- Chapter Five`

The War on Terrorism is a War of Terror Against the People of the World by the Global Elite`


by Johnny Liberty`

Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and creation of this handbook.

Conspiracy vs. Fact: Who Benefits from` Terrorism?

“The propaganda and double-think media` machine is working overtime to deceive the` American people into believing the militias,` sovereign Citizens, Common law courts are` somehow evil and anti-government terrorists.

Sounds reminiscent of the "evil empire”  come home to roost in America.”

— Johnny Liberty`

Editor’s Note: The following commentary was inspired by` film reviews I’ve been doing while simultaneously searching` for links and patterns to the news over the INTERNET. Over` the last two years, there is a pattern of increased domestic` terrorist activity, increased media preoccupation with` terrorism and increased government cover-ups and` suppression of evidence to secure convictions in these cases.

Who benefits from terrorism? Do the terrorists or their` “cause” actually benefit, OR does the media and the` government benefit? You decide. We know for certain that` nothing in politics or global affairs happens by accident.

Murder of Gordon Kahl`

The murder of tax-protester Gordon Kahl by government` agents on February 13th, 1983 in Medina, North Dakota` signaled the watershed event for the modern “patriot”  movement in America. White, middle-class America had` been increasingly upset about the decline in the standard of` living, the increasing bite of the taxman and numerous` bankruptcies and foreclosures that disrupted the` comfortable lives of family farmers in the Midwest.

The mergers and acquisitions of large corporate farms was` the direct result of money market manipulation by the` bankers forcing thousands of mid-western farmers to lose` their property during the mid-seventies.

They marched on Washington D.C. led by Dr. Eugene` Schroder, to protest, but the Congress turned a deaf ear on` its most loyal constituency. Dr. Schroder has since championed` the research on War & Emergency Powers Acts that` have robbed We the People of our constitutionally-protected` rights.

Now, the government and the police had for generations` waged a not-so-secret war against black Americans, native` Americans, union organizers, civil rights organizers and just` about anybody else who challenged the authority of` centralized government, but this was different.

It wasn't an attack against a minority group. In the` government's mind, attacking minorities is justified because` they can never become the political majority and do serious` damage to the system.

The murder of Gordon Kahl wasn't a racial issue, but a` political issue. Fed up with government being irresponsive` to the people, he had turned to the study of law to fight the` IRS. He was popularizing legal remedies to reverse the trend` of big government, and was stepping on some pretty big toes` in the process.

This event marked the desperation of the centralized government` to maintain law and order and keep a lid on the` fraud it had been perpetrating on the American people.

The lid was about to be lifted and the government would be` caught raiding the chicken coup. Like a game of musical` chairs, nobody likes having no place to sit when the music` stops. The music was about to stop.

When it's most loyal constituency, white middle-class` America stopped paying their taxes and caught on to what` was really going on behind closed doors — big government` and the big business that leaches off it would be dead.

So something had to be done. Gordon Kahl had to be` stopped. Somebody orchestrated this event, fully ten years` before Waco & Ruby Ridge.

Excessive force was used to serve a bogus search warrant` upon this white, middle-class and Christian tax protester in` North Dakota. It signaled a revolution in process that` continues to this day. His son was charged and convicted of` killing federal agents in self-defense.

This event was a symptom of the recklessness and stupidity` with which our government has determined to wage a war` against its own people. This was the government assault that` signaled the beginning of the “patriot era.”

Thousands of average, tax-paying, middle-class Americans` woke up politically that day and haven't gone back to sleep` yet. They realized their lives could be snuffed out as quickly` as Gordon Kahl by a government drunk with power. The` Sagebrush Rebellion began to gain momentum.

Editor’s Note: Yorie Kahl has been in prison ever since, the` first prominent patriot political prisoner in a steady` stream of this era. He did not receive due process of law` during his trial. His appeals and parole have been` forthright denied. Read their stories, write and lend your` support. It's a long time to be rotting in jail.1`

Designing Problem, Reaction, Results` It is essential to see the pattern in these events by the results` generated. They are not isolated. They are designed and` planned. All the following ACTIONS or EVENTS have` yielded specific REACTIONS that generated one RESULT` with several beneficiaries.

One RESULT is interagency cooperation and a giant step` towards the merging of all local, State and federal police` forces into a national police force with one united goal — to` eradicate “terrorism” and the so-called “cults” that` perpetuate it.

Action — Reaction — Result`

Behind that RESULT is an agenda for world government of,` by and for the global elite. We the People must understand` the herd mentality that allows such deception and` manipulation to be slowly but readily accepted by the` people.

Editor’s Note: “Terrorist” and “cult” are buzzwords created` by disinformation specialists (i.e., government media) to prejudice the reader or viewer to discount them as “lunatic` fringe,” thus not worthy of ones discernment. “Patriots,”  “constitutionalists,” “militia,” “sovereign Citizens” have` become the new “niggers.”

Who Benefits?

Criminals are being mass-produced by the outpouring of` new legislation, new laws, new regulations and controls` from all levels of government, particularly from the federal.

This massive growth of the federal bureaucracy and their` police powers has grown dangerous and unwieldy.

Who benefits from the rise of federal police power? Who` benefits from all the new prisons being built? Who benefits` from terrorism? Clinton admitted that the single greatest` reason for his reelection was the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Are We the People benefiting from all these new police? Are` you more secure? Do you sleep better at night? Or is this it` all a well-conceived and well-implemented hoax to slowly` but certainly erode your civil liberties and install a police` state?

No! The erosion of our liberties has everything to do with` the hidden agenda of the shadow government to destroy all` forms of government of, by and for the people. It's time to` wake up and smell the roses!`

Centralization of Police Power` This is the ultimate RESULT of a socialist - communist -` fascist police force, centralized enforcement power in the` hands of the State, instead of checks and balances against` the tyranny of any particular agency or branch of` government. In a dictatorship, who's going to be the` independent investigator to determine standards? Who's` going to police the police? Who's going to police the courts` and the politicians? Without an alert and educated` populace, tyranny is guaranteed.

