- Chapter Twenty`
Expand Your
Toolbox and Awareness. Learn How To Build Your Dreams and the Reality You
by Johnny Liberty`
to the thousands of pioneers` who came before and contributed to the research` and
creation of this handbook.
Reclaiming Your Inherent American` Sovereignty`
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the`
tranquility of servitude better than the` animating contest of freedom, go home
from us in` peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you, and may` posterity forget
that you were our countrymen.”
— Samual
We the People are
inherently sovereign in the united states` of
In principle, there
is nothing We the People must do to` become sovereign, because we already are.
But from a legal,` economic and political standpoint, there exist presumptions`
that we are NOT acting or performing as a sovereign would.
What is the code of
conduct for a sovereign? What is your` code of honor? What is your code of
ethics? Will you be a` generous and benevolent sovereign with the good of the`
whole aligned with your own good? Effectiveness is the` measure of truth.
Code Of Honor,
Code Of Ethics` For Americans,
there are presumptions supported by` evidence that we are the chattel and
property of the federal`
There are adhesion
contracts in force with our signature` (i.e., property) and seal upon them. We
must effectively deal` with and eliminate those presumptions to be an
effective` sovereign.
We must stop
accepting and receiving benefits from any` government corporation and be
completely and totally` responsible for ourselves, our families, and our`
Presumptions` To reclaim
inherent American sovereign status is not` expatriation, as defined, as that
would involve the voluntary` act of abandoning one’s country to become a
citizen or` subject of other. We are not abandoning one’s country, but` simply
removing the presumptions that we are NOT` sovereign.
You can identify
all the adhesion contracts that are being` enforced upon you in the
jurisdiction of the democracy, and` either revoke, rescind, or deny the
existence of the signature` on these contracts.
This will assist
you in getting your papers in order and` preparing evidence to support your
position and declaration` as an inhabitant in the free jurisdiction of the
For those of you
who choose to remain in the system and` NOT revoke, rescind or reclaim your
sovereignty, you can` still utilize many of the freedom technologies and`
transitional tools to achieve more prosperity, protection and` privacy in your
Adhesion contracts
must be dealt with, handled and` eliminated ab initio, such as:` • Social
Security Numbers (SSN’s)` •
Taxpayer Identification Numbers
(TIN’s) or Employer` Identification Numbers (EIN’s)` • Driver’s
Licenses` • Vehicle Registrations and Certificates of Title` • Marriage
Licenses` • Business Licenses, Incorporation Papers and other`
Permits` • Insurance Contracts` Each in our own
Begin by committing
to economic sovereignty by generating` wealth and prosperity for yourself and
your family.
Restructuring your
business and financial affairs in legal` structures, onshore and offshore,
better suited for asset` preservation and protection.
Get yourself
judgment and lien-proof, then declare and` reclaim your lawful sovereignty as a
human being in the` jurisdiction of choice.
Declaration Of
Sovereignty` Make this
declaration by “Affidavit” and send “Constructive` Legal Notice” and grace to
all government corporations or` agencies you’ve contracted with by certified
mail, return receipt` requested.
You may also give
notice by publication in a legal` newspaper. Common law process requires notice
and grace` for any actions taken that affect other parties (so said Jerry`
If you’re a high
profile individual, simply make your` declarations privately with two
Keep copies of
these documents with you if needed for` evidence of your status. Examples of
the “Affidavits” include:`
1. Declaration of
Domicile (Affidavit 1)`
2. Declaration of
Citizenship (Affidavit 2)`
3. Revocation of
Power of Attorney (Affidavit 3)`
4. Withdrawal of
Participation in Social Security` (Affidavit 4)`
5. Right To Travel
(Affidavit 5)`
6. Tax-Exempt
Foreign Status (Affidavit 6)`
7. Exemption From
Withholding in Lieu of W-4` (Affidavit 7) and Certificate of Foreign Status
8. Certificate of
Live Birth (Affidavit 8)`
9. Legal Name
Change (Affidavit 9)`
10. Revocation of
Signature on Contracts, Licenses and` Permits (Affidavit 10)
11. Revocation of
State Trusteeship (Affidavit 11)` Examples of the “Constructive Legal Notices”
include:` 1. General`
a) Social Security
Administration (Notice 1)`
b) Internal Revenue
Service (Notice 2)`
c) Secretary of the
Treasury (Notice 3)`
d) Secretary of
State (Notice 4)` e) Department of Commerce (Notice 5)`
f) Power of
Attorney (Notice 16)`
g) USA Passport
h) FOIA & PA
2. Travel` a)
Department of Motor Vehicles (Notice 6)` b) Memorandum of Law Regarding Travel`
(Memorandum 1)` c) Bill of Sale`
3. Officers of the
Court` a) Caveat for Violation of Due Process (Notice 7)` b) Writ of Habeas
4. All Police
Officers` a) Caveat for False Arrest (Notice 8)`
6. All Bank
Officers` a) Caveat for Failure to Open a W-8 Account` (Notice10)`
7. All Employers`
a) Letter and Notice to Employers (Notice 11)` b) Letter, Notice &
Affidavit to IRS Indemnifying` Employer (Notice 12)` c) Memorandum of Law on
Taxes, Social Security,` Levys and Securities (Memorandum 2)`
8. Notice of
Consent of Wife’s Father (Notice 13)`
9. Notice to the
Department of Commerce of the` Existence of a Constructive Trust (i.e., Birth`
Certificate) (Notice 14)`
10. Notice to the
Social Security Administration of the` Existence of a Constructive Trust (i.e.,SS)
(Notice 15)`
11. Notice to
Hospital by Parent Refusing the` Enumeration at Birth Program (Notice 17)`
12. Notice to State
Department of Revenue (Notice 18)` Adhesion contracts can be revoked or
rescinded by` “Affidavit” (so said Richard McDonald), although it leaves` the
presumption of the existence of the contract, and that we` knew what we were
This must be
overcome if challenged in a court of competent` jurisdiction. Other adhesion
contracts, such as those that` Congress has attached our taxpayer I.D. numbers
to, have` our consent through representation, not by signature.
