- Chapter Four`

The American Republic is Distinct from the Federal Government and the Global Elite.


by Johnny Liberty`

Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and creation of this handbook.

Power Makes the Rules`

“The strength and power of despotism consists` wholly in the fear of resistance.”

— Thomas Paine` “A de facto government is understood to be one` in actual control of the government machinery` of the State and exercising authority without` substantial opposition.”

— Charles Fenwick`

"I do not like experts. They are our jailers.

I despise experts more than anyone on earth..

They solve nothing! They are servants of` whatever system hires them.

They perpetuate it.

When we are tortured, we shall be tortured` by experts. When we are hanged, experts` will hang us... When the world is destroyed,` it will be destroyed not by its madmen` but by the sanity of its experts and the` superior ignorance of its bureaucrats.”

— John LeCarre, The Russia House 1`

For most people, talking about sovereignty, political,` economic and legal systems and how they actually work, the` nature of power, who is in control and pulling the strings of` the American legislative and banking system, is forbidden. It` is taboo! It is inappropriate and certainly not politically` correct!` Seldom do we hear these “impolite” conversations around` the coffee table. These questions are not seriously addressed` or investigated by the mainstream media, or academia from` any neutral non-prejudiced point on the Right-Left political` spectrum. The polarities are also maintained by both` political parties and special interest groups to prevent any` serious dialogue or truth-seeking to occur. If we weren’t so` insecure about our positions, we’d invite lively and serious` debate on the issues instead of hiding inside our hall of` mirrors behind our veil of illusions. Are we so afraid to lose` our ideals?

As a result of this well-organized complicity of silence, this` conspiracy of ignorance and fear, most Americans haven’t a` clue as to what is really going on, nor do they care how to` relate to the rapidly changing world around them.

We the People are forbidden to think or question how we are` actually governed! And We the People police ourselves into` conformity and compliance. Are we so afraid to ask?

Conspiracy of Ignorance and Fear` Dissent has been profoundly squelched and discredited. If` we had even the faintest notion of what is actually going on,` we would rise up by tomorrow morning, and demand the` immediate resignation (or worse) of all our leaders. Are we` so afraid of the truth? So we ask the hard questions anyway.

Who controls 98% of the world’s resources including land,` real estate, natural resources, capital, media, industry,` corporations and national governments?

To whom are they accountable? Where did they get their` power and authority? Is there a conspiracy to take over the` world? Is there a global elite positioned to benefit from` world government?

How do GATT and NAFTA serve the rich and powerful` international bankers and destroys third world economies?

Where does your income tax money really go and what does` it pay for?

Why is the American military under the foreign command of` the United Nations (under a Russian commander)? Why did` former President George Bush involve America in the Gulf` War?

Why did former President Ronald Reagan seal the National` Archives for fifty years (so we couldn’t discover who really` owns and controls America)?

Why does President Bill Clinton continue the policies and` treaties of the Bush administration to compromise the` sovereignty of the united states of America?

When did the Attorney General begin operating as a foreign` agent under the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and` expatriate its allegiance to INTERPOL? How does the` bankruptcy of the federal United States affect economic` growth?

What is inflation (a hidden tax)? Who are the real “enemies”  of the united states of America (domestic or foreign)? Why` does the government chronically lie to its Citizens?

Wake up America!` These are just a few of a thousand questions we must dare to` ask, and demand a truthful answer from our elected` representatives, politicians and public servants.

They have pulled the wool over our eyes far too long. And` We the People spun the wool! Don’t expect them to tell the` truth, unless they know that you know what they’re up to.

This book and others like it will open your eyes forever. The` answers to these questions are contained within the pages of` this book. There is no excuse left for remaining asleep.

There’s no possibility for going back to sleep! Wake up` America!`

“Nothing in politics happens by accident.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt`

Is there an invisible, sovereign power that demands` allegiance from the bankrupt nation states of the United` Nations? Is there a conspiracy?

After considerable research and years of soul searching, I` would conclude without a doubt that sovereign powers and` the global elite are behind the scenes of every significant` event in the world today.

“There is no indication that American public` opinions, for example, would approve the` establishment of a super state, or permit` American membership in it.

In other words, time – a long time –` will be needed before world government is` politically feasible…` This time element might seemingly be shortened` so far as American opinion is concerned` by an active propaganda campaign` in this country.”

-Allen W. Dulles (CFR)2`

James P. Warburg testifying (February 17th, 1950) before a` Senate Foreign Relations Committee as to the relinquishment` of the sovereignty of the de jure united states of America` and the several republican states of the Union said, “We` shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The` question is only whether world government will be achieved` by consent or conquest.” These Hearings occurred on` February 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, and 20th, 1950. The records` were ordered sealed for 75 years. You might get a chance to` look at them in the year 2025. So much for the concept of` open government. What are they hiding?

The sovereign Power structures are mostly invisible,` competing for larger market share of power and control over` every aspect of our lives globally. They also merge in huge` cartels and monopolies so as to minimize competition and` maximize profits.

Sovereign Power structures wrestle with each other behind` the scenes of every war and conflict in the world today.

These powerful individuals, trusts, institutions, businesses,` corporations, banks, and networks of international` organizations are the “sovereigns” behind all the` governments of all the nation states in the world today.

Power structures have been with us since the dawn of time.

Power structures began with the big, strong, imposing` individual who protected the tribe, and evolved to the` complex, transnational mega-structures that typify the` modern, technological Power structures of today. The most` important founding principle of any organized Power` structure is “divide to conquer, and to keep conquered, keep` divided.”3`

Divide and Conquer` We the People have become such experts at dividing` ourselves against each other: rich against poor, black against` white, male against female, strong against weak, smart` against stupid, young against old, heterosexual against` homosexual (vice versa and ad nauseum), that we presently` pose no threat to the authority of the Power structures that` run our global political, economic and legal systems.

We the People have become “petty tyrants” of our own` accord, lording over our tiny territory of family, friends and` associates in our so-called democracy.

A people divided against themselves will not organize` politically, nor will they build the necessary communities of` trust and open their eyes to what is really going on behind` the scenes of our day-to-day struggle to survive.

We the People are the political prisoners of fear, angrily` blaming and suing each other, avoiding individual` responsibility and persecuting the innocent instead of` rallying together and recognizing our real oppressors.

As Winston Churchill said, “There is nothing to fear, except` fear itself.” We the People do not acknowledge who the real` perpetrators are, or their agenda for global domination and` world government.

That there is a sovereign Power structure with a lineage of` players going back hundreds of years is undeniable. That` there is a history of secret societies, brotherhoods and other` inexplicable events about the origins of the human race is` also irrefutable and not within the scope of this book.

I am interested in the “What’s So?” of the Power structure` and their strategies for “mind control.” It’s not possible to` control billions of people without their consent to give their` minds away, and a somewhat sophisticated system of` manipulation. Just look how effective advertising is in` “conditioning a market” to buy just about anything.

I’m amazed everyday at the crap people buy. I’m amazed to` watch them shop until they drop. I’m simply amazed at what` people believe that other people tell them without question.

I’m completely amazed people believe anything the` government or media tells them at all!` Getting beyond the institutionalized denial, which` surrounds most “conspiracy theories”, and anything else` that reeks of serious investigation and truth is our greatest` challenge. Many people stop thinking the second they hear` the term “conspiracy theory,” or any of the other popular` media buzzwords (e.g., white supremacist, racist, bigot,` domestic terrorist).

The conversation is over! Like it or not, this is “mind` control.” Furthermore, very intelligent and well-educated` people are susceptible.

Many people are willing to prostitute the truth for their own` self-interest, self-preservation, and their careers. This is the` particular sin of media professionals who prostitute` themselves daily for a good story.

Many people have put social status above intellectual` honesty. Let the facts speak for themselves, for those with` the courage to listen. Do your own research, confirm the` evidence, think for yourself, and draw your own conclusions.

“It may be true...

that you can’t fool all the people all the time,` but you can fool enough of them` to rule a large country.”

Will and Ariel Durant

Conspiracy theories are mostly based on serious` investigation, fact, history and the public record. Where the` conspiracy gets stretched and loses credibility is when we` extrapolate to fill in the holes of our theories.

Special Knowledge is Power`

Knowledge has always been power. There is knowledge` hidden from most human beings that has been sequestered` and passed down from generation to generation through` secret societies and the mystery schools of Babylon, Egypt` and Greece up to modern times.

There are higher and lower levels of initiation into this` special knowledge. As many as 95% of the members of these` secret societies will not realize the agenda until they reach` the highest levels of the pyramid.

These are the foundations for the global manipulation and` control structures that presently rule the world and guard` the mental, spiritual and emotional “prisons” we occupy as` human beings.

Through these hierarchal structures, with only a few at the` top with complete command of the esoteric knowledge, the` global elite rules billions of people in an almost seamless` interlocking grid.

>ESOTERIC = meant only for the initiated.

