- Chapter Nineteen`

Every Man and Woman is Born With the Instinct for Freedom and Liberty. No Tyranny Can Stand.


by Johnny Liberty`

Dedicated to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and creation of this handbook`

Alaska: An Irregular State`

"It is with solemn resolve and respect that the` People of the Republic of Texas will vow in their` commitment towards their American kindred` relations and to all the people of the various states` within the Union of the united states of America.

To act with whatever aid is possible in salvaging` their lands and sovereignty. With all prayer, the` People of the Republic of Texas shall, where` possible, help in fostering world peace and` friendship and respect to all cultures and religions` as private and sacred to all human beings.”

— Plans & Powers of the Provisional Government` of the Republic of Texas 1`

Editor’s Note: Alaska, Hawai’i and Texas are three` examples of irregular States. Each is purported to be a` state of the Union on equal footing with the other state` republics. Texas was an independent nation prior to its` voluntary admission into the Union before the Civil War. It` has since restored its independence at law distinct from the` United States. The Kingdom of Hawai’i was also an` independent nation, a republic, prior to its overthrow by` the U.S. military in 1893. It has two executive branches and` the sovereign lineage of Hawai’i still holds titles to the land` there. Both Alaska and Hawai’i entered the Union directly` as federal States, not sovereign states of the republic. In` that, Alaska and Hawai’i became the precedent for the` other forty-eight states of the Union to become federal` States also under Article IV territorial jurisdiction of the` federal United States. Large segments of the Citizenry of` these federal States have recently caught wind of this` immense fraud, and are blowing the horn of independence.

2` When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary` for the Posterity and people of Alaska to ensure domestic` Tranquility, Justice, Peace, Prosperity, and a Republican` form of government for the Alaska territory, and to protect` the self-evident truths of our God-given unalienable rights to` life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness, a decent` respect to this present government requires that the` Posterity and people of Alaska should declare the causes` which impel us to make this Petition for Redress of` Grievances.

No government can exist without the consent of the` governed. When it becomes apparent that government or` agents of foreign powers are violating the rights of the` people granted to us by our Creator and secured and` protected by the organic laws of this nation; and when many` of the people of Alaska have individually petitioned this` government for redress of grievances, issued freedom of` information act requests, requested explanations of` government actions and have been repeatedly ignored and` treated with contempt; and when the abuse of these rights` continues and even escalates, then it is the right, duty and` responsibility of the Posterity and people of Alaska to` declare openly our indubitable rights, liberties and` sovereignty; and to alter, reform, or abolish the government` in such manner as to restore the proper relationship of` government to its true masters.

The rights of the Posterity and people of Alaska have been` abridged or usurped by fraud and misrepresentation` imposed by various governments and their agencies through` the use of statutes, ordinances, regulations, zoning and` states of emergency enforced by their courts to displace the` Bill of Rights and the Common law. This abuse is an` abrogation and derogation of the Common law secured by` the Constitution of the “United States Organic Act of 1787”

as lawfully amended by qualified electors of the foreign` states and by the Northwest Ordinances of 1787.

Whereas, for true ownership of lands, it is an ancient Maxim` of Law that no title is valid unless the right of possession be` joined with the right of property: which right is then` denominated a double right, jus duplicatum, or droit droit.

Droit droit is also known as allodial title or allodium estate.

Right of property and right of possession are not taught in` our schools, nor explained by government agencies, lending` institutions, lawyers, real estate companies or title insurance` companies.

> DROIT DROIT— synonymous with allodial title or` allodium estate; when the right of property and the right of` possession are joined, a double right; signifies a complete` title in land.

The State of Alaska, Alaska State Legislature, Municipalities,` Boroughs and other political subdivisions of the State of` Alaska have allowed, participated in and encouraged lending` institutions, banks, credit unions, title companies, and real` estate companies to replace and represent a true mortgage` with a Deed of Trust and Rents document. This Deed of` Trust and Rents, via fraud, misrepresentation, concealment` and deception, insures that the banks and other lending` institutions own the real property through the operative` word beneficiary, a euphemism for cestui que trust.

> CESTUI QUE TRUST— beneficiary of a trust; estate or` property to which the legal title is vested in another.

The contempt of our forefathers towards the cestui que trust` is clearly shown by the 1843 Bouvier's Law Dictionary,` which defines a cestui que trust as “barbarous.”

The concerted effort to continue to defraud the people by` substitution of the word beneficiary for cestui que trust is` clearly demonstrated by the definition of cestui que trust` found in Black's Law Dictionaries of 1891 and 1910:` “It has been proposed to substitute for this uncouth term the` English word 'beneficiary,' and the latter, though still far` from universally adopted, has come to be quite frequently` used. It is equal in precision to the antiquated and unwieldy` Norman phrase, and far better adapted to the genius of our` language.”

The current version of Black's 6th Edition Law Dictionary` continues the deception by not defining “beneficiary” as a` cestui que trust. We the People unknowingly as the Trustor` in the Deed of Trust and Rents donate the real property` through the operative word beneficiary to the lending` institutions.

As the vested owners of the real property, the lending` institutions are entitled to profits from their real property by` the land occupier or occupier of land (§3 ch 82 SLA 1960),` which translates into a politically correct term — land use!` This endless tribute of rent from tenants (the people) to the` lending institutions manifests itself yearly as property taxes` (i.e., trustee compensation fees), which we pay because we` do not truly own the real property.

This deception continues, since we are led to believe when` the debt on the property to the lending institution has been` satisfied on the Deed of Trust and Rents, that we own the` real property, which is untrue. The State of Alaska reinforces` this fraudulent belief of ownership by issuing a document` called a Warranty Deed, which conveys to us the status of` being the equitable owner.

But in reality, the equitable owner has no rights in the real` property. The true owners are the legal owners or trustees,` which are the lending institutions. In actuality, banks,` lending institutions and the government own almost all real` property in Alaska.