Revocation Of
Contract` It can also be
argued (so said Eric Madsen) that our lawful` signature or seal was NOT on the
document, as there is no` consent without full disclosure when the scribble was
placed` upon the paper, nor could the parties perform. Deny the` existence of
the signature.
Your Signature
Is Not On The Contract`
— the act of writing one’s own
name upon` a deed, note, contract, or other instrument, either to identify` or
authenticate it, or to give it validity as one’s own act.
> SEAL — a sign, stamp, or mark signifying that the writing` preceding it
accords with his/her own wishes or intention.
You must make a
choice. You are either an American` national (sovereign in the 48 states),
“state” Citizen (with` Citizenship in one of the 48 states), sui juris freeman
or` woman (free of legal disability), or a
The choice is
yours! A sovereign is a “state” standing in` his/her character with full
judicial powers. You cannot serve` two masters. You cannot be half-pregnant! No
more` government handouts and services.
Once you’ve made
your declarations by affidavit and given` notice and grace, “Quiet Titles” are
utilized to perfect the` process. If you can find a Constitutional Common law
Court,` then you can perfect your quiet title before a jury of your` peers.
Declaration Of
Quiet Title` If you cannot find
a Constitutional Common law Court, then` you can make your “Declaration of
Quiet Title” and publish` it in a legal newspaper for 3 consecutive weeks. If
there is no` challenge to your claim and declaration within 60 days, then`
you’re status and property is perfected res judicata.
& Non Violently Challenge Authority` Stop filing and paying income taxes that support the war` against
the people of the world. Stop receiving any income` or benefits from within the
All income is
managed via legi
Being sovereign is
as much theater and posture as any lawful` and legi
Too many American
sovereigns have been unprepared in` their encounters with the authorities and
have created a lot` of needless suffering for themselves. Many have been`
bankrupted. Many are so preoccupied with court litigation` and the preparation
of paperwork they can no longer work` or support their families.
Much of this is
unnecessary if your papers are in order AND` you’ve handled your asset
protection in ADVANCE of any` encounters with the authorities.
If you want to take
on a piece of the system and make it` better, then do so from a position of
strength and wisdom.
Freedom Is
Global` For those of you
doing business in jurisdictions foreign to` the united states of America, you
can utilize these to create a` foundation for a republican form of government
based on` the sovereignty of the people in your country.
Any country that
was an English colony is a Common law` country (e.g., Canada). Every country
with a social security` insurance system is voluntary. Participation is not
It will take a
“revolution” in consciousness to bring about` that change, but it is not
impossible to create a bloodless,` though not painless, transformation. All
governments exist` by the consent of the people, regardless of their present`
For those of you
wanting to be free, start acting like a` sovereign individual and take the same
steps American’s` must to reclaim our republic.
American’s are not
much better off since the New World` Order is encroaching everywhere, except
that we have 230` years of case law to support American sovereignty and a`
track record of having been historically freer and more` prosperous than most
Getting Your Papers in Order` Once you’ve reclaimed your American National and/or` sovereign
“state” Citizenship, reestablish a national domicile` in one of the 48
sovereign states of the Union by “Affidavit` and Legal Notice,” filed at the
County Recorder office or` published in a legal newspaper.
Once you’ve
completed the legal sovereignty process, you` can stand in your character and
truth as a sovereign “state” Citizen.
Affidavits And Legal Notices` Getting
your papers in order involves completing the` affidavits and legal notices as
described prior and acquiring` a complete “Identification Package.”
The Secretary of State of the United States of` America hereby requests
all whom it may concern` to permit the Citizens of the United States herein to`
pass without delay or hindrance and in case of` need to give said Citizens all
lawful aid and` protection.”
— usA Passport 12`
Here’s what you’ll
need to get started with the` “Identification Package:”
1. usA Passport or
passport from your country of origin` without a SNN`
2. Affidavit of
Identification (AID) or Sovereign Citizen` Identification Card (SCIC)`
3. International
Driver’s Permit (IDP) or International` Motorist’s Qualification Card (IMQ) or
Auto Leasing` Identification Card`
4. Certificate of
Financial Responsibility or Proof of` Insurance without a SSN`
usA Passports`
It’s a good idea to have a “usA
Passport” in case you want to` travel overseas. Do not use your SSN or
State-issued driver’s` license when applying.
SSNs and TINs are
not required for American` Nationals/Citizens when applying for a usA Passport.
The` issuing of usA Passports is still a legi
Passports were
originally issued to a neutral merchant vessel` during the progress of a war as
evidence of her nationality.
A passport is a
license authorizing an individual to remove` him/herself or his/her effects
from the territory of one` country to another without detention or arrest.
In modern law,
passports are a warrant of protection and` the authority to travel, granted by
a competent officer to` individuals moving from place to place.11` Customs and immigration officers at the borders are`
operating in federal enclaves.
When asked what
Citizenship you are, reply “American` Citizen” or “usA National, “ not a U.S.
If you’ve ever
wondered why they can strip search you at the` border, it’s because the border
is a federal enclave.
Remember, you’ve
got no constitutional rights or due` process as a U.S. citizen in the federal
Once you are
outside the borders of your state, and in` another country not one of the
several states, you are a` Citizen of the United States.
The Secretary of
State of the various state republics before` WWII, at one
Note: See if you can find one of those old passports` in the un-catalogued
section of the State Archives` Once
provisional, de jure governments are restored in every` state, issuing
passports will once again revert to the state` republics.
