- Chapter Two
Treaty of Paris with
England Conveyed the Powers of Individual Sovereignty to the Citizen in
by Johnny Liberty
Dedicated to the
thousands of pioneers who came before and contributed to the research and
creation of this handbook.
The Big Picture
“Sovereignty itself
is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but
in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of
government, Sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom
all government exists and acts.”
— supreme Court
Decision, Woo Lee vs. Hopkins 118 U.S. 356 1
When I first began
educating around sovereignty issues, I was shocked to find very few Americans with
any concept of sovereignty whatsoever, except to some limited degree as it
related to indigenous people's struggles for self-determination.
“sovereignty” is the central concept around which all political, economic and
legal systems revolve, I was amazed how quickly, in a matter of a few
generations, “sovereignty” become a concept virtually absent from the English
As I taught over the
years, more and more people began to awaken to their own sovereignty,
especially in
— the only country in
the world based on the sovereignty of the individual above that of the
Whether you're
American or not, we're all human beings with the birthright to exercise our
rights and freedom regardless of the political, economic or legal system of the
particular nation we were born into. Sovereignty is about standing in your own
character, presenting yourself, NOT being dependent upon experts and
professionals to do it all for you.
Think Global - Act Responsibly
To reclaim and restore
global sovereignty for all the people requires many levels being activated
simultaneously. We the People must reclaim our spiritual, mental and emotional
sovereignty first and foremost, then with the will to act freely, reclaim,
restore or create our political, economic and legal sovereignty.
— Mental
— Emotional Political
— Economic
— Legal
I've noticed over the
years that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force him/her to
drink. You can teach people about political, economic or legal sovereignty, but
without facing our fears, without the will or courage to act--most people will
not even take the first step. Talk is cheap and words are plentiful, but action
is precious and rare.
— Interdependence
You can give people
all the tools, access to the resources and materials, even the plans to build
their dream house, but without spiritual, mental and emotional sovereignty, the
house remains an unbuilt, unreal idea living still in the clouds.
This educational work
is dedicated to those who have the passion and aliveness for freedom and the
competence to execute effective grounded actions here and now.
“No longer will we
perceive ourselves as isolated individuals; we will know ourselves to be part
of a rapidly integrating global network, the nerve cells of an awakened global
— Peter Russell, The
Global Brain 2
Spiritual and Mental Sovereignty
Freedom is being
effortlessly aligned with the source of all creation. You must awaken to
knowing that within you is that source, and that you are truly whole and
complete as you are. You must awaken to knowing that you are responsible for
creating your own reality and are empowered to create prosperity and abundance
from that place.
Freedom Is Creative
Prosperity and
abundance is also aligned with freedom. Prosperity is not equal to money, but
true wealth.
Freedom is not
something we must “fight” for. Freedom is more than just our ability to go
places, but to navigate the inner world as well
— to move freely in any
direction without resistance. Integrity is defined as the alignment of your
thoughts, words and deeds.
To be truly free, you
must declare your spiritual and emotional sovereignty. 3
What happens when the
human race gives its mind and power away? What happens when the veil of secrecy
is lifted to speed the moment when the days of world domination and global
manipulation are over?
As David Icke says so
well in his book, The Truth Shall Set You Free, an elite few cannot dominate
and control billions of people and create wars for their advantage unless
thousands of millions are willing to be used as economic slaves and cannon
fodder. Collective consciousness is the accumulation of the sum thoughts
broadcasted each moment by the human race. These thoughts can be negative or
Presently, there's an
overwhelming vortex of negative thought forms and energy keeping the human
collective consciousness grounded in the root chakra of fear and control. This
applies to each and every species as well on Earth.
“Once you can
manipulate the thoughts of one generation, it gets easier to impose your will
on future generations because you now have the programmed parents and `leaders'
unknowingly working on your behalf. It's a conspiracy to manipulate the human
race's sense of self and in doing so, the creation of its physical reality.” 4
Until we take our
minds back, start thinking and deciding for ourselves to live as co-creators in
this beautiful universe, co-creating our own realities with the divine, we'll
be subject to intense mind control and manipulation that robs us daily of our
life force.