Sometimes the hoarding of such knowledge was not for` negative purposes, but because it would come under attack if` known. Human beings have at root an innate fear of change,` and prejudice towards innovation and new ideas. The` believers in the flat-earth theory and the established political` order resisted the concept of the Earth as a sphere and` burned ‘heretics” at the stake. Spiritual knowledge can be` used for good or evil. A hammer is just a tool and can be` used for construction or negative intent.

Many of these secret societies hoarded knowledge for the` purpose of power and control over others, especially the` ignorant masses.

Ignorant people were excellent slaves, servants and cannon` fodder for the incessant wars and conflicts of history. To` maintain privilege, class and the ruling family bloodlines,` required massive efforts to keep the truth from the people.

Balance Negative with Positive Energy` The aim of these secret “brotherhoods” was to not only` hoard knowledge, but to persuade the mass of people to` believe any old nonsense.

This secret knowledge included ancient maps of the world,` evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, how to` exploit gullible human minds, various natural energy grids` and to manipulate them to their advantage.

When used for negative or control purposes, this sacred` knowledge becomes distorted. The distorted aspect of this` esoteric knowledge has been largely a misunderstanding and` misapplication of the universal power of love, without which` the Power structure generates and feeds off negative energy.

Without love, knowledge will always be misused. It is the` mind without the heart and inevitably leads to destruction.

Mainstream puppet-journalists make liberal use of the` phrase “conspiracy nuts” when describing those who express` “anti-government” sentiment. To the average governmenteducated` citizen, any story regarding the U.S. government` betraying its own people appears ludicrous.

Yet Americans have been groomed over generations to` believe in political puppet shows designed to mask a` complex and quite different reality.

As have the citizens of other countries. In reality, global` economic interdependence was set up to ultimately control` the peoples of the Earth through manipulation of food,` energy and financial resources.

But the real puppet masters behind most ideological power` struggles are rarely chronicled by historians, because they` choose not to be seen.

The history and activities of many key players in the current` struggle for global power, including the Trilateral` Commission, Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations` (CFR) and the United Nations is well documented.

Throughout time, people have sought to control others.

Deceptive manipulation techniques have been used and` fine-tuned over many centuries. Such ploys, like this often` played out scenario:`

1) One creates conflicts where people fight each other and` not the true instigator.

2) One is never seen as the instigator of the conflicts.

3) One supports all warring parties.

4) One is seen as a ‘benefactor’ who could end the conflict.

Ending the conflict, of course, requires control of an unruly` populace by the unseen third party who manipulated the` game all along. The strategy is clearly successful.

People today are so busy chasing their tails over endless` deliberately created conflicts within a web of misinformation` that most of them will never know who really destroyed their` country, or why.

The desire to rule the world goes back to biblical times and` beyond. One such plan for world domination was` documented over two centuries ago.

The “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” outlined steps toward a` “one world government” by the year 2000. The plan` discussed the manipulation of three world wars. The idea` was to use the fears and weaknesses of people as a means of` eventually enslaving them.

Absolute control of mainstream media was recognized as` essential, as was government control over education.

History has unfolded almost to the letter of this amazing` document written so long ago; any rational being could not` dismiss such evidence as coincidence.

Yet all attempts to reveal the roots or activities of this or any` branch of the hidden power structure have been uniformly` squelched and ridiculed by today's propaganda masters.

There are many branches, indeed separate power structures` altogether, vying for global domination in this hideous chess` game. Insatiable desire for wealth and control of societal ideology has created an unseen elite bent upon enslaving the` masses. “Today there is not a single nation on this world` that is not so indebted that it could exist without credits` from the international bankers.”

The world waits, poised like a house of cards with a tornado` heading its way. When the storm hits, will the people beg` their “governments” to save them, or will they come together` and cast off this rotting mantle of oppression for good?

There is nothing to be said totally against a world` government, it is a desirable goal if only it is led by sovereign` people who have the wellbeing of their fellow-man on their` minds and hearts and who have the integrity to develop such` a world government openly and above all freely.

The world government presently being developed is for the` elite, and for the elite only. Thus the rest of humanity is kept` in the dark and is thus enslaved. 4` Here is a brief list of some of the secret societies that have` been influential in American and world history. 5`

Freemasons (Babylon, Egypt and Hebrew Kabbala` School) Freemasons still worship a "God" called` Jahbulon - Jah (Jehovah, Hebrew) Bul (Baal, Babylon)` and On (Osiris, Egypt)`

Knights of Malta (Knights Hospitallers of St. John;` controls the Vatican; Maltese cross is on the Nazi hat` with a Skull & Bones)`

Cathars (attacked and destroyed by Catholic Church)`

Knights Templar (based in France; were attacked by` the Vatican and went underground as the Knights of` Christ; became the first modern bankers in the Western` world; funded the royal families of Europe and had them` up to their neck in debt; the Red Cross adopted by the` Knights Templar was present on Christopher Columbus` ships to the New World; the Red Cross goes on` humanitarian missions during war or emergencies as a` front organization)` The Priory of Sion` Order of the Rosy Cross`

Royal Society (one of the most influential bodies` regarding science)` Rosicrucians` The Dragons` The Black Nobility`

Skull & Bones Society (at Yale University)`

Bavarian Illuminati (split ranks with the Masonic` lodges of Germany)`

League of the Just (precursor to Communist League` which spawned Karl Marx and the Communist` Manifesto)`

Arab Brotherhood Grand Lodge (Egypt)` Egyptian Brotherhood Temple, El-Amarna` Order of the Golden Dawn`

Bohemian Grove (where the global elite participate in` secret rituals to Moloch/Baal - the sun diety of the` Phoenicians - symbolized by the stone owl.)`

Feminine Role in Her-story` There are major imbalances including the domination of the` negative over the positive energy and the male over the` female. The re-emergence of feminine power or “goddess` energy” is essential to the re-harmonizing of the Earth.

Balancing Male and Female` What has been passed off as “women's rights” though, is just` a female version of “penis power.” True feminine power` comes from the heart not the intellect.

It is not about emulating the male power or wanting to` achieve what men have achieved, but about a different way` of being altogether.

Let women be women and be honored and respected for it.

Let the feminine be valued and honored for the expression` of heart as much as the workings of the intellect. There must` be more emphasis on this balancing in all the sovereignty` work.

The secret societies are almost entirely male-dominated and` patriarchal with women excluded from the knowledge and` decision-making.

Women have their own power and esoteric knowledge by` virtue of their sex, secrets around creation and birth which` men have coveted and attempted to replicate and control.

Lets explore partnership (i.e., Riane Eisler) models between` the sexes, not domination and submission.6`

The Illuminati & Freemasons` If you want to trace the sovereign Power structure to its` roots thousands of years ago, I’d recommend “Pandora’s` Box” by Alex Christopher or “Secret Societies and Their` Power in the 20th Century” by Jan van Helsing. Both reveal` with exciting detail the long lineages of bloodlines up to the` present day. “The Truth Shall Set You Free” by David Icke is` also a good reference work.7` The best single reference work on the Bavarian Illuminati in` fact and legend is “The Illuminoids” by Neal Wilgus.8` The Bavarian Illuminati was founded (May 1, 1776) by Dr.

Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt` University. “He formed a secret society called the ‘Order of` the Illuminati’ within the existing Masonic lodges of` Germany...

In 1785, the Illuminati were suppressed by the Bavarian` government for allegedly plotting to overthrow all the Kings` in Europe and the Pope to boot.” Sounds like the kind of` folks our founding fathers fared well with.” 9` The Illuminati and the freemasons collaborated for awhile` then split ranks. After the headquarters of the Illuminati` were raided by the Bavarian government, the Illuminati` operated under the cover of the League of the Just. Karl` Marx was hired to update the writings of Weishaupt which` resulted in the Communist Manifesto (1848).

The League of the Just became the League of the` Communists.

The House of Rothschild was involved in the founding of` this partly religious, partly political movement, which` Nicholoai Lenin was also a member.

The Russian Revolution (1917) was funded by both` American and European international banking families. 10`

When Nikita Khrushchev visited the United States, he` boasted that the Communists would bury us and that our` grandchildren would live under Communist rule.

This may be the prophesy of the day coming true before our` eyes.11`

“You Americans are so gullible.

No, you won't accept Communism outright,` but we'll keep feeding you small doses` of socialism until you'll finally wake up` and find you already have Communism.

We won't have to fight you.

We'll so weaken your economy until you'll` fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”

— Nikita Khrushchev 12`

Power Doesn’t Play by the Rules it Makes`

There is an “invisible” aspect of all Power structures,` sovereign powers operating behind the scenes of the` storefront banks, corporations and nation-states, pulling the` puppet strings of the “visible” aspect of the Power structure.

For the most part, with the exception of natural law, Power` structures are not playing by the same set of rules the rest of` us are obliged to. For example, the U.S. Congress has` exempted itself from numerous statutory laws that apply to` U.S. citizens.

These exemptions include: Civil Rights Act of 1964, Freedom` of Information Act of 1974, Ethics in Government Act,` Family and Medical Leave Bill, OSHA and SSA. Communist` Party leaders had also exempted themselves from the oppression` reaped upon the common people.13` Power structures are not motivated by some higher moral` order or authority.

