- Chapter Six`
The New World Order has been Planned and Designed for Centuries by
the Global Elite – Live Free!`
by Johnny Liberty`
Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed
to the research` and creation of this handbook.
Unveiling the
“First they came for the Jews, and I did not` speak out, because
I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists and I did not` speak out,
because I was not a communist.
They came for the trade Unions and I did not` speak out, because
I was not a trade Unionist.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left` to speak out
for me.”
— Pastor Martin Niemoeller 1`
So what does the
power structure have in mind for us and` who are “they” anyway? Is this just
some horseshit` “conspiracy theory?”
The present
objectives are simple. Get the world population` to agree to a one-world
government, world central bank and` currency, world army and a microchip
population linked to a` central computer.
We are already a
one-party, one-world State with different` storefronts posing as separate and
distinct nations. There is` one policy and the same cast of string pullers
orchestrating` world events.
Most people believe
that the head of State (e.g., Bill Clinton)` is the pinnacle of the power
structure and the buck stops` there. It doesn't even come close. Presidents and
Prime` Ministers, Congressmen and Senators are puppets nothing` more.
There is an
extensive secret and emerging powerful world` government above them pulling
their strings.
Politicians have
big egos and they project an image as if they` are the final arbitrators of
power. Most people believe this` despite that it simply ain't so.
Have you ever asked
who creates a President? Who decides` their running mates on both parties?
Isn't it suspicious that` regardless of whether or not Democrats or Republicans
get` elected, everything still gets worse?
These divisions are
arbitrary and have nothing whatsoever` to do with real power in the real world.
Ideology is an` illusion fostered to keep the people divided — arguing over`
non-issues, which they have absolutely no power to do` anything about (at least
in the present herd mentality).
The Left and Right
are a big joke. With Hitler cast on the far` Right and Stalin cast on the Far
Left — both advocate` centralized control, concentration camps and slavery for`
their people. Isn't it great to have choice?
Elections are
decided long before any vote is cast. If you still` believe in “democracy” as
the peoples’ government, I'd` suggest looking again. Your vote makes no
political` difference whatsoever.
Democracy is not
“freedom” even though they are treated as` synonymous terms. Fifty people
telling the other forty-nine` what to do is not freedom. Majority rule is
tyranny for the` minority!` The last five Secretary Generals of NATO were
Bilderberg` appointees. World Bank appointees are Bilderberg` appointees. The
European Union, endorsed by Chancellor` Kohl of Germany, is a Bilderberg Group
creation. Every` recent President of the United States including Jimmy` Carter,
Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Bill Clinton were` members of the Trilateral
Commission and/or Council of` Foreign Relations. So were many of their
opponents in the` elections. So regardless of who won, the same people behind`
the scenes retain power.
Look at current
events with a more scrutinizing eye. Do not` ever believe the mainstream or
alternative media storyline.
Both are contrived
action and reaction.
Today, all media is
propaganda, mass manipulation and` government-supplied information.
Look at who owns
the media, what clubs they belong to (e.g.,` Bilderbergs, Royal Institute of
International Affairs,` Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations)
and` how are they benefiting from keeping the truth from the` people.
It’s more of a
collective mindset and attitude of superiority` than a loathing “conspiracy.”
Treat it as such. Question every` motive from the power structures perspective
and every` conclusion arrived at. Watch who is blamed and ask who is`
benefiting from the sheeple believing the storyline.
Do your own
independent research and cross-check your` sources. Have direct experience of the
people or groups` blamed and get some inside information. If you do so with` an
open mind, you'll arrive at very different conclusions.
Ask yourself who is
benefiting from the action? Who` benefited from the assassinations of JFK,
Malcolm X,` Martin Luther King, and John Lennon?
Who benefited from
the war in Bosnia? Except for rare,` random cases of violence without a purpose
or cause, most` events are conspiratorial and orchestrated carefully. Nothing`
in politics happens by accident. You'd better start believing` that.
Who benefited from
the bombing of the Federal building in` Oklahoma City? As a result of the
bombing, anti-terrorist` legislation sailed through Congress further curtailing
the` civil liberties of 260 million law-abiding citizens for the` insane acts
of a few people. [See also Terrorism.]` Today, there is more centralized police
power in the hands` of the federal government with an easing on the
restrictions` regarding the involvement of the military in civilian affairs.
Records regarding
the BATF involvement in Waco were` destroyed in the building so no further
investigation of the` agency could ensue.
People were whipped
up into a frenzy and scared of the rise` of militia activity in the United
States. The militias and` constitutionalists were blamed for the bombing
despite any` evidence.
The impression was
still left in the public mind and most` people discounted their activities as
irrelevant “right-wing` extremists.”
So instead of
looking at the issues being raised by the` patriots in America regarding the
erosion of the constitution` and the protection of our precious freedoms, most
people` discounted the patriots as fanatical murderers.
Thus the herd
mentality could go about their business in the` hassle-free zone without daring
to look at reality outside the` comfort zone.
The status quo
benefited from this bombing. Do you think` perhaps they had some small
involvement in orchestrating` it? Look at the evidence.
Then look at the
evidence that was either destroyed or` suppressed. Make up your own mind about
Today, great power
is being unveiled for all to see. We do not` have to hate these power mongers,
for they are doing what` they believe is best for the sheeple.
They have given us
a gift in seeing ourselves, what we stand` for and how we fall.
The power structure
today is a massive statement about us` and our own lack of power and
responsibility. I do not or` will not speak with hate or condemnation about
I do not advocate “an eye for an eye” for then everyone is blind.
– Gandhi`
I do not advocate the use of violence for any reason or
cause,` but firm nonviolent, non-cooperation with such a system.
Look at our
possibility. We could be soon evolving and` migrating from a prison to a
paradise. If indeed we create` our own reality. Let's do a better job at it.
Let's make it a` powerful one.
War Against the American Sovereign` Many Americans are awakening to the blatant corruption`
and abuses of our own federal United States government,` which is presently
occupying and controlling the free and` independent states of the united states
of America on behalf` of foreign powers.
Similar occupations
are occurring in countries around the` world. America may be the last bastion
of freedom` consciousness arising in the world today.
More Americans are
afraid of their own government than` so-called “terrorists,” and are unwilling
to give up more of` their civil liberties to fight them. When a D.C. Research`
group asked Americans, “In general, do you have more` confidence in local, state or
federal government?”
Almost one in five
Americans, black or white, volunteered` that they had no confidence in the
government at any level.2` Due to a strategy
and design that’s older than the republic,` American Nationals AND sovereign
“state” Citizens, and the` free and independent sovereign states of the
republic began` losing their sovereignty after the Civil War. This has`
continued unabated until the present.
The united states
of America is at the frontline of the New` World Order’s assault upon the
sovereignty of ALL the` nations and peoples of the world, because We the
People` have set a historical precedent and model for individual` sovereignty
that stands in the way of the present` international structure.
To achieve a de
facto world government without the consent` or input of the people requires
obliterating the concept of` sovereignty.
Without destroying
sovereignty and the innate free will of` the human being, the New World Order
cannot and will not` succeed. Although, mind control and propaganda systems`
abound in this Communications Age, the root desire for` freedom and
consciousness is alive and well.
Our perceptions may
have been altered, indeed changed for` awhile, but the truth shall set up free!
Restore your ability to` see clearly the truth and the light of day!!!`
“[The New World Order] cannot happen` without U.S.
participation, as we are the` most significant single component.
Yes, there will be a New World Order,` and it will force the
United States` to change its perceptions.”
— Henry Kissinger`
The federal United
States government, and the foreign` powers presently directing it, have waged a
130 year assault` upon the Constitution and the republican form of` government
created here over 220 years ago.
The federal United
states government has neither` acknowledged nor apologized for its continued
assault and` war upon its own American sovereign Citizen.
national government formally declared war` on the American people in 1933 by
amending the` Trading With the Enemies Act (1917) to include all` American
sovereign Citizens and suspending the` Constitution through the Emergency &
War` Powers Acts. That war has continued to this very` day. 4 [See also Restoring a Republic.]`
We the People can
still re-consummate a de jure government` by returning to the organic law that
preceded the creation` of the federal government and rebuilding the foundation`
for a renewed republican form of government for the all` the people regardless
of race, creed, class, sex or color.
The Constitution of
the United States, not the organic law` that preceded it, has been suspended
and suppressed, not` destroyed. The united states of America merely needs to
be` re-inhabited by American National OR sovereign “state” Citizens to restore
constitutional government.
This is
NOT a matter of majority rule, but an` individual issue of choice.
Will you reclaim it
or not? The choice is yours to decide` whether or not you’ll walk the path of
sovereignty in this life.
Presently, the
American sovereign “state” Citizen is in exile,` without a homeland, until
constitutional government is` restored in the united states of America.
The principles of
self-government continue to exist in the` organic law, the public laws,
statutes and case laws of over` 220 years of American law. But it requires an
American` sovereign to re-inhabit the system once reconstituted.
Without American
sovereigns formally declaring and reinhabiting` a republican form of
government, there can be no` sovereign states, counties, townships,
constitutional` Common law courts or grand juries.
republican form of government must be` reconstituted from the bottom-up, not
from the` top-down. Will you throw off the chains of` democracy and tyranny?
Will you throw off the` New World Order and establish a “True” World` Order?
It’s all around you!` Listen to the Drumbeat of Tyranny`
When are We the
People going to finally awaken to the` political and economic realities in
America — that the` federal United States government is corrupt and must be`
transformed or abolished? Government has become nothing` more than a vast
international network of “organized crime.”
We are in a
constant state of war. The economic system is` collapsing on more and more
people every day. An` apathetic, illiterate and ignorant Citizenry marches to
the` drumbeat of tyranny.
Will we make the
same mistake every other empire in` history has made? Is this the last hoorah
for the American` empire?
This is a critical
juncture in both American and world` history. Are we going to stay asleep until
after the New` World Order has superceded all our constitutional laws and`
imposed it’s own totalitarian version of a replacement` “constitution?”
How long can you
tread water? How long will it be until the` United States government comes
after you to collect on your` promise to pay the federal debt?
Have We the People
enough courage in the home of the` brave and of the land of the free to finally
face the truth?
The joke is — you're not paranoid` if they REALLY are out to get
Must We the People forever
be reminded of how tyrannies` arise? We give our power away desperately like
children` wanting to be taken care of.
When a people go to
sleep for generations and do not apply` the checks and balances necessary to
maintain liberty and` justice for all, then governments take and abuse their
power` over the people.
The United States
government is presently such a` government. Stop apologizing for tyranny.
Stop relying on
government to take care of you. Stop` supporting the dangerous polarization of
America by` jumping on the bandwagon and attacking your fellow` Citizens who
are being victimized by such a government.
Someday it may be
your turn to be under attack. Who will` stand for you? Who will prevent another
Holocaust from` happening in these united states of America?
Your fellow
Citizens and neighbors are under attacked daily` by our own government, by
countless unjust and unconstitutional` laws. Prosecutors, attorneys, police,
prisons, and` even our own military are planning attacks against us.
There are
concentration camps built to house what remains` of the free people of America.
We the People are
attacked daily by the media and other` government apologists who are
blindfolded into a position` that supports tyranny and oppression. Are we so
ignorant` and vested in the lie that good people rally behind tyranny` under
the guise of democracy and don't even realize it?
Property is being
seized, extorted, and outright stolen by the` courts, forfeiture laws, judges,
attorneys, and the IRS. Due` process of law is virtually gone in these kangaroo
We the People have
no rights, no constitutional guidelines,` not even consistent rules and
procedures left to prevent the` abuse of government power.
The halls of Congress
and the courts are totally corrupt.
Criminal activity
is routine in the halls of government and` those whistleblowers who attempt to
report those crimes are` fired, marginalized, discredited and victimized.
Our elected
officials operate under so-called sovereign` immunity and are protected from
prosecution and` imprisonment even if indicted and convicted.
There are two
standards of justice. Both of our recent` Presidents George Bush and Bill
Clinton are immoral` criminals of the highest order as are many other top`
government officials who are operating solely on behalf of` the creditors of
the federal United States.