Too long have human
beings allowed others to think for them, to fill their heads with someone
else's ideas. Power structures are nourished on negative energy and our own negative
thoughts and reactions perpetuate this feeding frenzy. 5
We must deprogram and
de-condition ourselves to the point of “disillusionment.” We must commit
ourselves to a steep learning curve, take back our own minds, think, boycott
the mainstream media, educational conditioning, read books, listen to audio and
videotapes, attend seminars and discern what's true for us.
This is the root of
all sovereignty education — reclaiming and restoring your spiritual, mental and
emotional sovereignty, then taking total responsibility for creating your own
reality and the consequences therein. We must then declare political, economic
and legal sovereignty as well.
We've been living in
the age of darkness. Stoned cold eyes of steel. Out of fear comes the need to
control. When will we rise up and let it go? I've been praying for the Golden
Age. Warm smiles and eyes of soul Grounded in love we build a whole new world.
When will we wake up and let it be? We're living in a mighty vision of truth.
Stand together in our sovereignty. Heart to heart we join in unity. There will
be justice and liberty.
— Johnny Light
Herd Mentality
[Editor's Note: Thanks
to David Icke for his inspiration and contribution to these sections.]
We're all part of the same
consciousness. Divisions are only in our minds. These attitudes most people
have adopted allow a few people to control the destiny of the planet.
We're due for a
spiritual awakening. God save us from religion. Religion is the greatest form
of mind control through the manipulation of fear, guilt and shame. Spirituality
is the opposite of religion.
The people are
terrorized into denying who we are. From birth we are taught to conform, to be
comfortable and to live within the “hassle-free” zone. All societies and
dogmas, religious or political are generally “hassle-free” if you conform.
We're pretty much left
alone because we are not perceived as a threat to the established order. This
herd mentality allows the rule of the world by a few masterful manipulators.
We are herded through
conditioning and fear just like the shepherd and his flock with a stick (i.e.,
conditioning) and sheep dog (i.e., police).
We the People
consistently react in the direction the power structure intends. For example,
the power structure masterminds a problem (e.g.,
The Power structure
steps in to rescue us with the already preconceived solution and directs us one
more step towards centralized, totalitarian world government.
Thanks to
— Reaction
— Solution
These strategies for
controlling large populations have been orchestrated for generations. When the
World Health Organization (WHO) wants us to line up at the clinics and get our
flu shots, they simply whip up a frenzy through the media that they predict a
flu epidemic is going to happen next year.
They create the
problem to get the desired response. We the Sheeple react, line up to get our
flu shots and sure enough there's a flu epidemic. Wake up people!
Gradually, stepping
stone by stepping stone our liberties and our sensibilities erode and We the
Sheeple are led down an unholy road giving our power away at every step in the
Frighten them and the
people will demand their power be taken from them. We have grown comfortable at
“giving our power away” and denying ourselves. This is what's perceived as
— the status quo. Once
the mindset is there, it defends the norm
— whatever the
hassle-free zone considers reality.
We are more afraid of
what other people think of us than what we think of ourselves.
If we step out of the
herd and go our own way, dance to the beat of our own drummer, others will
notice and they might not like us anymore. If you evacuate the “hassle-free”
zone and have a mind of your own, do your own thinking and come to your own
conclusions then others won't approve.
You ask, “What would
the other slaves think if I was free. Gee, mom and dad won't approve.”
Neither will our
friends, our lovers, perhaps even our children will hate us. Are we so weak, so
cowardly that we cannot step out and live our own lives? 6
Policing Ourselves
Mostly we police each other
and ourselves. It's not possible for a small handful of people to control and
rule the world unless the people are partners in the plan. When one of us
doesn't conform, we police each other into conformity through projected guilt,
blame and shame techniques. We maintain the prison at all costs to our “peace
of mind.”
For if we ever faced
the truth, our lives would be ripped apart and that's a “hassle.” We'd have to
live in the “hasslefull” zone and challenge the established order.
We'd have to question
authority and ask “why?” We'd have to look inside and know ourselves. The real
war is in our psyches between these factions. Our prisons have no walls except
those psychological ones we've conditioned into each other through projection
and denial systems, such as our family system, churches, schools, media,
government and police.