Even the police and military forces themselves are being` duped into submission and compliance with the global agenda.

What isn't mentioned is the government and media` involvement in falsifying evidence (i.e., you read what we` want you to read), the obstruction of justice (i.e., we keep` whatever evidence fits our story and destroy the rest), false` and often groundless accusations (i.e., slander and libel,` blacklisting against selected individuals who might tell the` damned sordid truth and nothing but), malicious` prosecutions (i.e., targeting individuals for prosecution and` conviction to put them out of circulation), and perhaps` direct involvement in the staging of terrorist events to secure` the desired result above.

If you still believe JFK was murdered by a lone assassin then` you've been living with your head in the sand for way too` long.

Editor’s Note: Today, we'd call Oswald a terrorist and` prosecute the witnesses on the grassy knoll who saw shots` coming from another direction besides the book depository,` as coconspirators.

Many witnesses contradicted the Warren Commission` Report about the lone killer and the magic bullet theory.

Testimony was changed or eliminated to fit the government's` story. Isn't it about time to do your own research and` come up with your own conclusions? The murderers even` erected a statue at the scene of the crime and nobody even` noticed.

There is evidence to prove that the FBI knew about the` bombing of the World Trade Center in advance, could have` prevented it but didn't, then blamed it on Palestinian` terrorists.

There is evidence to prove that the bombing of the Federal` Building in Oklahoma City was a government military` operation, not a two-man lunatic fringe operation.

The bombing at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City was` executed strategically and from very high levels to destroy` condemning evidence regarding the government's behavior` at Waco, to frame up and arouse negative public opinion` against groups that are a threat to their power base, and` then it could be blamed on the militias. Beware fellow` Citizens, that the United States government has be-come the` world's most dangerous “terrorist” organization.

Numerous witnesses to the Oklahoma City Bombing saw` Timothy McVeigh in the company of four or five individuals` the morning prior to the bombing. The FBI has been` harassing and intimidating those witnesses to change their` stories.

Witnesses saw fire going towards TWA Flight 800 from the` ground right before the explosion, yet after a $40,000,000` investigation the government doesn't know and won't tell` what blew up that plane.

Perhaps Ron Brown knew something he wasn't supposed to` know. Perhaps it benefits the government's plans for` another coup d’etat to have the people whipped up into a` frenzy about “terrorists” and militia groups so as to` imposing martial law.

In America, we've been in a perpetual state of national` emergency since the bankruptcy of 1933. Now, the global` Power structure has decided to stop scurrying around in the` dark alleys of a shadow government as they have for several` generations.

Now, they’re coming out in broad daylight to arrogantly` destroying the last vestige of freedom in America. That is if` we cooperate and continue to give our power away.

Political Assassinations` ACTIONS: Assassinations or Murders of Benevolent and` Dynamic Leadership: John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy,` Medgar Evans, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, John` Lennon.

Editor’s Note: Federal government has sealed the files` regarding Kennedy's assassination until the year 2029.

The Department of Justice has not reopened the` investigation despite plenty of disconcerting evidence of a` probable conspiracy from the highest levels of` government2` REACTIONS: Americans are Shocked at the Violence in` their Midst and Loss of Leadership; Americans are Too` Disempowered to take Effective Action or Question the` Government's Story.

Editor’s Note: From November 23rd, 1963 to the present,` confidence in leadership and blind faith in our so-called` “democratic” institutions has declined in America. The` government has routinely lied to the American people about` every significant event since. The government has proven` itself to be unequivocably untrustworthy.

RESULTS: Coup d’ etat by Military Industrial Complex;` Escalation of War in Southeast Asia; Huge Profits for War` Industry; Expansion of Cold War; Fragmentation of Civil` Rights Movement and Political Activism of the Sixties;` Expansion of Centralized Power in the Hands of the Federal` Government. Who Benefits?

Excessive Use of Police Power` ACTIONS: M.O.V.E. Assassinations in Philadelphia by` COINTELPRO; Leonard Peltier Framed for Murder of` Federal Agents (June 26, 1975) by FBI COINTELPRO; Tax` Protester Gordon Kahl Murdered by Federal Agents` (February 13th, 1983) and Son Yorie Kahl Imprisoned;` Rodney King Beaten By Los Angeles Police; Donald Carlson;` Donald Scott Murdered by Police While Serving a Warrant. 3`

Terrorist Events in America` ACTIONS: FBI Informant Involved in Staging World Trade` Center Bombing with Terrorists (February 26th, 1993); ADL` Fuels the Rhetoric About Anti-Jewish Sentiment & Blames` the Arab World;` Editor’s Note: Evidence revealed during the trial supports` the conclusion that the FBI had foreknowledge of the` bombing and an FBI informant was involved in supplying` the bomb–making materials to the terrorists. This was a` precursor to Waco by two months. 4` ACTIONS: Combined Military and Federal Assault Against` Civilians Murder of Innocent Women and Children: Waco` (April 19th, 1993) and Ruby Ridge (August 22nd, 1992)`

Editor's Note: Federal government still accepts no` responsibility for staging these fiascos. Was it planned all` along to generate the intended result? Further oppression` and the centralization of police power in the hands of the` federal government? Military involvement in civilian` affairs and a coup d' etat? Could history be repeating itself` again. 5` REACTIONS: Militia Groups Arming and Expanding` Membership Throughout the States; Citizen Grand Juries` Forming to Indict Corrupt Government Officials; Citizen's` Expanding the Use of the Courts to Bring Their Issues and` Grievances; Citizen's Organizing Fax Networks, Utilizing` Short Wave Radio and the Internet to Advance the Cause of` Justice; Government at all Levels Getting Nervous About` Citizen Activism and Mounting Anger`

Editor's Note: The rise of the patriot movement was gradual` from the mid-seventies until escalating in the midnineties.