Some levels of
government, and those who pull the strings of` government, are involved in
sponsoring terrorist events so` as to implement more stringent controls and
install a police` state.
Problem —
Reaction — Result`
Ultimately, the
truth shall prevail and those responsible` brought to justice.
Democracy =
Dictatorship = Communism` Fellow
Citizens and neighbors concerned with the plight of` America are being
prosecuted, harassed, indicted and` labeled “domestic or paper terrorists” by
the same officials` who lie, steal and kill daily on behalf of a government
gone` mad. These people are called “patriots” because they love` their country
and the principles upon which it was founded.
government that has no conscience about killing` innocent men, women and
children under the ruse` of protection, whether at Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma`
City, or in Iraq, is not a government worth` your allegiance or hard-earned tax
dollars. A government` that routinely lies and frames up innocent` and
law-abiding Citizens for its own political` ends is not a government that can
be trusted.
Your fellow
Citizens and neighbors are not criminals except` that the U.S. Congress has
elected to make criminals of` everyone who might interfere with the
centralization of the` Power structure, while the media sensationalizes
violence` and crime to keep you emotionally desensitized and asleep.
If you disagree or
dissent from the government media` promoted propaganda you’re labeled a
“constitutionalist, a` militia member, white-supremacist, racist or
anti-Semitic, a` tax-protester or domestic terrorist.” Stop letting the media`
spin doctors do your thinking for you.
Wake up America!
You live in a fascist, socialist - communistic` national security police State.
America is not a free` country, but a nation under siege and occupation by
foreign` powers who control us politically, economically and legally.
Will you stand by
and watch the complete and final demise` of the country that gave your
unprecedented freedoms and` prosperity?
Admit, that the
United States government is out of control,` spiraling on the brink of collapse
and complete bankruptcy` — morally, politically and economically. Media and
educationally` generated misconceptions, ignorance and constitutional`
illiteracy are the root causes of oppression worldwide.
By identifying our
common ground and uniting across the` political, racial and spiritual spectrum
lies our greatest` opportunity to restore liberty and freedom in the united`
states of America, and then around the world.
Will you join with
us and restore sovereignty to all the` people? Your choice will determine how
we shall live in the` next millennium, as free people fulfilling their
potential, or` as economic slaves in a high-technology police state.
Police State Actions` Our life, liberty and unalienable rights as American National` OR sovereign
“state” Citizens are being invaded, assaulted,` and violated daily by both the
willing and the unconscious` agents of the sovereign Power Structure, and the
foreign` creditors/principals who control the federal United States`
Thousands of new
statutes are passed each year while those` elected to uphold and defend the
Constitution routinely violate` the law of the land. This is paramount to
These multifarious
statutes have made “criminals” of` virtually every American, for some reason or
other, while` increasing numbers of the American people are suffering` from
unemployment, hunger, sickness, homelessness,` imprisonment, and bankruptcy.
The hidden agenda
of the sovereign Power structure is to` destroy the united states of America,
and to control every` facet of our lives.
Through statutes
and administrative rules and regulations,` the federal United States government
is routinely violating` your right to privacy, right to contract, right to
travel, right` to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Adolf Hitler
took` control of Germany by instituting statutes, and administrative`
regulations, This is not some novel intellectual idea of a` fanatic cult or
lunatic fringe, nor the raving and ranting of a` madman, but the long-needed
wake up call for all America` and the world.
There won’t be any
sanity until We the People get` government back under the political control of
the people.
The greatest “lies
of our times” are delivered wholesale` through the mainstream media. Truth is indeed
an` endangered species, as we plunder the earth to our own selfannihilation.
Have the American
people become lemmings marching` blindly, instinctually to the apocalypse? Here
comes a` smiling government bureaucrat, “Hi, I’m from the` government and I’m
here to help you.”
They offer fraud,
theft, lies, and 100,000 more police` officers on the street to fight the
illusive and useless “wars` on crime and drugs.” Perhaps, the war is against
the people` and always has been.
If you think your
constitutional, sovereign or civil rights are` worth squat as a U.S. citizen,
subject to all these statutory` intrusions and violations of basic civil and
human rights,` think again.
Given the
political, economic and environmental climate of` our times, reclaiming your
sovereign citizenship, restoring` our Constitution and Bill of Rights may be
our best option` for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the next`
millennium. Why hesitate? What have you got to lose except` your chains?
"The Truth is in lock-down.
Unleash the Truth, it
will set you free.”
— Johnny Liberty`
One hundred heavily
armed BATF agents invaded the` residence of a religious group in Waco, Texas.
Upon hearing the
shouting hoard of heavily armed paramilitary` group descending upon them, they
locked the doors` and braced for an attack. BATF agents broke windows and` shot
into the residence killing eight people inside.
As agents started
entering the building, the people defended` their home by fighting back killing
four of the assaulting` BATF agents.
If the besieged
residents had any hope that public pressure` would bring a halt to the siege,
they were sadly mistaken.
The government’s
disinformation campaign and rapid` manipulation of the media sought to make the
besieged` victims the culprits.
The Waco tragedy
had the potential for waking up the` American people. Bill Clinton appeared on
television and` stated that the residents had committed suicide and were to`
blame for the horrible outcome.5` Five hundred
heavily armed ATF and FBI agents, U.S. Marshals, local law enforcement,
military vehicles and tanks` surrounded a small home owned by Randy Weaver,
killed` his son and wife, then had the audacity to charge his entire` family
with conspiracy (September 16, 1992).
A jury cleared
Weaver of the murder charge, but held him` guilty of the gun charge of having
sold a shotgun in which` the barrel was 1/4” longer than the law allowed.6`
Donald Scott, a
nearly blind rancher was shot to death by` BATF and Justice Department agents
near Malibu,` California (February 2, 1992).
A multi-agency drug
task force of over two dozen heavily` armed California and federal agents
mounted a military type` assault allegedly looking for a field of marijuana.
showed that the real motive was not a search` for drugs, but a desire to seize
his ranch under federal` forfeiture laws. 7`
“The bigger the lie,` the more people will believe it.”
— Adolf Hitler`
Historically, there
have been great shows of police and` military force against civilians in the
united states of` America including incidents at Waco, Ruby Creek, Donald`
Scott, and Gordon Kahl to name only a few.
Regardless of their
personal, political or religious views,` these people should not have been the
victims of this kind of` military action in times of peace.
These military
assaults upon civilians are an act of war` against the people and must be
stopped. If there’s a war` going on, then we ought to know about it.
If We the People
are under attack, then we have a right not` only to know who our enemy is, but
also to defend ourselves.
Check out these
headlines from our own North American` News Service.
• Williams Fights FBI`
• FBI Spies on Famous Americans`
• FBI Raid on CPA Bookstore`
• Does the FBI Spy on its own Whistleblower`
• FBI Attack Against Americans` • Civil
Rights Task Force Raided by Feds`
• Embassy of Heaven Church Attacked`
• FBI Raids Church & Christian University8`
Expanded Police Powers and` Foreign Military Forces` U.S. Senator Prescott Bush helped pass a law in 1961,
signed` by John F. Kennedy, to eliminate the American armed forces` and to use
foreign troops to police the united states of` America.
This has almost
been achieved through the transfer of` sovereignty of the federal United States
to the foreign` creditors/principles, and the command of our armed forces` to
the United Nations.
Former President
Bush also transferred the command of the` American military forces to the
United Nations under their` direction and control. 10` Former President Carter authorized the creation of the`
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by` Executive Order #12148. He also
deputized all military` forces as U.S. Marshals.
Three U.S. supreme
Court Justices (Stevens, Brennan and` Marshall) affirmed in the Bail Reform Act
of 1984 that we` are living in a police state.
The sovereign Power
structure is not hesitating to use their` “police powers” to enforce their plan
for a New World Order.
Because of Bosnia,
the largest multinational world army` since World War II with 60,000 troops has
assembled in` Europe. There are presently 53 different federal police`
organizations with 79,000 troops in the United States` including the FBI, BATF
and U.S. Marshals which are` presently under the authority of the United Nations.
There are thousands
of national police forces organizing` domestically under the
Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force` (MJTF). The MJTF is the velvet glove on the
iron fist,` comprised of not only military and law enforcement` personnel, but
also punks from street gangs. Another job` program from the government.
MJTF’s avowed
purpose is to do house-to-house search and` seizure operations to seize
weapons, firearms, food reserves` and people.
FINCEN are foreign
military and secret police brought into` the United States for deployment
against U.S. citizens under` the authority of Executive Order of the President,
Interpol,` and the United Nations. HR 97 seeks to create a “rapid` strike
force” that would empower the Attorney General to` establish an FBI unit to assist
in the combating of crime.11` United Nations
troops are also being trained and harbored` in old military bases in the united
states of America for` future actions against the people of the united states
of` America, or elsewhere in the world. Since November 11,` 1990, they’ve been
performing joint military exercises with` United States troops on military
bases around the country,` and on Forest Service land in Idaho and Montana.
Other United
Nations battle groups are in Ft. Drum (New` York), Ft. Dix (New Jersey), North
Carolina next to Virginia,` Texas panhandle near Oklahoma, south of Los
They are supplied
by United Nations Naval forces throughout` Michigan, Montana and Sacramento
(California). It’s estimated` there could be as many as 500,000 United Nations`
troops presently training on American soil. 12` Along
with the National Guard and the U.S. Military, you’d` think this would be
enough firepower to wage a war against` a mostly sleepwalking people.
The perception is
that the domestic troops would not be` reliable enough to enforce these new
laws against their` neighbors, friends and families.
Soldiers from other
countries under the flag of the United` Nations would not be so compassionate
in dealing with` Americans, thus are more reliable.
There are many
patriotic United States military forces` including the Officer Corp that will
resist the takeover of our` nation (e.g., Delta Force).13` There have been rumors of black military helicopters
being` sited all over the united states of America, many in` association with
DEA operations, but also engaged in the` surveillance of civilians.
There are
unconfirmed reports of Russian military` equipment being unloaded at the docks,
and imported from` points in Mexico. There’s a lot of hardware being imported`
into America from foreign sources. There are also numerous` concentration camps
in America that have been recently` refurbished. What are they doing here in
America? You’d` better ask the question before its too late.
Gulf War
Forces Exposed to Biological & Chemical` Agents`
“Only 143 American
men and women died in the Gulf War.
Now 10,000 to
12,000 are dead,” says Joyce Riley, an RN` who was afflicted with the Gulf War
Illness and survived to` lead the campaign to help the sick and dying vets who
are` being shunned by the Veterans Administration and The` Department of
One of her few
allies in Congress, Senator Donald W. Riegle` Jr., Chairman of the US Senate
Committee on Banking` Housing and Urban Affairs, released a report in
September` 1993 suggesting the troops may have been exposed to` chemical and
biological warfare agents. Concerned for the` health of the vets and their
families, who were also` becoming sick, he held a Senate hearing on February 9,
1994` which revealed Gulf War troops were subjected to` experimental
vaccinations, irradiated foods, radioactive` munitions and a toxic soup of
substances released by the` bombings.
His committee
requested records from the Department of` Commerce that show the US government
approved the sale` of biological materials to the Iraq Atomic Energy`
Commission, the Iraq Ministry of Higher Education, the` State Company for Drug
Industries and the Ministry of` Trade before the war.
A 1992 Department
of Defense report called Conduct of the` Persian Gulf War says: “(Iraq's)
advanced and aggressive` biological warfare program was the most advanced in
the` Arab world...(The) program... concentrated on the` development of two
agents, botulinum toxin and anthrax` bacteria...Delivery means for biological agents
ranged from` simple aerial bombs and artillery rockets to surface-tosurface`
Nurse Riley says 20
different biologicals were loaded into` the warheads along with cyanide which
was used to make` the gas mask filters ineffective. “When our patriot missiles`
knocked the SCUDS out at 200 feet over the heads of the` American troops, they
were rained on with biologicals.”
The following
biological materials, all of which have` potential weapons applications, were
sold to the Iraqis by` American companies:` Bacillus Anthracis, Clostridium
Botulinu,Histoplasma` Capsalatum, Bruccella Melitensis, and Clostridium`
Perfringens. Also, orders for E. Coli, genetic materials and` human bacterial
DNA were shipped directly to the Iraq` Atomic Energy Commission.
