- Chapter One
Reclaim the Seven
Aspects of Sovereignty and Take Back the American Mind.
by Johnny Liberty
to the thousands of pioneers who came before and contributed to the research
and creation of this handbook.
Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability
to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
We the American People
have been grossly deceived about our true and lawful sovereign American
National OR “state” Citizenship.
This has occurred
through an onslaught of public policy and practice, government lies, deception,
and propaganda, public media and education, and bureaucratic threat, duress and
coercion, and the manipulation of the political, economic and legal system since
the Civil War.
“If the government is
moving it's lips, they're lying.” 1
We the People have
been stripped naked of our sovereignty and our basic, unalienable rights of
self-determination guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence (1776), the
American Revolution (1775--1781), Articles of Confederation (1781), and the
Treaty of Paris with
The limited authority
and jurisdiction placed upon federal government via the Constitution for the
Unless We the People
wake up from a long, deep sleep, these powerful instruments of American law,
our protectors of freedom and liberty will be banished forever from our
“Americans may wake up
one day soon, homeless in the land of their forefathers.” 2
We the People are
caught in the crossfire of a global assault on the sovereignty of both Citizens
and the Law of Nations.
The casualties of this
assault are our freedoms, property rights, due process of the law, basic
unalienable rights for all people, and our beloved country--the
An “invisible” and
secret war is being waged against the
prisoners of a
foreign, sovereign, invisible Power structure operating through corporate
federal, State and local governments, the Federal Reserve Bank and its foreign
principals, and domestic and foreign corporations. We the People have a gut
feeling that something is terribly wrong, a discontent and anger that indicates
the extent of the exploitation, domination, and control to which we are
subject, yet are often at a loss to either articulate or comprehend what is in
fact occurring. The nature of the oppression is mostly invisible, “legal,” and
economic. We the People are being taxed to death and indebted into “economic
slavery” by individuals and institutions that have no moral or lawful authority
under the American system of law.4 We the American People have been
systematically robbed and bankrupted by special interests, and public officials
that profit immensely from political and legal systems put into place to serve
their ends. Laws are passed “by the Power structure and for the Power
structure.” We the American People are taxed without representation by federal,
State and local governments that no longer serve our best interests. Instead,
they perpetuate and protect their own unlimited growth, at our expense. Our
military is presently under the command of foreign powers intent on creating a
New World Order, a one-world government and world army through the
militarization of the United Nations (UN). “A treaty signed by former President
George Bush places the assessment and collection of all taxes, even local
property taxes, under UN auspices and sets up an international enforcement
corps and an international data bank.”
“It could probably be
shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal
class except Congress.”
— Mark Twain
We the People have
been programmed, conditioned and educated to see, feel, think, and act socially
and “politically correct.” Political correctness is social programming
promulgated by the traditional Left--don't ask, don't speak, don't dissent. It
corresponds perfectly with the religious fundamentalist programming of the
traditional Right. Both are mind numbing, mind-controlling propaganda machines.
This is in alignment with a global design and strategy that's so subtle, so
invisible, yet so pervasive that very few of our best intellects have broken
the veil. Our flag-waving, hollow patriotism often doesn't reflect the actual
realities of
You will discover that
the Federal Reserve Bank is a private, joint-stock trust, not part of the
“It is incredible how
as soon as a people becomes subject, it promptly falls into such complete
forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining
it, obeying so easily and willingly that one is led to say ...that this people
has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement.”
— Etienne de la Boetie
In summary, the power
of sovereignty is:
- Based on the
inherent nature of the free individual;
- It is the source of
authority from which all laws and governments arise;
- It is based on the
action of the individual being supreme;
- It is a gift that
you choose to give yourself.
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold
gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly
preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”
When you “purchased”
your property or real estate, you received a “deed,” not an allodial title.
A “deed” only
represents equitable or beneficial interest in a trust property “owned” by the
State acting as a trustee.
Without an allodial
title held in your sovereign capacity, banks loaning you so-called “money” can
attach a lien on your property until it's “discharged” in full.
If you fail to pay the
mortgage the bank will foreclose on the property. Even if it's paid in full
with FRN's after thirty years, you still don't hold the true title, only
possession in fee simple.
You get a “Certificate
of Title” that certifies that you are a “beneficial holder.” The legal “owner”
has the right to require the “beneficial holder” to get it registered with
State issued plates, have a State-issued driver's license and insurance.