Apply For USA
Passport Without SSN` For
American Nationals, first get a usA passport without a` SSN (only after you’ve
revoked, rescinded or stopped using` the SSN).
Note: This is the best I.D. you can get and is` necessary for any offshore
banking or international travel.
You’ll need two photographs
(2”x2”) along with your` application. If you’ve already got a passport, turn it
in and` get another one without the SSN.
Use the Form DSP-11
for first-
Passports Or Camouflage Passports` For additional privacy internationally, you can get a second`
passports (for a price) from a number of jurisdictions or` camouflage
passports are issued in a country (e.g., British` Honduras, Dutch Guiana,
British West Indies, Netherlands` East Indies, New Hebrides, Eastern Samoa,
Burma,` Rhodesia, New Grenada, Zanzibar, Spanish Guinea, British` Guiana, South
Vietnam) that has recently changed it’s name.
These are NOT legi
This is big
business for small countries. There are indeed` many ways to travel!`
and Travel Strategies` You
can issue an “Affidavit of Identification (AID)” or your` own “County Recorder
I.D.” or a “Sovereign Citizen` Identification Card (SCIC).” Use either of these
for personal` identification when you’d prefer not to use the usa Passport,`
getting on airplanes (harder to do post-911), receiving mail` at the post
office, and cashing checks.
Caveat: The
AID or SCIC will NOT replace a State-issued` driver’s license or an IDP or IMQ
at a traffic stop.
Create Or
Purchase Affidavit Of Identification Or` Sovereign Citizen Identification Card`
You can expect to get a
citation, arrest or impoundment if` you present the AID or SCIC in lieu of a
State-issued driver’s` license especially if you still show up in their
computers as a` “resident.”
Posture As A
Permanent Tourist Or` International Businessman Or Woman` At a traffic stop, adopt the posture of being a
“Permanent` Tourist” or being on “International Business” with an` offshore
domicile in a foreign country (not in the usA). Make` this the truth.
Change Of
Address To Foreign Jurisdiction At` DMV And USPS` You MUST establish a foreign domicile in a foreign
country,` get an IDP or IMQ with a foreign address, change your` address to the
foreign address at the DMV and the USPS,` have vehicles registered to a trust
or foreign entity NOT in` your individual name, and be able to demonstrate
financial` responsibility or proof of insurance at a traffic stop.
Here’s a quick
summary of getting all your paperwork in` order for a traffic stop:` • Prove
You are Not a Resident of Any of the Fifty States` • Establish
a Foreign Domicile in a Foreign Country` • Change Address with
the DMV to the Foreign Address in` a Foreign Country` • Present
IDP or IMQ as I.D. at a Traffic Stop with Foreign` Address` • All
Vehicles Registered in a Trust or Foreign Entity, with` Proper Tags and Safety`
• Proof of Insurance without a SSN Attached and Trust or` Foreign
Entity as Additionally Named Insured`
Driver’s Permit` Or International Motorist’s` Qualification Card` Under international law and conventions, IDP’s and IMQ’s`
are only valid OUTSIDE the Country of issue.
[Caveat: Do
NOT use an IDP or IMQ without all the above` steps completed.]` Motor Vehicles Must Not Be Registered In Your`
Individual Name` Lease the
motor vehicle from a trust or foreign entity,` register and insure the vehicles
in a trust or foreign entity,` and get an “International Driver’s Permit” (IDP)
or` “International Motorist’s Qualification” (IMQ) card for` traveling. This is
the best strategy for traveling by right and` comes highly recommended.
This strategy is
required until such
Motor Vehicles
Are Registered In A Trust Or` Foreign Entity` Purchase a new or used motor vehicle on behalf of a trust
or` foreign entity. Title the vehicle to the trust or foreign entity` and lease
back the vehicle from the company. Create or` purchase an “Auto Leasing” I.D.
Or purchase a new
“Place-Travel Device (i.e., motor` vehicle)” and travel by right without
license, plates or` insurance and be prepared for one heck of a ride. This is`
NOT a recommended strategy at this
Certificate Of
Financial Responsibility` Or Proof Of Insurance Without A SSN` Secure a “Certificate of Financial Responsibility” or
“Proof of` Insurance” without a SSN attached for I.D. purposes at a` traffic
Secure a
“Certificate of Financial Responsibility” by posting` a cash bond, or by
setting up an investment account to cover` your liabilities in the case of an
accident (there are no` “accidents”).
Some states will
accept a bond in lieu of insurance, although` the bond deposited with the state
(e.g., $85,000 cash bond` in the State of Oregon).
Caveat: Do
not create evidence of “residency” in any of the` 50 federal States (or 48
sovereign states). This is critical` for all sovereign “state Citizens.”
Privacy and
Name Changes` Revoking or
rescinding your SSN and various adhesion` contracts is not sufficient to secure
complete freedom and` privacy. Stop providing voluntary information about`
yourself to credit reporting agencies, polling agencies,` questionnaires and
surveys, etc.
Systems` Besides the SSN and
the credit report, the government` corporation tracks you through the 1st 2
digits of your first` name; middle initial, the 1st 3 digits of your last name,
and` your date of birth.
= July 18th, 1952 DATE OF` CONCEPTION = Oct 18th, 1951` Right To Alias` You have the “right to alias (AKA)” or a legal name
change` which you can effectively do by publishing a legal notice for` 3
consecutive weeks, providing you’re not doing so fraudulently,` to avoid your
creditors, or running from the law. Beware` — dual identities can be
misconstrued and dangerous.