“Don't let the
system fool you,
all they want to do is rule you.”
— Bruce Cockburn
Due to the
compartmentalization of our institutions in the form of a pyramid, where the
people at the bottom don't know what the people on the next level up are doing,
very few have ever “connected the dots.”
Only a handful of
people at the very top ever have the whole picture. Most interface with
government is with the clerks in the front office who haven't a clue what their
agency ever does. They are the frontline of the mindset. Do what you're told.
Ask no questions. Give no answers or “legal advice.”
What have We the
People allowed to stand? How much death and oppression have we tolerated due to
our herd mentality, don't rock the boat mentality, don't question authority
These attitudes have
created mountains of suffering for our fellow human beings, and the destruction
of many parts of the earth. And what will ever stop it, until we face ourselves
and awaken to our true self and power?
Emotional Sovereignty
The well of tears and
sadness within my heart runs deep. I shed a tear for the struggles, and the
These tears are also
for myself. Having a good cry is healthy, human and holy. We are emotional
beings like it or not. We must relearn how to express our emotions
authentically and without projection or blame on other people. We must reclaim
our humanity.
The loss of human and
planetary potential, the destruction of what is inherently beautiful on this
Earth proceeds at an alarming pace. For these lost possibilities, I grieve.
For our belief in a
death culture, I grieve. There are
We must open to
receive the healing (i.e., wholeness) for ourselves and each other. Without
emotional healing, all effort at reclaiming our sovereignty in the external
realms will be lost. We must reclaim our sovereignty from the inside out. Yes,
having feelings is human. Being human is divine.
We the People seem
still to be mostly unconscious of ourselves and our possibilities. When will we
awaken and feel the loss? I grieve the sadness in my own heart and the pain and
suffering accumulated throughout history. No transgression against any one of
us has not also been a transgression against each of us.
We must release the
fear and terror accumulated through generations of perpetuating negative energy
on this planet.
It's essential for the
cleansing, purification and rejuvenation of the human spirit. It takes more
than an intellectual process to purge the human psyche of these memories that
no longer serve your liberation.
You must release them
from your physical memories, from your spiritual and emotional bodies as well.
Take the
Once released, a well
of joy will be available to generate positive energy (i.e., love) and gift it
to those around you — especially yourself. “Here is a definition of emotional
sovereignty. First of all, it means liberation, freedom. A state of emotional
sovereignty is obtained when a person recognizes, both intellectually and
emotionally, that he or she is the total creator of his/her reality and has
sole responsibility for him/herself.” 7
Breaking Through Fears
Fears must be
challenged to be overcome. We get so comfortable and familiar with our fears
that we've accepted them as a necessary and unavoidable part of us. So long as
our lifestyle, beliefs and fears go unchallenged, we'll go about our business
of living half the life we're capable of. “One thing you can't hide is when
you're crippled inside.” 8
“Plug the holes in yourself.”
— Scott David
According to Coach
Michael Connaway, you must break order and invite chaos into your life to
effectively challenge your fears. A life in chaos confronts fears.
Furthermore, you must
close the back door and all escape routes to abuse and co-dependency if you're
going to succeed at conquering your fears. Unbelievably, more people are afraid
of public speaking (i.e., being seen) than of death.
Fear = Control
Since we are
imaginations of ourselves, we can create with our fears, or with love, with negative
or positive energy. Most of our fears are simply imagination with little or no
basis in reality. Isn't it interesting how many people are afraid of spiders,
chipmunks or other critters that are thousands of
Many people are afraid
of change, even if staying where they are is abusive or hurtful. They are more
afraid of the change than the abuse. “Even though I know I'm going to be taxed
or attacked by the government, I'm too afraid to change.”
Why do women stay in
an abusive relationship? Because they are more afraid of change than of the
abuse itself.
At least in the
abusive relationship, they know what to expect. This is the comfort zone. This
is the epitome of vic
> EN-COURAGE--put courage in the locker
room of your life.
Many people are too
willing to settle for their lot in life, working at minimum wage or at a job
(i.e., Just Over Broke) that barely makes ends meet instead of shooting for the
moon, getting off welfare, and being successful.