It took almost twenty years to gather enough` steam to concern the government. Big government, corporations` and banks have been getting away with murder` and ransacking the people's property for generations and` they wonder why Citizen's are angry and organizing` against them. To be labeled anti-government, means to be` against government corruption, not against lawful government` of, for and by the people. There is nothing inherently` "hateful" about not allowing corruption, injustice and` evil to prevail 6` ACTIONS: Bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma` City; BATF had Foreknowledge of Bombing but did` Nothing; Obvious Cover-up by Federal Government:` Oklahoma City Bombing (April 19th, 1993)` Editor's Note: Evidence supports that McVeigh was not` working alone, that the fertilizer bomb could not blow up the` building, that military-style bombs were used to down the` building. There is more than meets the eye and too much` evidence suppressed to rule out an extensive cover-up by the` government. McVeigh was an outsider to the patriot` movement, unknown until his deed was done, probably a` government agent and a patsy set-up to take the blame for a` dark and shadowy government operation. Nichols just got` caught up in the angry passion of the times and was swept` away by a system furious for vengeance.

REACTIONS: Anti-Terrorist Legislation Was Passed and` Signed Into Law Further Restricting Civil Liberties,` Expanding Federal Police Forces and Permitting the Use of` U.S. Military to Fight Terrorism; The Media Whipped Up a` National Frenzy About Militia Groups and Eagerly, Without` Facts, Blamed Them or Anyone Who Spoke Out Against` Government Corruption and Fraud for the Bombing`

Editor's Note: You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see` the pattern emerging towards the end result of more centralized` police power in the hands of the State. Open Your` eyes people and wake up! The militias, radio talk-show` personalities, sovereign Citizens and constitutionalists` were not responsible for bombing the Federal Building, yet` in the public perception and greed for revenge, they're psychologically` attached to punishing a scapegoat, anyone for` this horrendous crime against humanity. Strategically` placed disinformation wins out over reason and fact in a` country full of victim mentality, eager to blame anyone else` for their problems and pain. This is the foundation of all` mind control and shadow governments are experts at it. 8`

ACTIONS: Potential Military and Federal Assault Averted by` the presence of Citizen's Militia; Patriots Assist in` Negotiating: Freemen of Montana (March 25th, 1996);` Elizabeth Broderick Known as “The Lien Queen” Arrested in` California (April 26th, 1996)` Editor’s Note: As a result of Leroy Schweitzer's far too` excellent research into the nature of the international` banking system revealing the humongous fraud perpetrated` on the American people, he became the first notable and` controversial political prisoner. Although many disagree as` to whether or not his research is valid, most would agree` that his poor though noble attempt to bankrupt the power` structure through the lien process was bound to fail. He had` a strong-minded and stubborn personality and was` committed to the process, right or wrong.

REACTIONS: Common Law Courts were being Organized in` Every State; American Patriots Were Fragmented Between` Pro-Freemen and Anti-Freemen; Infighting and Betrayals` Were Abundant; Informants Were Coming Out of the` Closets Like Rats and Cowards Were Fleeing En masse; The` Movement was Divided:` Editor's Note: After the Oklahoma City Bombing and then` the arrest of Schweitzer, this sent a ripple through the court` system to derail Citizen's attempts to find recourse and` remedy through lawful process. People involved in` common law courts, Citizen grand juries or any vocal` opposition to the government found themselves subject to` malicious prosecution and/or military-style police raids on` their homes or offices. A panic spread through the patriot` movement as many feared for their lives and families.10` ACTIONS: Bombing at the Olympics in Atlanta; Attempted` Frame-up of Security Guard Failed: Olympics Bombing`

Editor's Note: No comment. Who done it? It's your best` guess. I don't know.11` ACTIONS: Downing of TWA Flight 800; Potential Cover-up` of Real Cause of the Demise of Flight 800; Crash of Air` Force Plane Carrying Commerce Secretary Ron Brown;` Editor's Note: Evidence supports the plane was downed` with a missile. The government & the NTSB denies eyewitness` reports. Witnesses are harassed.12` ACTIONS: Republic of Texas Was the Most Effective and` Best Organized State Sovereignty Group in the Country;` McLaren Was the Founder and Legal Researcher Behind it's` Success; Republic of Texas Had Just Divided Into Two` Factions; Richard McLaren Was Utilizing the Lien Process` Like Schweitzer; McLaren Was Having Dubious Success` Working Within the Existing Judicial System; Federal` Judiciary Was Obstructing the Process of Independence for` Texas and Ignoring International and Constitutional Law:` Republic of Texas Being Organized`

Editor's Note: This was a process each of the other 47 state` republics would have to have done simultaneously to have` pulled a political coup over the New World Order.13`

REACTIONS: McLaren Had to Be Stopped; McLaren Was` Becoming Increasingly Desperate and Paranoid Having` Alienated Much of His Support in Texas; Government` Seized the Opportunity When McLaren Reacted and` Purportedly Kidnapped; Government Used Excessive Force` for Serving a Warrant: Republic of Texas Standoff` Editor's Note: McLaren was a vocal and competent opponent` of the State of Texas, asserting the sovereign right of` the people to reestablish the republic. I believe he was genuine` and sincere, although I can't validate all his legal` opinions and strategies. His personality and inability to` keep the Republic of Texas moving in one direction, being` patient and committed to non-violence, were his ultimate` downfalls. Divided the Republic of Texas will ultimately fail` to reassert it's independence. Ditto in the Kingdom of` Hawai'i.]

[Editor's Note: When the media refers to a "separatist”  they imply there is no separation of powers doctrine` between the federal and state governments (which is a basic` tenant of American Law and the Constitution), that the` people are not sovereign and have no rights to keep the federal` government out of the business of the states, including` the Republic of Texas which is even recognized as an independent` nation under international law (World Court at` Hague).14`

Disinformation Agents & Hate Groups` These are complicated and difficult times for the freeminded,` freewheeling sovereign people who dare to exercise` the unalienable rights given by our Creator. Freedom and` liberty are under attack everywhere. And those who many of` us believe to be our ”protectors” are in fact the perpetrators` of injustice.