They do not adhere to superior ethical standards of` behavior, nor do they act on behalf of the public interest of` the ordinary Citizens in America, or elsewhere in the world.

Power structures are not loyal to any particular government` or nation state, not compelled to obey the mandates of` American Common law, the Constitution for the usA, Bill of` Rights, or International law, except when it serves their own` best self-interest.

“No government is ever in favor of freedom of` the individual. It invariably seeks to limit that` freedom, if not by overt denial, then by seeking` to constantly widen its own functions…`

All governments, of course, are against liberty…”

    H. L. Mencken14`

Power structures take full advantage of the inside knowledge` of the law for their own economic and political self-interest.

Power structures derive their sovereignty from either the` lineage of a Monarch or Pope, a legal and foreign “person”  like a trust, corporation, by virtue of extreme wealth and` influence (i.e., international bankers) or by operating in a` offshore jurisdiction of law (Admiralty /Maritime).

Power structures act upon their own authority with full` reservation of rights.

They are intent upon competing or cooperating with each` other for total control and ownership of the economic` infrastructure, in order to create a global empire, a world` government— the New World Order.

“Never overestimate the intelligence` of the American people.”

— P.T. Barnum`

Americans experience a gut feeling they are being grossly` deceived, misinformed and used by Power structures that` operate behind the scenes of the autocratic media and big` government.

They know someone is pulling the puppet strings of the` American democratic system, but can’t quite figure out who` or why.

We the People are unknowingly the “economic slaves” of` sovereign Power structures that control our global economic` and political systems, encroaching upon our personal lives` and choices more pervasively than ever.

Power structures funnel subsidies into the industries,` schools, research institutions, prime contractors, and` transnational corporations that afford them the most` leverage and support the policies that perpetuate their self-interest.

Power structures fund foundations and non-profit organizations` to meet their social and educational agendas.15`

"The foundations are another arm of global` manipulation. Norman Dodd was the` Reece Committee's director of research and he` interviewed then Ford Foundation` president, H. Rowan Gaither, as part of his report.

Gaither told him that the Ford Foundation` operated under directives from the White House` and these instructions were to make every effort to` alter life in the United States to ensure a` comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.”

  The Tax-Exempt Foundations 16`

Power structures buy politicians wholesale, in quantity` discounts, to legislate their own agendas. It’s no accident` that the District of Columbia (DC) is overrun with 30,000` foreign lobbyists influencing money-hungry elected officials` to vote for policies sympathetic with the interests of the` Power structure, both foreign and domestic.

Power structures have drastically altered the very concepts` of justice and instituted their own, self-interested brand of` commercial, corporate, statutory law that operates in a` hidden Admiralty / Maritime, Military / Martial law` jurisdiction.

Virtually all the courts in America have forsaken the` Common law and replaced it with the law of international,` commercial contracts or negotiable instruments law (e.g.,` UCC) on behalf of various de facto governments.

Common law upon which all constitutions and de jure` governments are founded no longer exists for the benefit of` the people, but for the exclusive benefit of the Power` structure that owns, operates and controls the economic` system.

The exclusive, hidden and secret knowledge of “sovereignty”  is fundamental to the global elite strategy of global` domination and conquest. That’s why it’s essential that` every Citizen, every human being understand these issues` and become proficient in every area that we are addressing` in this book.

“Great nations are simply the operating fronts of` behind-the-scenes, vastly ambitious individuals` who had become so effectively powerful` because of their ability to remain invisible` while operating behind the national scenery.”

— Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path 17`

Global Power Structure`

The most significant components of the Global Power` structure and the elite behind it are “invisible” and` inaccessible to We the People.

For example, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) owns` and controls most of the world media cartels and is a private` club for recruiting international bankers, top government` officials in all branches of government particularly the U.S. State Department and CEOs of major corporations.

The Council on Foreign Relations is the American Branch of` a society which originated in England... [and] ...believes` national boundaries should be obliterated and one world` rule established...

Comprehensive charts are available from the last four U.S. Presidents (e.g., Carter, Reagon, Bush, Clinton) and their` administrations mapping out their membership in the` CRF/Trilateral Commission.

“The Trilateral Commission is international...[and]...

is intended to be the vehicle for multinational` consolidation of the commercial and banking` interests by seizing control of the political` government of the United States.”

— Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies18`

Round Table`

(introduced Commonwealth of Nations, League of Nations,` controlled the London Times, decided British foreign policy` and wrote the history of British imperialism)`

Royal Institute of International Affairs`

(RIIA) (May 30th, 1919)` (influence at Oxford and the London School of Economics)` (precursor to CFR) (homeport for all international bar` associations including the American Bar Association)`

Council of World Affairs (India)`

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (1921)19`

Institute of Pacific Relations (1924)`

Trilateral Commission (TC)`


Bohemian Club`

"Those who control history` control the present,` and those who control the` present control history”

— George Orwell, 1984 20`

Every American President since FDR (including Dwight` Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald` Reagan, George Bush and Bill Clinton have been recruited` and funded by the CFR, and other international and` domestic organizations intent on global domination and` control.

Presidential elections and governments have long since been` bought and sold. If your vote made any difference in the` outcome of an election, they would have made them illegal a` long time ago. No matter who gets elected, they own and` control both parties.21`

“More governments have been changed since` WWII by coup than by any other means.”

— Edward Luttwak 22`

Rhodes scholarships were not set up to reward gifted` students with a free ride at Oxford, but rather as a` component of the Rhodes-Milner Group to create a oneworld` government based on British Commonwealth rules.

The function of the Rhodes scholarships was to identify` future leaders, instill them with common values at Oxford.

Carroll Quigley was one of William Clintons "mentors" and` has written a remarkable book entitled, Tragedy & Hope: A` History of the World in Our Time. 23` This is an insiders story on the emerging global state, the` century-old master plan to end national sovereignty,` consolidate all currency and institute the global state.

At age 80 and staring eternity in the face, David Rockefeller` yearns to see his dream of a world government launched` before he dies.

Already, their goals for the year 2000 have been pushed` back to 2005, partly because of those “pesky” sovereigns in` the united states of America.

We the People of the world wherever freedom still rings in` our hearts and souls are the last resistance to the New World` Order ambitions for world domination and control.

Rockefeller may not live to see his dream come true.

Like its junior varsity, the Trilateral Commission, which met` in April in Copenhagen, Denmark, Bilderberg members are` depressed by the current mood of America.

They are afraid that the “populist” sentiments and the` freshman Congressmen and Senators will balance the` budget, reduce spending and the size of government, and` abolish foreign aid.

The Bilderbergs are accustomed to owning and controlling` the U.S. Congress and the President completely. They also` do not like the publicity from the Swiss media or the light of` day shining in their direction. So shine the light in their` direction.

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest located` in Monte Rio, California with accommodations for 2,000` people to camp in luxury in over 120 distinct areas, divided` according to class and status. The club is an association of` rich and powerful men, mostly Americans.

The Grove is the site of a two-week retreat every July where` the most powerful men “network” and indulge in strange` cabalistic rituals of Moloch.

There are speeches known as Lakeside Talks wherein highranking` officials disseminate information not available to` the public.

We the People must communicate effectively with these` Power structures, invite them to tea and thank them for` taking over the world without our consent. It’s time for We` the People to reclaim our sovereignty and freedoms,` internally and externally. If they fail to negotiate we’ll have` no option except to restore lawful government and process` the world round.

Most people in these organizations are well-meaning, doing` their jobs with the best of intentions, yet knowing little of` the hidden agenda at the top.

We must forgive them for the consequences of their deeds` for truly, most don’t know what they’re supporting.

Remember, let’s not alienate those with whom we differ, but` network and communicate more effectively.

Decide to Network` Use every letter you write` Every conversation you have` Every meeting you attend` To express your fundamental` beliefs and dreams` Affirm to others the vision` of the world you want` Network through thought` Network through action` Network through love` Network through the spirit` You are the center of a network` You are the center of the world` You are a free, immensely powerful` source of life and goodness` Affirm it` Spread it` Radiate it` Think day and night about it` And you will see a miracle happen:` the greatness of your own life` In a world of big powers, media and` monopolies` But of five billion individuals` Networking is the new freedom` the new democracy` a new form of happiness` — Robert Muller, Assistant Secretary` General, United Nations`

United Nations`

The United Nations was founded in 1944 in the aftermath of` World War II. It was a replacement for the League of` Nations which failed to create world government after` World War I.

United States participation in the United Nations was never` lawfully ratified by the U.S. Congress.

To participate, member nations must surrender their` sovereignty to the United Nations.

The security council coordinates the military operations (i.e.,` peacekeeping) of its members.

Nations like Taiwan (still on a gold standard) will not be` admitted because they are not bankrupt to the international` bankers. Only bankrupt nations need apply.

The “Global Commission to Fund the United Nations” says` present financial constraints on United Nations activities` require a change in financing methods for the world body. It` is now time to` “shift the burden of financing the UN from national to` global sources by introducing charges for the use of the` global commons or levies on international activities such` as foreign currency transaction.”

