- Chapter Eleven`

Citizenship is Determined By the State Republic Not the Federal. U.S. citizens Are Not Americans Citizens.


by Johnny Liberty`

+++Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and creation of this handbook.

Early America` “The most dangerous man / woman to any` government is the man/woman who is able to` think things out... without regard to the prevailing` superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he/she` comes to the conclusion that the government` he/she lives under is dishonest, insane,` intolerable...”

    H.L. Mencken`

There are many historical facts that most Americans are` unaware of. There are also many events that have shaped` the world we presently live in that are virtually unknown to` the common people.

Unless you have taken the time to research across many` disciplines, you’ll probably remain in the “Dark Ages,” unable` to think for yourself, or decipher the world we live in.

History was written by those claiming victory in war. A` defeated nation, people or ideology lost its claim to be` remembered as one of the powers that prevailed. Thus, the` victors got to write the history for all of us to learn that` “might is right.”

The victor was exalted as the one with the “right,” and the` vanquished became the bad guys, the misinformed,` criminals who fought for a lost and often evil cause. Just a` few years back the Soviet Union was the “evil empire.” Now,` they have joined the “good guys” and are suddenly moral` equivalents of the Western “democracies.”1` Most Americans do not know that there is more than one` kind of “Citizen” in the united states of America. Most` people were taught to believe that they are “U.S. citizens,”  and that all men and women, races and creeds were created` equal under the law.

Most people believe that they live in a “democracy”, that the` federal government has total authority over the 48 states,` and their “civil rights” are granted and protected by the` government.

Most Americans believe that the Constitution for the united` states of America and Bill of Rights applies to them, that we` live in a free society, and in a free enterprise system.

Most people believe that the “money” in their pockets` actually is an asset instead of a debt. People believe all kinds` of things that are simply not true. “None are so hopelessly` enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.” 2`

“One of the shrewdest ways for human predators` to conquer their stronger victims is to steadily` convince them with propaganda that they’re still` free...”

— Dr. N.A. Scott`

There is an important distinction between “knowledge” and` “belief.” Most Americans base their information on beliefs,` which are fed to them through the television and public` education, not based on well-established fact or firsthand` experience.

Thus, We the People are too gullible, and believe what we` are told without questioning authority or carefully` examining the facts. Thus, we are easily manipulated and` controlled by the Power structure. Whether that authority is` the government, a bureaucrat, our parents, the school or a` church leader, we must always base our actions on informed` and confirmed knowledge backed up by direct experience,` not solely on belief.

Otherwise, we are sitting ducks for the spin doctors who` manipulate public opinion through the media and shape the` issues to their political satisfaction.

“It ain’t so much what a man doesn’t know that` causes him so many problems, but what he knows` [believes] that [actually] ain’t so.

— Will Rogers`

What you probably did not know, and very well may not` believe, is that We the American People are uniquely` endowed with absolute sovereign powers having the same` prerogative, the power and authority historically reserved` for the King, Queen, or the Pope.

We the American People are the source of power and` authority from which the American system of law and our` state and federal governments arose. We the American` People are sovereign American National OR “state” Citizens` of the free and independent sovereign states of the republic` — providing we reclaim it, restore it, and defend that right. 3` We the People are the rightful and lawful masters of our` government, the corporations, and banking system. In` America, those Power structures were created by the` sovereign people to serve the people, not the self-interest of` the self-appointed corporate officers.

These sovereign powers of We the People were established` in the American system of law through the Declaration of` Independence, the American Revolution, the Articles of` Confederation, the Treaty of Paris with Great Britain, the` Constitution for the united states of America, and the Bill of` Rights. We the People were eminently bestowed with the` power and authority to create and abolish governments like` any other sovereign power had at the conclusion of the` American Revolution, and the signing of the Treaty of Paris` with Great Britain.4` This Treaty conceded that Citizens had the same prerogative` as the King, and there was no superior authority over the` sovereign “state” Citizens of the original 13 colonies. We the` People, as preamble Citizens, existed before, and were the` creators of the federal, state, county and municipal` governments in the first place. As a universal principle of` law, the “created” can never be greater than the “creator.”

“For when the [American] revolution took place,` the people of each state became themselves` sovereign;` and in that character hold the absolute right to all` their navigable waters, and the soils under them,` for their own common use, subject only to the` rights since surrendered by the constitution to the` general government.”

— Martin vs. Waddell, 41 US (16 Pet) 367, 410` (1842)`

If this is true, then why don’t most “U.S. citizens” feel` powerful or sovereign? Why do most Americans have the gut` feeling they don’t make any difference?

Why is government irresponsive to the petitions of the` people, and have become arrogant with their abuse of` power?

Because We the People have not been vigilant over the last` 220 years since the constitutional republic was founded, and` have not been watchful of the encroachments of government` and corporations, at all levels, upon our unalienable rights` as sovereign people.

We the People have not educated ourselves, until now, about` our true and lawful sovereignty and Citizenship. In effect,` the Constitution for the united states of America and Bill of` Rights have been taken from “U.S. citizens” while we’ve been` asleep at the wheel of the world’s largest and greatest` experimental republic.

While asleep, We the People have become the economic` slaves and “subjects” of sovereign Power structures` operating on behalf of the New World Order who fully` understand their own sovereignty and Citizenship.

If this is true, then how do sovereign Power structures have` rights and powers that We the American People no longer` have? Because We the People have unknowingly,` unwittingly, and unintentionally, given away our` unalienable rights as sovereign “state” Citizens.

Without an understanding and comprehension of` sovereignty and Citizenship, every attempt to exercise our` basic liberties and rights to self-determination will be futile` and ineffective. First, we must trace the roots of our` American history to its inception, and find out what really` happened.

“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly` self-administered by its victims.

The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which` blissfully and unawaredy enslave themselves.”

Dresden James`

Church and State`

The American republic was predicated on the establishment` of the freedom of religion and the unalienable right to` practice your religion of choice without interference by any` government, state or “ruler’s law.”

The strength of this right was established by the sovereign` authority of the Pope and the Canon law derived therein.

Understanding sovereignty and Citizenship requires an` introductory education about the true history of the united` states of America.

The Constitution for the usA is an “Ultra-Sovereign Canon` Law Trust.” Canon Law Trusts served as the basis for most` governments formed in the New World ranging from the` Mayflower Compact to the Commonwealths, which became` the Union of states, the Declaration of Independence and` the Constitution for the united states of America.” 5` “There is not a shadow of right in the general` government to intermeddle in religion.

Its least interference with it would be a` most flagrant usurpation.”

— James Madison` The political battles between the Church and State go back a` millennium, when the Pope and the Catholic Church was the` major political power around the world.

The monarchs of Europe were often subservient to the` Catholic church until such time that the King of England` took over the churches in England that had been Catholic,` and established the Church of England. It was the Crusades` that challenged the ultimate authority of the Catholic` church.

From the Church of England spawned the Episcopalian, the` Presbyterian and the Puritan religious beliefs. Many of these` religious, political and social battles are continuing to this` day in Ireland.

These traditional struggles between sovereign Power` structures are the killing-fields in the world today. This was` part of the modern rationale for the separation of Church` and State, although both were intrinsically linked in the` founding of the united states of America.

The American colonists abhorred the religious and political` persecution by the Monarchs of Europe and the Catholic` church.

Many came here to practice their religion of choice, and to` escape political persecution or economic slavery. So when` the 13 colonies were formed, they brought their own law and` customs.

John Calvin broke away from the Catholic church to create` the Puritan religion, “A Covenant to God,” where God was` the Sovereign instead of a King, Queen or the Pope.

They brought more than religion with them to the British` Colonies of America. They brought the “Common law” of` England to be the law of self-governance.

They brought the “Canon law” of the church to protect those` “unalienable rights” guaranteed to all free men by King John` when he signed the Magna Carta (1205) under threat of civil war. Ironically, the Magna Carta signaled the beginning of` the Dark Ages and the Inquisition.6` The constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of religion,` and separation of Church and State has being usurped by` the federal United States, like most of our unalienable rights.

Today, the separation of Church and State has boiled down` to issues of prayer or Christmas carols in public (i.e.,` government) schools while the bigger issues are completely` ignored. In their corporate and tax-exempt capacities, the` Church, once sovereign and truly separate from the State,` has effectively merged with the bankrupt and de facto State.

When churches incorporated, they lost their 1st Amend-ment` rights to freedom of religion and their sovereignty.

The federal United States has turned away from the Canon` laws and the Common law and reverted to public policy that` once again embodies the old “ruler’s law.” This is a` dangerous situation for America.

> UNALIENABLE— fundamental rights secured by` natural law that cannot be taken away, including the right to` practice your religion of choice, the freedom of speech, right` to travel, eat, sleep, etc.; cannot be transferred to another or` surrendered except by individual choice and contract; the` opposite of “inalienable” rights, or “civil” rights which are` conferred by statutory law and by government permission` and privilege; cannot be liened against.

Colonization of North America` Both Christopher Columbus (1492) and John Cabot (i.e.,` Giovanni Caboto) (1497) had Brotherhood connections in` Europe with the Knights Templar.

The flag flown on Columbus's ships was the Knights` Templar's red cross on a white background which was` outlawed by the Pope. King Ferdinand of Aragon, Spain and` Queen Isabella of Castile, Spain funded the trip with other` connections to Leonard Da Vinci and Lorenzo de Medici.

Both knew what they were looking for because they had the` maps and charts passed down for thousands of years by the` Brotherhood.

Sir Francis Bacon's The New Atlantis, sets out his vision of a` new world in which the power is exercised by a secret` society. Roger Bacon's Voynich's Manuscript, written by a` 13th Century Franciscan monk included prophecies about the` microscope, the telescope, the car, submarine, aero-plane` and the belief that the Earth was a sphere.

There was an illustration included of the Andromeda nebula` accurately depicted from an angle that can't be seen from` the Earth.

“The first permanent English settlement in North America` was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Many` members of the Francis Bacon family were among the early` settlers. From that point on, the native culture of North` America was doomed, as was that of South and Central` America once the Spanish and Portuguese arrived. The way` the native peoples were slaughtered without mercy and their` cultures destroyed without respect or compassion was one of` the most appalling episodes in all of human history.”

“Thousands of settlers sailed west from Europe to escape` religious persecution after the Brotherhood-engineered` Reformation divided the Christian Church into Protestants` and Catholics.

This created division and conflict and weakened the power` of the Pope. But when the persecuted peoples arrived in` America, they often proceeded to persecute the native` population and the immigrants of other religious beliefs in` the same merciless way that they themselves had been` treated.” 7` Until after the English Civil War, only people who worked by` profession as masons or building craftsmen could be` members of the Masonic societies.

Reforms opened up membership thus Free-masonery was` born. A new Mother Grand Lodge of the World was` launched in London in 1717. It encouraged other centers be` set-up throughout the world.

