- Chapter Seven`
Understanding the Nature of Coin and Credit is the Root of All Economic
Ignorance & Decline.
by Johnny Liberty`
to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research`
and creation of this handbook.
Gold and Silver Money`
“All the perplexities, confusion and distress` in America arise
not from defects` in their Constitution or Confederation,` nor from want of
honor or virtue,` so much as downright ignorance of the` nature of coin, credit,
and circulation.”
— John Adams`
We the People are
more crazy about “money” than any other` area of our lives. Whether you have a
lot or a little, work` hard for it, live off trust funds or collect welfare,
inherit it or` win the lottery, there are so many basic survival, fear and`
success issues linked up with “money,” its acquisition and` spending, that we
rarely have the time to step back from the` insanity and ask the hard
What is real
“money”? Who controls it? How is it made?
Where does it come
from? How does the economic system` really work? Why are so many people and
businesses going` bankrupt?
Money, is it worth
living and dying for, stealing and killing` for? Why is it so glorified as an
object of ones attention? Is` there a better alternative? How can I let money
reflect my` values? How can I serve the greater community as well as` work
doing what I love?
“When it is a question of money,` everyone is of the same
— Voltaire`
Until 1500 BC, all
“money” was alive— cattle, lambs, goats or` pigs. Bankers financed the great
trading ships on long sea` voyages from port to port. While onboard, the cattle
had` calves or “kind,” which had been agreed belonged to the` banker. This was
where the concept of charging “interest”
arose. The concept of “interest” though depletes the lifesupport` equity
of both depositors and borrowers and` ultimately transfers equity and control
to the banker.1`
The Phoenicians, who were a
sophisticated ancient` civilization, invented metal money in the shape of a
pair of` bullhorns.
Because coinage was
simpler to transport than cattle, it` gained popular usage internationally as a
commodity and` precious metal. Gold and silver have also retained a steady`
value relative to purchasing power over time. An ounce of` gold today has the
same buying power as in ancient
Money is not an
invention of the state. “Certain commodities` become money quite naturally, as
the result of economic` relationships... independent of the power of the
Though many
different commodities have been used as` money over the centuries, “...gold and
silver have emerged` as money in the free competition of the market.” 2`
> “MONEY” (Ø)— in the ordinary connotation it` means
coins and paper currency used as a` circulating medium of exchange; does not
include` notes, bonds, evidences of debt, or other private` property or real
> MONEY ($)— tangible metallic substance with` intrinsic and
stable-store of value, distinguished` from paper currency, checks and drafts.
Money is not
wealth, but a tool. The true source of wealth of` a nation lies with the skills
of the people and what they are` capable of producing.
True economies are
created from the production of goods` and services.
Wealth is land and
tangible assets. Wealth consists of tools,` materials, equipment, and
profit-generating assets. Wealth` is bought with money. Wealth is also acquired
by force and` theft, by sovereign grants and deeds or by other` unscrupulous
“To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof,` and of foreign
Coin, and fix the Standard of` Weights and Measures...”
— Constitution for the
“No State shall...make any Thing but gold and` silver Coin a
Tender in Payment of Debts...”
— Constitution for the
What is a “Dollar?”
A Dollar is a measure of weight defined` by the Coinage Act of 1792 (first gold
coin in
A “Dollar”
specifies a certain quantity of gold or silver. The` relative value of silver
is tied to gold. In 1995, a Dollar is still` 371.25 grains of silver in a 480
grain coin (one ounce).4`
DOLLAR` = 1/20th OUNCE OF GOLD` = .999
As originally
defined, a Dollar = 1/20th of an ounce of gold` “money” (until it was devalued
by the Gold Reserve Act of` 1934 to 1/35th of an ounce), or .999 troy ounce of
silver` “money.” Gold and silver was decided to be coined as money` by the
Constitution. The founding fathers of the united` states decided that only gold
or silver coins can be “money” in
Real Money =
Gold / Silver` The power to
coin real “money” in the united states of` America has been relegated to the
U.S. Congress and none` other. We the People gave no lawful or constitutional`
authority to the U.S. Congress to operate or delegate private` banking neither
in the “Republic,” nor in the “Democracy.”
Until 1913, We the
People were our own bankers. We` created wealth directly from the earth.
We mined for the
gold and silver and brought it to the U.S. government to mint into coinage. The
U.S. government in` turn kept 10% of the gold and silver as an excise tax to
cover` the cost of minting.
Before 1968, dimes
and quarters were still coined in silver` and spent into circulation. Pennies,
nickels, dimes, quarters,` half-dollars and Susan B. Anthony dollars are still
spent into` circulation (although they have no gold or silver in them),` while
all the money substitutes and paper currency (except` U.S. Notes) are loaned
into circulation.
“The importance of an honest, stable, gold money` supply is to
ensure that relative scarcity, demand` and production efficiency of goods and
services` are accurately represented through their actual` market prices.
Prices are information.”
— Boston T. Party5`
Paper Money Substitutes or Federal Reserve` Notes (FRN’s)`
Since gold and
silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient` for a lot of transactions, the
money was stored in safes in` warehouse banks in lots of the old buildings.
A warehouse receipt
or certificate was issued as a money` substitute to represent the gold or
silver on deposit.
People traded their
warehouse receipts as money, or` “currency.” They were akin to the gold and
silver certificates` that were once redeemable.
The paper currency
we presently use is NOT money, but a` “money substitute.” Redeemable warehouse
receipts or` gold/silver certificates MUST promise to pay a dollar ($)`
equivalent in gold or silver money.
Federal Reserve
Notes (FRNs) make NO such promises, and` are NOT “money” by any stretch of the
They are “corporation
notes of undetermined value,” banker’s
scrip, or barter paper.
An FRN is a debt
obligation of the federal United States` government, a promissory note, a
promise to “pay” the` Federal Reserve Bank (in gold and silver) at an
undisclosed` time in the future. FRN’s are not “money.” 6 FRN’s are not` lawful, constitutional money ($), but a
fiat paper currency` (Ø), legal tender or a money substitute. FRN’s are not`
federal because the Federal Reserve Bank is a privately` owned corporation.
There is no gold or
silver, not even paper currency, held in` reserve, and they are not a “note”
because they cannot fulfill` an unconditional promise to “pay” real money to
the holder.
A “Note” must
contain the unconditional promise to “Pay to` the Bearer on Demand.”
> NOTE— an instrument containing an express and`
absolute promise of signer to pay to a specified` person or order, or bearer, a
definite sum of` “money” at a specified time; an instrument that is a` promise
to pay other than a certificate of deposit. 7`
FRN’s are “fraud
reserve notes,” the commercial lien of a` private corporation (i.e., commercial
paper), a negotiable` instrument and counterfeit security of the Federal
Reserve` Banking system.
