- Chapter Sixteen`

Restore Title to Your Natural Person, Land and Property. Defend Those Unalienable Rights.


by Johnny Liberty`


Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and creation of this handbook.

Elements of a Court`

“Through the medium of the courts of justice,` whose duty it must be to declare all acts` contrary to the manifest tenor of` the Constitution void...

Without this all the reservation of particular` rights or privileges would amount to nothing.”

— Alexander Hamilton 1`

If you are compelled to appear in court for a civil or criminal` violation, to challenge jurisdiction (Special or Limited` Appearance) or the constitutionality of a statute, it’s` important to be well prepared before facing a judge or a jury.

One must understand the elements of courtroom procedure,` the rules of civil and criminal procedure, the rules of` evidence, and which jurisdiction the court is operating` (LAW, EQUITY, ADMIRALTY /MARITIME/ or` STATUTORY).

Challenge Jurisdiction Before Pleading` To challenge jurisdiction, one must understand the nature` and cause of the action, challenge the oaths of office of court` officers that abuse the process, refuse unlawful process for` fraud, develop grounds for dismissal, motions to dismiss,` and understand various pleadings (guilty, not guilty, non est` factum, non assumptit, corum non judice, confession and` avoidance). Then one can choose to continue in that` jurisdiction, change venue to the Common law, or develop` an affirmative defenses (demurrers).

> NON-ASSUMPSIT — did not undertake or promise as` alleged.

> CORUM NON JUDICE — declaring the court does not` have jurisdiction or venue over the special character of the` sovereign Citizen.

Until now, the cards have been well stacked in the court’s` favor, and an elite, secret club of attorneys, judges, and` prosecutors are the only ones who actually know the rules of` the game. They appear to make it up as they go to expedite` their agenda of expropriating your rights and property.

The time is upon us when all the pieces of this gigantic` puzzle are finally falling into place, and the sovereign “state” Citizen will be able to effectively challenge the monopoly of` the legal fraternity, and restore the checks and balances that` belong in our constitutional republic.

The Power structure will be compelled by the sovereign` “state” Citizens to play fair and abide by the law, or blatantly` abrogate the law in broad daylight (with the video cameras` rolling and the INTERNET reporting), and be exposed for` all to see.

The Power structure is vulnerable to lawful process. The` truth will be told, and justice shall be done.

After you have created prima facie evidence of your` sovereign “state” Citizenship, understand the elements and` procedures of a court, and are prepared to argue and defend` your unalienable rights, anticipate that the present judicial` establishment (political by nature) will abrogate lawful` process consistently without remorse. If you are damaged by` violations of your rights or the abuse of process, there is` remedy and recourse.

Step 1: Filing Papers And Notice Of` Indemnification` You must learn how to properly file papers with the court` clerk. Whenever in doubt, ask questions. If they are` stubborn or hesitant tell them “I file on demand!” Do not be` intimidated by court clerks, they are supposed to be your` public servants. Keep an original and make several copies.

One copy goes to each opposing party. In civil cases, papers` can be mailed and a proof of service by mail included in the` filing. In criminal cases, papers can be dropped off at the` attorney for the opposing party (e.g., in a traffic ticket case, a` copy is usually dropped off at the City Attorney’s office).

You can take a “Notice of Indemnification” with you before` you present your case in court. Indemnification is a bond` that the court must post on your behalf at least five days` before your court appearance, if you demand it.

If the administrative tribunal then violates your unalienable` or constitutional rights, whether a sovereign “state” Citizen` or U.S. citizen, you’ll have a recourse for collecting damages` and compensation.2`

> INDEMNIFY— to bond, insure or secure against any loss` or damage that may occur in the future.

Step 2: Preparation For Appearance` You must have a clear statement prepared before you go to` court. Create a statement from your affidavits, retain your` full Power of Attorney, with the general details of your case.

Send any other pertinent affidavits that might help your` case. Keep a few aces in your hat if you need them. Don’t lay` all your cards on the table out-front. You will want to put in` writing your explicit “Reservation of Rights” under the` Common law pursuant to UCC 1-207.

You might also consider bringing your own licensed court` recorder, if you are appearing in a traffic or municipal court` which are not courts of records. If you’re concerned, and you` have good reason to be, that the court records might be` perjured, or altered by the court, or if you intend on` appealing, then it must be a court of record.

If you’re seriously challenging your traffic ticket, then` request from the court clerk that the appearance be` scheduled for a court of record, instead of a traffic court.

Municipal courts and often District courts are not courts of` record but administrative summary process only.

You have far more options and power in court as a sovereign` “state” Citizen or sui juris freeman/woman to reclaim your` rights than you do as a U.S. citizen who has already waived` your constitutional protections and volunteered into` contracts that bind you to the statutory law.

Your ability to defend your government-granted privileges` evaporates quickly in a statutory jurisdiction. You can only` win on a procedural technicality.

Becoming a sovereign “state” Citizen is important to` establish before you have your day in court, to overcome the` presumptions that you are a U.S. citizen, and have indeed` entered into contracts with the government. Your sovereign` status will one day afford you luxuries and affirmative` defenses that a U.S. citizen does not have available.

Step: 3 Appearance And Jurisdiction` When compelled or volunteering to make an “appearance”  before the court, you are submitting to the jurisdiction and` authority of the court, unless you challenge jurisdiction, ask` for a “Jurisdictional Hearing,” or make a “Special or Limited` Appearance.”

Discover what jurisdiction the court has, the rules pertaining` to that court, and how it applies to you, if at all. Look into` the courtroom prior to your appearance. If you see an Admiralty/` Maritime flag (gold-fringed American flag), you can` safely conclude that it’s an Admiralty / Maritime / Equity jurisdiction` or a Military/Martial law tribunal operating under` emergency powers. Demand to see the signed, original international` contract if you are forced to appear or file a nonstatutory` abatement.

> COMPULSORY APPEARANCE— required showing` up in court of a plaintiff or defendant, either pro se, or` through an attorney; an appearance and pleading involves a` voluntary submission to the jurisdiction of the court;` appearance is compelled by the service of process (you get a` notice, summons, subpoena, or a date noted on the traffic` ticket); “Refuse for Fraud” your citations or presentments,` “Without Dishonor, pursuant to UCC 3-501,” and then file a` “Special or Limited Appearance” to challenge jurisdiction.

> SPECIAL or LIMITED APPEARANCE— for the` sole purpose of questioning the jurisdiction and authority of` the court over the defendant either in personum, or in` subject matter; the court cannot proceed until the challenge` to jurisdiction is adjudicated, and the burden of proof is on` the court to establish jurisdiction; challenge jurisdiction on` paper and file with the court clerk; also revoke their Power` of attorney; do not motion or move the court to do anything` until jurisdiction is established, otherwise your jurisdictional` arguments are moot; doesn’t work in Admiralty or Military` courts.

> JURISDICTIONAL HEARING— a proceeding before` a magistrate without jury to determine an issue of fact,` specifically regarding whether or not the court has` jurisdiction; you cannot challenge jurisdiction in Admiralty` or Military courts.

“Once you challenge jurisdiction in a criminal case,` the courts have the burden of proof ... and they are` required to back their jurisdictional claim` by showing you pertinent statutory charges.”

— 5 U.S.C. 556(d)`

Step 4: Arraignment And Pleadings` There are specific rules and court procedures that must be` followed. You’re better off to sit mute and not incriminate` yourself, than to give your consent, agree unwittingly, or` unknowingly violate court procedures. Standing in court or` approaching the “bar” implies your consent to be tried under` “statutory” law.

Do not stand in court until the court has answered your` request regarding its jurisdiction. Jurisdiction must be` squarely challenged. Your rights must be explicitly reserved` at each step of the proceeding. Failure to deny is an` admission of guilt (28 U.S.C. 8(d)).3` Hiring or retaining an attorney also implies your consent to` be tried under the statutory law of that court, and waiving` your right to represent yourself. By hiring or retaining an` attorney, you’ve agree to become a “ward of the court,”

subject to the rules and procedures known only to the State` Bar Associations, subject to the jurisdiction of the court, and` their mercy. Remember an attorney’s first duty is to the` courts (creditors of the federal United States) and to the Bar` Association, not to the client (you).4`

> WARD OF THE COURT— infants and persons of` unsound mind; most people have been regarded as children` all their adult lives.

“The more laws that are written,` the more criminals are produced.”

— Lao-Tse, Tao Te Ching`

Sample Arraignment 5` COURT: When asked by a government official what you` meant when you wrote “Without Prejudice” by your “name,”  you must say:` CITIZEN: “Your honor, my use of Without Prejudice UCC` 1-207 with my signature on this document indicates that I` have exercised the remedy provided for in the UCC in book 1` at section 207, whereby I may reserve my common law right` not to be compelled to perform under any contract or agreement` that I have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily and` intentionally, and that reservation serves as Notice upon all` administrative agencies of government, federal, state and local,` that I do not, and will not, accept the liability associated` with the compelled benefit of any unrevealed commercial` agreement.”

