Robert Dean House - 239-229-6243 cell





Life Life Claim discussion on internet


He will talk about how i got my property out of registration with the State corporation and how to answer their court invites with a no contract form of affidavit under common law self governance.  

People want working solutions not more stories of a broken system.  Attached is public record so it can be given to anyone, the more the better.  As with everything i have placed into the record, it can be reworded or typed if hand printed etc. for the better and to upgrade.  As time goes on, things change and we often have to change with them.  Charlotte County deputy fired for misconduct ( 

#1 Life Life Claim

#2  Getting your private property conveyance (vehicle) out of their registration system. A quit claim at DMV.
#3  How to handle a traffic stop. After you get the ticket, write no contract. Sign and return to court within 3 days.
#4  A form of affidavit to cancel out any traffic citations. Men use Living Testimony in the form of an affidavit of truth.
#5  A form of affidavit to cancel a court Summons. Ditto

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Robert will tell of his success in using common law

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Robert House: I am out of the DMV.  Travel with no record of a D.L.  He canceled their contracts of Summons, Notice to appear and four citations along with paying $160 court cost.

Everything i do is public record you can send any and all to everyone.  The first and most important topic is getting out of their assumed, presumed citizen corporation by making and notifying them with a Live Life Claim.

Affidavit of Permanent Vehicle Tag P-1 02-25-19.pdf

Affidavit of Permanent Vehicle Tag P-2 02-25-19.pdf

Affidavit of Permanent Vehicle Tag P-3--02-25-19.pdf




By doing a Live Life Claim using your God given SEAL (your right thumb print)
you are claiming God as the most high. All else can go away. You decide in this way not just in your belief.

Miami Dade County Courthouse

Looks like a ship ? administering Maritime or Admiralty law.

Do not set foot in their Court by Robert House | American Patriot Email Reports (

A Question by Robert House  | American Patriot Email Reports (


Know why the codes do not mean anything to these elite? They are not subject to them unless they are Government and they are not Governments they are, (in fact that can be proven), for profit Service Corporations operating under their own rules over their voluntary CITIZENS. See attached. These laws and codes are of their own creation and they can and do alter them for their own use and are usually used against their CITIZENS not the creators of. Procedures created before 1861 were for a Lawful Government.

Notice of Trespass and Claim

Show 48. The true Constitutional Republican form of government. - YouTube .

Get Lat Long from Address Convert Address to Coordinates

 It gives the Lat. and Long. coordinates.  I use this to identify the actors land / property i am putting a claim to. 

Global Address Check Tool | Melissa Lookups

another way for the NAC under Universal addressing via MAK number or Melissa address key.

Arrest order for the Pope (is this the start?) (

Capture the Flag | American Patriot Email Reports (

Flag Short version - crime to display Gold Fringe, lose constitutional rights, Marbury v. Madison, Hale v. Henkel

D&B D-U-N-S Number Lookup ( - use corporation/ organization phone to get a hit, it is easier. 

The law of Nations .pdf

BIRTH CERTIFICATES Are Actually A LOOPHOLE?! | American Patriot Email Reports ( 7 min video  Birth Certificate notes

Land patent from BLM.pdf