Legal Name
Change` You may legally
change your legal name and date of birth to` the “date of conception.” You may
elect to change your legal` name without going to court by affidavit, then
filing it with` the County Recorder in the County you are domiciled, and`
publishing a notice in a legal newspaper.
You may also
petition a Common law court (if you can find` one left standing). Consistent
use of a “name” is also` sufficient to establish a name change. When women get`
married and use their husband’s last name either by statute` or under the
Common law, the consistent use is sufficient to` establish a name change.
You may also change
your legal name and address with a` “Change of Address” form from the post
Business Name` You may also
create a fictitious business name, or DBA and` use the same procedure above.
There is no requirement to` file a DBA with a state-agency providing
constructive legal` notice was given.
Your Name and
Signature Are Your Property` The
federal government corporation and it’s political` subdivisions (i.e., State
and Municipal corporations) operate` solely under the presumption every flesh
and blood human` being is in federal jurisdiction under their authority until`
proven otherwise.
This presumption is
either supported by evidence with your` name and signature or rebutted based on
the absence of` your name and signature To be sui juris, your “name,” which` is
your property, must be free of any “legal disability” resulting from any adhesion contract or commercial`
agreement with the government that you did not enter` voluntarily.
These contracts
must be revoked or rescinded by declaration` through various “Affidavits” and
“Constructive Legal` Notices” given to particular corporations, agencies or`
principals involved.
Your signature and
seal, and your fingerprints are your` property and cannot be taken without your
consent (unless` you’re a convicted felon).
Reservation Of
Rights` Henceforth to
reserve your rights, all signatures on correspondence,` affidavits, checks, and
contracts are henceforth` affixed with your signature or official seal, and “With Explicit` Reservation of All My
Unalienable Rights,` Without Prejudice, pursuant to UCC 1-207.”
This Reservation effectively
removes your signature from` the contract if there are any unseen agreements
or` adhesions, and invokes the Common law of the land as the` chosen venue and
This should be
signed on all contracts with the government` as a matter of due course
including traffic citations you are` forced to sign at a traffic stop.
We’ve already
learned the distinction between a U.S. citizen` and a sovereign “state”
Notice the small
“c” on U.S. citizen is a “diminished”
capacity. Notice the capital “C” on “state” Citizen is not.
> "c" — officers or employees of the
government in` a diminished capacity; 14th Amendment was the` first
"C" — Citizen, sovereign.
When you get a
legal notice from the IRS, or are served with` court papers, your legal “Slave”
name will be in all capital` letters.
Legal Fiction
This name is also
evident on your Birth Certificate,` incorporation papers and other trust
You can refuse all
correspondence to this legal “person” for` fraud, as it is not who you are
(unless it is intended to serve` the fiction), and or argue in a court of
competent jurisdiction` that they have NOT served the proper party to the
Refuse for
Draud` Advise them of their
“Refuse for Fraud” and` “Return to Sender.” Your “name” is fundamentally` where all adhesion contracts
begin, and where all malicious` prosecution ends.
Titles of
Nobility Are Legal Fictions` All
capital letters signifies a “Title of Nobility,” a legal fiction,` a
corporation, not a name properly addressing who I am. It` is these titles
granted by the old monarchy that the founding` fathers fought to defeat. The
concept of special rights or` special interest is anathema to the
constitutional republic.
1. a first-born son
is an “esquire” (an adjective); an` attorney is an “ESQUIRE.”
2. “Mister” or
“Mr.” — signifies a husband can spend the` dowry from his wife granted by her
father` (consideration for exchange of property).
3. Mrs., Ms. are
also “Title of Nobility.”
4. Honorable... or
Your Honor... are also “Title of` Nobility.”
How you or your
family write your name is not that` important, so long as you keep your names
clean and free of` legal disability. Your name is your property.
Protect your names
sake. Different cultures and languages` have followed different forms.
In English grammar,
all capital letter names do not follow` the rules of English grammar for proper
Your name on record
where you were born in the hospital` with an attending physician is spelled:` Sovereign or Christian Name` “Johnny David Liberty”
Your lawful, proper
“Christian” name, or “appellation” is` spelled out in full with both large and
small letters (e.g.,` Johnny David Liberty).
Designate your
proper legal name for all communications,` not a “Title of Nobility” or legal
There are a number
of patriots using various punctuations` (e.g., :, ; ,) between their first,
middle and last names. But` there is nowhere we could find in history where
they were` written that way.
I assert it is
patriot mythology. If you can demonstrate` otherwise, let me know.
Punctuations` “Johnny David, Liberty” “Johnny David: Liberty” “Johnny David; Liberty”
Domicile and Mailing Addresses` If you’re seriously concerned about your privacy, then` change
your domicile and mailing address or location.
Know the
distinctions between being a “resident,” being` “domiciled” and what is a
“domestic” and what is a` “nondomestic” mailing location.
You are domiciled
in a Non-Domestic State` Republic` Remove yourself from federal jurisdiction back to the state`
republic c/o a “non-domestic” mailing location. You may use` c/o General
Delivery c/o “Any Post Office” for personal mail` OR a Private-Mail Box (PMB)
for business.
You are not a
resident` Caveat: Do
not create evidence of “residency” in any of the` 50 federal States (or 48
sovereign states). This is critical` for all sovereign “state Citizens.”
Receive no
mail at home` Do NOT receive
ANY mail or bills where you live or are` domiciled in your personal name.
utilizing zip codes and two-digit` abbreviations for the State are private
contracts for federal` government employees. Having a using a “zip code”
supports the
presumption that you are indeed a federal` “employee” subject to the income tax
and the Form 1040.
Domestic mail is
“within” the federal United States. Nondomestic` is “without” the federal
United States, between the` sovereign “state” Citizens and the state
Designate an
“address” that doesn’t support any` presumptions of residing in a federal area,
working in a` federal office or federal U.S. citizenship.
