- Chapter Thirteen`
The Uniform
Commercial Code is Color of Law Based Upon the Common
Laws of Nations.
by Johnny Liberty`
to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and
creation of this handbook.
From Public Law to Public Policy`
“Adhesion contracts do not bind the citizen to` a commercial
contract. Without the six elements` of a valid contract, none exists.”
— PL#95-147, 91 Stat. 1227 (Oct. 28, 1977)`
Our government has
reverted to the old ruler’s law with the` nobles and lords reigning over its
loyal subjects. Judges,` Attorneys, Senators,
Congressmen and Presidents have all` accepted special “Titles of Nobility,” and
powerful positions` in the privileged ruling class of
The legal
fraternity took over the reigns of government five` generations ago, and has
maintained a monopoly over all` three branches of government ever since.
The original 13th Amendment is a profound challenge to the` de facto
government and legal fraternity that presently rules` the federal
The supreme Court
had declared the Agricultural` Adjustment Act and National Industrial Recovery
Act, which` were major components of Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation,`
unconstitutional in 1935-1936.
President Franklin
D. Roosevelt, not to be derailed by the` supreme Court, under the authority of
his declared state of` national emergency (federal bankruptcy is a national`
emergency), then demanded a reorganization of the entire` federal judiciary,
directly challenging the independence of` the judicial branch of government as
guaranteed by the` Constitution.
This precipitated a
change in our American system of law` from “public (Common) law” to “public (international`
bankers) policy,” or “private (corporate) commercial law.”
The legislative
bodies in America are now the “sovereigns”
over the courts,
executive officers, and it’s so-called U.S. citizens.
Their function is
solely to pass “public policy” statutes in the` interest of the nation’s
principals/creditors, wherein the civil` statutes contain criminal penalties
under an admiralty` jurisdiction. 37` The
new and improved supreme Court after FDR, ruled that` all federal cases will be
judged under “Negotiable` Instruments Law” in Erie Railroad vs. Thompkins
After this case,
Common law was officially blended with the` procedures of Equity. New federal
Rules of Civil Procedure` took effect along with the Social Security Act (1938).
In the next ten
years, the Courts of Common Pleas began to` disappear, and virtually every
American became a U.S. citizen by enrolling in the Social Security system. The`
sovereignty of the states and its respective “state” Citizens` was almost completely
destroyed by this federal, corporate,` socialist coup d’ etat.1`
Color of Law` The
Constitution and the Bill of Rights are still the supreme` law of the land.
Although many people pay lip service to the` state and federal constitutions,
many more Americans have` never read it, and government officials have pledged`
superficial allegiance while routinely violating its principles` and intent.
42 U.S.C. §1983. Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights` Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance,`
regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the` District of
Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any` citizen of the United
States or other person within the` jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of
any rights,` privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and` laws,
shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law,` suit, in equity, or
other proper proceeding for redress. For` the purposes of this section, any Act
of Congress applicable` exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be
considered to` be a statute of the District of Columbia.
All acts of the
state legislatures and the U.S. Congress must` be consistent with and derived
from the Constitution for the` united states of America. A “colorable” law or
statute` appears to be a law, acts like a law, but ul
Many statutes,
administrative laws, and rules and` regulations present the appearance of a
legal right, but are` without lawful substance. It is through “colorable”
statutes` and administrative law that corrupt shadow governments` are created.
Colorable law is that which is in appearance` only, and not reality, what it
purports to be, hence` counterfeit, feigned, having the appearance of truth.”
“Colorable law,”
commercial law, and political law are` synonymous terms. These laws are nothing
more than mere` “bylaws” of the corporation that regulates the business or`
commerce of the government agency, international or` domestic corporation. They
are listed variously as political` code, commercial code, statutes, public
policy, and as such,` are all under “color of law.”
The federal United
States is a foreign corporation. The U.S. Congress writes bylaws their members
(i.e., U.S. citizens)` must obey.
The real,
substantive laws of a state, which are judicially` enforceable, although they
may appear under the listing of` statutes as civil code, penal code or
variations thereof, may` generally be thought of as being contained within the`
“organic law” or codified “Common law.”
Acts performed
under “color of law” by any federal, state or` municipal government, or its
employees, may include` “illegal” acts done by government officials,
bureaucrats,` employees, etc. not only within, but also without and beyond` the
limits of their lawful authority.
These acts are
“illegal.” So when an official steps outside the` bounds of their lawful
authority, they become personally` liable for the offense, as would any private
“The appearance or ‘semblence, without the` substance, of legal
right... misuse of power,` possessed by virtue of state law and made` possible
only because wrongdoer is clothed with` authority of state,` is action taken
‘under color of state law.’”
— 42 U.S.C. § 1983`
Any government
official, employee or agent of the corporate` government— police officer,
county sheriff, judge,` magistrate, attorney, congressman, senator, bureaucrat,
IRS` agent, federal agent, employer, including the President of` the United
States, who conspires to deprive a sovereign` “state” Citizen of any right or
privilege secured by their` respective state constitutions, Constitution and
Bill of` Rights, or acts improperly under the color of law, is subject` to
criminal prosecution in both their individual and official` capacity.
The sovereign
“state” Citizen has powerful, lawful tools to` protect one’s unalienable
rights, and make all government` accountable to the Constitution, and the law
of the land.
A thorough
understanding of the law and how the legal` system actually works is required
to defend one’s rights` against the intrusions of government.
“Public officials are not immune from suit when` they transcend
their lawful authority by` invading constitutional rights.”
— American Federation of State, County` and Municipal Employees,`
AFL-CIO vs. Woodward, 406 F2d 137 t.
18 U.S.C.
§241. Conspiracy against rights of` citizens` If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress,
threaten,` or in
18 U.S.C.
§242. Deprivation of rights under color` of law` Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance,`
regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any inhabitant of` any State,
Territory, or District to the deprivation of any` rights, privileges or
immunities secured or protected by the` Constitution or laws of the United
States, or to different` punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such`
inhabitant being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race,` than are
prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be` fined not more than $1,000
or imprisoned not more than` one year, or both; and if death results shall be
subject to` imprisonment for any term of years or for life.
“There is no risk of criminal prosecution where` one in good
faith challenges an agency.”
— Casey vs. FTSCA, Wash. 578 F 2d 793 (1978)`
Adhesion Contracts` We the People have the unlimited right to contract` guaranteed by
the Constitution, and the Common law` preceding it.