The propaganda and double-think media machine is` working overtime to deceive the American people into` believing the militias, sovereign Citizens, Common law` courts are somehow evil and antigovernment terrorists.

Sounds reminiscent of the “evil empire” come home to roost` in America. The Cold War has become a Civil War in` America between the haves and havenots. It has nothing to` do with race, but money and power.

All this is a carefully implemented mind control and` misinformation campaign intended to rob the ignorant of` any other conclusion except that government is good,` government is our savior, government is right and true. This` is corporate State socialism come home to these united` states of America with its institutionalized lawyers,` professional liars (media) and politicians.

Who are the real terrorists?

Who are the real criminals?

Who has robbed the American people of their property for` generations?

Who are the real racists hiding behind their veil of anti-hate?

This is a delicate issue as it brings out prejudice and bias` hidden behind our own personal core beliefs. In my opinion,` the answer to these questions has nothing to do with race,` class, creed or color.

These are political and economic issues, yet the guardians of` public morality would have you believe that if you challenge` the authority of the government or the banks you are` hateful, anti-semitic and racist. This logic demonizes good` people who are attempting to correct the injustices.

If you challenge the Federal Reserve Bank, the Anti-` Defamation League (ADL) will immediately label you` “antisemitic.”  It is well established that the ADL is a front organization for` the banking establishment, some of which is “Jewish,” but` certainly not exclusively so. They are also a front for Israel's` Mossad and their intelligence operations in the United` States. 15` So what is “Jewish” anyway. I doubt the Jews could agree as` to what being a Jew really is, as there are so many classes` and blends as well. So where's the logic in accusing someone` opposed to the legalized theft of the international bankers,` as being anti-semitic, unless perhaps the ADL has some` political interest in preserving the economic status quo,` Jewish or not.

The ADL is the source of much misinformation about patriot` groups, especially those deemed “anti-semitic.” True, there` are some people who are anti-semitic, but they are such a` small percentage of the population.

It is in the best interest of the ADL to promote anti-semitism` to justify their continued existence and fund-raising efforts.

Most accusations about anti-semitism are pure and simple` hoaxes for political and economic gain and have no basis in` reality. I have been accused by these same sources of being` anti-semitic, yet there is not one anti-Jewish word in any of` my books, publications and lectures.

It was all hearsay from ignorant people who didn't even look` at the materials. I don't have one racist bone in my body` either.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) maintains a “black` list” of all Americans who are purportedly in “militia”  groups. The number is astronomical considering how vague` the definition of militia is.

Today, anyone who disagrees with the political aims and` objectives of the ruling New World Order (which is truly` fascist and totalitarian in both tone and style) is deemed an` anti-government extremist.16` SPLC is a private organization under the leadership of` Morris Dees with a reserve fund of $60,000,000. Dees is a` purported authority on the subject of “hate crimes” and` terrorism. He is hired to instruct local law enforcement` officials and the FBI about the dangers of “militia” and antigovernment` groups. In examining their research, any` objective observer would conclude that it is total hysterical,` propagandist trash.

Yet most Americans never examine anybody's research.

They just believe what the television tells them and do as` they are told. If the media says militias are anti-government,` the public will believe them.

If I'm painted “anti-semitic” the majority of people will` believe the accusation without any evidence to support it.

You are convicted in the media as soon as you are indicted.

There is no trial, no evidence, no innocent until proven` guilty.

You are convicted in the eyes of public opinion. There is not` an ounce of honest investigation in any of their work. Yet,` local law enforcement and the media rely upon SPLC for the` targeted “dangerous” organizations.

Militia is a media buzzword and catchphrase created after` the Oklahoma City bombing and it includes any private` Citizen with a firearm. There are 260,000,000 weapons in` America. That's a pretty big group isn't it.

Why is it important to blast the militias in the media and` blame them, if not accuse them, for all sorts of atrocities.

Don't we have enough scapegoats in America? It's important` because it's essential that the American people submit to` “gun control” just like the Jews did in Nazi Germany.

There are preparations in the court of public opinion to` permit atrocities like Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the door-todoor` confiscation of guns. There are foreign troops on` American soil practicing in major cities to take a` neighborhood by storm troopers and get the guns. Any` dictator knows they must disarm the people before an` Auschwitz can happen with any ease.

If you can blame the militias for the violence, and the` stupidity of the American people permit it in broad daylight,` then you can round up the troublemakers — those damned` constitutionalists, sovereigns, freemen and libertarians,` Jews, blacks or whomever we deem an enemy (thanks to our` black list-maintaining friends), and put them in` concentration camps. Doesn't this sound pitifully familiar?

So-called “news” articles are circulated on a regular basis in` all the corporate-controlled newspapers around the country` from supposedly credible sources.

They are trash journalism from biased propagandists who` have no intention of doing any honest research or telling the` truth.

In all of these articles the same sources are quoted: Anti-` Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center and the` Northwest Center for Malicious Harassment. These are the` self-appointed guardians of the public morality who have` defined “hate crimes,” “anti-semitism” and “racism” to their` political advantage.

I am boiled about the stupidity of the American people, and` for those who could prevent another holocaust sitting idly by` while others are persecuted for their beliefs. There is a` Holocaust Museum in the District of Columbia so we can` learn from history, not repeat it. So why cannot ordinarily` intelligent people see the writing on the wall?

America is rising as a fascist dictatorship, as the world's` policeman for “democracy,” in every conceivable way except` it doesn't have the appearance of one (thanks to television).

President Clinton is the perfect, smiling fascist with a great` screen presence on television. He can lie to you at fortymiles` per hour and most people still believe it. He’s that` good! He’s the new-style, “new age” Hitler, a fashionable` and likeable dictator.

You may not like the white supremacists or the racists, but` they have a right to their opinion, just as you or I do. Truth` is, they're not as bad as people make them out to be. I may` not personally agree with them, but I insist they have the` right to believe the crap that comes out of their mouth.

