Law Definitions
Peoples Rights Definitions
1. Upon What, is this process based ?
Answer; definition of 'contract' = Offer, Acceptance, & Consideration-of-Value. More particularly - "Offer, Acceptance (of that Offer) at which time a Contract arises at Law (by the 'Acceptance'), and the 'Offeror' can NO LONGER withdraw the Offer, & Both Parties are IMMEDIATELY BOUND and HELD to Specific Performance of the Newly arizen 'Contract'. (By the 'Acceptance').
We teach, - to Avoid the "Acceptance" Trap" ! THEREFOR, No Contract exists. "No contract = No Authority"
2. What is the (legal) definition of 'Acceptance' ?
Answer; definition of 'acceptance' = "Intent to Retain".
(C.J.S./'Corpus Juris Secundum') Law Encyclopedia (Secundom = Second Edition, in Latin).
3. What is the (legal) definition of 'Appearance' ?
Answer; definition of 'appearance' = 'If One does ANYTHING 'Beneficial' to One Party or 'Detrimental' to another Party, they 'Traverse' and have MADE APPEARANCE in the Case, as a Party to the Case', - (CJS). If it ain't "Neutral" you HAVE MADE APPEARANCE. And, - "You" created a 'controversy' "FOR" the Enemy. (and Fell for the "Appearance Trap").
4. How does the IRS coerce us (Trick us) into being "Subjected" to their
Private CORPORATION Rules & Regulations and (legal-contract) EXTORTION ?
Answer: "Income Tax" (IRS) is collected by "Voluntary Compliance".
Basic 'contract' Law. Once One volunteers into a Regulated Enterprise, - One must comply with the regulations of that Enterprise.
(Basic "Contract" Law).
By implementing "Strategy #1" One "UN-Volunteers" ('Discontinues' Volunteering), and TERMINATES the (presumption of) contract. Procedure must be repeated EACH and EVERY time (an Offer is Presented), ALWAYS and FOREVER. (otherwise a NEW 'contract' arises = 'ReContract', and the
'Acceptance Trap' "Gotcha").
5. Who actually "is" (Lawfully) Required to File with IRS ?
If you enjoy a 'Government Job' (a 'Privilege', NOT a 'Right'), or some other government-granted Benefit, Privilege, License,
Title-of-Nobility, (i.e.; Voter of, Taxpayer of, citizen of, resident of, member of, resident-Agent of, etc.), or Opportunity-Offered from
government, WE can "NOT" Help you, - as One "DOES" OWE the (Excise) 'Tax',
"in RETURN" for enjoying that Privilege or Benefit being Enjoyed. (See "INTERNATIONAL SHOE Co. vs. STATE OF WASHINGTON").
6. How do Courts get jurisdiction over us ?
In order to have jurisdiction (to adjudicate) a Case (controversy) or controversy, it requires a Contract, over-which there exists a dispute or disagreement. When "No Acceptance" = No Contract" (or No controversy over one) exists = "No Controversy" = "NO jurisdiction" = NO Case/Action Can be Docketed, (commenced). (See Const. ARTICLE III, Section 2)
7. Is what they are doing 'Constitutional' ?
Even the Declaration of Independence says,- "government derives "their 'just powers' from the 'Consent' of the governed". - So We teach "DON'T CONSENT" ! (see Declaration of Independence paragraph 2).
- - - Summary - - -
Peoples Rights - Consent to Contract
1. definition- 'Acceptance' = 'Intent to Retain' (per CJS).
2. definition-'Appearance' = 'If One does ANYTHING 'Beneficial' or 'Detrimental', One 'HAS MADE APPEARANCE' as a Party' (per CJS). If it ain't 'Neutral', you HAVE "MADE APPEARANCE".
3. definition- 'Contract' = Offer, Acceptance (of Offer), consideration. Contract arises by the 'Acceptance' (by Law), and Offeror can NO LONGER withdraw the Offer. Both Parties are BOUND & HELD to Specific Performance (by the Acceptance). We teach "Do NOT Accept", thus = No Contract/Agreement exists. "No Contract = No Authority/jurisdiction" (Maxim of Law).
4. definition- 'Controversy' = Contract Dispute or Disagreement.- Requires Existence of a Contract. (See Const. ART III, sect.2)
5. definition- 'Due Process' = "WRITTEN NOTICE", "proper Service of Process", 'Informed Consent' (Contract).
No Contract = No Case/Controversy = No jurisdiction (ART 3 Const.) Government "derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.",(Declaration of Independence 1776 para. 2). We teach "Activate your "Non-Consent".