In essence, you are
renting the use of a “government-owned” vehicle. The legislative intent of the
Motor Vehicle Code is to regulate the commercial operation of motor vehicles
There are hidden liens
on your “person,” your property and your future productivity toward
“discharging” the unpayable federal debt.
Most Americans are
fundamentally bankrupt, and have not been paid real “money” for working in
their entire lives. Ninety-two percent of all American's are bankrupt at age
Unless you get
educated and protect what remains of your assets now, Americans will wake up,
one day soon as Thomas Jefferson warned, shake their weary heads and wonder
what the heck happened.
Homelessness and the
proliferation of social, racial and political violence are advanced symptoms of
undeclared State and federal bankruptcies.
We the People and our
political leaders have unwittingly “sold out” our country, our freedoms and our
children's future for privileges, benefits, temporary entitlements and the
short-term “success” of a privileged few.
Legal “persons,” born
or naturalized in the federal
Your vote is purely
advisory and does not directly elect, affect or create public law. Your vote
obligates you to pay Municipal, County and State bonds through property taxes.
If your vote ever really changed anything, it would've been illegal a long
The gold-fringed Admiralty and Military
flag, not the American flag, flies in the President's oval office and in most
of the so-called “courts” in this country.
We the People must
reclaim the American system of law and restore our unalienable sovereign
We the People have the
unilateral power of declaration by affidavit and legal notice, the unlimited
power and right to contract and to organize our affairs with little or no
government involvement.
We the People have the
power to form grand juries to prosecute public officials who are violating our
unalienable or constitutionally-protected rights under “color of law” through
Title 42, §§§1983, 1985, 1986 OR Title 18, §§241, 242 actions.
We the People must
make our government accountable to the U.S. Constitution, the sovereignty of
the people and the American system of common law.
You have forgotten
what “country” you live in. The federal “
We the People are
sovereign, “state” Citizens and nationals under the supremacy of the state and
federal constitutions. We the People unknowingly elected away our unalienable
rights and property by becoming 14th Amendment, “
Social security
benefits and the income tax, with a few exceptions for foreign-earned income,
are voluntary contracts made mandatory for federal government employees and
We the People can
lawfully reclaim our true, sovereign, American National OR “state” Citizenship
and take back our government from those who would destroy our country for their
own self-interest.
“I used to have a country but they sold it down the
Like a repossessed farm auctioned off to the highest bidder.”
— Bruce Cockburn 8
Beyond Denial- Being Responsible
The greatest challenge
in reclaiming our sovereign Citizenship is breaking the chains of denial and
taking responsibility for freeing ourselves from mental, emotional and economic
slavery. It takes courage to open our eyes and witness an “economic holocaust”9
of mass proportions and forge the appropriate, human response.
Independence Day
It takes an
independent, thinking and compassionate human being to discriminate between
“reality,” and the false images projected through lies, propaganda,
advertising, distractions, and deception.
> REALITY EROSION-- the inability to
discriminate between what is real and what is fiction.
Restoring Discrimination
We must extract and
separate our individual moral conscience and intelligence from overwhelming,
addictive, under-informed, commercial, public information, non-news media that
has contaminated our ability to discriminate between what is real, and what is
This inability to
discriminate, to make distinctions, and our often apparent indifference and
apathy, is described as “reality erosion,” and it is accelerating on a daily
Discrimination and
integration are two inherent faculties of the human mind, essential for
survival. We must learn to think for ourselves.10
“We suffer primarily not from our vices or
our weaknesses, but from our illusions. We are haunted, not by reality, but by
those images we have put in their place.”
— Daniel Boorstin 11
Restoring Response-Ability
After generations of
being educated and programmed for irresponsibility, to look after number one,
to get mine, to do your own thing, the American people have surrendered virtue
for vice, rights for privileges, long-term sustainability for short-term
profits and pleasures. Without “response-ability” (i.e., the ability to
respond), the American people will be hopelessly enslaved.12
Return to Virtue
Without a return to
virtue, to ethics and morality evident in the natural law, the American people
will self-destruct in a democratic tyranny of mob violence.
Just consider the
brutality evident in the mass media and the glorification of vic
Even if we reach beyond
denial, take response-ability and apply intelligent virtue, the immensity of
the issues, concerns and problems presenting themselves simultaneously are
paralyzing us into inaction, despite our having access to intelligent
information, solutions and strategies. Ignorance is not bliss.