We `re so committed to
“keeping it together,” or at least keeping up appearances or being right, so
much so that we're willing to live a lie in order to stay the same. Have
courage and face your fears. The rewards are greater than the cost.9
“Winners love to
sweat, bleed, and get dirty.”
— Michael Connaway
Self-Responsibility, Self-Government
Humanity as a whole
wishes to give away its responsibility daily for what happens in the world. We
rarely look at ourselves for responsibility. Instead we demand “others” do
something about the “problems” in the world and project fear, guilt, shame upon
others to manipulate them into doing it for us.
If indeed there are
“problems,” and I would argue that all “problems” are created in the minds of
human beings, then solving them is about taking responsibility for having
created them in the first place. Nothing is a problem until we perceive it to
be so. Take responsibility!
Humanities desire to give
its mind away has allowed a structure to develop over hundreds, if not
thousands of years, which today is on the verge of creating a global,
fascist/communistic/capitalistic dictatorship.
I wish that fascism
had ended with Adolf Hitler. It just ain't so. Worse that it's often poised
behind a smiling “Have a Nice Day!” face while they're taking you to the
The human race so
often appears to be like a herd of bewildered and lost sheep. We the Sheeple
are too easily led by the self-appointed shepherds who lead us eventually to
our enslavement if not our slaughter.
We the People must
take our minds back and it won't be easy. The dependency and “comfort” of
having others do your thinking for you is epidemic on the planet right now.
Very few have learned
how to think, how to discern, integrate or verify fact from fiction. Very few
would even read a book anymore let alone do serious research into the global
elite's plans for global domination and control. Take your mind back!
The responsibility for
taking our minds back, for taking our power back begins and ends with us. Think
constructively and proactively. Question everything status quo, mainstream and
alternative especially authority.
Share your knowledge
freely and awaken those around you to the necessity of shaking off the chains
of oppression, and the trance of mind control and manipulation that has
descended like a cloud over the human race. Wake up Humanity! 10
Anger and Blame is Not Taking Responsibility
Some of us have
already been getting angry and blaming others for our lot in life, not understanding
or taking responsibility for how we created the situation in the first place.
Some of the ways we
are trying to change it, to get out of the system, are really dragging us
deeper into a confrontation that results in less freedom and more hassles than
you care to deal with.
Let's say you're
someone who studies the Constitution and our American history, and realizes
that there is a contradiction between what was set up and what is going on now.
This could very well make you angry and want to get back at somebody for having
deceived you.
If you're an
individual with a lot of vic
— you'll externalize
the vic
You then have someone
who is angry and decides to buck the system. Let's say they refuse to register
their car, get automobile insurance or a drivers license. Through their anger,
their intent is to simply make a statement
— to cause trouble,
not necessarily to get educated about how to withdraw lawfully and/or legally.
This creates
resistance toward the very structure they are struggling to pull away from, and
generally a reaction or consequence from the system. You might end up with an
indictment, a warrant for your arrest, or becoming the subject of malicious
prosecution. And furthermore, it's not the most intelligent way to get free and
become sovereign.
If you're going to
step out the system, then you'd better be certain that you are doing it
lawfully and/or legally so as to not create circumstances you'll regret later.
Most people know just enough about these things to be dangerous to themselves.
All it does is balance
the intensity of the structure. It will not free them but keep them chained to
it. The person never looks at the real reason for the anger
— the relinquishment
of individual sovereignty
— but instead blames
that loss on someone else.
You can never be
sovereign if you blame anyone else for anything. You must ALWAYS take complete
and total responsibility not only for what's going on inside, but what's going
on outside.
There are many
individuals who feel they are engaged in good causes when they are reacting in
But I'll advise you
that anger and blame will NEVER solve the structural challenges of our system.
It can never break the structure. The question is, what will break the
First, it takes an
intelligent understanding of the structure itself, why it was created and how
it is kept in place. After that it will be necessary to process any anger,
martyrdom or vic
There are people at
present who are starting to hear the voice of their conscience, who are
processing their vic
And when they realize
this in their own conscience, they can no longer keep it intact. They must
follow their own integrity. In that choice to follow integrity, cleanly,
clearly, with no anger — the structure
begins to change.