Designate an
“address” that rebuts any presumptions of` “residency.”
Properly` You’ll have to train
your friends, family and clients to` address you properly.
You’ll have to
address the County, State and federal` government corporations properly, if you
want to keep them` out of your business.
Domestic Mail`
The standard postal address
with two-digit State` abbreviation (e.g., CA) and a zip code (e.g., 95000) is
an` adhesion contract addressing your fictitious “name,” your` “person” or your
business, within one of ten federal areas.
No Two-Digit
State Abbreviation` No Zip Code Without Brackets` Public Law 89-136 established ten federal regions. This
is` the way people have been taught to address an envelope:` Your address is
designating you as an officer or employee of` a government corporation. When
did you start working for` the government? Every
Note: Social Security, FEMA or Zip Codes all` designate various federal areas
within the states.
Address` Johnny Liberty` P.O. Box 0000` Ignorant City, OR. 97400
Having an “address”
within the federal United States` supports the “presumption” with evidence of
U.S. citizenship and federal jurisdiction over your person.
To the untrained
eye, it may seem insignificant, but it’s` crucial to your legal sovereignty
The standard postal
address (domestic mail) is considered` interoffice mail of the federal United
States, thus you are` therefore presumed to be a federal employee working for
a` government corporation.
Domestic =
Federal` Non-Domestic = State Republic` The use of the zip code supports the presumption that the`
individual is engaged in commercial activity.
There is no law
requiring you to use a zip code. The use of` the zip code is voluntary. Your
mail will get there just as fast` if you don’t use it.
The federal
government has made it a crime to discriminate` against anyone for the non-use
of a zip code.4`
Zip Code Is Voluntary` So how do you address mail? In the ongoing debate about`
“Postal Code” vs. “Postal Zone,” we have concurred that` “Postal Zone,” spelled
out in full, is probably the best` designation as “zone” is not listed is any
edition of the` standard law dictionaries and has not yet been corrupted.
Code means a “book
of the civil law” thus is inappropriate` for sovereign “state” Citizens.
Zip Exempt` “Zip Exempt” can also be used in lieu of a zip code or
Postal` Zone. You can also put the “Postal Zone” in brackets. You` can also not
use the zip code, and send your mail “Non-` Domestic.” Try any of these
Postal Zone:
[95000] Zip Exempt Non Domestic` If you are in
You can also get
your mail c/o “General Delivery.”
Pick up forms for
“certified -mail, return-receipt requested”
from any post office, and notice they are for “domestic” use.
Cross out
“domestic” on the forms and replace with “nondomestic.”
If you receive any
“certified-mail, return-receipt requested”
mail cross out “domestic” and replace with “nondomestic” before signing and receiving the mail.
Note: ALL Return Receipts sent from the U.S.P.S.
must be
corrected to be sent “Non-Domestic.”]`
Not Domestic Mail` You can also
use a “Private Mail Box (PMB)” service as an` alternative, although they are
regulated subcontractors with` the U.S. Postal Service and must abide by
federal postal` standards. This is recommended for business mail with an`
authorized representative or agent opening the box.
No zip code is
required for first class mail. You can cite the` postal regulation “Zip Exempt
per DMM 122.32” on the` envelope. The U.S.P.S. is a private corporation, not
part of` the government.
Mail` The cost for
“Non-Domestic,” intrastate, ordinary mail is` limited by law to $0.03 per 1/2
ounce. The U.S. Congress` just took the
This is only for
sovereign “state” Citizens communicating` between sovereign entities outside
the federal United States.
This is NOT a
recommended strategy at this
Some people have
gotten into trouble with the postal` authorities for incorrectly applying the
non-domestic rates` to first-class, federal mail. Be prepared to take the
postal` authorities to task on this one if you intend on using it.6` Use one of the formats below for receiving and sending
mail,` to and from your “domicile.”
Addresses` Johnny Liberty` c/o P.O. Box 0000` Sovereign City, Oregon [97400]`
Johnny Liberty` c/o P.O. Box 0000` Sovereign City, Oregon state` Postal Zone:
[97405]` Non-Domestic, usA` Johnny Liberty` c/o P.O. Box 0000` Sovereign City,
Oregon state` Non-Domestic, usA` [Zip Exempt per DMM 122.32]` Johnny Liberty`
2nd Judicial District` c/o General Delivery` Sovereign City, Oregon state`
Non-Domestic, usA` Johnny Liberty` c/o non-domestic` P.O. Box 5290; near`
Eugene, Oregon state [95405\tdc]` “The Congress shall have Power...
To establish Post Offices and post Roads.”
— Constitution [1:8:7]`
Registration` Cancel your
voter’s registration. Become an elector instead.
Electors are not
bound to a contract or a political party.
Electors are
sovereign “state” Citizen’s with allodial property` in any state.
As sovereign
“state” Citizens, it is our power of` “appointment” in our judicial capacity
that wields the real` power of lawful process against the abuse of government`
power, not voting.
We the People must
restore the electors of each respective` state, and veto the popular vote.
Remember, it is the` electors, not the voters, who have the true political
power of` the state.
REGISTRATION is an unrevealed, private` “contract” obligating the “voter” or
“resident” to pay` municipal, county and State bonds via the property tax
(i.e.,` trustee fees) and a State income tax; voters have also` unknowingly
given their Power of Attorney to the State.
Electors are not
bound to a contract or a political party.
Electors are
sovereign “state” Citizen’s with allodial property` in any state republic.
Cancel your voter
registration (which is for U.S. citizens` only) by phoning your County
Elections Department, or` going in and requesting being removed from the list.