We the People also
live in a commercial culture, dominated` by commercial agreements and contracts
whereby our` freedoms, rights and sovereign, “state” Citizenship has been`
“contracted” away.
renting a video),
yet others may bind us in ways we do not` fully comprehend (e.g., long distance
phone companies bind` you to the law of the District of Columbia).
These are called
“adhesion contracts.” Contracts must be` voluntary in nature and fully
disclosed to be enforceable.
The parties must
also be able to perform.2`
CONTRACT— a contract so
heavily` restrictive of one party (e.g., U.S. citizen) while` nonrestrictive of
the other (e.g., the government` corporation) that doubts arise as to the
voluntary nature of` the contract; take it or leave it basis; weaker party has
no` realistic choice as to its terms.
Did you realize
that when you completed and signed the` “Form 1040” tax return, you
“volunteered” into the jurisdiction` of the federal United States government,
admitted being` a corporate “person” and federal government employee,` agreed
to abide by all the rules and regulations of the Internal` Revenue Code (IRC), and
therefore became subject to` the State and federal income tax?
Did you know that
“Form W-4” is a Gift & Estate Tax Form` for federal government employees,
not for American “state” Citizens? 3` Were you ever told by anyone in the government that when`
you applied for a Social Security Number (SSN) you became` a U.S. citizen and
waived your unalienable rights as a` sovereign, “state” Citizen, became a
federal govern-ment` “employee” by enrolling in a federal government
retirement` and insurance benefits program, transferred your Power of` Attorney
to the Social Security Administra-tion, and was` made liable for the federal
debt? 4` Did anyone ever fully or honestly disclose the intent of
the` State Motor Vehicle Codes when you applied for and` received your driver’s
license? Were you aware that the` driver’s license and vehicle registration
laws are occupation` taxes for commercial drivers (e.g., truck drivers, taxi
and` chauffeurs), and that sovereign, “state” Citizens needn’t` apply providing
you “own” your own “place-travel device?”
The driver’s
license and vehicle registration are voluntary` contracts to become subject to
the Department of Motor` Vehicles (DMV) codes, get licensed, get insurance,
register` your vehicle and pay the fees (which are occupation taxes).
You also
unknowingly agreed to transfer the lawful title (i.e.,` MSO) of your vehicle to
the State when it was purchased` from the original dealer.5`
At a traffic stop,
when a police officer asks for your “driver’s` license,” “vehicle registration,”
and “proof of financial` responsibility,” they’re asking for you to provide
evidence to` indicate that:` 1. you’ve entered into a contract with the State;`
2. you’re within their jurisdiction.
If you are a
“resident” of the State, then you’re required to` have a State-issued driver’s
license. If you’re operating a` “motor vehicle,” then registration, plates and
insurance are` required.
If you present any
of this evidence, then the presumption` stands that you are subject to the
Motor Vehicle Code. You` have just indicted yourself, and the police officer is
witness` to it.
If you have
violated one of the Motor Vehicle codes, he/she` has the authority to issue a
“citation” for a breech of contract` or infraction. Likewise in theory, as a
sovereign “state” Citizen, you wouldn’t admit to being a “resident” of any of`
the fifty federal States.
Not A
“Resident” Of Any Of The Fifty States` If you have no driver’s license, vehicle registration or proof` of
financial responsibility relative to their jurisdiction, and` no other
presumptive evidence that you’ve committed a` crime in force, then the police
officer has no lawful option` under the Common law, except to release you.
Usually` though, the police officer doesn’t know or make this` distinction and
you’ll be getting a hassle. Be prepared to` have your papers in order for a
traffic stop.6 To have a valid` contract there must be:` 1. a valid offer
and acceptance of valuable consideration;` 2. two or more parties involved;` 3.
parties who are of legal age and competent` understanding;` 4. a termination
date;` 5. full disclosure; and` 6. the contract must be voluntary in nature.
“Adhesion contracts do not bind the citizen to a` commercial
contract. Without the six elements` of a valid contract, none exists.”
— PL#95-147, 91 Stat. 1227 (Oct. 28, 1977)` U.S. citizens are bound by many adhesion contracts`
including voter’s registration, marriage and business` licenses, incorporation
papers, selective service registration,` postal addresses, bank accounts and
credit cards, tax` returns, social security numbers, drivers and vehicle`
licenses; and subject to tens of thousands of statutes.
Here are a few
examples of the hidden nature of these` contracts and how they impact your
freedoms and life.7`
CONTRACTS` • VOTER’S REGISTRATION is an unrevealed, private` “contract” obligating the “voter” or
“resident” to pay` municipal, county and State bonds via the property tax`
(i.e., trustee fees) and a State income tax; voters have` also unknowingly
given their Power of Attorney to the` State. Electors are not bound to a
contract or a political` party. Electors are sovereign “state” Citizen’s with`
allodial property in any state.
• A MARRIAGE LICENSE is an unrevealed, private` “contract” with the State who is a
legal third party to` your marriage wherein they have control over the` product
(i.e., children) or the disbursement of` community property (via a divorce).
The State gets the` power to take away your children if they deem it` necessary
for any reason. Do you want the government` in your bed telling you how to
raise your children? The` doctrine of parens patria gives the State supremacy
over` parental rights.
• BUSINESS LICENSES negate your Common law` “right to work” in the profession and
skill of your choice` or talent. Do you need permission from the government` to
go to the bathroom too? Free yourself from` “permission” to contract when you
have the unalienable` “right to contract.”
• INCORPORATION for your for-profit or non-profit` business with limited liability
for the payment of debt is` a BENEFIT from the government which costs the
private` individual 100% ownership and control over the` corporation.
Corporations are creations of and chartered` by the State. When you are
incorporating, you’re now` working for a government - protected enterprise,
and` subject to all the rules and regulations thereof. When the` churches
incorporated recently they lost not only their` sovereignty and independence,
but their 1st Amendment` rights to freedom of religion as well. Don’t make the`
same mistake. Consider other legal structures that` preserve Common law rights.
• NON-PROFIT CORPORATIONS are owned and` controlled lock, stock and barrel by the
IRS and it’s` foreign principals/creditors. If you’re working in the`
non-profit sector, the Federal Reserve and its` principals/creditors are your
bosses. They don’t give` grants and funding away without receiving control
over` the agendas of these organizations, some of which are` well meaning.
• SELECTIVE SERVICE registration is for U.S. citizens` only. If you place your
signature on that private contract,` you are bound, body and soul to it. The
government` corporation owns you completely. They decide whether` or not your
teeth need pulling, not you. You have no` choice once in military service. The
draft is voluntary` servitude.