“If a problem
portrayed ... appears to involve more effort or sacrifice than we can imagine,
or if even maximum effort ... would fail to prevent the tragedy, we are tempted
to sever the link between s
— Al Gore, Former Vice
President of the
Mental Sovereignty Summary
In summary, mental
sovereignty includes:
1. You have your own
mind, your own thoughts, ideas and conclusions;
2. One function of the
mind is for memory or storage;
3. Another function of
the mind is for focusing thought and energy;
4. You must train your
mind to focus both intention and attention;
5. You must learn to
make distinctions in your own mind;
6. To embrace higher
truths, our way of thinking must shift to embrace the paradox;
7. Mental sovereignty
is about doing your own thinking and making your own choices;
8. Come up with an
original idea in 30 days or less;
9. Defeat all mind
control systems by being vigilant and perceptive;
10. Reconsider political
11. Free yourself from
blind spots that keep the same old mental patterns operating;
12. Develop your
mindset into a powerful attitude for achieving success in your life.
Online Version with additional
links for Success Education customers, go to:
An Independent Press
Is there any doubt
even the so-called “independent” free press is no longer a source of valid
“truth” and honest opinion?
There is es
Evening Snooze
The mainstream and
alternative media is spoon-fed on government propaganda and public information
through the public relations departments of the national, federal, State and
local governments and transnational corporations. To think for ourselves, we
must fast from both the mainstream and alternative media and obey this maxim.
The Power structure
and global elite controls all five big television networks, public broadcasting
and cable networks including PBS and CNN.
Most Americans get 90%
of their news, information and world view from the television.
What passes off as
news these days is appalling to anyone with intelligence and insulting to those
who don't.
Most reporters and
their editors are too busy snooping into the private lives of public officials
and celebrities to actually do any legi
Stealing Your Attention
There are serious
issues that justly deserve more attention than President William Clinton's sex
life, Senator Bob Packwood's diaries, O.J. Simpson's trial, Tanya Harding's
escapades, this or that celebrities sex life, or any other irrelevant media
spin that distracts us from the real issues and concerns. Most of the
mainstream media, following in the path of the tabloids, focuses public
attention on non-issues and directs the public political agenda towards the
desired goals of the global elite. Most alternative media is too busy reacting
to whatever the mainstream media is focusing on to ever notice what's really
going on independently of the mainstream press and take initiative in creating
the news.
Independent Press
Investigative reporting and truth-saying in today's media climate is hard and
dangerous work for a reporter or editor if you want to keep your job.
Maintaining an independent, free press is essential though to the continued
existence of a healthy constitutional republic.
Spinning the Issues
Public policy is
shaped by the “image of the issue,” not by the “reality of the issue.” Public
policy will be what the policy ought to appear like, not what actually solves
the problem at hand.
Spin doctors,
image-makers, and propagandists are the key policymaking posts in any
government or corporate public relations department.
These spin doctors,
and those behind the scenes who direct them, create public policy based on
public opinion, then the legislators follow by writing the statutes. Lawmakers
don't lead, they follow public opinion directed by the media.
The media even goes so
far as to “create” (i.e., fabricate) the news to suit their political agenda.
Watch the movie, Wag the Dog with Dustin Hoffman. It's a shocking possibility!
Abandoning the Ship of Freedom
The “independent”
press as the guardians of “reality” has abandoned the ship of freedom. Journalism
has deteriorated into slick entertainment and sensationalism, even by the
vanguards of the media industry.
Often journalists and
anchormen fan the flames of discontent by introducing violence, racism and
disinformation into the community.
From my vantage point,
citizenship is not meant to be a spectator sport orchestrated by the media.
The real “news” must
never be confused with “entertainment.” The real “news” is not always what the
media is currently directing your attention towards. Can you tell the
difference between news and entertainment? If not, we're both in big trouble.
“There is no such
thing at this date of the world's history in
I am paid weekly to
keep my honest opinion out of the paper. Others of you are paid similar
salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write
honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job...”
“The business of the
journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to
fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily
You know it, and I
know it, and what folly is this, toasting an independent press? We are the
tools and the vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the Jumping Jacks.
They pull the strings, and we dance.
Our talents, our
possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are
intellectual prostitutes.”
— John Swinden, Former
Head of the
Media Literacy and Internet Activism
Entertainment is the
opiate of the American people along with sex, drugs, rock n' roll and religion.
The American media
culture is the most pervasive and persuasive in the world today.