The Legislature of the State of Alaska has intentionally` legislated the English feudal tenant status upon the Posterity` and people of Alaska, as demonstrated by the Session Laws` of 1960 Chapter 82 under definitions: “for the purposes of` this Act, the term ‘land occupier’ or ‘occupier of land’ means` any person, firm or corporation who shall hold title to, or` shall be in possession of, three or more acres of land in the` State, whether as owner, lessee, renter, tenant, or` otherwise.” [Emphasis added]` WHEREAS the Legislature of the State of Alaska in 1959 to` assure the control of the tenants (the people), created an` “Office of the Governor” which is defined in Black’s 4th Law` Dictionary: “But a power and duty may exist without` immediate grant from government, and may be properly` called an ‘office,’ as the office of executor, the office of` steward. Here the individual acts towards legatees or` towards tenants in performance of a duty, and in exercise of` a power not derived from their consent, but devolved on him` by an authority which quoad hoc is superior.”

Whereas, Alaska has three constitutions consisting of:`

1. The “Constitution of the State of Alaska” was voted on` by the Posterity and people of Alaska. (Killed by` session law in 1963 Chapter 1).

2. The “Alaska Constitution” was created by the` Legislators of the State of Alaska via several session` laws in 1959 and is unknown by the Posterity and` people of Alaska.

3. The “Alaska State Constitution,” is the current` constitution, an internally modified version of the` original Constitution of the State of Alaska.

This unlawful de facto Alaska Constitution consists of the` following session laws of 1959:` 1. Chapter 169 on the land itself,complete with a` Preamble.

2. Chapter 143 on administrative procedures for` executive, quasi-judicial and quasi-legislative agencies` of the State.

3. Chapter 50 on the supreme and superior courts.

4. Chapter 94 on Fish and Game.

The Legislature of the State of Alaska now operates as a` territorial government known as the “Alaska State` Legislature.” This name is used on their letterheads,` Legislative Information Office Marquees and other State` documentation. These territorial legislators did offer to the` registered voters two amendments to the Alaska` Constitution that were passed. They are:`

1. The first amendment was in 1970: “Proposing` amendments to the judiciary article of the Alaska` Constitution relating to the office of the chief justice of` the supreme court.”

2. The second amendment was: “Proposing an` amendment to the Alaska Constitution, establishing an` Alaska Permanent Fund for certain proceeds derived` from non-renewable resources.”

Today, even with the positive documentation of the Alaska` Constitution in the session laws of 1959 and two adopted` amendments, executive and legislative members staunchly` deny the existence of this constitution, and state that the` discrepancy of words used is insignificant.

Contrary to these official denials, the Lieutenant Governor` distributes through the Legislative Information Office a free` handout dated April 1995, entitled The Constitution of the` State of Alaska. Inside, on page 1, the Lt. Governor refers` only to the “Alaska State Constitution,” omitting any` reference to the “Constitution of the State of Alaska.”

This Alaska Constitution is printed today in the Alaska` Statutes in various titles (parts of title 16, title 22, title 44,` and title 38) to disguise its existence. How many` constitutions for the “State of Alaska,” “Alaska,” “this state,”  or “Alaska State” exist, and what is the purpose of each?

Why are these constitutions hidden from the Posterity and` people of Alaska? By what authority do the legislators and` the executive alter this legal instrument, known as the` “Constitution of the State of Alaska?” Is this not a flagrant` betrayal of the public trust?

Whereas, the Posterity and people of Alaska were duped into` voting for a constitution which imposed no limits on the` power of the legislature. This fact was known and supported` by the founders of the “Constitution of the State of Alaska,”  as stated by the Daily News Miner of February 6, 1956 on` the front page: “

The legislative department is strong because the constitution` leaves so much for the future legislators to accomplish, and` because the constitution puts no serious restriction on the` power of the legislature.”

Using this unlimited power, the legislature of the State of` Alaska created a Legislative Branch in the Session Laws of 1959 chapter 157 with no limits to its power, except to` operate within the people’s perception of a lawful legislature.

This legislative chameleon-like transformation from a` bicameral republican form of government consisting of a` senate and house of representatives, to a territorial` government composed of a legislature with two houses is` demonstrated by three different stages.

The first stage is the “Constitution of the State of Alaska.”

The second stage is the Legislative Branch created by the` Legislature of the State of Alaska. The third stage is the` codified legislature of the Legislative Branch Act in the` Alaska Statutes at Title.24` Whereas, the State of Alaska officials have denied the` existence of the Territory of Alaska, as recorded in United` States Code Title 16 Section 3201, Definitions (3)(A) “land` selections of the State of Alaska which have been tentatively` approved or validly selected under the Alaska Statehood Act` and lands which have been confirmed to, validly selected by,` or granted to the Territory of Alaska or the State under any` other provision of Federal law;” [Emphasis added]` This parallel existence of the Territory of Alaska and the` State of Alaska is further validated in many parts of the Code` of Federal Regulations, such as 50 C.F.R. §100.4, 36 C.F.R. §` 242.4, 50 C.F.R. §36.2 and 34 C.F.R. §13.1 (1996), which` also states: “Land selections of the State of Alaska which` have been tentatively approved or validly selected under the` Alaska Statehood Act (72 Stat. 339) and lands which have` been confirmed to, validly selected by, or granted to the` Territory of Alaska or the State under any other provision of` Federal law. ...”

This dual existence is further validated at 22 C.F.R. § 133.1;` 43 C.F.R. § 2623.0-8; and 26 C.F.R. § 31.3401(a)(5)-1. The` Territory of Alaska latitude and longitude areas are recorded` in the Code of Federal Regulations at 14 CFR Sec. 95.17. A` picture of the Territory of Alaska in 1962 is recorded in the` Federal Register at 27 FR 4356, May 8, 1962.

Still, the State of Alaska government officials refuse to` acknowledge the existence of the Territory of Alaska — even` with the conclusive documentation provided to them.

Whereas, the true Common law and equity courts are the` law for the sovereign people to maintain control of our` government. The State of Alaska government and its officials` have concealed from the people of Alaska our true common` law courts, as secured by the Seventh Amendment of Bill of` Rights of the Constitution for the united states of America.