The “United Nations Commission on Global Governance” is` calling for a World Conference on Global Governance in` 1998.

The purpose of the conference is to adopt treaties and` agreements that will pave the way for global government by` the year 2000.

The official United Nations (UN) motive for global` government is the establishment of justice and equity` worldwide. Justice, the theory goes, can only happen when` all of humankind is economically equalized.

The Commission assumes that earth’s masses are now ready` to accept a new “global ethic” but that territorial people may` need a little help overcoming the primal instinct of wanting` to own private property.

Those who buck the United Nations plans will be “corrected”  via the use of international equity law, backed up with` physical force.

The “United Nations Trusteeship Council” is being` restructured to represent United Nations accredited Non-` Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and this is the group` that is to assume trusteeship and hold title to the “global` commons.”

Proposals for international taxes are being pushed to fund` the UN takeover. The most significant is a 0.5% tax on` foreign exchange transactions. This is projected to rake in` $1.5 trillion a year, which represents a 150 fold increase over` the current UN budget of $11 billion.

The UN Commission on Global Governance says global` taxation is necessary to service the needs of the global` neighborhood and that the safeguarding of the global` commons cannot be achieved with the current drip-feed` approach to financing.

The current administration is full of Clinton appointees who` wholeheartedly support the UN's program.

For instance, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott wrote` an article for Time magazine called “The Birth of the Global` Nation,” and he won the Global Governance Award from the` World Federalist Association in 1993.

Furthermore, President Clinton appointed Morton Halperin` as Assistant Secretary of Defense. His commitment to global` governance was so strong he failed the Senate confirmation` hearings. Thereafter, he was appointed to the National` Security Council which does not require Senate approval.

President Clinton also welcomed the UN agenda with open` arms with his “Presidential Decision Directive (PDD25),” a` classified document that is not even available to Congress.

A summary that was circulated to Congress revealed the` “creation by the UN of a Plans Division, an Information and` Research Division, an Operations Division, a Logistical` Division, A Public Affairs Cell, a Civil Police Cell and a` Professional Peace Operations Training Program.”

The United Nations should have a rapidly deployable` headquarters team and its own modest airlift capabilities.

The administration claims this document gives the President` authority to assign U.S. military personnel to the United` Nations. 24`

Resistance to UN flag` On October 25th of each year, the City of Lansing, Michigan` celebrates United Nations Day. The first such celebration` occurred three years ago. The UN flag was to be raised along` with ceremony rituals, including local elementary` schoolgirls singing the United Nations anthem.

Much to the surprise of the Governor and other politicians,` nearly a thousand angry people rallied to protest the event.

As a large UN flag was raised, with the American flag` following underneath it, the crowd became loud and` threatening. The little girls sang less than one verse before` retreating into Lansing City Hall. Within 10 minutes, the` flags came down.

The next year, officials determinedly raised the UN flag on` October 25th once again, but this time under the protection` of state police, sheriff deputies and officers from` neighboring counties. Snipers were perched on rooftops.

The flagpole was surrounded by police wearing full riot gear.

That year, however, the UN flag was not only half the size,` but flew underneath its American counterpart. This year's` flag-raising ceremony was conducted in the neighboring` presence of a dozen or so well-known anti-UN speakers,` news media from three public networks, and a French film` crew.

The American’s Bulletin editor notes: “Maybe this flag issue` is the basis of a ‘new’ tax protest movement! Maybe the` American position should be, ‘I will pay no tax until that` foreign flag is removed from this state!’” 25`

NAFTA / GATT` Power structures design and lobby for legislation, rules &` regulations, insurance and licensing requirements primarily` for their own self-interest. The North American Free Trade` Agreement (NAFTA) has nothing whatsoever to do with` “free trade,” but is designed to eradicate the sovereignty of` Canada, Mexico and the United States and establish a` regional cartel that effectively destroys all competition and` free trade.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is` more protectionism for global cartels to ultimately destroy` free trade and eradicate what little remains of the` sovereignty of the 270+ member nations and effectively` place them all under the jurisdiction and “control” of the` United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund` (IMF), the Agency for International Development (AID),` and the World Bank (WB.)` What is more sickening is that GATT is 20,000 pages long` and Congress voted on it without reading it cover to cover.

Nobody knew what was in it except those who authored it.

They relied on summaries and the leadership to tell them` what was in it. It passed with little debate. How’s that for` legislative responsibility? 26`

Free Trade = Global Cartel` Internationalists Destabilizing North America to` Reconstruct Regional Government` Henry Kissinger said that NAFTA was the biggest step` toward the New World Order. The goal of the global elite is` to destroy all sense of nationalism, sovereignty and cultural` origin.

The international bankers and the global organizations they` represent are the new conquistadors of Mexico, Latin` America and the rest of the third world (including the usA).

We'll be talking about the destabilization of Mexico and how` it will affect the perceptions and borders of the United` States.

The New World Order can play the sovereignty card both` ways and is encouraging the breaking apart of Mexico,` Canada and the usA.

This will allow them to better orchestrate the reconstruction` into regional governments after Civil War has torn the` nations apart.

The New World Order plan is not only to destabilize,` ransack and pillage entire countries, but also to see the` death of four to five billion people on earth. Revolution is of` their making.

NAFTA Enslaves Canadians, Americans & Mexicans` The majority of the people of Canada, the United States and` Mexico opposed NAFTA. We all have the same basic` concerns even though our countries are all different; our` ways of life will be destroyed by NAFTA. The whole situation` is being engineered in such a way that they will enslave the` people of all three countries at the same time. It is essential` that the people of North America build bridges and organize` communications around these issues.27`

Legislation Proposed to Review NAFTA` One of the purposes of NAFTA is to “create an expanded and` secure market” for goods and services. However, NAFTA is` draining $2.5 million a month from the U.S. economy,` according to a report by Troy Underhill in Media Bypass.

The country is has also lost 227,000 manufacturing jobs and` 300,000 high paying positions.

Editor’s Note: During George Bush’s administration alone,` the U.S. economy lost 2.5 millions manufacturing jobs.

NAFTA is also supposed to “ensure a predictable framework` for business planning and investment,” but there are no` safeguards in the agreement to offset the negative impact of` severe currency fluctuations.

The U.S. has tried to protect its economy by bolstering the` Mexican peso with $30 billion in loans. The devaluation of` the peso has, however, canceled out any benefits the U.S. expected to achieve from the agreement.

The NAFTA Accountability Act (HR 2651) is being proposed` to assess NAFTA impact, to require further negotiation of` certain provisions within NAFTA and to provide for` withdrawal if those provisions are not met.28`

Free Trade Policy Blasted by Former GM Executive`

Free trade across our borders is outrageously immoral,` economic demagoguery and an insult to the 55 men who` gave us the United States Constitution.” So says retired` General Motors senior executive Gus Stelzer. Mr. Stelzer` recently received a tumultuous standing ovation for his` remarks during a public debate on free trade at Chapman` University in Orange California.

Mr. Stelzer challenges the presumption of free traders, who` contend consumers are best served by free trade across our` borders. The position that consumption increases wealth is a` delusion, he says. Instead, the American people are being` robbed of potential wealth through free trade.

The policy thwarts the creation of wealth in the United` States because it is the labor of fairly-compensated people` that is the source of the nation's wealth, capital formation,` tax revenue and multiplier effect.

Furthermore, it sabotages the constitutional means provided` to generate revenue to run the federal government.

Since money is not coming in from tariffs on imports, the` American working people, who are already making less` because of free trade, must now shoulder the additional` expense of running the government via a barrage of taxes` aimed at them.

The country used to have it right, until 1913 when “we` departed from the concept of tariffs on imports and` substituted a tariff on our own products in the form of` income taxes. Then in 1935, we imposed another tariff on` ourselves under the label of ‘Social Security.’”

In 1995 Federal, state and local governments imposed a total` of $2.2 trillion in taxes on industry and employees, and this` constitutes a tariff exceeding 45 percent of our own` consumer and capital goods, as contrasted with our rate of` tariffs on imports which barely reaches 2 percent.

American consumers are further punished by a deluge of` regulatory codes, laws, judicial and monetary edicts with` which business must comply. These “internal tariffs”  account for more than 80 percent of the cost of the average` American product.29`

“No agreement with a foreign nation can confer` power on the Congress, or on any other branch of` government which is free from the restraints of the` Constitution.”

U.S. Supreme Court, Reid vs. Covent, 354 U.S. 1 (1957) 30`

State of New Columbia`

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Jeffrey Thayer and Melanie Miller` for their research and commitment to the sovereignty` movement in America. Jeffrey Thayer was the first attorney` in America to give up his bar license and become a people’s` lawyer and researcher in sovereignty issues. He brought the` State of New Columbia to our attention.

In the last century since the Civil War, the global elite and` the sovereign Power structure have achieved the` consolidation of power in the federal United States` government corporation.

This shift of power from the sovereign states and their` respective “state” Citizens has created a virtual dictatorship` in the District of Columbia. To add insult to injury, and to` further shift power into the international and global arenas,` the District of Columbia recently reorganized as the State of` New Columbia.