We the People have
become addicted to the mass consumption of images, elevated above and
invalidating reality and truth at every commercial break. Over one-sixth of the
GNP is spent on marketing and advertising (i.e., propaganda).
Media Manipulation
Because the American
people are terrified of cults, drug dealers, terrorists, crime, gangs, child
and sexual abuse through the continual bombardment of the media, we are
extremely susceptible to massive media manipulation in these areas.
Through the
manufacturing of facts, evidence and the creation of artificial enemies, the
media can easily frame up an individual or a group as a culprit while the mass
consciousness prepares to lynch them without a trial.
Most people have no
discernment and cannot tell the difference between hype or lies and substance
or fact.
“We're entertaining ourselves to death under the gray
— Bruce Cockburn
Framing the Facts with Lies
The mainstream media
accuses, frames the facts and convicts innocent people daily with network
broadcast innuendo and smear campaigns intent on discrediting, without trial,
without indictment by a grand jury, without substantial evidence.
Even bold-faced lies
Worse still this is
quickly becoming a standard practiced in the legal profession.
Discrediting the Source
Beware of the
discrediting of legi
The media hunger for
shock therapy, sensational stories and movies-of-the week leads them into the
business of lie making, fear mongering, demonizing and deadly deception.
Beware. Always read and view between the lines of the message. In many cases,
the media is the message.
Media Purpose
The media could be
utilized to inform, educate, entertain, inspire or control.
More often than not,
the media is utilized to advertise, control and harness the energy of the slave
class, much like in The Matrix movie. The economic, consumer slaves keep them
in power, and live to serve the needs and goals of the Power structure and the
global elite.
We the People consume
so that the Power structure and the global elite may live long and prosper.
Power structures and
the global elite are energy controllers, vampires and leeches. These
structures, institutions and people “need” to control, dominate, conquer,
exploit and use others to “survive” at their desired “standard of living.”
Subverting and erasing
the will of the people and implementing the directives of the Power structure
and the global elite is the “only” job of a politician, the public school and
the media.
Without will power,
public attention can be directed like a cheap magicians trick to continue
fostering the illusion.
The Power structure
and the global elite through their stooge politicians use the media and money
to manipulate public opinion, and incidentally, get elected
Restoring Media Literacy
What can we do?
First, we must
withdraw consent and withdraw our attention from the television set and the
daily news. We must restore our will power and begin to live deliberately.
Second, we must examine
and withdraw our ignorance and beliefs, our indoctrination and conditioning and
begin to think for ourselves and create original thoughts and ideas to create
the reality we prefer.
Third, we can set-up
and organize independent communications networks, news services and resource
centers encrypted with PGP for privacy.
We must organize
effectively at a global scale to counter the corporate governments eternal
preparation for war and the media's assault upon the strained sensibilities of
the American people.
The brainwashing,
programming, propaganda machine waged against
Fourth, we can empower
the entire free world to organize and network through the visionary use of the
Internet, private telephone conferencing systems, shortwave radio, underground
publications and media, and news services.
communications structures, network people, resources, skills and information,
and broadcast them widely.
networking is our greatest wild card for stopping the encroachment of the New
World Order and restoring freedom around the world.
The Internet is Born for Freedom
The Internet has
already proven itself to be the fast track to freedom - from zero to light
speed. There is no central hub and anarchy rules. Freedom of speech and
expression is out of control. The Internet was born in 1969 with funding from
the Pentagon to facilitate post-nuclear communications in the event of a
nuclear blast. The World Wide Web <www> was born in 1992, just over ten
years ago, when the first browser software was developed and given away for
There are presently
hundreds of millions of users in the world. There's no longer any excuse for
computer illiteracy.
Building a Communications Structure
From a credible source
people respect and honor, word of mouth is still the most powerful media of all.
Networking is the key to happiness and the key to organizing communications
networks. Walk you talk. Share what you know.
Do not forget the
human dimension of communication and the interaction of heart, mind and soul.
Integrity is the key word. Thoughts, words and deeds must be in alignment for
your truth to be communicated effectively.
Utilize all available
communications media and resources, above and underground to spread the your
message to all the people. “If you don't like the news, go out and make some of
your own.”
Having your hands
steadily focused on a video or digital camera or audio recorder may be your
best protection against the New World Order.
They do not want the
truth to see the light of day. Keep the cameras and tape recorders rolling
whenever you confront the government or those who would steal your freedom,
your rights and property.
The last thing the
Power structure and the global elite wants, is for everybody to know the truth.