No one talks about black supremacists, or Israeli` supremacists or Palestinian supremacists. There are lots of` cultures who believe in racial purity, or the preservation of` their race or culture. It's not all such a bad thing. Look at the` Japanese.

Are the Japanese supremacists because they don't want to` intermarry? We're so conditioned to bashing the whites,` especially white men in America for causing all the` problems, now they're the new scapegoats instead of the` “Jews and niggers.”

Editor’s Note: This is obviously for emphasis.

You are assumed to be a racist because you're white. That` sounds awful racist to me. I say, it’s time for the human race` to grow up and stop this silly nonsense. Stop judging` another through the window of your own victim mentality.

Take responsibility for creating your own reality.

They may not come for the Jews first this time, maybe it'll be` the American patriots, but when? Where will you stand?

Crime Control and Domestic Terrorism` The Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1993 (HR` 3355) is the “superhighway to fascism.” This bill abolishes` the Bill of Rights, abrogates due process, and cancels any` pretense of checks and balances against the abuse of` government police powers.

It will have little impact on street-level crime. This law is` only the most recent of a series of statutes passed over the` last 12 years that curtail even the most rudimentary of` constitutional and civil rights.17` Any individual or organization in the United States who had` or should have had knowledge that an associate might` commit a terrorist act can have their property seized.

Politically active organizations are especially vulnerable to` the Crime Control Act of 1993 & the Antiterrorism Act of` 1996. Forfeiture provisions are written like the RICO laws.

Broadly written intent to commit terrorist acts is worded as` “appear to be intended.”

Any attempt to influence the policy of government by` intimidation or coercion would be interpreted as a terrorist` act. If a defendant seeks to discover evidence against` him/her, the attorney for the government may object on the` grounds of national security.

Discovery of witnesses, evidence and due process have been` eliminated. Illegal search and seizure is redefined while` eliminating an innocent citizen’s redress in suits against the` government officials and agents. Sentencing guidelines have` been increased for terrorist crimes. The proposed HR-666` will change the rules on admitting evidence that is illegally` obtained. 18` Informants are afforded special breaks for testifying against` an accused party, who will often testify falsely to mitigate` their own arrest.

The government will have no difficulty creating informants` to cause the incarceration of any citizen considered a threat` to ones political agenda. Informants and law enforcement` agencies addressing the prevention of terrorist acts are` funded by the forfeiture and fines collected from alleged` terrorists.

Will sovereign “state” Citizens exercising their constitutional` right to free speech, press and association be targeted by` these agencies who know their jobs depend upon property` seizures, fines, and arrests?

Remember, Americans Nationals OR sovereign “state” Citizens are “foreign” to the federal United States.

E.O.— 12949 “(February 13, 1995) authorizes the` Attorney General to approve physical searches without a` court order to acquire “foreign” intelligence information.

Since the Oklahoma City bombing, Attorney General Janet` Reno and the media spin doctors have now slandered and` libeled sovereign “state” Citizens, constitutionalists, patriots,` tax-protesters, or anyone who disagrees with the` government as a “domestic or paper terrorist.” Newt` Gingrich has been quoted from the floor of Congress as` saying: “We’re going to nip those sovereignty people in the` bud.”

We the People are being labeled by the spin-doctors as` extreme right-wing paramilitary organizations, white` supremacists or terrorists. Granted, there are some elements` of these in the sovereignty movement, but I assert it’s less` than 5% of the prevailing thinking.

To the unthinking, indiscriminate public, an accusation or` indictment equals a conviction. Most people do not and will` not think for themselves, or even confirm information` before drawing conclusions. Instead of thinking, We the` People react to stimulus-response.

The desperate need for a scapegoat for the inner rage, anger` and frustration is so strong that the indiscriminate mind` doesn’t really care who committed the crime, so long as` somebody gets punished.

Our prisons are full of innocent victims of this mentality,` this sickness that pervades our society and nation. This is a` sad state of affairs in the united states of America today.

The Antiterrorism Act of 1996 will give a new charter to the` FBI and other agencies, including the military, to investigate` political groups and causes at will. The bill criminalizes acts` of violence, which are already illegal, as well as the giving of` funds for humanitarian and legal activities. Any organization` the President declares to be “terrorist,” regardless of any` legitimate activity they might pursue, could result in tenyear` sentences and/or deportation for citizens supporting` these organizations.

Due process would be eliminated by permitting the use of` secret evidence never shown to the defendant or his/her` lawyer.19`

Legislative History of the Clinton administration` The administration of President Bill Clinton has waged a` persistent attack against individual liberties, the Constitution` and the Bill of Rights in the name of reinventing bigger` (i.e., global) and more efficient (i.e., tyrannical) government.

This has resulted in more federal and international control` over state's rights, local initiatives and every aspect of the` constitutionally-protected sovereign rights of the American` Citizen.

In the wake of Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Oklahoma City bombing` and numerous other domestic incursions, many of which` could have been staged by agents within the government itself,` an “antiterrorist” bill has been passed, additional federal` and local law enforcement has been funded to the tune of` $1,000,000,000, airport security has been tightened to the` point of the absurd, privacy and first amendment rights have` been increasingly attacked, censorship is on the rise, a national` I.D. card institutionalized, welfare privatized, prisoner` rights curtailed, and prisons have been constructed at an` alarming rate while social programs have had to bite the` budget-cutting bullet.

The NSA is persistent in its efforts at cyber-spying,` tightening its grip on the free expression of the Internet` despite huge opposition. Undaunted by the public outcry` against its maligned Clipper Chip (i.e., NSA's bid for an` encryption standard that would allow it to snoop into high` tech telephone transmissions), the NSA is now developing` the Fortezza Card.

This technology encrypts data under the cloak of privacy,` but retains a “back door” to government agents who feel` they have a right and a need to snoop into people's private` affairs.

