- Chapter Eighteen

Restoring a Constitutional Republic in These united states of America and Around the World.


by Johnny Liberty`

Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and creation of this handbook.

Take Back Your Country`

“We must not threaten violence to our fellow` Americans, nor will we tolerate indiscriminate` destruction of lives and property.

If we are to restore constitutional guarantees` and a republic for our children, we must use all` lawful means available to us.”

— Johnny Liberty`

We the People are not hopeless or powerless in the light of` the truth, substantiated by facts documented in the public` record, and illuminated with the intelligence to think for` ourselves. Although we often feel that we don’t make a` difference, in fact, as individuals, communities and` effectively organized grassroots networks, we are more` powerful than ever in the communications age.

Our access to communications, our ability to send signals,` ideas, thoughts and images with global repercussions have` never been greater. Let’s learn to use these “tools of liberty,”  and utilize every card in the deck on behalf of our true` “public interest.”

We the People must take back our government, our schools,` our media and our lives, and restore the constitutional` republic that makes the united states of America worth` standing for. Otherwise we’ll lose it forever!` We the People must take back our government from corrupt` and misinformed public officials who arrogantly presume` authority under “color of law,” have co-opted the electoral` process through political parties, unlawfully take jurisdiction` over sovereign “state” Citizens, routinely deprive Citizens of` due process of the law, and bankrupt an entire nation` through its monetary policies.

Government corporations make huge presumptions and` fraudulently coerce us into contracts that have no substance` in the Common law or the Constitution for the usA.

Government corporations routinely take liberties with our` personal freedoms, and violate our rights to “legally” extort` revenue, rights and property.

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.

..these are the times that try men’s souls.”

— Thomas Paine, Common Sense1`

We the People must not tolerate such abuses of power,` process or authority. According to the California supreme` Courts Annual Review of Lower Courts, government` officials, judges, court clerks, police officers, and attorneys` routinely violate the constitutional rights of Citizens.

There were 286,000 new laws and regulations passed last` year at every level of government (municipal, county, State` & federal) that you are supposed to obey. If you’re not a` “criminal” today, you might be one tomorrow in the eyes of` the government corporation.

We the People need to restore the accountability and` respectability of the American system of law. In truth, the` “emperor” wears no clothes. Public officials become` personally liable when they violate our constitutional rights` as sovereign state Citizens and are then vulnerable to lawful` process.1` We the People must defend our rights wherever and` whenever they are violated.

We the People must assert ourselves in the workplace and` stop the fraudulent withholding scam of the IRS and the federal` United States government corporation. Employers act` as unpaid federal agents under the “color of law” when they` register an Employee Identification Number (EIN), withhold` income taxes on wages and demand a Social Security` Number (SSN) from employees as a prerequisite for employment.

There is no law requiring them to do so. When they act as` federal agents, employers also become personally liable for` violations of the unalienable and/or constitutional rights of` American Nationals OR sovereign “state” Citizens.2` “Government, even in its best state, is but a` necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one:` for when we suffer...our calamity is heightened` by reflecting that we furnish the means by which` we suffer... government is the badge of` lost innocence.”

— Thomas Paine, Common Sense 3` We the People must educate ourselves and our children` about the true history of the “united states of America” and` not submit to the public “education” that routinely revises` history, science and a host of other specialized disciplines to` program our children into obedient consumers, taxpayers,` economic slaves and robots.

Our children, by our example, must learn to think for` themselves, question authority, and lawfully challenge the` status quo. But first, adults and parents must relearn to` “think” for themselves.

Education = Social Programming = Indoctrination` We the People must free ourselves from religious bigotry` and racial prejudice. In a country premised on tolerance for` various religious denominations and the guarantees of religious` freedom for all, how can we tolerate the persecution of` any particular belief structure? How can we tolerate the selfrighteous` judgments of those who supposedly love their` brothers and sisters?

We must practice what we preach. Institutionalized churches` have too often stuffed innocent minds with fundamentalist,` obsolete and intolerant cosmologies that have led us` down the road to perpetual slavery, the apocalypse and environmental` destruction.

We the People, thanks to a soulless science, have been reduced` to mere consumers feeding from the commercial` trough of products and services, obediently paying our taxes` without actively participating as Citizens in decision-making` processes.

Instead, we are divested, alienated and uninvited from participating` in the Power structure. When was the last time you sincerely felt that the government cared about your` point of view? When was the last time the government actually` solved a problem, instead of creating bigger ones?

We the People, thanks to a spiritless technology, have been` reduced to expendable units of production in a factory world` dominated by technology that cares little about human` rights, self-determination, diversity, or planetary survival.

“Consumers,” “taxpayers,” and “voters” are too often` encouraged and rewarded for unethical or selfish behavior,` trained to be suspicious and distrust each other. Even` families have lost their sacred honor, divided by social,` economic and personal conflicts.

“A wise and frugal government which shall restrain` men from injuring one another, which shall leave` them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits` of industry and improvement, and shall not take` from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned` — this is the sum of good government.”

— Thomas Jefferson`

As we speed into the next millennium, confronting global` environmental destruction, new technologies with vast` implications for irreversibly changing the balance of life on` earth, and for controlling masses of human beings, with` thousands of species including our own facing extinction, we` must move swiftly beyond ignorance and denial.

We the People must reveal the truth and expose the` sovereign Power structure that uses the united states of` America as a sacrificial lamb at the altar of “progress” of the` New World Order.

We the People must demand that officers of the government` corporation not compromise the sovereignty of the united` states of America, or commit blatant acts of treason either.

We must lawfully take back and reestablish our government` as a constitutional republic for all the people.

These shocking, revolutionary truths will rock the` foundations of the Power structure, who can survive only in` secrecy, and bring down our naive preconceptions about the` design and intent of our present political, economic and` legal system.

We the People must understand sovereignty, Power` structures, history, government, law, economic systems, and` the basis of our own Citizenship in order to respond` effectively and promptly to the crisis and challenge facing` every human being on this planet. To exercise your right as a` sovereign “state” Citizen is the ultimate act of patriotism,` and the ultimate act of humanity.

“Frequent interchange will establish a common` interest with every part of the community,` they will mutually and naturally support each` other, and on this depends the strength of` government, and the happiness of the governed.”

— Thomas Paine, Common Sense 4`

Challenge Unlawful Activities` of the Government` American Citizens must challenge all unlawful searches,` seizures, forfeitures, and the harassment and intimidation of` the American people by the government corporation. Expect` no justice in a desperate Power structure bankrupt to its` core, financially and morally.

If the government corporation disobeys the law, you have` tyranny and there is little recourse for the law-abiding Citizen` whether a U.S. citizen or a sovereign “state” Citizen.

Restoring integrity to the justice system will require the` participation of every American as a constant reminder to` those officials who would willfully and flagrantly violate the` law and their office.

Practice the American law every chance you get. Initiate` lawsuits against all politicians, bureaucrats, IRS agents,` judges and police officers who have violated your civil rights` in any action. Get it all on videotape. None of these actions` ought to be initiated frivolously or without good, solid` evidence of wrongdoing. Take your American law seriously.

Citizens must challenge NAFTA and GATT as` unconstitutional, abrogations of American law and the` sovereignty of the American people. These are private,` international contracts.

Unknown to most people, GATT will eliminate the primary` taxing authority of the federal United States (no tariffs or` excises on international trading). GATT will set up an` international tribunal without due process or representation` for the common people.

Citizens already have unalienable rights (provided they` defend them). The government corporation only has the` authority granted to it by the Citizens, and limited by the` Constitution. International law is not superior.

The United Nations Treaty is also unconstitutional as it` surrenders the sovereignty of the United States to foreign` powers, and transfers the allegiance of various officers of the` federal United States to foreign powers (54 federal` legislators recently voted to withdraw).

Even the rights of parents are being usurped by the “UN` Convention on the Rights of the Child (CORC).” Bush and` Clinton have already transferred the command of our armed` forces to the UN under a Russian commander. Something` very fishy is going on here.