York Rite (New York City was named after)` Scottish Rite of Michael Ramsey (based on` Knights Templar)` The European colonization of North America happened in` several major ways. The Spanish accomplished it with vast` haciendas beginning in Central America and Mexico and` expanding northward into California.

The French came to the Gulf of Mexico-Mississippi delta` where exiled prisoners were dumped, and to the St. Lawrence area of Canada moving westward via the Great` Lakes, then southward on the Mississippi.8` Two companies were formed, the Virginia Company in the` South and the New England Company in the North. These` were the first two chartered “corporations” in the New` World. (The District of Columbia was created from the` Virginia Company.)` The King of England gave vast plantation grants to royal` favorites on the southeastern coast, below the freezing line,` and to others on the northeastern coast where it was much` colder and difficult.

Here the royal favorites encouraged colonization of any kind` which attracted the Puritans and others seeking practice of` religious freedom.9` The original 13 British Colonies were trusts, or` “commonwealths,” created by Canon law, which were` distinct states or countries in which sovereignty was` ultimately vested in the Citizens of each state.

The Colonies maintained their historical ties with England` through contracts for protection, trade and services, while` establishing their own colonial government and tax system.

King George of England had the authority to extract revenues` and claim assets at will. This arrangement eventually` led to the abuses of power that precipitated the Declaration` of Independence and the American Revolution.10` Because of the underlying religious struggles between` various sects wrestling for power in these common-wealths,` more than willing to go to war for their beliefs, the leaders` knew the struggles had to be resolved through a` Constitutional Convention.

America: The Brotherhood’s First Nation-State`

The Brotherhood plan called for the establishment of an` independent united states of America. Events were` engineered in Britain to cause an economic crisis resulting` in higher taxation and duties on the American colonies.

Freemasonery lodges in the usA began to agitate for a plot` against British rule because of the taxes and duties. The` same Brotherhood was manipulating both sides leading up` to the American Revolution as every major war and crisis` has been engineered since. P.Sedir's "Histoire et doctrine` des RoseCroix"(Paris, 1910) describes this process very well.

Even though the British withdrew the taxes except the one` on tea, the foment for revolution was unstoppable. Freemason` historian Manly P. Hall said fifty of the fifty-six signers` of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons.

Enrique De Vincente says seventeen Presidents beginning` with Washington were Freemasons, so were his top Generals` and Benjamin Franklin was the first Grand Master of the` Freemasons of Pennsylvania. Through close connections` with the British, French and German Brotherhoods the` American Revolution was easily won. When the founding fathers` commissioned a design for the Great Seal, it included` classic brotherhood symbols including the pyramid and` "allseeing eye" that FDR (33rd degree Freemason) eventually` placed on the dollar bill in 1935.” 11`

> RULER’S LAW— government power is exercised by` compulsion, force, conquest or legislative usurpation; all` power is concentrated in the Ruler; people are treated as` “subjects” of the Ruler; land is treated as the “realm” of the` Ruler; people have no unalienable rights; government is by` the “rule of men” rather than the rule of law; people are` structured into social and economic classes; government is` always from the Ruler down; problems are always solved by` issuing new edicts, creating more bureaus, appointing more` administrators, and charging the people more taxes to pay` for the services which often include their own oppression.

Dictators like Adolf Hitler took over their government with` the full support of international bankers and major` corporations including American companies, through the` passing of statutory and administrative laws, much like in` America today. The same strategy is being perpetrated on` the American people by sovereign Power structures under` the banner of the New World Order and their legions of` attorneys and police to take both constitutional rights and` property from the American people. Our own government` has become the enemy of the people.

“We the People are the rightful masters of both` Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the` Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert` the Constitution.”

— Abraham Lincoln`

Fourteen Presidents Before Washington`

There were nine original states, not thirteen. The` Constitutional Congress provided that, “Ratification of the` convention by nine states shall be sufficient for the` Establishment of this Constitution between the states so` ratifying same.” Delaware was the first state to ratify, on` December 6, 1787. Pennsylvania and New Jersey also` ratified that month.

Three more — Georgia, Connecticut, and Massachusetts` were in by February 6, then came Maryland and South` Carolina.

The ninth state to ratify, New Hampshire, made the` Constitution a reality on June 21, 1788. The official birthdate` of the republic is June 21, 1788.

We had fourteen presidents before George Washington.

They were the presidents of the Continental Congress from` 1774 to 1789, and their names were

Peyton Randolph,` Henry Middleton, John Hancock, Henry Laurens,` John Jay, Samuel Huntington, Thomas McKean,` John Hanson, Elias Boudinot, Thomas Mifflin,` Richard Henry Lee, Nathan Gorham, Arthur St. Clair, and Cyrus Griffin.

John Hanson is considered by some to be the first United` States president, since he was the first to serve under the` Articles of Confederation. His term of office ran from` November 5, 1781 to November 4, 1782.12`

The Famous War Inevitable Speech`

Editor’s Note: This famous speech by Patrick Henry` catalyzed action behind the American Revolution as` profoundly as his Common Sense pamphlet.

Mister President, it is natural to man to indulge in the` illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a` painful truth - and listen to the song of that siren, till she` transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men,` engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty?

Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having` eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so` nearly concern their temporal salvation?

For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am` willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to` provide for it.

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is` the lamp of experience.

I know of no way of judging the future but by the past. And` judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in` the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years, to` justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased` to solace themselves and the house?

Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been` lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your` feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask` yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition` comports with those warlike preparations which cover our` waters and darken our land...They are sent over to bind and` rivet upon us those chains, which the British ministry have` been so long forging. And what have we to oppose them?

Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the` last ten years.

Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing.

We have held the subject up in every light of which it was` capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to` entreaty and humble supplication?

What terms shall we find that we have not already` exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves` longer. Sir, we have done every thing that could be done, to` avert the storm which is now coming on.

They tell us, sir, that we are weak unable to cope with so` formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger?

Will it be next week or the next year? Will it be when we are` totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed` in every house?

Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall` we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely` on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of` hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

Sir, we are not weak, if we make a proper use of those means` the God of Nature hath placed in our power. Three millions` of people armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a` country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force` which our enemy can send against us.

Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a` just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who` will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir,` is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the` brave. Besides, sir, we have no election.

If we are base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire` from the contest. There is no retreat, but in submission and` slavery! Our chains are forged. Their clanking may be heard` on the Plains of Avery. Forbid it, Almighty God - I know not` what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty` or give me death! 13`

Declaration of Independence`

The people had exhausted all their administrative remedies` having petitioned the King for a redress of grievances` without regard or response for over fifty years. The last` resort of a free people is to declare their indepen-dence` through a Common law document, the “Solemn Writ of` Mixed War.” The people must be prepared to defend their` “Declaration of Independence.” One compel-ling reason for` the Declaration of Independence was to eliminate Admiralty` / Maritime law from the domestic law of the colonies,` although it did not set us free from the outright ownership of` this country by the original 48 controlling families of` Europe.14` All men/women are created equal. All have Godgiven` unalienable rights. Governments are` instituted to secure these rights among people.

Government derives its just powers from the` consent of the people.

These are the tenets of the` Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776) by` unanimous declaration of the thirteen (13)` united states of America in Congress. These are` historic words that founded a new nation. They` are as appropriate today, as they were then.

“When in the course of human events, it becomes` necessary for one people to dissolve the political` bands which have connected them with another,` and to assume among the powers of the earth,` the separate and equal station to which the laws` of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,` a decent respect to the opinions of mankind` requires that they should declare the causes` which impel them to the separation.”

— Declaration of Independence`

Samuel Ward, Governor of Rhode Island, chaired the` Continental Congress during our nations process of` declaring its independence. Sam Ward nominated George` Washington to be the General of the Revolutionary Army,` and he kept the army supplied with food, clothing, arms and` munitions at Valley Forge.

Sam Ward penned these words in a letter to General` Washington: “I sir, dedicate to you my life, my fortune, and` my sacred honor.” These words became the last sentence of` the Declaration of Independence. As a tribute to this great` leader, his friends honored him by creating a symbol that` lives on today — Uncle Sam.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all` men are created equal, that they were endowed by` their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that` among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of` happiness.”

“That to secure these rights, governments are` instituted among men, deriving their just powers` from the consent of the governed, That whenever` any form of government becomes destructive of` these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or` abolish it...”

“We, therefore, the Representatives of the ‘united` states of America,’ in General Congress,` Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge` of the world for the rectitude of our intentions,` do in the name, and by authority of the good` people of these colonies, solemnly publish and` declare, That these united Colonies are, and of` right ought to be free and independent states...”

— Declaration of Independence`

Story of the Flag of the United States`

On June 3, 1777, an unexpected petition was brought before` the Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia.

The sovereign Indian nations had sent representatives to` acquire an “American Flag.” Though they were prepared to` pay for it, offering up to three strings of wampum in` exchange, the Founding Fathers were unable to oblige.

There’s probably no way of knowing whether the Indian` representatives were astonished at the refusal or whether` the Congress was embarrassed.

But it had been eleven months since the Declaration of` Independence had been signed and delivered to King George` III, almost a year since the United States had declared` themselves to be a sovereign nation, and yet they were still` without a national flag.

Eleven days later, presumably as a result of the Indian` petition, the following resolution was taken up and passed:` “Resolved that the Flag of the united states be 13 stripes` alternate red and white, that the Union be 13 stars, white in` a blue field representing a new constellation.” The date was` June 14, 1777, and we now celebrate the anniversary of that` event as “Flag Day.”

Whenever the Founding Fathers understood that they would` be addressing future generations, they took great care in` choosing their words. The flag resolution was no exception.

The first two, which were entered into the hand written` Congressional journal, got crossed out. First they wrote that` the flag of the united States “consist” . . ., then they wrote` that the flag of the united States “be distinguished by”. . .,` then they wrote that the flag of the united States “be.”

The dictionary says that such a grammatical construction is` used to “to express futurity, prearrangement, or obligation.”

From their careful wording, it would seem that they` intended to make the design of the flag permanent. And 22` years later, when Kentucky and Vermont, having just joined` the Union, also wanted representation on the Flag, that’s` just what many of them said.

The date was January 4, 1795, and a very heated debate took` place. It was argued that “if Congress allowed the national` symbol to be altered, then Congress may go on adding and` altering at this rate for one hundred years to come.”

It was thought that changing the Flag would be a dange-rous` precedent and that the Flag “ought be permanent.” But` others said that these objections were a “consummate piece` of frivolity,” and a “trifling piece of business, that the new` states should not be “offended,” and that in the “national` interest” the Flag should be compromised.

This opinion prevailed and the Flag, the republic for which it` stands, and the Constitution itself have been compromi-sed` ever since. Today the Flag has 50 stars, not 13, the republic` for which it once stood for no longer exists, and in the` opinion of the federal government, excepting in cases where` the most detestable crimes of rape and murder are involved,` the Constitution no longer applies.