FRNs are unsigned
checks written on a closed account of the` U.S. government (closed since the
bankruptcy of 1933).
Substitute = FRNs = Ø`
It’s essential that
we comprehend the distinction between` real “money” being tangible wealth and
substance, and a` paper money substitute representing a debt.
You cannot get
rich, generate wealth or become economically` sovereign by accumulating money
substitutes alone,` anymore than you can get rich accumulating monopoly` money.
You will only get
deeper into debt, and ultimately bank-rupt` yourself if you do not understand
these distinctions.
You can though
acquire these debt instruments and convert` them into tangible substance, real
money, property and` wealth, providing you structure your legal sovereignty as`
For when we acquire
property with FRN’s, we’re not` acquiring it with real “money.”
We’re not really
buying it, thus it’s not our property if we’re` still in the jurisdiction of
the federal United States` government corporation. Thus our property and FRN’s
can` be taken away by the lawful owner and trustee at their` pleasure and
We the People do
not have any real “money ($),” nor are we` buying or exchanging goods and
services with real` “money($),” nor are we accumulating wealth or assets.
Those who have acquired
lots of FRN’s in the bank have` simply accumulated control and power over
banker-created` credit systems. Their assets are at risk if they do not`
understand the nature of money and who really owns and` controls the property.
It is NOT true wealth and sovereignty.
Bill Gates may be
the “richest” man in America according to` Fortune 500, but he is rich valued
in FRN’s, NOT in property` he owns outright in his private and sovereign
capacity. I` would venture to guess that he doesn’t have a clue that his`
riches are being manipulated and controlled by other` sovereign Power
structures unknown to him, as are many` otherwise successful individuals.
Without sover-eignty, your` riches are worthless tokens of your possibility.
Most Americans have
not been paid any real “money ($)” in` their entire life. Consider this
seriously. If you haven’t been` paid any real “money,” then how can you “pay”
your debts?
You can’t!` Now, do
you comprehend why you feel broke (Ø)? You are` poor, broke and starving for
freedom. Now, do you` understand why you are “bankrupt (Ø),” along with the
rest` of the country? You cannot “pay” debt with a debt-currency,` not ever.
You can only
“discharge” debt (which is to delay the` inevitable bankruptcy that awaits
you). Wouldn’t you love to` become economically sovereign and financially`
independence in law?
“Neither paper currency
nor deposits have value` as commodities. Intrinsically, a ‘dollar (Ø)’ bill is` just a piece of
paper (Ø).
Deposits are merely book entries.”
— Modern Money Mechanics Workbook,` Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago (1975) 8`
The right to create
money (Ø) substitutes and paper` currency of all kinds is reserved to the
people. If you happen` to be a banker, you’ve learned how to monopolize this
right` in conjunction with power-hungry governments and keep` others from
hoarding in on your cartel.
But We the People
also have the unalienable right to work,` to contract, to create our own money
substitutes in lieu of` gold and silver if necessary (e.g., local scrips,
Cascadia` HOURS, time-dollars, barter/trade), and restore the gold` and silver
standard as well. 9`
“By a continuing process of inflation,` government can
confiscate,` secretly and unobserved, an important` part of the wealth of their
— John Maynard Keynes`
Whenever there is
an increase of the supply of a money` substitute (Ø) or paper currency in the
economy without a` corresponding increase in the gold/silver money ($)
reserve,` inflation occurs. Inflation is an invisible form of taxation` that
even the most responsible governments inflict on their` Citizens.
FRNs are an
inflatable paper system designed to create debt` through inflation (i.e.,
devaluation of currency). Inflation` destroys your purchasing power over time.
Inflation and
unpayable debt transfers power and property` to the sovereign Power structure
that has no real interest in` accumulating money substitutes.It’s the tangible
assets,` property, land, industrial capability and “real estate” that`
represent true wealth in the economy.
Inflation =
Invisible Taxation` Over
two-thirds of the total productivity of an entire nation` is invisibly taxed
through inflation inflicted on people at` every level of the system. It is a
conspiracy between the` bankers and the governments to confiscate wealth and`
productivity to suit their own agendas and get We the People` to pay the piper.10`
“Every congressman, every senator,` knows precisely what causes
but can’t [won’t] support the drastic reforms` to stop it
[repeal of the Federal Reserve Act of` 1913] because it could cost him his
— Robert A. Heinlein, Expanded Universe 11`
The federal United
States government corporation and the` U.S. Congress has NOT ever been
authorized by the` Constitution to issue paper currency of any kind, but only
to` coin lawful money ($) of substance — gold or silver for the` sovereign
states and their respective Citizens.
“Congress had no authority to grant` a private consortium of
banks the monopoly` privilege to create the nation’s currency.”
— Boston T. Party 24`
Powers not
specifically granted by the Constitution are` strictly forbidden and
automatically denied. Today the` Federal Reserve Bank and the international
bankers have a` monopoly over legal tender, the issuance of money substitutes`
and paper currency in lieu of gold and silver.
They run the
largest counterfeiting operation the world has` ever seen, “legally” protected
by a renegade U.S. Congress` and now bankrupt U.S. government corporation.
“To provide for the punishment` of counterfeiting the Securities
and` current Coin of the United States.”
— Constitution for the usA [1:8:6]`
Their lust is for
power and control, not money substitutes.
They have plenty of
real “money” already, in fact they` control the world’s gold and silver
reserves, and have` created substitutes to patronize and control the masses
into` remaining productive economic slaves. Since the inception` of centralized
banking in Europe, these bankers have` created wars for profit and controlled
the fates of nations.12`
Introducing Debt Currency Circulation`
Every piece of
paper currency in circulation was borrowed` into circulation from the Federal
Reserve Banking system` with interest.
It is a debt which
can never be paid back except with our` sweat, our labors, and ultimately our
We the People have
unwittingly surrendered our lawful` money system to the international bankers
and accepted a` fiat paper currency in lieu of money. This is the fundamental`
act which has destroyed our once great nation.
Economic Speculation` Because
every piece of paper currency in circulation incurs` an escalating debt, the
only way you can expand an economy` is by expanding the amount of debt in
Thus markets soar,
currencies devalue, prices rise and` speculation is the rallying cry on Wall
Street. We are` running our global economy like a casino-like gambling`
operation, and it is headed for collapse. History shall repeat` itself ad
“In the seventies, only 20% of all global` investment and trade
was speculative by nature,` and 80% was directly related to the exchange of`
goods and services. By 1990, those figures had` reversed. In 1993, only 5% of
all global` economic transactions were directly related` to the exchange of
goods and services.”