“The function of the media in the
— Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent 18
Censorship and Security Issues
When was the last
There are many
censorship tactics being used to prevent opposing points of view from getting
the opportunity to express themselves.
Mostly, We the People
censor and police each other, denying free expression of ideas. This censorship
mentality begins in our homes, families and schools.
Censorship might
involve the outright denial of air
Advertisers influence
the media in a similar way, by conditioning their sponsorship upon the
censorship of any negative reporting around their companies. Wonder why you
haven't gotten any real news lately?
Censorship may secure
the ears from hearing opinions and/or words that you have already prejudged as
invalid or inappropriate, but it also prevents any possibility of dialoguing
intelligent solutions and coalition building.
We paint ourselves
into a corner with nowhere to go. Are we so insecure about our point of view
that we must prevent others from expressing theirs?
The Wisdom of Insecurity
You cannot predict the
future. You don't know when you're going to die. You feel insecure, because
insecurity is the way of life. There is no security, not even in death.
The wisdom of
insecurity is an Eastern concept that is beyond the comprehension of most Western
We the People must get
back to values that respect and honor all life, and our deepest, truest sense
of human nature.
Not only are we
disconnected from the Earth, but we've lost touch with our own humanity.
This may be the most difficult,
and rewarding journey yet.
“Here will I be bold. If there's a power above us (And
that there is, all nature cries aloud through all her works.) He must delight
in virtue; And that which he delight's in must be happy.”
— Benjamin Franklin
Mind control is not
necessarily a formal “brainwashing” process like prisoners of war being
brainwashed in the concentration camps, or like the CIA training assassins to
do it's political dirty work, although that form of mind control happens
Mind control is any
imposed system that suppresses the human will to think, act and feel
independently of outside influences.
This broadens the
scope of “mind control” to include all forms of manipulation of the human mind,
whether subtle or coercive. Most of the human race lives in one mental prison
or another. Here's how it works.20
History has shown the
most effective way to control and shut down a human mind is through the
introduction of rigid, inflexible “dogmas.”
Dogmas are political
or religious beliefs that are inculcated and programmed into children from an
early age through fear, guilt or abject terror.
This indoctrination
occurs in the family systems, churches, schools and media — and in all cultures
and societies.
Often it takes a
strong commitment and years of therapy to deprogram from intensive dogmatic
training (e.g.,
“Fundamentalism” is
the root of all dogma
— my way of thinking
is the one and only “right” or “moral” way of thinking.
On a planet of
gullible and pliable minds committed to dogmatic thinking, war is inevitable
and conflict will flourish on all levels.
This chaos and
confusion feeds directly into the hands of the global manipulators who divide
and conquer by controlling all sides of the conflict, then introducing their
agenda to solve the “problem.”
Thus their agenda is
perpetuated regardless of who “wins” the war or prevails in the battle.
Peer Pressure
Mostly we police each
other into conformity and blind obedience to rules and norms that are unquestioned,
unchallenged through “peer pressure.”
The story is, “Either
you believe the way we do or see things as we do, or we'll ostracize, humiliate
and criticize you until you knuckle under or go away.”
Our parents, teachers,
ministers, leaders and celebrities all do it. They set up “role models” that we
emulate and imitate. Be like Mike! Ha. What about “Be like Me?” Who's
encouraging that?
Persecution and Character Assassination
The media chimes into
attacking and discrediting the character of anyone remotely departing from the
status quo.
If you were ever a
genius, scientist, inventor, healer, teacher or true visionary, you'll be able
to relate to the numerous occasions where your fresh and innovative ideas were
met with sizable resistance.
Thousands of people in
Malicious Prosecution
This may be a
malicious prosecution resulting in jail
Those who maintain an
independent “mind” despite “peer pressure” are further bludgeoned into
conformity when daring to challenge “authority” or the agents of the power
The Power structure
might dispatch the police to serve a search warrant, confiscate property,
allege a drug or terrorist offense, send a SWAT team, or incite an attack
minded U.S. Attorney with a knack for malicious prosecution.
They must teach those
who challenge authority a lesson about bucking the system. After all, “You
can't fight City Hall!”
Political Assassinations
If you were ever an
activist, whistleblower, reformist or political innovator, you can relate to
the numerous persecutions of our leaders (e.g., John & Robert Kennedy,
Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Leonard Peltier, John F. Lennon).
Our graveyards are
full of good people who were vic
Political Prisoners
Our prisons are full
of such nonconformists whose only crime was to dare to challenge the
authorities and the system.
