
is that you?
that is a lie,
You are standing.
6 36
Caught you speeding on camera.
Is this photo your car ?
No my car is out in the parking lot.
Understand their word smithing,
you can get out of their court actions.
Do you hve driver's license.
My name is John Henry ?
He does not have your last name.
Am I obligated ?
When they keep asking questions
You say,
I reserve your right to remain silent.
That stops their actions.
Sign, without prejudice above signature
Make sure they overlap,
so they can't photo shop a clear signature
John Henry
Christian Name a gift from mother.
Anyone who Uses the (your) name is a trespass
Readily available at vital statistics
Freedom of Info. Hospital
Record of live birth.
They must retain them,
That is how the system makes money
There is no law,
it is all about commerce & contract.
DL with SS,
that is contract.
Fraudulent contract as they do not have 2+ parties.
6 43 Ray Ho. DL,
IRS of these you may elect to do payment submit
Contract under color of law.
6 49
>> Jennifer West
What is real,
to real,
What original,
or a copy
What is completely fiction
Thought Experiment
Wonda Vison,
Dismantled / reassembled to new robot
It entered & visited the former old robot
What is the state,
the propel on he land ?
Or something created by congress?
What is a law
Replacing board by board,
until a new ship existed where was the former old ship.
It seems to be the same ship.
No part of new ship was part of any ship before.
At what point was the current ship a new ship.
Jurisdiction is tied to the meaning of the law.
6 58
Which court cases will we let define the law.
Which law should we follow.
1787 ?
According to Pelosi,
or whom ?
Pres. Eisenhower
Let people contract
Constitution has no mention of people outside of federal government,
to fed. Gov.
Jurisdictional status,
Code 1
No other jurisdiction within the constitution that give federal government to engage with people outside of jurisdiction
Not contracts,
federal forms.
Jenn writes no contract on any form she deals with.
Eisenhower Report 1956 57
Jurisdiction over states,
land they purchased
IRS only over fed office,
& employees on fed. Land
GSA Manual
Report on Jurisdictional Statue within the states. 1962 was classified. For official use only.
Hathitrust.org ? ? ?
Jenn Post archive dot org. ? ? ?
Why they created the no … laws
Red Info .gov
How they approve or dis approve federal forms.
IRS forms for income tax.
That is outside constitution.
Forms don't comply with the ideas of federal ism.
Charles Ste..
Exec Order 13142
Non positive title,
bate & switch is illegal
7 10
CC Saint,
Const As written,
Who is interpreting ?
Napolitano says,
no one alive today signed or agreed to it.
All laws & constitution expires 19 yes,
1 generation
Jurisdiction of court,
subject manner
Article 1,
Sec 1,
Constitution does not give authority over land not made into state
State had o first be made by people,
then they form the constitution,
the Federal Constitution
Fed. Lands over which
People don't understand the fed. Gov. has only control
Article 1,
Sec 17
Fed. Gov. makes laws the states of government.
Fed. Gov makes laws,
without authority.
13132 Fedearl List,
define state.
Wishy washy definition.
Early congressional record
Virginia ceed land to Fed. Gov.,
the fed. Lands for defenses purposes.
Fed. Gov. was formed Art 1,
sec, 8, 17
Places purchased fo defenses.
Defining territory ?
Exec Order only has authority over federal employees
If People are sovereign,
hen the president canon order the people.
Hierarchy from greatest to least:
State is to control the fed. Gov. for military purpose
Art 2,
Sec 2
Commander & Chief of the army * navy of the United States.
Article 1,
Congress has the power to regulate
All laws are for the lands of federal government.
7 25
Pres, cannot
Civil means not in military
Working with army,
they can't order civilian
Civilians orders army,
People who lived on federal gov. had to apply,
register to be people of military.
Constitution enacted for mutial defense of the United States.
Constitution is war powers,
not a government.
There are no emergency powers on the constitution.
Veterans Hosp,
Leavenworth Kansas
Dr. & nurses were not entitled to
Many sign forms that they are citizen of US,
then suffer under the US jurisdiction.
Common law based on natural law
Call the Natural Law courts.
Don't use English Common Law.
8 03
Don I
Corporations are All Capital Letter
>> 8 12 Charles Stewart
> 9 30 Slim,
court cases