• POSTAL ADDRESSES utilizing zip codes and twodigit` abbreviations for the State are
private contracts` for federal government employees. Having or using a` “zip
code” supports the presumption that you are` indeed a federal “employee”
subject to the income tax` and the Form 1040. Domestic mail is “within” the`
federal United States. Non-domestic is “without” the` federal United States,
between the sovereign “state” Citizens and the state (intrastate).
Unknowingly, when
you opened a checking account, or received` a credit card, and signed your
“name” on the bank` signature card, you entered a contract with a bank, who is
also under contract with the Federal Reserve System, who` has in turn contracted
with the IRS to collect taxes.
This chain of
contracts gives authorization to the IRS to` access information about your
accounts, lien your assets,` snoop into your records, garnish your wages, and
to subject` you to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
By not
comprehending the power of contracts, you have` unwittingly waived many of your
rights by simply signing` your bank signature card. We the People fall into
this trap` many
> PRESUMPTION— an inference in favor of a particular` fact; a rule of law by
which finding of a basic fact givers rise` to existence of presumed fact, until
presumption is rebutted.
8` There are many other adhesion contracts besides the ones`
discussed above. An adhesion contract is one in which the` state legislature or
the Congress of the federal United States` government was acting as your agent
(or legal` representative) to bind you to their contract. Four types of`
adhesion contracts have attached themselves unknowingly` and often
unwillingly:` a) interest` b) tax` c) statutes` d) treaties` As an American,
sovereign “state” Citizen the Constitution` offers no protection once you’ve
volunteered into a contract,` having waived your rights in exchange for any
government` privileges or benefits. A U.S. citizen is “presumed” bound to`
these adhesion contracts. They are as valid as if you signed` each one
yourself. Only a sovereign “state” Citizen is not` “presumed” bound to these
adhesion contracts.9`
Adhesion contracts entered
unknowingly, unwillingly or` unintentionally can be nullified by declaration in
the form of` an “Affidavit.” A U.S. citizen may “rescind or revoke” any`
adhesion contracts they’ve entered into unknowingly and` unwillingly, to clear
their “name” of all legal disabilities and` become a sui juris freeman/woman. A
U.S. citizen may also` argue that the signature on the contract never existed`
because there was not full disclosure.
You can repudiate
all signatures on past IRS and SSA Forms` by a general “Affidavit” along with a
“Constructive Legal` Notice” sent to all pertinent government corporations and`
This will establish
a paper trail of evidence to support your` declaration and claim of sovereign
“state” Citizenship` and/or sui juris freeman/woman, and refute any`
presumptions that exist.
You can then
reclaim your sovereign Citizenship within the` state, under the state and
federal constitutions, or maintain` your freeman/woman status. Be prepared to
defend those` rights.
> AFFIDAVIT— a written or printed declaration or` statement of facts, made voluntarily,
and confirmed by the` oath or affirmation of the party making it, taken before
an` officer having authority to administer such oath. 10`
> RESCIND— to abrogate, annul, avoid or cancel a` contract;
nullifying a contract by the act of a party.11`
> REVOKE— to recall authority or power previously` conferred; to
annul an act by calling or taking it back.
Only you can
determine your Citizenship. The government` may presume to know who you are,
but they cannot tell you` who you are. To be a sovereign “state” Citizen, you
must` eliminate all presumptions that you’ve entered into` contracts that bind
your performance to them.
State courts were
federalized in 1982 under Equity/Admiralty/` Mari
Sovereign “state”
Citizens must be tried in a federal court` under diversity of citizenship
You have the right to see any and all
contracts. You have the` right to get information the government may have about
you` through Freedom of Information & Privacy Act (FOIA & PI)`
You have the right
of discovery in a court proceeding. All` contracts must be entered into
knowingly, willingly and` voluntarily to be enforceable in any jurisdiction. Be
careful` when signing your “name” and entering into contracts` unseen.
Your “name” is your
property, just like your fingerprint.
Your “name” is also
your “Power of Attorney,” providing you` haven’t given it to someone else to
legally act on your behalf.
whenever signing your name, read the fine` print, ask for the hidden contracts,
and always add the` following citation from the Uniform Commercial Code` (UCC)
under your “signature.” For example: 13` “I, Johnny Liberty, hereby reserve my right not` to be compelled
to perform under any contract` or commercial agreement that I did not enter`
knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally.
And furthermore, I do not accept the liability of` the compelled
benefit of any unrevealed contract` or commercial agreement.”22` — Johnny Liberty, Special Appearance` Without
Prejudice, UCC 1-207 All Rights Reserved.
The effect is an
explicit “Reservation of All Your Unalienable` Rights”— which will nullify your
authorization and legal` “name” if there are any hidden or unseen contracts.
Your` right to contract is unlimited for both sovereign “state” Citizens and
U.S. citizens.
But each distinct
status is determined under distinct` jurisdictions of law either “without” or
“within” the federal` United States. Notice these distinctions and watch out
for` jurisdictional traps inherent in perjury statements (e.g.,` driver’s
licenses, tax forms).
Perjury Jurat`
Whenever under any law of the
United States or under any` rule, regulation, order, or requirement made
pursuant to` law, any matter is required or permitted to be supported,`
evidenced, established, or proved by the sworn declaration,` verification,
certificate, statement, oath, or affidavit, in` writing of the person making
the same, ...such matter may,` with like force and effect, be supported,
evidenced,` established, or proved by the unsworn declaration,` certificate,
verification, or statement, in writing of such` person which subscribed by
him/her, as true under penalty` of perjury, and dated, in substantially the
following form:`
28 U.S.C.
1746, Unsworn Declaration under` Penalty of Perjury.
1. If executed
without the [federal]United States:` ‘I declare (or certify, verify, or state)
under penalty of` perjury under the laws of the united states of America` that
the foregoing is true and correct.’ Executed on` (date) (signature).
2. If executed
within the [federal] United States, its` territories, possessions, or
commonwealths: ‘I declare` (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of
perjury` that the foregoing is true and correct,’ Executed on` (date)
There is a road
back to freedom, but it is still a lonely,` solitary one for the courageous and
the brave freedom` fighters willing to confront the injustice, ignorance and
fear` rampant in our commercial culture today. Be aware how` significantly
adhesion contracts have shaped this New` World Order.
Be aware how the
attorney’s and legislators who write and` litigate these contracts, and the
police officers and courts` who enforce them have taken our country, the united
states` of America, and reduced it to an idea whose
Revoke all adhesion
contracts with the government and` reclaim your sovereign state Citizenship.