The political relationship between the District of Columbia` and the states of the Union has been a great mystery to most people. The District of Columbia has been a federal territory` since the Constitution was ratified in 1791.

Jesse Jackson will appeal to the United Nations on behalf of` the District of Columbia. Jackson is arguing that the United` States is in violation of the Human Rights Treaty ratified by` the Senate in 1992.

What Mr. Jackson fails to recognize is that the District of` Columbia cannot become a state of the Union, nor would it` be advantageous to do so.

Today, there's a new flag flying over the District of` Columbia, but it’s not the old red, white and blue American` flag.

In 1982, the District of Columbia established itself as the` State of New Columbia, complete with a brand-new` constitution that bears no resemblance to the Constitution` for the united States of America.

The State of New Columbia is NOT the same entity as the` City of Washington D.C., which is 75% black.

The Bilderberg Group wants the State of New Columbia to` be represented in the United Nations as an independent` nation and don't care a “rat’s ass” for the black Americans` domiciled in Washington` D.C. Jesse Jackson is being duped and doesn't realize it.

Wake up Jesse!` The District of Columbia recently became a trust territory of` the United Nations, and the independent State of New` Columbia in 1982 by a majority vote of the electors of the` District of Columbia.

The international Bilderberg Group, a bastion of the global` elite, is behind a move to take the issue of representation for` the District of Columbia to the United Nations. If the` Bilderberg Group is behind anything, caveat emptor, or` buyer beware!` The State of New Columbia is the seat of power for the third` super-state of the evolving global Power structure distinct` from the federal government, and the U.S. Congress. New` Columbia is but one of three super-states. London and the` Vatican are the other two.

New Columbia - London - Vatican` Washington insiders are well aware that the name of the` District of Columbia was changed to the State of New` Columbia when its new constitution was passed by a 61,405` to 54,964 vote ratified by 116,000 “electors” in Washington` D.C., not by any vote put to the U.S. citizens at large, on` November 2, 1982.

Editor’s Note: Electors, not U.S. citizens, voted on the State` of New Columbia constitution. Now, you know who really` has the power.

It’s a self-governing, municipal body politic which is not a` signatory to the U.S. Constitution, nor bound to its terms.

New Columbia operates subject to no law except its own, the` municipal law of the District of Columbia.

The U.S. Congress gave itself a blank-check delegation of` powers, authority and conscience to act as the sovereign for` New Columbia. Lawmakers have given themselves a` mandate for providing protection to children or the elderly` or whomever they please in whatever way they deem best` according to statutory law alone. In New Columbia you can` forget about the Common law concepts of sovereignty or` unalienable rights.

To further expand your mind, the District of Columbia, not` being a state of the Union, is a “trust territory.”

A trust territory is now defined in the sixth edition of Black’s` Law Dictionary as “a territory or colony placed under` administration of a country by the United Nations.”

In essence, Washington D.C., the District of Columbia, has` been re-named the “State of New Columbia” and placed` under the administration of a country (i.e., United States` Inc.,) by the United Nations.

The State of New Columbia is not only a super-state, but a` field of commerce, governed by merchants and driven by` consumers using increasingly electronic ways of doing` business. The rules on this new playing field are the` “municipal laws” of the District of Columbia and the State of` New Columbia.

Review the private boilerplate contracts for obtaining` phone or pager services and you'll find legal terms` specifying that the law of the District of Columbia will` govern all disputes, and lawsuits must be filed in the` District of Columbia District Court.”

The State of New Columbia will only have authority over` legal “persons” who agree to be incorporated by Congress` within its exclusive, legislative jurisdiction.

In other words, U.S. citizens, corporations and commercial` enterprises that enter various adhesion contracts with the` State of New Columbia.

Thus to remain free of the jurisdiction of this new superstate,` you must reclaim your sovereign American National` OR “state” Citizenship in a sovereign state, and/or declare a` contractual status known as sui juris.

In his or her own right, possessing rights to which freeman` or freewoman is entitled, to not being under the power` of another as in the case of a slave, minor or the like.” 31`

American Power Structure` Some of the American Power structure is visible through an` alphabet soup of corporations, agencies and pseudo` government institutions it has established:`

Federal Reserve Bank (FRB)`

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)`

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (BATF)`

Department of the Treasury`

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)`

National Security Agency (NSA)`

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)`

Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)`

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)`

Food & Drug Administration (FDA)`

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)`

Wall Street Attorneys and State Bar Associations`

Attorney Generals

 Department of Justice, administrative tribunals and` equity/admiralty courts`

Cooperating local and State police Agencies, multijurisdictional` task forces (MJTF)`

State and federal prison systems`

Federal, State, county and municipal governments,` and their connections with the principles/creditors of` the United States.

“[Instead of Viewing].. their enemy as external` operating from Moscow, Hanoi or Beijing,..  millions of Americans...[are awakening]...  to the fact that America’s primary enemy` is internal operating from New York and` Washington D.C.”

— Anthony J. Hilder`

“Communism is not [and never was]` a creation of the masses to overthrow the` Banking establishment, but rather a creation of` the Banking establishment to` overthrow and enslave the people.”

— Anthony J. Hilder`

Executive Orders & Management Agency

(FEMA)` The executive powers that the President of the United States` was granted by the U.S. Congress have called for the` suspension of all constitutional and civil rights upon the declaration` of a “National Emergency” administered through` the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Most people know FEMA as the friendly federal agency that` steps in and helps people during floods, hurricanes and` riots.

FEMA was also created as a parallel and secret emergency` government located at an underground complex at Mt.

Weather that would take control once a federal bankruptcy` was declared, or some other national emergency.

Executive Orders stem from the failure of the government to` rescind the declaration of martial law during the Civil War.

Executive Orders are dictatorial in nature, with` extraordinary powers being granted to the President that` supercede constitutional limitations.

Executive Orders (EO) must be published in the Federal` Register. The United States has been operating under a` perpetual state of national emergency since 1933.

For example, Ronald Reagan signed this Executive Order` #12532 (September 1985), which is one of the many excuses` for suspending constitutional government and maintaining` the National Security State. Do you remember ever feeling` threatened by South Africa? 32`

“I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States` of America, find that the policies and action of the` Government of South Africa constitute an unusual` and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy and` economy of the United States and hereby declare` a national emergency to deal with that threat.”

These Executive Powers are not limited to wartime. Using` emergency powers, the President can seize property, control` the production of industrial and agricultural goods, seize` commodities being hoarded, assign military forces abroad` without the consent of Congress, institute martial law, close` all banks and regulate withdrawals from banks, prohibit` unauthorized transportation, prohibit use of private` telephones and other communications equipment.33`

E.O. 12148— “... FEMA national security emergency, such` as: national disaster, social unrest, insurrection, or` national financial crisis.

E.O. 10995— “... provides for the seizure of all` communications media in the United States.”

E.O. 10997— “... provides for the seizure of all electric` power, petroleum, gas, fuels and minerals, both public` and private.”

E.O. 10998— “... provides for the seizure of all food` supplies and resources, public and private, and all farms,` lands, and equipment.”

E.O. 10999— “... provides for the seizure of all means of` transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles` of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports,` and waterways.”

E.O. 11000— “... provides for the seizure of all American` people for work forces under federal supervision,` including splitting up of families if the government has` to.”

E.O. 11001— “... provides for government seizure of all` health, education and welfare functions.”

E.O. 11002— “... designates the postmaster general to` operate a national registration of all persons.” Under this` order, you would report to your local post office to be` separated and assigned to a new area. Here is where` families would be separated.

E.O. 11003— “... provides for the government to take over` ALL airports and aircraft, commercial, public and` private.”

E.O. 11004— “... provides for the Housing and Finance` Authority to relocate communities, designate areas to be` abandoned and establish new locations for populations.”

E.O. 11005— “... provides for the government to take over` railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.”

E.O. 11051— “... the office of Emergency Planning has` complete authorization to put the above orders into effect` in time of increased international tension or economic or` financial crisis.”

All of the above executive orders were combined by` President NIXON into Executive Order 11490, which allows` all of this to take place, if a national emergency is declared` by the President.

The burning and insurrection in Los Angeles in the case of` Rodney King could have executed (and partially did execute)` these Executive Orders.

Concentration Camps in America`

President Reagan had reactivated 10 huge prison camps at` key defense facilities designed to hold 25,000 civilian` prisoners.

A new concentration camp in Alaska with barracks, mess` halls, fencing roped with barb wire will hold 500,000 prisoners for slave labor to build pipelines, and mine for` precious metals.

An Executive Order signed by then President George Bush` in 1989 authorized the FEMA to build 43 primary` internment camps each having a capacity of 35,000 to` 45,000 prisoners.

It also authorized hundreds of secondary facilities. Several of` these facilities can accommodate 100,000 prisoners. These` facilities have been completed and many are already` manned but as yet contain no prisoners.

FEMA has been authorized for the past 15 years by` Presidential Executive Orders to confiscate all property from` the American People, and separate families in “internment` camps.”