Articles of Confederation`

The “free and independent states” so declared by the` Declaration of Independence did not surrender their` sovereignty to the federal United States government when` the Constitution for the usA was created. The Articles of` Confederation were agreed to by Congress on November 15,` 1777. They were ratified and in force on March 1, 1781.

“Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and` independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and` right, which is not by this confederation expressly` delegated to the United States...”

— Article II, Articles of Confederation`

The Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of` Independence are prima facie evidence of the sovereign` right of the sovereign “state” Citizen to create and abolish` governments at will, that the “united states of America” is` distinct from the federal “United States” government, and` that Citizens have unalienable rights. These are ordinances` within the “Law of Nations.”

The 1st Constitution for the united states of America is a` trust document, an addendum to the Articles of Confederation` to “make a more perfect Union” not to disband the` Union of states. The relationship between the Articles of` Confederation and the 1st Constitution is paramount as it illustrates` the distinctions of Citizenship between the several` states, and the federal United States.

“The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all` Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several` States.”

— Constitution for the usA [4:2:1]`

The federal United States government is obligated to` recognize the rights, privileges and immunities of the` sovereign “state” Citizens. The only exceptions to the` acknowledgment of constitutionally protected rights,` privileges and immunities are` 1. paupers;` 2. vagabonds; and` 3. fugitives from justice. The federal United States government` has promised only to perform for sovereigns,` freemen, the good, honest, hard working people.11` The authors of the Articles of Confederation clearly refer to` the “states in the Union,” “free inhabitants of each of these` states,” and “free citizens in the several states.” The Articles` of Confederation didn’t limit the sovereignty of the states.15` The United States, in Congress assembled, is still bound by` debts and engagements entered into before the 1st` Constitution for the united states of America. The 1st, 2nd and` 3rd Constitutions (distinctions forthcoming) were extensions` of the original contract “to create a more perfect` Union,” not to dissolve the Articles of Confederation.

“All debts contracted and engagements entered` into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall` be as valid against the United States under this` Constitution, as under the Confederation.”

— Constitution for the usA, Article VI`

1st Constitution “for” the united states of` America`

There are a lot of general misconceptions about the` Constitution. Historically, there were three distinct national` and federal Constitutions — the 1st Constitution “for” the` united states of America, the 2nd Constitution “of” the united` states of America and the 3rd Constitution of the “United` States.”

The 1st Constitution established the national character of the` new government based on the sovereignty of the sovereign` states and their respective “state” Citizens.

The 2nd Constitution was an internal document of the federal` United States, and included a Bill of Rights further limiting` the federal government’s authority over the sovereignty of` the states and its respective Citizens.

The 3rd Constitution was a coup d’etat of the 1st and 2nd` Constitutions instituted after the Civil War, and removed a` key amendment from the 1st and 2nd Constitutions.

The sovereign states were free and independent and created` the federal government to serve their interests in very` limited areas:` 1. to provide for the common defense;` 2. to coin money, regulate the value thereof &` fix the standards of weights and measures;` 3. to provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the` securities and current coin of the United States;` 4. to constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;` 5. to make treaties with foreign nations;` 6. to guarantee every state a republican` form of government.

There are many deeply ingrained misconceptions about your` Constitution for the united states of America.

We the People assume that if you “reside” in the “United` States,” the Bill of Rights and due process apply to you, that` U.S. citizens have the same rights as everybody else.

We the People now assume the Constitution gave us our` rights. These myths are absolutely not so!` The Constitution did not give us any unalienable sovereign` rights. We the People already had all the unalienable` sovereign rights we needed based on the Common “law of` the land.”

The Constitution limited the federal government and` reaffirms in the Bill of Rights that sovereignty rests with We` the People and the sovereign states, not the federal` government. The 9th and 10th Amendments state clearly that` any powers or authority not delegated specifically to the` federal government were explicitly reserved to the people` and the states.

“The enumeration in the Constitution of certain` rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage` others retained by the people.”

— 9th Amendment` When the Constitutional College (i.e., Convention) (May 25,` 1787) was called to create a new central government and` draft the 1st Constitution “for” the united states of America,` the founding fathers knew they couldn’t trust any one` individual, colony or religious sect with the power of a` central government.

They knew they didn’t want the old ruler’s law whereby the` people had to submit to a central government that had total` authority and power wielded by a supreme ruler or` sovereign.

Strategically, the founding fathers also had to have the` endorsement of the churches to demonstrate the sovereignty` of the proposed new government to the world.

The only common belief among the founding fathers was` that all of the colonies were “Canon Law Trusts” organized` for the common benefit of the people.

The Constitution for the usA began to take shape as a Canon` Law Trust. There would be three “trustees,” the three` branches of government — the Judicial, Executive, and` Legislative all to act under the ultimate sovereign — one` nation under God.

Individual Sovereign = State Citizen = Elector`

All understood and agreed that this new government and its` laws would not and could not eliminate the laws and` covenants which had already been adopted by the colonies.

Those laws were the “Common law” of England for selfgovernance,` and the “Canon law” for individual liberties.

Thomas Jefferson is credited with developing the new` government by having studied ancient civilizations that lived` under the “People’s law” including Israel under Moses, the` Anglo Saxons, and the Iroquois Confederacy.

Innovations included an electoral college composed of` sovereign “state” Citizens, a county sheriff whose oath is to` uphold the sovereignty of the state republics, the county as` the seat of government and the Common law courts, and the` foundation for home rule under a republican form of` government.16` “The way to have good and safe government` is not to trust it all to the one, but to divide it` among the many, distributing to everyone` exactly the functions in which he is competent...

“To let the National Government be entrusted` with the defense of the nation,` and its foreign and federal relations...

“The State Governments with the Civil Rights,` Laws, Police and administration of what` concerns the State generally.

“The Counties with the local concerns, and each` ward direct the interests within itself.

“It is by dividing and subdividing these` Republics from the great national one` down through all its subordinations` until it ends in the administration` of everyman’s farm by himself,` by placing under everyone what his own eye may` superintend, that all will be done for the best.”

— Thomas Jefferson` All government in the united states of America was based on` the principle of “home rule.” A township was the most` powerful and smallest unit of government formed from the` sovereignty of the individual, and the one closest to home.

Then came the county, state and federal governments, all of` which derived their power and authority directly from the` consent of the sovereign “state” Citizens. This is a historical` and legal fact that must be the premise for all government` power, authority and jurisdiction.


The Constitution is a commercial contract or compact` between the sovereign states to create a United States` corporation in the District of Columbia (D.C.) to facilitate` commerce, international and interstate trade, to serve the` states limited needs for a national government, and to` provide for the national defense by maintaining a navy.

“[the federal United States] is a for profit` corporation which 16 Stat. 419 created by the` name District of Columbia”

— District of Columbia vs. Cluss,` 103 U.S. 705, 26L. Ed. 455`

The drafting of the articles of the 1st Constitution for the` united states of America was going well until Rhode Island` demanded that the 1st Constitution include a “Bill of` Rights” (1791), a “contract” between the sovereign people` and their new federal United States government providing` more prima facie evidence that the “state” Citizens are` indeed sovereign.

At the first session of Congress, 189 amendments to the` original draft were submitted, 12 were approved by` Congress, and 10 were ratified (i.e., accepted) by the original` states (i.e., 13 colonies). The Bill of Rights is the first 10` Amendments, organic Common law, and is modeled after` the English “Petition of Rights” (1618).

The Bill of Rights did not amend anything in the 1st` Constitution, except that it recognized the collective powers` of the sovereign people to place a limitation upon the powers` of the new government.

2nd Constitution of the united states of America`

The 2nd Constitution of the united states of America — a` Constitution “of” the new government, was established side` by side with the 1st Constitution “for” the united states of` America.

It limited the International Law Merchants power and authority` under Admiralty / Maritime law to deny unalienable` rights to the people who choose not to join with them in` joint, commercial ventures. It also limited and bound the officers` of the new government to the “law of the land.”

The 2nd Constitution of the united states of America is a` commercial contract, not a social agreement, and was a` continuation of the already existing, International Merchant-` State.

A 3rd Constitution of the United States was instituted under` martial law after the Civil War (1868 - 1871).

The 2nd Constitution for the united states of America is a` “federal government employee handbook” intended to limit` the federal government’s ability to encroach upon the` unalienable rights of the sovereign “state” Citizens, and the` sovereign states of the republic.

The Constitution authorized the creation of both a national` and a federal, corporate government.

“People of a state are entitled to all rights` which formerly belonged to the king` by his prerogative.”

— Lansing vs. Smith, 21 D.89` The federal United States Inc. was created from the state of` Virginia and Maryland who ceded land to found the new` seat of the federal government.

A small, brotherhood-backed elite group of property owners` with ties to European Power structures conspired in secret,` without the direct consent of the other 4 million sovereign` “state” Citizens, to create the expanded federal government` via the federal Constitution.

“No private person has a right to complain, by suit` in court, on the ground of a breach of the` Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a` compact, but he is not a party to it. The states are` party to it.”

— supreme Court of Georgia,` Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. Mayor and Alderman,` City of Savannah, 14 Ga. 438,520 (1854)`

The sovereign states, not the sovereign “state” Citizens were` direct “parties” to the Constitution. Without sovereign states` represented in the U.S. Congress and sovereign “state” Citizens there is no Constitution for the united states of` America, only the Constitution of the united states of` America, and the 3rd Constitution of the United States` instituted after the Civil War.

This 3rd Constitution altered the original two Constitutions` by removing the original 13th Amendment prohibiting` officers and citizens of the United States from accepting any` Titles of Nobility.

All taxes to the federal government had to be apportioned` directly from the states. The federal government has never` had any authority to directly tax a sovereign “state” Citizen` unless it was apportioned through each state. The federal` government had to “beg” from the sovereign states to raise` revenue, or sell bonds directly to the Citizens.

The only authority the federal government has ever had to` tax is through excise taxes built into the cost of all consumer` goods used in interstate commerce or through tariffs for` international trade (Even today the income tax is an excise` and the 16th Amendment gave the federal government no` new taxing authority.).15` “We the People of the United States,` in Order to form a more perfect Union,` establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,` provide for the common defense,` promote the general Welfare,` and secure the Blessings of Liberty` to ourselves and our Posterity,` do ordain and establish this` Constitution for the united states of America.”

— Preamble, Constitution for the usA`

How does our present-day national and federal government` actually operate? Instead of a republic “of the people, by the` people, and for the people”— our legislative democracy is run` “by the lawyers, for the international bankers, and paid by` the taxpayers.”

Today, our federal U.S. government employees serve their` own self-interest while in office, meanwhile creating reams` of statutory law and chartering corporations that rule and` subjugate the former sovereign “state” Citizens who have` unwittingly become “U.S. citizens.” Whatever happened to` all those unalienable rights? Whatever happened to your` sovereignty? When did you last read your Constitution?