It’s our last chance` to rediscover America for all the people.
“The right of the Citizen to earn his livelihood by` any lawful
calling; to pursue any livelihood or` avocation, and for that purpose to enter
into all` contracts which may be proper, necessary and` essential.”
— Justice Peckham, Allgeyer vs. Louisiana,` 165 U.S. 578 at 589
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)` The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is “colorable law.” It` is not
law, but gives the appearance of law, and it is upheld` by the courts as law.
This “colorable” law is known only to` judges and licensed attorneys, although
it was designed to` protect the common people from unscrupulous merchants` and
The UCC governs
U.S. citizens and negotiable instruments,` contracts in either Equity or
Admiralty / Mari
Many of the
original elements of our judicial system, as` authorized by Article III of the
Constitution, are now` dangerously missing. Instead of a jury of our peers,
cases are` tried by a jury of strangers who are instructed not to judge` the
law, but just the facts. To be on a jury in a court today, an` individual must
be a “colorable” person, or a 14th` Amendment U.S. citizen. When you demand
your` constitutional rights in a court under this “colorable law,”
you’ll get all the
rights you deserve— the rights of the` business world, the Uniform Commercial
Code (UCC).14`
We the People make a huge, strategic
mistake expecting to` get a fair trial and due process based on American law
and` our Bill of Rights, assuming that our common sense` understanding of the
Common law is available to us. “Many`
— Alexander Hamilton 17`
There are no longer
any genuine Article III courts except` those being formed by
Dedicated patriots
throughout the` usA.
The Judges no longer
have the powers and immunities of` Article III judges, but have only
ministerial powers in` legislative tribunals as per Article 1 or the
territorial courts` of Article IV of the Constitution. Article III courts were`
created by the Constitution and are the legi
The laws passed,
and the courts created under the exclusive` legislative authority of Article 1
are not required to be` consistent with the Bill of Rights or the Common law.
America is no longer
a nation of laws, but of petty tyrants` operating as bureaucratic tribunals
(e.g. construction` contractors board, building and planning departments,`
licensing agencies). A “statutory” jurisdiction has been in` effect created
without constitutional authority.
“To constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme` Court”
— Constitution for the usA [1:8:9]` “To exercise exclusive
Legislation in all Cases` whatsoever, over such District [of Columbia]...
become the Seat of the Government of the United` States, and to
exercise authority over all Places` purchased by the Consent of the
Legislature` of the State in which Same shall be”
— Constitution for the usA [1:8:17]`
Justice and the
Common law are not available unless you` know how to invoke them. There’s a bit
of magic, a lot of` study and preparation, and a waving of the magic wand of`
words and citations.
As “colorable” law,
the UCC is based on negotiable` instruments, a medium of exchange not based on
real` substance— paper money, checks, credit, FRNs, or other` securities. The
Common law is based on substance (gold and` silver), while the Uniform
Commercial Code (UCC) is based` on bankruptcy (FRN’s).
The Negotiable
Instruments Act (1938) has in effect bound` all corporate entities of
government together along with` their franchisees (i.e., U.S. citizens), in a
vast system of` commercial agreements. “Everyone in this system is a` statutory
Law Merchant dealing in negotiable paper under` limited liability for payment
of debts.”
This is what has
drastically altered our court system from` one under the Common law to a
legislative, administrative` tribunal system of commercial, “colorable” law
based on` negotiable paper.
This is how U.S.
citizens are held to the letter of every statute` of federal, State, County and
Municipal government, unless` they exercise the remedy provided within the UCC 18` All contracts since the New Deal and the federal
bankruptcy` of 1933 have been “colorable” contracts. Ever since America` went
off the gold standard in 1935 and declared FRNs as` “fiat” currency or legal
tender, we’ve been using the` “colorable” consideration of FRNs instead of gold
to` negotiate these “colorable” contracts.
The term
“colorable” was changed to “commercial” and an` (unconstitutional) “statutory”
jurisdiction was created in the` courts to enforce these “colorable contracts.”
This statutory
jurisdiction is legislative rather than judicial` in nature. Thus the
Equity/Admiralty courts were merged` with the Common law courts to enforce
these commercial` agreements.
This is obviously
unconstitutional as it dissolved the` independent judiciary and created a
jurisdiction not` authorized by the Constitution.
There is very
little in our commercial culture that is not` either government owned,
controlled or subsidized. We have` been forced into accepting the “benefit” of
discharging our` debts with legal tender (FRNs), rather than paying them` with
money of real value (gold or silver).
Without a legi
Although our
unalienable rights cannot be taken from us, we` may contract them away at will.
All this has been` accomplished by carefully orchestrated plans and practices`
of the Federal Reserve Bank, and through the quiet` introduction and
implementation of the Uniform` Commercial Code in all 48 corporate States and
U.S. possessions. Texas was the last State to adopt the UCC in` 1967.
"The entire taxing and monetary systems` are, hereby,
placed under the U.C.C.”
— The Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966 19`
Under the UCC, We
the People are obligated, as in any` commercial agreement, to the terms and
conditions of the` contract. But we are unaware of the terms of this contract,`
which are scattered and hidden in millions of pages of` regulations, statutes,
codes and ordinances at the federal,` State and local levels.
Most of us are even
unaware that such an agreement exists.
The prevailing
benefit being given to the American people is` the privilege of discharging
debt with limited liability` instead of actually paying debt with lawful money.
You` cannot be sued for not paying your debts.
If you exercise the
benefits of a contract, it is presumed that` you intend to meet the obligations
associated with those` benefits. If you can get everybody to exercise a
benefit, then` you’ve got people obligated, thus under federal jurisdiction.
Every system of
civilized law must have “remedy” and` “recourse.”
> REMEDY— a way to get out from under that law; remedy` means rights with or
without tribunal (UCC 1-201.34);` remedies are to be liberally administered
(UCC 1106.1).
> RECOURSE— if you have been damaged by the law, you` can recover your loss.
The Social Security
Number is the foundation instrument` (contract) upon which the courts presume
to have standing` to send you a presentment (i.e., citation, ticket, fine,
penalty,` invoice).
When you are forced
to use a “benefit” or “privilege” of the` government (e.g. postal service,
highways, public utilities,` welfare, city services, limited liability, FRNs,
etc. ad` infinitum), you must first reserve your rights under the` Common law
not to be bound by any contract or commercial` agreement that you did not enter
knowingly, voluntarily and` intentionally (see UCC 1-207).