Netscape Corporation, which virtually dominates the market` for Web browsers with an 80 percent market share, recently` contracted with NSA to produce browsers and servers` compatible with the Fortezza Card. 20` Joshua M.K Masur writes, “Consider how nicely Congress'` net-wide censorship plan can be enforced with our nation's` shiny new half-billion dollar national wiretap system, for` simultaneously wiretapping as many as 1 call per 100 from` anywhere.”

The Federal Register contained a lengthy, detailed “notice of` the maximum capacity required to accommodate all of the` communication interceptions, pen registers, and trap and` trace devices that the Attorney General estimates the` government agencies authorized to conduct electronic surveillance` may conduct and use simultaneously by 11/98.”21` FBI Director, Louis Freeh reveals that “Each telecommunications` carrier must ensure that it can expeditiously` increase its capacity to meet the assistance capability` requirements [for] interceptions equal to 1% of the` engineered capacity of the equipment, facilities or services` that provide a [wired or wireless telecommunications]` customer or subscriber with the ability to originate,` terminate, or direct communications.”

Although privacy & civil liberties advocates successfully` stripped a requirement for a new national ID database from` the recent Immigration bill, something just as bad was` embraced by America's political whores when inserted in the` new Welfare “reform” bill.

New block grants to the states for welfare and the new` people-tracking national ID systems they entail will be` administered by private corporations.

They'll make the decisions regarding eligibility, services, and` payments-who eats and who starves. Welfare has been` privatized! Is this a great country or what?

Top private-sector welfare contractors include Lockheed,` IBM, and EDS. Analysts are already speculating whether` these corporations could boost profits by laying off their` employees, then administering welfare to them.

The military-industrial complex so prevalent during the` Cold War and Vietnam years has transformed into the` prison-industrial-police-attorney complex re-sharpening its` focus from a war against the Soviets to a war against the` individual liberties of the American people.

The Pentagon is involved in electromagnetic warfare and` mind control experiments on civilian populations. Biochip` implants are being prepared for human subjects with the` capability of tracking through the satellite-based Global` Positioning System.

The Law Enforcement Satellite System (LESS) is being` developed to cut the communications costs incurred by law` enforcement agencies around the nation which currently` maintain separate systems.

An entirely new unified police communications infrastructure` will directly link all agencies and their units to the` National Crime Information Center which combines all law` enforcement data from various agencies.22`

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,` make violent revolution inevitable.”

-Robert F. Kennedy (U.S. Senator, 1967)`

Terrorism helps government by encouraging it to expand. If` the terrorism escalates in spite of tougher rules, then` government power mushrooms some more.

Editor’s Note: Whoops, I'd better bite my tongue! Under` new anti-terrorist legislation the above article could be` construed as a veiled threat, anti-government sentiment,` even paper terrorism. The publisher could be blacklisted as a` terrorist organization and have it's office raided and` property seized. I could be disappeared from my family and` friends without due process, a formal accusation or a trial by` jury.

You say, it couldn't happen in America. Look at the writing` on the wall! It used to be an American pastime to criticize` the government, to organize rallies in opposition to` government corruption, to lobby against draconian` legislation. Today, it's a dangerous proposition regardless of` which side of the political spectrum you may stand.

Anti-Terrorism Act of 1996` The Anti-Terrorism And Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996,` Public Law 104132 on April 24th, 1996 (S.735 introduced by` Sen. Dole) was passed despite opposition by a wide mixture` of strange bedfellows across the political spectrum.

It has wide-reaching consequences that ought to chill the` spine of every decent American born into the luxury of` freedom in this increasingly un-free New World Order.

Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996`

Mandatory Victims Restitution Act of 1996`

Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act of 1996`

The Congress has declared that dangers posed by` international terrorism far outweigh any posed by` overpopulation or pollution. Despite opposition by a` mixture of strange bedfellows the Act became Public Law` 104-132 on April 24th, punctuated by the one-year` commemoration of the Oklahoma City bombing.

The Washington Post noted that most members of Congress` opposing the bill were either Democratic liberals or` Republican conservatives.

Organizations such as Gun Owners of America (GOA)` teamed up with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),` the American Bar Association (ABA) and the National Black` Police Association (NBPA) to fight the proposed law.

They found themselves going head to head with an equally` strange group of cohorts lobbying in favor of the legislation,` such as; The Christian Coalition, the Anti-Defa-mation` League and the National Rifle Association (NRA).

The literature is replete with warnings about this Acts` affronts to citizens’ liberties, but President Clinton` bemoaned the fact that the most important parts of the bill` had been “left on the cutting room floor,” such as the section` that would have made it easier for authorities to wiretap all` phones used by suspected terrorists.

FBI Director Louis Freeh says he is particularly “chilled” by` wording that establishes a five member commission to study` activities of federal law enforcement agencies.

His concern is dwarfed by the apprehension of freedomloving` people that the police state in America has just taken` a giant step.

Vaguely defined concepts that are likely to result in tough` prosecution for those intent on exercising liberties asserted` in the Bill of Rights are also of interest. For example, can the` unspecified “explosive materials” in section 706 be` understood as ammunition, and will gun dealers thereby be` punished for selling ammo to those who commit a crime` with it if the state believes the dealer had foreknowledge?

What will be the determining factors in establishing a` “reasonable cause to believe?”

Moreover, what exactly does to “obstruct, delay, or affect` interstate or foreign commerce” mean (Section 702)? In` 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court held that a farmer was` negatively affecting interstate commerce when he ate his` own crops because that negated the need for him to buy his` necessities in the open market. 23` Also in Section 702, anyone involved in “conduct transcending` national boundaries” and in a “circumstance” that includes` use of any facility of interstate commerce or involves` any type of property owned, leased or possessed by the United` States shall invoke the act's jurisdiction if they:`

A) Kill, kidnap, maim, commit an assault resulting in` serious bodily injury, or assaults with a dangerous` weapon any person within the United States, or`

B) Create a substantial risk of serious bodily injury to any` other person by destroying or damaging any structure,` conveyance, or other real or personal property within` the United States or by conspiring to do the same.