“The US government and Iraq violated the Geneva` Convention of
1972. There are tremendous` criminal and political implications in this,” says Ms. Riley.
The milieu of
symptoms suffered by the Gulf War vets is` now spreading to family members and
pets, and an` inordinate number of their children are born dead or` deformed.
Nurse Riley says troops returning from other` engagements are exhibiting the
same symptoms. “Men` returning from Somalia are sick, people returning from`
Bosnia have rashes and a strange viral illness, and troops` going to 3 - month
rotation in Kuwait from Fort Hood,` Texas, are coming back sick with a rash.”
And it's not just` American troops being affected. She says, “British, French`
and Canadian troops are dropping like flies.” 14`
US Interests
Profited From Biological Warfare` Ingredients in Gulf War` The Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration`
continue to issue reports saying they can find no single` cause of the health
problems of Gulf War veterans. Peter` Kawaja, a security specialist who
provided security to Product` Ingredient Technology (PIT) in Florida and Ishan
Barbouf` International (IBI), says that germ warfare was indeed` used in the
Gulf War and that the United States sent the soldiers` into the war knowing biologicals
would likely be used.
In addition, the
hydrogen cyanide used to render gas mask` filters ineffective was tested at PIT
for over a year prior to` the Gulf War.
In 1989 Kawaja was
asked to install a hydrogen cyanide` detection system. He became suspicious of
the company's` motives and reported their activities to the CIA, FBI and`
The government told
him IBI were “international terrorists”
and that the government was going to prosecute them. That` didn't
happen. In 1990 he sent a secret message to the` National Security Agency
warning that Iraqi intelligence was` operating in the US close to a classified
military facility. He` had obtained audio and video recordings, fax
transmissions` and paper documentation of federal agents, politicians and` the
“terrorists” regarding connections to Commodity Credit` Corporation-Banca
Nazionale del Lavorro (CCC-BNL).
Eight federal
agents subsequently burst into his office at the` International Security Group (ISG)
and confiscated the` videos and other documentation without presenting a
search` warrant. This evidence was subsequently sealed due to` National
Security purposes. Four years later, Mr. Kawaja` had it unsealed.
The documents prove
government agents knew Barbouti,` who had previously built the Pharma-150
Chemical/Biological` Complex at Rabta, Libya, had established a chemical`
warfare production facility at the PIT plant in Florida. The` documents further
show the government was familiar with` Barbouti's ownership of CROSS LINK in
Belgium which is` connected to CCC-BNL.
Brent Sowcroft of
the National Security Council, was a` consultant to BNL. The “Counselor”
Attorney General Janet` Reno appointed to investigate BNL was John Hogan II,
an` attorney from Miami who represented Ishan Barouf` International.
The only major
portion of his BNL Task Force Report that is` blacked out is on Ishan Barbouti.
President Bush, James` Baker III, and John Deutch all had financial interests
in some of the companies that developed, sold and
transferred` the biological and chemical weapons to Iraq before the war,`
according to Peter Kawaja and Doctors Garth and Nancy` Nicholson.15`
Manipulation by Pentagon` Potential
uses for the electromagnetic spectrum in warfare` was described in an Air Force
Document called, “Low` Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology” in 1986.
In the forward,
Newt Gingrich touted America's ability to` successfully cope with low-intensity
threats, intimating that` electronic weapons are the ideal tools to accomplish
that` goal. They are used both overtly and subtly.
The Pentagon's
energy weapons development program` includes high power lasers that disorient
“the enemy,” strobe lights that nauseate
uncooperative crowds and highpowered` microwaves that disable electronic
The Air Force
already has a flying transmitter that can` intercept radio transmissions
(anti-UN propaganda, for` example) and replace the content with words more to
the` controllers’ liking.
“Operation Sleeping
Beauty” during the Reagan` Administration explored ways to disrupt the human
nervous` system through electro-magnetics. The program sought to` manipulate
the reason, emotions and physical sensations of` subjects and to “unhinge a
man's mind.”
The practical uses
for such capabilities included the quieting` of mobs by triggering mass
vomiting; electronically` disorienting hostage takers' minds and the disabling
of` terrorists holed up in compounds with explosives.
In 1990 DOD said
that the Soviets had the ability to produce` radio frequency weapons that could
disorient people at a` distance of a half mile. Apparently the Soviets
capacities at` mind control are much more sophisticated than that.
According to
Newsweek, Moscow conferred with the FBI` during the WACO debacle about their
technique of beaming` inaudible transmissions into a subjects brain. The
procedure` would have caused Koresh to think he was hearing the voice` of God
in his head.
Also during WACO,
the Air Force offered the FBI one of its` top-secret nonlethal weapons which
“would have given [the` FBI] the ability to make a surprise attack with a
large` number of agents.” After WACO, Janet Reno asked the` Pentagon and the
CIA to join her in further exploration of` the use of these “non-lethal
technologies” for both military` and civilian law enforcement purposes.
Even though the new
weapons are billed as “non-lethal,” an` article written as early as 1980 in
Military Review, said “... there are weapons systems that operate on the power
of` mind whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated.”
An Air Force
publication, Defense News projected that it` may eventually be possible to
locate anyone on the planet` and then target them for disruption through
thought` implantation techniques. Similar technologies have been` developed to
pump millions of watts of electricity deep into` the earth (i.e., Project ELF).16`
War on Drugs - War on Human Rights` The “war on drugs” is actually a “war on civil liberties
and` human rights.” Nine million people have been arrested for` possession or
sale of marijuana since 1965.
The National Drug
and Crime Emergency Act (HR 4079),` and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act (1988) has
thrown many of our` statutory civil rights and due process out the window.
This “war” has
justified all kinds of clearly unconstitutional` and unconscionable police
activities, including illegal search,` seizure and the forfeiture of property
without a trial. Don’t` forget your 4th, 5th and 6th Amendment rights.
Fortunately, the
supreme Court recently declared property` forfeitures and illegal seizures
unconstitutional, again. Still` they go on everyday.17` The supreme Court Justices in 1989 upheld that state and`
federal agents could confiscate the assets and property of a` person possessing
drugs, or who committed a crime, even` though charges had not been filed, and
there had not been a` trial.
In December 1993,
five of the nine held that there must first` be a hearing before the property
was seized. This is` preposterous considering the key role high-level federal`
officials and the CIA have been playing in the import of` massive amounts of
drugs over the last thirty years.18`
Drives Drug Prohibition` “Since 1988, federal spending on anti drug`
programs has increased more than 300 percent,` yet according to government
statistics illicit drug` use has remained virtually unchanged among` adults and
has actually increased among` adolescents,” according to Allen St. Pierre,
Deputy` Director of NORML.
Heroine and cocaine
are cheaper, purer and more widely` available now, especially in prisons — the
one place you'd` think the government could perfect Prohibition.
These observations
have led to a growing conviction that` drug prohibition, like the failed
experiment in alcohol` prohibition, is doomed to fail and a new solution to
nation's` drug problem must be found.
Most opponents of
drug prohibition agree that the first step` toward a solution is to get the
federal government out of the` picture — for several reasons. First of all, the
federal` government has too much to gain by being engaged in a` drug war. It
gains more and more police power, and various` enforcement agencies are raking
in profits via asset` forfeiture laws.
Secondly, the
government’s suppression of drugs drives the` market underground and
artificially raises the value because` of risks involved in dealing without
doing anything (as` already noted) about diminishing demand. Third, decisions`
about drug use should be made and enforced on a local level` because the
smaller the bureaucracy, the more receptive and` innovative it can be.
Advocates of drug
decriminalization lean toward treating` drug abuse as a public health problem,
with the people in each locality coming to a decision about what constitutes`
“abuse.” Most would limit advertising of drugs, including` alcohol and tobacco.
The billions of
dollars the federal government has` misapplied in its ineffective drug war are
matched by the` basic lack of understanding exhibited by the DEA on drug` use and
The Partnership for
Responsible Drug Information refutes` the 22 major claims made in support of
drug prohibition.19`
Marijuana Laws
“Contrary to popular myths, marijuana smokers are
no` different from their nonsmoking peers except for their` cannabis use,”
writes Paul Armentano, publications` director for the National Organization for
the Reform of` Marijuana Laws (NORML).
“Like most everyone
else, these folks are responsible citizens` who work hard, raise families,
contribute to their communities` and want crime-free neighborhoods to live in.”
Armentano argues
that seeking out, arresting and jailing` these otherwise law-abiding people is
a travesty within our` criminal justice system and can never be part of a truly
free` society.
The National
Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates that` 71 million Americans (more than
one-third of the voting` population) have smoked marijuana at some time in
their` lives.
More than 10
million are current users. In 1994, nearly half` a million Americans were
arrested on marijuana-related` charges; 84 percent were arrested not for making
sales, but` for mere possession.
Many successful
business and political leaders have` admitted to using the drug. Literature
from NIDA itself` states that the vast majority of users do not become`
dependent, and they do not go on to use other illegal drugs.
Alcohol and tobacco
are just as much "gateway" drugs as` marijuana to the small
percentage of society bent on selfdestruction.
Consider, too, that
marijuana was legal in this country until` the early 1900s. Prior to its
prohibition, America was never` known as the land of “potheads.” In other
words, smoking` the stuff was just not a big problem.
The fact that
marijuana use is currently on the rise, in the` wake of stepped up enforcement
of existing laws, shows that` federal prohibition is not effective in
discouraging its use.
It is difficult to
predict how or if usage rates would change` with lesser penalties or
legalization. Insight can be gained,` however, from studying the results of
modified decriminalization` laws adopted by 11 American states during the`
Each state imposed
a modest civil fine for minor marijuana` offences. In none of these states did
the lax laws cause any` increase in marijuana use. Usage rates and related
attitudes` about the drug's use remained the same in these states as` those
that arrested users. All but one of the test states,` Alaska, still support
decriminalization policies.
“By stubbornly
continuing to classify all cannabis use as` criminal,” writes Armentano,
“including adults smoking in` the privacy of their homes, we trample the
constitutional` liberties our nation was founded on, waste police and` prosecutorial
resources, clog the court system, fill costly and` scarce jail and prison
space, and needlessly destroy the lives` and careers of genuinely good
Hemp Activists Suing Prosecutors` Hawai'ian hemp activists Robert Christie and Aaron` Anderson are
suing Hawaii prosecutors Jay Kimura and Kay` Iopa for $3 million in civil
court. The plaintiffs were busted` for possessing hemp seeds they say were
They are
complaining that they are being unfairly singled` out by the government because
of their outspoken views` about marijuana.
The suit alleges
the prosecutors violated constitutional` rights to "freely speak, petition
the government and be free` from unjust government repression." The suit
further accuses` Kay Iopa of lying about results of tests checking the
viability` of the hempseeds and of singling out the plaintiffs when` similar
seeds are commonly sold in stores around Hawai'i.
Hemp Movement Growing` Hemp
can singlehandedly stop worldwide deforestation` according to entrepreneurs
like Carolyn Moran, owner of` Living Tree Paper Company in Eugene, Oregon.
Moran's magazine “Talking Leaves” is printed on the` company's first 100 percent tree-free hemp
content paper,` Tradition Bond, consisting of 10 percent hemp, 10 percent`
esparto grass, 60 percent agricultural by-products (like` cotton and flax) and
20 percent post-consumer recycled` fibers. Moran sees hemp awareness going
“We need to put
pressure on the industry to create more` plant-based paper,” she says.
“Consumers need to put their` money where their conscience is.”
The U.S. government
cannot seem to grasp the fact that` industrial hemp is a much different product
than marijuana` raised for mind-altering purposes.
Genetic engineering
has produced seed varieties of hemp` strains that carry less than one percent
of the THC levels of` the smoking variety, rendering it incapable of getting
anyone` high, no matter how much is smoked. Nevertheless, hemp` production
remains illegal in this country.
countries such as England, Germany, Holland,` Hungary, China, Chile and
Switzerland are reaping the` benefits of hemp agriculture. Hemp provides
alternative` sources for fabrics, paper, health and beauty aids, building`
materials, food products and car fuel. “It's a plant that can` provide
alternatives to anything synthetic,” says Mari Kane,` publisher of “Hemp Pages: The International Hemp` Journal.”