Editor’s Note: Support Annual Citizenship Day &` Constitution Week, @September 17th-23rd`

The fact is that only sovereign, “state” Citizens in a sovereign` state have a Constitution, Bill of Rights and due process` under the American law. And there are very few Americans` who are still sovereign and free.

Unless we swell the ranks of sovereign “state” Citizens and` repatriate into the united states of America, the American` Common “law of the the land,” our Constitution and Bill of` Rights won’t be able to stand much longer, and our beloved` nation will be gone forever.

The Constitution is powerless in a federal zone or area under` the exclusive legislative democracy of the federal United` States OR the foreign powers operating therein. It can only` limit the federal government for sovereign “state” Citizens in` sovereign states.

If you live in the District of Columbia, an unincorporated` U.S. territory, in any federal zone or area, or are a U.S. citizen, then you have no Constitution or Bill of Rights.

"...Congress is not subject to the same` constitutional limitations [within the federal zone],` as when it is legislating for the united states [of` America]...”

— Hooven & Allison Co. vs. Evatt, 324 U.S. 652` (1945)`

A lot of people complain that it’s too much effort, it doesn’t` make any difference, or that you’ll become a government` target if you become a sovereign “state” Citizen. Freedom is` not for whiners. Given the tyrannical de facto government` that is presently in power, it may be true. But someone,` somewhere has to draw the line in the sand and place the` necessary checks and balances back on the government, or` we’ll be forever surrendering our precious rights and` liberties.

“Giving money and power to government is like` giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.”

— P.J. O’Rourke 20`

If you’re unwilling to take responsibility and take the necessary` steps toward reclaiming your sovereign Citizenship,` then don’t complain that you don’t have any “rights.”

You cannot be a U.S. Citizen, receive benefits, privileges,` subsidies and welfare, and still expect to have your` unalienable sovereign rights. It doesn’t work that way.

You’re either IN or you’re OUT. You cannot be half pregnant` either.

So my friend, what happens when suddenly the benefits are` gone, you’re left holding the bag, and the bag is empty. If` you want to restore a constitutional republic, you’ll have to` do what it takes to reclaim your sovereign “state”  Citizenship. Take the time to study American history and` law. Get educated while you can still afford the books and` seminars!` In 1998, the Constitution is still the “law of the land” for the` united states of America. Unfortunately, it is not law that is` commonly practiced, respected or honored either by U.S. citizens, by your elected representatives, or by the so-called` justice system. Elected officials are bound to an oath of` allegiance to the Constitution before they can execute their` office. But very few practice that oath, nor do they legally file` their oaths as required by law. There is a lot of lip service` being paid to the Constitution when it suits them in the` media, but very little action. Read the Constitution. Teach it` in school.

There is much debate and controversy about the calling of a` “Constitutional Convention (i.e., Con-Con).” The proposed` Constitution for the New States of America would brush` aside the Constitution of the united states of America and` substitute 10 regional governments under United Nations` control. This must never happen! Stand up for your rights.17` “Everyone wants to live at the expense of the` State. They forget that the State lives at the` expense of everyone.”

— Frederic Bastiat`

Two Distinct Jurisdictions in America`

There are two distinct systems of government operating in` the united states of America, each with its own venue and` jurisdiction — one is a Republic and the other is a` Democracy.

They are like parallel universes occupying the same` geographical space, but not at the same time. The first` distinct government is the “Union of states,” the “united` states of America,” or the “48 states.”

This is the non-domestic, “National government” operating` on behalf of the American National or sovereign “state”  Citizen. This is the Republic.

NATIONAL = REPUBLIC` “The [federal] United States government is a` foreign corporation with respect to a state.”

— In re Merriam, 36 NE 505, 141 N.Y. 479,` affirmed 16 S. Ct. 1073, 163 U.S. 625, 41 L.Ed. 287`

The other distinct government is the federal “United States,”  consisting of the 63 square miles of the District of Columbia` (D.C.) and any unincorporated territory of less than 100` square miles (e.g. Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Northern` Mariana Islands, Guam and American Samoa). This is the` domestic, “Federal government.” This is the Democracy.


There are at least three different legal meanings of the term` “United States.” The “States” of the “United States” are not` the same as the “states” of the “48 states” of the united states` of America. Each meaning implies a distinct country, with a` distinct citizenship and jurisdiction.

Editor’s Note: Hawai’i and Alaska are special cases as are` a number of other states (i.e., Republic of Texas)— thus we` only refer to the 48 continguous states of the Union.

“...The term ‘United States’ may be used in one of` several senses. It may be merely the name of a` sovereign occupying the position analogous to that` of sovereign in a family of nations [e.g. United` Nations].

It may designate territory over which sovereignty` of the United States extends [federal United` States], or it may be a collective name of the` states which are united by and under the` Constitution [48 states]...”

Hooven & Allison Co. vs. Evatt` 324 uS 652, pg. 672 & 673 (1945)`

The “48 states” are sovereign, foreign countries with regard` to the federal “United States.” The “States” of the “United` States” are not the same as the “states” of the “48 states” of` the united states of America. Which government is acting on` your behalf? Of which country are you a citizen?

“The term ‘foreign country’ when used in a` geographical sense includes any territory` under the sovereignty of a government` other than that of the [federal] United States.”

— 26 CFR 1.911-2(h)` Remember that the federal “United States” was created and` limited by the authority and power vested in the` Constitution. Pursuant to the Constitution, the federal` “United States” has no jurisdiction outside of the 63 miles of` the District of Columbia, or any unincorporated territories` purchased by treaty except where jurisdiction has been` extended by contract.21` “To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases` whatsoever over such District (not exceeding ten` miles square) ...and to exercise like Authority over` all Places purchased by the Consent of the` Legislature...

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and` proper for carrying into Execution` the foregoing Powers.”

— Constitution for the usA [1:8:17]` “The Congress shall have the Power to dispose of` and make all needful Rules and Regulations` respecting the Territory of other Property` belonging to the [federal] United States.”

— Constitution for the usA [4:3:2]`

“No two nations can be sovereign over the same territory at` the same time. There can never be some territory over which` both a state and the federal United States both exercise` sovereignty. Joint government perhaps, but not sovereignty.

When a federal territory enters the Union as a sovereign` state (e.g., Oregon), there occurs a transfer of sovereignty,` from the federal United States government to the new state` government.” Those born in Oregon before its 1859` admission into the Union were U.S. citizens, while those` born and qualified in Oregon after admission are Oregon` “state” Citizens.

Kingdom of Hawai’i` The Kingdom of “Hawai’i” is a special case exception as it` was already a nation recognized by the international` community before the Executive branch was overthrown by` military occupation of the federal United States in 1893. It is` an irregular federal State not counted as one of the states of` the Union.22`

Republic of Texas` The Republic of Texas was also an independent nation` before its annexation into the Union, and has just reclaimed it’s independent nation status by forming a provisional` government.

Both Alaska and Hawai’i entered the Union after the federal` government had declared bankruptcy thus had no judicial` capacity to admit any States. Switzerland is the oldest` republic in the world and is still governed the way the united` states of America was at the beginning of our country. Her` cantons, like our sovereign states, still rule the country.23` The U.S. Congress is the exclusive legislative and sovereign` authority for the District of Columbia (D.C.) and any` unincorporated United States territories. The Constitution is` powerless within the jurisdiction of federal United States or` any part of any federal area or federal zone. U.S. citizens` residing in federal areas within the sovereign states are` subject to the federal United States.

“...That we have in this country... two national` governments; one to be maintained under the` Constitution, with all its restrictions [on federal` government power]; the other to be maintained by` Congress outside and independently of...[the` Constitution]...”

— Downes vs. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901)` “Our national Congress works for two nations` foreign to each other...one is the Union of` sovereign states, under the Constitution...the other` is a Legislative Democracy which has its origin in` Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution..  the federal United States.”

— Howard Freeman 24`

Sovereign Union states of the republic`

In the united states of America, We the People are the` sovereign power not the federal, State, County or Municipal` governments. The government was created to serve the` sovereignty, not to overthrow it.

The sovereignty of the people cannot be abrogated by laws` or statutes.

Before the Constitution was created by the sovereign states,` there were no Citizens except the sovereign “state” Citizens` of the thirteen (13) colonies, now 48 state republics of the` united states of America.

Prior to the 14th Amendment (1868), there were no U.S. citizens. There were no citizens of the United States who` were not Citizens of their respective Union state. As recently` as 1988, Congress still referred to each of the individual` states of the Union as countries.

“Persons in the [Union] state not its citizens are` either:` (a) Citizens of other [Union] states; or` (b) Aliens [federal U.S. citizens].”

— Title 1 U.S.C. § 242`

The 10th Amendment is not a general presumption, but a` prohibitory rule of law. Powers not specifically granted to` the federal United States government are strictly forbidden.

Federal grants-in-aid and other federal programs forced` upon the sovereign states as a matter of “do it or else” policy` in the areas of agriculture, education, welfare, national security,` health-care, etc., have always been beyond the constitutional` authority of the federal United States government,` and cannot, by law, be imposed on the sovereign states, except` under a perpetual national state of emergency (which` has been in effect since 1933).25` “The powers not delegated to the [federal]` United States by the Constitution, nor` prohibited by it to the states, are reserved` to the states respectively, or to the people.”

— 10th Amendment, Constitution for the usA`

S297 Assignment of judges to courts of the freely` associated compact states...

(a) The Congress consents to the acceptance and` retention by any judge so authorized of reimbursement` from the countries referred..— Title 28, §297 26` (b) The Chief Justice...may assign any circuit or district` judge...to serve temporarily as a judge of any duly` constituted court of the freely associated compact` states...

Over time, the federal United States government has slowly,` and intentionally, along with its foreign principals /` creditors, encroached upon the sovereignty of the state republics` and their respective “state” Citizens through the` tyranny of deception, misrepresentation of the law, outright` manipulation of the political, economic and legal systems,` and by coup d’etat. Encroachments of state sovereignty` have been ongoing since the inception of the republic.

The sovereign states and “state” Citizens have also voluntarily` surrendered many of their sovereign rights through` their willing and naive acceptance of federal United States` government benefits, entitlements and subsidies.

The sovereign states can, by contract, waive their sovereign` rights just as “state” Citizens do, by accepting federal grant` “money” and mandates. This has been the carrot pulling the` horse toward a gradual erosion of sovereign rights in` exchange for government granted privileges and centralized` control.

“Government is not sovereignty.

Government is the machinery or expedient` for expressing the will of the sovereign power.”

City of Bisbee vs. Cochise County,` 78 P.2d 982, 986, 52 Ariz.1` State constitutions, like the national and federal` Constitution, applies only to sovereign “state” Citizens.

Because Citizenship is determined by the state, not the` federal government, foreigners (i.e., U.S. citizens) to the` sovereign state republic are not “state” Citizens.

Therefore, if a state has relinquished its “state” Citizens to` the federal United States government, then its state` constitution is, in effect, without a constituency and is moot.