Once you make a plea, you’re under their jurisdiction.

Entering a “not guilty” plea in a civil matter is admitting to` the existence of the unpaid bill. “You are not refusing to` enter a plea, but merely wishing to understand the basis of` the charge (debt) before pleading, which is why you are` insisting on a presentment under UCC 3-505 without` dishonor. Tell the judge, on the record, that you require such` presentment to determine your plea.”

“It is an elementary rule of pleading, that a plea` to the jurisdiction is the first in the order of` pleading, and that any plea which refers to the` court any other question, is a tacit admission that` the court has a right to judge in the cause, and is a` waiver to all exceptions to the jurisdiction.”

— Birty vs. Logan, 6 Bush Ky.8` COURT: The judge will read you the charges and penalties` involved. He/she will ask if you understand. You must say:` CITIZEN: “I understand what you have said and the penalty` involved. I understand the words you have used and the` meaning of those words. But I do not understand how the` subject matter or the penalty can possibly apply to me.”

COURT: The judge will ask you to plea (guilty or not guilty).

Do not plea. Once you plea, or the court pleas for you, then` jurisdiction is assumed. This is where you challenge the` court’s jurisdiction.

You must say:` CITIZEN: “Your honor, I cannot enter a plea as I desire to` challenge the jurisdiction of this court and am now asking` this court to set a jurisdictional hearing. Until jurisdiction is` proven, once challenged, no plea can be accepted.”

COURT: If the judge enters a plea you must object.

CITIZEN: “I object to the court entering a plea because I` desire to challenge the jurisdiction of the court, and until` jurisdiction is proven, once challenged, no pleas can be` accepted. The court is not permitted to accept a plea until` jurisdiction is settled.”

COURT: If the judge denies motion to dismiss.

CITIZEN: “I object, the court has done nothing on the` record to prove that the court has jurisdiction.”

COURT: The judge may say, the statute says...blah, blah,` blah. You must object.

CITIZEN: “I object. I have not filed any arguments. I have` not made any legal arguments. I have merely made a motion` and that is why I want the hearing so we can settle this issue` of jurisdiction. Then I can file my formal motion. All I have` done is challenge the jurisdiction. Now that I know the` charges, I am asking the court to set a hearing, plain and` simple, set a date and we will have the jurisdictional hearing.

If jurisdiction is proven, then I will go on and plea.”

COURT: As a last resort, if the judge persists and assigns a` plea then you must say:` CITIZEN: “I object. If this court proceeds with entering a` plea on my behalf without first establishing jurisdiction for` the record, then this court is doing so under a hidden,` statutory jurisdiction with an unrevealed contract known` only to the secret society of the State Bar Association.” If this` doesn’t get the case dismissed, then demand a “Writ of` Mandamus,” which is a request to have the case reviewed by` a superior court.

Writ Of Mandamus` Step 5: Jurisdictional Hearing` File your “Statement” with the court prior to the hearing.

Then prepare for an interesting exchange between yourself` and the magistrate or judge.

Sample Jurisdictional Hearing 6` COURT: The judge will say, “How do you challenge` jurisdiction?” You can say.

CITIZEN: “Your honor, I have some questions concerning` the nature of the action that I don’t understand. (6th` Amendment) Is the action against me civil or criminal?

COURT: It’s a criminal action. He/she won’t say civil,` otherwise it would go to federal court.

CITIZEN: “Your honor, the Constitution authorizes two` criminal jurisdictions for the court. One of these is Common` law . But under the Common law there must be a corpus` delecti or damaged party before the court can recognize any` jurisdiction. This cannot be a Common law action because` there is no sworn complaint from a damaged party.

Therefore this court does not have a criminal jurisdiction` under Common law.” (If the judge replies that this is a` Common law court, then demand a “Bill of Particulars.”)` “The only other criminal jurisdiction authorized for the` court is the breech of an International Maritime Contract` under the criminal aspects of an Admiralty jurisdiction. I’m` not aware of having ever entered any maritime contracts, so` I deny that any exist. Can you tell me what jurisdiction the` court is exercising in the action against me?”

COURT: The judge may reply: “It’s a statutory jurisdiction.”

Statutory = Admiralty / Maritime = Military /` Martial Law` CITIZEN: “Your honor, I’ve never heard of that jurisdiction,` and the Constitution doesn’t mention any such jurisdiction.

Please, where can I obtain the published rules for the` criminal procedure for statutory jurisdiction? (There aren’t` any, of course.)` COURT: The judge might be mad or upset and refuse to` practice law from the bench or give advice.

CITIZEN: “Let the record show that the courts have` authority to conduct a criminal action under a secret` jurisdiction that is known only to the courts and licensed` attorneys, thereby denying the defendant the right to defend` in his own person.” “I am appealing the legal determination` made by this court that it can conduct criminal action under` a statutory jurisdiction, and in my appeal, I am naming you,` your honor, as witness in my favor, and I’ll issue a subpoena` duces tecum, in which you will be required to bring a copy of` the rules of criminal proceedings in a statutory jurisdiction` when you enter the appeals court.”

“And I am subpoenaing the Prosecuting Attorney as my` witness to the fact that the judge said...blah, blah.”

> SUBPOENA — command to appear at a certain time and` place to give testimony on a certain matter; subpoena duces` tecum requires the production of books, papers and others` things.

Step 6: Affirmative Defense` If you fall into a jurisdictional trap, then you must prepare` an “affirmative defense” on your behalf. Prepare yourself` before the court by explicitly “Reserving your Rights” under` the Common law pursuant to UCC 1-207. Develop a strategy` utilizing the remedies and recourse available in the UCC.

You have the right to “discovery,” to find out from the` prosecutor under which statute you’re being tried, and to see` evidence of the presentment, without dishonor pursuant to` UCC 3-505.

> DISCOVERY— modern, pretrial procedure for getting` information held by the adverse party; you have the right of` discovery, to subpoena information from adverse parties you` can also use FOIA requests to get information from the` government agencies or sue them under Title 5§556.

If the State is bringing forth the charges, then demand that` the State take the witness stand and produce the victim.

According to the Common law “Writ of Habeas Corpus,” if` there is no victim, there is no crime. A legal fiction cannot be` injured or victimized. You can always plead the 6th` Amendment, that you do not understand the nature of the` charges and must be aware of what law you are allegedly` breaking.

The court cannot proceed if a defendant admittedly does not` understand the charges. You can also demand a “jury of your` peers,” for any offense over twenty-one ($21) lawful dollars,` not FRNs. (7th Amendment). You must override the` government’s presumptions that you are “accepting” and` have received any benefits, privileges or securities from the` government. Give “Judicial Notice” of prevailing case law or` Supreme Court decisions relevant to the case at hand.

> JUDICIAL NOTICE— an the act by which a court, in` conducting a trial...will of its own motion or on request of a` party, and without the production of evidence, recognize the` existence and truth of certain facts, having a bearing on the` controversy at bar...

Judicial Notices` 1) Constitutional Law (state and federal, including the` original 13th Amendment barring Titles of Nobility (i.e.,` attorneys) from holding government office.)` 2) Enabling Acts and Organic Law of the states (when` each state entered the Union)` 3) Treaty Law (e.g., land patents)` 4) U.S. supreme Court rulings (pre1938 before Common` law was merged with equity)` 5) U.S. Supreme Court rulings (post1938 after Common` law was merged with equity)` 6) Federal Appellate Decisions` 7) Common law` 8) Case law` 9) Federal Register (evidence of positive law)` 10) Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) procedure` 11) Federal Rules of Evidence procedures` 12) Rules of Grammar (U.S. government printing` standards for proper nouns and capitalization)` 13) Trust Instruments (documentation)` Judicial Notice : ORS 40.090` The court is hereby given legal constructive notice of the law` at ORS 40.090: Law judicially noticed is defined as: (1) The` decisional, constitutional and public statutory law of` Oregon, the United States and any state, territory or other` jurisdiction of the United States. (2) Public and private` official acts of the legislative, executive and judicial` departments of this state, the United States, and any other` state, territory or other jurisdiction of the United States. (3)` Rules of professional conduct for members of the Oregon` State Bar.

Challenging “Statutory” Jurisdiction` [Editor’s Note: Thanks to Dan Meador for his research and` analysis here.

The jurisdictional issue, or lack of subject matter jurisdiction` can be argued in virtually every case, state or federal.

Wrongful jurisdiction is always a basis for appeal until the` issue of distinguishing judicial power from legislative power,` the Common law versus the commercial sides of the court is` properly adjudicated.

The separation of powers is paramount in a constitutional` republic. The problem is that the courts are not presently` accountable to the law or enforcing these doctrines.