Many state
governments have been pushing to legalize` marijuana for hemp production and
medical use. In` Vermont, legislators lobbied the governor to sign a bill`
allowing a hemp project that included studying the plant's` marketability.
Colorado introduced
the Hemp Production Act in 1995 and` 1996. The bills were defeated both times,
but they did` receive endorsements from the American Farm Bureau` Federation
and many other respected groups. The bills’` main opposition was from the
federal Drug Enforcement` Agency (DEA).
A hue and a cry was
also sounded by the White House` National Drug Council when footwear giant
Adidas` marketed hemp shoes.
Adidas defended
their product, stating that hemp is a` versatile and durable fabric with a
proven track record, and` that hemp may be the answer to the world’s fiber
It is now up to
American consumers.
The hemp movement
is fighting for recognition and` legalization. “Hemp can save the world,” says
Kane, “but we` have to give it a chance.” 22`
Marijuana Passes in California and` Arizona` California's medical marijuana initiative and law came about` in response
to Governor Pete Wilson's decision to veto` legislation passed by the
California Legislature in 1995 that` would have allowed for the controlled
compassionate use of` marijuana for those diagnosed by a physician to be
suffering` from the diseases of AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, and multiple`
The 1996 law
maintains that any patient who possesses a` valid doctor's recommendation
should be allowed to use` marijuana as a therapeutic agent without fear or risk
of` prosecution.
If the initiative
is passed by California voters this fall, the` measure will become law
immediately and cannot be vetoed.
"The issue
here is simple: sick people should not be arrested` for using medicine that
their physicians recommend to` them," said California NORML coordinator
Dale Gieringer. 22`
Building Prisons Instead of Schools`
Note: If you want to know the heart and soul of a` nation, look into it’s
prisons and see the conditions therein.
The heart of
America has turned cold. Our preoccupation` with fear and control has distorted
the great American` experiment into just another pathetic police state like
the` former Soviet Union. There are too many good people` behind bars for
daring to exercise their unalienable rights` as human beings.
The united states of
America has the highest incarceration` rate in the “civilized” world, with more
and more common` activities and victimless offenses being criminalized. “Three`
strikes and you’re out must apply to elected government` officials as well.
A higher percentage
of Americans are presently behind bars` than were former political prisoners in
South Africa and` other countries with track records of human rights abuses.
Yet, we do not even
acknowledge that America has` “political” prisoners (e.g. Leonard Peltier). Amnesty`
International ought to focus on the treatment of political` prisoners in the
United States, as well as their international` work.
I assert that 75%
of the prisoners in the United States have` been convicted and incarcerated for
“political crimes.” A` political crime is one that has no victim or damaged
party,` but has violated some corporate or commercial statute. Be` aware of the
coming holocaust on human rights in these` United States. 24` The total number of prisoners held by the federal United` States
government has more than doubled since 1985. It is` expected to double again
before the end of the decade.
Murderers, rapists,
muggers and burglars do not ordinarily` go to federal prisons.
There you will find
“white collar” criminals, political` criminals or people judged guilty of
“crimes against the State` (crimes against the government).” On June 30th,
1994,` there were 1,012,851 people in federal and State prisons. In` 1992, the
last time they were counted, there were 445,000` people in local jails. 25` In 1995, 150 new prisons were built in America at huge`
expense. There is no shortage of money when it comes to` building prisons. So
ask yourself, who needs these prisons?
Is it for our
security? Do you really believe that?
Do we need more
prisons, or do we need fewer legislators` passing fewer laws that make
criminals of all of us, and less` government to enforce them?
We are building
more prisons and concentration camps` instead of schools.26 How is it that we have unlimited` funding for that which
oppresses us? Ask the international` bankers!` The FBI acknowledges that the
serious, violent crime rate` has gone down or is remaining steady in many
areas, when` adjusted against an increase in population, not up as the` media
would have us believe. In reality, there is not more` crime, but more
prosecution of crimes against specific` classes of individuals deemed
“dangerous” to the State, and` more reporting of certain types of crimes (e.g.,
rape). 27` There is also greater media attention spent on crime and`
police activities. Crime coverage on network newscasts` doubled in 1993.
The media contacted
the Department of Public Safety 3,700` times in small-town Eugene, Oregon for
news stories in one` year (1994). Handgun sales were up 65% from 1993 to 1994.
Beware of the
hidden agenda behind new crime bills. Crime` is big business. Crime keeps the
people afraid, the media` supplied with news, and the government justified for`
stepping in and taking more control.28` Little
known to Americans, the entire Communist economic` system in the former Soviet
Union was maintained through` the productivity of forced labor camps and
Even in America
today, increasing numbers of prison` laborers are working for major
corporations (e.g., Microsoft` Corporation). And they keep telling me, a
holocaust can’t` happen in America. Wake up America! 29`
Our present incarceration rate per persons` charged stands at
93%. When new repressive` measures get passed, the conviction rate for` the
government will go up to 99% assuring` our ‘benevolent’ government that if` it
CHARGES you with a crime — the` prosecutors will win and you’ll go to jail!`
Who needs defense attorneys` in this scenario?
— Johnny Liberty`
Freemen As Political Prisoners`
Leroy Schweitzer,
Dan Peterson and the “Freemen of` Montana” have been incarcerated for over two
years without` a Common law trial (which was the terms for their` surrender).
torture and inhumane conditions in the` prisons against these men, and a lack
of lawful process in the` courts has made this the trial of the century.
Their treatment in
the prisons has been appalling by` minimal standards of human decency and
fairness. These` men are American political prisoners, and they are not` alone.
Well, over 75% of the prison population in America is` political in nature, not
criminal. 30`
The machinery of de facto corporate
government is now` committing acts of violence and inhumanity in the prisons`
instead of overtly committing acts of genocide since the` tragic, public
relations fiascos of Waco and Ruby Ridge.
The government can
no longer get away with military-style` raids on private civilians, no matter
how notorious the` media paints them to be. The media spins the FBI as the`
heroes of the people, praised for saving a few ranchers from` these horrible
“freemen” who dare to live by the` Constitution for the united states of
America and the` Common law.
They have simply
executed the Common laws of the land` and exercised the Common law lien process
the way the` international bankers and government does everyday. The` trouble
is they stepped on the toes of the global cartel that` controls the banking
industry, and they reacted harshly and` swiftly.
If laws were broken
and “fraudulent checks” written, then` bring forth the evidence and the
pertinent laws before a` constitutional court of competent jurisdiction to
determine` the outcome by a jury.
This is all the
freemen have requested and have been denied` for over two years (except for the
famous extradition hearing` by Judge Burns).31` If
a crime has been committed, then a grand jury must bring` forth the charges.
Regardless of their individual views or` political opinions, every man or woman
has the unalienable` sovereign rights to a fair trial in America.
An accusation or
indictment is not a conviction in the united` states of America, only in a
tribunal under a military` dictatorship. This is how our statutory courts
presently` operate under the Emergency and War Powers Acts.
Under the laws of
our land and international conventions,` you cannot be punished before trial or
treated inhumanely.
Not even prisoners
of war are treated as badly as our reports` indicate from the Montana and
Missouri federal gulags.
There are reports
from Schweitzer’s relatives and an` Affidavit from Brandie Schweitzer, Leroy's
daughter, that he` is being grossly mistreated in jail. “He was taken to the`
Yellowstone County Detention Center in Billings, Montana.
Beginning that same
evening through Wednesday the 27th, I` heard repeated reports of my dad's
mistreatment. By` 'mistreatment,' I mean he was being beaten...On Friday the`
29th...we learned that he was not just beaten, but rather` tortured...He
described in detail how the federal marshals` put shackles around his ankles
and wrists so tightly that he` bled.
He said they
strapped him in a chair and kicked him in the` legs, hit him in the face,
grabbed him by his hair and yanked` his head around, pushed in on his ears with
their fingers` until he almost passed out, and pressed on the backs of his`
finger nails.
They turned down
the heat in his cell, took his blanket and` his mattress and left him in only
his t-shirt and pants.”32` This is a shivering
reminder of our own inhumanity to each` other.
What the government
will not do in broad daylight, it is` accomplishing behind the closed doors of
prison cell. They` are trying to break this man’s spirit! This is wrong and
must` not go unnoticed by the media and the American people.
The outcome of
these events will determine the future of` America and the world. Do not turn
your head aside and` ignore what is going on!` If they can come and get any one
of us for simply being` learned in the law and exercising our rights, then none
of us` will ever be free. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “
If we don't
hang together, certainly we will hang` separately.”
The intimidation
and torture that America has taught third` world dictators for decades has now
come home to roost in` our own jails for our own political prisoners.
Where is Amnesty
International? Why have they not caught` wind of what’s going on in America? If
you wish to know the` heart of a nation, look at its jails. America, you have
lost` your heart and soul.
Have you forgotten
what country you live in? Is this the land` of the free or the clone of some
ugly communist` dictatorship? The media has twisted the truth into a pretzel`
and the American people must awaken to the truth. If this` can happen to them,
it can happen to any of us. 33`
If We the People cannot utilize the Common` law lien process,
then neither can the` international bankers nor the government` who act on
their behalf.
You can’t have a double standard of justice,` one for the
bankers and the government,` and another for the people.
— Johnny Liberty`
Health Freedom or Fascism?
Note: Having the choice to do with our bodies` what we choose is an unalienable
right, as much so as` breathing the air, drinking water and eating food. That`
any body politic, local, federal or global would presume to` have power over
our bodies is ludicrous and dangerous.
We the
People must educate ourselves, stand together and` organize against these
initiatives. We the People must keep` alternative healing modalities available
by any means` necessary despite these initiatives to destroy your freedom` of
The FDA raids
health food stores and alternative health` clinics in pursuit of
super-vitamins, herbs and other` unapproved nutritional supplements at
gunpoint. Now the` FDA is threatening to arrest ordinary citizens in their
homes` for purchasing “unapproved” therapies.
Kenneth M. Shuart
was threatened with arrest and` intimidated in his home when an armed U.S.
Marshal and` an FDA Enforcement Agent came to his door and informed` him that
they had seized the KH3 he had ordered from` Europe. We must expose and protest
the FDA’s outrageously` illegal and unconstitutional actions.
The Life Extension
Foundation has mounted a campaign to` expose these illegal actions by the FDA.
Kenneth and others` have legal recourse if they understood the principles of`
sovereign Citizenship. Unfortunately, most people in the` health freedom
movement are still unaware of the power` and significance of sovereignty. The
FDA is a federal` government agency and has no power or authority over`
sovereign state Citizens. If you want your health freedom` protected, then you
must reclaim your sovereign state` Citizenship and restore the checks and
balances that belong` on government.
As partners in
NAFTA, both Canada and Mexico are having` their public health care systems
dismantled and privatized` along the lines of managed competition.34`
FDA Bullies
Brave Battlers for Nine Years, Then` Backs Down`
Note: Hooray for a victory against the FDA. These` clowns have been persecuting
doctors, nutritionists,` alternative cancer therapists for years. It's time we
give` them a bit of their own medicine.
In 1987, two dozen
armed FDA agents and U.S. marshals` smashed their way into the Life Extension
Foundation` offices in Hollywood, Florida, with guns drawn. Their search`
warrant later proved to have been obtained through` perjured testimony by the
FDA agent in charge.
Not finding what
the search warrant allowed them to take,` the agents grabbed everything they
could, including` literature, documents, computers and personal belongings` not
included in the warrant. They also seized 5,000 copies of` the foundation's
newsletter, which were ready for mailing — ` a flagrant violation of the
organization's freedom of speech.
A decade of legal battles
insured. Evidence showed that the` agent in charge had also tried to intimidate
a radio producer` into banning appearances by foundation representatives.
Repeatedly told
that they would by sent to prison for life if` they didn't cooperate with the all-powerful
drug agency,` foundation principals William Faloon and Saul Kent stood` their
ground and fought back, at enormous personal cost.