— Wilfred Guth of the Deutsche Bank 33`
Inflation is also
created with “fractional reserve banking”
and negotiable instruments such as “checks.”
The illusion is
presented that there’s a limited supply of` money (Ø) and a significant
“reserve (Ø)” must be kept on` hand if a lot of people need cash at once. It
simply ain’t so.
The banker’s create
fiat paper currency and electronic ledger` entries from thin air. Commercial
banks are nothing more` than accounting divisions of the Federal Reserve
Banking` system.
Reserve Banking` Here’s how it
works. Assume a “reserve requirement” of` 10%, although it’s actually much
lower than that number.
The bank down the
street needs to retain 10% (9:1) of your` deposit on hand in case you want it
back in paper currency` or “cash.”
When you deposit
Ø1,000 in the bank, no sooner does it hit` the cash box than you’ve created a
Ø9,000 line of credit (Ø)` that the bank can now loan to the guy in line behind
you, OR` invest in anything they desire (stocks, bonds, real estate) at`
prevailing rates of interest.
That’s how
commercial banks make “money” out of thin air` (not by service charges or
bounced check fees). Wouldn’t` you like to be able to create money out of thin
air? You’d go` to jail for counterfeiting if you tried. The banks make a`
fortune from your ignorance. That’s why commercial banks` compete for your
The current
fractional reserve requirements13 for` commercial banks is 3% (33:1) for net
accounts under Ø29.8` million and 0% for accounts of corporations on time`
deposits of 1 & 1/2 years or more.
Today, deposit
Ø1,000 in the bank and you’ve created an` instant credit line of Ø33,333 for
the bank. This is an` extremely profitable business for the banks, even if you`
default on the loans and credit cards!` If you bounce a check (Ø), you pay a
bounced check fee. If` the banks write a bad check (Ø), they call it a “loan
(Ø).” You` exchange one promissory note for another.
Do you still wonder
why the banks keep getting richer and` richer? Do you still wonder why all the
big buildings` downtown have the name of various commercial banks on` them?
Because We the
People haven’t wised up to these basic` economic facts of life.14` In the chart on the opposite page, if banks had actually
been` loaning real “money” the total debt would be less than Ø200` billion.
According to the
chart, there were over Ø6 trillion of bad` checks in circulation in 1985 which
created all this public` and private debt. This debt curve is growing exponentially`
today. This is check kiting, fraud, racketeering,` counterfeiting, and a lawful
basis for repudiating private,` public and federal debt. Do you understand what
a criminal` enterprise the Federal Reserve Bank and their cronies in`
government are running?15` The Federal Reserve
Bank controls the money supply,` interest rates, and movement (i.e., velocity)
of FRN’s has` everybody fooled (except you and me).
They have access to
an unlimited supply of FRN’s, paying` only for the printing costs of what they
need. Checks and` ledger entries of credits and debits total 95% of all
deposits` and transfers. Securities, bonds, mortgages and stocks` compose most
of the hard assets that banks presently own.
Money Supply
Interest Rates Velocity` The
Federal Reserve Bank can increase or decrease the` “reserve” requirements at
will. Therefore, a “run on the` bank” could not happen as it did in the past.
They simply print
as much paper currency as they need to` retain control. The reason for the
reserve requirements at all` is to regulate the greed and larceny of the member
banks` and to maintain a certain level of quality in their investment`
FRNs are nothing more than promissory
notes for U.S. Treasury securities (Tbills)— a promise to “pay” the debt to`
the Federal Reserve Bank (in gold or silver).
Have you ever
borrowed money to consolidate debt only to` discover that you became more
indebted than before?
You didn’t “pay”
the debt but only reorganized for future` discharge. Our financial lives are reduced
to managing debt` and making money to service an ever growing liability, both`
private and public. This is economic slavery!` “[Every circulating FRN] represents a one dollar
debt to the` Federal Reserve System”
There is a
fundamental difference between “paying ($)” and` “discharging (Ø)” a debt. To
“pay” a debt, you must pay with` value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter
or a commodity).
With FRNs, you can
only “discharge” a debt. You cannot pay` a debt with a debt currency system.
Pay or Discharge
You cannot service
a debt with a currency that has no` backing in value or substance. Also, there
is no valid or` lawful contract under the Common law unless it involves an`
exchange of “good & valuable consideration (i.e., real` money).”
We are dealing in
“counterfeit” currencies issued by a global` cartel. We are bankrupting
ourselves and our children into` economic slavery! Wise up America!`
“There is a
distinction between a ‘debt discharged’` and a debt ‘paid.’ When discharged, the
debt still` exists though divested of its charter as a legal` obligation during
the operation of the discharge,` something of the original vitality of the
debt` continues to exist, which may be transferred, even` though the transferee
takes it subject to its` disability incident to the discharge.”
— Stanek vs. White,` 172 Minn. 390, 215 N.W. 784`
So how has the
system fared?
The net result of
the Federal Reserve System is a devalued` dollar (Ø0.20 dollar in 1994 compared
to 1964) predicted to` drop to Ø0.03 before the year 2000), hidden inflation
that` taxes the future earnings of future generations (53% total tax` rate in
1994), a constant decline in personal income for 12` consecutive years during
the Reagan-Bush Administration,` an un-payable federal deficit (Ø4.6 trillion
in 1995) and` accelerating exponential debt curve, and the transfer of all` the
property and assets of the American people to the` international bankers.18` “The Federal Reserve
Debt Note system was` established by Congress under its ‘District’` powers
because the Constitution required` a gold or silver standard.”
— International Tax Technologies`
SLAVERY— total loss of control over` your financial affairs; working for no
reward, no` “money,” no substance, no asset accumulation;` working for a master
you cannot see; unknowingly` surrendering your property and assets to public`
indebtedness; invisible and undeclared bankruptcies;` are you prepared to be
bankrupt at age 62?
National and state
constitutions prohibited the issuing of` foreign bills of exchange (i.e.,
FRN’s), or making anything` but gold or silver a tender in the payment of
debts. It was an` important check and balance against the encroachment of`
foreign money traders in the republic.
Federal law
prohibits creating credit money from nothing,` although it happens every time a
bank issues a credit card.
Their total
investment is the cost of the stamp and the` plastic. You pay back the
principle with interest. So what has` happened? Why do We the People continue
to allow this` grand theft to occur, in broad daylight, without taking a` stand
for the constitutional republic, and our own sovereign` rights?
“No State shall...make any Thing but gold and` silver Coin a
Tender in Payment of Debts...”