“The states relinquish jurisdiction only at their discretion` and under their conditions.” 27` The 17th Amendment (1914) of the Constitution was aimed` directly at the erosion of state sovereignty. It provided for` the direct election of U.S. Senators by the voters instead of` the state legislatures appointing U.S. Senators.

The Constitution had empowered the states with the veto` power to block acts of the U.S. Congress by veto in the U.S. Senate. The 17th Amendment effectively blocked all moves by` the states to curb the power grab of the federal United States` government. No sovereign state has voted its approval, or` veto, for any acts of the U.S. Congress since 1914.

The loss of state sovereignty accelerated after the first` federal United States Inc., bankruptcy (1933), the perpetual` declared national state of emergency and the State Compact` Act (1934) whereby the states agreed to go off the gold` standard despite all state constitutions forbidding foreign` notes and currency.

The sovereign states continued to give away the powers to` administer Social Security (1939), and the Courts of` Common Pleas (1938).

After the United States Inc. went bankrupt again after WWII` (1944), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) began` choosing the “Governors” of the 48 States and transferring` what was left of state sovereignty to the foreign principals /` creditors of the United States Inc.

Due to the bankruptcy, all states formed State corporations` under the IMF (1968) thus birthing the “State of California,”  “State of Oregon” versus “California state” and “Oregon` state” as republican forms of government.28` Henceforth under the Government Reorganization Acts, all` the states of the Union became one administrative body under` judicial review, merging all three branches of government` under the Administrative Procedures Act (APA).

The states gave up their independent Militia and National` Guard (1947), public highways (1956), public education,` State banking and the State court system (1982), and` someday health-care, except that the federal government` has run out of creditors to fund the socialized program.29`

“The words ‘people of the United States’ and` ‘Citizen’ are synonymous terms and mean the` same thing.

They both describe the political body who,` according to our Republican institutes,` form the sovereignty and who hold the power and` conduct the government through their` representatives.

They are what we familiarly call the sovereign` people, and every Citizen is one of these people` and a constituent member of the sovereignty.”

— supreme Court Decision, D.Scott case, 60 U.S. 393`

There are many documented cases of irregularities in the admission` of various states (e.g., Ohio), states being admitted` as federal States not Union states (e.g., Alaska, Hawai’i), the` amendments to state and federal constitutions, states having` two different constitutions, elections that never happened,` missing amendments etc.

That politics has long been plagued with corruption and` deceit is a sobering reflection on our times, and the history` preceding it.

The “California republic” was admitted to the Union in 1849,` its state constitution ratified, guaranteeing “allodial”

property rights to all California “state” Citizens.

The “State of California” incorporated for the first time in` 1879, wrote another state constitution similar to the original` one, but never bothered to ratify this constitution by its` “state” Citizens. This act illegally began the surrender of the` sovereignty of the California republic to the federal United` States government without the consent of its “state”  Citizens. Similar events and various kinds of treachery has` occurred in other states. Once again, the people are asleep at` the wheel and not holding their elected and appointed` representatives accountable.

The “Washington Republic” had two state constitutions, the` first was written in 1879 and the second was written in 1889,` and financed by the Rothschilds for $20,000.

It was never signed by the governor, nor was it admitted by` Congress. The state was admitted post-de facto into the` Union by Executive Order of the President in direct violation` of the Constitution.

The Constitution for the “Oregon Republic,” as ratified in` 1859, was purportedly lost for nineteen years in the state` archives before another, not the original, was mysteriously` found to replace it.

Ohio also entered the Union post-de facto by Joint` Resolution 121, passed August 7, 1953, as PL-204, Chapter` 337 admits the State of Ohio into the Union retroactive to` March 1, 1803. The Resolution admitting “Ohio state” is an` opinion of Congress, not public law, thus it is not limited by` the Constitution for the usA.

Whether Ohio, as a sovereign state was ever properly` admitted is moot. It’s the constitutional oath that binds the` public officials of Ohio state into the federal United States` government. Does anything in politics surprise you` anymore? 30` In a recent supreme Court Ruling, Chief Justice William H.

Rehnquist said that the Constitution gives states sovereign` immunity from lawsuits in federal courts, except those` involving civil rights.

The 5-4 ruling marks the third time in five years that the` court has favored the states as separate and sovereign` governments.

Sovereign states Must Re-Appoint` U.S. Senators and Repeal 17th Amendment`

Each state legislature must take the sovereign prerogative to` re-exercise its appointment power and put itself back into` the equation of lawmaking. Introduced April 5, 1911, HJR 39 falsely proposed the ¾ rule applied to the passage of the 17th` Amendment.

Article V of the Constitution for the united states of America` specifies that “no state without its consent, shall be deprived` of its equal suffrage in the Senate.”

Those states did not consent to give up their representation` at that time. Each state, to reenter the Union of states under` the Constitution, must appoint U.S. Senators through their` respective legislatures, ratified by the de jure governors of` those states, and revoke the 17th Amendment.

This is part of the provisional government process that is` being formulated in three states — Colorado, Texas and` Oregon, and expanding to twenty-six this year.

This will put some teeth into the resolutions of the twentysix` states who are using the Tenth Amendment to fight` overgrown federal government, debauched money, taxation,` Executive Orders, de facto judges, cabinets, and treaties like` NAFTA & GATT. 31` The sovereign state republics have been giving away their` power for a long time to the federal United States, since the` Enrollment Act (1863) during the Civil War.

Thus, We the People must restore the state republics by reclaiming` our “state” Citizenship, repeal the 17th Amendment` of the Constitution, reappoint senators to the U.S. Congress` via the state legislatures, refuse all federal grants and mandates,` stop accepting foreign bills of exchange (i.e., FRN’s)` and restore a constitutional money system.

We the People must also reconstitute the electors of each` state republic, elect de jure governors and representatives,` and see to the appointment of judges who will uphold the` Constitution and defend our sovereignty.

“...a state has the same undeniable and unlimited` jurisdiction over all persons and things within its` territorial limits, as any foreign nation...”

New York vs. Miln, 36 U.S. 102(1837)`

Corporate Federal States & the Buck Act`

There are two distinct political entities within each state` republic, just as there is both a national and federal character` to the United States government. One political entity is` republican, while the other is corporate and federal.

The “State of California,” like all the other incorporated` States, with “State” in capital letters, became a “federal` enclave” pursuant to the Buck Act of 1940 when it began` receiving federal grants and mandates.

Thus the corporate and federal “State of California” became` an extension of the exclusive legislative democracy of the` District of Columbia, and falls under federal jurisdiction and` authority (until being reorganized under International` Monetary Fund jurisdiction and authority in 1968).

Although both political entities may appear to occupy the` same geographical territory, the “residents,” “persons,” or` “franchisees” of the federal State of California are distinct` from the sovereign “state” Citizens of “California state,” with` “state” in small letters, or the “Republic of California.”

Residents, persons or franchisees are also considered the` property of the federal government. They cannot hold title` or own real property.

A corporation cannot have “citizens,” but it can have` “persons” which are legal fictions, “residents” and` “franchisees (thus the Franchise Tax Board).”

In the corporate “State of California,” real estate can be` equitably titled to a legal fiction (e.g., a person or` corporation), wherein in the “Republic of California” only` living human beings can hold allodial title to land and` property.

To which “State/state” are we presently electing governors` and legislators? Presently, we are electing de facto` Governors to the corporate State as Governors of the` International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Editor’s Note: Aaron Russo and Hoppy Heidelberg are` running for Governor of Nevada and Oklahoma respectively.

Simultaneously, sovereign “state” Citizens should be electing` de jure governors to the republic. Governor Eric Madsen is` the lawfully elected, de jure governor of Colorado state. He` was elected by the electors (i.e., allodial property owners in` Colorado). 32` By what authority does the federal United States` government corporation have to extend its jurisdiction over` the “states” and install a “de facto” government? 27` The Buck Act (1940), codified as 4 UCS §105-113,` accomplished this by supplanting state law with federal law` and jurisdiction, abducting all sovereign “state” Citizens` through various adhesion contracts, and relocating them in` federal “State” enclaves (except Indians, not otherwise` taxed; 4 U.S.C.§ 109).

Federal enclaves & bankruptcy doesn’t apply to Indians.

This is one of the nuts and bolts schemes that laid the` groundwork for the “shadow government,” National` Security State and foreign rule over almost all Americans` today.

The Buck Act authorized any department of the federal` government to create a “federal area or enclave” (e.g. federal` sobriety checkpoints, SSA areas, public housing federally` funded, federally funded highways, public schools) for` imposition of the Public Salary Tax Act (1939).

The Buck Act is a municipal law of the District of Columbia` for taxing all federal and State government employees, and` those who live and work in any “federal area” (includes all` two-letter “State” abbreviations like CA, OR, TX, etc.)` Thus the corporate, federal “State” has shadowed the “de` jure” or lawful government of the “state,” and replaced it` with the exclusive legislative authority of the federal United` States government corporation. These references concur` with the definitions found in the Buck Act.33` “State government” means the government` of any of the 50 State [capital ‘S’] governments` or the District of Columbia.

— 31 CFR, Ch. 1, 51.2(q)`

“State government” means the government of` any of the 50 states [small ‘s’].

— 31 CFR, Ch. 1, 52.2(o)` “Governor” means the Governor of any of the 50` State governments or the mayor of the District of` Columbia.

— 31 CFR, Ch. 1, 52.2(i)` “Governor” means the Governor of any of the` 50 states and the CEO of the Commonwealth of` Puerto Rico and the territories of American Samoa,` Guam, and the Virgin Islands of the United States.

— 31 CFR, Ch. 1, 52.2(f)`

10th Amendment State’s Rights`

Today, the 48 sovereign state republics have exchanged virtually` all of their sovereignty for federal grants and mandates.

In a desperate effort to reclaim their sovereignty 26` federal States have passed or introduced “Sovereignty Resolutions”  to reassert 10th Amendment rights.

They do not realize that the corporate Federal State is as` distinct from the state republic as the federal corporation is` distinct from the national government.

To reassert state sovereignty requires sovereign “state” Citizens` domiciled in the state, a lawfully established “electoral` college” electing a legitimate legislature, state representation` in the U.S. Congress via the appointment of U.S. Senators,` and the re-introduction of lawful “money.”

Otherwise there is no state republic or state constitution.

Without “state” Citizens and the aforementioned` infrastructure, state sovereignty is a moot issue.

The corporate States are threatened with extinction when` the final bankruptcy of the federal United States corporation` is declared (just like the Soviet Union folks), and the States` are dissolved in the New World Order and replaced with` regional, international governments. Some of the corporate` States are catching wind of the massive reorganization of` power happening in the united states of America, and` resisting further federal and international encroachment.

“Congress may not simply commandeer the` legislative & regulatory processes of the States.”

— supreme Court decision,` New York vs. U.S., 1125 Ct.2408 (1992)`

Threatened by the shift of power, some “State” legislatures` are making an important defensive move in resisting` continued federal encroachment upon their sovereignty.