They are called “relocation camps” by the government for` assignment to work camps.

Two of the state prisons in Georgia are currently empty,` although manned by a minimal number of staff, have been` setup and intentionally unpopulated by prisoners just to` support this political policy. 34`

Executive Order 12919— ”National Defense Industrial` Resources Preparedness”

Signed by President Clinton (June 3, 1994), delegates` authorities, responsibilities and allocations of FEMA’s` Executive Orders for the confiscation of all property from` the American people, and their re-location and assignment` to ‘labor’ camps.

The Executive Order also supersedes or revokes eleven (11)` previous Executive Orders [from 1939 through 1991] and` amends Executive Order 10789 and 11790.

This Executive Order is a declaration of war against the` American people by the secret government of the United` States in concert with the United Nations.

Operation Dragnet` Janet Reno can implement this operation upon receiving` one call from the President. Arrest warrants will be issued` via computer to round-up over 1 million patriotic Americans` who may ‘resist’ the New World Order.

Operation Rolling Thunder` Reno and Benson have mentioned this operation which` comprises county-wide sweeps of house to house, dynamic` entry, search and seizures for all guns and food stockpiles by` BATF, state national guard, activity duty soldiers, as well as` local police. This function is also run and coordinated` through FEMA.

Public Law 100-690` Banned almost ALL RELIGIOUS GATHERINGS` (not yet enforced.). The Department of the Army, Commanding` General, U.S. Forces Command, Fort McPherson,` Georgia is the executive and implementing agency.

The responsible agency within U.S. Army Forces Command` was what used to be known as the Deputy Chief of Staff for` Operations, Plans Division (DCSOPS, Plans), which was` changed several years ago to J-3 after the Headquarters became` a joint headquarters.

They keep on file copies of all FEMA Emergency Management` Operation Plans, including those plans developed by` the Army to support the FEMA plan to eliminate the U.S. Constitution upon implementation.

According to current plans, the Constitution will be` temporarily discontinued and shelved until the real or` perceived and declared threat has been neutralized. But` once shelved, as with almost every other action of the` Government, it stays shelved.

Secret Underground Bases and Spy Satellites` There have been documented over 60 secret, virtual cities,` underground, build by the government, Federal Reserve` Bank owners, and high-ranking members of the` government. Some of these under-ground areas can be seen` in Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas.

In additional, there exist underground Satellite Tracking` Facilities which have the ability to punch your 911 address` into the computer and a satellite can within seconds bring a` camera to bear on your property to the point that those` monitoring can read a license number on an automobile in` your driveway.

These facilities have, as of Oct. 1, 1994, been turned over to` the (foreign power of the) United Nations.

Year 2000 Crisis Likely` It is highly likely, that the federal United States government` will be foreclosed upon by the international bankers when` the federal deficit reaches Ø16 trillion dollars (circa 2000).

The same scenario occurred with the former Soviet Union` when they went bankrupt. At that time a state of national` emergency will be declared by the President.

All civil and unalienable sovereign rights and due process` under the law will be suspended indefinitely.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights will be suspended again.

United Nations “peacekeeping” forces will be used to occupy` the united states of America to keep the “peace.”

The lack of serious political action to avert the Y2K` computer crisis gives reason to believe this may be a` comparable world event to orchestrate a global emergency` to usher in the New World Order simultaneously with the` declared bankruptcy and dissolution of federal, State and` local governments, and the reestablishment of regional` world government.

Editor’s Note: Y2K was a non-event as most of know.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was` established to oversee the country when the bankruptcy and` martial law was finally declared.

The bankruptcy has been largely kept secret for over 65` years. The following are speculations of what could occur` when the federal bankruptcy is openly declared.

The principals/creditors of the federal United States are at` war with the American people with the full cooperation of` the bankrupt United States corporation.

America will be soon governed under a one-world` government dictatorship, a high-tech, totalitarian Attorney-` Police-Prison State, a “communistic” country foreclosed` upon by the international bankers, and policed by United` Nations troops and federal troops.

Whether or not these postulations become reality or not,` depends on what we do today. Is this the kind of America` you want to live in? It’s right around the corner. The writing` is on the wall. In fact, it’s between the lines of the news` everyday.35`

Federal Government As Organized Crime`

If the truth was ever told, and We the People could hear,` about the covert and criminal activities of those acting on` behalf of our federal government, there would be a` revolution tomorrow.

The truth being, the scandalous activities of our elected` representatives and other federal officials who have profiteered` at public expense, and engaged in the grand theft of` our country, our assets and our natural-born rights.

From the theft of the Savings & Loans, BCCI, the systematic` looting of Chapter 11 assets, the theft of Inslaw software by` the Department of Justice, October Surprise, Iran-Contra,` Watergate, and wars of aggression around the world, the` federal United States has a poor track record in the second` half of the 20th Century.36` Our failure as Americans to speak out and to act responsibly` has escalated our political, social, and economic` problems to the point of crippling this once great nation.

Everyone in positions of power knows that the American` people are paying dearly for tolerating this outrageous` corruption, yet We the People remain indifferent, like cattle` going to slaughter.

Vegetating in front of the television, and not disturbing the` status quo will guarantee that everything will get worse.

Most people do not perceive this criminal behavior and` misconduct as a threat to themselves, thus they are content` to do nothing.

The massive ignorance and indifference to government` misconduct by the American people makes their criminal` behavior more profitable, and encourages its proliferation` from the higher echelons of government down to the street` level.

We are generating criminal behavior at all levels of society in` an ethical and moral vacuum that supports the myth that` crime does in fact pay.

This massive ignorance and indifference also makes` attempts by investigators, honest government employees,` and informants and whistleblowers to correct the criminal` behavior difficult if not futile.

The Power structure is presently so corrupt that it cannot` and will not correct itself until the people speak out, take` serious action to reapply the checks and balances that limit` government, and restore a constitutional Republic.

We the People must restore our sovereignty and take` responsibility for ensuring that the law of the land is obeyed` by the government, as well as the people.

It is essential that a majority of the American people become` aware of the well-orchestrated criminal behavior involving` high-level government personnel, and to motivate the` American people to take action and bring a halt to the` destruction of the values that once made the united states of` America a great country.

There must be a revolution against government corruption` and an unprecedented ousting of federal officials never` before witnessed in the united states of America.

The federal United States government has lost all credibility` by its inaction in correcting systemic problems, rampant` criminal behaviors, and by neglecting its duty and office as` specified by the Constitution for the usA.

By acting so irresponsibly and being unaccountable for its` actions, the “District of Columbia” has become a “District of` Criminals” operating outside the law of the land.

It seems that the only people who aren’t aware of the sinister` practices by government personnel are the American people,` who have not yet been touched by the long arm of tyranny` that will eventually be at their door.

Modeled after the famous quotation by Martin Niemoeller` when the Nazi’s finally came after the Jews:`

“I didn’t speak up when the secret government` brought about wars in Laos, Burma, Vietnam,` [E. Timor], and Central America.

I didn’t speak out about the deaths of 58,000` Americans in Vietnam, or the tens of thousands` of CIA-directed assassinations in` Central and South America.

I didn’t speak out when the savings and` loans were looted.

I didn’t speak out [or listen] when courageous` individuals spoke out about the` October Surprise operation.

I didn’t speak up when...people reported the CIA` drug trafficking into the United States.

I didn’t speak up when I learned of the looting` of people’s assets in Chapter 11 by corrupt` federal judges and others.”

“I chose to remain ignorant about the depth of` corruption by government officials and judges.

I ignored the pattern of cover-up and criminal` activities by members of Congress.

I ignored my responsibilities as a Citizen, and` was indifferent to the tragic plight of those` people who were directly affected by the` massive corruption in government.

I shirked my responsibilities by eagerly believing` the disinformation and denials given by the` media and federal officials.

I am now paying the consequences, and I share` the blame for what is happening` to the United States,` [and] to the American people.”

— Rodney Stich, Defrauding America 37`

The federal United States government has become a` criminal enterprise headed by the misnamed Justice` Department and the CIA with the full knowledge and` complicity of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branch` of the federal and state governments, and the mainstream` media.

How has this happened in the once great united states of` America? 38` Organized crime has been operating in and around the` White House and the U.S. Congress for over two decades.

Both George Bush and Bill Clinton were key players in the` Mena, Arkansas cocaine smuggling operation, laundering` money for covert operations and for building political` empires. Bringing an indictment against these traitors is the` true test of the integrity of our legal system. There is enough` evidence to fill a football stadium, yet not one indictment` can be brought. The White House has been harboring` serious criminal activity for decades.

Our system is as bankrupt and corrupt as the morals and` ethics of our leaders. Many of these men should be` impeached and sent to prison. “Three Strikes and You’re` Out” should be applied first and foremost to our elected` representatives.

If the professional politicians in the U.S. Congress had the` courage to speak the truth and get off the dole, this country` could turn around. Money is still the primary inducement` for treason.35`

I have little interest in streamlining government` or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce` its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare,` for I propose to extend freedom.