— Constitution for the usA [1:10:1]`
constitutional and honest United States money is` coined or printed in a
redeemable currency by the U.S. Treasury and spent into circulation by the
Federal` government.
Lawful money is
either gold or silver coins, or currency` backed by gold and silver that has
been certified deposited` in the Department of the Treasury and payable to the
bearer` on demand (i.e. U.S. Gold Certificates from 1863-1934, U.S. Silver
Certificates from 18861963). Federal Reserve Notes` redeemable in lawful money
at the Department of the` Treasury Federal Reserve Bank (1934-1963), or United`
States Notes spent into circulation by the Federal` government (e.g., JFK’s $2
bill was interest-free).
International Banking Cartel`
The federal United
States adhered to its constitutional` imperative, the law and public policy of
a strict gold` standard until 1933.
Attempts at
recreating a centralized National Bank, similar` to what had been established
in Europe, had failed` consistently from the founding of the republic until
the` Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
The American
people, for the most part, had become quite` wealthy without a centralized
National Bank and were hard` to convince they needed one.
created bank panics (e.g.,1857, 1873, 1893, 1907)` were foisted on the American
people to create the` appearance of a problem that would eventually discredit
the` existing decentralized banking system, and open the door of` public
opinion to support a centralized one.
This was
orchestrated by the large, international banking` interests (e.g., J.P. Morgan,
Paul Warburg, Rothchilds) who` wanted a central National Bank in America under
their` control.
The international
bankers wanted to wear down America’s` tolerance towards uncoordinated banking
activities and` their reliance on gold-backed, and silver-backed currency so`
the federal government would eventually intervene to “save` the day.” Whenever
credit expanded too quickly at the` discretion of bankers, beyond the limits of
the gold reserves,` interest rates rose sharply, new credit was not available,
and` the economy went into a sharp, but short recession.
Governments gave up
all attempts to coin or control mon-ey` in the 19th century, not because they
were incapable or` incompetent, but mostly because they didn’t trust each
International banks
orchestrated this mistrust, stepped in-to` this vacuum to solve the problem,
and by demonstra-ting` more fiscal responsibility (on the surface) than
governments` had, became the economic masters in the modern world.
“Whoever controls the volume of money` in any country is
absolute master of` all industry and commerce.”
— James A. Garfield`
“I believe that banking institutions are more` dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies.
Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy` that has set
the government at defiance.
The issuing power should be taken from the banks` and restored
to the people to whom it properly` belongs.”
— Thomas Jefferson`
To maximize their
profits and control, the international` bankers needed a scheme that would
allow banks to loan` money indefinitely, and without restrictions on the gold
or` silver reserves.
Senator Nelson
Aldrich (R-RI), under the guise of banking` reform for the money trust, and the
National Citizens` League for the Promotion of a Sound Banking System, a` front
organization for the international bankers, had every` intention of pawning off
a privately controlled central bank` on an unsuspecting America.
They needed a
“legal” cartel that would allow them to inflate` the currency and expand the
economy indefinitely and reap` all the rewards themselves. Thus they
“conspired,” in secret,` to establish the Federal Reserve System in partnership
with` the federal government.
This is well
documented in G. Edward Griffin’s seminal` work, “Creature from Jekyll Island”.19`
CONSPIRACY— to breathe together.
So Senator Aldrich,
Abraham Andrew, Frank Vanderlein,` Henry Davidson, Charles Worten, Benjamin
Strong and` Paul Warburg met at Jekyll Island, a resort island off the` East
Coast, to author the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and` strategize how to get the
U.S. Congress to approve it under` the noses of the President and the American
These men gathered
together represented over one-fourth of` the wealth of the entire world.
“[One of the most important aspects in achieving` communist
control is the] centralization of credit in` the hands of the state, by means
of a [centralized]` national bank with state capital and an exclusive`
— Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto`
Federal Reserve Banking System`
The Federal Reserve
System is based on the Canon law and` the principles of sovereignty guaranteed
in the Constitution` and Bill of Rights.
In fact, the
international bankers used a “Canon Law Trust” as their model, adding stock and
naming it a “Joint Stock` Trust.”
The U.S. Congress
had passed a law making it illegal for any` legal “person” to duplicate a
“Joint Stock Trust” in 1873. The` Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto
(to 1870),` although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the`
Constitution [1:9:3].
“This [Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most
gigantic` trust on earth. When the President [Wilson] signs this bill` the
invisible government of the Monetary Power will be` legalized...the worst
legislative crime of the ages is` perpetrated by this banking and currency
bill.” — ` Congressman
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. (1913)`
The Federal Reserve
System is a sovereign Power structure` separate and distinct from the federal United
States` government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender and` insurance
underwriter to the federal United States operating` exclusively under
Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or` underwriter bears the risks, and the
Maritime law` compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or`
premiums are the same. Assets of the debtor can also be` hypothecated as
security by the lender or underwriter.
The Federal Reserve
Act stipulated that the interest on the` debt was to be paid in gold. There was
no stipulation in the` Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principle.
The Federal Reserve
Act was never challenged in a court of` competent jurisdiction, which would be
Admiralty /` Maritime.
The Federal Reserve
System is independent of the U.S. Congress, doesn’t file a tax return or pay
any taxes, has` never been audited, is not subject to Title 5, U.S.C., or to
the` scrutiny of the General Accounting Office (GAO), nor has it` ever filed
statements of assets on any information form for` the government. It is a
private “Joint Stock Trust.”
Note: Eric Madsen asserts that it is a corporation.]`
There is nothing
“federal” about the Federal Reserve` Banking System as it is not part of the
government. There is` nothing on “reserve.” It gives the appearance of a
“system” to distribute power from Wall
Street, but in essence the` power is centralized. It is not even a “bank” as
they are not` dealing with real “money.”
The stated mission
of the Federal Reserve Banking System` was to stabilize banking, but if you
analyze their track` record, it has not achieved their stated objectives. I
assert it` was never their objective in the first place. It did though,`
achieve the cessation of private capital formation in the` hands of We the
People and centralized it in the hands of the` international banking cartels.
“Federal Reserve bonds, including the capital stock
and` surplus therein and the income there-from, shall be exempt` from federal,
state and local taxation, except taxes upon` real estate.” — 12 U.S.C. 531`
The Federal Reserve
Act was passed over a Christmas vacation` (December 22, 1913) with ten members
in session.
Hardly a quorum by
any stretch of the imagination.
The rest of the
U.S. Congress was adjourned for the holidays.
Most Americans, the
U.S. Congress and the President` had been fooled by a well-orchestrated
propaganda and media` campaign into believing that the bankers and the money`
trust on Wall Street were opposed to this legislation.