Our country is being auctioned off a piece at a time to the` highest bidder. What price are we willing to pay for our` institutionalized ignorance and inaction? So what are we` willing to do to restore the republic and be politically` sovereign as a nation?

1. Organize sovereign “state” Citizens into` communications networks in each republic, linked` globally with other sovereignty movements worldwide` including indigenous peoples struggles for` independence. Educate and encourage U.S. citizens` and other freedom-loving people to reclaim their` sovereignty.

2. Develop a strategic plan and agenda for restoring` republics from the local level to the global level.

Exporting sovereignty and freedom to the rest of the` world.

3. Restore sovereign “state” Citizens with land patented` property as the electors to oversee the electoral process` in America. Twenty-seven states are scheduled to` reseed state government with de jure governors. A` national election for a de jure president is in the works. The Joint Chiefs of Staff would support a de jure` president. Electors are landowners. Voter’s are landless` tenants or residents.

4. Re-establish the townships and counties independent` of the federal State and federal government` corporation.

5. Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Abolish the` Federal Reserve/IMF banking cartel. Restore economic` independence, sovereignty and a sustainable economy` for all the people based on a free-enterprise model,` gold/silver standard, a breadbasket of commodities` and solar energy. Fund the U.S. Treasury Department` with debt-free bonds.

6. Restore and implement a Common law court system,` county by county to raise issues of law and fact before a` jury of sovereign “state” Citizens. No more malicious` prosecutions by the government corporation.

7. Repeal the 17th Amendment and give the state` legislatures and governors veto power over the federal` government. Let the small country rule. Decentralize` decision-making to the local level. Let the free markets` reign.

8. Restore the original 13th Amendment as part of the` organic law of the Constitution for the united states of` America. No more Titles of Nobility and English` servitude.

9. Organize a communications network of professionals` with the competence to navigate the legal system and` defend/assert the rights of the sovereign people`

10. Organize test cases to steer the statutory court system` back into the checks and balances of the constitutional` republic.

11. Restore jury rights to judge the facts and the law and` the independence of the grand jury system.

12. Restore life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

In summary, We the People must restore a constitutional` republic in the united states of America by reclaiming our` own American National and sovereign “state” Citizenship,` then exercise our unalienable rights and defend them if` necessary. We the People can restructure and reorganize our` individual and business affairs to optimize the transitional` tools and freedom technologies available to maximize` wealth, security and privacy in our lives.

We the People must abolish the Federal Reserve Banking` System, terminate the Emergency & War Powers Acts,` restore private banking and a constitutional money system,` build the infrastructure for supporting the re-emergence of` sovereignty for all the people worldwide. Sovereignty is` awakening once again in the minds, hearts and souls of the` people. May it spread like a brushfire throughout the world!`

Abolish the Federal Reserve System` Presently, the Federal Reserve Bank has a legal monopoly as` the federal United States government primarily borrows` only from them. Even buying U.S. bonds has been` discouraged as a bad investment.

Only FRN’s are “legal tender” with the “full faith and credit”  of the U.S. government to back them up. It’ll take all the` assets of the country and all the people in it to pay back a` Ø15 trillion debt. It’s inconceivable! The Federal Reserve` Banking system must be abolished, the federal debt` repudiated and the currency deregulated to allow for` competition in the marketplace for other “money` substitutes.” Let’s get creative America!` “We are completely dependent on the` commercial banks. Someone has to borrow` every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit.

If the banks create ample synthetic money` we are prosperous; if not we starve.

We are absolutely without a permanent money` system....

It is the most important subject intelligent persons` can investigate and reflect upon.

It is so important that our present civilization` may collapse unless it becomes widely understood` and the defects remedied very soon.”

— Robert H. Hamphill,` Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank`

The Federal Reserve Banking system is the largest` “counterfeiting” operation in the world. It is privately owned` and operated. The federal United States government` borrows FRNs from the Federal Reserve Bank because it` cannot spend Treasury securities (T-bills) directly. Public` investors have lost confidence in them.

The FED cannot generate interest on its paper FRNs` anymore than the federal government can spend its paper Tbills.

So they trade FRNs for T-bills.

Both the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) and the federal United` States government win big while the American taxpayers,` consumers, citizens are the big-time losers in this scam.

This has been going on for over 80 years without the` “informed knowledge” of the American people, without a` voice protesting loud enough.

U.S. citizens are presumed under the 14th Amendment NOT` to question the debt, thus are obliged to pay back this federal` debt through an income tax on their labor, their wages, their` property and their livelihoods.

We the People “rent” a debt-based money system from the` central banks at a staggering cost that includes the` destruction of American sovereignty, our independence as a` nation, and the ultimate bankruptcy of the American people.

Wake up America!` If you’ve got any unCOMMON SENSE, you’ll quickly` conclude that this is an incredibly lucrative profit-making` scheme that benefits the Federal Reserve Bank and its` foreign principals/creditors immensely. I’d call it the scam` of the century, the most lucrative pyramid scheme ever` invented, and our best kept secret.

This is your hard-earned, what ought to be “money,” replaced with worthless currency (Ø), taken directly from` your back pocket and placed directly into the trust accounts` of the international banking families without your` knowledge or consent.

Does this sound like usury, exploitation, and economic` slavery? That’s exactly what it is!` “The few who understand the system,` will either be so interested in its profits,` or so dependent on its favors, that there will` be no opposition from that class.”

— Rothschild Brothers of London (1863)` The Federal Reserve System was designed, in part, along` with an income tax upon the American people in exchange` for the federal United States government being able to` borrow and spend as much as it could.

Even though direct taxes upon individuals had been` declared unconstitutional in the past, another direct income` tax was imposed in the same year the Federal Reserve Act` (1913), an income tax on corporate income that developed` into the income tax system we have today.

Prior to the Federal Reserve Banking system, warehouse` banking provided an honest, effective and stable system of` safekeeping your wealth and maintaining privacy. A` customer deposited real wealth or substance in the form of` gold or silver into a bank, received a warehouse receipt,` “claim check” or “certificate of deposit” in return.

WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS` This redeemable receipt was an actual claim upon the assets` of the bank, or as “good as gold.” Warehouse banks did not` loan out their depositors’ money for interest (33:1), thus` typically charged 2% on deposit and 2% on withdrawal.

Notice that the cost of living under this system rose less than` 1% from 1792 to 1913.5` “The Federal Reserve Banks are one of the most` corrupt institutions the world has ever seen.

There is not a man within the sound of my voice` who does not know that this Nation` is run by the International Bankers.”

— Congressman Louis T. McFadden`

The Federal Reserve Act must be declared unconstitutional` and dismantled forever. We must repeal the Federal Reserve` Act of 1913 and all subsequent legislation. The American` people can buy out the Federal Reserve Bank whenever they` acquire the political will.6` The Federal Reserve Act clearly states that the federal` United States government can buy back the Federal Reserve` Bank at par value of the original stock, at any time. This` amount would be less than the annual interest on the federal` debt!` Three States have passed resolutions to repeal the Federal` Reserve Act (Alabama, Arizona and Washington). Others are` certain to follow. Edward G. Griffin is organizing actions to` Repeal the Federal Reserve Act.

The federal United States government can direct the U.S. Treasury to issue interest-free loans to state and local` governments by printing “U.S. Notes.” A “Sovereignty` Resolution” has been circulating in Congress to restore debtfree` currency. 7` The 60th Annual U.S. Conference of Mayors met in Houston` (June 1992) and has resolved unanimously that the U.S. Congress create money and instruct the U.S. Treasury to` issue it as interest-free loans to the states and local taxsupported` bodies for the purpose of funding capital projects` and for paying off existing debts. 8` The little country of Guernsey has operated since 1816 on` this strategy and has a high standard of living, no` unemployment, and no public debt . The Isle of Man in the` British Isles is also debt-free. The united states of America` could operate debt-free!` Two U.S. Presidents who understood the basic,` unconstitutional and exploitive nature of the central bank` and Federal Reserve System were assassinated in office.