Wrongful prosecution and the misapplication of a commercial` statute upon a private, sovereign individual is` common in all the cases we've seen. Americans are being` compelled into a contract without knowledge or consent.

> MINOR PREMISE — a concurrent or joint resolution` of the legislature is not law, and neither are statutes.

> MAJOR PREMISE — only a properly convened grand` jury can indict and convict a sovereign.

Nisi prius rules of Civil Law are repugnant to state and` national constitutions; the key concern is the exercise of` non-jurisdictional authority via way of Title I courts of the` United States; Title 1 courts have been incompetent at law` since Erie Railroad Company v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64-92.

> NISI PRIUS — a trial held for the issue of facts before a` jury and presiding judge; no issues of law raised; jury` judging the facts not the law.

The jurisdiction of Title 1 courts of the United States` operating as nisi prius courts under Title IV authority, is` specifically articulated at 18 USC §7(3), which prescribes the` inland (within the state republics) special United States` territorial and maritime jurisdiction.

Within the state republics, this foreign corporation, the` United States Government, has jurisdiction only on federal` enclaves such as forts, magazines, dock yards, and other` needful buildings where state legislatures have ceded` jurisdiction (or participated in federal funding or mandates).

FRCP, Rule 54 defines “Act of Congress” as being specifically` applicable only to the District of Columbia and within other` United States territorial jurisdiction. Aside from everything` else, the 11th Amendment precludes jurisdiction of United` States courts within the states. Within the framework of the` Sovereign Immunities Act, the de jure people, Citizens of the` state republics, are states in fact where the geographical` United States is concerned.

“Non-Constitutional,” Not “Unconstitutional” Law` State District and Circuit Courts operate as legislative courts` to effect “nonconstitutional” law, not “unconstitu-tional”

law. The federal State and United States code law is in derogation rather than abrogation of constitutional and` common law indigenous to the state republics.

If any given statute abrogates the Common law, it changes it.

However, the statute which is in derogation of Common law` operates outside Common law, inclusive of the` constitutions, without materially affecting or altering it. 7`

§1-103 Supplementary General Principles of Law` Applicable` Unless displaced by the particular provisions of this Act, the` principles of law and equity, including the law merchant and` the law relative to capacity to contract, principal and agent,` estoppel, fraud, misrepresentation, duress, coercion, mistake,` bankruptcy, or other validating or invalidating cause` shall supplement its provision.

For example, Note 6 for § 1-103 of the UCC states that the` Code “complements,” not replaces constitutional or common` law. The constitution and Common law is black, and` the code is white occupying the circle.

AmJur, 2nd edition under the subheading “conflict of law,”

it was discovered that non-constitutional code law accommodates` private international law. However, when non-constitutional` law is confronted with constitutional and common` law, statutory code law must yield or fall if it conflicts` with constitutional and Common law indige-nous to the` state republic. Non-constitutional statutory law remains` non-constitutional so long as it yields to or is corrected by` constitutional and Common law.

It becomes unconstitutional when it is imposed on sovereign` rather than subject classes, or when it is challenged on constitutional` grounds and the court does not concede under` the mandate for judicial notice of constitutional and Common` law.

If an original action in law is filed in any given county (within` the proper framework of Common law), the appeal route` is through the state supreme Court (i.e., state Supreme` court) which has original jurisdiction at law or in equity and` subsequently the law side of the supreme Court of the united` states of America.8` In other words, state (or federal State) district or circuit` courts do not have a Common law capacity, they operate exclusively` as nisi prius courts of the de facto federal State under` Title IV authority of the United States. Appeals on the` Civil side of the court would be to the 9th Circuit Court of` Appeals.

The Magna Charta is the first cornerstone of the Common` law. Title 1 courts have been incompetent at law since Erie` Railroad vs. Tompkins.

The supreme Court declared that there is no general Common` law in the United States, thus acquiescing to the perpetual` emergency declared March 9, 1933. The U.S. supreme` Court retains original jurisdiction at law under Rule 17 and` other rules and statutes of the U.S.C. Modern codified Civil` Law dates to the British Judicial Act of 1873. Codes of civil` and criminal procedure, the uniform fair debt collection act,` state income tax codes, the Uniform Federal Tax Lien Filing` Act, traffic codes, state health and welfare laws, divorce and` child support laws, the UCC, and a bevy of other code legislation` all presume that the state republics are federal States` to the detriment of the population at large and particularly` the sovereign “state” Citizens of their respective state republics.

9` Imposition of fines, incarceration, and other penalties for` non-performance and various alleged crimes are premised` on the presumption of a contractual obligation to some` higher federal authority and their principals.

On nearly all legal documents generated by courts and other` government institutions, a fictitious corporate “person” is` created by capitalizing all letters in the name, (i.e., JOHNNY` LIBERTY) in order to perpetuate the fraud and deception` and steal the lawful character of the sovereign who would` otherwise be entitled to existing rights and remedies` preserved in the Common law under their Christian name.

A few obvious constitutional and Common law principles` condemn closing courts to “choice of counsel” by granting` exclusive domain to bar-licensed attorneys, members of the` club subject to the court in the same manner as other` government employees. Within the framework of Common` law, the term “counsel” includes both attorneys at law and` non-attorney counselors of law.

The exclusive domain of attorneys in both state and federal` courts is the representation of dependent and incompetent` persons--corporate entities that exist by consent of` government, their agencies or indigents. Right to counsel of` choice is maintained by the constitutions and Common law.

The nisi prius court is legislative rather than a judicial court.

It poses a special problem for the judges who operate in a` ministerial rather than a judicial capacity.

A magistrate cannot deprive the de jure people of life, liberty` or property without effecting a Bill of Attainder. Legislative` and administrative branches of government cannot pass` then enforce laws against the de jure people.

This kind of justice is condemned by the Separation of` Powers Doctrine as well as being repugnant to principles of` Common law. This perverse system of peonage could be` peacefully corrected in short order if those who hold` legislative, judicial and enforcement offices would simply` comply with the law when constitutional and Common law` are presented in opposition to statutory law. But history` teaches us well, that wealth, power and privilege are never` voluntarily surrendered.

Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act` Editor’s Note: According to Joe Stevens, invoking the` Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act has been effective in` some cases for the sovereign American arguing immunity` from prosecution in a statutory jurisdiction. If you consider` that the American National and/or sovereign “state” Citizen has the judicial capacity to create a government,` and the sovereign state republic is a foreign state, then the` argument follows.

The American legislator has taken an early incentive to draft` a national statute on foreign sovereign immunity. The` “Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 (FSIA)” was for a` large part the merit of Monroe Leigh, a Washington` D.C. based international lawyer and at that time legal` advisor of the Department of State. Not only was the FSIA` carefully drafted, but there is valuable additional  information to be found on the interpretation of the Act in` the House Report that reads as follows:` New Chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, starts from a` premise of immunity and then creates exceptions to the` general principle. The Chapter is thus cast in a manner` consistent with the way in which the law of sovereign` immunity has developed.

Stating the basic principle in terms of immunity may be of` some advantage to foreign states in doubtful cases, but,` since sovereign immunity is an affirmative defense which` must be specially pleaded, the burden will remain on the` foreign state to produce evidence that a foreign state or one` of its subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities is the` defendant in the suit and that the plaintiff’s claim relates to` a public act of the foreign state — that is, an act not within` the exceptions in sections 1605-1607. Once the foreign state` has produced such prima facie evidence of immunity, the` burden of going forward would shift to the plaintiff to` produce evidence establishing that the foreign state is not` entitled to immunity. The ultimate burden of proving` immunity would rest with the foreign state.”

This passage of the House Report shows that foreign` sovereign immunity has been drafted as an affirmative` defense which has to be specifically pleaded.

This would imply that the persuasive burden as to the` existence of the facts determining sovereign immunity (i.e.

the non-applicability of the exceptions to immunity, drafted` in the Act) is on the foreign state. As a result, the foreign` state would also be charged with the evidential burden, the` burden of going forward with the evidence, at the beginning` of the trial.

This means in practice that the foreign state would have to` produce a prima facie case with regard to the following facts:` i. that it is a foreign state according to §§1603(a),(b)` FSIA, and;` ii. that the activity which is in question, was of a public,` governmental nature.

After production of such proof by the foreign state, the` evidential burden would shift to the plaintiff so that he` proofs the applicability of one of the exceptions to immunity` (§§ 1605-1607). When this proof fails, the court must grant` immunity to the foreign state because of the general rule of` immunity, established in the FSIA.

Article I, Court Actions and Motions` Strategies for a number of lawsuits are being developed to` prepare the sovereign “state” Citizen for necessary legal` action to remove the hurdles the government erects to` discourage those who dare to exercise their unalienable and` constitutional rights.