My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel` old ones that do violence to the Constitution,` or that have failed in their purpose, or that impose` on the people an unwarranted financial burden.

I will not attempt to discover whether legislation` is ‘needed’ before I have first determined whether` it is constitutionally permissible.

And if I should later be attacked for neglecting` my constituents’ ‘interests,’ I shall reply that I` was informed their main interest is liberty and` that in that cause I am doing the very best I can.

— Barry Goldwater`

National Security State and CIA`

Did you know that the government can use your household` or office garbage to incriminate you, including your medical` records, psychiatrist’s or your attorney’s private notes?

Customs agents are routinely searching passengers leaving` the country for smuggled items, including excess cash.

Foreign mail is opened and bank tellers are being ordered to` report suspicious transactions.

The National Security Agency (NSA) is capable of` monitoring phone calls between the United States and` foreign nations.

The Computer Matching and Privacy Act gives the` government absolute authority and discretion to wiretap` phones and plant bugs in homes and businesses without the` knowledge or consent of those being monitored.15` The Digital Telephony Bill (HR 4922), passed by the House` (Oct. 5, 1994), created and funded a national system for the` interception of digital and other communications.

It will allow the easy isolation of individual communications` for government wiretapping purposes, pursuant to a court` order or other lawful authorization.

Telephone companies that do not comply or assist the` government will be shut down. Clipper chips have been` designed to be installed in all electronic devices including` computers, telephones, fax machines and televisions so that` the government can monitor your communications` remotely. Look for these to be legislated into existence soon.

“A revolutionary change, permitting law` enforcement agencies to pass around` investigative information, much of it rumor and` gossip over a national computer system` run by Big Brother.”

— Representative Don Edwards (D-CA)`

National Security Directives (NSD) issued by the National` Security Agency do not have to be reported, reviewed, made` available to anyone or even acknowledged that they exist.

Over 500 secret orders can also be invoked by the President,` including the total censorship of all devices capable of` emitting electromagnetic radiation.36` The CIA was legislated into existence via the National` Security Act (1947) with limited statutory authority.37 It` originally required that any covert action taken by the CIA` must be authorized by the National Security Council.

The NSA originally provided for checks and balances that` have become meaningless today. The CIA has taken on` functions never intended by the NSA, and has consistently` breeched its mandate.

After WWII many former Nazi intelligence officers were` brought to the United States and placed into various` intelligence agencies, including the Office of Naval Intelligence,` and the CIA.38 Having infiltrated many key positions` in government agencies and private enterprises withpeople loyal to various CIA hierarchies, the CIA represents` the real Power structure in the United States. 39` The CIA went underground when President Jimmy Carter` ordered the disbanding of its covert operations in the` seventies until Reagan’s election restored CIA operations.

There are three factions in the CIA that are often fighting` each other. Faction-One is controlled by the Department of` Justice and the White House. Faction-Two is controlled by` the Office of Naval Intelligence, often at odds with Faction-` One. Faction Three is a small number of former Office of` Strategic Services (OSS) personnel.40` Today, the CIA has become so powerful that it can destroy` any politician who seriously questions its activities.

“The National Security State uses fascism to` protect capitalism while they say they’re protecting` democracy from communism.”

— Michael Parenti 47`

The CIA conspires with underworld figures including the` Italian and Jewish Mafia to carry out all sorts of criminal` activities both abroad and in the united states of America.

President Dwight Eisenhower warned the American people` of the dangers imposed by the military-industrial complex,` which included the CIA.

Mind Control and the Global Manipulators`

A notorious center of mind control and time travel research` on the eastern end of Long Island, New York is Montauk.

Preston Nichols discovered a blocking frequency jamming` the minds of psychics he was working with.

A blocking frequency put around this planet to disconnect` humanity from the other dimensions is like being an` astronaut on the moon being cut off from Mission Control.

Like radio or television waves broadcasted from a transmitter` and decoded by a radio or television set, the human mind` decodes thought-waves broadcast by the universe.

Some people have their sets tuned for other frequencies and` dimensions and are considered talented psychics, intuitives` or clairvoyants. These are talents once common to the entire` human species that have been blocked, jammed or` programmed out of us by the global manipulators.

The CIA, and other intelligence communities, have long` engaged in mind control experiments: LSD and psychedelic` experiments in the sixties; HAARP blasting human` population centers and the natural environment with` electromagnetic radiation; training assassins for their dirty` work, and boot camp for the new enlistees and cannon` fodder.

Secret Government Directives Behind Airport I.D. Check` Reporters who follow federal FOIA issues may be interested` in recent efforts by privacy advocates to get the government` to release a secret directive that the airlines rely on as the` basis for demanding that passengers show an official photo` ID before boarding their flight.

Some privacy advocates consider the ID requirement on` domestic flights an unnecessary intrusion into the` passenger's privacy, since the metal detectors and luggage` screening equipment that is already in place is sufficient to` ensure the security of air travel.

While airline officials blame the FAA for the photo ID` requirement, the FAA is refusing to make public the secret` directive that the airlines say they are implementing.

This, of course, raises questions as to why the directive itself` is such a secret. From the passenger's perspective, the` airlines are saying “the FAA makes us do it,” but the FAA` says “no” when asked to produce the document that the` airlines claim requires them to ask for ID.

Privacy attorneys Robert Ellis Smith and Lee Tien have filed` separate FOIA requests to obtain the FAA directive.

Both FOIA requests were rejected, and Smith and Tien are` doing more legal research to determine if there is sufficient` grounds for a lawsuit.

Meanwhile, passengers who refuse to show a photo ID, have` in a few cases been prevented from boarding, subjected to` abuse by airline officials, or treated with suspicion for` exercising their Constitutional right to privacy.

Even more confusing, some passengers are not being asked` for ID prior to boarding. 48`

“For some time I have been disturbed by` the way the CIA has been diverted from` its original assignment.

It has become an operational and at times a` policy making arm of the government...”

— President Harry Truman 49

Notes and Sources`


1. Sourced from John LeCarre, The Russia House.

2. Sourced from Allen W. Dulles (CFR).

3. Sourced from testimony before a Senate Foreign` Relations Committee. These hearing occurred on` February 2,3,6,8,9,13,15,17, and 20th, 1950. They were` sealed for 75 years; Sourced from John Prukop writing` for The Free American (December 1997, p.17).

4. Sourced from Jan van Helsing’s Secret Societies and` Their Power in the 20th Century. Orders: A & R` Specialty Research, P.O. Box 5447 Pompano Beach, FL` 33074; (954) 785-8432; (954) 946-6912fax. Reviewed` by Shay McNamara in NANS, Spring ‘97, p.125.

5. Sourced from David Icke, The Truth Shall Set You Free` (Bridge of Love, Cambridge, 1995).

6. For more on the role of women, goddesses and the` feminine in “herstory,” read Riane Eisler, The Chalice` & the Blade, (Harper San Francisco, 1987) & Clarissa` Pinkola Este, Women Who Run With the Wolves,` (Ballantine Books, 1992).

7. Sourced from Alex Christopher, Pandora's Box.. See` also Jan van Helsing’s Secret Societies and Their Power` in the 20th Century.

8. Sourced from Neal Wilgus, The Illuminoids (Sun Press,` Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1977).

9. Sourced from Robert Anton Wilson Cosmic Trigger:` The Final Secret of the Illuminati (Pocket Books, New` York, p.263).

10. See also Anthony C. Sutton's Wall Street And The` Bolshevik Revolution (Veritas Publishing, Morley,` Western Australia, 1981, p 49-50).

11. Sourced from Alexander Christopher,Pandora's Box, p. 82-83.

12. Ibid, p.144.

13. Sourced from NPR's All Things Considered.

14. Sourced from H.L. Mencken. See also:` https://www.freedomsnest.com/fn/menhl. html OR` https://www.antiquarian.com/historicana/l` it/mencken.htm`

15. Sourced from Special House Committee to Investigate` Tax Exempt Foundations (1953) under B. Carrol Reece` of Tennessee; William H. McIllhany II, The Tax-` Exempt Foundations (1988)`

16. Ibid`

17. Sourced from Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path (St. Martins Press, New York, p. 72). See also:` https://world.std.com/~brd/bucky.html`

18. Sourced from the great statesman, Barry Goldwater,` With No Apologies.

19. See also James Perloff, The Shadows of Power: The` Council on Foreign Relations and the American` Decline (Appleton, WI, Western Islands, USA, 1988).

He read every issue of the CFR published magazine` Foreign Affairs and his comments and conclusions are` contained in the book.; See also Phyllis Schafly and` Chester Ward, Rear Admiral VSN (Ret), Kissinger on` the Couch, (Arlington House, New Rochelle, New York,` 1975). Admiral Chester Ward, a former U.S Judge` Advocate General of the Navy, was a member of CFR` for sixteen years. He said the purpose of the` organization was the “submergence of US sovereignty` and national independence into an all-powerful oneworld` government.”