The issue is not the
structure that is enslaving you, but the fact that you have allowed it to
enslave you. If you can begin to understand why you've allowed this, why you've
forgotten you put it here to begin with, then true sovereignty is right around
the corner.11
Power is the Name of the Game
Human beings have been
terrorized into submission to the guy with the bigger club since the dawn of
so-called civilization. Bully's have always lorded over the weak.
Have you ever looked
into the bully's eyes and seen self-confidence and self-love? No, I see fear
and terror rooted in the posture.
They are simply
creating their own reality from fear and deceiving everyone else into believing
they're powerful. Don't buy into it. True power comes from strength of
character, not from the force of arms.
So ask yourself, who's
the bully in your life? Who makes the rules over your life? Is it the
government? Is it your parents, spouse, children, teachers, preachers, experts
or professionals?
If you aren't making
the rules, then somebody else is. If you don't have the freedom and the
presence of mind to make the rules over your life, then you aren't free. If you
aren't the sovereign, then somebody else is. If you do not take responsibility
for governing yourself, you will be governed. Guaranteed!
Sovereignty is not any
great mystery really. It's just a well kept secret. It's about having the
freedom and presence of mind to make the rules over your own life, so long as
you don't infringe on another's rights or freedom in the process. Can you even
imagine such a world?
Those who feed off the
powering over others don't want you to govern yourself, otherwise they'd have
to find a new source of employment. The global elite would have to get a job
like everybody else.
So stop complaining
and whining about your life. Create a better one where you become the
rule-maker, the sovereign.
Sovereignty is the Source of Power
Sovereignty is the
source of power and authority from which all laws and governments arise. It is
the source of power from which all governments are created and abolished.
Sovereignty is the
central concept behind all political, economic and legal systems. All wars are
fought over the issue of sovereignty. Who is the sovereign? Who will power over
another? Who shall prevail? Who makes the rules?
Sovereignty is also
the intersecting point between the political and spiritual realms. The outer
and inner worlds meet, as above — so below, in the concept of sovereignty.
Whoever constitutes
the sovereignty constructs government, corporations, banks and other structures
to institute and maintain a “Power structure” that operates under the exclusive
authority of the sovereign.
Only recently has the
concept of sovereignty extended to the realms of the common people, as inherent
to all free people organized in a free republic, of and by the people.
“When the [American]
Revolution took place,
the people of each State became themselves sovereign.”
— Pollard v Hagan 3 H.
Historically in the
West, prior to the American Revolution and the founding of the
There were the
Monarchs, the Kings and Queens of various European nations, the Catholic
Church, the Pope, and the
— Pope
Historically in the
East, dating back thousands of years, there were Kings and
Sovereign powers have
destroyed thousands of indigenous tribes, and hundreds of sovereign nations
through colonialism, war, slavery, disease and economic subjugation since the
dawn of
> SOVEREIGN--supreme, absolute,
uncontrollable power and authority over a body politic; freedom from external
control; superior power owing no allegiance to another; enjoying autonomy; an
acknowledged leader; source of all laws and governments; organizes various
entities and structures to manage and preserve their assets.
> SUBJECT--owing allegiance to a
sovereign or other ruler and is governed by his/her laws; the term is little
used in countries enjoying a “republican” form of government.
The British government
was created by the sovereign lineage of the monarchy of
Although it may appear
today that the Queen of England doesn't have decision-making authority with
regard to the day-to-day functioning of the British parliamentary government,
the Queen of England still represents a long geneology of power and authority
from which that government was created.
For example, the
lineage of the royal family holds vast assets in various “Sovereign Trusts”
with a situs in the Isle of Man from which they grant property and assets to
royal favorites in exchange for loyalty.12 Although, their power has been
diminished due to the rise of very powerful central banking families, the
royals are still a sovereign power to contend with.
Very powerful people
had their lands “deeded” them by a “Sovereign,” including the Virginia Company
and the New England Company which were the first charters in the New World from
which the founding fathers received their titles and property.13
The British people are
still “subjects” of the Queen wherever they reside including countries like
> REAL--from the Spanish meaning “royal”;
pertaining to the succession of king deeded, estate lands; all titles flow from
the sovereign; the root of the term “real” estate.