If Voting Made
Any Difference It Would Have Been` Made Illegal A Long Time Ago` Voter registration is an adhesion contract and unrevealed`
commercial agreement which constitutes a lien on property` for County and/or
Municipal bonds which is satisfied by the` individual registered through
payments of property tax.
This is another way
a U.S. citizen officially “volunteers” to be` a “taxpayer.” Voter registration
also transfers Power of` Attorney to the government corporation.
Voting is an issue
many people do not understand, as it does` not have the power that most people
believe it does. In our` purported representative government operating as a`
constitutional democracy, very few of us are truly` represented.
Our vote is purely
advisory and makes little difference in the` power structure or the laws passed
by our purported` representatives.
In the republic,
there was not only an electoral college` comprised of sovereign individuals,
but a Great Book listing` the electors or allodial property owners of each state,
county` by county. These were the qualified electors with the judicial` power
to elect county, state or federal officials. There were` two records kept at
each election, one for the electors and` the other for the popular vote.
The electoral
college, comprised of electors, or sovereign` “state” Citizens had direct veto
power over the popular vote` for the President and other officers.
This is an
appropriate and necessary check and balance by` the sovereign “state” Citizens
against the tyranny of the` residents and foreigners who were given the
privilege of` voting.
Only the House of
Representatives was directly elected, the` U.S. Senate was appointed by the
state legislatures and` ratified by the governor. Most of the Executive branch
and` all the federal judges are appointed, not elected.
Restore a
Sovereign Electoral Process` See
if you can find any voter registration forms for “state” Citizens. They don’t
exist. The ballots for the electors are` listed at the county recorder’s office
in the “Great Book.”
This is a list of
the allodial title and land patent owners of` property in the state qualified
to be an elector. 10`
If voting really made that much
difference, it would have` been made illegal a long
Licenses and Divorce` So
what could possibly be illegal about getting married? If` you believe you must
have a marriage license to get married,` then you grant the power and authority
to join spiritually in` a sacred bond with your beloved to the State.
You place the State
above God, above your spouse, above her` father, above the family and thousands
of years of your` bloodline and lineage. Do you really love the government`
corporation that much?
No Marriage
License` Do not admit to
your signature on the marriage license` unless you want the State to be a third
party to your` marriage. Send it back to them.
Get a formal
divorce from that contract. It’s enough to have` the government encroach on
every other area of our lives,` but to be in bed with us as well? We must draw
the line` somewhere.
> LICENSE — permission to do what would otherwise be` illegal.
The marriage
license gives the Department of Social Services` the authority to take away
your children at their discretion` (i.e., human resources).
They consider your
children the human resources of the` State at their discretion for management.
LICENSE is an unrevealed, private` “contract” with the State which is a legal
third party to your` marriage wherein they have control over the product
(i.e.,` children) or the disbursement of community property (via a` divorce).
The State gets the power to take away your` children if they deem it necessary
for any reason. Do you` want the government in your bed telling you how to
raise` your children? The doctrine of parens patria gives the State` supremacy
over parental rights.
Parents rights are
being rapidly eroded via UN treaties for` “children’s rights” at the expense of
“parents rights.” When` did the State get the idea that they can raise children
more` competently than most parents? As bad as some parents` may be, the State
doesn’t have a good track record in this` department.
Divorce The
State Not Your Beloved!` Most
people don’t realize that all assets derived from the` marriage are the
property of the State, therefore they can tax` or lien that property. This
includes the children which are` chatteled as property to the State until they
reach legal age.
Traditionally, the
intermarrying between races was not` permitted under the Common law (i.e.,
corruption of blood).
Mixed marriages
were prohibited until the State created the` statutory “Marriage License” to
supercede the Common law.
This may be an area
where the Common law fell short, but` remember that the blood lineage of
families was also the` lineage of property rights and inheritance.
You can get a
“Marriage Certificate” instead of a marriage` license, or cohabitation for
seven years constitutes a` Common law marriage.
A Common law
marriage is also a basis for a foreigner born in` another country to immigrate
directly into sovereign “state” Citizenship, providing the spouse is also
A spiritual
marriage between two parties requires a churchissued` certificate of a bonified
“minister” (i.e., ministerial` powers) under the Common law, and/or the consent
of the` father. Divorce under Common law requires Common law` jury of twelve
peers to agree. 14`
Service Registration` If
you’re son is turning eighteen, as my son is this year, I’m` encouraging him to
become sovereign and not participate in` the selective service registration.
I participated in
the lottery system during the Vietnam war` and scored high enough not to be
called into military service.
I did not
understand then that compulsory draft registration` is for U.S. citizens only.
Once you reclaim
your lawful sovereign “state” Citizenship,` you can rescind your selective
service registration. You can` get sample forms at any post office.
registration is for U.S. citizens only.
If you place your
signature on that private contract, you are` bound, body and soul to it. The
government corporation` owns you completely. They decide whether or not your
teeth` need pulling, not you. You have no choice once in military` service. The
draft is voluntary servitude.
The Union of states
lost their independent military in 1947` when the UN charter placed the
military under federal` jurisdiction. All military personnel were discharged
and` reenlisted in 1947. It was not coincidental that the National` Security
Act was also passed in 1947. Now, the United States` military is under the
command of the UN. Have you ever` wondered why we haven't won a war since 1947?
Congress` only has the power to declare war if “state” Citizens are` involved.13`
Getting Your Affidavits in Order` Declaration of Domicile (Affidavit 1)` Declare your permanent home or domicile, not as a federal`
postal address, by including it on your “Sovereign Citizen` Identification Card
(SCIC).” Create your own positive ID and` get an identifying number either from
the County Recorders` office, or from the Common law court. Passport photos or`
arcade photos are inexpensive and commonly available.
You can make color
xerox copies and size them accordingly.