Thus as a knee-jerk
reaction and clever manipulation, We` the People walked into a well-designed
trap and supported` the Federal Reserve Act despite its lack of quorum.
President` Woodrow Wilson signed the act under considerable` pressure and later
regretted his act saying. “I am a most unhappy` man, unwittingly I have ruined
my country.”20`
“The [Federal Reserve
Act] as it stands seems to` me to open the way to a vast inflation of the`
currency... I do not like to think that any law can be` passed that will make
it possible to submerge the` gold standard in a flood of irredeemable paper`
— Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr. (1913)`
Before 1913, most
Americans owned their own land,` sovereign “allodial title” to property, free
and clear of any` liens, encumbrances or “mortgages.” There weren’t` conventional
“mortgages” with banks whereby you’d pay for` a piece of property three-times
over the course of thirty` years (another not so subtle property confiscation
scheme as` a result of the Federal Reserve Act).
You simply acquired
land by assignment with a “Bill of Sale,”
paid for it with gold or silver, updated the land patent or` allodial
title and received the true, lawful title and ownership` to land. Property was
also NOT registered or recorded via a` “deed.”
Then the Federal
Reserve Act (1913) “hypothecated” all` property within the federal United
States to the Board of` Governors, or “Trustees” of the Federal Reserve
Banking` cartel. In any Trust, the Trustees held legal title and` ownership and
have control over the assets on behalf of a` third party (i.e., beneficiaries).
> HYPOTHECATE— to pledge something as a security` without taking possession of
“Give me control of a nation’s money` and I care not who makes
the laws.”
— Mayer Amschel Bauer`
Under the terms of
the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal` Reserve Banking system agreed to extend
the federal United` States government all the credit (i.e., money substitute)
it` needed to expand the operations of the United States` corporation. Like any
other debtor, the federal United States` government had to assign collateral
and security to their` creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal
United` States government didn’t have any significant assets, except` a small
modicum of public property, they “hypothecated` (i.e., assigned, transferred)”
the private property of their` “economic slaves”, the U.S. citizens, as
collateral (i.e.,` security) against the soon to be un-payable federal debt.
The federal United
States government, along with their` principals/creditors, needed a contractual
nexus to lure` more and more sovereign “state” Citizens into their`
jurisdiction, so as to expand the pool of property they could` legally attach
and lien.
Manufacturing wars,
recessions, depressions, and finally` luring most Americans into the Social
Security Act did the` job.
The U.S. government
also pledged the unincorporated federal` territories, national parks and
forests (e.g., clear-cutting is` simply a policy of debt reduction), birth
certificates, forprofit` and non-profit corporations, as collateral as well.
Thus the creation
of an income tax to pay the interest on this` debt.
Note: This particular income tax on corporations` was effectively repealed by
the Internal Revenue Act of` November 23rd, 1921.]21` “The regional Federal
Reserve Banks are not` government agencies. ...but are independent,` privately
owned and locally controlled` corporations.”
— Lewis vs. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (9th Cir. 1982)`
The Federal Reserve
Bank (FRB) is a very private foreign` entity held by a cartel of international
bankers. The FRB can` sue and be sued in the name of the entity. Each FRB
carries` its own liability insurance. Each FRB conducts activities` without any
direction from the federal government. Each` FRB pays local property taxes and
postage (evidence of` private ownership). Each FRB has listings in the
telephone` book, not under government headings.
The beneficial
interest of the FRB is held by four foreign` banks and four U.S. banks who are
now completely` controlled by international bankers. These banks are:22` 1. Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin (52%)` 2. Lazard
Freres Bank of Paris (8%)` 3. Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy (8%)` 4. Warburg
Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam (8%)` 5. Lehman Brothers Bank of New York (6%)`
6. Kuhn Loeb of New York (6%)` 7. Chase Manhattan/Rockefeller Bank of New York
(6%)` 8. Goldman-Sachs (6%)` On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden,`
brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of` the Federal Reserve
Bank system, The Comptroller of the` Currency and the Secretary of United
States Treasury for` numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to,`
conspiracy, fraud, unlawful conversion, and treason.
The following is a
quote from his famous address to` Congress in 1934.
“Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the
most` corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the` Federal
Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks,` hereinafter called the Fed. The
Fed has cheated the` Government of these United States and the people of the`
United States out of enough money to pay the Nation's` debt. The depredations
and iniquities of the Fed has cost` enough money to pay the National debt
several times over.
This evil
institution has impoverished and ruined the people` of these United States, has
bankrupted itself, and has` practically bankrupted our Government. It has done
this` through the defects of the law under which it operates,` through the
mis-application of that law by the Fed and` through the corrupt practices of
the moneyed vultures who` control it. Some people who think that the Federal
Reserve` Banks are United States Government institutions.
They are private
monopolies which prey upon the people of` these United States for the benefit
of themselves and their` foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators
and` swindlers; and rich and predatory money lender.
In that dark
crew of financial pirates there are those who` would cut a man's throat to get
a dollar out of his pocket;` there are those who send money into states to buy
votes to` control our legislatures; there are those who maintain` international
propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us` into granting of new concessions
which will permit them to` cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion
their` gigantic train of crime.” 23`
Americans Asleep at the Economic Wheel of` the World’s Largest
The American people
were asleep at the wheel and didn’t` know what was happening behind the scenes,
nor did they` comprehend the significance of what had occurred.
From the time of
the Civil War until the Federal Reserve Act` many Americans, particularly in
the South, had already given` up their sovereignty.
Over the course of
the next twenty-five years, American Nationals` OR “state” Citizens from the
North would also surrender` their sovereignty and become tenants, residents,`
franchisees and U.S. citizens.
They would
unwittingly contract into the jurisdiction of the` federal United States government
corporation via the Social` Security Act and other adhesion contracts.
surrendered their sovereign “state” Citizenship` by registering themselves
voluntarily as “beneficiaries” of` this “Joint Stock Trust” via his/her Birth
Certificate (which` is an unrevealed Trust instrument placing you in commerce`
with the federal United States). By 1933, the federal United` States
government, in collaboration and conspiracy with the` Federal Reserve Banking
system and its foreign` principals/creditors, had “hypothecated” all of the
present` and future properties, assets, and labor of their newly registered`
“subjects”— U.S. citizens.
In 1934, the
Federal Reserve Bank confiscated all the gold of` the American people with the
assistance of Franklin D. Roosevelt` (FDR).