We the Posterity and people of Alaska demand to know the` location, the rules of court and the seals of the real Common` law court or in the alternative, if they have been suspended` and by what authority.

Whereas, the State of Alaska government and officials` thereof have concealed the identity of public officials of the` Territory of Alaska. We, the Posterity and people of Alaska,` demand to know the following information regarding the` Territory of Alaska:`

1. Who are the public servants and what are their` responsibilities?

2. Who are the judges and where are the courts located?

3. What is the jurisdiction and type of law(s) of each of` these courts?

4. What is the citizenship status of the judges?

5. What is the citizenship status of the petit and grand jury` members?

6. Are gold-fringed flags used in the public offices and` courts? If so, where is the authority to use such goldfringed` flags? What does the gold-fringe signify when` used on the flags of the Territory of Alaska and united` states of America?

Whereas, the State of Alaska government and officials` thereof have concealed the identity of public officials with` their total responsibilities, courts, and the jurisdiction of the` courts of the State of Alaska. We, the Posterity and people of` Alaska, demand to know the following regarding the State of` Alaska:` 1. Who are the public servants and what are their` responsibilities? It seems that many of the public` servants carry several titles and job responsibilities to` more than one governmental agency, entity or` corporation?

2. Who are the judges and where are their courts located?

3. What is the jurisdiction and type of law(s) of each of` these courts?

4. What is Black Letter law?

5. Are these federal courts, courts of the State of Alaska,` courts of this state, ecclesiastical courts, courts of` several types combined or courts of unknown entities` and secret jurisdictions?

6. Why are the judges of the State of Alaska required to` have dual citizenship? What is each of these citizenships` of the judges (citizen of the United States and the state)?

7. Why are employees of the State of Alaska required to` have only a single citizenship status (citizen of the` United States)?

8. Why are jury members required to have only a single` citizenship status (citizen of the United States)?

9. Why is a citizen of the United States of America denied` access to a petit or grand jury in the State of Alaska?

10.Why is a citizen of the State of Alaska denied access to a` petit or grand jury in the State of Alaska?

11. What is the citizenship status required to be a member` of a petit and grand jury?

12.Why do these courts and government offices display a` gold-fringed flag (State of Alaska and the United States` of America)? Where is the authorization and` explanation to display a gold-fringed flag? Why is the` gold fringed flag described only in Army regulations 840-10, 1979 update?

13. Is the State of Alaska and/or the United States in` bankruptcy or receivership?

14.What is the Seal of the State of Alaska? How many seals` does the State of Alaska have? Why does the Lt.

Governor and other agencies and officials of the State of` Alaska use at least two different seals? What do each of` these seals represent in all respects? Whereas, the` United States Code Title 8 Section 1481 under — MISC2` — has the following recorded from the Revised Statutes` of 1873-74 and 1878 in what can only be taken as a treasonous statement in direct conflict with the` Constitution for the United States of America and the` sovereign People of the United States of America:` This emphasis statement is for the Posterity of We the` People of the United States of America to abandon and` disavow our allegiance to our foreign state of` birthright (each of the several states are foreign to each` other and are called foreign states).

By what authority should we desert our country of birth, and` who would knowingly disavow allegiance to his/her country` in favor of a de facto corporation and forswear unalienable` rights for dubious benefits and privileges? Do you support` this R.S. Sec. 1999?

Whereas, the enabling act of the Congress of the United` States of America for admittance of a state into the lawful` Union contains two definite requirements. First, each lawful` state is to become "one of the United States of America.”

Second, each lawful state shall be on an equal footing with` the original States. The correct enabling act of lawful states` into the Union is shown below, versus the unlawful enabling` act language of Alaska.

Lawful admission into the Union` WHEREAS, "That the State of Kansas shall be, and is hereby` declared to be, one of the United States of America, and` admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the` original States in all respects whatever." 29 January, 1861, c. 20,s. l, v. 12, p. 126. is the lawful means to become one of the` several states, but`

Unlawful admission into the Union` WHEREAS, "That, subject to the provisions of this Act, and` upon issuance of the proclamation required by section 8 (c)` of this Act, the State of Alaska is hereby declared to be a` State of the United States of America, is declared admitted` into the Union on an equal footing with the other States in` all respects whatever..." Public Law 85-508, 85th Congress,` H. R. 7999, July 7, 1958, 72 Stat. 339 as Amended,` THEREFORE, We, the Posterity and people of Alaska, now` know that the State of Alaska is not "one of the United States` of America, admitted into the Union on an equal footing` with the original States in all respects whatever.” It is rather` “a State of the United States of America,” one of the “other` States,” “this state,” and “another State,” all unknown to the` Constitution of the United States of 1787, and the Posterity and` people of Alaska.

THEREFORE, the Constitution of the State of Alaska,` Alaska Statutes, Alaska Administrative Code and all` instrumentalities in one form or another of the State of` Alaska have no effect, no jurisdiction and are null and void` on the lawful citizens of the United States of America (also` known as citizens of the foreign states).30`

Independence for the Hawai’i(an) People`

Editor’s Note: Similar escapades occurred during the` illegal overthrow and annexation of the Kingdom of` Hawai’i as a federal State.

The Akaka Resolution (P.L. 103-150), otherwise known as` the “Apology Bill,” was recently passed by Congress and` signed by President William Clinton. It has recognized the` illegal overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai’i on January 17,` 1893, and apologizes to the Native Hawai’i(an)s on behalf of` the people of the United States.4` Internationally renowned Attorney Francis A. Boyle has interpreted` this action as a window of opportunity for the native` Hawai’i(an) sovereignty movement to restore their independent` nation state under the auspices of international law.

It’s necessary to launch an educational process in the` Kingdom of Hawai’i to teach the people how to govern` themselves and move toward unification. A provisional` government for the Kingdom of Hawai’i has been initiated.

All the titles of the lands have been held in trust for the` Hawai’i(an) people since the overthrow in 1893.It’s just a` matter of competent and visionary leadership coming` forward and agreeing on a process and structure for the` unification of 300 or more factions.

There must be competent, reliable and integral individuals` who can lift themselves into the role of statesmen/women.