The States must also stop accepting federal grants and` entitlements if they are serious, and not just paying lip` service, to reclaiming state sovereignty. Some “States” we’re` aware of include: Colorado, Oklahoma, California, Missouri,` Hawai’i, Illinois, Utah, Idaho, Washington, New Mexico,` Nevada, Wyoming, Oregon.34` Colorado passed House Joint Resolution 94-1035, and` deputized their Citizens to prevent the federal government` from coming into the State.

The resolutions have been primarily motivated by federal` land management policy whereby the federal government` has been taking both private and state property without` compensation or due process, based on environmental laws` and other hidden directives of the foreign powers executing` a bankruptcy on the American people.

Colorado passed the first State sovereignty legislation` refuting federal mandates, which would include Executive` Orders of the President. After 130 years of encroachment,` it’s about time, although a bit too little too late. Without an` educated and responsible Citizenry willing to reclaim the` sovereignty of the state republic and its “state” Citizens,` these efforts of the corporate State to protect its eroding` power base will be futile.

This is a window of opportunity for sovereignty and Citizenship` issues to come to the forefront of our consciousness.

And perhaps, We the People will reclaim our sovereignty` and the state republics will be re-empowered as well.

Oklahoma’s House Resolution #1047 entitled U.S. Military` Forces Under U.N. Authority takes a stand against the` presence of U.S. military in U.N. operations and petitioned` Congress to cease providing funding for military operations` not authorized by Congress; to cease participation in` military activity under U.N. authority; to cease rendering aid` to any activity under U.N. jurisdiction; and to cease support` for the establishment of a New World Order or any form of` world government.

In the wording of the Oregon Senate Joint Resolution 3:` We, the Sixty-eighth Legislative Assembly of the State of` Oregon, in legislative session assembled, respectfully declare` as follows:...the Tenth Amendment defines the total scope of` federal power as being that specifically granted by the` Constitution for the usA and no more; and... the scope of` power defined by the Tenth Amendment means that the` Federal Government was created by the states specifically to` be an agent of the states;` and...the states are in fact treated as agents of the Federal` Government; and...memorials have been forwarded to the` Federal Government by the Oregon Legislative Assembly` without any response or result from Congress or the Federal` Government; and...many federal mandates are directly in` violation of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the` United States; and...that Congress may not simply` commandeer the legislative and regulatory processes of the` states; and...a number of proposals...would further violate` the Constitution for the usA;` now, therefore— Be it Resolved by the Legislative Assembly` of the State of Oregon: (1) That the State of Oregon hereby` claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the` Constitution of the United States over all other powers not` otherwise enumerated and granted to the Federal` Government by the Constitution for the usA. (2) That the` Federal Government, as our agent, is hereby instructed to` cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are` beyond the scope of its constitutionally delegated power...”

Sovereign, American Nationals AND Sovereign` “state” Citizens`

Prior to the Constitution and before the Civil War, there was` only one class of Citizenship in the united states of America` — an American National, Citizen of a Union state or a` sovereign “state” Citizen.

There was no federal Citizenship of the Union. One was first` a natural-born Citizen of a state. We the People are all` sovereign “state” Citizens, free inhabitants, or sui juris` freeman / women of the state in which we are “domiciled,”  unless there is evidence to the contrary (e.g. any adhesion` contract with the corporate, federal United States` government).31` “The individual may stand upon his` constitutional rights as a [state] Citizen.

He is entitled to carry on` his private business in his own way.

His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no` duty to the state or to his neighbors to divulge his` business, or to open his door to an investigation,` so far as it may tend to incriminate him.

He owes no such duty to the state, since` he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the` protection of his life and property. His rights` are such as existed by the law of the land` long antecedent to the organization` of the State.

..He owes nothing to the public so long` as he does not trespass upon their rights.”

— Hale vs. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1905)`

> INHABITANT— one who resides actually and` permanently in a given place, and has his/her` domicile there.

> DOMICILE— an individual’s permanent home or` principal establishment; one can have many` “residences,” but only one legal domicile; for living` human beings.

> RESIDENCE— corporate address of a legal fiction` or “person”; your home or business address is` considered the “residence” of a legal fiction` originally registered in your “Name” via your birth` certificate; implies more than a physical presence` and less than a domicile.

“In all elections...by this Constitution,` every [white male]* citizen of the United States` ...shall be entitled to vote...”

— Article 2, Section 2, Oregon Constitution 32` Historically, white male property owners were the original` sovereign “state” Citizens. All other people were either` considered property, slaves, Indians, or “wards of the state.”

Women and slaves were property. Slave traders were` forbidden in America by colonial law until 1661.

During the slave trading years in the Americas, 111,000,000` blacks were captured and only 10,000,000 survived the` journey to the colonies. Blacks who had been baptized as` Christians could not be enslaved under British laws, so they` were instead defined as “indentured servants.” 36` Blacks could not be Citizens of the United States unless a` sovereign state would naturalize them.

Indigenous American people, or Indians were considered` “wards of the state” and could not be Citizens of the United` States.

Prior to 1868, Americans didn’t consider themselves U.S. citizens, anymore than Americans today consider` themselves to be U.N. citizens (although the latter is more` true than we’d like to believe).37` The Constitution created the District of Columbia (D.C.) and` the federal United States. Prior to 1868, there were no U.S. citizens.

Even in the District of Columbia, the people residing there` were considered Citizens of their respective states. Not until` after the Civil War and the 14th (or 15th) Amendment was` passed under martial law, was the U.S. citizen created.

A natural-born American is not a U.S. citizen unless born or` naturalized in the federal United States, and/or a resident of` the District of Columbia (D.C.), and/or a resident of a` federal enclave, zone, or area (e.g., the corporate State of` Oregon), thus subject to federal jurisdiction.

“Both before and after the 14th Amendment...,` it has not been necessary for a person to be a` citizen of the [federal] United States in order to be` a Citizen of his [Union] state...

Under our complex system of government,` there may be a Citizen of a [Union] state,` who is not a citizen of the [federal] United States` in the full sense of the term...”

— Cross vs. Board of Supervisors of Elections, 221` A.2d431` “...No man was a citizen of the united states [of` America] except as he was a [white] Citizen of one` of the states composing the Union. Those,` therefore, who had been born and resided in the` District of Columbia or in its [federal] territories,` though` within the united states [of America], were not` [Union] Citizens [since they weren’t state` Citizens]...”

— 83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 36;21L.Ed 394 38

While the 13th amendment36 emancipated the newly freed` Black slaves from physical slavery they were offered no` sovereign “state” Citizenship, no unalienable or` constitutional rights, and no civil rights either.

“Freedom” without Citizenship or rights was without merit` and quite pointless. The newly freed Black freeman were at` the mercy of the white male “state” Citizens and the racist` public laws of most of the several states, although New York` and Virginia had opened the door to Black freemen to` become full sovereign “state” Citizens prior to the 14th` Amendment.

The 14th Amendment was fraudulently passed and imposed` upon the sovereign states after the Civil War and the defeat` of the South.

The 14th Amendment created another class of Citizenship— ` corporate “persons,” which are legal fictions, born or` naturalized in the federal United States.

This “U.S. citizenship” offered the newly freed Black slaves` “civil rights,” not the unalienable rights of a sovereign or` constitutional rights.

The surviving sovereign white male Citizens of the South` became “prisoners of war,” and could not reenter the Union` except as U.S. citizens loyal to the federal government with` the same second-class status as the former slaves. When` women were finally given the “civil right” to vote, they` became naturalized U.S. citizens, the same status as the` former slaves.

Neither Black freemen, nor women were given sovereign,` unalienable, constitutional rights. Those rights were now` reserved for the sovereign, white male “state” Citizens of the` North and West and the emerging sovereign Power` structure in America.

As Black Americans have long understood living in a` fundamentally racist society, they didn’t get “equal rights”  with whites after their so-called emancipation. Racism is` one of the paramount issues, which has brought the great` ideals of the American republic to its knees, and destroyed` the integrity of the united states of America. Now you know` why.37` “People of African descent are not and cannot be` citizens of the United States and cannot sue in any` court of the United States.”

Chief Justice, Roger Tany, supreme Court (1857)` The passage of the 14th Amendment, however unlawfully and` fraudulently done, was the beginning of a strategy and` constructive fraud that continues to this very day— to make` U.S. citizens of all Americans without our informed` knowledge or consent, and rob us of our birthright as free` and sovereign people.

First the Black slaves, then the southern white males, then` the women and finally the northern white males after the` Great Depression surrendered their sovereignty and rights` to the federal United States government.

Our morally weak and ethically deficient United States` government, and our duly elected representatives have been` easy prey for both domestic and foreign Power structures` who have used the supremacy clause of the Constitution,` and other hooks and tricks, to undermine the basis of our` sovereignty and rob us of our lawful rights and Citizenship.

Those individuals, families, and businesses who understood` sovereignty, Citizenship and the law, retained their unalienable` and constitutional rights, and became much of the` sovereign Power structure as we know it in America today.

“There is no such thing as a citizen of the United` States. One must first be a Citizen of a state, and` by reason of this Citizenship one is then a citizen of` the united states [of America].”

— Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5 Cal. Reports 300` (1855)`

If you were born in and are a free inhabitant any of the 48` sovereign states, or moved from a federal territory to one of` the 48 sovereign states, you have the unalienable right to` choose to reclaim your sovereign “state” Citizenship.

No government can take away this right by any law or` statute. You have the right to determine which laws and` which country you’ll live under. You can leave the “Republic”  for the “Democracy,” and vice versa.

The newly freed Black slaves, women, indigenous American` people, and the born or naturalized U.S. citizen have the` right to reclaim their sovereign “state” Citizenship, and` restore the Constitution and Bill of Rights as the law of the` land.

Even if you were born in Puerto Rico or the District of` Columbia (D.C.) as a federal U.S. citizen, then moved to the` “Republic of California” or any of the 48 sovereign states,` you have the right to reclaim your sovereign “state”  Citizenship.

It’s important to understand the dual character and nature` of our lawful “diversity of citizenship.”40` “In our country the people are sovereign and the` government cannot sever its relationship to the` people by taking away their citizenship.”

— Richards vs. Sec. of State, 752 F2d at 1418` “Citizenship of the United States does not entitle` citizen of privileges and immunities of citizen of` state, since privileges and immunities of one are` not the same as the other.”

— Tashiro vs. Jordan, 256 P 545.

The government cannot take away your lawful Citizenship,` but the sovereign “state” Citizen of any of the 48 sovereign` states has the right to elect, volunteer, or waive their rights by` entering into a contract. Our right to contract is unlimited.

Most Americans became U.S. citizens by entering into a` contract with the government. This is how We the People` lost our lawful Citizenship, our Constitution and Bill of` Rights and ultimately our country.