Threats to do so shall be punished by prison terms up` to 10 years.

Just a couple of years ago, U.S. Secretary of the Interior` Bruce Babbitt threatened to blow up Northwest dams to` save the salmon. Now anyone who makes a comment like` that can be thrown in the poky for 10 years.

What exactly is “conduct transcending national boundaries?”

The term is defined as conduct “occurring outside` the United States... (and) inside the United States.”

Does that mean “a Bernie Goetz who uses, say, an Italianmade` Beretta to defend himself and then affects interstate` commerce in the slightest way would trigger federal involvement` and a BATF investigation...(and) be subject to a 30-` year sentence for an ‘assault with a dangerous weapon.’”

US Rep. Helen Chenoweth, R-Idaho, who voted against the` law and lobbied hard to protect Constitutional habeas` corpus provisions said, “Proponents mean no harm to the` basic rights that Americans enjoy.”

If that is true, a rabbit is guarding the hen house. If, on the` other hand, the Terror Law is a Trojan Horse moved in` under the guise of protecting us, then a cougar is guarding` the hen house, and everyone must now be unrelentingly` vigilant. 24` Some of the features of this law are:`

1) Establishes a five-member commission to study` activities of federal law enforcement agencies.

2) Removal of protections on interception of wireless` messages.

3) Increased scope of BATF.

4) Prohibitions on providing material support of any kind` to organizations the Attorney General or Secretary of` State have deemed as international terrorist` organizations.

5) Freezing of domestic groups bank accounts (with no` measures for appeal) if the government believes they` are agents for foreign terrorists.

6) Exception to rules of discovery in civil proceedings` when the government claims classified materials are` involved.

7) Habeas corpus reform will curtail the ability to appeal` previous court decisions where evidence was destroyed` or suppressed by prosecutors (like in Waco and` Oklahoma City).

8) Authorizes antiterrorism training programs.

“We should not forget that our tradition is one` of protest and revolt, and it is stultifying to` celebrate the rebels of the past while we` silence the rebels of the present.”

-Henry Steele Commager`

Government Protecting the People?

The bombing of TWA flight 800 and the pipe bomb in` Olympic Park inspired the federal government to protect us` even more than they already have been.

The two blasts created the impetus Congress and the` President needed to overcome any significant public` resistance to draconian anti-terrorism laws that have been` hovering around the 104th Congressional session.

Once again, the public is ready to welcome more policing in` order to feel safer. Newspapers around the country reported` that “travelers at airports don't mind putting up with any` inconveniences encountered — as long as they can just feel` safer.”

One poll at a Miami radio station found that “90 percent of` the listeners approved of the new steps, even if they meant` extra delays and even higher ticket prices.” They didn't say` anything about added incursions into their privacy or` dignity.

The line between freedom of movement and safety searches` is getting narrower all the time. “We’re going to have to do` some things that some people, who might be called libertarians,` would not like. But nonetheless we're protecting the` people and that's the job of government,” commented` former Treasury Secretary William Simon after the bomb` blast in Atlanta. He suggests “most people want more` oppressive government since these crises have occurred--` and if the radio poll is any indication — he's right.”

Terrorists are generally thought of as enemies of the state,` but their relationship to government is actually more` symbiotic than antagonistic.

“Terrorism helps government by encouraging it to expand. If` the terrorism escalates in spite of tougher rules, then` government power mushrooms some more.

This dynamic continues to build until free institutions are` completely subverted and a new political order is created,”  says William Norman Grigg, writing for The New American.

26` This observation is nothing new to terrorists on either` extreme of the political scale. William Pierce, founder of the` neo-Nazi National Alliance, and author of The Turner` Diaries (pseudonym Andrew McDonald) observed, “More` and more, the government will lash out at dissidents, at` anyone who is not politically correct. And the two sides will` feed on each other. The more repressive and terrorist the` government becomes, the more individuals there will be` who will engage in terrorism to get back at the` government. And the more individual terrorism there is` against the government, the more terrorist the government` will become in turn.”

This world-view is remarkably similar to that of Brazilian` Marxist Carlos Marighella. In his book, Mini-Manual for` Urban Guerrillas, he explains that terrorists attack innocent` people and subvert public order in order to provoke` governments to intensify repression.

The police roundups, house searches, arrests of innocent` people, make life unbearable... Rejecting the so-called` political solution, the urban guerrilla must become more` aggressive and violent, resorting without letup to` sabotage, terrorism, expropriations, assaults, kidnapping` and executions, heightening the disastrous situation in` which the government must act...”

Another striking similarity between leftist and rightist` terrorists is their method of organizing into anonymous,` leaderless cells (i.e. like the militias).

The concept was made popular on the extreme right by` former KKK Grand Dragon Louis Beam. Radical Marxists` like Carlos Marighella developed the strategy in the 1960s.

Is this a case of ‘extreme right’ mimicking successful` initiatives of the ‘extreme left,’ or is there perhaps a deeper` affinity involving conscious deception and agents` provocateur?” William Grigg asks.

He points out several interesting communist-KKK` connections. In 1922, police in Bridgman, Michigan raided a` Communist Party cell. Documents seized there revealed that` a cell member had been running a Klan organization under` communist direction for several years.

In 1947 Sam Bowers, who would later become the Imperial` Wizard of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was a` communist as a student at the University of Southern` California. Around that time, Jewish fraternity houses at` USC were the scenes of crossburnings, and other vandalism` and defacement. The police were unable to uncover any Klan` activity in the area.

They finally traced the actions to the American Youth for` Democracy which later became the Young Communist` League. In the 1960s, after he had achieved Wizard status,` Bowers still kept his living room adorned with portraits of` Marx and Lenin.

In 1964 Bowers held a strategy meeting outlining a plan of` which the White Knights were just a part. He said he was` trying to create a race war with the hopes that troops would` be sent into Mississippi to restore order.

There were probably people who wanted them to come, so` they'd feel safer. Bowers predicted martial law would be` declared and the state would be under dictatorial control` from Washington.