For U.S. citizens,
this is a remedy against the tyranny` inherent in the American courtroom today.
Once the court` has acknowledged your reservation of rights and the` Common
law, you must design a strategy for your own` affirmative defense.20`
that serves as a basis` for proving some new fact, whereby a defendant offers
new evidence to avoid judgment against him/her; derived from` the Common law
There is remedy and
recourse to be found in this “colorable` law.” There are specific sections in
the thousands of pages of` the UCC that can be used to assert our Common law
More in-depth study
is required to develop a personal` strategy toward using these remedies in an
actual court` situation. Also find references to these remedies and` recourses
in the state law as well (e.g., UCC 1-207 = ORS` 71.2070).
“Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women;` when it dies
there, no Constitution, no Law,` no Court can save it... Where do you stand`
— Judge Learned Hand (1961)`
UCC 1-207` “The making of a valid reservation of rights preserves`
whatever rights the person then possesses and prevents the` loss of such right
by application of concepts of waiver or` estoppel ... a reservation of rights
can only reserve a right` that is existing...the failure to make a reservation
thereof` causes a loss of the right and bars its assertion at a later` date.”21`
> WAIVER— an intentional and voluntary surrender of` some right.
> ESTOPPEL— a restraint arises where a person has done` some act that the
policy of law will not permit him to deny,` or will not permit a certain
argument because it would lead` to an unjust result.
> WITHOUT PREJUDICE— implies that no special` privileges, benefits or Titles of
Nobility exist.
“Any expression indicating an intention to preserve` rights is
sufficient, such as without prejudice, under` reservation, or with reservation
of all our rights.”
— Anderson on the UCC 23 UCC 1-103.6` “The code is complimentary to the Common law, which remains` in
force, except where displaced by the code. A statute` should be construed in
harmony with the Common law, unless` there is a clear legislative intent to
abrogate the Common` Law (Commentary: There appears to be clear legislative`
and administrative intent to abrogate the Common law)` [SOURCE: Can’t find this
text in the UCC].”24`
“I, Johnny Liberty, insist that the
statutes be construed in` harmony with the Common law.”
“The statute, being enforced as a commercial` obligation of a
commercial agreement, must now` be construed in harmony with the old Common
law` of America, where the tribunal/court must rule that` the statute does not
apply to the individual, wise` enough, and informed enough,` to exercise the
remedy provided whereby he may` retain his former status in the Republic, and
fully` enjoy his unalienable rights, guaranteed to him by` the Constitution of
the Republic.”
— Howard Freeman 25` Affirmative Defenses` UCC 1-103` Prove duress or fraud if you were told that you had to` perform
(such and such an act), or that you were influenced` to believe it was illegal
not to (perform such and such an` act), or that you were coerced or misled into
believing that` you had to enter (such and such a contract); prove the`
government’s fraudulent behavior and false presumptions,` that any contract
with the government must be under threat,` duress or coercion (tdc); prove that
the government is acting` in a fraudulent manner by claiming to be bankrupt.
UCC 2-302.1` Prove an unconscionable contract or clause is void,`
especially for consumers.
“Unconscionability has generally been recognized` to include an
absence of meaningful choice on the` part of one of the parties together with
contract` terms which are unreasonably favorable to the` other party.”
— Judge Wright`
3-305.2(c)` Government
officials have a duty to inform you of your` rights (remedies); government
officials have a responsibility` to tell you of any pending responsibility on
your part, and to` inform you of all of the terms of the agreement, Pursuant
to` UCC 3-305.52, produce all documents “held in due course” that create any
legal disability.
Pursuant to UCC
3-305, refuse to participate in the` bankruptcy actions of the federal United
States government;` liability discharged; presentment denied or refuted.
> PRESENTMENT— a written accusation of the crime by` a grand jury (Common law);
an international` Admiralty/Mari
UCC 3-401.1` No one is liable on an instrument unless and until he/she`
has signed it.
UCC 3-403.42` You have a right to be told who the Principal is.
UCC 3-505` Insist on a presentment (notice of deficiency or
contract)` without dishonor and refuse for good cause.
Demand to see the
original, (international) contract or` presentment with the federal government
evidence that I` am... (a federal U.S. citizen, a federal employee operating a`
vehicle for commercial purposes, etc.). Do not admit to the` contract. Demand
they produce the signed authorization.
Presentments must
be “duly” made based on a proper` foundation (recorded, perfected negotiable
UCC 3-505:4` Counter demands by party to whom presentment is made`
1. The party to
whom presentment is made [you] may,` without dishonor, require:`
a) exhibition of
the instrument [that created the` liability]`
b) reasonable identification
of the person making` presentment and evidence of his authority to` make it if
made for another; and`
c) that the
instrument be produced for acceptance` or payment at a place specified in it,
or if there` be none, at any place reasonable in the` circumstances; and`
d) a signed receipt
of the instrument for any partial` or full payment and its surrender on full`
2. Failure to
comply with any such requirement` invalidates the presentment (voids it), but
the person` presenting has a reasonable
UCC 3-505:5` The Presenter or his authorized agent may treat the`
presentment as dishonored if the person to whom` presentment is made [you] makes
counter-demands which` are not authorized by UCC 3-505:4 or places
unreasonable` conditions on demands authorized by that section.
If the
counter-demands [by you] are proper, the presenter` must comply with them, and
the Code gives a reasonable`
UCC 3-601.3` Discharge any presumed liability if you’ve been given or
find` no remedy or recourse (e.g., government imposes an` unlawful tax); no
injured party.
UCC 3-608` Revoke any agreement in colorable law.
UCC 2-609.4` Demand assurance and due performance as it relates to`
promises made by (SSA or any other government agency).
Demand assurance
before entering into a contract that the` purchasing power of the FRNs will be
as good at the end of` the contract as the ones you pay in the beginning.
Obviously` they cannot guarantee that. Did they refuse or did you? A` “no
interest” contract is void and unenforceable.
Attorney Dismisses the UCC` There
are a few “patriot” attorneys or “people’s lawyers” that` I have the utmost of respect
for. Many others are opportunists` seeing a lucrative market in the screw-ups
Americans` find themselves in when they misapply or misunderstand` various
“silver bullet” approaches to law and the courts. In` American, you get as much
law as you can afford.