There are strategies to challenge the unlawful “occupation` taxes” being imposed upon all sovereign “state” Citizens in a` bureaucratic scheme to extort revenue.

This tax is imposed upon all Citizens through the drivers` license and vehicle registration fees. These licenses are, by` legislative act, for drivers who are operators of commercial` vehicles only, not for Citizens traveling by right, freely from` place to place. The government has been complicit in` constructive fraud by permitting this abuse to go unabated` for years.

Refuse all your citations and presentments for fraud,` without dishonor, pursuant to the UCC 3-501, then present` them a notice of default, until your pro se litigation is ready` to go to trial.

Properly done, this admits evidence into the case record that` can later be used for an appeal, a cross-claim or cross-libel` in admiralty, or a Title 42§§§1983, 1985, 1986 civil rights` action brought in the district court of the united States in a` Common law venue and jurisdiction.

The proper and appropriate use of “Non-Statutory` Abatements” can also estoppel an action against you by` challenging the improper paperwork or insufficient process` of any of the emergency and war powers courts.

If you are unable to afford the filing fees or court costs, you` can file a “Petition in Forma Poperis.” This is for a pauper` needing access to the legal system without paying the fees up` front. If you lose the case, you won’t be asked to pay court` costs.

But remember that a sovereign cannot be a “pauper” without` compromising your status. You must be economically` sovereign as well as legally and politically sovereign.

Article 1, Court Strategies` 1) Declaratory Injunctive Relief.

2) Suit to Compel Specific Performance.

3) Complaint Against Federal Agency (5 U.S.C. §702,` 703).

County Recorder` (for refusing to file a document on demand)`

U.S. Postal Services` (for refusing to post non-domestic mail)`

Department of Transportation` (for refusing to implement a policy to discern` between “non-resident” Citizens who are not` required to have a driver's license or vehicle` registration and “resident” motorists)`

Police Department, County Sheriff,` State Police & Other Police Agencies` (for continuing to issue citations, impound` vehicles of non-resident Citizens)`

4) Suit To Comply With Freedom of Information or` Privacy Act Aimed at Employers, Corporations,` Government (4 U.S.C. §552(a)(4)(B).

5) Suit to Prevent Discrimination Against Citizens w/o SSN` 6) Removal of IRS Liens, Levys and Garnishments.

Once jurisdiction is established, you can “Motion” the court` to take action.

Motions include:` Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction` Motion to Abate/Non-Statutory/Common Law` Motion for Common Law Jury, Grand Jury, Counsel` Motion for Change of Venue` Motion for Reversal of Prior Conviction` Motion for Summary Judgment` Motion to Quash` Motion for Protection Motion to Compel Discovery` Motion to Suppress Illegal Evidence` Motion for Continuance, Extension` Motion for Bond Reduction` "Courts should not tolerate or condone disregard` of law and arbitrary usurpation of power on the` part of any officer. Ours is government of law,` and not of men, and before any act of any official` will be sustained by the courts such act must` be authorized by law.”

Ex parte Owen,` 10 Okla Crim Rep 284, 136, P 197, Ann Cas 1916A 522`

Counsel of Choice`

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Tim & Paula Richardson of the` Patriot Resource Center for their research and efforts on` composing and researching this brief.

The right to counsel is a fundamental right and must be` defended in the courts of this land today. The American Bar` Association monopoly over judges, attorneys and other` officers of the court has left the Citizen defenseless in` his/her own land without the continued and necessary` assertion of this right. Know this.

This right to counsel of choice is protected by the` Constitution for the united States of America, specifically the` First Article of the Bill of Rights, in the matter of freedom of` speech, the right to assemble peaceably, and the right to` petition the Government for redress of grievance. It is also` specifically secured to We the People at the Fifth Article of` the Bill of Rights concerning due process of law, and again at` the Sixth Article of the Bill of Rights.

As in the doctrine of the Ninth Article of the Bill of Rights,` the fact that the Sixth Article of the Bill of Rights secures a` right to counsel in all criminal matters cannot be construed` to deny that right, to say nothing of the right to peaceably` assemble, and to petition the Government, and to defend` one’s life, liberty, and property in the courts. Any rule of` procedure for the court is there precisely to guarantee due` process of law to private Citizens, as a matter of right.

You can require that the court apply no laws that would` abrogate your rights, and that the court answer to its duty to` guarantee due process of law in all proceedings.

You can contend on good authority (the Constitution for the` united States of America and supreme Court standing case` law) that the legislature cannot violate your right to counsel` of choice, as such act would be unconstitutional.

“The court by common law had no power to admit` an attorney ...to practice... It was the policy of the` common law, in order that suits might not multiply` and increase, that both plaintiff and defendant` appear in person ... the justices could not permit` a person to appear by attorney, the king, by the` plenitude of his prerogative, might appoint an` attorney, and give any person a right to appear in` this manner...”

— Ricker's Petition , Strafford, June 1890.

Furthermore, the Oregon State Bar Association (or any` other State Bar Association) is nothing more than a private` club, is not any form of state agency, does not speak for the` state and does not act for the state and has no power to` control the lives of private Citizens. The whole fraud about` only permitted “licensed” attorneys in a court is a sham.

It was held that a state may NOT pass statutes prohibiting` the “unauthorized practice of law” or interfere with the right` to freedom of speech, secured in the first Amendment.11 The` terms “attorney” and “counsel” are Common Law terms and:` “It has been held, and is undoubtedly the law,` that, where Common law phrases are used in` an indictment or information, such phrases must` have Common law interpretation.”

— Chapman vs People, 39 Mich. 357-359;` in re Richter (D.C.) 100 Fed. 295-297.

The meaning of the Common law terms is quite clear and` the term “Assistance of Counsel” does not necessarily mean` that “Counsel” will be a licensed attorney. A licensed` attorney may be a counselor behind the bar, but all` counselors may not be licensed attorneys:` “An attorney-at-law ...is one who is put in the place,` stead, or turn of another, to manage his matters of` law.... An officer in the supreme court of the United` States, and in some other courts, who is employed` by a party in a cause, to conduct the same on its` trial on his behalf. He differs from an attorney at` law.”

— Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 3rd edition.(q.v.)` In the supreme court of the United States, the two` degrees of attorney and counsel are kept separate,` and no person is permitted to practice both. It is the` duty of the counsel to draft or review and correct` the special pleadings, to manage the cause on` trial, and, during the whole course of the suit, to` apply established principles of law to the` exigencies of the case.

— 1 Kent, Com. 307 (emphasis added).

The right to counsel of choice was once well understood to` be the “right” of the people as defined in the “Will of the` Sovereign People's” Constitution.

No governmental entity was ever given power, responsibility` or authority, by the “Will of the Sovereign People,” to take` such a “right” away, especially not to give it to a private organization` which is not part of the state government, which` operates a monopolistic “club” for the exclusive benefit of its` members and to the detriment of Citizens of this state.

The Founding Fathers sought to specifically secure the right` to counsel of choice in all criminal matters, and did not` think it wise or proper to write in the words, “counsel of a licensed attorney,” and because the words “licensed` attorney” do not appear in the Constitution, no court can` insist that only licensed attorneys can be counsel.

It is still an unarguable fact that the Constitution for the` united States of America is the supreme law of the land, and` that the Constitutions embody the “common law of God”  which the judges in every court have sworn a hallowed oath` to uphold.

“If the state should deprive a person the benefit of` counsel, it would not be due process of law.”

— Powell v Alabama, 287 U. S. 45, 70.

Furthermore it was decided in Argersinger v. Hamlin, that` no defendant may be deprived of liberty, or put into jail in` any case in which he/she was denied counsel of choice.”

The right of an indigent defendant in a criminal trial to the` assistance of counsel, which is guaranteed by the Sixth` Amendment as made applicable to the States by the` Fourteenth, Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335, 83 S.Ct.

792, 9 L.Ed.2d 799, is not governed by the classification of` the offense or by whether or not a jury trial is required.

No accused may be deprived of his liberty as the result of` any criminal prosecution, whether felony or misdemeanor,` in which he was denied the assistance of counsel.

In this case, the Supreme Court of Florida erred in holding` that petitioner, an indigent who was tried for an offense` punishable by imprisonment up to six months, a $1,000` fine, or both, and given a 90-day jail sentence, had no right` to court-appointed counsel, on the ground that the right` extends only to trials 'for non-petty offenses punishable by` more than six months imprisonment.” 12`

Challenging Oaths of Office` All elected officials owe an oath of allegiance to the` Constitution. Otherwise their office is a fraud under` American law. Citizens must take the law into their own` hands and challenge the oaths of office of all elected` representatives, public officials, police officers (e.g., U.S. Marshals have not vowed to protect the Constitution, but the` interests of the creditors of the United States).

