14 Jan. 2019 Habeas Corpus, Get out of Jail. Discussion
Notes by Scott, a few adjustments by Ted.
When dealing with police always take / say:
5th Amendment without assistance of Counsel to stay in private.
Always have a habeas ready autographed ahead.
Use aggrieved instead of defendant.
If given an attorney, request for assistance of unfettered counsel. See CJS Sec. 7 Vol 4.
With public Notice
Attorney will not be able to file these and be in compliance with court.
50 4302 Marshal Law
Call on Provost Marshal.
Lieber Code 27-20 (we are) non-combatant peaceful Protected Civilian – Not Mr. or Sir.
Expatriation Act Sec. 3 liberty…
[All letters are written in acronyms, periods are required to make a conclusion.
Hyper dictionary – www.HyperDictionary.com a dot is a two-letter word. Law is a 3-letter word with L.?
Insurance Broker – Get bond for trust. Pure trust only (foreign trust) – not irrevocable or revocable.
If you are embroiled with any court do the administrative process with / thru risk management. – Remedy for the public side.
Person with [Municipal Court].
Add (notice) all (people connected) up to governor,
Write to them by their name, the living man, you may add: _ acting as governor, acting as judge, etc.
They will default, then we send to risk management.
After 3-4 people complain on a public servant they lose their job.
File at dept of risk management. Turn over to IRS.
I am I a people.
I have no evidence that I am a citizen.
Fixture – Court.
Road (where arrested) and courthouse (where tried) are not owned and not in territorial jurisdiction.
Captured and tired in an area not owned by the US.
There are 7 elements of jurisdiction: the person, the place, the rem (law or event), etc.
Private administrative request for private discovery. ____ DBA attorney general. No citizenship, show me the contract etc.
Always Sign pp by: Scott-Alan: Odam © as agent.
[send to Hague, Vatican, …]
Titus in constitution
Conditional Acceptance, Proof of Claim-
State comment(s) or questions, but also specify default answer and list/include enforcement.
A writing is anything written (or typed)
A Document is something that is Docketed in the Court.
Show me the Contract! My name is private. Why am I here?
You can’t hear them!
Rod Class Thursday Call
ID 479084 9:00 eastern time
Scott Odam