I resent the
attitude of attorneys and many lawyers that they` know the “law.” It’s as
arrogant as many doctors with` regards to “healing.” It has been my experience
that very few` know anything about the “law,” but practice “lies” and deceit`
instead. Most of them know they’re robbing the people of` their rights and
country, yet do nothing about it. I would be` surprised, literally shocked, if
there were 100 attorneys in` the entire country who really know the “law of the
The argument over the
UCC and its applicability is a case in` point. From Attorney Mark Osterman’s
point of view, the` UCC is the single best piece of legislation passed in a`
hundred years. The UCC was not designed to handle traffic` issues and putting
“Without prejudice, all rights reserved` U.C.C. 1207” accomplishes absolutely
nothing from a legal` standpoint.
According to Mr.
Osterman, the UCC only applies to the sale` of goods, bank drafts, checks and
negotiable instruments. A` ticket for no driver’s license does not apply to any
of these` transactions.
Regarding rejecting
a bench warrant under UCC 3-501,` Section 3 deals with “commercial paper.” A
bench warrant is` not commercial paper. Judges have also advised us that the`
UCC has no bearing in traffic cases.
Mr. Osterman also
suggests that the UCC deals with FRN’s` in your pocket and the checking
accounts we use. This is` true. Using the UCC in traffic court may result in
your visit` to the local psychiatric ward with an order from the court,`
because its application makes no sense in traffic, criminal or` domestic-family
law. If your intent is to protest, make the` protest known and seek protection
under the First` Amendment, not the UCC.
It’s true that
Americans often misapply the UCC, but to say` it never works just isn’t true.
Does it work all the
Certainly not!` Are
there people in jail who used the UCC? Certainly. In a` bankrupt federal United
States, in courts under emergency` powers, all paperwork and due process is
flawed, and every` legal action is commercial in nature. The traffic citation
is an` invoice presented for payment. An invoice or “true bill” is` commercial
Whether the UCC
applies to traffic cases may not be the` ul
Attorneys and
lawyers are equally unreliable in criminal` defense cases and you have to pay
an exorbitant fee when` found guilty anyway. 70% of folks in Texas can't afford
to` hire a lawyer.
We already know
from experience that the Constitution for` the united states of America — the
single best piece of` legislation in the history of the world — is routinely
ignored, denied and even ridiculed by our courts and lawyers. So` what's it
gonna be?
Attorneys, judges
and the UCC or American Citizens` knowledgeable about the law and the
Constitution. 26`
Right Way L.A.W. Recommends Refusal for Cause` You probably never thought of traffic tickets in terms of`
contracts to purchase certain goods and services. But` according to Right Way
L.A.W. reported in Anti-Shyster,` they are part of a commercial contract. If
you don't agree` with the contract, it is absolutely essential to object to
traffic` citations in a
When a law enforcement officer
writes a ticket (s)he is` actually issuing a commercial instrument called a
“citation,” and the recipient of said “ticket” automatically becomes` party to
a commercial contract. The commercial instrument` is actually a “confirmatory
writing,” an instrument defined` in UCC 2-201 that defines a “product being purchased,”
which in this case is, fines and court costs. Right Way L.A.W. explains that
anyone using International Monetary Fund` (IMF) debt credit (Federal Reserve
Notes) as a medium of` exchange, is subject to the Uniform Commercial Code.
UCC 2-201
is called the “Statute of Frauds.”
It deals with the` legality of contracts and says contracts for the sale of
goods` for $500 or more are not
enforceable unless there is some` “writing”
indicating that a contract for goods has been` signed between the parties.
UCC 2-201,
Subparend (2) says that if one of the
parties` objects to the terms of the confirmatory writing, their` objection
must be registered within 10 days after receipt or` the contract stands.
Don't wait for your court date to register` an objection. It'll be too late
under the UCC.
At this point, you may think
that refusal to sign the citation` would prevent entering into a contract. Not
so! If you sign` the citation, the action falls under UCC 2-201.
If you don't sign, it still falls
under UCC 2-201 because the` 10 day period to object to the “writing”
automatically goes` into effect, according to commercial law. It is a maxim of
law` that law applies in spite of ignorance of it.
Therefore, it is presumed that
everyone who fails to object` during the 10 day period agrees to all the terms
of the` contract. You're guilty by default.
I assert, it's important to
respond to every citation, notice to` appear or other paper action of the
government, so as to not` support their presumptions and agree to the terms of
their` contracts by acquiescence and neglect.27`
“Governments descend to the level of a mere` private
corporation, and take on the characteristics` of a mere private citizen...
where private corporate` commercial paper (FRN’s) and securities (checks)` are
concerned... for purposes of suit, such` corporations and individuals are
regarded as` entities entirely separate from government.”
— Clearfield Trust vs. U.S., 318 U.S. 363-371`
Attorneys or Title 42 Lawyers`
Regard for Attorneys
in our society doesn’t run very high.
Why do we hold
Attorneys in such contempt? I will assert` that Attorneys are the primary
agents responsible for the` demise of the united states of America and the
selling out of` the American people.
Attorneys are
“officers of the court.” According to Corpus` Juris Secundum, their first duty
is to the court and to uphold` the statutes, not to their client. All this is
contrary to ethics,` the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Here’s an example
of` how most people feel about attorneys.
“GOOD NEWS:` A bus load of attorneys went over the cliff and
BAD NEWS:` There were 3 empty seats.”
Most attorneys
& judges, and the legal fraternity in general,` are not well educated in
constitutional, treaty, Canon law,` Common law, trust law, diversity of
citizenship, the history` of the united states of America, or how the economic
system` actually works and shapes the practice of commercial law.
Except for their
knowledge of courtroom procedure in the` commercial courts of specific
jurisdiction and the statutory` law, they are at least as knowledgeable about
sovereignty,` Citizenship and your rights as you were before you read this`
book. Many attorneys don’t even understand the system to` which they are
licensed. Many haven’t looked at the Constitution` since reading it once in law
school.29` If an attorney lacks the ability to practice law in
multiple` jurisdictions, including offshore, and if an attorney is not`
experienced in constitutional law and committed to the` highest law of the
land, it is doubtful whether he/she will` understand or represent your
guaranteed human, civil and` sovereign rights. In other words, unless they get
an` education like the one you’re getting, they won’t be much` assistance to
you. And even then, they could be a serious and` expensive liability.30` Fifty percent of the elected government officials since
the` Civil War have been lawyers. Lawyers are pivotal people, not` only in
government but in the transnational corporations.
The American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) was formed in` 1926 to counter the repression of the
progressive` movements by big-business.
The National
Lawyers Guild was an alternative to the bigbusiness` American Bar Association
(ABA) and the civil` liberties-focused ACLU. The NAACP Defense and Education`
Fund was key to the passing of “civil rights” legislation in the` ’60s.