Abraham Lincoln issued “greenbacks,” which were debtfree.

Six months before his assassination (June 4, 1963),` John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order #11.110 requiring` the U.S. Treasury to begin issuing “U.S. Notes” in $2, $5,` and $100 denominations, in defiance of the Federal Reserve` System.

Even Oliver Stone missed this connection in the popular` movie JFK . An unsuccessful attempt was also made on` President Andrew Jackson’s life.

A “Petition for Redress of Grievances” Against IMF, the` Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS and U.S. Congress has been` circulated in to all members of Congress, the President of` the United States, and the Governors of all 50 States. This` 5,000 page report has also been presented to the supreme` Court.

“The People of the states united, hereby petition the shadow` government, International Monetary fund (IMF), U.S. Congress assembled, the Legislative body of each of the` several States, the governors of each of the several States,` and the President of the United States;` 1. repeal of the income tax along with the abolition of` the agency known as the Internal Revenue Service` (IRS);` 2. abolition of the War Powers Act and the Trading with` the Enemies Act; and the complete dismantling of the` Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA);` 3. repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and all subsequent` legislation authorizing or empowering a central` bank.” 9` Now it’s easy to grasp why America and its people are` fundamentally bankrupt. Why don’t more people own their` properties outright? Why are 90% of the American people` mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all` debts and liabilities have been paid?

Why does it feel like you’re working harder and harder and` getting less and less? Typically, Americans, for the most part, do not really own anything except the skin on their` backs (and don’t count on that for long).

But don’t sneeze too loudly or you might get sick.

Government wants to control what you do with your body as` well (e.g., abortion, medicines, vitamins). America has` become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial` credit, and its reputation for courage, vision and human` rights.

This is an undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and` economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up` America before it’s too late! 10` “A great industrial nation is controlled by its` system of credit. Our system of credit is` concentrated... in the hands of a few men.

We have come to be one of the worst ruled,` one of the most completely controlled and` dominated governments in the world— ` no longer a government of free opinion,` no longer a government by conviction` and vote of the majority, but a government` by the opinion and duress of small groups` of dominant men.”

— President Woodrow Wilson`

Emergency and War Powers Acts`

Senate Report 93-459 begins: “Since 1933, the United States` has been in a state of declared national emergency...A` majority of the people of the United States have lived all` their lives under emergency rule.

For 40 years, freedoms and governmental procedures` guaranteed by the Constitution have in varying degrees been` abridged by laws brought into force by states of national` emergency.

These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of federal` law...delegating to the President extraordinary powers,` ordinarily exercised by Congress...”

These unnecessary and excessive powers belong to We the` People, not to the President of the Federal, United States` Corporation.

The Constitution shall not be ignored by those with the duty` and obligation to its allegiance. We the People must` immediately:` 1. repeal the War Powers Acts, Trading With the Enemies` Act, Federal Reserve Act, National Security Act, United` Nations Treaty, NAFTA, GATT, Omnibus Crime Bill;` 2. add the original 13th Amendment back into the` Constitution for the usA where it belongs;` 3. all lawyers, attorneys, esquires or U.S. citizens cannot` hold public office with a title of nobility.

Every elected Congressman and Senator knows that we are` in a perpetual state of emergency, yet not one has the` courage to speak openly on the record against these War` Powers and Declared National Emergencies.

Until these acts are repealed, the National Security Police` State will thrive at the expense of the American people, their` property, rights and liberties. Use the “Non-Statutory Abatement”  to challenge the improper and fraudulent paperwork` of the emergency war powers courts and agencies.11` The Emergency and War Powers Acts must be lifted to` restore the federal United States to a constitutional` government.

Both the Republican Party of California and Texas have` included this provision in their position papers and party` platforms. But we cannot depend on the government to do it` without the people behind it.

If the government fails to perform its duty, then it is the` unalienable right of the inherent sovereign American` National OR “state” Citizen to reconstruct and consummate` a constitutional and lawful government for the united states` of America, repatriate such a nation with sovereign Citizens,` rebuild a constitutional Common law court system, and` restore a sustainable economic system.

It is the responsibility of the usurper and the occupying` foreign powers to recognize, provide a proper foundation` for, and support such efforts of reconciliation with the` American people under the Law of Nations and` international law.

Even if the federal United States recognizes the inherent` American sovereign tomorrow and apologizes for its war` against the American people, the New World Order is still` capable of occupying these united states through political,` economic and legal means.

The sovereignty of the united states of America has been` impaired economically since the first bankruptcy of the` federal United States in 1933 which precipitated the` Emergency & War Powers Acts.

The ultimate objective of the New World Order has always` been to destroy the sovereignty of nation states and the` people, then occupy and control all of them with the same` international structures (e.g., International Monetary Fund,` World Bank and United Nations).

The tyrannies of our own government and the New World` Order must be sent packing. Be aware that the New World` Order can play the sovereignty card both ways and still win` providing they maintain control over the economic system` through the international bankers (e.g., Quebec, Kingdom of` Hawai’i are potential examples of how the NWO gang can` play the card both ways).

To defeat the New World Order and restore constitutional` government in the united states of America, a consensus of` action must be achieved and a unifying direction taken by` the inherent American sovereigns.

If the American sovereignty movement cannot set aside its` petty squabbles and agree on a strategic plan for action, the` window of opportunity may close quickly and the usurpers` may win the final battle by default. As with any movement,` there are personality and ideological conflicts that detract` from its effectiveness.

It’s time for American patriots to set aside our personal` agendas and career ambitions, and unite for the greatest` good under the highest principles we can muster.

The New World Order has already won a unilateral and` unconditional surrender of 90% of the American people` through ignorance and fear. Unless we get smarter and` wiser than they are, and strategically unite, we may lose this` one through entropy and attrition.

First Round Defeat for Anti-Emergency Powers Bills`

California state Senator Don Rogers, a leader in statesovereignty` issues, saw his two latest bills defeated August 7` in the state Senate Judiciary Committee. They dealt with the` president's emergency powers.

“I was not overly optimistic that the committee would pass` these measures going in, but I believe that this is an` important issue which needs to be raised and debated,” said` Rogers. “The subject of presidential emergency powers is` one that is extremely important for the citizens of this` nation, but it is also one that is little discussed and about` which little is known.”

The opening words of his Senate Concurrent Resolutions 57` leave no doubt about the seriousness of the situation:` WHEREAS, It has become increasingly clear that members` of our federal government, past and present, have acted to` destroy the sovereignty of the State of California and to` subvert the Constitution of the United States.

The bill would have established a commission to report:` [w]hether the federal government intends to repeal the` emergency powers of the president and reinstate the United` States Constitution as the supreme law of the land...

Citing U.S. Senate Report No. 93-549, Rogers’ Senate Joint` Resolution 43 states: It is self-evident, after 61 years of` ruling the states under emergency powers, that the federal` government has no intention of solving the emergency and` returning government to within the limits prescribed by the` United States Constitution...

This resolution would have “memorialized” (i.e., petitioned)` the President and Congress to remedy the stated situations` by: [p]roviding a non-interest-bearing and debt-free` medium of exchange... [t]erminating all emergency powers` permitting the federal government to rule the country` without reference to normal Constitutional processes... [and] [o]utlining a plan to restore the American system of` economic independence...

If they failed to act within 90 days, a proposed meeting of` the governors of at least 38 states which had passed similar` resolutions would have discharged them and selected “an` interim Chief Federal Administrative Officer and cabinet” to` oversee government operations until a special election` selected new officials.

Noted Rogers, “Some of the emergency powers which the` president has go back to World War I. With the Great` Depression of the 1930s, World War II and the recent Cold` War, many more powers have been added. [But] we have no` ‘emergency’ before this nation. Our last real emergency` ceased at the end of World War II in 1945. Yet these emergency` powers are still retained. That is very scary, and these` two measures place a spotlight on this whole matter.” 12`

U.S. Senate Still Does Nothing to Terminate` Emergency Powers September. 30, 1973`

[Editor’s note: The wheels of responsibility in the U.S. Congress turn slowly. Since 1973, little or nothing has been` done to alleviate the perpetual state of national emergency.