Only 40% of our prison
population are actually “criminals.”
Public Education as Mind Control
Public education is an
institution of social programming and mind control to inculcate social and
national values, prejudices and predispositions in our children at a young and
impressionable age.
John Gatto's Dumbing
Us Down (21) details the actual hidden agenda of public education spookily
accurate. Control of public education is also a tenet of the Communist
Public Media as Mind Control
The major daily
newspapers, news services and radio/television stations are institutions of
mind control twisting tiny facts into huge fictions to keep the mass mind
preoccupied with irrelevance and false security (e.g., O.J. Simpson, Bill
Clinton's extra-marital affairs, the War on
That people still
habitually pick up a newspaper or tune into a news channel expecting to get the
“news” is a tes
We are hypnotized into
dullness. That the media is a propaganda machine to control our minds is not
such a far stretch of the imagination considering the overt manipulation of our
desires accomplished through advertising, infomercials, entertainment and the
so-called “news.”
Why so many people
still give their minds away every day is beyond me, especially since the truth
has been shining brightly for some
Economic Sovereignty
Summary In summary,
economic sovereignty includes:
An economic system
involves the exchange of goods and services;
You are responsible to
be a producer in that system, not just a mere consumer;
It's not the money,
but the circulation of money and the production of wealth that matters in a
true economy;
Embrace the principles
of prosperity consciousness;
Remember the
principles and economics of free enterprise and circulation;
Attitudes and beliefs
must be changed with knowledge, education and persistent hard work.
Achieve economic
See also Economics of
Free Enterprise and Principles of Circulation.
Breakdown of the Family and Tribe
With the surrender of
the mind to external control, will power is soon to follow. With no mind or
will power to individuate and discover one's true self, We the People become
totally dependent upon the indoctrinated dogma and belief systems we were
taught and conditioned.
Until we examine our
lives and beliefs, challenge our indoctrination and institutionalized authority
and inquire into the nature of universal principles and law, the status quo of
the prison mentality and vic
Isn't it
Safety and Security
The most basic root
chakra of the human being desires to belong to a family and tribe for safety
and security reasons.
The family and tribe have
always been the center of human life. The only question that remains is what
tribal system were you raised in, and how do you break free of the conditioning
that stops us from individuating our own selves fully?
Until such awakening
occurs, you and I are easily subject to manipulation and control by external
forces and institutions.24
In addition to mind
control and media manipulation, the family and tribe are under attack by the
New World Order, the Power structure and the global elite.
In the modern
societies of the West, it's evident that traditional family systems are
breaking apart, further wounding people emotionally, dividing and alienating
them from the root of their being.
The loss of the family
and tribe has left most people vulnerable, without basic safety and security
needs being met, further becoming dependent upon the State for sustenance and
survival. This is a dangerous trend. In the Communist Manifesto, the breakdown
of the family is essential to centralized control by the State.
Marriage License is a Three Party Contract with the State
The marriage license
is a three-way contract with the State and is based on old property law. In the
patriarchal society, the man owned his seed and the eggs of the females were
considered property. If a man and a woman decided to get married, they needed
the “consent” of the father who gave his daughter (i.e., property) away.
If the father didn't
consent, they might elope, but without the consent of the father, the property
(i.e., title) didn't convey.
Common Law Marriage
If you lived together
for seven years and the father neither consented nor contested the marriage,
then the couple would be legally married under the Common law. A Common law
marriage is recognized in every American state republic.
State as Legal Parent
In the American legal
system, the doctrine of parens patria confirms the State is the legal parent
and the children produced from a State-licensed marriage are the property and
chattel of the State.
Following from old
property law, if you're chattel or the property of the State, then you need the
consent of the State (i.e., the father) to get married (evidenced by the
marriage license), and any property derived from the marriage (i.e., children)
also belongs to the State.25
The goals of the New
World Order, the Power structure and the global elite are one in the same with
the Communist Manifesto. Read it and weep at the loss of your rights and
The breakdown of the
family and tribe is in the best interests of the State seeking to expand it's
power base.
State Parenting
When the family system
is breaking down, the State becomes the new, “improved” parent.
The State imposes
controls over the raising of the children through public education and public
health agencies and departments of human resources.
Thus the State
dominates the biological parent in influencing and controlling the child until
they are of legal age.
The State decides what
is taught in the public schools. The State decides what the child will learn
and what career track they'll be on. The State decides what is appropriate
social behavior, and what is politically correct. The State decides and defines
abuse, and what is appropriate affection or discipline in the family.