Presently our legal system is as bankrupt as the` economy. “The legal
system...is collapsing and can no longer` be saved in its current form. There is
anarchy in the courts,` inconsistency and tyranny.” 31` Administrative tribunals have become a circus where`
attorneys in
Choices are made as
to which laws will be enforced against` which people. High bail is used as
preventive detention. In` political trials, the courts are openly partial to
the` prosecution. Despite the so-called presumption of` innocence, the
defendant is prima facie guilty, until proven` otherwise.
The legal system is
no longer concerned with matters of` right or wrong or justice, but is a
high-stakes, speculative` game of attorneys pressuring witnesses and creating
enough` confusion to lead a jury or a judge into a verdict that` supports
his/her client.
Attorneys no longer
practice law. Attorneys are often in the` business of stealing your assets,
your rights and Citizenship,` and doing it within a system that permits it to
occur. As` officers of the court, Attorneys claim immunity for their` actions,
as do the judges, prosecutors and other elected` officials.
No Attorney dares
to expose any misconduct in the courts,` thus the entire justice system is
prone to internal corruption` that goes unreported and unabated.32` Not everyone who completes law school goes on to become`
an attorney and a member of the State Bar Association.
Lawyers who have
made an oath to uphold the Constitution` and serve as their “brothers keeper”
(as consultants or` counsel, not by representing them in court) are called
“Title` 42 Lawyers.”
We the People have
unknowingly revoked our “Power of` Attorney” through various adhesion contracts
with the` government (e.g., social security, driver’s license).
We the People have
unknowingly declared ourselves to be` incompetent “wards of the court” whenever
we contract with` an attorney to represent us. Quite literally, you have to be`
“crazy” to hire an attorney.
> COUNSEL— those who give counsel in law; any` counselor or advocate, or any
number of counselors,` barristers, or servants; as the plaintiff's or the
defendant's` counsel.
> ADVOCATE— to call for, to plead for;...In English` and American courts,
advocates are the same as counsel, or` counselors.
> BARRISTER— a counselor, learned in the laws,` qualified and admitted to plead
at the bar, and to take upon` him the defense of clients.
> ATTORNEY— one who takes the turn or place of` another...One who is appointed
or admitted in the place of` another, to manage his matters in law. The word
formerly` signified any person who did business for another; ...The` word
answers to the procurator, (proctor) of the civilians.
The judge may try
to trick you into accepting the court’s` jurisdiction by demanding that you
obtain an attorney or by` appointing one for you. You do not have to have an
You have the right
to defend yourself (propria persona, pro` per, pro se).
You have the right
to retain your own “Power of Attorney.”
You can retain any
counsel that you choose. “Counsel of` choice” can be anybody— a friend, family
member, or fellow` patriot. You could also retain a “Title 42 Lawyer,” or an`
“Attorney in-fact,” as a standby to counsel you in court. This` does not revoke
your “Power of Attorney” the way retaining` an Attorney does. The right to
counsel of choice, guaranteed` by the 6th Amendment, contains no licensing
Attorneys Are
Unregistered Foreign Agents` There
are presently no individuals properly licensed by the` state to practice law
who could lawfully prosecute, judge or` defend either U.S. citizens or
sovereign “state” Citizens.
Attorneys and
lawyers have not applied for or received a` license to do business in the
state, either as a foreign agent` or agency, pursuant to the Bar Association
Act of 1913.
Pursuant to this
act, all members of the American Bar` Association are at - law, citizens of
Washington D.C., thus` foreign to the sovereign state republics.
As such, they must
register with the Secretary of State in any` state in which they choose to do
business as a foreign agent` or agency. The “Certificate” issued by the State
Bar is merely` a certificate of membership in a private, fraternal`
organization, signed by the clerk of the supreme Court of the` state. The clerk
has no power to issue a license to do` business.
Bankers and lawyers
with “Esquire” behind their names are` agents of the monarchy, and have also
accepted a Title of` Nobility which is strictly forbidden by the Constitution.
Bar Code of
Ethics Apparently Lacking`
The venerable but
never venal publication Anti-Shyster, has` again offered a $10,000 challenge to
the Texas State Bar` Association, claiming the group cannot produce five
licensed` attorneys who are provably honorable human beings and` proud members
of the association.
The Dallas-based
magazine's challenge — resurrected for the` 22nd
“To win, all five
attorneys must convince the public they are` each honorable persons and proud
to be Bar members. If the` public votes against just one of the five attorneys
on either` issue, the Bar loses the debate and the wager,” the challenge`
states. “If that seems like a difficult condition, bear in mind` that here are
54,000 members of the Texas Bar who are` professionally trained to debate and
argue issues in public` forums.”
Furthermore, “If
you would like to double the bet, produce` five judges to represent the bar...
Frankly, I doubt the Bar` can find five members who have guts enough to stand
up in` public and argue for their Honor.
You lawyers are big
'n' bad in a court of law where no one` watches but a judge and another
attorney. Let's see what you` can do in the Court of Public Opinion. Let's see
what you can` do in the open, without a judge to protect you or secrecy to`
conceal you.”
The challenge
concludes, “You are being subpoenaed... You` will respond. It may take a while,
but the Bar is going to answer or concede by default that there aren't even
five` honorable members in the entire State Bar of Texas. We` await your
response.” 34`
Judges and
Assemblymen` Further Destroy the Judicial Process`
Today, I went to
the Enloe Conference center in downtown` Chico, California to attend a
conference held by the Judges` and State Assemblymen to radically change our
present` court system. Such actions taken here today, adumbrate a` future dark
and replete with injustice and even more Court` corruption.
First, I watched
completely amazed and disappointed as` they passed a resolution to virtually
stop all camera coverage` or any form of electronic recording ability in court.
Now,` with an assured shadow over the courts, Judges can even` more readily
“change” the transcripts behind closed doors` and thus change tes
Essentially, the
Judges of this State, in a clear move to` protect “Judicial Discretion,” are
turning out the lights, and` locking the doors of the court room. This can
only` accomplish one thing — hurt the defendant, and assure the` courts of more
unrestrained injustice.
Indeed, one Judge
testifying made the absurd comment, “I` can see no First Amendment right or
protections in allowing` any type of electronic recording in the courts.” With
such` clear, party-line stupidity and bias placed forward by` ‘experts’ as
this, We the Citizens of California are doomed.
In a vote of 13 to
6 the measure passed to bar cameras from` California court rooms!` This is but
one staggering feature of this Judicial tribunal` that assembled today in
Chico, California. Also under` consideration by the Judicial elite are even
more draconian` measures to aid courts, Government and Judges, and to` simply
deny citizens their Constitutional rights.