The government
poured millions of dollars into its case,` attempting to “prove” that the
Foundation was purveying` “unapproved drugs” — such as vitamins, minerals and`
amino acids. Failing to get the goods in one grand-jury` fishing expedition,
the FDA started over with a second, both` times terrorizing foundation
witnesses with threats of` personal investigation.
Further raids,
embargoes on vitamin products and interstate` terrorism by the FDA failed to
induce Faloon and Kent to` give up, however. Instead, they fought back hard
with` political activities, media counterattacks and legal motions`
demonstrating the unconstitutionality of the charges against` them.
In 1991, they were
indicted for having informed Americans` (in the mid-1980s) how to obtain
life-sustaining drugs from` overseas suppliers. Since the FDA has long
permitted the` importation of unapproved drugs for personal use, the two` men's
action was innocent, yet they were arrested,` handcuffed and jailed for a day.
At last, the
agency's brutal campaign began to break down.
In 1992, it was
ordered to return items seized in the first raid` and offered a “deal” to
settle the case. After this, it made` several other offers, each accompanied by
threats that never` materialized.
Then, in 1995, the
FDA made its most serious threat yet,` claiming new evidence that would
certainly send Faloon and` Kent to jail for life! This kind of illegal
intimidation has been` the FDA's standard operating procedure — and it had`
usually worked, but by mid 1995 it offered instead to` guarantee no prison time
and even to allow the two men to` stay in business.
Next, in November
1995, the FDA asked the judge to drop all` charges but one: “obstruction of
justice.” Finally, last` February — after nine years of brutal harassment and`
anguish since the first attack — the last charge was dropped.
Derailed for a
decade, the Life Extension Foundation has` begun funding research again, and,
thanks to its two` victorious freedom-fighters, the rest of us can feel braver`
about facing down unruly government agencies.35`
Crushes Health Supplements in` Norway, Threatens U.S.
Drug cartels have
invaded the European health-food market,` and repressive new laws have already
made herbs and other` supplements almost entirely unavailable in Norway. The
few` that remain carry enormous price tags--and are sold only by` corporate
The Norwegian laws
are identical to the German Codex` proposal that the U.S. Congress signed on
for when it` ratified GATT.36`
Health Choices
Threatened by World Health` Organization (WHO)`
In another move to
control virtually every minute aspect of` our lives, the global elitists now
want to monopolize the` dietary supplements industry. The U.S. Congress
allowed` the UN to get a foothold into this private aspect of` Americans' lives
through GATT which dictates that the US` must “harmonize” its rules governing the
manufacture of` health products with new international standards or be`
penalized by the World Trade Organization.
A special
commission called Codex Alimentarius Committee` on Nutrition and Foods for
Special Dietary Uses is moving to` regulate labeling and manufacture of dietary
The Committee is
composed of delegates that represent` national agencies and international
organi-zations with 90%` of the group being dominated by spokes-people for`
multinational pharmaceutical corporations.
Any delegate can
propose regulations to the Committee and` those proposals are subjected to a
peer review period with` votes occurring at various stages in the process.
A proposal that
runs the gauntlet of peer review unscathed` becomes part of the official Codex
Alimentarius. So far, the` only delegate from the US has been Elizabeth A
Yetley, Ph.D` of the FDA who, due to political pressure in America, has so` far
voted on behalf of those who choose health freedom.
A new draconian
proposal called “Proposed Draft Guidelines` for Dietary Supplements” would
result in the requirement` of doctors’ prescriptions for most supplements now`
available in this country. The measure, introduced by the` German delegation
calls for the following:37` 1. No dietary
supplements can be sold for prophylactic or` therapeutic use.
2. No dietary
supplement sold as a food can exceed` potency levels set by the commission.
3. Codex
regulations for dietary supplements would` become binding.
4. All new dietary
supplements would automatically be` banned unless they go through the Codex
approval` process.
Reappraised As Non-Contagious By Some` Scientists & Medical Doctors`
Very few people
seem to know that growing numbers of` scientists and medical doctors now think
that AIDS is not` contagious and that HIV is completely harmless.
A newsletter
devoted to this controversy, Reappraising` AIDS, was founded three years ago by
The Group for the` Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis.
The Group is
comprised of university professors, physicians,` and community activists who
think that this debate should` be given a fair public hearing.
In this month's
issue, editor Paul Philpott examines a` sensational study published last year
in England's` prestigious journal Nature. The study tracked about 2,000`
hemophiliacs for 14 years. It documented a startling jump in` mortality for
those testing HIV-positive, but no increased` mortality for those testing
Philpott points out
that the study could find no increased` mortality among HIV positive
hemophiliacs until 1986, one` year after HIV testing was introduced. By that
time, roughly` half of Darby's subjects were positive.
If HIV causes
deadly AIDS, then why did a large population,` fifty-percent comprised of HIV
positives, not start dying` until after they had been diagnosed as being HIV
Philpott suggests
that the principal cause of AIDS among` HIV positive hemophiliacs is aggressive
prophylactic` treatment with toxic “anti-HIV” medications and intense` anxiety
from “HIV-positive” social stigma.
Philpott references
other studies demonstrating that HIV is` actually a benign virus typically
found only at very low` concentrations, and sometimes not at all — in AIDS` patients.38`
Genetically Engineered`
In his new book,
Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature,` Accident or Genocide, Dr.
Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. traces the development of the AIDS virus.
He says his
scrutiny of over 2500 scientific papers and` government documents reveals that
HIV-1 and HIV2 could` both have originated from simian viruses genetically`
manipulated in laboratory experiments at the National` Cancer Institute (NCI).
Dr. Horowitz began
his investigation into the source of AIDS` in 1993 after reading a Department
of Defense` appropriations request for $10 million for development of`
AIDS-like viruses. He says the emergence of AIDS coincides` with major advances
in genetic engineering of mutant` viruses that produce immuno-suppression and
an array of` infectious diseases.
In the early 70’s,
scientists had isolated the specific enzymes` and other biochemical processes
that induce collapse of the` immune system.
Research at the
National Cancer Institute was focused` mostly on the sarcoma-leukemia cancer
model where` immunosuppression, cancer, and death were induced by` DNA and RNA
manipulation. In some experiments, DNA in` simian monkey viruses was commonly
replaced with cat` leukemia and chicken sarcoma RNA.
Dr. Robert Gallo, a
top AIDs researcher, used viruses from` simian monkeys and mice to insert
cancer-causing RNA into` human white blood cells.
In his book, Dr.
Horowitz traces the development of AIDS-like` viruses to mega-military
contractor Litton Industries.
Litton was the
principle supplier of simian monkeys to NCIs` cancer research centers
throughout the world. They were` also the sixth highest paid biological weapons
contractor for` the Army.39`
Statistical Risk` Most
heterosexuals in the United States face a very slim` chance of getting AIDS,
but that’s not what Washington` wants Americans to think. As reported in The
Wall Street` Journal, federal officials began a nationwide disinformation`
campaign in 1987, suggesting that AIDS was becoming an` epidemic in the general
A similar campaign
of duplicity occurred in Britain as` revealed by the Sunday London Times.
In fact, federal
officials knew the risks of getting AIDS were` largely confined to gay men,
intravenous drug users, their` sex partners and their newborn children. They
proceeded` with the campaign anyway for fear the public wouldn't` support
increased funding for AIDS research if most` heterosexuals didn't believe they
were at risk.
For most
heterosexuals, the AIDS risk from a single sex act` was one in five million
without the use of a condom, and one` in 50 million for condom users — smaller
than the risk of` getting hit by lightning. Scientific journals are
increasingly` publishing the findings confirming there’s no “hidden` spread” of
the AIDS virus into the heterosexual population.
This is not to even
mention the suppression of respectable` evidence challenging the entire AIDS
theory, including those` of Nobel Prize winning scientists.40`
Why We May
Never Read the Book on AIDS?
HIV is a mere wimp
that cannot be the cause of AIDS,` according to Dr. Peter Duesberg, a
virologist with the` University of California-Berkley. Dr. Duesberg, a
scientist of` international stature, is credited with defining retroviruses.
He says HIV has
been highly overrated as a killer. His theory` holds that cofactors, especially
drugs used to manage the` disease, are the actual killers. About 200 other
doctors and` researchers are coming up with similar conclusions. One` even
injected HIV infected blood into his own veins to prove` the point. Bryan J.
Ellison, one of Dr. Duesberg's graduate` students, wrote a book called, Why We
Will Never Win the` War on AIDS? However, we may never get to read it. Federal`
Judge, John E. Sprizzo granted an injunction to halt` publication of the book
and has ordered all existing copies` destroyed.
Mr. Ellison had
decided to print 20,000 on his own after he` had signed a contract with Alfred
J. Regenry. Apparently,` Regenry was the second publisher to agree to print the
book` and change their minds. Regenry says they are still planning` to publish
the book sometime.
Poisoning the
People With Fluoride`
The state has the
police power to add a toxic substance to` drinking water without violating the
rights of the citizens,` according to the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
in` Bellasai vs. Cuyahoga Falls.
Apparently, the
California state legislature supports the` practice since they passed a law
mandating the fluoridation` of drinking water in over 90 percent of the state’s
municipal` water systems.
But fluoride is
good for you isn't it? And no child should be` deprived of it, should they? On
the contrary, “The chronic` administration of fluoride in water takes its toll
on human` health and life,” according to John Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D,` president
of the Safe Water Foundation.
“Fluoride in water
increases risk of hip fracture, cancer,` dental fluorosis and other harmful
effects,” he says. That’s` why he's spearheading an initiative campaign to ban
fluoride` from water systems in California.
So who would want
to poison 30 million people anyway?
The Public Health
Service has been endorsing the use of` fluoride for years and has its
credibility and funding to think` about.
Petro chemical and
steel corporations regularly spew` fluorides into the atmosphere and they have
billions of` dollars to loose if fluoride were widely identified as the` poison
it is.
But the biggest
losers will be the chemical fertilizer industry` as they generate the fluoride
that gets dumped in water` supplies. Fluoride must be removed from phosphate`
fertilizer before it is applied to crops, or they will die. The` toxic
substance has to be put somewhere and as Dr.
Yiamouyiannis says,
“The solution to pollution is dilution!”
450,000 signatures are needed to get the initiative on the` ballot and
Dr. Y says everyone should help, even those who` don't live in California
because, “If we let California fall to` fluoridation, the rest of the country
will follow in three to` four years.”42`
Outcome-Based Education`
Note: Education is best left to the parents, families` and communities, not to
centralized standards coerced into` implementation from the level of global governance.
It` simply is not wise to standardize the human race and its` immense cultural
diversity into an industrial model that` serves the elite. That’s what makes
these global initiatives` dangerous. It takes a whole village to raise a child,
but it` doesn’t take the New World Order to educate him/her!` Thanks to the
researchers on this article.
restructuring has nothing to do with local` initiatives designed to yield wise
and knowledgeable adults.
It is an Orwellian
international plan, complying with` international business standards, designed
to produce a` compliant global workforce on behalf of the international`
banking cartel.
The education
reforms currently being implemented by local` school boards are integrally
based on a plan orchestrated by` UNESCO.
In 1947 UNESCO
published Towards World Understanding,` which identifies the school as the
means for changing society` to establish the New World Order.
Two years later,
UNESCO adopted the “Vocational Guidance` Recommendations of 1949” and
subsequent “Vocational` Training Recommendations” in 1956 and 1962 as`
propounded by the International Labor Organization.
The United States
Government has been lapping up` UNESCOs Orwellian pablum from the start. In
1947,` President Truman's Commission on Higher Education` declared, “The role
which education will play officially must` be conditioned essentially by
policies established by the` State Department in this country...
The United States
Office of Education must be prepared to` work with the State Department and
with UNESCO.”
The reforms
currently being implemented in the nation's` schools are linked to concepts
propounded by Paul` Lengrand in his paper Introduction to Life-Long Education,`
endorsed by UNESCO in 1966.
Back in 1925, the
Rockefeller Foundation had issued a grant` to inaugurate the International
Bureau of Education (IBE), a` reincarnation of the Rousseau Society of France.
By 1970,` UNESCO and IBE joined forces and decided that lifelong` education
would be the Master Concept for restructuring` schools throughout the world.