The Hawai’i(ans) do not need more politicians or selfinterested` leadership whose only concern is getting reelected` or keeping their piece of the political pie.

Hawai’i has been ruled by foreigners for generations, partly` because the Hawai’i(an) people have been unwilling to learn` how to govern themselves, or too busy competing with each` other through tribal/clan rivalries.

Petty tyrants and many pretenders to the throne keep the` people divided, thus conquered as thoroughly as the global` elite can. Better that we all be sovereigns without subjects.

(See also the Sovereign Hawai’ian’s Handbook by Johnny` Liberty). 5`

Short History of the Republic of Texas` Editor’s Note: The saga of the valiant effort by individuals` in the Republic of Texas to restore their independence from` the United States has not been given its due attention.

History has been in the making these last three years, yet` few Americans noticed. Until the front page news` scandalized Ambassador Richard McLaren, accused and` convicted him of “kidnapping,” and the philosophical` divisions within the Republic of Texas weakened their` unified resolve, the possibility of a free and independent` republic in America was so close you could taste it. The` final word is not in. Blessings to the Republic of Texas. You` were the first to step out for independence again.

Paralegal, Richard McLaren, was doing legal research in an` attempt to free the Davis County Land Commission from the` grasp of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), when` he discovered the State of Texas had never been properly` brought into the union of States. In 1845, Texas, which was a` separate and sovereign nation until that year, was annexed` to the Union.

There is no constitutional provision or federal law allowing` the United States to annex a foreign nation. The national` legislature got around that inconvenience by issuing a joint` resolution. There was not a quorum to vote on the matter,` but it was done anyway. The foreign nation of Texas was illegally annexed to the United States without the requisite` number of votes.

On December 13th, 1995, the provisional government for the` Republic of Texas was re-consummated in ceremonies at the` Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. Texas has always been a` special case with regards to its participation in the Union of` states. Texas was an independent nation established and` recognized under the Law of Nations.

There still is an embassy in Paris, France that was established` by Sam Houston on behalf of the Republic of Texas.

Upon annexation, the state of Texas retained its public` domain and still has its own General Land Office in Austin` for issuing land patents (i.e. land scrip), and allodial titles.

This provisional government formally dissolves the U.S. military rule which has existed over its soil since 1861.

The Davis Mountains Land Commission, by and through the` acts of its Citizens, have brought about the reconstitution of` the lawful de jure Government of Texas based on the Plans` & Powers of the Provisional Gover-nment of Texas of` November 13 1835, the Declaration of Independence of` March 2, 1836, the Constitution of the Republic of Texas` dated March 17, 1836; the Constitution of the Republic of` Texas dated December 29, 1845, as amended January 16,` 1850, as amended August 29, 1994, January 27, 1995 and` June 9, 1995.

Historical Timeline` Nov 13, 1835 - Republic of Texas established.

Mar. 2, 1836 - Texas Declaration of Independence.

Jan. 27, 1845 - Republic of Texas annexed by United States.

Feb 1, 1861 - Republic of Texas tries to secede from the` Union. Military rule instituted.

April 12, 1994 - A legal process was commenced by citizens` of Jeff Davis county in Texas to perfect regaining the` sovereignty of the Soil of Texas.

June 9, 1995 - Original Petition of the People of the land` territory of the Davis Mountains and Big Bend is signed. The` People agree to institute fully operational government for` the Republic of Texas.

Oct 18, 1995 - The Davis Mountain Land Commission filed` an action with evidentiary documents with the Texas` Supreme Court (Case # 95-1002 ) and International Court of` Justice at the Hague, claiming Texas was unlawfully` annexed in 1845. 10 pounds of documents compiled over` three years were filed with the action.

Nov 13, 1995 - The Texas Supreme Court vacated the case` for “want of jurisdiction.” It is the opinion of the filers of the` action that since nobody contested the claim, it has been` resolved at law that the Republic of Texas is reinstated as a` free and independent nation among nations, subject only to` treaties authorized by its Constitution.

Under the Law of Nations, the Common law has been` reinstated in the Republic.

Nov 16, 1995 - Legal process of April 2, 1994, finalized` (Texas Supreme Court case #95-1002).

Dec 13, 1995 - Legal process of April 2, 1994, finalized (by` the People). Provisional Transitional Government of Texas` instituted, ending military rule in effect since 1861. The` Provisional Government of the Republic of Texas, its` agencies and agents adopt and incorporate the plans and` powers of the Provisional Government of Texas of Nov 13,` 1835; the Declaration of Independence of March 2, 1836; the` Constitution of the Republic of Texas of March 17, 1836; the` Constitution of the Republic of Texas dated Dec 29, 1845 as` amended; Jan 16, 1850, Aug 29, 1994, Jan 27, 1995, and` June 9, 1995; and anything in the plans and powers` consistent with the Common law. The territories delineated` in the 1850 Compromise are affirmed.

Dec 18, 1995 - An International Abatement At Law of` Previous Appearance by Notice of Intent Perfect Notice to` the Security Council of the United Nations is filed at the` International Court of Justice, The Hague, along with the` Declaration of the Provisional Government and 20 other` documents.

Dec 27, 1995 - Emergency meeting of General Council of` Government of Republic of Texas adopts Resolution/` Proclamation of Neutrality under the Law of Nations.

Jan 2, 1996 - Legal process of April 2, 1994, finalized (in` accordance with Law of Nations) when final documents` were received into the archives of the International Court.

Jan 5, 1996 - President of the Republic, John C Van Kirk,` notified State of Texas Governor George Bush in writing that` the legal process of April 2 was complete. There was no` attempt made by the de facto administration to discuss the` matter.

Jan 7, 1996 - Republic of Texas issues Proclamation of the` Transitional Plan which lays out procedure to be followed` leading up to a constitutional convention no later than Jan` 7, 1998. The Plan includes an audit of the de facto` government; changing assets and instruments into currency` of the Republic to be based only on money of intrinsic value;` elimination, privatization, deregulation or reorganization of` existing agencies; notification of foreign corporations that` they are now under jurisdiction of Republic of Texas; order` to all policing authorities to protect the rights of the Citizens` of the Republic of Texas; and more.