The radical left was busy then too. A militant civil rights` group called the Freedom Democratic Party was fomenting` hatred among inner city blacks. FDP glorified red urban` revolutionaries abroad and taught autonomous cell` resistance.

Civil rights organizer Michael Schwerner, who was slain` around that time, had predicted the same governmental` escalation and results as Bowers.

Socialists, Communists and Fascists want government` control of every facet of people's lives and terrorist acts lead` to more government. Since the United States government is` infested with Socialists and bureaucracies are parasitic in` nature, it is not remiss to speculate that the escalating acts of` terrorism, like acts of racism, are being orchestrated from` headquarters for the desired aim of complete martial law.

After all, governments are all about control -- and anyway,` wouldn't everything be safer if armed troops were always` right outside protecting us?25`

Notes and Sources`


1. Sourced from Gordon Kahl Resources & Link` Index: https://www.icresource.com/public_html/CRC/Dir` ectory/Sovereignty.html`

2. Sourced from Power Structure Resources & Link` Index: https://www.icresource.com/public_html/CRC/Dir` ectory/Political.html. Rear Ambush By Fifth Column` Cleaning the Slate? [N96-108] OR Globalists Meet` Again [NR96-62].

3. Sourced from Leonard Peltier Resources & Link` Index: https://www.icresource.com/public_html/` CRC/Directory/Sovereignty.html`

4. Sourced from World Trade Center Bombing` Resources & Link Index: https://www.icresource.com/` public_html/ CRC/Directory/Political.html AND` Conspiracy Vs. Fact by Ian Williams Goddard AND` Anti-Semitic, Hate and Terrorist Rhetoric Promoted` by Anti-Hate Groups.

5. Sourced from Waco Massacre Resources & Link` Index: www.icresource.com/public_html/` CRC/Directory/Sovereignty.html See also Conspiracy Vs. Fact` by Ian Williams Goddard.

6. Sourced from Militia Resources & Link Index:` https://www.icresource.com/public_html /` CRC/Directory/Sovereignty.html See also Grand Jury of` Colorado Indictment OR Grand Jury of Wichita,` Kansas Indictment.

7. Sourced from Oklahoma City Bombing Resources &` Link Index: www.icresource.com/public _html/ CRC /` Directory/Sovereignty.html`

8. Sourced from Terrorism Resources & Link Index:` https://www.icresource.com/public_html/` CRC/Directory/Political.html OR Will the Real` Terrorists Please Stand Up? by Johnny Liberty [97-1];` More Anti-Terrorism Proposals: Why Don't You Feel` Safer? [N96-140]; Anti-terrorist Bill Becomes Law` [N96-102]; Anti-Terrorism Bill Funds One Billion` Dollars to Police Organizations [N96103]; Selected` Legislative History of the Clinton Administration` [ED97-15].

9. Sourced from Freemen in Montana & Lien Resources` & Link Indexes: www.icresource.com/public_html/` CRC/Directory/Sovereignty.html`

10. Sourced from Common Law Courts Resources &` LinkIndex: www.icresource.com/public_html/ CRC/Directory/` Sovereignty.html See also American Patriots: The New` “Niggers” [ED97-11].

11. Sourced from Olympics Bombing Resources &` LinkIndex:www.icresource.com/public_html/ CRC/Directory/` Political.html`

12. Sourced from Flight TWA 800 Resources & Link` Index: www.icresource.com/public_html/ CRC/Directory/Political.html` Witnesses Allege NTSB Covering Evidence of Missile` Attack [N98-4]; (Clinton's Disappearing Executive` Order — TWA Flight 800 Still in the News); Sourced` from Air Force Plane Carrying Ron Brown Crashed:` Suspicious Coverup of Commerce: Tapes Missing,` People Dead [NR96-99].

13. Sourced from Republic of Texas Founding` Documents, Resources & Link Index:`


14. Sourced from Texas Separatist Group Leader is` Sentenced to 99 Years (Richard McLaren).

15. See also the ADL’s website: https://www.adl.org`

16. See also the SPLC’s website: https://www.splcenter.org`

17. See also Alexander Christopher, Pandora's Box, pp. 489-506; The Crime Control Act of '93 by William` Cooper, Truth Seeker, Vol 121, #1, 1994, p.39 (should` violence result for any reason at a public assembly, the` property forfeiture provisions of this bill may be` triggered)`

18. See also Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of` 1993 (H.R. 3355); (discovery of witnesses, evidence` and due process have been eliminated)— Title 7 USC` §2333 (illegal search and seizure redefined while` eliminating an innocent Citizen's redress in suits` against the government officials and agents)— Title 7` USC §2337; (sentencing guidelines have been` increased for terrorist crimes )— Title 7 USC §711; See` also proposed H.R.666 which will change the rules on` admitting evidence that is illegally obtained.

19. EO#12949 published in Federal Register on Fed. 13th,` 1995 (foreign intelligence physical searches) sourced` from Perceptions, May/June 1995, p.82.

20. Initial Policy: Everyone will have a Fortezza card to` encrypt or de-encrypt DMS messages. New Policy:` Each command will have a number of Fortezza cards` to be placed at the entrance to the command for` organizational DMS messages. For PGP encryption,` see also: https://www.mishmash.com/fredspgp/pgp .htm`

21. Sourced from Federal Register Doc. 95-25562,` October 13th, 1995.

22. For more information on the Law Enforcement` Satellite System, see www.halcyon.com/dwyman/lesat.htm l` 23. Sourced from Wickard v. Filburn, 1942.

24. Sourced from Public Law 104-132, 104th Congress;` Fact Sheet: Problems With the Government Terror` Bill, Gun Owners of America; Spokesman-Review,` April 21, 1996; Reviewed by Estar Holmes.

25. Sourced from NANS, Summer ‘96, p.40-42.

26. Sourced from William Norman Grigg, The New` American, Vol. 12, No.13.

27. Ibid, p.23.-