UNESCO commissioned
George W. Parkyn in 1971 to` develop a means for bringing an existing national
school` system into line with the lifelong learning policy introduced` by
Lengrand. Parkyn’s study, “Towards a Conceptual Model` of Life-long Education,”
is the basis for every aspect of` educational restructuring in the United
The new paradigm of
lifelong education, replaces traditional` curriculum with transformational
Outcome-based` Education (OBE) which is a shift from a content structure to` a
process structure, heavily influenced by the psychological` theories of B.F.
Skinner and Walden Two.
In 1976, UNESCO
published “Foundations of Lifelong` Education,” the master text of education
reform which` covers the philosophical, sociological, psychological,`
anthropological, economic, and analytical principles` necessary for the
development of UNESCOs “new man for` the 21st century.”
One of the problems
uncovered in that report is that the` United State’s “capitalist school system
engenders a relative` over-population of qualified workers.” In other words,
the` educational system in the US was too good and turning out a` cadre of
diploma holders that seemed “seriously to exceed` the capacity of the market.”
The study indicates
that America's educational system` should be downgraded to facilitate
absorption into the` global economy.
This objective has
been abetted by both democratic and` republican administrations. President
Carter established the` Department of Education as a cabinet level position to
work` directly with UNESCO.
The shocking
revelations of the Reagan administration's` “Nation at Risk Report” opened the
floodgates for popular` support of education reform.
It was President
Bush who called a meeting of Governors` together for an Education Summit
(co-chaired by Bill` Clinton and Lamar Alexander). The purpose of the summit`
was to translate the UNESCO/IBE goals into a working` model to foist the plan
onto an unsuspecting American` public.
Despite the constitutional
injunction against federal` interference in education, America 2000 emerged,
and with` the help of the National Business Roundtable, the Carnegie`
Foundation, the Governor's Association, the Council of Chief` State School
Officers, and a host of other organizations, it` was marketed to every federal
State of the Union.
Now, under the
Clinton Presidency, “Goals 2000” codifies` the UNESCO model in law, using
federal dollars to entice` federal States to “voluntarily” comply.
Under Goals 2000,
the National Goals Panel, the National` Education Standards and Improvement
Council, the Joint` Dissemination Review Panel and the National Diffusion`
Network ensure that every federal State will use validated` outcomes,
assessments and curricula that align with the` UNESCO plan for “world class
standards.” 43`
Critique of
the Careers Act` The Careers
Act (HR 1617) embodies the value that people` are a “human resource” to be
developed for the good of` society. Emphasis is placed on how the individual
“worker” can best become a producer
serving corporations and the` government.
This goal will be
accomplished by the top-down, carrot-andstick` approach to decision making,
where states apply for` federal education grants then comply with the
structures` dictated by the Act.
States that accept
money under the Act will institute socalled` collaborative decision making
processes with the` decision makers appointed by state governors who have the`
last word when agreements about education cannot be` reached.
Colorado state senator
Charles Duke says, “You do not and` will not see the State Legislatures in here
anywhere, for State` Legislatures have been effectively bypassed. You also do
not` see any mention of your local school boards, for those too` have been
He says The Careers
Act will merge the federal departments` of Education, Labor and Human Services
and that it warmly` embraces all aspects of Goals 2000.
“The architects of
Goals 2000 have a supreme elitist attitude` that government policy should
presume the omniscience to` direct and channel our children into careers of
the` government's choosing.” A National Education Goals Panel` will be put in
place to measure the progress toward the` Goals 2000 agenda.
Under the plan,
everyone will be required to obtain skill` certificates, which not only
guarantee mastery of basic` academic skills and a vocational track, but will
also assure` that successful inculcation of government sanctioned values,`
attitudes and beliefs has been achieved.
Local Workforce
Development Boards linked to Integrated` Career Centers will tailor workforce
skills to projected business` requirements. In order to keep track of
everyone's` progress, a comprehensive data base will be created linking`
federal, state and local workforce data. “This program is designed` to turn all
of America's children into automatons, incapable` of independent thought and
ignorant of issues such` as freedom and justice for all,” says Senator Duke
Parental Rights Endangered` Editors Note: If this is any sign of the times to come where` the
State acquires then enforces an interest against your` children, then mama and
papa you'd better get your` sovereignty happening now! MLB is the name of the`
parent. It could be you!` In
a decree forever terminating petitioner MLB’s parental` rights to her two minor
children, a Mississippi Chancery` Court recited a segment of the governing
Mississippi statute` and stated, without elaboration, that respondents, the`
children's natural father and his second wife, had met their` burden of proof
by “clear and convincing evidence.”
The Chancery Court,
however, neither described the` evidence nor otherwise revealed precisely why
MLB was` decreed a stranger to her children. MLB filed a timely appeal` from
the termination decree, but Mississippi law` conditioned her right to appeal on
prepayment of record` preparation fees estimated at $2,352.36.
Lacking funds to
pay the fees, MLB sought leave to appeal in` forma pauperis. The supreme Court
of Mississippi denied` her application on the ground that, under its
precedent,` there is no right to proceed in forma pauperis in civil appeals.
Urging that the
size of her pocketbook should not be` disposed when “an interest far more
precious than any` property right” is at stake, Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S.
745,` 758-759, MLB contends in this Court that a State may not,` consistent
with the Due Process and Equal Protection` Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment,
condition appeals` from trial court decrees terminating parental rights on the`
affected parent's ability to pay record preparation fees.45`
Decision About
UN Interference in Child Rearing` The “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child” signed by the United States on February 6th,
1995 transfers` authority to raise your children to un-elected global`
policymakers. It threatens a mammoth intrusion by the` world body into the
private affairs of American families.
To start with, it
would mandate registration of all children of` birth, dictate rules about
religious training for adopted` children, and grant blanket privacy to children
regarding sex` and the related topics of contraceptives, abortion and`
Under the
convention, parents are not allowed to forbid` their children to join gangs or
cults, and if they (the parents)` break any of the rules they must appear for
an inquisition` before a tribunal of experts who decide their guilt or`
innocence and punishment.
The Concerned Women
for America have been fighting to` keep the treaty from coming to a vote before
the Senate, but` pro UN officials are now pushing for ratification. 46`
Biochip Implants, Tracking & the Microchip` Generation` The Clinton Administration recently announced its
intention` to open the Pentagon's “Global Positioning System” up to` full
commercial access. Vice President Al Gore said the move` would “help the
emerging GPS business burgeon with jobs` and explode into an $8 billion
industry by the end of this` century.”
Some of the new
jobs would be caused by the need to protect` the military security of GPS while
making state-ofthe art` systems available commercially, the Vice President`
“Before long it's
going to be very difficult to get lost,” according to Charles R. Trimble,
president of Trimble` Navigation Ltd. Trimble is one of several high-tech
firms` interested in producing portable receivers capable of picking` up
satellite positioning signals from anywhere in the world.
Meanwhile, European
scientists are developing biochip` implants that can be read from up to three
miles away by` utilizing the Global Positioning System. The new implants`
contain a 20k data chip that not only stores information` about its host, but
can also accurately locate an individual.
The invention is
currently being tested on crabs and a` human version will be available in 1997.47`
System for DMV` Symbol
Technology, Inc. has developed a micro information` system for Departments of
Motor Vehicles nationwide.
Information about a
vehicle, its owner and any liens held` against it are stored in dots printed
between bar codes.
The system, called
PDF-417 can be adapted to provide` “traffic analysis” of a vehicle’s movements
and any traffic` fines incurred can be reported directly to consumer credit`
databases via cellular links.48`
Genetic Vampires & Sovereign Rights` The science of genetic engineering has raised questions`
about who owns the genetically manipulated materials that` scientists come up
with in their labs, and whether the people` from whom the raw materials are
prospected have rights to` any of the proceeds from the commercialized
In 1984, the
University of California, Los Angeles Medical` Center developed a cell line
valuable in fighting bacteria and` cancer.
The University
filed a patent claim on the line that was` commercially developed and the man
from whom the cell` was taken filed suit, claiming he was entitled to a share
in` the profits.
In 1990 the
California supreme Court said a donor has no` “property right” in tissue
removed from his or her body.
remuneration to a donor would hinder research` by restricting access to
necessary raw materials, thereby` interfering with the progress of science.
In 1993, a patent
claim was filed under the name of U.S. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown on the
cell of a Guayami` woman from Panama. Her cell line is of interest because the`
Guyami people carry a unique virus whose antibodies may` be useful in AIDS and
leukemia research. International` protest and action by the Guyami General
Congress and` supporters led to a withdrawal of the patent claim.
The U.S. Department
of Commerce also filed patent claims` on cell lines of indigenous people from
the Solomon Islands.
The government of
the Solomon Islands declared the action` was an invasion of sovereignty, that there
was lack of` informed consent of the “donors” and demanded the genetic` samples
be repatriated.
Commerce Secretary
Ron Brown responded with a letter` that said, “there is no provision for
considerations related to` the source of cells that may be the subject of
patent` application.”
The Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP)
which is` harvesting cells from indigenous people worldwide raises` troubling
questions about the exploitation of people for their` genetic assets.
Since there is a
lack of international policy governing the` human genetic material market, it
has been suggested that` contracts may offer some control to those individuals
who` donate genetic materials to HGDP.
However, contracts,
treaties and other negotiations have` historically provided indigenous people
little protection` from property-hungry interests.
Furthermore, the
idea of ownership and property rights` being extended to all facets of the
natural world is a western` notion of law that is contrary to the concept of
stewardship` inherent in the cosmologies, traditions and cultures of`
indigenous people.49`
Vampire Project Challenged by Indigenous Alliance` A consortium of scientists, universities, governments and`
private interests called the Human Genome Organization` (HUGO) adopted the
Human Genome Diversity Project` (HGDP) in 1994 to further their objective of
mapping the` entire human DNA sequence.
The multinational,
multi-billion dollar project is zeroing in` on 772 groups of indigenous people
on the assumption that` they will inevitably become extinct. Called the
“Vampire` Project” by some, the effort consists of researchers gathering`
blood, hair roots, cheek scrapings and saliva samples from` living people.
The cell samples
are to be harvested from 50 people per` group. Dr. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a
principle founder of the` project said the scientific rationale for selecting
50` individuals per group is that, “One person can bleed 50` people and get on
an airplane in one day.”
The invasive
project is being challenged by an international` alliance of indigenous peoples
from South, Central and` North America. The “people,” as most indigenous
humans` refer to themselves, resent being identified as “Isolates of` Historic
Interest” by HUGO, and are questioning the ethical` implications of the entire
Will the People
truly be fully informed about the possible` uses and potential profits from the
materials, as HUGO` promises? Will the choice of “informed consent” rest with`
the individual “donors,” tribal representatives or the` government officials of
the nation-states that dominate the` groups’ territories?
How will the
project be explained in local languages? Will a` decision not to participate be
fully honored? Indigenous` communities are not only concerned with the obvious`
exploitation of their body parts, but consider that the genetic` information
may be used for racist agendas, even genocide` and biological warfare.
The Human Genome
Diversity Project is the brainchild of` Dr. Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a
renowned population` geneticist at Stanford University in California. He wants
to` reconstruct the recent history of homo sapiens from a` comparison of the
genomes of different human populations.
Why? Purely in the
interest of science, he says.
Last October the
implications of his project were reviewed` by UNESCO's International Bioethics
Committee (IBC) in` Paris. The group acknowledged the validity of the
project's` scientific goals, but also endorsed the criticism of indigenous`
peoples, whose genes are the main target of the` research. Opponents of the
project fear that indigenous` groups will be exploited commercially by
“vampires,” doing` Cavalli-Sforza's bidding.
On the contrary,
Dr. Cavalli-Sforza says the project should` help to combat racism because
experience so far shows that` physiological and psychological intragroup
differen-ces are` always greater than the mean differences between groups.
The IBC says this
is the most debatable of all his claims since` the prejudice that gives rise to
racist and eugenic attitudes` tends to pervert scientific results to its own
ends, Dr. Cavalli-` Sforza says,”I have become used to being called a planner
of` genocide and of being accused of economic interest. My` main aim is to
defend the project and defend science.” 50`
Human Tissue
Enterprise Linked to US Military` Human genetic material is routinely being exchanged` between the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) and` biological warfare medical units at
Fort Detrick near` Washington D.C., according to the March/April report by` the
Rural Advancement Foundation (RAFI).