We are in permanent crisis management modality.]` WASHINGTON (UPI) — A special Senate subcommittee,` after a painstaking computer search of the statute books,` concluded (Sept. 29) the United States since 1933 has been` operating under emergency rule, conferring near authoritarian` powers on its presidents.

The subcommittee said it discovered 470 major provisions` of federal law giving presidents “an enormous, seemingly` expanding and never-ending range of emergency powers.”

It recommended Congress act promptly to end four` proclaimed states of national emergency by U.S. Presidents,` which permit the president to invoke powers granted him` under any of the 470 laws.

Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the panel` said, “the president may: seize property; organize and` control the means of production; seize commodities; assign` military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and` control all transportation and communication; regulate the` operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and in a` plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American` citizens.”

The study was prepared by the Special Committee on the` Termination of the National Emergency. Since 1933, when` President Franklin D. Roosevelt requested and received` unprecedented peacetime powers to deal with the Great` Depression, “The United States government has been` operating under an unrelieved state of emergency of 40` years duration,” the committee said.

“During this period, an enormous body of laws dealing with` severe economic crisis and America's response to three wars` has been passed by Congress through an almost unnoticed` process of gradual accretion,” the committee said.

There you have it. Now ponder what mass of additional` presidential powers have been put in place during the 23` years since the UPI report.13`

Restoring a Constitutional Money System` The bankrupt federal United States government has been` reorganized for the benefit of the principal/creditor, not for` the American people or any other nation of people in the` world. The principal/creditor wants to be certain that you’re` loaded with debt, struggles and burden to prevent you from` ever asserting your sovereign American National OR “state” Citizenship, and eventually ending the rule by foreign,` international bankers.

Restoring a constitutional money system and an independent` economy is crucial for asserting and reclaiming our` sovereignty. We the People cannot be sovereign paupers,` poor, penniless and without means. We must be economically` sovereign, as well as legally and politically sovereign.

To accomplish that we must be spiritually and emotionally` sovereign, able to think and act independently and` interdependently. With knowledge, courage and wisdom,` We the People could repudiate the debt tomorrow, stop` paying income taxes, remove ourselves from the system and` privately take our business elsewhere and establish “another` world order.”

Furthermore, we don’t have to fight, go to war or take-on the` whole system to make a significant and radical (i.e., root)` change.

As Buckminister Fuller said so well, “You don’t have to fight` the system, just make it obsolete.” We the People need to` reclaim our power and sovereignty, do our own thinking for` a change, and create solutions to stop bleeding our life-force` to death and participating in this economic giveaway. At` anytime during our history, had enough people been awake` to the truth and asserted their will to be free, this fraud` could have, would have stopped dead in its tracks.

Have we the courage and the vision to take back our country` from the international “banksters,” from unscrupulous` political parties, and elected officials? Or will we let America` die a slow, painful death, like all other empires in history` who failed to take notice? Wake up and smell the flowers!` There is hope. The Dark Ages eventually gave way to the` Renaissance. The new millennium is just around the corner.

Unless We the People give voice to our lawful claim as` American Nationals OR sovereign “state” Citizens, there can` be little hope for the unborn generations from whom we` have irresponsibly borrowed. We must reclaim our` sovereignty on all levels.

We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our` harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on` American property, precious liberties, and a way of life.

Americans will wake up one day, homeless in the land of` their forefathers, unless we abolish the Federal Reserve,` restore a constitutional money system backed by gold and` silver, a breadbasket of commodities and solar energy, the` Constitution and the Common law of the land.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the` chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness...

Concerning all acts of initiative... there is one` elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills` countless ideas and splendid plans; that the` moment one definitely commits oneself,` then providence moves too.”

— WH Murray`

First, We the People must reclaim our own sovereignty as` American Nationals, OR “state” Citizens or sui juris` freemen/ women by renouncing all our privileges, then we` must demand our rights, and be prepared to defend them if` necessary.

If the national governments have relinquished their` sovereignty by becoming mere corporations, then who are` the stockholders? We the People are the stockholders!` If the national governments have relinquished their` sovereignty by debasing the money system and operating` from bankruptcy, then who is beholden to the federal or` national debt? Not the sovereign people.

Only the slaves are subject to the debt. We can relinquish` the fraudulent debt. Stop participating in economic activity` that is bleeding you to death. Start building new` foundations, restructuring your businesses and assets for` preservation and wealth generation.

Like the pyramid game, where everybody on the top is being` supported by everybody on the bottom, when We the People` stop blindly supporting the load of those above us, and pull` out of the game, the entire pyramid comes crashing down.

The entire house of cards comes crashing down and indeed` the emperor has no clothes.

Once 10% of the people leave the Federal Reserve trust and` legislative democracy as “subjects,” and return to the` republic as “sovereigns,” the U.S. Congress had better be` prepared to perform according to the original constitutional` contract.

Restore sovereign “state” Citizens to the electoral college and` veto the popular insanity of voting politicians instead of` statesmen and stateswomen to public office. It’s time for a` major housecleaning.

Republics are not run by majority rule. The majority has` never ruled anything in all of history.14` Meanwhile We the People must stop paying income taxes` and funding our own oppression. We must force our elected` representatives, by law, to execute their mandated duties` under constitutional Common law courts and venues` convened by sovereign “state” Citizens.

All the military veterans and members of our Armed Forces` who have sworn an oath of allegiance are still under oath to` come to the aid of the sovereign “state” Citizens in defense of` his/her rights, under the Constitution against all enemies` foreign and domestic. If we be an honorable people, then` our nation will be restored.

“The best way to control government spending is to` take the money away from them.”

— Sovereign Citizen`

The international bankers, transnational corporations,` federal government, and other forces of economic` occupation must be liened commercially and under the` Common law to the full value of their equity in land and` property held in the united states of America as restitution` for the unlawful occupation and usurpation of these lands` and the American people.

Restitution must also be made to the indigenous North` Americans whose land was stolen and cultures destroyed.

Diplomatic relations must be established between all the` sovereign people in the sovereign nations.

Commercial and Common law liens must be perfected for` both negotiable and non-negotiable instruments. Security or` militia forces may be required to collect on these liens. The` liens, if uncollectible, can be discounted and sold to brokers` who can offer them on the international market.

Common law liens will be deposited in a provisional Treasury` or Sovereign Trust. Commercial liens can be deposited` in an Independent Bank chartered by the restored government` of the constitutional republic of the united states of` America. American people will be encouraged to deposit` their equity into this bank and become it’s primary stockholders.

This will be the basis for economic recovery and a` redistribution of wealth. Economic policies will be` developed for facilitating the development of a sustainable` economic system backed on gold/silver standard (e.g.,` Taiwan, China, Isle of Man, Guernsey and others are` examples of debt-free, independent nations not subject to` the IMF and their economic policies).

For more than a generation, we’ve anticipated` the next great crash, the readjustment of our` massive and spiraling debt. America, it’s time to` pay your dues, it’s time to pay your debt.

America, it’s not too late, yet. America, your` lifestyles of mass consumption are over.

America, your children will suffer from your` ignorance and greed for generations to come.

America, take your place in history as yet` another fallen civilization.

America, you can once again rise from the` ashes and become a great nation.”

— Johnny Light`

Police and Military Against` the New World Order` Not all police officers, military personnel or government` officials are complacent and supportive of the New World` Order and the abrogation of our Constitution and Bill of` Rights. When government agents murdered the Weavers in` Idaho, it almost started a war.

There are reports that US military veterans were about to` take over the National Guard Armory with the intent to use` the armored vehicles against the government. All public` officials and police officers have taken a solemn oath (as a` matter of public record) to uphold the Constitution and` defend our country against all enemies, both foreign and` domestic.

Retired Police Officer Jack McLamb asserts that many police` officers are alarmed and opposed to the assault being waged` against this nation of free people by un-American interests` at home and abroad.