Laminate the ID or
put it in a clear baseball card holder.
You can have many
residences and addresses, but only one` domicile. A “Declaration of Domicile”
has similar legal effect` to a “Declaration of Homestead” for a sovereign
“state” Citizen.
This is your lawful
“address” or location. We the People are` not hiding from the government,
although we demand that` our privacy be respected, so we make our “address” a
matter` of the public record and easy to find. It is important to keep` a legi
Declaration Of
Domicile` You could get a
picture, State ID (not a drivers license) from` the Department of Motor
Vehicles, although I don’t` recommend it.
Who knows what
hidden adhesion is behind that State ID?
Some check
guarantee cards also offer photograph` identification as well.
For four years, I
had no trouble using the “Sovereign Citizen` Identification Card (SCIC)”
instead of a drivers license for` cashing checks at banks and stores, getting
on airplanes and` identifying myself to a police officer at a traffic stop.
facilitates dealing with a police officer at a traffic` stop, although it won’t
prevent you from getting a citation (if` you can’t talk yourself out of one),
or perhaps getting` arrested (if you’re in a State gone renegade) or having
your` private conveyance (i.e. vehicle) impounded. In California,` they now
arrest you if you refuse to show ID and will` impound your vehicle if its not
registered or you don’t have a` valid driver’s license. If this is a major
concern of yours then` you best get an “International Driver’s Permit (IDP)”
or` “International Motorists’ Qualification (IMQ)” card.
By offering your
SCIC which declares that you are a` Common law Citizen of one of the several
states, the police` officer ought to know that you are not a “person” required
to` have a driver’s license or vehicle registration if the vehicle is` your
duly conveyed private property.
Police officers
must be educated, and training policies` changed to be consistent with the law.
You must NOT be` traveling in a State owned, State-licensed and registered`
motor vehicle to be able to travel freely by right. File` Affidavit (1) with
the County Recorder’s Office. Use the` Recorder’s Number as an I.D. Number on your
SCIC. This` lawfully establishes your domicile.
File All
Affidavits With The County Recorder` Certificate of Citizenship (Affidavit 2)` You must tell the government who you are. You must`
declare that you are a sovereign “state” Citizen, sui juris` freeman/woman,
and/or free inhabitant, and create` evidence to support your declaration. This
evidence must be` entered into the public record by Affidavit, and
Constructive` Legal Notice sent to all those with whom it may concern. It` is
not necessary to get recognition for your declaration, and` don’t be holding
your breathe for the government` corporation to acknowledge you. You are
certifying and` declaring yourself.
Registries Of “State” Citizens` In some states there are registries of “state” Citizens`
maintained by the Secretary of State (e.g., Washington),` although this may
very well be for political purposes. The` present Attorney General of the State
of Washington has` decreed, off the record, that there are no “state” Citizens
in` Washington. In other states the Governor has declared an` annual (e.g.,
California) Citizenship day. Find out what the` Secretary of State in your
state knows about sovereign` “state” Citizenship.9`
Certificate Of
Citizenship` With the advent of
the Common law courts sprouting up` around the united states of America in the
last three years,` there are now remedies and recourse available in these`
You can perfect
your sovereign “state” Citizenship and` asseverate your status by petitioning
the Common law court` for “Quiet Title” of both your status and property.
This is an
important addition to the Affidavit process as it is` a judgment of a court of
competent jurisdiction and` Constructive Legal Notice to all other statutory
Article 1` legislative courts.
Note: ALL Return Receipts sent from the U.S.P.S.
must be
corrected to be sent “Non-Domestic.”]` Certified Mail - Return Receipt Affidavit (2) & Constructive`
Legal Notice to:` 1) U.S. Secretary of State & federal “State of X”
Secretary of` State`
Revocation of
Power of Attorney (Affidavit 3)` Because of adhesion contracts with the federal, State and` local
governments, you’ve unknowingly transferred your` “Power of Attorney” to one of
various government agencies` including the U.S. Congress, Social Security
Administration` (SSA), Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), County` Elections
offices, and statutory Article 1 courts.
Restore Your
Power Of Attorney` Government
corporations and agencies cannot lawfully` proceed in a legal action against
you without your “Power of` Attorney.” Without your “Power of Attorney,” the
court` cannot lawfully enter a plea on the defendant’s behalf if the` defendant
refuses to enter their jurisdiction and plea.
You must revoke
their Power of Attorney and give them` Constructive Legal Notice.
This is an
important Affidavit to restore your own Power of` Attorney. Then you can learn
to master the art of lawful` process and defend your sovereignty and rights.
If you make an
appearance, the Article 1 courts will often` proceed against you, a defendant,
despite having been given` notice of their lack of Power of Attorney. You must
be a` natural-born individual with full Power of Attorney over` your affairs,
not a legal “person.”
You must take them
to task. This is a violation of due` process. This is also grounds for
dismissal or reversal at a` higher court level.
All Affidavits are
either filed with the County Recorder in the` County of your domicile, or with
the Bureau of Records of` your county or state Common law court. Print and mail`
copies of the Affidavits and give Constructive Legal Notice to` all those to
whom it may concern.
File On
Demand` If the County
Recorder won’t file your papers “on demand,”
give then Constructive Legal notice and file a complaint` against the
government employee. Many County Recorders` are now refusing to file
commonplace paperwork because of` the escalation of Citizen filings at the
local level. You can` also publish your Affidavits and Constructive Legal
Notices` in a legal newspaper for 3 consecutive weeks. This satisfies` lawful
At every step in
the process where a hurdle is thrown in` front of you, you must pause for
reflection and take the` government official to task.