Fort Detrick is not
only famous for its Ebola research but` also for its long history as the
military's primary biological` warfare research center and medical
intelligence` headquarters for the Defense Department. It is also the` home of
the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) unit` charged with monitoring
medical data gleaned from foreign` populations.
Thousands of human
tissue samples collected from` indigenous people and isolated communities
around the` world are now being evaluated by the biotechnology` industry,
academic researchers, and the government, says` Edward Hammond, principal
author of the communiqué,` “New Questions About Management and Exchange of
Human` Tissues at NIH/Indigenous Persons’ Cells Patented.”
“There appear to be
no policy or protocol barriers or ethical` consideration to the routine
exchange of foreign human cell` lines between civilian researchers in the U.S.
Government` and their military counterparts,” says RAFI Executive` Director, Pat
RAFI has sought
assurance from NIH and Fort Detrick that` there were strict protocols and
policies preventing the` transfer of NIH's cell lines and data to bio-warfare
Instead RAFI was
referred to a private company called` Science Applications International
Corporation` (SAIC) ,which manages the Fort Detrick facility for NIH and` the
military. SAIC was at a loss to identify any such` protocols to RAFI
RAFI is calling on
the UN to ensure that civilian medical` research is kept separate from
bio-warfare research,` according to proprieties established by the Convention
on` Biological Diversity and the Fourth Review Conference of` the Biological
Weapons Convention in Geneva. 51`
Seizure Fever: The War on Property Rights` Once upon a time it seemed like a fine idea to seize the`
property of convicted felons. That was in 13th century`
England, before the Magna Carta reforms were instituted.
Zealous modern-day
anti-drug warriors forgot about the` potential for abuse that government seizures
induce and` decided to nip drug dealers in the bud by taking away the` fruits
of their profits.
Thus was born the
“asset forfeiture law enforcement` program,” as Cary H. Copeland, director of
the Justice` Department's Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture calls it.
Nowadays, many
people's property is seized without a` conviction, let along a charge.
Asset forfeitures
are such easy money for law enforcement` groups that temptation has turned our protectors
into` robbers while doing little to stop the drug trade in the land.
A Justice
Department document summed up the problem,` “Like children in a candy shop, the
law enforcement` community chose all manner and method of seizing and`
forfeiting property, gorging ourselves in an effort which soon` came to
resemble one designed to raise revenues.”
According to Steven
Kessler, author of a three-volume study` on federal and state forfeiture, “The
use of forfeiture has` probably increased a hundred fold in the last ten
years.” And` why wouldn't it? Police departments can rake in big capital` with
scant accountability:` A $138,000 Lear jet whose owner committed the heinous`
crime of a typographical error on FAA paperwork. Entire` apartment buildings
whose landlords had not eradicated` drug dealing on the premises. A $1.1
million ranch in` California on a fabricated tip about marijuana plants.
It is a
technicality in the law that allows the government to` swoop down like vultures
on the private property of citizens` without due process. Persons and people
have rights under` the law, but property doesn't. So the government sues the`
property instead of the owner and it is guilty until proven` innocent.
Often, the seizures
occur on the basis of unsubstantiated` rumors made by confidential government
informers. The` Justice Department regularly gives rewards to those who` make
accusations that lead to a seizure. It's a cozy` arrangement that funds law
enforcement units and a` mushrooming group of informers at the expense of
Henry Hyde of Illinois noted in 1993 that 80` percent of the people who have
their property seized under` federal drug laws are never formally charged. Many
of them` never get their property back either. Why? Because if it’s` nice the
officials would like to keep it and the cost of suing` the government for
recovery often exceeds $10,000 and` requires the posting of up to $5,000 bond. 52`
Banking on the New World Order` The federal United States government has formally accepted` the
SSN as a “National Identity Card,” until such time that` the National Health or
Debit Card functions in that capacity.
The Deficit
Reduction Act of 1984 enabled the Secret Service` to create profiles of would
be assassins, and the IRS to create` a Debtor Master File listing nearly one
million people who` supposedly owe money to various government agencies.53`
“Give me your social security number` and I can find out
anything about you.”
— IRS Agent, Retired`
The Tax Reform Act
of 1986 requires that all children be` assigned SSNs through enumeration at
birth programs.
Often this is done
automatically without consent at the` hospital (having your baby at home is a
better option).
For taxpayers,
failure to register will result in the loss of` dependent deductions for tax
purposes and welfare` programs.
All real estate
transactions must now be reported to the IRS` by both the seller and broker (if
a real estate broker is` involved).
A national IRS
database lists every homeowner in the` United States. If you move, you must
notify the DMV or IRS` within 10-45 days.54` The
Bureau of Engraving and Printing has called for the` creation of a
counterfeit-proof currency that can be` electronically tracked (notice the new
designs and electronic` thread in the new $20, $50 and $100 bills).
Soon, we’ll be
going to a “cashless” society with all` transactions accounted for with a debit
card (you can get` them via offshore banks without tracking). President Bill`
Clinton has made it a goal of his administration to` implement the debit card
Electronic wire
transfers of your IRS calculated tax returns` can now be subtracted
automatically from your bank` account without your authority (do not have bank
accounts` in your name linked to your SSN). Income taxes will be` automatically
deducted from your bank account on a` monthly basis.55` The IRS is identifying individuals buying and selling
gold,` the first step toward launching another gold confiscation` effort (keep
your gold and silver private).
On at least three
occasions, the United States government` impounded private stocks of gold -
during the Revolutionary` War, during the Civil War, and again in 1933.
Antihoarding` laws are imminent for Americans stockpiling food,` water,
medicine, and other survival items.56
The Bank Secrecy
Act requires all U.S. Banks to maintain` copies of all transactions on
microfilm, record the SSN of` anyone opening a new account and turn in the name
of` anyone who fails to provide this information within 45 days` to the
Treasury Department. Deposits greater than $5,000` are reported to the IRS via
a Currency Transaction Report` (CTR). It also limits the amount of cash leaving
the country` to $10,000 and makes changes in the treatment of foreign` bank
The IRS, as a
government record-keeping operation, has the` contractual authority to snoop
into the private financial lives` of every U.S. citizen hooked into the grid
and share that` information with other federal agencies.
The IRS has given
major new forfeiture powers to 63 district` criminal investigation division
chiefs who may delegate their` authority to Special Agents.
If the value of the
property is assessed at $500,000 or less` the Special Agent may publish a
binding “Notice of Sale of` Seized Property”. All this is done everyday despite
the fact` the IRS has no authority whatsoever in the sovereign states` of the
republic.” 57`
“The Depositor takes the risk in revealing his affairs` to
another, that the information will be given to the` government.”— Justice Lewis
A Treasury
Enforcement Communications System terminal` is in place at virtually every port
of entry to the United States` to screen suspected tax evaders, criminals or
those` suspected of removing cash from the country.
The Deficit Reduction
Act of 1984 authorized the U.S. Treasury to monitor any movement of its U.S.
citizens,` including reading license plate numbers by computer.
Passports will not
be issued to anyone who has failed to file` tax returns or who has not paid
their “required” income tax.
Disputes with the
IRS will result in the loss of travel` privileges outside the United States
until the dispute is` resolved through the Tax Court.59` The Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FINCEN) has`
established a crime center in Arlington, Virginia, whereby` through the use of
sophisticated computers the govern-ment` has combined more than 100 databases
on bank records,` criminal suspects, driving records, census data and myriads`
of business and financial activities of millions of honest, law abiding`
This is a trial run
for a world system of financial tracking,` surveillance and control to be
administered by the United` Nations.60`
FinCEN Follows
the Money` The Financial
Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is a` federal intelligence gathering
network operating under the` auspices of the Treasury Department.
The stated goal of
FinCEN is to collate, analyze and` disseminate information on financial crimes,
especially drug` money laundering. FinCEN is an extensive spy network` armed
with sophisticated computer resources.
It is linked with
13 intelligence organizations and 14 federal` law enforcement agencies such as
the FBI, BATF, CIA, DEA,` SS, etc., as well as Chapter Six – Banking on the New World` Order the IRS, Interpol,
and financial institutions. Every law` enforcement group from the smallest
local police` department to the National Security Agency can access` FinCEN in
their attempts to identify, track and prosecute` criminals — or those who are
just a threat to the established` order. 61`
Not Liberty, for All`
Finger printing was
designed to help track convicted` criminals. Now it is being used to track
citizens who have no` checking account and want to cash a check.
associations in 16 states are encouraging financial` institutions to put
non-customers’ thumb prints on the` backs of checks — just in case the person
turns out to be a` crook.
Statistics on check
fraud provides the social planners with` evidence to support their position
that fingerprinting as the` only possible solution to the problem.
And of course bank
customers also commit fraud; it’s only a` matter of time before all bank
customers (the vast majority` of Americans) are fingerprinted too. Then what?
An` implanted computer chip in the human body?
Now there's the
ultimate check on fraud. At what point will` the American people draw the line
and say “no”?
There are other
solutions to the problem of check fraud, but` this particular solution imposes
the monitoring and` regulating of people not accused of any crime.
Notice how more and
more problems are being solved in` this manner, such as: increased restrictions
for law-abiding` gun owners; curfews for certain age groups; social security`
numbers used as centralized identification; unconstitutional` searches and
bodily screening procedures simply for` traveling interstate on an airplane. .
.the list of government` intrusions is growing rapidly.
And like cattle in
ignorance led to slaughter, the American` people are allowing gradual
enslavement through apathy.
Propagandists put
forth the argument that if a person isn’t` doing anything wrong, why worry
about being monitored?
Because “right” and
“wrong” are determined by those in` power. Who now holds the power over
increasingly` centralized tracking systems? The people?
Monitoring innocent
people is not consistent with basic` Constitutional rights. Such centralized
tracking systems are` evidence of a people being governed, not a people
governing` themselves.
And the power of
choice in the matter is rapidly closing. In` Oregon, about a third of all
financial institutions are` currently using thumb prints.
“Virtually every
financial institution either has or will` implement the program,” said Diane
Ness, chairwoman of` Oregon's Financial Institution Security Task Force 62`
Mexican Bailout Never Reached the Mexican People` The $20 billion that the U.S. government appropriated for`
Mexico never left New York, but went directly into` Goldman-Sachs. Guess who
our President appointed to the` position of Secretary of the Treasury after
Lloyd Bentsen — ` Robert Rubin, the CEO of Goldman-Sachs. This is the man` who
set up all the loan guarantees to Mexico.
Luis Malgoza, the
official spokesman for Mexican Exiles for` Democracy (MEFD) says: "There
are 16,800,000 Mexicans` forced to be guests of the united states of America
because of` the economic and political policies of Mexico.
There is a
government today in Mexico that is one of the` most corrupt in the world. The
government has taken all the` natural resources, all the human resources, all
the property` and the money.”
"The world
powers have tried to Balkanize the European` continent while attempting to form
one large imperial power` in North America, very much like the plans that
Hitler had` for Europe.
They want one
central power; the international financial` community, which through the
International Monetary` Fund controls the interests and lives of a billion
people in` the North American continent." -Luis Malgoza 63
Notes and Sources`
1. Sourced from
Pastor Martin Niemoeller.
2. Sourced from
Libertarian Party, NANS, Summer ‘96, p. 96.
3. Sourced from
Henry Kissinger, World Affairs Council` Press Conference, Regent Beverly
Wilshire Hotel (April` 19, 1994).
4. Sourced from
Senate Report 93-459, War Powers` Statutes (anthology of all related emergency
powers` legislation and war powers acts); See also Secret, Veiled` and Obscure:
The Presidents Emergency Powers by` Iain Poole, Perceptions, Fall 1994, p.10.