The cop on the beat is closer to the reality of what’s` happening in America than most people. It’s estimated that` over 76% of the people in the armed services refuse to serve` under the blue hat Generals (i.e., United Nations). To` remain a free country, Americans must join with the Police,` Guardsmen and Military along with their countrymen in the` private sector.15` Individuals, organizations or government officials who are` delivering us into the hands of a sovereign Power structure` through the “legal” overthrow of the lawful, constitutional` governments of the United States would be guilty of` sedition.

Americans of all races, religions and political beliefs must` claim the right and responsibility to defend the Republic` against all enemies foreign and domestic.16` It is the responsibility of patriotic, articulate American` citizens to educate police officers and other government` officials about our legitimate concerns, while avoiding` unnecessary police confrontations.

Most police officers are trained to operate in “code red”  when interacting with a Citizen, because so many police` officers are killed each year. It’s important to make the` officer feel comfortable.

As soon as a police officer steps out of his car, he also steps` out of his uniform and becomes a private citizen (i.e., color` of uniform). The police officer also becomes personally liable` for any constitutional violations of a state Citizen’s rights.17` If the police arrive at your home or business, they will first` secure the premises for their own safety before showing you` a warrant or arresting you. They might break down the door` and point a dozen guns at your head long before they’ve` presented any search warrant. This is standard police` procedure. Once they’ve secured the premises, ask to see the` search warrant.

Do not, under any circumstances, help them with the search.

Ask them if you’re under arrest or under investigative` detention. If not, then technically you’re free to go. You have` a right to an attorney, or to represent yourself. You have a` right to remain silent. Resisting arrest is a felony in many` places, so cooperate and use lawful means.18` Federal agents have no jurisdiction over you without the` cooperation of the local and State police authorities. If the` local or state authorities cooperate with the federal agents` who in turn violate your rights or act improperly under the` law, the local or state authorities become personally liable.

You can file charges or perfect a lien against their property.

Americans have a healthy distrust and genuine fear of the` police partly because of the Rodney King incident in Los` Angeles, and an alarming trend of large-scale, military-style` police operations resulting in the deaths of innocent citizens` (e.g., Branch Davidian compound outside of Waco, Texas).

Many of these operations are being controlled and planned` by federal agents and executed by secret, no-insignia` national police forces.

Remember, the County Sheriff is the chief executive of the` County, superior to the Governor, the President of the` United States, and superior to the Internal Revenue Service` so far as county matters are concerned. The duties of the` sheriff are without equal. The oath of the sheriff is to uphold` the sovereignty of the state and protect sovereign Citizens.

 “Congress shall have no power to disarm the` militia. Their swords, and every other terrible` implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an` American... The unlimited power of the sword is not` in the hands of either the federal or state` governments, but, where it will` ever remain, in the hands of the people.”

— Pennsylvania Gazette (February 20, 1788)`

Citizens Militia and Non-Violence` We the People must maintain a lawful “Citizens Militia” of` 10,000,000 Americans unwilling to surrender their` weapons through unlawful registration or confiscation.

There are 10,000— 12,000 active members in Michigan` alone, with active militias in about 18 states. This contemporary` militia movement grew as an offshoot and response to` excessive federal actions at Waco and Ruby Ridge.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the` security of the free State, the right of the people to` keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

— 2nd Amendment`

Your right to bear arms is an unalienable right providing` you’re a sovereign “state” Citizen. The 2nd Amendment` preserves your right to bear arms. There are over 250` million weapons in the hands of private civilians in the usA.

A recent Gallup poll concluded that 70,000,000 Americans` would use their guns to defend themselves against their own` government if necessary to preserve their life or liberty.19` Your right to organize a Citizens Militia as a last resort` against government encroachment is also irrefutable in the` American law.20 Be prepared to fight and defend your` liberties without jumping the gun. Force is always the last` resort and for self-defense only, not your first, gut-reaction. I` do not support paramilitary groups that have taken it upon` themselves to be the leaders of a revolt, or violent` revolution. Support the local Citizens Militia in your state` that are willing to defend the Constitution and the` sovereignty of the people.

Be prepared to organize and utilize nonviolent, civil disobedience` whenever possible utilizing Gandhian principles.

The attributes and effectiveness of boycotts, general strikes,` sit-downs, and protests cannot be underestimated when` facing a better armed opponent. Be warriors of the heart` prepared to love your enemy as Jesus did. Retired Police` Officer Jack McLamb is actively educating people in the` armed forces, police agencies and national guard.

A Marine General commented recently that they understand` the threat, can fight and win against the New World Order,` but wondered if the American people would stand with` them? The Joint Chiefs of Staff would support a de jure` president if elected.

Support the individuals and regiments within the armed` forces, police agencies and national guard willing to support` and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and` domestic.21` Resist gun confiscation of both sniper-type and assassintype` weapons. Resist national identity cards, national health` cards, smart cards, etc. Find ways around them.

Resist expanded surveillance and the continued erosion of` privacy rights through computer-fax-phone clipper chips.

Develop technological alternatives to ensure privacy rights.

Resist the government’s preparations for war against the` American people. Be aware that the war on drugs and crime` is a mask and justification for the government’s preparations` for war against the American people, that the prisons being` built are for your neighbors and friends who are no more` “criminals” than you are.

Expose the existence of and resist the concentration camps,` detention, forced labor camp plans for U.S. Citizens.22` Resist FINCEN, the emerging and well-organized, global` gestapo of the New World Order (83,000 presently on their` payroll). Resist BATF, the FDA and Waco-style commando` raids against all Americans without due process of the law.

Support and encourage those who have been the subject of` these commando-style raids. American law prohibits the` military from being utilized against civilians. Get everything` on video. Network it widely. Let the world understand what` happens to America, happens also to them.

Kitchen Militia Mobilizes` The Kitchen Militia is a group of little old ladies, mothers,` grandmothers — women armed with information, FAX` machines, telephones and stationary. “We educate` ourselves, get copies of laws, stay abreast and try to notify` people about what's going on,” says Kathy McDaniel,` Membership Director of the Louisiana Kitchen Militia. “I` have five children from 26 to eight-years-old, so I think I` have a real vested interest in what's going on in this` country,” she said.

The Kitchen Militia began in Louisiana about three months` ago and has already spread to ten states. “You know how` some women get depressed?

Well, this gives the ladies something to do,” Mrs. McDaniel` said. “We're not going to storm anybody in fatigues with` guns; I've never shot anything but a BB gun, but I'll tell you` one thing, they're going to get some lip service.” 23`

Militias and Patriots Making People Nervous` [Editor’s Note: Beware of the source. Klanwatch is a` publication of the Southern Poverty Law Center and has` been extremely prejudicial and inflammatory in its` treatment of the sovereignty movement.]` According to Klanwatch, being quoted in USA Today, there` are now at least 809 patriot organizations in the nation.

There are 441 militias, 108 common law courts, with the` remainder falling in the category of “other patriot groups.”

Klanwatch says 138 of these groups have racist philosophies.

According to Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan), the less` extreme folks have peeled off from the militia movement` when they observed the fanaticism therein, “But the` remnant is tighter, more fanatical and more dangerous.”

The most extreme members have adopted “leaderless` resistance,” a strategy of forming into small, secret groups` that operate independently to avoid detection and` infiltration.

Wayne County Sheriff Robert Ficano in Michigan says police` are monitoring a recent surge of short-wave radio` transmissions of racist views and militant calls to arms.

“What we're seeing is a real fringe element shakeout,` clusters with a more extreme tendency toward violence,” he` said. “Nobody wants to sound like an alarmist, but you've` got to be concerned.”

State officials in Arizona say they've been working with the` FBI to gather intelligence on violent splinter groups, and` police in Junction City, Kansas were tracking several men` who frequently deal survival equipment and guns.