Although many states do not require the oaths of office to be` filed, federal law does provide a filing requirement. Supreme` Court justices are required to make an oath or affirmation` and file that oath. Pro tem judges and lawyers serving as` judges have the same oath as the county judges even though` there are no more county judges, but county commissioners` instead. County commissioners are required to take an oath` of affirmation.

Most elected officials have not legally filed their oaths of` allegiance with the County Recorder or the State Records` Department, although they are required by law.

The reason they do not is that their office routinely violates` their oath of allegiance and thus they’d be perjuring` themselves by their daily actions against the united states of` America. U.S. judges are required to take a double oath in` order to get their coveted job. The Judicial Act of 1789` contains the lawful oath required of all federal judges.13` If their allegiance is not to the Constitution, or serving the` interests of the American people, then you best find out who` their allegiance is to. You’ll be surprised. For those still` voting, elect a responsible judiciary and representatives that` will appoint officers willing to restore the constitutional` republic.

Citizens must at every opportunity challenge the lies and` deception, the masking and concealing of the criminal` element in government, the law-breakers and treasonous` politicians who have violated the public trust, the` Constitution and common sense morality.

All must be brought to justice, whether they are socialist-` Democrats or socialist-Republicans. Blatant disrespect and` violations of the American law must not be tolerated.

Citizens must stand up and fight such individuals or` institutions, and support the “law of the land,” otherwise the` law has no standing.

This takes great courage and I honor anyone who finds they` have the perseverance and guts to face the lions preying in` the courtroom today.

Sheriff Richard Mack has set legal precedent by being the` first sheriff in the country to publicly reaffirm his` commitment to his sworn oath to uphold the Constitution.

Most public officials are in direct violation of 4 U.S.C. §101` and 102 having either not performed their duty and` obligation to uphold the Constitution, or have not recorded` or certified their oath of office. It is up to We the People to` make the government accountable to the law, and to bring` criminal charges against them if they fail to perform their` duties.

“Every member of a State legislature, and every` executive and judicial officer of a State, before he` proceeds to execute the duties of his office, take an` oath in the following form, to wit:` I, do solemnly swear that I will support the` Constitution of the United States.”

— 4 U.S.C. §101 Oath by members of legislatures` and officers. 14` “Such oath may be administered by any person` who, by law of the State, is authorized to` administer the oath of office; and the person so` administering such oath shall cause a record or` certificate thereof to be made in the same manner,` as by the law of the State, he is directed to` record or certify the oath of office.”

— 4 U.S.C. §101 Same; by whom administered.15`

Here’s an excerpt from an “Oath of Office” for United States` Judges pursuant to Title 28, U.S.C. §454 (first oath) and` Title 5, U.S.C. §2231 (second oath).

 “I, John B. Jones, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will` administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal` right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and` impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent` upon me as United States District Judge according to the` best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the` Constitution and laws of the United States; AND that I will` support and defend the Constitution of the United States` against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear` true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this` obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose` of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the` duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me` God.”

Original 13th Amendment Arguments` The “original 13th Amendment” had in fact been ratified` prior to the Civil War by thirteen states, enough for` ratification, and was published in the official copies of the` Constitution for the usA throughout the united states. Over` 30 or more official publications from Maine to Colorado` contained the “original 13th Amendment.”

That it suddenly “disappeared” and was replaced with` another 13th Amendment is now a matter of historical and` legal fact. It has been hypothesized that the unrevealed` motive behind the War of 1812 was to delay the ratification` efforts of the sovereign states regarding this “missing”,` original 13th Amendment,” and destroy the records.16` A book published in New Hampshire in 1840 by Joseph Coe` was certified by a special act of Congress, as having the` original Constitution for the usA with the original 13th` Amendment. This copy is prima facie evidence of the` original 13th Amendment having passed.

David Dodge and Brian Marsh have a certified copy of an` un-catalogued book from the archives of the State of` Virginia, also found to have the original, 13th Amendment in` it. Virginia was the 13th state required to ratify the original` 13th Amendment. There is also evidence that the issue has` come before the supreme Court at least 4 times. It cannot be` used as precedent because the corporate United States` government has ordered the cases sealed.

This original 13th Amendment can be presented in any court` of law as a challenge to the legal fraternity who have all` accepted a Title of Nobility. Attorneys-at-Law and Esquire` are Titles of Nobility, thus cannot hold public office, nor are` they Citizens of the United States. If the missing 13th` Amendment were restored, “special interests” and “honors”  would be rendered unconstitutional.

This could compel the entire government to operate under` the same laws as the Citizens are expected to obey. Without` their current individual immunities, government officials` would be unable to abuse common Citizens without fear of` legal liability.

Imagine a government of the people, by the people, and for` the people. Imagine a government truly accountable to the` people, that could not systematically exploit its own people.

Imagine a government without attorneys. 17`

Article III, Court Actions and Motions` These are perhaps the most profound legal strategies to have` been developed since the original republic of the united` states of America.

Most litigators and Citizens have forgotten the separation of` powers doctrines and that all state courts have the capacity` to operate on either an Article I or Article III capacity AND` federal courts have the capacity to operate in Article III or` Article IV capacity.

Not all courts are the same. One side is the Common law` side in its Article III capacity. The other side is the` Equity/Admiralty or what’s called the Statutory side in its` Article I or Article IV capacity.

So for example, when most people think of taking something` to federal court, they automatically think — “U.S. District` Court.” Correct, if you want to bring an action before the` Equity/ Admiralty or Statutory side of the court in its Article` IV capacity.

This is a territorial court (e.g., like Puerto Rico is a territory` of the United States). Wrong, if you have any issues of law at` stake, or you are operating in a sovereign capacity in a` “state.” There are NO issues of law EVER presented before` that side of the court. They have no jurisdiction in law, nor` do the judges have the capacity to judge the law. Article I` judges can only judge facts. In fact, as Dan Meador has so` eloquently proved, U.S. Magistrates have the judicial` authority of nothing more than a park ranger. 18` If you must raise an issue of law, then you must invoke the` Common law side of the court (state or federal) and in the` case of a federal action bring it in the “district court of the` united states” in its Article III Common law capacity, not its` Article IV Territorial capacity.

The supreme Court and Congress, both exercising their` respective Constitutionally granted authority, established by` rules, law and the operation of power vested in Congress at` Articles I, III and IV of the Constitution for the united states,` have created courts of the United States deriving authority` from distinct and different Constitutional grants of power or` jurisdiction, with each court duly authorized to exercise its` judicial power ONLY within separate jurisdictions.

In Mookini v. United States, 303 US 201 the supreme Court` examined the application of rules and the statute` authorizing the court to promulgate rules for United States` courts. In the published opinion in Mookini supra, the court` held that:` “No provision was made with respect to proceedings in` cases brought in the District Courts of Alaska, Hawaii,` Puerto Rico, Canal Zone and Virgin Islands, in the` Supreme Courts of Hawaii and Puerto Rico, or in the` United States Court for China.... The statute contains no` requirement that the Court must prescribe identical rules` with respect to all the courts mentioned regardless of` varying conditions, or that rules for all these courts must` be prescribed at one and the same time.”

Note that the list of courts specifically excludes the “district` courts” in any of the 48 states (Mookini was decided` February 28, 1938). The U.S. supreme Court did hold that  courts of the territories were capable of being distinguished` from courts in the states.

“The term “District Courts of the United States,”

as used in the rules, without an addition expressing` a wider connotation, has its historic significance.”

— Mookini v. U.S., 303 US 201, 205`

The supreme Court thereby stated that the definition or` distinction of a “district court” was not being invented (or` coined) for the Mookini case, but instead that the definition` of the courts was firmly rooted in history, the law and the` Constitution.

The court went on to hold that: “It [referring to the term` “District Courts of the United States”] describes the` Constitutional courts created under Article III of the` Constitution. Courts of the Territories are legislative courts,` properly speaking, and ARE NOT District Courts of the` United States.

We have often held that vesting a territorial court with` jurisdiction similar to that vested in the District Courts of` the United States DOES NOT make it a “District Court of the` United States.”— Reynolds v. United States; The City of` Panama; In re Mills; McAllister v. United States; Stephens v. Cherokee Nation; Summers v. United States; United States` v. Burroughs, (cites omitted) [Emphasis added.]` Not only did the promulgating order use the term District` Courts of the United States in its historic and proper sense,` but the omission of provision for the application of the rules` to the territorial courts and other courts mentioned in the` authorizing act clearly shows the limitation that was` intended.

The Mookini holding is clear and unequivocal. There are two` courts. It is further clear from the court’s holdings that the` aforesaid two courts have differing Constitutional origins.

One, the “district court of the united states” is the true` Constitutional Court authorized by Article III of the` Constitution, and the other is a court of the Territories,` deriving its authority from the language of Article IV which` makes the latter court a territorial court — a “legislative”  creation, rather than a true Constitutional one.