We the People unknowingly and unwillingly “elected” away` our sovereignty in exchange for government privileges (e.g.,` social security, federal employment, negotiable instruments,` public highways, public utilities, government services,` limited liability for payment of debt etc.). Often this` “election” occurred under threat, duress or coercion (i.e.,` tdc) by some branch of government, insisting that we must.

Often we have not been told what our choices and options` are. An “election” is always, by definition, a voluntary act.

To act voluntarily one must have full possession of ones` faculties and be fully informed as to the nature and` implications of the contract.

“Thus, the dual character of our citizenship is made` plainly apparent. That is to say, a citizen of the` United States is ipso facto and at the same time a` Citizen of the state in which he resides.

And while the Fourteenth Amendment does not` create a national citizenship, it has the effect of` making that citizenship ‘paramount and dominant’` instead of ‘derivative and dependent’ upon` state Citizenship.”

— Colgate vs. Harvey,` 296 U.S. 404, 427; 80 L., Ed, 299 (1935) 41`

There is a great responsibility that accompanies being a` sovereign Citizen. Not only must one be fully and completely` responsible for oneself, but also for ones thoughts, words` and deeds.

Sovereign Citizens must be spiritually, mentally, emotionally,` politically, economically and legally responsible for their lives,` and the lives of their families, children and communities.

Sovereignty begins in the heart and soul of a man or woman,` a full-grown adult with the maturity and intelligence to` make his/her own decisions, and accept the consequences of` such actions. Sovereignty is an attitude, and a way of life.

This is a call for all who are ready, willing and able to accept` the challenge of rediscovering your own power, and limiting` the usurpation of that power by the government.

“If we don’t hang together,` we shall surely hang separately.”

— Benjamin Franklin`

Sovereign Citizens accept the duty to come to the aid of` other sovereigns in distress.

This is known as the mutual defense of unalienable rights.

Alone we cannot defend our rights, our bodies, or our` property. Only when we join forces, do we stand a chance of` protecting what’s ours.

This is our vision of a new nation of sovereign “state”  Citizens reclaiming what is lawfully ours. Leaders wanted!` Apply within.42` Fortunately, part of this fraud has been unraveled, too. By` legal definition, found in the Immigration and Nationality` Act at 8 USC §1101(a)(22), all Americans are nationals of the` United States, with the United States citizen-subject class` being a minor category within the universal category` "national of the United States.”


If an individual born in the united states of America does` NOT have a birth certificate issued by one of the federal` States, has not contracted for government benefits,` privileges or licenses, has NOT been issued a social security` numbers or taxpayer I.D. number, and has NOT naturalized` into the federal United States, then:` 1. he or she is a sovereign “state” Citizen (with a capital` “C”) of the state republic where he or she is presently` domiciled, or` 2. retains the status of a “national of the United States” in` the original state republic where he or she was born` whether or not he or she is presently domiciled there.43` U.S. citizenship is an impaired and diminished status that` must be remedied to reclaim your inherent American` sovereignty.

The courts have ruled that “U.S. citizenship” is not` “citizenship” at all, but a contractual nexus with the federal` United States government corporation, in exchange for` benefits or privileges. As a “U.S. citizen,” you are an officer` or employee of a government corporation.

Editor’s Note: Form 1040 is for government officers and` employees only.

As a U.S. citizen you are the chattel and property of the` government corporation and they have the statutory right to` regulate, control, and tax you. U.S. citizenship is a voluntary` adhesion contract.

Once you have made a choice and rescinded U.S. citizenship,` then and only then can the American reclaim his/her` sovereignty and repatriate into the united states of America` under the Law of Nations.

There are many patriots who are unwilling to recognize` these basic facts or to take any effective action regarding` their impaired status. They turn a blind eye and deaf ear to` the legal necessity of cleaning up their impaired status as` essential to the restoration of a de jure constitutional` republic. Unless Americans wake up and reclaim their` sovereignty, they do not have the legal standing to selfgovern` themselves.

U.S. citizens are an impaired status of individual who has in` fact contracted with a de facto government for government` services. U.S. citizens have volunteered into the present` system through ignorance, fear and the overriding need for` false “security.”

You cannot complain about bad government if you are` unwilling to take the steps necessary for reclaiming your` sovereignty.

You must revoke, rescind or rebut these adhesion contracts` by formal declaration and give notice and grace to the government corporation. Or you must eliminate the` presumption of your signature and seal on those contracts.

Most patriots know just enough information to be` dangerous to themselves. Superficial or incomplete actions` can be dangerous.

They take a seminar, read a book and are raring to go out` and cause themselves trouble. To alleviate this danger, one` must have all the pieces of the puzzle in place, and you must` educate yourself comprehensively.

There are many Americans who simply want to stop paying` income taxes or join a militia, yet they want to continue in` their impaired status as U.S. citizens. Sovereignty doesn’t` work that way.

Many Americans are jumping on the patriot bandwagon` without having laid the foundations for their own freedom` by securing the unalienable right to self-govern. Either` you’re a sovereign, or you’re a subject. You cannot be halfpregnant,` or half-sovereign.

Either you are or you aren’t. The choice is yours!`

Immigration and Naturalization in the` sovereign state and Jural Societies`

Since the fifties, when immigrants have come to the united` states of America and sought freedom, opportunity and` “Citizenship,” they have been naturalized almost exclusively` and directly into U.S. citizenship via the federal United` States and the Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS).

Prior to that, one could naturalize directly into one of the` several sovereign states of Union. Today, the state district or` superior courts still have the judicial power to naturalize` Citizens directly into the state, although this power has not` been exercised since the bankruptcies.

The power to naturalize, by virtue of the Act of Congress of` 1802, is a judicial one, and the Congress has no power to` confer jurisdiction upon the courts of a state.

"The provision of the Constitution of the United States` which gives Congress the power to establish a uniform rule` of naturalization, is construed to mean that the rule when` established shall be executed by the States.

Under the Act of Congress of 1802, every Court of Record in` any individual State, having Common law jurisdiction and a` seal, and clerk or prothonotary, shall be considered as a` District Court within the meaning of this Act, and such` Courts shall have the power to naturalize.

The Legislature of California has by express enactment,` conferred jurisdiction on the District courts of this State to` grant naturalization, according to the rules established by` Congress.

All other courts of this State, being courts of` inferior and limited powers, and although some` are Courts of Record, yet having only statutory,` and not Common law jurisdiction,` they have no power to grant` naturalization, and any attempt of the kind by` them would be coram non judice, and void.”

— Ex Parte Frank Knowles 44` Besides restoring the power to naturalize Citizens directly` into the sovereign states, We the People can organize jural` societies, constitutional Common law courts and grand` juries to bring forth indictments against public officials who` are blatantly and consistently violating the spirit of, and the` letter of, the law of the land.

“Federal statutes provide causes of action` for parties injured by individual deprivations` of any rights or privileges` of citizens of the United States.”

— 42 U.S.C., Section 1983 (1985(3))`

Jural Societies`

A jural society is used in Blacks Law Dictionary to define a` “Citizen.” A “Citizen” is defined as “a member of a free city` or jural society.

Jural is synonymous with the definition of a “state,” or an` organized political community. A citizen without a state or` organized political community is described as a “stateless` person” thus subject to international law.

We the People who founded this nation secured to` themselves the right of popular assembly to preserve their` traditionally vested rights and customs through the 1st, 9th` and 10th Amendments secured by the federal and state` constitutions.


We the People are legally and politically in the united states` of America as sovereign “state” Citizens organized as a jural` society.

U.S. citizens and foreigners are here commercially through` the 14th Amendment and subject to government regulation` and the civil rights acts. Persons or residents organized for` commercial purposes cannot be a state as defined by` international law.

Organizing jural societies in each of the sovereign states` provides recognition to those sovereign “state” Citizens who` choose to reclaim their sovereignty and rights.

The jural society is a forum for the sovereign voice of We the` People and the basis for creating new sovereign “states.”45`

> EXPATRIATION— voluntary act of abandoning or` renouncing one’s country, and becoming the Citizen or` subject of another. 46` “Whereas the right of expatriation is a natural and` inherent right of all people, indispensable to the` enjoyment of the rights of life, liberty, and the` pursuit of happiness.”

— Title 8 U.S.C. §1481 47` “Citizenship...is retained unless` a citizen voluntarily relinquishes it.”

— Afrojim vs. Rusk (1967) 387 US 253 18L, Ed.2d` 757, 87 S.Ct. 1660 pg 780 2d/AmJur 99 48`

Alaska Revised Statutes §1999 provided that:`

Whereas the right of expatriation is a natural and inherent` right of all people, indispensable to the enjoyment of the` rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and` whereas in the recognition of this principle this Government` has freely received emigrants from all nations, and invested` them with the rights of citizenship; and whereas it is claimed` that such American citizens, with their descendants, are` subjects of foreign states, owing allegiance to the governments` thereof; and whereas it is necessary to the maintenance` of public peace that this claim of foreign allegiance` should be promptly and finally disavowed:` Therefore any declaration, instruction, opinion, order, or` decision of any officer of the United States which denies,` restricts, impairs, or questions the right of expatriation, is` declared inconsistent with the fundamental principles of` the republic.

Naturalization Via Common Law Marriage`

There are a lot of theories about immigration and` naturalization, and who can become an American.

Foreigners who have immigrated and naturalized as federal` “U.S. citizens” are citizens of the United States, and also` Citizens of the state in which they are domiciled — if they` exercise that right.

For example, Puerto Ricans and District of Columbia` citizens born or naturalized in any U.S. territory can exercise` their sovereignty in any of the forty-eight states by claiming` a domicile there (excepting Alaska and Hawai’i which are` not sovereign states of the Union).

True, they cannot claim their sovereignty “residing” in any` U.S. territory or federal zone (neither can American-born` U.S. citizens), although they could be an American National` living in any U.S. territory if domiciled in any of the fortyeight` states.

If the foreigner born in another country (besides the united` states of America) has NOT completed the immigration or` naturalization process as citizens of the United States and` are “residing” in the United States as a “resident alien” with` a green card, they cannot be a sovereign “state” Citizen` unless or until:` 1. complete immigration and naturalization into the` federal United States as citizens of the United States.

2. immigrate and naturalize via a Common law marriage` to an American, sovereign “state” Citizen.

3. immigrate and naturalize directly into sovereign` “state” Citizenship via a Superior court, or` 4. immigrate and naturalize via a properly consummated` Constitutional Common law Court before a jury of` peers.

If a foreign citizen immigrates into U.S. citizenship and` marries an American Citizen, the claim to sovereignty as an` individual is transferred by marriage. A couple married by` certificate, not by license, for 7 years would establish a` domicile under the Common law if not challenged.

Given notice and grace without objection would set the stage` for American Citizenship to follow if declared before a` Common law jury of peers.

By law, there is no federal citizenship, but there is a` Common law process for foreigners to achieve naturalization` into American Citizenship. It just hasn't been formally` recognized for generations, nor have the Superior courts` been operating at-law since 1944. There is also evidence of` state-issued passports prior to WWII.