All this power in the
hands of the State further alienates the children from their biological parents
who are left as nothing more than the custodians of State property.
Biological Parents are Powerless
Haven't you as a
parent ever felt that your children were out of your hands? Read the “UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child” and you'll get a sense of what's on the
horizon for “parental rights in the near future.” 26
In traditional tribal
systems where families and communities are too strongly bonded to be broken or
replaced by the State, the parents can be indoctrinated by old-
We the Children Become We the People
The result for the
child is the same by different means - We the Children are taught to give our
minds and power away to external authority and institutions.
We the Children give
our power away and become slaves to the social and political manipulators,
whether State or biological parents.
Hope for the Children
Our future hope lies
in the establishment of sovereignty for all the people, beginning with
spiritual and emotional sovereignty then extending into the political, economic
and legal realms.
This is the ul
— to free enough
people, young and open enough, to alter the pattern on the planet from negative
(i.e., destructive) energy to positive (i.e., creative) energy.
The ul
The choice is yours.
Legal Aspect Summary
In summary, legal
sovereignty includes:
1. A course of study
to learn about your individual rights and how they are taken away through your
ignorance of the law;
2. Choosing your
3. Understanding
commercial, administrative and judicial remedies; 4. You have the right to do
business in your jurisdiction of choice. 5. See also American &
International Law
Truth is Neither Left Nor Right
The Right and Left
political spectrum and all the bantering about Liberals and Conservatives,
Capitalists, Communists, Socialists, Republicans and Democrats, is presently
irrelevant to the entrenched institutions of the Power structure.
Polarized Mode of Thinking
Mode of Thinking Most
of our thinking, and the resulting conflict, is caught in a polarized mode of
black or white, right or left duality.
This endless and
irrelevant debate plays solidly into the hands of the Power structure and the
global elite by keeping people divided, thus conquered. It's the oldest game in
the book.
You pit two opponents
you want to control against each other and they can no longer see you
controlling both sides of the game.
Like consenting to
peer group pressure, we agree to play the divide and conquer game. We do it to ourselves
and each other unconsciously if not deliberately.
The Power structure
and the global elite are quite content to let people attack and kill each other
instead of focusing attention on their escapades.
Plus it saves them the
cost of the bullet! Wake up
Wake up world!
Unified Mode of Thinking
The truth is neither
Right nor Left, Liberal nor Conservative, Black nor White.
The whole truth and
nothing but the truth is a blending, a melting of the individual points of view
into a paradox of reality, inclusive and comprehensive.
The truth is indeed
much stranger than fiction.
Political Correctness
We're all familiar
with the Christian, Islamic, conservative fundamentalism of the so-called
Political correctness
is the mind numbing, guilt-oriented, intellectual fundamentalism of the Left,
liberal, socialist, and communist global elite, intent on destroying free
thought, independent inquiry and true consensus-building.
Both are presently
irrelevant in the pursuit of truth and the restoration of your sovereignty.
Be watchful of those
who would encourage you to betray your friends, family and neighbors on behalf
of the government.
Beware of D.A.R.E.
programs, Neighborhood Watch and other police-oriented community programs
co-opted to pry into your privacy.
This is part of a
strategy for destroying public and community trust (e.g., Orwell's 1984 ).
As I overheard recently on the campus of a
major university, “In the sixties, it used to be Us vs. Them. Today, with the
advent of political correctness, it's Us vs. Us.” 27
Let's stop fighting
each other and focus on the real issues, the real problems, the real
“We have seen the enemy, and it is us.”
— Pogo
Crime Wave on War Against the People
The supposed “crime
wave” crashing over the American landscape is generated by media
sensationalism, the failed economic policy of the federal government, and inept
legislative priorities and directives by the foreign creditors of the
Why do we build 150
large new prisons in 1995 when the serious crime rate is actually falling? How
can it be that the perception of a “crime wave” is on the rise simultaneously?
What is the hidden agenda here? Who is intended to fill those prisons if not
serious criminals?
Boycott the Media
Stop supporting the
media's attack on your sensibilities.
Boycott the
television, unless you can watch with the utmost of discrimination and
Stop believing what
you hear, or what's projected at you without proving it out for yourself. Do your
own thinking. Reject fundamentalist thinking of all kind, whether so-called
Left or Right in origin.
The People of the Lie
Americans are
presently the most controlled people in the world, supposedly living in a
“free” country, yet they cannot see this.