By 1998, every
asset not held “in allodium” has been assigned` and transferred as payment to
the international` bankers against the unpayable federal debt.21` Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American`
Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land and property is` held by a sovereign
Power structure (e.g., the international` banks as Sovereign instead of the
King of England) and the` common people (i.e., U.S. citizens) have no rights to
hold` allodial title or own property outright. Once again, We the` People are
reduced to tenants and sharecroppers “renting”
property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal` Reserve Bank. We
the People have exchanged one master` for another. History repeats itself ad
“If Congress has the right [it doesn’t] to issue` paper money
[currency], it was given to them` to be used by... [the government] and not to
be` delegated to individuals or corporations.”
— President Andrew Jackson,` Vetoed Bank Bill of 1836`
Irrelevant Economic Dialectic`
Note: Thanks to Mark Evans for his research and` wisdom in these matters,
especially his research into the` works of Congressman Charles Lindbergh who
had a` serious handle on sustainable economics.]`
Since the Bolshevik
Revolution, a phony dialectic has` dominated the minds of economists — that of
Capitalism` versus Communism.
Nowadays we are
still reeling under the presumptions of the` remnants of that false dialectic
as the two orthodox schools` of economics — the Keynesian and Monetarist dominate`
world finances. Keynes dictates the functions of the World` Bank/IMF while
Monetarism rules at the Bank of` International Settlements, the international
central bank of` the Group of Ten.
Progressives have
missed the point, according to Mark` Evans, writing in Flatland Magazine. The
issue that should` have been getting attention all along is “the struggle
between` the sovereign right of the people, collectively, to create and`
control their own credit, and the paid political hirelings who` have always served
the vested interests of the banks and` plutocracy...”
Article 1, Section
8, Clause 5 of the Constitution for the` United States says, "Congress
shall have the power to coin` money, and to regulate the value thereof, and
also, of foreign` coin," Mr. Evans says this vital clause was never fully
put` into effect and Thomas Jefferson also had some regrets` about the matter.
He wrote that his
great regret about the Constitution was` that it did not include a clause
stating specifically that` Congress had the power specifically to monetize
It was an advantage
the colonists enjoyed for a time and` Benjamin Franklin wrote that the
Revolution was fought` because the Crown suspended the rights of the colonies
to` print colonial scrip.
Mr. Evans says that
the much maligned and misunderstood` Congressman Charles Augustus Lindbergh,
Sr., (1859-1924)` who based his radical economic theory on the Constitution,`
had broken away from the standard economic rhetoric` shaping the world in the
early 1900s.
He believes
Congressman Lindbergh was probably` approaching a “simultaneously democratic
and` constitutional” solution. This is evidenced by the campaign` to suppress
his work, according to Evans.
Charles Lindbergh
wrote, “The greatest of all the present` social burdens is the excessive
interest, dividends and rent` charges levied on us by those who control
centralized capital...
the fruits
resulting from the people's toil... accumulated by the wealth absorbers who, by the rules of government,`
possess the privilege of taxing all the people.” 25`
Exponentially Raising the Debt-Ceiling` The Federal Deficit grows by Ø13,000 every second,`
compounded daily. Total debt per capita is Ø13,000 (1990)` compared with $131
debt per capita (1930).
An average of
Ø61,000 debt per family (assuming 75 million` families). Interest on the debt
alone was Ø1.69 trillion,` which was 21% of total federal outlays (1990).26` The Federal Reserve Bank is holding the federal United`
States government, our elected representatives and the` American people hostage
through its credit and monetary` policies. Those who control the “buck” control
the` government. Did you ever believe it was different?
The temptation for
our government to borrow and spend` more and more, raise taxes and
exponentially increase the` debt obligation for all Americans, is tantamount to
Yet, it goes on and
on and We the people stand for it.
The federal United
States government has been bankrupt` numerous times since 1933. Yet our elected
representatives` cannot even seriously address the issue of balancing the`
budget. It is all lip-service.
It is not even
possible to balance the budget in an` unsustainable, debt-based economy without
eliminating the` cause of debt — the Federal Reserve Banking system. The` only
way to expand or grow an economy in a debt-based` economy is to expand and grow
the debt.
Growth = Economic Slavery` Each
time the U.S. Congress authorizes a budget and raises` the debt ceiling, which
is prima facie evidence of the federal` bankruptcy, the Federal Reserve Bank
has the authority to` deny credit to the government by simply not buying the`
bonds. 27` Prior to the Federal Reserve Act, the federal government
had` to sell U.S. bonds to the people to fund the operations of` government.
The government also traded one master (the` people) for another (the
international bankers).
Now, the Federal
Reserve Bank has the power to close the` doors of the federal government at
will by denying credit.
That’s a lot of power
in the hands of foreign bankers.
“The Federal Reserve System was founded` primarily to serve the
special interests of certain` highly organized, politically influential groups
within` the banking industry.
The [Seven Member] Board of Governors is` appointed by the
President and` confirmed by the Senate, but five of the twelve` members of the
Federal Open Market Committee` representing the regional Federal Reserve Banks`
dictate our country’s monetary policy and are` controlled by private,
commercial banks.
Thus private banks, serving special interests,` control or
influence public policy as to the money` that everyone in the United States
— National Alliance for Constitutional Money`
Unlike the federal
government, state governments are` constitutionally required to balance their
budgets and accept` no foreign bills of exchange, although they have been
failing` to do that for a long time. Remember, today the “States” are` not
sovereign nor are they republics.
They are simply
subsidiaries or political subdivisions of the` federal corporation and are
following in their stead.
\So long as our
U.S. government is doing the bidding of the` sovereign Power structures, via
the Federal Reserve Bank` and its principles/creditors (i.e., International
Monetary` Fund), then the Federal Reserve Bank has been more than` willing to
“lend (i.e., create from thin air)” the federal U.S. government more and more fiat (i.e., fake)
“money (Ø).”
Federal Reserve
Notes (FRN’s) are a paper currency, a` money substitute, a negotiable
instrument, and is` manufactured from ink and paper, or moreso these days it’s`
created electronically.
“Money” is nothing
more than a incredibly orchestrated lie` and fiction we still believe. How much
longer will the fools` borrow themselves into economic slavery? 28`
“Banks lend by creating credit.
They create the means of payment out of nothing.”
— Ralph M. Hawtrey,`
Secretary of the British Treasury`
“When you or I write a check (Ø) there must be` sufficient funds
in our account to cover that check,` but when the Federal Reserve writes a
check (Ø)` there is no bank deposit on which that check is` drawn.
When the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is` creating money
(Ø) [irredeemable currency].”