This raises the sensitive issue of deportation for foreigners.

Massive immigration flooding the American borders is a hot` political issue as it has made the American Citizen,` especially the sovereign “state” Citizen, a minority in his/her` own country.

For some twisted reason, new immigrants expect lots of` benefits streaming in from the State and federal government` paid for by the dwindling working classes, without even` having a clue what being an American in a free-enterprise` country is really about.

It has served the federal United States government` corporation well to flood the country with immigrants, legal` or illegal, as it thoroughly destabilizes the American system` and further destroys the sovereignty of its Citizenry.

Will the foreign-born immigrant educate themselves about` the nature of freedom and what made America great? It was` NOT the welfare-state mentality or benefits streaming in` from government that made America great, but building a` life here on the skills, talents and hard work of its Citizenry?

That these Common law processes of immigration and` naturalization will meet with resistance from the federal` government is almost assured. They do not want anybody` reclaiming their sovereignty in America.

That there might be grounds for deportation for a foreigner` who chose to exercise these rights is likely.

But is not the price of freedom worth the effort and the` sweat necessary to pave the way for others to follow. If you` want the easy life, a life without change or resistance, then` stay where you are.

Becoming a sovereign “state” Citizen of this great country` whether foreign or American-born is a great undertaking.

“The first requirement for state Citizenship for` purposes of establishing diversity jurisdiction... is` United States citizenship. A person who is not a` citizen of the United States cannot be a Citizen of a` state for diversity purposes. Similarly, a United` States citizen who is domiciled in a foreign country` is not a ‘Citizen of a state,’ and may not invoke` federal diversity jurisdiction.”

— Title 28 U.S.C. §1332 48`

Declaring Your Citizenship`

Education is the first step on the long road home to` becoming an American National, sovereign “state” Citizen or` sui juris freeman/woman.

The word “citizen” means “subject of” and the word “State”  means “sovereign power.” Although the term “state” Citizen` appears to be an oxymoron, it actually means quite the` opposite of the above definition due to the shift in` capitalization of the two words.

In a constitutional republic, the “state” is created by its “Citizens”  who are the sovereign powers. As a “Jural Society,” the` “state” was created for the express purpose of serving and` protecting the sovereignty of its “state” Citizens who are not` “residents,” corporate “persons,” nor individuals effectively` connected with any corporate political organization. As` such, a state Citizen is a sovereign entity recognized by law` as outside the jurisdiction of statutes, public policy and political` codes.49` A sui juris freeman/woman is a natural-born human being` without Citizenship, residency, date of birth, address, or any` other adhesion contract with the government.

Being free of ALL legal disability, a sui juris freeman/woman` acts with inherent, non-merchant rights as a freeman/woman,` the legal definition of which is a non-immigrant, nonresident` alien. It is improper for a freeman/woman to speak` of having constitutional rights.50` Today, it requires immense courage, total responsibility,` administrative and legal challenges, and an organized,` lawful “revolution” of millions of Americans to make the` necessary changes to the political, economic and legal` system.

Herein lies an opportunity to alter the course of history, to` move away from the totalitarian New World Order toward` new social, economic and political organizations created` with liberty and justice for all, based on sovereignty for all` the people of the world. This is what the founding fathers` and mothers had in mind for America.

When enough thoughtful, considerate American Citizens` take charge, become sovereign “state” Citizens and take back` their government, a true constitutional republic of We the` People can once again unfold for all the people this time` around.

Liberty begins with a commitment to lifelong education` about the law, procedures and lawful means of presenting` oneself.

Liberty means being committed to personal, social and` environmental responsibility for the well-being of the entire` human community. Sovereign “state” Citizenship doesn’t` imply a return to the rampant individualism, anarchy and` lawlessness of our past.

We cannot go back two hundred years, nor are we proposing` a return to the days of the wild, wild west. We cannot return` to the days of exclusively white male property owners, to the` days when blacks, indigenous American people and women` were deprived of their sovereignty and civil rights. Either` we’re all going to be sovereigns, or we’re all going to be` slaves in the next millennium.

What you will gain by reclaiming your sovereignty — perhaps` your liberty, property and personal responsibility? What will` you lose — perhaps your chains and comfortable` complacency? When will you take the necessary steps and` reclaim your sovereignty?

Every individual begins as an entity unto himself or herself,` sovereign and free. Combined with other sovereign and` responsible individuals, then and only then do lawful` nations arise.

We the People must join together through lawful,` constitutional ends and means to create self-government by` mutual consent. We can network new social, economic and` political organizations without creating a large, centralized,` totalitarian world government. We can create quite “another` world order.”

You must know who you are and declare it! Only you can` determine your Citizenship, not the government, not` anybody else. Sovereignty is not for everyone. Sovereignty is` for leaders and visionaries, activists and pioneers, healers` and teachers, innovators, men and women of courage, and` true patriots who love a country crafted by their own hand.

Sovereignty must begin in the heart and soul of a human` being and move forth from there. If you have established` your sovereignty there, then the rest will follow.

If you have not established your sovereignty in your own` heart and soul, all the paperwork in the world will do you no` good. There is no form you can fill out that makes you a` sovereign individual.

It takes a lifetime of commitment, years of sincere study and` effort to complete the initial administrative paperwork to` ground sovereignty sincerely in your heart and soul. You will` not the see the world quite the same, once you realize you` are the source of power and responsibility. The journey of a` thousand miles starts with a single step.

Notes and Sources`


1. Sourced from Alexander Christopher, Pandora's Box, p.1.

2. Quote attributed to Johann Von Goethe.

3. Sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p. 16/13).

4. Sourced from the Treaty of Paris (with Great Britain),` 1783.

5. Quote sourced from a confidential essay of the Capital` Parish of the Oversoul, p.26.

6. Ibid p. 1-11.

7. Sourced from David Icke, The Truth Shall Set You Free` (Bridge of Love, Cambridge, 1995, p.34-35).

8. Sourced from Critical Path, by Buckminster Fuller, (St. Martins Press, New York, p. 77).

9. Sourced from Alexander Christopher, Pandora's Box, p.127.

10. Quote sourced from a confidential essay of the Capital` Parish of the Oversoul, p.1-11.

11. Sourced from The Occult Roots of the New World` Order, p.10] The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the new` republic given to American Freemasons by the French` Grand Orient (Illuminati) Masonic Order; See also Jan` Van Helsing, Secret Societies & Their Part in the 20th` Century (Ewertverlag, Grand Canaria, Spain, 1995, p.215).

12. Sourced from American's Bulletin, March 1996, p.16.

13. Sourced from Excerpts from The War Inevitable Speech March, 1775 Patrick Henry (1736 - 1799).

14. Sourced from Alexander Christopher, Pandora's Box, p.127.

15. Ibid p.10; See also the Liberty Documents, 4.10.1.

16. Quote sourced from a confidential essay of the Capital` Parish of the Oversoul, p.1-11.

17. Sourced from A 'Con-Con' Con?, Perceptions, May/June` 1995, p.82; Sourced from audio series by Eric Madsen,` Team Law.

18. Johnny Liberty; See also Government's Liberty...Brings` Death To Freedom p.47.

19. Sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p. 6/2).

20. Sourced from The Parliament of Whores.

21. IRC, Section 3306(j)(2); Sourced from UCC Study` Guide, by Howard Freeman, p.1; See also a federal study` published in two volumes (4/56 & 6/57) ordered by` President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jurisdiction Over` Federal Areas Within the States; Sourced from Free At` Last, by N.A. Scott, Ph.D., D.D., p.2-11.

22. Quote sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party, (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p. 6/16).

23. Ibid p.6/13.

24. Sourced from The Two United States.

25. See also Conscience of a Conservative by Senator Barry` Goldwater, (MacFadden Capitol Hill Book, New York,` 1960); See also Government's Liberty.Brings Death To` Freedom p.19` 26. Sourced from Edmund, Fitzsimmons, Regaining Your` Personal Sovereignty, p.3.

27. Quote sourced from Goodbye April 15th by Boston T. Party, (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992, p.6/19).

28. Sourced from audio series by Eric Madsen, Team Law.

29. John Quade: Sourced from an essay Merchantism: The` Road to Tyranny ; See also Government's` Liberty...Brings Death To Freedom p.19.

30. Sourced from Jeff Ganaposki, Patriot Primer #2, (Living` Word, 1995, p.150).

31. Sourced from Jim Russell, JOIN; Reviewed by Johnny` Liberty.

32. Sourced from audio series by Eric Madsen, Team Law.

33. Sourced from Richard McDonald, Mitch Modeleski,` Burness Speakman, and from a video The Buck Act by` Mosaic Media.

34. Sourced from American's Bulletin, Sep. '94 p18.

35. Quote sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party, (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992); See also` Inside the Labyrinth: Federal Zones Created to Impose` Income Tax by Richard J. McDonald, Perceptions,` Spring 1994, p.17; Your Rights: How You Are Being` Brainwashed Into Believing You Still Have Any by Nina` Silver, Flatlands; Citizenship & You by Norman Baker.

See also Oregon Constitution, State Printing Dept,` Salem, Oregon, 1920, p.404; Originally (white male) was` amended on 11/4/24 (now all people can be sovereign` “state” Citizens).

36. Statistics on slaves were sourced from Free At Last, by` N.A. Scott, Ph.D., D.D., p.4-55.

37. Sourced from Goodbye April 15th, by Boston T. Party,` (Javelin Press, Austin, Texas, 1992).

38. Also known as the Slaughterhouse Cases.

39. Sourced from Velma Griggs, The Original 13th` Amendment, (Inyawe Trust Company).

40. Note the legal terminology ”diversity of Citizenship”  refers to the various classifications of Citizenship` described herein.

41. Colgate v. Harvey, 296 U.S. 404, 427; 80 L.,Ed, 299` (1935); See also Bute v. Illinois, 333 US 640 at 656` (1947)` (the 14th Amendment doesn't apply to everyone);` Sourced from Free At Last, by N.A. Scott, Ph.D., D.D., p.1-4.

42. Sourced from Jeff Ganaposki, Patriot Primer #2, (Living` Word, 1995).

43. Sourced from a brief by patriot researcher Dan Meador.

44. Sourced from Ex Parte Frank Knowles. Thanks to` patriot researcher Richard McDonald.

45. Sourced from The California Jural Society Handbook by` Steve Avery.

46. Sourced from Stat. Ch.249-250, pps 223-224, §1, R.S. 1999.

47. Afrojim v. Rusk, 387 US 253 18L, Ed.2d 757, 87 S.Ct. 1660 (1967), p.780 2d/AmJur.

48. Sourced from Title 28 U.S.C. §1332.

49. Sourced from David Donaldson, Perceptions,` March/April 1995, p.26.

50. Sourced from Don Smith, Perceptions, March/April` 1995,`