According to M. Scott
Peck, Americans are the “people-ofthe-lie,” who believe in the lie so
wholeheartedly that we can no longer see, nor do we care to see, reality for
what it is.17
“Reality erosion” is
the most serious mental disability of our
This inner blindness
combined with ignorance, fear, denial and irresponsibility results in crisis
after crisis being created in our lives.
Once again, the truth
is much stranger than fiction.
Surrendered Without Awareness
Most people on the
streets of
According to Jay Leno
interviewing people on the street, many young people don't even know how many
planets are in our solar system, let alone how the political, economic or legal
systems actually work.
Many people, young and
old, have never experienced any real “freedom” in their lives.
They are working all
their lives for the illusion of an American dream, 92% of all Americans are
bankrupt by the age of sixty-two.
Walk in the streets of
You'll see a
stressed-out, defeated and demoralized people, most who have already given up
and resigned themselves to their miserable fate.
They have surrendered
lock, stock and barrel, even though the first shot of a military occupation by
foreign powers (e.g., United Nations troops) has yet to be fired (unless you
Whatever happened to
the bravado and will power of the American people?
We the People better
summon some courage to face ourselves and wake up to smell the future.
Perhaps it'll take
another major crisis for the wake up to occur (hopefully not a war, famine,
plague or another designed economic collapse).
“If we keep going in
the same direction, we're likely to end up where we're headed.”
Prevention is the best
medicine. Educated action is the cure for apathy and indifference. 29
Political Aspect Summary
In summary, political
sovereignty includes:
1. Forming a distinct
political entity as a true nation under the law of nations, sovereign,
independent and free;
3. The foundation of a
global republic.
Notes and Sources
1. Quote from Bo Gritz
sourced from a talk at the Preparedness Expo,
2. Paraphrased from a
famous quote by Thomas Jefferson.
3. See also the
Illuminati's declaration of War upon the People of America, Silent Weapons for
Quiet Wars; William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p.36.
4. The term “economic
slavery” was coined by Johnny Liberty.
5. Sourced from Treaty
Document 1016,. Council of Europe OECD Convention on Mutual Assistance in Tax
Matters signed by the federal United States on June 28, 1989.
6. Sourced from HJR
7. Corpus Juris
Secundum, §1785.
8. From an album by
Bruce Cockburn (forgot which one). See also: https://www.icorp.net/songsearch/dir/c/cockburn,bruce.htm
9. Johnny Liberty
coined the term “economic holocaust.”
10. Sourced from Joel
Achenbach who writes for The Tropic, Sunday magazine of the Miami Herald, and
the Washington Post. Joel coined the term “reality erosion.”`
11. Sourced from
Daniel Boorstin, author of The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in
12. Johnny Liberty
coined the phrase “response-ability.”`
13. Sourced from
Albert Gore, Vice President of the
14. See Also: Wag the
Dog with Dustin Hoffman and Robert De Niro, Woody Harrelson & Willie Nelson
(New Line Cinema/Mercury). A comic satire about the use and abuse of power in
15. From the comments
of Daniel Schott t the National Press Club. See also their list of
16. John Swinden;
comments of the former head of The New York Times toasting the independent
press at the National Press Club, 1953.
17. Sourced from a
presentation by Scott David, Developer of https://gpgonline.com at the Global II
seminar in
18. Sourced from Noam
Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent (South End Press,1989).
19. Johnny Liberty
responded with this article in the Letters to the Editor for the Williamette
Week, May 21st, 1997 by Maureen O'Hagan and Dan Richardson.
20. Ibid.
21. See Also: Dumbing
Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Gatto.
22. Sourced from
Walking the Planks by Fred Shannon, Senior Columnist, Ellis County Press,
summarized from The Free American, June 1998, p.52. See Also: The Communist
Manifesto by Karl Marx.
23. See also:
24. See also: Carolyn
Myss's books and tapes on why we don't heal
25. Sourced from audio
series by Eric Madsen, Team Law. 26. See also: UN Committee on the Rights of
27. Overheard this
line in the movie PCU.
28. M. Scott Pack
coined the phrase “people-of-the-lie.” Find his books and tapes at: https://reston-va.com/peck.htm
29. NANS, Fall `96,
p.3. Subscribe to the North American News Service: (800) 299-4497.
30. See the
15. From the comments
of Daniel Schorr at the National Press Club. See also their list of speeches:
https://www.pava.purdue.edu/Contents/n p97.html