Jan 9, 1996 -The Republic’s Secretary of Defense, Archie H. Lowe, sent a correspondence to the commanders and` executive officers of five Texas militias, calling for official` unification to establish a Republic militia.

Jan 10 1996 - Republic of Texas President, John C. Van Kirk,` issues Formal Announcement to “all people living on the soil` of Texas who cherish liberty, freedom, law and order,” that` the legal process commenced on April 12, 1994, to regain` sovereignty of the Soil of Texas had been perfected.

Invitation to participate in gathering in front of the Capitol` of Texas on Jan 16, 1996.

Jan 16, 1996 - The United States ex rel State of Texas (de` facto) and its other subdivisions were served a “Writ of Quo` Warranto,” challenging authority. The document was served` to George King at Governor Bush's office. The Governor was` given 30 days to refute the Quo Warranto. (Failure to` respond constitutes agreement to the charges under the` law). The time expired without a reply on Feb 15, 1996.

Feb 2, 1996 - An affidavit was filed with the Chief Magistrate` of the Republic of Texas (who is also the president according to an 1836 law) by an expatriated Republic of Texas citizen.

The affidavit said two US Marshals had detained the citizen` without warrant and held him at gun point for questioning.

Feb 8, 1996 - Warrants were issued for US Marshals Robert` Hartman and David Sligh, US Attorney William Harris, and` US Judge Edward C. Prado. They were filed with Sheriff` Jack Bremer, Comal County. In response the FBI circulated` a story that a militia group threatened to kidnap a judge.

Feb 9, 1996 - KMOL television news reports that a federal` court in San Antonio was closed down due to a “rumor’ that` militia groups had threatened to kidnap a federal judge.

Feb 15, 1996 - Time to respond to Republic of Texas Quo` Warranto (lawful manner to challenge authority of a` corporate or government entity) expired at midnight Feb 17,` 1996 - Governor George Bush was deposed via “Tacit` Procuration” before a citizens’ Grand Jury. The Grand Jury` found the Governor had defaulted and therefore had no` lawful authority over the people of Texas. It was announced` another Grand Jury would convene on Feb 27, 1996, to hear` charges against Federal authorities in reference to drug` running, theft and fraud perpetrated by US Attorneys and` Federal Judges; as well as three murders of people` investigating these alleged crimes. The abuse of the Capital` Trust Fund by the Governor's office as a vehicle to rob the` elderly of Texas of lifelong investments and funneling of` State Lottery monies to foreign accounts not subject to the` people were also to be investigated.

Feb 22, 1996 - President Van Kirk meets with head of the US` Marshal’s Service, Jack Dean. Van Kirk says Dean admitted` he didn't care about law or lawful process. He said he had` taken two oaths of office and intended to uphold his` corporate oath. Marshal Dean added, if any Texas Sheriff’s` acted upon the warrants filed by the Republic of Texas on` Feb 8, 1996, he would have them busted. Dean asked Van` Kirk if he would remove the warrants but the president said` they would stand.

Feb 26, 1996 - A message was broadcast on the Internet that` warned of an assassination order against John C. Van Kirk,` President of the Republic of Texas, by a federal office. The` code name of the order was “Captain Kirk” and the status` was “crash and burn.”

March 13. 1996 - President Van Kirk suspends Richard` McLaren and others from Council after they attempted to` impeach the President for his stance that militias were not` valid in Texas at this time, and that they will come under the` authority of sheriffs when the Republic of Texas is fully reinstated.

April 4, 1996 - Federal Judge Lucius Bunton rules that` Richard McLaren, Upper Limpia Basin Common Law Trust` and the Republic of Texas owe Stewart Title $1.8 million for` filing liens against the company. In the ruling, Judge Bunton` stated that the “Republic of Texas” is not a nation, but that it` is an unincorporated business. President Van Kirk agreed,` saying as the case was presented, the evidence warranted the` decision. He stated: “Texas, as a nation has to be first established` at law, then accepted by a majority of the people. This` requires a political process and a convention.” Van Kirk told` the Associated Press: “McLaren's agenda seems to 'bounce` off the wall' with frivolous filings, creating bogus Common` Law Courts, and subverting the truth. I believe his ‘Republic` of Texas’ will die a quick death.” 7` May 2, 1996 - Republic of Texas Office of the Treasurer Notice` is hereby given in accordance with the law of nations, by` the rule of Postliminium in accordance with a Judgment of` Foreclosure in Cause No. 96-000776-CL, styled We the People` of the Republic of Texas vs Internal Revenue Service` (IRS), a foreign agency of final adjudication on April 27,` 1996, in the District Court of Milam, Tarrant county of this` action eminent domain. That it is hereby ordered in accordance` with ruling of the court pursuant to jury trail and findings` that all easements or claims by the IRS to control of` lands, properties, and tenements on the soil of Texas be immediately` revoked and cancelled and notice of Judicial sale` be posted. It is further ordered that all proceeds of this sale` be placed in the Treasury of the Republic of Texas for use` and benefit for the continuation of the recovery of lands and` properties by acts of postliminy by its People and Citizens.

Sale time and Location: North Side of the Capitol Building in` Austin of the Republic of Texas June 18, 1996, at 11:00 a.m.

For information on the description of the lands and buildings` to be sold and to obtain bid information please call the` Republic of Texas home office at (210) 349-8994. This sale` and foreclosure was executed by the Office of the Treasury of` the Republic of Texas, Darrell Franks, Treasurer.

June 17, 1996 - A “Declaration of Independence and Reclamation` of the Republic of Texas” (with cover letter) was` served on the United Nations . This declaration places that` body on notice of violations of international law and the` United Nations charter by one of its member states (the` United States), and demands that the other member states` compel the US to follow the law and international agreements` that it has made. (This declaration is not an attempt` to join the United Nations.) A Notice has been sent to all nations` of the world that according to the “Diplomatic Notice` of Perfection,” the United States is without authority to represent` the Republic of Texas. A “Diplomatic Notice of Perfection` of International Discourse” has been served on various` individuals. A Resolution certifying US District Judge` Lucius D. Bunton III as representative from the judicial` branch of the United States of America during the transition` has been passed.