“Canon Law Trusts”
served as the basis for most democratic and parliamentary governments formed in
the New World, including the Mayflower Compact, the Commonwealths, and the
Constitution for the
The Pope still holds
tremendous power today, both over his congregation of Roman Catholics around
the world, but also economic and political power through the administration of
its assets.
The Roman Catholic
Church is the largest “real estate” owner in the world. Much of modern day
colonialism and the settling of the
Since sovereignty is
the source of power and authority from which all laws arise, each sovereign
power created its own system of law and imposed it on others. Laws were passed
down from generation to generation, from nation to nation over a long history.
When the sovereign
powers colonized the native territories and nations, and “discovered”
Both the King of
England and the Pope brought their respective laws with them to
Thirty-eight (38) of
the forty-eight (48) states based their own state constitutions on the Common
law of
The Pope codified the
“Canon law,” which was integrated into the Common law, and was the foundation
in law from which the Constitution for the
The “Doctrine of
Discovery” was a papal decree that paved the way for modern colonialism, the
exploitation of indigenous peoples worldwide, international law, and the world
court system.
> COMMON LAW--unwritten, natural law
codified in
> CANON LAW--moral rules and laws
integrated from various religious traditions especially the Roman Catholic
Church; rights given by “GOD” through intuition and common sense; principles of
life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness; principles of religious freedom
and the 1st Amendment.
Sovereign powers
design, create and abolish governments at will. They charter corporations,
establish trust organizations and commercial enterprises, engage in war to
protect or expand their interests, and administer economic controls through
central banking systems.
Sovereigns are the
invisible Power structure pulling the strings of all corporations, banks and
nation states.
Sovereigns are more
powerful than presidents, senators, congressmen or other high-ranking
government officials. Sovereigns are more powerful than the CEO's of
transnational corporations, or the governors of the 50 corporate States. Today,
sovereign Power structures are a complex, and mostly invisible, network of
individuals, business trusts, legal fictions, corporations, foreign entities,
nation states and central banks.
Sovereigns operate
from the source of all power and authority, protected by the rule of force,
while having access to economic and political power that is largely unavailable
to the common people.
But We the People have
a wild card, yet to be fully played.
In the
We the People are
sovereign American Nationals OR “state” Citizens and there is no superior
authority. It is up to us to reclaim our sovereignty and re-establish a lawful,
de jure government of the people, by the people and for the people.
“There is no such
thing as a power of inherent sovereignty in the government of the [federal]
in this country sovereignty
resides in the people, and Congress can exercise no power which they [the
sovereign people] have not, by their Constitution entrusted to it:
All else is withheld.”
— supreme Court
Justice Field 16
Notes and Sources
1. See also the
comments of Chief Justice John Jay (sovereigns without subjects) from Chisholm
v. Georgia, 2 Dall. 418 at 471 (1793).
2. Quote sourced from
Peter Russell, The Global Brain (J.P. Tarcher Inc., p.93).
3. Sourced from a presentation
by Fredric Lehrman at the Global II seminar in
4. Quote and
inspiration sourced from David Icke, The Truth Shall Set You Free (Bridge of
Love, Cambridge, 1995), p. 21.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Sourced from the
Internet, Spiritual Sovereignty, channeled by Germane, & Llyssa Royal.
8. From a song by John
Lennon. See his books and music at:www.spydersempire.com/empirezi ne/features/debut/
lennonbooks- PERSONAL.htm
9. Sourced from a
presentation by Coach Michael Connaway, Michael Connaway Motivations at the
Global II seminar in
10. Inspired by David
Icke's The Truth Shall Set You Free (Bridge of Love, Cambridge, 1995).
11. Sourced from the
Internet, Spiritual Sovereignty, channeled by Germane, & Llyssa Royal.
12. Sourced from a
confidential essay of the Capital Parish of the Oversoul.
13. Sourced from
Alexander Christopher, Pandora's Box, p.110.
14. Sourced from a
confidential essay of the Capital Parish of the Oversoul.
15. See also: Lonnie
Crockett, Trusts Explained.
16. Sourced from
Julliard v. Greenman, 110