Hard-line militants “are growing weary of doing the same` old thing, and they're taking steps closer to the edge,” said` Joe Roy of Klanwatch. “That's where they are today, literally` out there on the edge.”24`

Tri-States Militia on FBI Payroll` Testimony at the bombing conspiracy trial of 70-year-old` Willie Rae Lampley revealed that John Parsons, of the Tri-` State Militia in Burke, South Dakota, has been on the FBI's` payroll for seven months.

An article in the April 7, 1996 edition of Tulsa World says the` FBI was paying $1,775 a month to fund Tri-State's` Communication Information Center so “the federal` government (could) better understand the workings of the` burgeoning movement and possibly prevent tragedies.”

FBI Special Agent William Grode, based in Rapid City,` South Dakota, said Parsons has become a calming voice for` militias across the country, although he does not consider` him an informant. Grode said he was told to make contacts` in the militia movement after the Oklahoma City bombing.

The incident has caused yet another fracture among militia` groups. A statement by J.J. Johnson on behalf of the Ohio` Unorganized Militia declares they have severed all` communications with Tri-State and its supporters.

It says in part, “E Pluribus Unum will not tolerate, endorse,` or communicate with any so-called Patriots, Militia` organizations, or Militia members giving aid and comfort to` any federal agency for any reason, whatsoever, period.”

The Militia of Montana (MOM) on the other hand said,` “Nothing changes. We have been in communication with` John Parsons from Tri-States and will continue to be...We` believe John Parsons to be sincere in his motives. He` believed he was preventing possible acts of terrorism.”25`

Georgia Militia Members Framed on Bombing Charge` [Editor’s Note: A number of militia members have been` thoroughly framed and entrapped by federal agents and` informants. Is there any justice in this system?]` On Monday, May 6, 1996, in a larger court room than was` used for the bond hearing, the probable cause (preliminary)` hearing for Bob Starr and Jimmy McCranie produced yet` another packed house.

After passing through metal detectors, Dr. Nancy Lord was` forced to remove her watch and shoes, was not allowed to` use the U.S. court library, and the federal agents even` hesitated to let her file her motions (play the government's` audio tape) in the clerk's office. Instead, they offered to send` a U.S. marshal to receive her documents. J.J. Johnson was` virtually molested after passing through the metal detectors.

At 2:00 P.M., the government introduced the` transcript of the bond hearing. Dr. Nancy Lord,` attorney for Bob Starr, demanded and was granted` the right to cross-examine the government's lone` witness.

BATF Special Agent Steven Gillis.

Special thanks go out to Agent Gillis for his contradictions,` concessions, and confessions while under oath. In his` testimony, he admitted the following:`

1. There was no interstate commerce, therefore allowing` a challenge to federal jurisdiction (U.S. v Lopez).

2. After 10 days, the chemicals found on Starr's property` have yet to be tested by any scientific laboratory.

3. Gillis could not identify a specific agreement between` anyone except government agents, therefore... no` conspiracy.

4. Jimmy McCranie was not at the meeting to discuss` bomb-making, and wanted nothing to do with making` bombs.

5. Bob Starr did not want bomb-making material on his` property.

6. Bob Starr did not have possession of any bombmaking` material.

7. There never were any pipe bombs, and the “bombmaking` factory” consisted of two small sandwich bags` of legally obtainable chemicals.

8. Gillis was aware that Starr had numerous` conversations with federal law enforcement, and he` also knew that Starr had been told by an FBI contact` about an FBI threat to his life, one day before the` warrant for his arrest was issued.

9. The only people who came tobomb-making sessions` were government agents.

10. Government informants placed the evidence (bombmaking` material) on Starr's property.

That's right folks... Special Agent Steven Gillis of the Bureau` of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) admitted to all of` this in open court. Has it occurred to anyone that the wrong` guys are in jail?

U.S. District Court Judge Wilbur D. Owens Jr. denied bond` for the two men, saying the charges were “serious offenses` involving allegations of manufacturing explosive devices` which are capable of ... destruction of persons or property.”

“This is beyond entrapment,” Lord said. “It is manufactured` evidence. The materials were put on Mr. Starr's property` without his knowledge.”

“The whole evidence upon which this case was based was` fraudulent,” she said. Lord contended that the government's` confidential informants were actually “agent provocateurs,”  instigators sent to infiltrate and set up the 112th Battalion of` the Militia-at-Large for the Republic of Georgia.

Lord said it was the “agent provocateurs” who actually` buried the pipes and chemicals on Starr's property, which` made it easy for agents to find them when they got a search` warrant.

"You went right to it. You didn't have to search the whole 16` acres, did you?" Lord asked. Gillis conceded agents did not.

Prosecutor Sharon Ratley objected repeatedly, and the judge` agreed, when Lord questioned the agent about whether` anyone other than Starr and the government's confidential` informants took part in discussions or activities concerning` pipe bombs.

The Judge convicted all of them of the charges despite the` overwhelming evidence of entrapment. 26` "I never give them hell, I just tell the truth,` and they think it's hell.”

— Harry S. Truman`

Tennessee Volunteer Militia Defined`

Editor’s Note: Thanks to the Tennessee Volunteer Militia` for this piece.

What is important to the militia is what is important to all` Americans. We are concerned with the health of this nation.

Militia members are a cross section of the American people.

Many of us have been active in the political realm to voice` our opinion to our elected leaders. Our voice has yet to be` heard.

The militia is a formation of communities. This is true now` as it was throughout the history of this land. We the people` have gathered together to form one voice in the hope that we` will be heard. Our communities are banding together across` this country to form one voice which is getting louder each` day. It is not the guns of the militia that our government` fears, we have not fired a single shot. The people are uniting` together as one, to bring out the truth, justice and liberty` that we have entrusted to our government, which it has` taken for granted.

We the people have seen over the years the erosion of our` country and have sought to seek answers and justice. The` assassination of JFK and Martin Luther King Jr., the` incidence at Ruby Ridge and Waco have all had their Senate` hearings and to this day justice has not been served.

We the people have been told that these matters are closed.

We the people will not accept a lie for the truth. We have` seen Americans sacrifice their lives in undeclared wars for` the United Nations. Now we are asked to send more` Americans into harms way once more. To what end and` purpose does this sacrifice serve?

Our Constitution is under attack from all sides. We the` people will not give up the guaranties that keep us from` being ruled by a tyrannical government. These guaranties` are called the Bill of Rights.

The militia will continue forward to seek the truth and to` speak with a loud voice. If you believe in America and its` freedoms and if you are concerned about our America's` future then you are with us in the militia. We are only` Americans! Any other description of us shows only a lack of` knowledge and faith in the people of this country.

The Tennessee Volunteer Militia exists by law under` Amendment II of the United States Constitution, U.S.C.

10Chapter. 13- section 311 and the Tennessee State` Constitution Article I Sections 24 and 26. Our purpose is to` uphold the United States and Tennessee State Constitution.

Constitutions defend against domestic enemies, execute and` safeguard the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection and` repel invasions. We adhere to the literal and original intent` of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights as put` forth by the Founding Fathers and hold those principles` inviolate. We reject any philosophy of supremacy based on` race, religion or gender.27`

Posse Comitatus` A “posse” is not a vigilante group like the media and` government want you to believe, but all men between age` 18-45, in good health and not in federal military service.

These men comprise the “posse of a county” and are` expected to answer a call to arms by their county sheriff.

> POSSE— the power or force of the county (i.e.,` comitatus).

The county sheriff is the Chief Executive Officer of the` sovereign state. A dutiful sheriff poses a serious threat to` those in government who would subvert our basic rights. De` jure states are never political subdivisions of a central` government. Nor are the counties political subdivisions of` the states, but distinct political bodies.27`

Home Rule` One-hundred and sixty counties, mostly in the Western` states, have instituted local resolutions calling for “home` rule” in their Counties with management over the federal` lands within the States. This is referred to as the “Sagebrush` Rebellion” which has spread like a brushfire throughout the` rural counties of the West.

County Commissioner Dick Carver of Nye County, Nevada` has been the leader of this movement and is pre-sently in` federal court in Las Vegas arguing their case.