20. Sourced from the political visionary George Orwell,` 1984.

21. Sourced from Gary Allen, None Dare Call it` Conspiracy, (Concord Press, Rossmar, California, 1971,` p.87); See also The Constitution in Crisis and The` Secret Government (television programs by Bill` Moyers); Sourced from Study #7 published by the` Council for Foreign Relations (CFR) on November 11,` 1959; Regarding the power structure, see also` CFR/Trilateral/New World Order Connection charts` published by the Fund to Restore an Educated` Electorate (map of the visible aspect of the power` structure); Secret Treaty of Verona, U.S. Congressional` Record, Senate, 1916, p.6781, and the American` Diplomatic Code, Vol. 2, 1778-1884, Elliott, p.179` (conspiracy by monarchies and the church to destroy` the representative governments of the sovereign` people)`

22. Sourced from Edward Luttwak, The Coup d' etat.

23. Regarding power structures, see also Quigley, Clinton,` Straight & Reich by Jim Martin, Flatlands , p.40;` Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the` World in Our Time (lauded research theorist` investigating the Rhodes-Milner group, an upper-crust` cabal with financial and matrimonial connections to` the world’s most wealthy and powerful; the function of` Rhodes scholarships to identify future leaders;` revealing the plan to create a one-world government` based on British Commonwealth rules); Mihajlo` Mesarovic & Eduard Pestel, Directors, Regionalized` and Adaptive Model of the Global World System` published by the Club of Rome, September 17, 1973 (a` confidential report and strategy for survival project).

24. Sourced from Multiple Land Use Review, March/April` 1996; See also Treason in High Places by William` Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, pp.239249 (comments` on the United Nations Treaty, the United Nations` Participation Act Vs. the sovereignty of the United` States of America).

25. Sourced from NANS, Spring ‘97, p.27; Reviewed by` Shay McNamara; Lansing Celebrates United Nations` Day by Gregory Allan, The American’s Bulletin` (November 1996);`

26. See also GATT: The Conquistadors of the Next` Millennium by Joseph Wanzala, Discourse Magazine` (September 1993, p.20) (new circuits of imperialism);` U.S. Constitution Invalidates NAFTA: An` Internationalist Agenda To Change Concepts of` Sovereignty by Iain C.L. Poole, Perceptions, (Summer` 1994, p.13) (U.S. Constitution doesn't give the federal` government the power to surrender United States` sovereignty and sign the NAFTA agreement); HR 499` was recently introduced by Peter DeFazio (D-Ore) to` repeal NAFTA; See also Aaron Russo, Mad As Hell` (Video)(Max & Sam TV Inc.,) on his dramatization of` the 20,000 pages of GATT.

27. Sourced from NANS, Spring ‘96,`

28. Ibid; Media Bypass (March, 1996).

29. Sourced from The Nightmare of Camelot: An Expose of` the Free Trade Trojan Horse by Gus Stelzer is available` by calling (800) 939-9827; Media Bypass (May 1996);` Reviewed by Estar Holmes.

30. Reid vs. Covert, 354 U.S. 1(1957)`

31. Sourced from Jeffrey Thayer, Perceptions Magazine.

32. EO#12532 (September 1985); Sourced from Behold A` Pale Horse, by William Cooper, p. 111 (Executive` Orders must be published in the Federal Register).

Regarding FEMA, see also H.R. 4079 & FEMA: Federal` Emergency Management Agency by William Cooper,` Behold A Pale Horse, p.121; FEMA: Fact, Fantasy or` Failed Democracy? by R. Louis Richards, North Coast` XPress, June/July 1994`

33. See also EO#12919, National Defense Industrial` Resources Preparedness; Sourced from the Federal` Register, (June 7, 1994). The Presidents signature` appears to be missing on this one. Who's really in` charge in the White House?

34. Sourced from the Internet.

35. Ibid.

36. Sourced from Rodney Stitch, Defrauding America` (1994), p.238 (standard disinformation and cover-up` tactics for discrediting testimony that might implicate` high-level government officials in criminal activity has` kept the public sheltered from the truth for` generations); See also Book Details Endemic` Government Corruption by John Austin, HIS Inc.

Features (review of Defrauding America); Regarding` Inslaw, see also Software Stolen from Inslaw Was Used` to Penetrate Banks, The Daily Citizen, February 9,` 1994.

37. Sourced from Rodney Stitch, Defrauding America` (1994), Introduction; See also What Uncle Sam Really` Wants by Noam Chomsky, Odonian Press, 1986-1992` (progressive view on United States foreign policy and` the institutionalized aggression towards countries who` dissent from the New World Order); Low Intensity` Democracy: The New Face of Global Domination by` William I. Robinson, Covert Action, #50 p.40 (the` myth of exporting democracy); Rights Advocates Rank` More Nations Not Free, Associated Press,Register-` Guard.

38. See also Organized Crime in the Justice Department,` Sacramento Bee, Oct. 27, 1991; See also Rodney Stitch,` Defrauding America (1994), p.279 (on the Justice` Department retaliation against the Christic Institute` when they exposed the atrocities associated with CIA` activities in Central America), pp.370-399 (Justice` Department involvement with stolen Inslaw software` reconfigured for intelligence communities worldwide),` pp.464-488 (federal government as criminal` enterprise). (Rodney Stitch and Lyndon LaRouche` were two or hundreds of examples of whistleblowers` who were forced into bankruptcy then politically and` economically attacked by the Bankruptcy courts).

39. See also Connie Chung, Eye to Eye, June 17, 1993 (drug` trafficking into the US in military aircraft); 60 Minutes,` November 21, 1993 (filmed several DEA officials and` agents describing smuggling of large quantities of` cocaine by the CIA into the US); Associated Press, May` 3, 1993 (reported cooperation by U.S. Customs agents` in drug trafficking); Clinton Chronicles (video` portraying Clintons political machine and the financial` involvement in drug money laundering and a blind eye` turned to Mena, Arkansas); Spider's Web by Alan` Friedman; Compromised by Terry Reed & John` Cummings; The Mafia & the CIA & George Bush by` Pete Brewton; Deep Politics by Peter Dale Scott;` Rodney Stitch, Defrauding America (1994), pp.199,` 293, 327.

40. Sourced from National Security Agency and Computer` Matching and Privacy Act.

41. Digital Telephony Bill (H.R. 4922) passed on Oct. 5,` 1994 sourced from Perceptions, May/June 1995, p.80;` See also Technology & Liberty: Police State Plans by` Clark Matthews, The Spotlight, February 28, 1994, p.6` (Zimmermans PGP software to insure privacy on the` INTERNET). He is now being persecuted by the so` called Justice Department for having dared to bypass` their surveillance equipment and offer encryption` software to the public. By the way, he won that one!`

42. Sourced from Behold A Pale Horse, by William Cooper,` p. 111 (national security directives are not published` anywhere); Rodney Stitch, Defrauding America (1994),` p.346 (full text of a standard CIA secrecy agreement)` and p.346 (portions of the National Security Act); See` also What Uncle Sam Really Wants by Noam Chomsky,` Odonian Press, pp.8-10 (National Security Council` Memorandum 68 (1950) written by Dean Acheson,` Paul Nitze & Policy Planning Study 23 written by` George Kennan were the implementing policies for` Soviet-American foreign policy which perpetuated the` arms race and the eventual bankruptcy of both` countries); The National Security State, by Gore Vidal,` Organica, Autumn 1993, p.4 (on the American empire).

Regarding CIA experimentation and using the public` as guinea pigs, see also the article Microwave` Harassment & Mine-Control Experimentation by` Julianne McKinney, Electronic Surveillance Project,` Association of National Security Alumni.

43. Sourced from Rodney Stitch, Defrauding America` (1994), p.345.

44. Ibid, p.348.

45. Sourced from L.Fletcher Prouty. Prouty is supposedly` the deep cover CIA operative that was portrayed in` Oliver Stones movie JFK.

46. See also Deadly Deceits by Ralph W. McGehee` (insiders story of the CIA); A sworn Affidavit by` Gunther Russbacher, former deep-cover CIA operative` sourced from Rodney Stitch, Defrauding America` (1994), p.181 (CIA scheme for creating an unlimited` money supply after learning how the Federal Reserve` operated by fleecing the Savings & Loans), p.185 (a` database called Black Flag located on a Cray computer` in DC is accessed through a government Sentry` Terminal and contains a list of judges, trustees, law` firms and attorneys who covertly work to carry out` Justice Department and CIA activities) (for the bold` and somewhat crazy here's the access code:` 3A46915W), p.227 (competing factions of the CIA); See` also The Banks and the CIA, Cash and Carry,` Penthouse, September 1989; p.192 (CIA operations are` funded from a front organization called Shamrock), p. 193 (huge sums of money looted from HUD and` Savings & Loans scandals are stored in hundreds of` trusts recorded in Baca County, Springfield, Colorado).

47. Sourced from Michael Parenti, International Distress` Signal, Pacifica Radio.

48. Sourced from an article by Audrie Krause; Contact:` NetAction, 601 Van Ness Ave., No. 631, San Francisco,` CA 9410 (415) 775-8674. (415) 6733813fax.

https://www.netaction.org` 49. Sourced from Washington Post, Dec. 21, 1963.