— Putting It Simply,` Boston Federal Reserve Bank`
Although the
Federal Reserve Note (FRN)(Ø), henceforth` referred to as “Ø,” is the keystone
of the unsustainable, debtbased` and struggling American economy, few people`
understand or even care to understand how it actually` works.
Every FRN or Ø placed
into circulation burdens the entire` society with an ever growing mountain of
public and private` debt.
Every FRN or Ø
borrowed by the federal United States` government MUST be repaid, and can NEVER
be repaid to` the Federal Reserve Bank and its foreign principles /` creditors.
FRN’s (Ø) are
“unlawful” money under the state (no foreign` bills of exchange) and federal
(only gold and silver coin are` money) constitutions. Federal Reserve Notes
(FRNs) create` not only debt, but interest and usury that results in` perpetual
economic slavery for most of our Citizens.
Debt money systems
are the primary instruments through` which property is confiscated for
“communistic” purposes.
The political
result is the usurpation of free republics, the` erecting of false democracies
and the destruction of` sovereignty and basic human rights worldwide.
“The Federal Reserve System pays` the U.S. Treasury Ø20.60 per
thousand notes— ` a little over 2 cents each— without regard` to the face value
of the note.
Federal Reserve Notes, incidentally, are the only` type of
currency now produced for circulation.
They are printed exclusively by the Treasury’s` Bureau of
Engraving and Printing, and the` Ø20.60 per thousand price reflects the
Bureau’s` full cost of production.
Federal Reserve Notes are printed in 01, 02,` 05, 010, 020, 050
and 0100 denominations only;` notes of 0500, 1000, 5000, and 10,000`
denominations were last printed in 1945.”
— Donald J. Winn, Assistant to the Board of` Governors of the
Federal Reserve System 30`
Money created from
nothing yields inflation. Prices don't go` up, but the value of currency goes
down. Inflation is a` hidden tax. Your purchasing power is continually being`
reduced. So who acquired your lost purchasing power?
The government
(i.e., corporation), commercial banks and` borrowers. So who gets the most
value — those who get the` fresh money first.
Here’s how fiat
“money” is created from thin air. Congress` needs Ø1 billion for some
worthless, pork-barreled project` sponsored by a few high-ranking Senators who
want to stay` in office.
Congress authorizes
the U.S. Department of the Treasury to` print bills or bonds as a loan to the
government. This is` called “monetizing the debt.”
1) the funding
starts in U.S. Congress by borrowing U.S. bonds and U.S. Treasury notes.
2) if the U.S.
Congress can't borrow enough Treasury` notes, an officer goes to Federal
Reserve, who pulls out` a checkbook, writes a “check” from a checkbook for Ø1`
billion from an account with nothing in it.
3) U.S. Government
puts the “check” into their account` and starts writing “checks” to pay
government workers.
4) for example, the
U.S. Government writes a “check” to a` postal worker who deposits Ø100 into a
check-ing` account in a neighborhood, commercial bank.
5) commercial bank
puts the Ø100 into the banks reserve` account and loans out Ø900 to its
customers` (fractional reserve banking)` 6) the bank has created the $900 from
thin air from the` deposit of $100 OR, Ø1 billion created for the` government
yields Ø9 billion for the commercial banks` plus yields interest (on nothing)
for the bank and taxes` for the government (i.e., corporation) 31` The Treasury prints Ø1 billion worth of FRNs at the cost
of` Ø0.02, each regardless of denomination. The Treasury` walks down the hall
to the Federal Reserve Bank and offers` to sell them for Ø0.02 each, regardless
of denomination.
The Federal Reserve
Bank then walks down the same hall,` writes a check from an empty account for
Ø1 billion, and` loans the money back to the federal United States` government
at face value plus interest.
The government then
writes checks and puts the Ø1 billion` in circulation. Ø’s are created when a
loan is made and` interest collected and security or collateral is posted. The`
interest is on nothing given, nothing borrowed, nothing` taken except from thin
For every FRN or Ø in circulation the federal` debt + interest
grows exponentially (e.g.,` estimated at Ø15 trillion including entitlements`
and future obligations). We the People have` incurred this federal debt plus
interest at rates set` by the Federal Reserve Bank because we’ve been` asleep
at the wheel and forgotten who we are.
Remember, We the people are the sovereigns,` NOT the
international banks,` NOT the U.S. government!`
Investment Recommendations for Getting Out` of Debt`
1. Make a decision
that you’re going to get out of debt` and strive for economic sovereignty and
financial independence.
Make a decision
that you are willing to reorganize` every aspect of your life, including your
business,` job or occupation to achieve this goal. Know that` you are the
master over government, and not a slave or` subject. Learn the transitional
tools necessary to move` from where you are to where you want to be. Stop`
sending your hard-earned funds to a government that` wastes them and uses them
for destructive purposes.
2. Engage in
free-enterprise activity that is enjoyable and` matches your skills, talents
and aspirations. Establish` several non-domestic and foreign entities with
offshore` banking to do business.
Begin to move out
of the adhesion contracts that have` kept you in bondage with the government.
Generate wealth and
prosperity from your hard work` and productivity. Invest your profits directly
to` generate more wealth. Take a portion of your surplus` funds and contribute
in a socially responsible fashion` in your community.
3. Tear up your
credit cards, stop borrowing and purchasing` items you don’t have the funds
Discipline yourself
to live within your means, and not` on the backs of another’s productivity.
4. Position a
portion of your assets (e.g., 50%) safely offshore` in foreign entities, either
Trusts, IBC’s or S.A.’s.
Invest a small
portion of the debt-based currency in` various national currencies (e.g., Swiss
francs). Invest` a larger portion in precious metals (e.g., gold or silver,`
rare coins), before any currency exchange is instituted` in the United States
and the blocking of the domestic` currency occurs.
5. British Sterling
denominated mutual funds are a good` investment. Watch China and the growing
giant of an` economic power. They have used gold as a store of value` since the
beginning of time and have not changed` their behavior pattern. Buy gold or
hard currencies.
To strengthen the
U.S. Dollar on foreign markets, the` federal government will have to convert
gold at anywhere` from $700 to $20,000 per ounce.
6. Get out of bond
portfolios or mutual funds investing in` bonds or derivatives.
Derivatives have
been able to absorb the increasing` debt issued by the government, only while
the interest` rates were coming down. Now with interest rates on` the rise
(5.8% to 7.5%), the derivative markets can no` longer sell these products.
Thus the Fed will
have to create massive amounts of` money out of thin air to continue the deficit
This means
inflation, which will depreciate the value of` the bonds at an even faster
rate, and increase commodity` prices. Placing values on bond portfolios has`
become impossible. The trend for stocks is also down.