5. See also Jack
Devault, Major, USAF (Ret.), Waco` Whitewash; Linda Thompson, Waco: The Big
Lie` (video); Alexander Christopher, Pandora's Box, p.489` (Ruby Creek, Waco);
Rodney Stitch, Defrauding` America, p.478-479 (Ruby Creek, Scott); Inside the`
Waco Trials by Randy A. Koppang, Perceptions` (Summer 1994), p.18; The Fourth
Reich: Towards an` American Police State by Don McAlvany, Preparedness`
Journal, May 1993, p.11; See also: Waco: Rules of` Engagement (video)` https://www.jubileenewspaper.com/waco3.html`
6. Sourced from
Ruby Ridge Resources & Link Index:` https://www.icresource.com/public_html/`
7. See also the
report on the death Donald Scott [Sourced` from Terrorism Resources & Link
Index:` https://www.icresource.com/public_html/
8. Sourced from
Police State Actions Resources & Link` Index: https://www.icresource.com/public_html/`
9. Sourced from
NANS, Summer ‘96, p.44-46 & NANS,` Spring ‘97, p.34 -36.
10. Public Law
87-297 (1961), Vol #9, USC, p.554 & State` Department Paper 7277 (eliminate
American armed` forces, total disarmament and UN troops would police` USA);
EO#12148 by President Jimmy Carter (FEMA` would command all military forces as
deputy U.S. Marshals); U.S. Marshals have sworn an oath to uphold` the United
Nations and President George Bush` transferred command of the American military
forces` on September, 11th, 1991 (confirmed in Pandora's Box,` p.489.)
including the FBI, ATF and U.S. Marshals; See` also Can the President as
Commander in Chief of the` United States Military Delegate Power over to the
U.N. Secretary General?, The Higher Truth (Vol 1, Issue 1, p.17.)`
11. See also Bail
Reform Act (1984); See also Silent` Weapons for Quiet Wars (top secret document
that is` proof positive of a secret declaration of war against the` American
people) sourced from Government's` Liberty...Brings Death To Freedom, p.114;
William` Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse; The World Economy for` the Year 2000 ,
Scientific American, Sep. 1980; U.N. troops are in the U.S. to enforce FEMA and
confiscate` firearms and support the MJTF search and seizure` operations
(confirmed in Alexander Christopher,` Pandora's Box, p.483). Preposterous
legislation has` passed the U.S. Congress giving police the authority to`
behead people (Public Law 102-14). Railroad cars have` been spotted in the U.S.
with shackles built into the` sides, handcuffs and guillotines. What are these
items` doing here unless someone has the intent to use them?
Proposed H.R. 97
(seeks to create a "rapid stike force”
of 2,500 federal law enforcement officers) sourced` from Perceptions,
May/June 1995, p.84; See also` Towards The New World Order: America's Secret`
Police Force, Nexus (Feb/March 1994, p.11) (insiders` view of FEMA, MJTF and
12. Sourced from
Mark Koernke, Former CIA Intelligence` Analyst and reputed founder of the
Michigan Militia;` See also Alexander Christopher, Pandora's Box, pp. 489-506.
There have been many independent sittings` of U.N. equipment and soldiers
training on American` soil. What are they doing here and why are we not`
permitted to ask?
13. See also the
Combat Arms Survey which was` administered to United States Marines at the
Twentynine` Palms, California, Marin base on May 10, 1994` under the guise of a
research project. It asks soldiers if` they would obey U.N. officers, and if
they would` confiscate firearms from American citizens and shoot` those who
resist. Sourced from The Higher Truth (Vol. 1, Issue 1, p.18) and supplied by a
young Marine who` had answered the survey.
14. Sourced from
Exotic Research Reports; The Patriot` News.
15. Sourced from
Exotic Research Reports (Winter 1996);` Reviewed by Estar Holmes, NANS Summer
‘96, p.26.
16. Sourced from
Exotic Research Reports; Newsweek,` (Feb. 7, 1994); Reviewed by Estar Holmes,
NANS` Summer ‘96, p.38.
17. Sourced from
Nine Million Arrests, NORML. Anti-` Drug Abuse Act (1988) sourced from Alexander`
Christopher, Pandora's Box, p.525. See also Supreme` Court Kills Drug Tax,
Associated Press (drug` possession taxes were barred); Forfeitures: A License`
To Steal, ACLU Briefing Paper (on the legalized theft of` drug forfeitures
without due process); High Court` Restrains Drug Case Forfeitures by Linda P.
Campbell,` Chicago Tribune News Service (retraining drug` forfeitures without
due process); Spectre of Forfeiture` by Judy Osburn (book on drug forfeiture
laws); High` Quality Textiles & Paper by John Stahl, Perceptions,` Summer
1994, p.26 (on the commercial applications of` hemp); Only A Matter of Time:
Legal Medical` Marijuana by Robert D. Kampia, Perceptions, Spring` 1994, p.26
(medical applications of hemp). Good` publications include HempLine Journal,
Drug Policy` Review, F.E.A.R. Chronicles.
18. See also U.S.
Government Drug Involvement by` William Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p.473;`
19. Sourced from
AntiShyster (Volume 6, No.2, p.49 and` Volume 6, No. 2, p34); Free American
(September` 1996, p.22); Perceptions (August/September, 1996, p.84). Reviewed
by Estar Holmes. Contact: 14 W. 68th` St., New York, NY 10023. (212) 362-1964.
20. Sourced from
Stop the War on Marijuana Smokers by` Paul Armentano, Perception
(October/November` 1996). Reviewed by Shay McNamara.
21. Sourced from
Perception (March/April ‘96).
22. Sourced from
Rethinking Hemp by Anne W. Wilke, E` Magazine, July/August 1996. P.O. Box 699,
Mt. Morris,` Illinois, Postal Zone 61054.
(815) 734-1242. https://www.emagazine.com
. Reviewed by` Shay McNamara.
23. Sourced from
NORML Newsletter; Reviewed by Estar` Holmes.
24. Sourced from
patriot researcher Bruce Craig, Portland,` Oregon.
25. Steven A.
Holmes, Ranks of Inmates Reach One` Million in a 2 Decade Rise, New York Times,
Oct. 28,` 1994; 21% of U.S. Inmates are Called NonViolent, New` York Times,
Feb. 5, 1994 p.9; See also Rodney Stitch,` Defrauding America (1994), p.322 (on
political` prisoners in the usA).
26. See also
27. Sourced from
the front page of The Oregonian (May 2,` 1994), (crime rate goes down but
public fear still rises).
28. Sourced from
Center for Media & Public Affairs, The` Register Guard.
29. Ibid, p.526;
Sourced from Gia Maisashvili, Chechnya &` Russia, Peaceworks, February
1995, p.7; See also` Voices From Prison: Control Units the Ultimate`
Inhumanity, North Coast XPress, June/July, 1994, p.30 (on the inhumane
conditions in American prisons).
30. Sourced from
patriot researcher Bruce Craig, Portland,` Oregon.
31. Sourced from NANS,
Fall ‘96, p.5461 (Judge Burn’s` Extradition Proceeding of Chief Justice Leroy`
Schweitzer, July 17th, 1996).
32. Sourced from
Confidential Affidavit and NANS New` Analysis.
33. Sourced from
John David Van Hove, Managing Editor,` NANS, Spring ‘97, p.38.
34. See also
Jonathan Wright (his health clinic was raided` by the FDA at gunpoint to
confiscate mega vitamins)` FDA to Assume New Powers July 1 by Jonathan Collin,`
M.D., Townsend Letter for Doctors, July 1994, p.687` (specifies the FDA police
powers); Constitutional` Freedom , &The End of Health Freedom with the`
Hatch Bill and GATT Bill Interface interview with` Suzanne Harris by Patrick
von Mauck, National Health` Federation, Health Freedom News (Nov-Dec. 1994).
35. Sourced from
Perceptions (Nov '96, p.74).
36. Ibid, p.76.
37. Sourced from
The Free American; Reviewed by Estar` Holmes. Contact: God's Plan for Good
Health, 1496` Pritchard Road, Evans,Washington 99126.
38. Sourced from
Jim Lorez, Sam Adams Committee for` Practical Correspondence; Contact: Jim
Lorenz, Sam` Adams Committee for Practical Correspondence, P.O. Box 1257,
Escondido, California 92033. (619) 4320613` (voice/fax); Downloaded May 9, 1996
from TS` Editor@aolcom` 39.
Sourced from American's Bulletin (July/August, p.11);` Reviewed by Estar
40. Sourced from
The Trends Journal, Media Bypass` (October 1996, p.40); Excerpts from a review
by Dr. Michael Skolnick.
41. Sourced from
Media Bypass,(Vol 4, No. 3); Reviewed` by Esther Holmes.
42. Sourced from
Perceptions (May/June 1996); Interview` with Dr. Yiamouyiannis; Reviewed by
Estar Holmes;` Contact: Safe Water Foundation at (800) 721-4124 to` help.
43. Sourced from
The People Vs. The Educational` Confederacy by O.Jerome Brown, Katherine
Levans` and Chey Simonton; Reviewed by Estar Holmes, NANS` Summer ‘96 p. 85.
44. Sourced from
Exotic Research Reports; American` Policy Center; Reviewed by Estar Holmes;
Contact:` American Policy Center, 14140-L Parke Long Court,` Chantilly, VA
22021. (703) 968-9768. Email:` eagle@accessus.net ;
Downloaded on May 9, 1996 from` TS Editor@aol.com` 45. Excerpted from Legal Information Institute, Cornell` Law
School; ftp site ftp.cwru.edu ;
M. L. B. v. S. L. J.,` individually and as next friend of the` minor children,
S. L. J. and M. L. J.,et ux. Docket` 95-853-Decided 12/16/96; NANS, Summer ‘96,
46. Sourced from
Perceptions (May/June 1996); Reviewed` by Estar Holmes, NANS ,Summer ‘96, p22;
Contact:` CWA, P.O. Box 65453, Washington, D.C., 20024-0035,` and contact your
elected servants.
47. Ibid.
48. Ibid; Reviewed
by Estar Holmes, NANS Summer ‘96, p.38.
49. Sourced from
Patenting of Life and Its Implications for` Indigenous Peoples, Debra Harry,
Institute for` Agriculture and Trade Policy; NANS Summer ‘96, p.17.
50. Sourced from
Nature (October 5, 1995); The Human` Genome Diversity Project and Its
Implications for` Indigenous Peoples, Debra Harry, Institute for` Agriculture
and Trade Policy; Abya Yala News, Spring` 1995; Reviewed by Estar Holmes,
Summer ‘96, p.17.
Sourced from PeaceNet; Reviewed by Estar
Holmes,` NANS Summer ‘96, p.26; Contact: Edward Hammond,` RAFI-USA Pittsboro,
North Carolina: 919) 542-1396,` (919) 542-0069fax; Pat Roy Mooney, RAFI
Ottawa,` Canada, (613) 567-6880 (voice), (613) 567-6884 (fax);` rafi@nando.ne t
www.charm.net/rafi/rafihome.html` 52.
Sourced from AntiShyster, Volume 6, No. 3, p.30.
Reviewed by Estar
53. Deficit
Reduction Act (1984)(computer files of would` be assassins and one million
people owing the` government money).
54. Tax Reform Act
(1986) (requires children to have SSN` at birth).
55. Bureau of
Engraving and Printing creating a` counterfeit proof currency.
56. Anti-hoarding
laws have recently been passed making` it illegal to stockpile more than 3
months of food or` basic supplies.
57. New forfeitures
laws for expanding IRS powers sourced` from Perceptions (May/June 1995 p.81).
58. See also Bank
Secrecy Act.
59. Treasury
Enforcement Communications System.
60. Financial Crime
Enforcement Network (FINCEN); See` also Upright Ostrich by Don McAlvany, McAlvany`
Intelligence Advisor, August 1991 (largest government` run, artificial
intelligence database ever established` with the police powers to investigate
so called financial` crimes against the New World Order).
61. Sourced from
Media Bypass (April 1996); To see` FinCENs public relations propaganda on the
Internet,` go to their home page at:` www.ustreas.gov/treasury/bureaus/fincen/facts.html`
62. Sourced from
The Register-Guard, Eugene, Oregon. “Thumb prints on checks put dent in fraud`
losses" (7/13/96). Reviewed by Shay McNamara.
63. Sourced from
NANS, Spring’96, p.24-25.