“Home rule” is a road paved with good intentions, similar to` the “10th Amendment Resolutions” various States have` recently passed, which falls seriously short in their` understanding of the nature of sovereignty. They do not` seem to realize that Counties and States are impaired in` their status as sovereigns.

So are the County Commissioners, State Senators and` Representatives, as are the U.S. citizens who are passing the` resolutions. Furthermore, resolutions are not law, but nonbinding` recommendations. Ordinances are law and can only` be passed while a County is acting in their sovereign` capacity.

The County of X and the State of X are political subdivisions` or Agents of the federal United States government. They are` not sovereign counties or states, but branch offices of the` federal corporation. X county and X state are sovereign` entities that must have inherent sovereign American` Nationals OR “state” Citizens within their jurisdiction to` exist or to act in their sovereign capacity, and they cannot be` bankrupt.

Although the County and States can pass non-binding` resolutions as a corporation, they can only pass ordinances` or public laws in their sovereign capacity. Thus all this` flutter about “home rule” and the 10th Amendment` Resolutions by these Agents of the federal corporation, with` a few exceptions, amounts to a minor mutiny on a sinking` corporate ship of State.

These resolutions are not cognizable under the Common law` or the Law of Nations because the entities are bankrupt. It` must be taken to a deeper level to be politically effective.

Restore the sovereignty, then pass real laws that are binding.

When the federal United States declared bankruptcy in` 1933, the sovereign counties and states were subjected to the` debt and could no longer operate in law. When Federal` Reserve Notes (FRN’s) were declared legal tender for the` payment of debt, sovereignty transferred to the creditors of` the government who now direct its affairs.

When Counties and States receive one dollar of federal` “debt” money, along with the federal mandates, regulations,` laws, the Counties and States become the obliges in a` commercial contract. Now, they must perform according to` the terms of the contract. They cannot breech the contract` unless they reclaim their sovereignty and revoke the` contract based on fraud, malfeasance, collusion and raise` the issue of bankruptcy in the court.

They must also argue against the “Emergency & War Powers` Acts” and lift the declared state of emergency. Then the door` can open once again to reclaiming what is rightfully the local` control over resources, land and property rights.

Jural Societies and Townships` There are more than twenty self-governing “jural societies”  in various stages of formation around the nation. A jural` society is defined as a group of men and women gathered` together for a specific purpose; that is, self-government by` contract, charter and bylaws.

“These societies sometimes referred to as “townships” are` about communities of sovereign people exercising options of` self-determination and peaceful coexistence with those` outside the scope of their chosen law.”

There are two requirements for membership that are` fundamental: “One: potential members must be free of legal` obligation to any other governing structure; Two: members` must be able (from a geographic perspective) to participate` and contribute to the process.”

John Quade and Randy Lee of the American Jural Society` has been setting them up in numerous locations around the` usA and also teaching people how to use the non-statutory` abatement process.

“A township can lawfully be geographic, or common` purpose. A geographic township is an area six miles square` containing thirty-six square miles of land, surveyed through` order of Congress. The free inhabitants of the township are` free to organize their own “peer” jural system of township` government. A common purpose township is an organized` group of people who have pledged to a common purpose.”

“Each township is a “little America” all in itself, each having` its own local legislative, executive and judicial departments` of government.” “The Northwest Ordinance of 1787` provided for township organizations with a common` purpose to seek Law and Truth.

The Revolutionary War was fought and won based on the` principle that the lands of America should be held in Free` and Common Socage, free from the jurisdiction and control` of the State. The State will always use our right to contract to` regulate and tax anything and anyone it can to increase its` revenues.”

“The original Homestead Acts did not allow for corporations` to own land, except for the railroad which was of great` benefit to the People. At that time in our history Congress` knew what would happen if the powerful corporations could` get their hands on the land.

The early statesmen knew the land belonged to the People,` not to the bankers who backed the corporations and` corporate governments.”

Township members, having the proper character to hold` land, can remove the presumption of corporate ownership of` land and reclaim this country one township at a time. Your` township can be established “within and without” a specific` county on the land of your state republic (e.g., within and` without Maricopa county, not the County of Maricopa, and` within and without the country of Arizona, not the State of` Arizona). Jeffrey Thayer and Melanie Miller have been` instrumental in setting up townships in Arizona and` elsewhere.30`

Restoring the Constitutional Republic` Restoring the sovereignty of the united states of America` and exporting that freedom to the rest of the world is a` global top priority for all Americans. America is the only` country in the world where the sovereignty is presently` vested in We the People.

If the light of liberty goes out in America, I grieve for the` world’s future as well as our own. We must stop exporting` our tyrannical, Socialist-Democratic foreign policy of` oppression and economic slavery. Let’s invite the light of` freedom to shine at the dawn of a new millennium.

Americans must not unconditionally surrender to the` tyranny that is creeping, indeed, marching steadfast upon` this land. Do not surrender your bodies, hearts or souls to` tyranny, injustice, fascists, communists or any other iron` fist. Strengthen your resolve. All activities of the New World` Order are well coordinated regardless of whether or not you` can prove a conspiracy theory.

These are irrefutable facts, not conspiracy theories. Get the` united states of America out of the United Nations and` encourage other countries to do the same, until the people of` the world are all sovereigns. Demand that the UN and all` globalist organizations be accountable to the people of the` world, not the small-minded, elitist Power structure of the` New World Order (bankers, corporations and nation-states).

Ambassador Allbright has recently commented at the UN` that “the people of the usA will have to surrender their` sovereignty.”31 Schoolchildren no longer “pledge allegiance` to the republic for which it stands,” or to the American flag.

Even at sport’s events, you will observe that most people do` not cross their heart, nor sing the National Anthem.

Notice how rarely, if ever, the concept of sovereignty is` mentioned in any media, or in the schools. I never once` heard the word in any of my political science education.

That’s because sovereignty is a key central concept around` which all political, economic and legal system revolve. It a` concept that’s been relegated to a small elite for so long, that` it is no longer in popular usage. Despite the fact that` sovereignty is the source of authority from which all law and` governments arise.

Recognize and admit that the CIA and our supposed` National Security State is not operating in the interests of` the American people, but are strongly anti-American in` sentiment, philosophy and action (as are most operating` agencies of the federal government, transnational` corporations, banks and the New World Order).

Recognize that a secret war has been waged against the` united states of America since the founding of the nation` 220 years ago.This war has escalated in intensity through` massive brainwashing, programming and other subtle` means of control and domination.

The object of this secret war is to destroy the sovereignty of` the united states of America, the United States and the` freeborn American sovereign “state” Citizens.

This time around We the People must restore the` sovereignty of the state Republics, and the sovereignty of the` “state” Citizens for all people regardless of race, creed, color` or sex. We must declare that the 14th Amendment was a` fraud instituted under martial law during the Civil War, and` therefore invalid.

That the activities of the U.S. Congress since 1913 have been` largely unconstitutional and fraudulent in nature and must` be repudiated.

That the private banking institutions are unconstitutional,` and the federal debt must be repudiated as a fraud as well.

That public policy and spin doctors manipulating public` opinion are no replacement for the American system of law` and governance.

This must be restored, reclaimed and respected at all costs.

It’s long overdue that we organize a political party, judicial` reform, and take legal action as Citizens to restore this` constitutional republic. 32` Strategic alliances and diplomatic relationships must be` consummated between all the sovereign nations of the world` and quite “another world order” created from the ashes of` the old, dying internationalist system. The New World Order` violates numerous principles of natural law and it has no` popular support. Therefore, it will ultimately fail. Another` vision for the next millennium must be brought forward and` presented to the people.

The next millennium will bring forth and recognize 3,000` sovereign nations on this planet established under the Law` of Nations, allied economically and diplomatically. We the` People will all be sovereigns extending our deepest respect` and regard to each other. We will also treat the land and our` environment with respect and recognize the sacred nature of` life.