Courts created by Congress under Constitutional authority` at Article I section 8, clause 17, or Article IV section 3, clause` 2 are certainly courts, but the jurisdiction and venue of said` courts differs from the “Constitutional” courts which are` authorized by Article III of said Constitution.

In a very well articulated case, O’Donoghue v. United States,` 289 US 516, the Court was required to rule on the` Constitutional issues surrounding whether all federal Court` judges were covered by the Constitutional provision in` Article III that a judge’s compensation cannot be reduced` during the time the judge holds office.

The supreme Court, in making its determination, succinctly` explained the difference between legislative territorial courts` and true Article III Constitutional courts.

> TERRITORY— U.S.C.S. Article III §2 cl. 1 at case note` #91: Territory is not state within meaning of that term as` used in Art. III, §2 cl. 1 (cite omitted).

One of these issues was whether the courts established by` Congress in the District of Columbia were to be considered` as exercising the Article III judicial power of the United` States.

“The granting to the courts of the District [of Columbia] of` an extensive jurisdiction in purely national matters` establishes their status as courts of the United States and` their exercise of judicial power under Article III of the` Constitution.”

“There is a vast distinction between jurisdiction and judicial` power. The former may be granted, qualified or taken away` at the will of Congress....But after having created an inferior` court of the United States and defined the subjects over` which it shall have jurisdiction, Congress cannot limit the` exercise of judicial power, because that comes directly from` the Constitution and is not derived from Congress.” 19` The foregoing sets forth and explains the fact that judicial` power is exercised in all courts, regardless of their` Constitutional origin, but jurisdiction is determined by` Congress, not by the court (since the “venue jurisdiction” of` the courts is different).

Further, in the holding of the court, when the jurisdiction as` set by Congress was that of an Article III court, the Judicial` Power of the United States was given by the Constitution` and could not be limited, constrained or otherwise imposed` upon by Congress.

The converse would, of course NOT be true: i.e., Congress` could control (or at least limit) the exercise of authority in` tribunals established to administer the laws of the Territory` or in courts established under the authority of Congress at` Article I, section 8, clause 17.

The O’Donoghue case went on to argue that there were clear` historical, contextual and constitutional distinctions` between courts of the territories and courts which extend the` judicial power of the United States through and from Article` III of said Constitution:` “The constitutional provisions in question must` be construed in the light of their history and of the` development of our institutions, and not without` reference to the distinction which has so clearly` been drawn between constitutional and` legislative courts.”

O’Donoghue, supra at page 523.

The exercise of judicial power is not a characteristic which` distinguishes one court from another, see paragraph 3 above` and again from the O’Donoghue case:` “The exercise of judicial power is common to both` legislative and constitutional courts, and` determines the status of neither.

— Ex parte Bakelite Corp., 279 US 438, 449”

O’Donoghue, supra at page 524.

It is, however, the “nature” of the judicial power which is` determinate of the status of any court.

Justice Sutherland, in delivering the opinion of the court in` the O’Donoghue case, restated the intent of the Founding` Fathers to establish a judiciary which could and would effect` its work unconstrained by influences from either of the` other two branches of government: an issue of paramount` importance in distinguishing between the jurisdictions of` two or more courts created by Congressional authority; e.g.,` the “United States District Court,” a court of the Territories,` and the “district courts of the united states,” courts of true` Constitutional authority pursuant to Article III of the` Constitution.

The court held: “[I]t will materially assist us in arriving at a` correct determination if we shall first consider the great` underlying purpose which the framers of the Constitution` had in mind and which led them to incorporate in that` instrument the provision in respect of the permanent tenure` of office and the undiminishable character of the` compensation of the judges.”

“The Constitution, in distributing the powers of government,` creates three distinct and separate departments — the` legislative, the executive, and the judicial. This separation is` not merely a matter of convenience or of governmental` mechanism.

Its object is basic and vital, Springer v. Philippine Islands,` 277 US 189, 201, namely, to preclude a co-mingling of these` essentially different powers of government in the same` hands.

And this object is none the less apparent and controlling` because there is to be found in the Constitution an` occasional specific provision conferring upon a given` department certain functions, which, by their nature, would` otherwise fall within the general scope of the powers of` another. Such exceptions serve rather to emphasize the` generally inviolate character of the plan.” — O’Donoghue,` supra at pages 529, 530.

Justice Sutherland and the court went to great pains to` clearly describe and explain to us for all time, why it is so` very important to distinguish between Article III Judges` (with undiminishable compensation) and judges of other` courts, and why it was that the Founders of our country and` our country’s government were explicit and clear about the` function and distinctions:` In framing the Constitution, therefore, the power to` diminish the compensation of the federal judges was` explicitly denied, in order that their judgment or action` might never be swayed in the slightest degree by the` temptation to cultivate the favor or avoid the displeasure of` that department which, as master of the purse, would` otherwise hold the power to reduce their means of support.

The high importance of the provision, as the contemporary` history shows, was definitely pointed out by the leading` statesmen of the time.

Thus, in The Federalist, No. 78, Hamilton said — “The` complete independence of the courts of justice is peculiarly` essential in a limited Constitution.”

And, in No. 79 — “Next to permanency in office, nothing can` contribute more to the independence of the judges than a` fixed provision for their support. . . .In the general course of` human nature, a power over a man’s subsistence amounts to` a power over his will.”

Chief Justice Marshall, in the course of the debates of the` Virginia State Convention of 1829-1830 (p. 616, 619), used` the following strong and frequently quoted language: “The` Judicial Department comes home in its effects to every` man’s fireside; it passes on his property, his reputation, his` life, his all. Is it not, to the last degree, important that he [the` judge] should be rendered perfectly and completely` independent, with no other to influence or control him but` God, and his conscience?

I have always thought, from my earliest youth till now, that` the greatest scourge an angry Heaven ever inflicted upon an` ungrateful and sinning people, was an ignorant, a corrupt, or` a dependent Judiciary.” 20` The court went on to state the obvious: that diminution` could occur in different forms: “Obviously, diminution may` be effected in more ways than one. Some may be direct and` other indirect, or even evasive as Mr. Hamilton suggested.

But all which by their necessary operation and effect` withhold or take from the judge a part of that which has` been promised by law for his services must be regarded as` within the prohibition. Nothing short of this will give full` effect to its spirit and principle.” 21` And then the court went on to state: “In the light of the foregoing` views, — time honored and never discredited — it is` not extravagant to say that there rests upon every federal` judge affected nothing less than a duty to withstand any attempt,` directly or indirectly in contravention of the Constitution,` to diminish this compensation, not for his private advantage` — which, if that were all, he might willingly forego` — but in the interest of preserving unimpaired an essential` safeguard adopted as a continuing guaranty of an independent` judicial administration for the benefit of the whole people.”

22` Because of the high (some might even characterize it as` extreme) degree of importance to have an independent` judiciary, it is equally important to note that the court` carefully considered which portions of the Federal Judiciary` were to be protected by the letter and spirit of the` Constitutional provision against reduction of a judge’s salary` during his tenure at the bench, and why there was a` difference between courts.

“This court has repeatedly held that the territorial courts are` legislative courts, created in virtue of the national` sovereignty or under Article IV section 3 clause 2 of the` Constitution, vesting in Congress the power to dispose of` and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the` territory or other property belonging to the United States”;` and that they are not invested with any part of the judicial` power defined in the third article of the Constitution. And` this rule, as it affects the territories, is no longer open to` question.” 23` That congress has the authority to create courts “inferior” to` the Supreme Court cannot be held to doubt; it is ONLY the` extent and exercise of the authority of courts which` determines whether they are true “constitutional” courts or` courts of the territories or courts created by virtue of` Congressional authority at Article I, section 8 clause 17. The` inquiry as to the judicial authority and the extent and exercise thereof in the various “federal” courts has been` examined many times by the Supreme Court:` “The authority upon which all the later cases rest is` American Insurance Co. v. Canter, 1 Pet. 511, 546, where the` opinion was delivered by Chief Justice Marshall. The` pertinent question there was whether the judicial power of` the United States described in Article III of the Constitution` vested in the superior courts of the Ter-ritory of Florida and` it was answered in the negative.” 24` And the Marshall court in American Ins. Co. v. Canter, 1 Pet.