"If there be a principle that ought not to be` questioned within the United States, it is that` every man has a right to abolish an old` government and establish a new one.

This principle is not only recorded in every public` archive, written in every American heart, and` sealed with the blood of a host of American` martyrs, but is the only lawful tenure by which` the United States hold their existence as a nation.”

— James Madison, 1751 - 1836` June 30, 1996 –

A Press Release concerning the recent` lawsuit filed by de facto State of Texas Attorney General Dan` Morales against the Republic of Texas has been posted to` the Press Releases section. Notice of an Amended Schedule of Appointment was filed with the United Nations to certify` the Embassy and the Foreign Ambassador as previously` declared. A letter has been sent to US federal district judge` Lucius D. Bunton confirming his position as judicial` ambassador for the United States during the transitional` period.

July 3, 1996 - Officials from the Republic of Texas will meet` with FBI agents in Dallas this morning to discuss the` transition of government from the de facto State to the` Republic. Also on the agenda are allegations printed in a` local newspaper that the FBI “regularly informs” the local` police when the Milam District Court holds court. (Note that` there is nothing wrong with police knowing when the` meetings are, and in fact they are encouraged to attend, but` that is not the spirit in which these “regular informings”  were offered.)` July 4, 1996 - Notice has been sent to all nations of the world` of funds being made available from the Central Dominion` Trust to the United Nations through the Republic of Texas` treasury. If money talks, this document screams.

July 8, 1996 - Copies of three judicial opinions from the` Secretary of Judicial Affairs have been posted to the Judicial` Affairs area, and a link to that area now appears under the` Official Documents section.

July 7, 1996- A Call for Volunteers to serve on the Judicial` Affairs Committee has been issued by Ray Wanjura,` Secretary of Judicial Affairs. Two of a series of articles from` the Cleburne Times-Review have been added to the Press` Coverage section.

July 10, 1996 - Chief Ambassador and Consul General` Richard McLaren was heard on one of the largest talk radio` shows in Austin on Tuesday after appearing at a press` conference. The talk show ran for three hours, and response` has been overwhelmingly positive. Meanwhile, de facto State` of Texas Attorney General Dan Morales proceeded with a` hearing on a civil suit against the Republic of Texas in a` State courtroom. Witnesses and attorneys who were present` at the hearing described it as “a massive railroad job,” noting` that “virtually every rule in the book” concerning evidence` and procedure were violated by agents of the de facto State.

One witness was heard to comment, “There is no justice` system in Texas.” A celebration is planned in observance of` Captured Nations Week in Fort Davis July 19-21st.

July 11, 1996 - A Criminal Complaint has been filed with US` Federal Judge Lucius Bunton about the Texas Department` of Public Safety concerning the interference with the right of` the People to travel freely.

July 18th, 1996 - The First Diplomatic Conference was held` today in Pecos, Texas, with Judge Lucius D. Bunton` representing the United States judicial branch. I was not` able to attend this conference personally, but according to` Ambassador McLaren, apparently Judge Bunton has` received instruction from his superiors at the Fifth Circuit` Court in New Orleans “not to stand in the way of this` political question.” Judge Bunton has therefore asked that` the question be removed from his court and taken up with` Congress. The US Congress has already received and` presented the notice of establishment of Diplomatic` Relations. (See the Congressional Record for April 30,` 1996.)` October 12, 1996 - The Republic of Texas has filed an` injunction against the de facto United States federal` government, and its agent, the de facto State of Texas, in the` United Nations. With this injunction, the Republic of Texas` has also ordered all actions pending against Citizens of the` Republic of Texas in de facto courts be dismissed with` prejudice.

October 23, 1996 - Today Steven Crear, Vice President of the` Provisional Government of the Republic of Texas, extended` an invitation to the People of the Washitaw Nation, as well` as indigenous People of all nations, to attend this weekend's` Council meeting in Houston. Vice President Crear recently` visited the Washitaw Nation. “Having discovered that,` through my Washitaw heritage, I, too, am an indigenous` (meaning ancient or original people of a land) person, I felt` honored to have the opportunity to meet with Empress` Verdiacee of the Washitaw Nation. I would like to extend an` open invitation to the People of the Washitaw Nation as well` as all indigenous Peoples to attend our upcoming Council` meeting. I welcome them and invite them all in a spirit of` love, peace and joy, to join us in this movement of cultural` freedom.” Vice President Crear stated.

October 23, 1996 - On the day our President Lowe was` kidnapped by College Station police, an unauthorized` message was faxed to law enforcement in College Station` threatening violence on the part of the Republic. Secretary of` Defense Ralph Turner states unequivocally that The` Republic of Texas is a non-aggressive nation and has no` intention of inciting violence at any time. “"This has been a` lawful process of filing the documents necessary in every` step of the process in reclaiming our nation, because we` intend to make this transition a peaceful one. We've always` stressed that we will use force only in defending ourselves` from any aggressive, forceful action initiated against us. The` type of threats made in the unauthorized message are not in` keeping with the posture of the Defense Forces of the` Republic of Texas,” Dr. Turner stressed.

Editors Note: There is an ongoing controversy between` Archie Lowe and Richard McLaren as to which is the` legitimate provisional government for the Republic of` Texas. These comments were downloaded from Lowe's` website. Since McLaren's showdown and arrest in Texas` and their website being shut down, I have no reliable` information from McLaren's side of the story.