7. Beware of mutual
funds investing in long-term bonds.
Because the
Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)` has no interest in policing the
investments of money` fund operators, and the mutual fund companies have`
misrepresented their funds by investing in long-term` debt instead of staying
in short-term cash instruments,` many have resulted in illiquid portfolios and
the recognition` of large losses.
8. Beware of U.S.
based foreign currency denominated` bank accounts which are not protected from
a currency` devaluation, and also supply feedback to the Fed as to` how fast
the pressure is building against the currency` internally. Invest outside the
control of the Federal Reserve` and the New World Order central banks.
9. Set up
self-reliance on land and property paid for in` full and protected from
foreclosures or other sudden` downturns in the economy.
For sovereign
“state” Citizens, update your land` patents. Get the titles out of “Your Name”
and into` non-domestic or foreign entities.
Provide basic needs
for your family, friends and community,` including water, medical, seeds and
food storage` for 2 years of austerity measures.
Set-up solar,
battery-based radio communications and` other alternative, self-sufficient
energy systems before` the collapse of your buying power and the food supply`
10. Avoid highly
speculative investments or casino-style` gambling.
It’s a corruption
of the soul to squander your wealth in` hopeless ventures.
Your chances of
getting hit by lightening is five times` greater than winning the lottery.
11. IRA’s can be
liquidated early. Author your own redemption` letter. Do not authorize
withholding 30%.
Handle yourself at
end of the tax year.
Do not withhold 10%
penalty for early withdrawal as` funds are being used for a mental illness (do
not specify` which one.) Get a signature guarantee (from a broker),` not
12. Invest in
companies such as Stirling Energy Systems` with the exclusive licenses and
patents for solar-hydrogen` technology, grid-type systems for producing` 25,000
kW of electricity direct from the sun. These` systems can be hybridized with
other fuels and connected` on or off the existing grid. Private issue of stock`
available. Begins manufacturing in 1999.
13. Purchase the
products and seminars offered by the Institute` for Communications Resources
(ICR), an association` of free-enterprisers worldwide committed to` sovereignty
education and financial independence for` its members.
Many offshore
investments are offered with a vision for an` infrastructure for sovereignty
and freedom worldwide.
These include
access to gold and silver, rare coins, intra-day` trading in the global
markets, leveraging a $1 billion` portfolio to move the markets, private
placement of capital` and asset allocation.32`
Notes and Sources`
1. Sourced from
Critical Path, by Buckminster Fuller, (St.
Martins Press, New
York, pp.73-74).
2. Ibid.
3. Lane v. Railey,
280 Ky. 319, 133 S.W. 2d 74, 79, 81` ("money" does not embrace notes,
bonds, evidences of` debt, or other personal or real estate).
4. Sourced from
Jeff Ganaposki, Patriot Primer #2,` (Living Word, pp.108); See also What Has
the` Government Done to Our Money? by Murray N. Rothbard.
5. Sourced from
Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992,
6. Title 12 USCS
§411 (federal reserve note is a debt` obligation of the federal United States,
not money).
7. U.C.C.
3-104(2)(d) (a note is an instrument that is a` promise to pay other than a
certificate of deposit).
8. Sourced from Modern
Money Mechanics Workbook of` the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1975;
Sourced` from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party, (Javelin` Press, Austin,
Texas, 1992, p.3/7).
9. Sourced from
Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992,
10. Ibid, p.3/9.
11. Ibid, p.3/2.
12. Ibid,
13. January 1985
(fractional reserve requirements).
14. Sourced from
Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992,
pp.4/3-4/11);` Sourced from Federal Reserve Bulletin, Publication` Services,
Federal Reserve Bank, Washington, DC` 20551.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid, (current
total tax rate).
19. 36. Sourced
from Edward G. Griffin, Creature from` Jekyll Island (American Media, 1994) Sourced
from` Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party, (Javelin Press,` Austin, Texas,
1992, p.3/16). See also The Secret` Agenda, American Spirit, Feb/March 1995 (on
the` Federal Reserve) & The Government Asset Grab by` Harpreet Sandhu,
American Spirit, May/June 1994 (on` the scheme to steal the pension funds
through remonetization` of the debt); The Historical Fight for` Honest Money in
the U.S. by Dr. Martin A. Larson,` American Spirit, Oct/Nov/Jan/Feb, 1994-95
(how the` money system actually works); Fleecing the Sheep by` L.Anton,
Perceptions, Fall/Winter 1993 p.6; Debt Virus` by Jacques S. Jaikaran (flaw in
the American monetary` system); Historical Look at Money by Muriel E.
Mobley, The
Spotlight, September 5, 1994, p.16` (understanding the money trick); Brave New
World` Bank published by Global Exchange; The Federal` Reserve System by S.W.
Adams; Ever Wonder Why` published by Project '93; The Ultimatum Resolution by`
Joseph Stumph.
20. Sourced from
Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992,
21. Sourced from
Statutes at Large for 1921, p.227]`
22. Kuhn Loeb &
Co. got its start by exploiting Indians and` setting up trading posts for the
pioneers. Anecdote` about Kuhn & Loeb sourced from Free At Last, by N.A.
Scott, Ph.D., D.D.,
pp.439 (federal reserve is not part of` the federal government).
Sourced from the Internet. See also
McFadden’s famous` speech at: fly.hiwaay.net/~becraft/mcfadden.html` 24. Boston T. Party; Sourced from Goodbye April 15th,`
(Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p.4/2).
25. Sourced from
Flatland Magazine.
26. Sourced from
World Almanac & Book of Facts, Phanos` Books (1992) p. 139.
27. Public Law
99-177, (Public Debt Limit, Balanced` Budget, and Emergency Debt Control Act of
28. See also an
article published in the National` Geographic magazine, Jan. 1990 entitled the
Power of` Money (issues relating to the banking industry and the` fraud
therein). 29 First reference sourced from Drifting` Apart: New Findings on
Growing Income Disparities` between the Rich, The Poor, and the Middle Class,`
Center on Budget & Policy Priorities, July 1990;` Second reference from
Associated Press, Pork Barrell` Gets Star Wars Cash, October 1986; Third
reference` from Caught in the Middle by Donald L. Bartlett and` James B.
Steele, Philadelphia Inquirer, Series of six` articles, November 3-8, 1991.
29. Sourced from a
letter from Senator Mark O. Hatfield.
30. Sourced from
Edward G. Griffin, Creature from Jekyl` Island, (American Media, 1998).
31. Sourced from
Criminal Politics, June 1994, and` American News Service, Winter '95, p.4.
32. Sourced from an
article by Noam Chomsky,"Z”
Magazine, May 1995, p.20.