511, went on to declare: “The Courts [the territorial courts],` then, are not constitutional Courts, in which the judicial` power conferred by the Constitution on the general` government, can be deposited. They are incapable of` receiving it. They are legislative Courts, created in virtue of` the general right of sovereignty which exists in the` government, or in virtue of that clause which enables` Congress to make all needful rules and regulations,` respecting the territory belonging to the United States. The` jurisdiction with which they are invested, is not a part of that` judicial power which is defined in the 3rd article of the` Constitution, but is conferred by Congress, in the execution` of those general powers which that body possesses over the` territories of the United States.” 25`

[Sample Header Court Action] 4 U.S.C.A. §1` In the district court for the united states` District of Colorado (Denver) In its Article III Common Law` Capacity Johnny, Liberty ex. rel., Proper Party Plaintiff, vs. Big Bad Wolf, et. al., all in private capacity Defendants` Incorporated Case No. 96-B-2558` BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF Fed.R.Civ.P. 60(a)(b) MOTION TO` STRIKE AND CORRECT THE RECORD and BRIEF IN` SUPPORT OF Fed.R.Civ.P. 27 PERPETUATION OF` TESTIMONY` A Common Law Action brought under Article III of the` Constitution for the united States Trial by Jury Pursuant to` the 7th Article of the Bill of Rights Endorsed Hereon`

American Flag of Peace` Editor’s Note: Thanks to Tim Richardson for the following` research and documentation in it’s entirety.

The “U.S. District Court” uses the symbol of the flag of the` executive branch of government, the President of the united` states of America, a symbol which is codified nowhere in the` laws of the United States, except in a Military handbook at` section 840 Chapters A and B, sections 1 & 2.

Also see 34 Opinion of the Attorney General number 483` (1925) wherein diligent study and investigation by the` proper party plaintiff finds that the President, in his capacity` as Commander- in-chief of the military is authorized to` define and use the gold-fringed flag.

Said gold-fringed flag is not authorized by any other` codification or operation of law, act, or resolution of` Congress, or the Constitution and does not symbolize the` civil authority of the government of the union of states. Only` the flag described in the law at 4 U.S.C. §1 is authorized for` use by the civil authority of government.

Since symbols such as the flag are such powerful` conveyances of information, and since there is no` authorization for a gold-fringed flag in the Constitution or in` the laws made pursuant thereto (outside of the Executive` military power), and since the proper party plaintiff did` specifically incorporate this case under the “American Flag` of Peace,” and under the venue jurisdiction of the Article III` “constitutional” court, which are described in the laws of the` United States pursuant to the Constitution, the Proper Party` Plaintiff is standing firmly within the law and the rights` guaranteed to the Proper Party Plaintiff by the Constitution,` and the Proper Party Plaintiff hereby requires that all future` pleadings in this matter address themselves under the` “American Flag of Peace” and further that any other symbols` of “foreign jurisdiction” be banned from the venue` jurisdiction of this action.

Examination of Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 1 of the US Code,` reveals that this law has been duly enacted by the Congress` of the United States and is positive law, and the` aforementioned section defines the flag of the United States` to be of: three colors, red, white, and blue. 36 U.S.C. §176 of` the Code states that, “the flag should never have placed upon` it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure,` design, picture, or drawing of any nature.” Thus we have the` law of the United States stating in clear terms, that the` “gold-fringed” flag IS NOT a proper flag of the United States.

The law of the flag: “In maritime law: it is the law of that` nation or country whose flag is flown. On a ship or` government office or in a courtroom or wherever it is` displayed gives notice by this flag to all who enter into` contracts with the master that he intends the law of that flag` to regulate such contracts, and that they must either submit` to its operation or not contract with him.” 26`

Civil Rights Actions: Title 42 U.S.C. §1983` These statutes create a cause of action against any individual` or person who, acting under color of state law, abridges` rights created by the Constitution and the laws of the United` States. It was originally passed by Congress as a part of the` Civil Rights Act of 1871.

It does not create federal court jurisdiction but a cause of` action, a legal entitlement to relief, against those who, acting` pursuant to state government authority and the Common` practices or policy of various state agencies, violate federal` law.

You must prove that it was the custom and policy of the state` government authority or state agencies to violate your` rights.

Other applicable statutes include Title 42 U.S.C.§1985,` Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights, Title 42` U.S.C.§1986, Action for neglect to prevent conspiracy, and` the Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organization Act` (RICO) statutes.87`

"Every person who, under color of any statute,` ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage of any,` subjects or causes to be subjected, any citizen` of the United States or other person within the` jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any` rights, privileges, or immunities secured by` the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the` party injured in an action at law, suit in equity,` or other proper proceeding for redress.”

— Title 42 U.S.C. §1983 27` When federal officials violate a person's civil rights they are` said to be acting under color of federal law. They can be sued` pursuant to the Bivens Doctrine. 28` The jurisdiction to hear this action exists under 28 U.S.C.

§1331 and 28 U.S.C. §1343 (a)(3). These sections grant` jurisdiction to redress violations of federal laws that provide` for the equal rights of citizens.

Immunity` To overcome the defendants claim of qualified immunity` and the immunity defenses raised by government entities in` a “Motion to Dismiss,” the plaintiff must sufficiently plead:` 1) that under the circumstances the reasonable person` would have known that the conduct violated well established` law;` 2) that the conduct was in accordance with the entity’s policy` and custom;` 3) that in the case of a single occurrence, the conduct was` initiated by or acquiesced to by a final policy maker with` respect to that particular conduct;` 4) that the defendants conduct violates rights protected by` the Constitution or laws of the United States; and` 5) that the violation of the Constitution or laws of the United` States was the proximate cause of the plaintiff’s damages.

This is the point in the proceedings where evidence can be` entered into the court record regarding the oaths of allegiance` and oaths of office, and the lack thereof, of the individuals` claiming government immunity from prosecution.

“Immunity did not protect a state official who was` acting under an unconstitutional state law` or who was exceeding his properly granted` authority.”

Osborn vs. Bank of the U.S., 9 Wheat 738 (1824)`

Often federal officials, including members of the U.S. Congress and the justices of the U.S. supreme Court, will` argue their defense solely on the position that they were` immune from the consequences of their acts, including the` consequences of their refusal to perform a duty.

These arguments of government immunity have in effect` placed federal officials above and outside the law. Thus they` are protected from criminal prosecution and the` government corruption continues unabated.

These are the mentalities that permit inflicting massive` harm upon the public, and irresponsibility on behalf of the` government to be accountable to the law.

The legal fraternities position was, and is still today, that` federal officials, judges and members of Congress could` engage in outright criminal acts of cover-up, misprision of` felonies, obstruction of justice, and be immune from the` consequences. Even the U.S. supreme Court Justices when` personally sued for violation of rights under color of federal` law argued:` “The nine justices of the supreme Court are entitled` to absolute judicial immunity from plaintiff’s claims.

A judge will not be deprived of immunity because` the action he took was...done maliciously, or was` in excess of his authority.”

— supreme Court Justices Argument Against the` Lawsuit of Rodney Stich 29` This contradicted an earlier decision by the same U.S. supreme Court Justices who held:`

“There is little support in the common law` for a rule of judicial immunity` that prevents injunctive relief against a judge.

There is even less support for a conclusion` that Congress intended to limit the` injunctive relief under §1983` in a way that would prevent` federal injunctive relief against a state judge.”

— Pulliam vs. Allen, 466 U.S. 522 (1984) 30`

To overcome the defendants claim in the Motion for` Summary Judgment,” the plaintiff must also argue` sufficiently in the pleadings, depositions, answers to` interrogatories, admissions, and affidavits that there are` material facts to prove the case with the preponderance of` the evidence.

Although these statutes were originally created for U.S. citizens, in particular the newly freed black slaves, they are` applicable to sovereign “state” Citizens as a remedy for` continued violations of unalienable and constitutional rights` under the color of state law.

There is a debate as to whether or not a Title 42§1983` subjects the sovereign “state” Citizen to federal jurisdiction` or not, and whether or not it compromises sovereignty or` not. Rick Shram and Richard McDonald are still hotly` debating the issue.

I assert if the action is brought on the Common law side of` the federal Court (i.e., district court of the united states)` then jurisdiction is not waived. Other components of a Title` 42 action include:31` Civil Rights Litigation and Complaint` Motion for Summary Judgment` Motion to Strike` Brief in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion to Strike` Summary of Points Raised and Authorities Relied Upon.

In a Title 42§1983 action, all previous related actions are:` 1. immediately estoppeled;` 2. to defend against a Title 42 is expensive whether you win` or not;` 3. you might actually win a case or settlement.

No insurance company will insure against constitutional` violations. If a Title 42 action gets beyond rule 12B and the` federal judge doesn’t toss it out as frivolous, then the` bonding company for the defendants must post a bond for` 10% of the total suit.

Then you can proceed to take depositions and` interrogatories. Have fun with it.

Commercial & Common Law Liens` Editor’s note: Beware the “lien” has become a political hot` potato. It’s such a powerful tool and if misused, it can be` fatal to the user. Many people have used the lien process` frivolously or incorrectly and ended up in prison. Others` used the lien process lawfully and ended up in prison (e.g.,` Montana Freemen). The Power structure does not like` anybody playing around with their monopoly of the lien` process. It’s the basis for the entire international banking` system and it’s ultimate unraveling. A word of caution to the` wise.