October 25, 1996 - Today, Richard McLaren, Chief` Ambassador of the Provisional Government of the Republic` of Texas, stated that contempt charges have been filed with` the United Nations against Dan Morales and Judge Joseph` Hart of the 126th District Court of Travis county. The` contempt charges cited consist of: conspiracy and genocide,` in violation of United Nations Charter 2(4); intent to execute` documents of political extortion; kidnapping of officers of` The Republic of Texas while attempting to carry out their` rights and duties of political acts which are protected under` the Law of Nations; attempting to incite and commit violent` acts to achieve these unlawful ends. The charges are` contained in an “Amended Petition to Enjoin by Right of` Presumption, which was filed with the General Assembly of the United Nations,” by and through its Secretary General,` Boutros Boutros-Ghali, today. Mr. McLaren stated, “These` acts were committed by agents of Dan Morales on October` 21, 1996, through the filing of a Verified Motion for Civil and` Criminal Contempt and an Order setting a hearing on the` motion which was signed by Joseph Hart. These acts are` bogus and unlawful,” McLaren continued, “because they're` seeking to incarcerate Republic of Texas officials if they` don't sign over the “Cestui Qui Trust,” which no longer rests` in the hands of the Provisional Government of The Republic` of Texas, but in the hands of the People. The rights of the` public trust will be determined at the July 4, 1997,` constitutional convention. Further, on November 16, 1995,` in case number 95-1002, the Supreme Court of the State of` Texas dismissed for want of jurisdiction an action involving` the eminent domain question of the soil of Texas and its` People.”

March 31, 1997 - PUBLIC NOTICE CONCERNING` PURPORTED QUO WARRANTO AND MILAM DISTRICT` COURT; To: Richard Lance McLaren and Timothy Charles` Perkins; Cc: All People and Citizens of the Republic of` Texas; From: The General Council of the Provisional` Government of the Republic of Texas` April 27, 1997` !! Urgent Notice !!` It has come to the attention of the Provisional Govern-ment` of the Republic of Texas that a situation has arisen in the` Davis Mountains, near Fort Davis. It is with great regret and` sadness that the following information is posted:` It appears that Richard McLaren and those acting with him` have gone completely off the deep end, disregarding the very` laws he claims to uphold. According to reports by witnesses` in the Davis Mountain Resort (including Mr. McLaren's` wife), and further confirmed by our contacts in law` enforcement, both state and federal, there have been shots` fired between Mr. McLaren’s supporters and law` enforcement officials.

These actions are another in a long chain of unlawful acts by` Mr. McLaren, culminating today in the kidnapping of a` Texas Citizen on nothing but hearsay. This morning, a` captain in McLaren’s security team left McLaren's property` and proceeded out of the Davis Mountains resort. On his` way out, it is believed that he stopped by one of the` neighbors' houses (the purpose of that stop is unknown at` this time).

After leaving the neighbor's house, the man proceeded out of` the resort. As he left the resort, he was stopped by someone` from the Sheriff’s department. The van the man was driving` was “loaded” according to witnesses (loaded with what is` uncertain), and he was arrested. It is not clear whether shots` were fired at this point or not.

As word of this arrest made it back to McLaren’s property,` apparently the assumption was made that the neighbor` must have “set up” the van's driver. Based on nothing more` than this supposition and rumor, two men from McLaren’s` security detail went to the neighbor’s house and kidnaped` the neighbor. It is not known whether shots were fired at` this point.

This blatantly unlawful act by Mr. McLaren illustrates his` contempt for the common law process he claims to love. The` neighbor was kidnaped by force of arms based on nothing` more than a rumor — no evidence, no grand jury, no` indictment, no hearing, no due process of any sort. It is not` known at this time whether the neighbor is still being` unlawfully held.

Area law enforcement officials have responded, and are well` within their rights to do so. Citizens and supporters of the` Republic of Texas are strongly cautioned and advised to be` wary lest they be pulled into this situation.

After the impeachment of Mr. McLaren on March 22, he` attempted to perpetrate a coup d’etat and install himself as` the only member of the General Council. When this failed,` he attempted to convene a special election by direct-mailing` a small subset of Texas, and using the fifty or so people who` cast a ballot as being “proof” that he could not be` impeached, and was the sole charge of the question of Texas` independence. Mr. McLaren has subsequently decided to` declare war against the United States, the State of Texas,` and the United Nations.

The lawful Provisional Government of the Republic of Texas` remains committed to a peaceful solution to Texas` independence. We reserve the right to defend ourselves if` attacked, but we cannot and will not support unlawful` actions such as kidnapping without lawful process. The man` who was kidnapped is a Texan and deserves every bit as` much respect as any other Texan. It is this blatant disregard` for law and due process that has caused the Republic of` Texas to seek its independence. We will not condone more` unlawful government under a different name, nor will we` support the actions of a madman, no matter what his` contributions may have been in the past.

Again, all Citizens and supporters of the Republic of Texas` are strongly cautioned not to involve themselves in this` conflict. There is absolutely no justification for placing life` and limb in jeopardy over the political ambitions of one` man.

April 21, 1997` Apparently, former Ambassador Richard McLaren` (impeached on March 22), acting in concert with other` former Council members, held his so-called “election” on` April 19, and has managed to get his newly elected` “representatives” to pass a declaration of war against the` United Nations, the United States, and the State of Texas.

The legitimate provisional government of the Republic of` Texas under President Lowe does not support these` unlawful acts, nor the declaration of war. The Republic of` Texas has always sought a peaceful path to recovery of Texas` independence, and we remain committed to that end. While` we could defend ourselves if necessary, to date there has` been no verified attack against the Republic of Texas, nor` even any verifiable cause for the issuance of any Defense` Forces Alert by the President or Secretary of Defense. While` the same abuses continue that have plagued all Americans in` recent years, there is no justification for a declaration of war` by a peaceful people who have not been directly and overtly` attacked.

This action by Mr. McLaren, is not only unlawful, but` deceptive, disruptive, divisive, and fraudulent.

May 3, 1997` The standoff in the Davis Mountains is over. Richard` McLaren and others with him reached an agreement with de` facto officials, laid down their weapons, and surrendered.

Two men did not surrender, and slipped away into the hills.

President Lowe and other officials of the Republic of Texas` have expressed great relief that no lives were lost, and hope` that the focus can now return to the issue of Texas` independence. 8` “It is with solemn resolve and respect that the` People of the Republic of Texas will vow in their` commitment towards their American kindred` relations and to all the people of the various states` within the Union of the united states of America, to` act with whatever aid is possible in salvaging their` lands and sovereignty. With all prayer, the People` of the Republic of Texas shall, where possible,` help in fostering world peace and friendship and` respect to all cultures and religions` as private and sacred to all human beings.”