To destroy our very life support system on this planet would` be a terrible sin (i.e., missing the target). We the People will` all have unalienable rights derived from the Creator, not` equal civil rights as government slaves. We will begin` behaving as good sovereign individuals taking responsibility` for ourselves, our families and our communities.

We the People will demonstrate competence and integrity in` our daily lives and work with others to reconstruct,` rehabilitate and re-inhabit a republican form of selfgovernment.

People will begin to do what they talk about, aligning their` thoughts, words and deeds with the natural law. Healthy` individual and family systems will be reestablished through` communities of trust and various healing modalities.

Communications, economic and educational systems will be` linked through various computer networks utilizing all the` tools available for facilitating productive and meaningful` relationships. Get an e-mail address or website on the` INTERNET. Utilize the World Wide Web for archiving and` accessing news and information.

Tune in to short-wave radio and support the news programs` presently available.

If you don’t like the news, then go out and make some of` your own! We the People live in an information universe` with sustainable solar-hydrogen energy based systems as the` foundation for the economic and information systems in` quite “another world order.” Trading and economic exchange` networks will be created, local and global scrips introduced.

New environmental technology and agricultural industries` will be created for restoring economic vitality to depressed` areas utilizing available resources, skills and talent. We have` the intelligence and the technology to bring about a` transformation of consciousness on this planet.

The only question remaining is that of will and direction.

Will We the People do what needs to be done? Will you? 33` 1) REVOKE all powers of attorney granted unknowingly to` various agencies of the County, State and federal de facto` government corporation;` 2) REVOKE or RESCIND ANY and ALL CONTRACTS` entered into with agents or agencies of the government` corporation unknowingly and unintentionally waiving` rights for privileges or benefits, present or future;` 3) ADMIT no signature or authorization on ANY and ALL` contracts, documents or things in the possession, custody` and/or control, of either AGENT or PRINCIPAL;` 4) RESERVE ALL MY UNALIENABLE SOVEREIGN` RIGHTS by virtue of the Declaration of Independence` (1776), the Treaty of Paris, the 1st Constitution for the` united states of America, the Bill of Rights (1791) and 220` years of positive American law;` 5) REPUDIATE any presumed obligation to pay a` fraudulent and fictitious debt on a declared yet` undisclosed State and federal bankruptcies implemented` by foreign principals/creditors to overthrow the de jure` republican government of the united states of America;` 6) EXPOSE the treason, high crimes and misdemeanors of` elected and appointed agents, politicians, public officials, judges, attorneys and police officers acting under "color` of law," violating their oaths of office and allegiance to` the Constitution for the united states of America, while` acting knowingly as the express agents of foreign` principals/creditors of the International Monetary Fund` (IMF), knowingly extorting both property and money` from the American people through corporate` government, the Federal Reserve System and` international banking cartels;` 7) SUPPORT my fellow Citizens, public officials and` statesmen/women with the courage to stand up to this` injustice and RESTORE the sovereign rights and` property of all the people of the united states of America` (including blacks, women, minorities and indigenous` people), and the de jure government of the republic, a` government of, by and for the people;` 8) EXTRADICT yourself from the jurisdiction of the federal,` corporate United States and restore sovereign American` "state" Citizenship by the dignity of the constitutionally` based "separation of powers " doctrines;` 9) RESTORE a lawful, constitutional, republican form of` government with sovereignty vested in We the People,` including a lawful money system tendered on the` "payment" of gold/silver for debt, not debt-based Federal` Reserve Notes (i.e., IMF Notes).

Notes and Sources`


1. Sourced from California Supreme Courts Annual` Review of Lower Courts.

2. ?

3. Thomas Paine; Sourced from the Selected Work of` Tom Paine, Common Sense, edited by Howard Fast,` (Modern Library, New York, 1943, p.6).

4. Ibid. p.7.

5. ?

6. Federal Reserve Act of 1913, §13 (provides the option` to buy back the stock).

7. See Sovereignty Resolution.

8. See 60th Annual U.S. Conference of Mayors .

9. See Petition for Redress of Grievances.

10. Sourced from Edward G. Griffin, Creature from Jekyll` Island (American Media, 1994). See also: National` Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act` (NORFED) https://www.norfed.org`

11. Sourced from War Powers Statutes, Senate Report` 93-549.

12. Sourced from Perceptions, November '96, p.74]`

13. Sourced from Media Bypass Magazine, December '96,` p. 46, NANS Spring ‘97, p.18-19.

14. Sourced from Jeff Ganaposki, Patriot Primer #2,` (Living Word, p.116).

15. Sourced from a lecture by Jack McLamb,` Preparedness Expo, Seattle, Washington, October` 1993. See also Operation Vampire Killer 2000:` American Police State Action Plan for Stopping World` Government Rule published by Police Against the New` World Order.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. See also A Call To Arms, Wolverine Productions (video` on the operations of the New World Order here in` America); Americans Won't Need Guns in Utopia by` Police Officer Jack McLamb (Retired), Preparedness` Journal, June/July 1993, p.13; Is Compromise Killing` the 2nd Amendment by Lawrence D. Pratt, Gun` Owners of America, Preparedness Journal, June/July` 1993, p.5; Bo Sets the Record Straight, Colonel Bo` Gritz, Preparedness Journal, June/July 1993, p.14;` Gun Control Won't Work by Larry Pratt, USA Today,` August 17, 1993 (on constitutional right to bear arms). The National Rifle Association (NRA) is the largest` gun lobby in America.

20. Title 10 USC §311.

21. See also Militias Are Noticed By Donald W. MacPherson, The Spotlight (based on an Arizona` Republic article); Day One, February 9, 1995 (ABC` feature on Bo Gritz and his covenant community). Comment from a Marine General sourced from Mark` Koernke. Beware of the inflammatory, accusatory` language of the media, Big Brother, the ADL and other` self-proclaimed civil rights leaders who must justify` their existence by creating substantial enemies and` other scapegoats.

22. Sourced from William R. Pabst, Concentration Camp` Plans for U.S. Citizens.

23. Sourced from The Kitchen Militia can be reached at` Louisiana Kitchen Militia, P.O. Box 703, DeQuincy,` Louisiana, 70633. (318) 463-6574 (318) 786-5527fax.

24. Sourced from USA Today, April 17, 1996; Reviewed by` Estar Holmes, NANS Summer ‘96,p.30.

25. Sourced from The Free American; Reviewed by Estar` Holmes, NANS Summer ‘96,p.30.

26. Sourced from by Helen Johnson, E Pluribus Unum &` The Ohio Unorganized Militia; Downloaded on May 8,` 1996 from eplurib@megalinx.net; Contact: Helen` Johnson, E Pluribus Unum & The Ohio Unorganized` Militia, P.O. Box 44404; Columbus, Ohio 43204; (614)` 444-5840 (voice); (614) 444-5865(fax);` https://www.lookup.com/Homepages/65177/home.html`

27. Sourced from the Internet.

28. Sourced from Al Long, Sr. with Richard Neff Hubbard,` The Fearsome Beast That Keeps Us Free, Perceptions,` Jan/Feb 1996, p.12.

29. Sourced from Melanie Miller, Sui Juris, The House of` Common Law; Reviewed by Esther Holmes, NANS` Spring’96, p.10. See also: John Quade and Randy Lee` https://www.jeffry.com/jural.htm (they also pioneered the jural` society work).

30. Sourced from Township New Member Guide, (Arizona` Township Association, p.5).

31. The source for Ambassador Allbright's statement is` unknown.

32. See also the platform of The Constitution Party;` Distrust of Government Fuels 'Politics of Paranoia' by` Louis Saragon, Register-Guard, February 12, 1995` (right wing counterculture emerging across the rural` West affecting local politics in some areas); America:` Wither Goest Thou? by Harry Martin, Editor, The` Napa Sentinel, May 1994, p.5 (symptoms of America's` illness); See also A Proposed Constitutional Model for` the Newstates of America by William Cooper, Behold` A Pale Horse, p.251 (prepared by the Center for` Democratic Studies).

33. Ibid.