A “Lien” is a hold or claim against the property of another as` a security against a charge or debt. If your unalienable or` constitutional rights have been violated by an official or` agent of the government, or a crime has been committed` against you, or you have a legitimate claim to collect on a` debt, then you have the Common law right to “perfect” a lien` against the personal property of that official, agent or` debtor.

These liens are filed through the County Recorders office in` the county in which the official, agent or debtor has property` or published in a legal newspaper. In many venues liens filed` by Citizens are not being accepted for filing due to decrees by` the Attorney General (e.g., Oregon).

Many Common law liens are no longer accepted for filing in` County Recorder’s offices, but they can be filed in the` Common law court’s Bureau of Records & Conveyances or` by National recording services. Or file them in more amiable` venues, or in foreign jurisdictions if necessary.

“A Common law lien is a mere right in one man` to retain that which is in his/her possession` belonging to another until certain demands` of the person in possession are satisfied.”

Bell vs. Dennis, 93P.2d 1003, 1005, 43 N.M. 350`

Liens are the underlying basis for the entire international` banking system. Liens are the foundation of all commerce` and are traded, exchanged, transferred and discounted` securities.

They are based on commercial affidavits which is also the` basis of the entire legal system— swearing under oath to tell` the whole truth and nothing but the truth. An act of` Congress (e.g., budget) is a true “bill” or invoice, which` obligates federal U.S. citizens to pay the “bill” through` income taxes and other excises.

When your rights have been violated, your property taken,` or a crime committed against you, then a true “bill of` particulars” under the Common law specifies the nature of` the offense or complaint. The three parts of a perfected lien` include:` 1. true bill or complaint;` 2. debtor;` 3. assign.

Common law liens are non-negotiable instruments` exchangeable for gold/silver which is lawful money.

International banks pay debts with each other in gold/silver,` not commercial paper.

Commercial liens are commercial paper and negotiable` instruments. Commercial liens imply a debt in the absence` of any lawful money. Commercial banks discharge debts` with each other in debt currency or negotiable instruments,` not gold/silver.

If a bank or corporation cannot meet its financial` obligations, then the parties can renegotiate or the creditor` initiates a “hostile takeover” of the debtor.

This is done through the commercial lien process. When the` IRS sends you a “Notice of Intent to Lien” they are noticing` you of their intent to attach a commercial lien to your` property for a purported tax “bill.”

In the case of the IRS, the true “bill” and the assessment is a` fraudulent and imperfect commercial lien process because it` is not based on a sworn commercial affidavit or true “bill.” A` perfected lien is based on a sworn affidavit of truth and a` true “bill” that stands un-refuted at-law.

When you write a check for $20.00, you’ve just put a lien on` the bank for $20.00. When the bank supposedly “loans” you` “money” they have just put a lien on the collateral or` securities you’ve posted against the bank credit purportedly` loaned you.

This bank credit was created from thin air, which is illegal,` and is hypothetically based on a perfected commercial lien.

Once a commercial lien is perfected, it is a saleable, traded,` exchanged security like any other stock, bond, or mortgage` contract. It is deposited in a bank in exchange for bank` credit. Then the bankers can write checks directly on these` deposited liens under the Uniform Commercial Code.

There are three parts of a perfected lien. First, the true “bill”  or invoice is properly noticed and answered. If the true “bill”  once served is ignored or unanswered it becomes the truth` in commerce by default as a UCC 4 Form.

Then the debtor is noticed of your intent to lien. If they fail` to answer, you list them as the debtor on a UCC 1 Form and` you as the assign on a UCC 3 Form. Then you get a court` judgment from an Article III court and you’re on the road to` a perfected lien.

These perfected liens or securities can now be tendered for` deposit upon a commercial bank or sold.

Caveat We do not advise amateurs playing with liens. They` demand the finest attention to detail and lengthy study. A` lien is a double edge sword and can cut both ways if` improperly administered. This is a powerful tool of liberty.

Do not misuse or abuse the process for greedy or self-interested` purposes. You do not have enough information` in this book to perfect a lien. Enter at your own risk. We disclaim any responsibility or liability for the misuse of this` information.

A report was aired on Peter Jennings on November 2nd,` 1995, attacking the people using the commercial lien process` and dubbed them “paper terrorists.”

Every time we expose the system for what it is the Power` structure comes up with a new designation for “terrorist.” It` was the international bankers, attorneys and de facto` governments that came up with the UCC in the first place to` execute a bankruptcy against the people. Now they are being` held accountable to the same standard of recourse and they` don't like it one bit.

People using the lien process against judges, politicians, law` enforcement personnel and media are completely and` perfectly within the law as proven in a recent court decision` in the 14th Judicial Circuit in Texas.

The lien process is res judicata (i.e., it is already decided)` and the party that had been liened is stuck with the penalty.

One individual in Washington state has brought forward a` lien against nine state government officials for violating the` laws pursuant to their oaths of office. His lien action was` done on behalf of the 5 million residents and comes to $200` billion of restitution.

Terry has filed a lien outside of his State of residence for $26` million against government officials because the courts` refuse to allow the instrument to be filed in the County` Recorder’s office.

The Montana Freemen had perfected a lien for $15 trillion` against the principles / creditors of the United States.

They are presently political prisoners of the international` bankers.

Notes and Sources`

31. Alexander Hamilton; Sourced from The Federalist Papers` #78, Modern Library, New York.

32. Sourced from a lecture by John Quade at the` Preparedness Expo, Seattle, Washington, October 1993;` See also Government's Liberty... Brings Death To` Freedom p. 53 (how to file court papers).

33. 28 USC §8(d); Sourced from Free At Last, by N.A. Scott,` Ph.D., D.D., p.4-49.

34. See also Corpus Juris Secundum, A Complete` Restatement of the Entire American Law, Section 4,` Attorney Client.

35. Sample Arraignment sourced from UCC Training Guide` by Howard Freeman.

36. Guide by Howard Freeman.

37. Sourced from patriot researcher Dan Meador.

38. Sourced from Justice Marion P. Opala, justice on the` Oklahoma Supreme Court.

39. Sourced from Tom Dunn & Maine Bar Association` Centennial Report (1992).

40.Utilizing the “Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act” as an affirmative` defense for sovereign “state” Citizens is worth` exploring.

41. Sourced from United Mine Workers v. Illinois Bar` Association, 389 US 217.

42. Sourced from 92 S.Ct. 2006, 407 U.S. 25, Argersinger v. Hamlin, pp. 2007 2014.(U.S.Fla. 1972).

43. Sourced from Government's Liberty...Brings Death To` Freedom,; See also Rodney Stitch, Defrauding America` (1994), p.90 (oaths of federal judges).

44. See also 4 USC §101, 102; also c. 389, 61 Stat. 643 and` 644, July 30, 1947; See also Judicial Act of 1789.

45. Sourced form N.A. Scott.

46. Sourced from Velma Griggs, The Original 13th` Amendment, (Inyawe Trust Company).

47. Ibid.

48. See also patriot researcher Dan Meador’s treatise on the` U.S. magistrates and how their authority is comparable to` a U.S. Park Ranger.

49. Sourced from Story, J., in Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee 1` Wheat, 305, 328; Chief Justice Hughes, ‘The Supreme` Court of the United States,’ p. 133; Kansas v. Colorado,` 206 US 46.” O’Donoghue, supra at pages 521, 522.

50. Ibid, pages 531, 532.

51. Ibid, page 533, quoting Evans v. Gore 253 US 245, 249.

52. Ibid, page 533.

53. Ibid, page 535.

54. Ibid, pages 535, 536 quoting American Insurance Co. v. Canter.

55. Ibid, page 536; Brief prepared by Timothy Lee` Richardson, Patriot Resource Center for Michael Duane` Smith, Plaintiff against Colorado State Bank.

56. Sourced from Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th edition, under:` “flag, law of”.

57. 17 Stat. 13, §1 of the Ku Klux Klan Act of April 20, 1987.

58. Bivens v. Six Unknown Agents, 403 U.S. 388 (1971).

59. Case No. 89-0470 SS (2/7/89 amended 3/14/89).

60. See also Pierson v. Ray, 386 U.S. 547, 18 L.Ed 2d 288, 87` S.Ct. 1213 (1967).

61. Sourced from Rick Schramm, Jack Smith of Right Way` L.A.W., On Point III.

62. Sourced fromGovernment's Liberty...Brings Death To` Freedom, pp.1-3.

63. Sourced from Hartford Van Dyke. See also his book on` Commercial Affidavits.

64. Sourced from Liens Resources & Link Index:` www.icresource.com/public_html/CRC/Directory/Sovereignty.html See` also NANS, Fall ‘96, pp.61-66, & Spring‘96, pp 58-67.