Plans & Powers of the Provisional Government of the` Republic of Texas 8`

Provisional Governments` Established in Kingdom of Hawai’i`

On April 15th, 1994, an Interim Provisional Government` Council was formed by proclamation and decree for the` Kingdom of Hawai’i to repatriate the inherent Hawai’ian` sovereign. Pursuant to Public Law 103-150 supra, the` Hawai’ian people can reform their constitutional republic` and resume self-government at will as an independent` nation state.

In ceremonies at the Iolani Palace in Honolulu on November` 23rd, 1995, official relationships have been consummated` between the Provisional Government for the Kingdom of` Hawai'i and the united states of America. John David Van` Hove was appointed General Advocate Liaison and` ambassador to the united states of America to replace John` Nelson who was initially appointed in 1993.

His first duties include perfecting the paperwork for the` inherent Hawai'ian sovereign to reclaim their sovereignty` and repatriate into the Kingdom of Hawai’i, and for the` American sovereign in Hawai’i to get recognition of their` inherent American sovereignty.

Identity packages and an educational program are also being` developed. 9`

International Recognition for the American` Sovereign` It is time for American sovereigns to take our cause to the` world community and shed light on what’s happening in` American today. I just returned from Hawai’i on a diplomatic` and bridge-building mission by invitation of the Interim` Provisional Government Council (IPGC), a provisional government` structure for the Kingdom of Hawai’i.

The constitutional Kingdom of Hawai’i has just formally recognized` the American sovereign during ceremonies on Nov.

23, 1995 at the Iolani Palace in Honolulu. This is a tremendous` leap of faith and international recognition for the` American struggling to reclaim their sovereignty in our` homeland.

All the people in the world have a common struggle against` tyrannical government and the New World Order. The people` in Hawai’i who are informed about our cause are sympathetic` to our struggle for sovereignty as they are deeply involved` in restoring home rule and the inherent sovereignty` of the Hawai’ian people. The people of New Zealand know` more about American sovereignty than most Americans.

The people of the world would come to our aid and support` if they knew what was happening. It is our duty and responsibility` to inform them.

Many people despise Americans for what our government` has done on behalf of so-called “democracy.” They do not` make a distinction between the American sovereign and the` actions of our United States government.

The people of the world must make this distinction, and` know that our own government is at war with us as well. The` people of the world must be educated and informed as to the` nature of oppression within the united states of America.

Most people will find common ground with the American` sovereign and learn from us how to cast off the shackles of` their totalitarian regimes. The beacon of liberty still shines` brightly in the principles of our constitutional republic.

This is distinct from our present de facto government and` must be communicated internationally.

Most of the people of the world do not realize there is a war` going on in the usA. Many Americans can’t see it either although` they know something is terribly wrong. There is an` economic blockade around the usA which is hard to see until` you leave the country. The federal United States has been` bankrupted into submission and unconditional surrender.

Capital, resources and jobs are leaving the country at a rapid` rate while capital, information and news cannot get in. What` is happening in America has already been achieved in most` of the nations of the world— unconditional surrender under` the New World Order internationalist structures.

That is why the usA is at the frontline of the New World Order’s` assault upon our sovereignty. We the People of the usA` are the last line of resistance against the New World Order.

This is why we must succeed in reclaiming our American` sovereignty and reconstructing a constitutional Republic` from the bottom-up. 10` In summary, We the People must restore a constitutional republic` in the united states of America by reclaiming our own` American National\ and/or sovereign “state” Citizenship — ` then exercising our unalienable rights and defending those` rights if necessary.

We the People can restructure and reorganize our individual` and business affairs to optimize the transitional tools and` freedom technologies available to maximize wealth, security` and privacy in our lives.

We the People must abolish the Federal Reserve Banking` system, terminate the Emergency & War Powers Acts, restore` lawful de jure government, restore private banking and a constitutional money system, build the infrastructure for` supporting the re-emergence of sovereignty for all the people` worldwide.

There are over 3,000 sovereign nations on the planet, while` only 250+ members are recognized by the United Nations.

This is our mission, if we rise to the challenge and accept it.

It is not impossible to restore sovereignty as the basis for` both our national and world governmental systems.

Sovereignty is awakening once again in the minds, hearts` and souls of the human race. May it spread like a brushfire` throughout the world!`

Notes and Sources`


1. Sourced from Republic of Texas Resources & Link` Index: www.icresource.com/public_html / CRC/Directory /` Sovereignty.html See also:`

2. Sourced from Alaska Resources & Link Index:` https://www.icresource.com/public_html/CRC/Directory/Sovereignty.htm` l`

3. Sourced from NANS, Spring ‘97, p.76.

4. Sourced from SJR 19, the Akaka Resolution, U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka and the legal opinion of` Francis A. Boyle, Attorney. See also A King's Battle for` Recognition by Ken Taylor, Perceptions, Winter 1994,` p.12; Lower the Flag, Lower the Boom by Michael J. Sommers, Perceptions, Summer 1993, p.5; From A` Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in` Hawai'i by Haunani-Kay Trask. and Ka Lahui Hawai'i` (the native Hawai'ian sovereignty movement continues` with many competing interests and agendas).

5. Sourced from Johnny Liberty, Sovereign Hawai’i(an)s` Handbook (Cascadian Resource Center, 1996).

6. Sourced from Republic of Texas Resources & Link` Index: www.icresource.com/public_html/` CRC/Directory/Sovereignty.html`

7. Sourced from Reality Press, 1996; The American's` Bulletin, January & April 1996; The Free American,` May, 1996; Reviewed by Estar Holmes.

8. Sourced from Republic of Texas Resources & Link` Index: www.icresource.com/public_html/` CRC/Directory/Sovereignty.html` 9. Sourced from Kingdom of Hawai’i Resources & Link` Index:` https://www.icresource.com/public_html/CRC/Directory/Sovereignty.htm` l` 10. Ibid.