Things being
proposed for passage are:` 1. A two juror hung jury minimum, rather than a one`
juror hung jury system.
2. Massive
increases to Court Budgets.
3. Actively
suppressing the Fully Informed Jury` initiatives.
4. Cutting Juries
from 12 to 8 Jurors.
5. Not naming, but
numbering the Jurors, so that they be` “unidentified.”
6. Not allowing
Jury trials for low level crimes and` infractions. (e.g., Less than 1 gram
marijuana = no jury` trial.)` We will join the illustrious ranks of Communist
China,` North Korea, South Africa and other oppressive regimes.
This is a far cry
from Abraham Lincoln’s attesting that he` would “rather let 500 guilty people
go rather than unjustly` incarcerate 1 innocent person.”35`
Another Bad
Lawyer Joke`
On their way to get
married, a couple has a fatal car` accident. The couple is sitting outside heavens
gate waiting` on St. Peter to do an intake. While waiting, they wonder if` they
could possibly get married in Heaven. St. Peter finally` shows up and they ask
him. St. Peter says, “I don’t know,` this is the first
The couple sits for
a couple of months and they begin to` wonder if they really should get married
in Heaven, what` with the eternal aspect of it all. “What if it doesn`t work`
out?” they wonder, “Are we stuck together forever?”
St. Peter returns
after yet another month, looking somewhat` bedraggled. “Yes,” he informs the
couple, “ You can get` married in Heaven.”
“Great,” says the
couple, “but what if things don`t work out?
Could we also get a
divorce in Heaven?”
St. Peter, red-faced,
slams his clipboard down onto the` ground. “What`s wrong?” exclaim the
frightened couple.
“Come on!” St.
Peter exclaims, “It took me three months to` find either a priest or minister
up here! Do you have any` idea how long it's going to take for me to find a
Notes and Sources`
1. Sourced from
NANS, Public Law to Public Policy.
2. Contracts must
be voluntary; Brady v. U.S.,397 U.S. 742 at 747 (1970); Guardian T & D. Co.
v. Fisher, 26` S.Ct. 186 at 188 (1906).
3. Form 1040 with
OMB#1545-0074 is NOT a U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. Form 1040 does not`
comply with the requirements of the Paperwork` Reduction Act of 1980 (44USC
§3501, at 3504 with` 3507, at 1501 et sequel), as it has no expiration date,`
nor does it anywhere correspond to U.S Individuals.
Only Form 1120,
known as the “U.S. Corporation` Income Tax Return” has an April 15th deadline.
Form` W-4 is for federal government employees. Form W-8 is` for American,
sovereign, state Citizens. Income Taxes` are voluntary pursuant to IRC
§6013(g), you have the` right to terminate your election to volunteer.
4. Getting a Social
Security Number is voluntary pursuant` to 26 CFR 301.61091(d)(1).
5. California Motor
Vehicle Act (Stats. 1913, p.639).
6. The doctrine of
corpus delecti, no corpse, no vic
7. ?
8. Black's Law
Dictionary, 6th Edition, p.1185.
9. You are presumed
to be a nonresident alien (sovereign,` state Citizen), unless there is evidence
to the contrary` (26 USC §1.871.4).
10. Black's Law
Dictionary, 3rd Edition, p.73.
11. Black's Law
Dictionary, 3rd Edition, p.1541.
12. Sourced from
Citizens for Sovereign (that State courts` were federalized in 1982).
13. Howard Freeman
is the source for our references to` U.C.C.1-207.
14. Quote sourced from
an essay Crisis in the Courtroom` by Howard Freeman. See also Sui Juris, Pardon
Me,` but... by Norm Davis, published by Northpoint Teams;` The UCC Connection:
Free Yourself from Legal` Tyranny by Howard Freeman.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Alexander Hamilton;
Sourced from The Federalist` Papers #78, Modern Library, New York. See also
Pro` Se Litigants by Donald W. MacPherson, The Spotlight.
18. See also
Negotiable Instruments Act (1938); Quote` sourced from Government's Liberty...Brings
Death To` Freedom p. 89.
19. Ibid.
20. Public Law
89-719, p.3722.
21. Sourced from
Anderson on the Uniform Commercial` Code, by Ronald A. Anderson, (The Lawyers`
Cooperative Publishing Co. Third Edition, Volume 1` 1-101 to 2-107).
22. Sourced from
John Nelson.
23. Sourced from
Anderson on the Uniform Commercial` Code, by Ronald A. Anderson, (The Lawyers`
Cooperative Publishing Co. Third Edition, Volume 1, p. 435).
24. Ibid, p. 90;
Sourced from UCC Training Guide by` Howard Freeman.
25. Quote sourced
from an essay Crisis in the Courtroom` by Howard Freeman.
26. Sourced from
Media Bypass (January 1996, p.16);` Commentary summarized from Alfred Adask in`
response to Mark Osterman, Attorney; Reviewed by` Estar Holmes, NANS Summer
‘96, p.11.
27. Sourced from
AntiShyster, Vol 5, No.4; Reviewed by` Esther Holmes, NANS Spring ‘96, p.11`
28. Sourced from Snow Job by Barrie Konicov.
29. Sourced from
Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA)` brochure; See also Corpus Juris
Secundom; See also` Rodney Stitch, Defrauding America, p.91 (no attorney` would
dare expose misconduct in the courts), p.108 (a` U.S. citizen has no claim
against an officer of the` court).
30. Ibid.; Also
sourced from Richard McDonald,` Perceptions (Summer '94).
31. Quote sourced
from Law Against the People by Robert` Lefcourt, Random House, New York, p. 31;
See also` National Lawyers Guild, American Civil Liberties` Union, American Bar
Association professional` publications.
32. Sourced from a
confidential essay of the Capital Parish` of the Oversoul, p.15.
33. Sourced from
Velma Griggs, The Original 13th` Amendment, (Inyawe
Trust Company, p.24). See also` The Most Important Case Ever Filed in American`
Courts by Bill Medina, American's Bulletin, Dec. 1993,` p.4; See also The
Lawyers Secret Oath.
34. Sourced from
Media Bypass Magazine.
35. Sourced from
R.L. Cheney; Submitted by Charles` Stewart chuck@teleport.com ; Contact: The Sovereign` Patriot Group, c/o 975 East Ave., Ste
112, Chico,` California Republic PZ:95926. spg@ecst.csuchico.edu`