This may be a slow
and cumbersome process at first, but it` will pave the way for others to
follow. Be persistent!` Certified Mail - Return Receipt Affidavit (3) &
Constructive` Legal Notice to:` 1) Your State, Department of Motor Vehicles
and` Department of Transportation` 2) Department of Commerce` 3) Social
Security Administration` 4) Department of Justice` 5) Statutory Courts
proceeding against you.
Revocation of
Participation in Social Security &` Notice Denial of Existence of Signature
on the SS-5` (Affidavit 4)` Most
people have tacitly agreed with the social security` contract by accepting
government benefits when they came` of legal age. This contract or trust
instrument was initiated` when the SS-5 was signed on your behalf by your
custodians` when you were a minor. Even without your hand-written` signature,
it is an adhesion upon your sovereign character.
More than likely
your parents entered into this contract or` trust instrument without your
knowledge and consent. Your` signature was sealed when you first received
benefits from` the governments including social security, workman’s`
compensation, welfare, food stamps, or medical care.
Security Is An Adhesion Contract` Until you refuse those benefits, revoke your social security`
number OR deny the existence of your signature upon the` SS5, you will be
treated like a slave (i.e., U.S. citizen).
1) revoke your
social security number` 2) deny the existence of your signature on the SS-5` 3)
stop accepting any government benefits` If you want a refund of all past Social
Security taxes paid,` send $50 to the SSA and ask for a “certified audit” of
your` account. This is difficult to accomplish, and we know of few` people who
have succeeded, although you could be a success` story.
Technically, by
their own internal regulations, refunds are` available after being fully
vested, or having paid in for at` least 40 quarters, or 10 years. Otherwise
don’t bother.
You might also just
want to consider not pursuing any` refund or administrative delay in getting on
with reclaiming` your sovereign status. Consider yourself even for years of`
servitude and the benefits derived therein.
1) request a
certified audit of your account` 2) must be fully vested in 40 quarters` 3)
stop accepting any government benefits` If you’re attempting a refund then
don’t eradicate your SSN` until after this has been accomplished. After
receiving the` certified audit, request the bond # that indemnifies your`
social security account, or in lieu of such bond #, you` demand a refund of all
the money paid in.
After receiving
your refund, you may revoke your SSN or` deny the existence of the signature.
Do not use your SSN` again except “For Information Only” when getting`
information from the government.31 Certified Mail - Return` Receipt this
Affidavit (4) & Constructive Legal Notice to:` 1) Social Security
Administration` “Please inform me of what federal regulations require this`
private Citizen on Oregon republic to make application by` use of form SS-5 and
further, to have, hold or evidence a` SSN for the purpose of being able to work
as a private` worker for a private company, or registered Oregon` corporation
(26 §7701 et seq, foreign trust, corporation,` partnership, or association),
and being such a private worker` that does not work for a State government, nor
the US` government, instrumentality, subdivision or government` owned
corporation or foreign subsidiary.” 32` Notice to Social Security Administration of the` Existence of a
Constructive Trust (SSN) in YOUR` NAME` [Editor’s Note: Here’s an alternative strategy for dealing` with
the Social Security Number. I found it interesting` enough to put it in this
edition to challenge all patriot` mythologies around the use of the SSN. What
is it really?]` Governor Eric
Madsen (Colorado) asserts that nowhere in` the Social Security Act does the SSN
attach to a natural-born` individual. Instead he asserts, it’s a “Constructive
Trust” account number established in the
Trustee “name” you’re` given at birth, except that it’s fictionalized in ALL
CAPITAL` LETTERS (e.g., like on your birth certificate).
JOHNNY LIBERTY TRUSTEE =` Johnny Liberty` First, assume that the Social Security Administration is the`
Creators of the “Constructive Trust.” That the legal fiction` created in your
name with a “Birth Certificate” is the` Trustee. And that the Beneficiary is
unknown (except it` could very well be the U.S. government corporation or the`
principals/creditors of such)` SSN = CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST I.D. #` 1) Creator is the Social Security Administration.
2) Legal Fiction
created in your name with a “Birth` Certificate” is the Trustee.
3) Beneficiaries
are unknown (except it could very` well be the U.S. government corporation or
the` principals/creditors).
> CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST — raised by inference or`
implication of law whenever the circumstances of a` transaction are such that
the person who takes the` legal estate cannot also enjoy the beneficial
interest` without violating some established principle of` equity.
So what would Mr.
Madsen have us do, but acknowledge` there is such a “Constructive Trust,” and
it is NOT who you` are.
You are indeed
presumed a sovereign “state” Citizen,` distinct from that “Constructive Trust”
and nobody can take` that away from you (except through trickery and deceit).
There need be no confusion
that you are distinct from this` creature, and now you’ll have evidence to
prove it. Here’s` what you’ll need to do.
1) create a “SS
Trust” nunc pro tunc to the “Date of Birth”
on your “Birth Certificate” (as SSA did when you got` the SSN)`
2) send the SSA a
copy of trust with a constructive legal` notice stating what you assert to be
3) if they ignore
your notice, they accept by default`
4) send them a
notice of default with their tacit admission` of the truth of your assertions`
5) now, record the
“SS Trust” with a fictitious business` name at your Secretary of State`
6) keep the
original of the “SS Trust” to prove without a` shadow of doubt in a statutory
court, that “JOHNNY` DAVID LIBERTY” is a legal fiction, registered in the`
corporate State of...; clearly, they have served the` wrong party.
7) apply the rules
of grammar , give judicial notice and` provide evidence of the “SS Trust,”
“That's not me!”
8) demand the court
serve the proper party to the action` (i.e., the “SS Trust”) which is NOT you.
9) now when you
apply for a driver license, put Trustee` on your signature on the drivers
license application`
10) as a private
individual, you cannot be held accountable` for the actions of the trust or any
citations received` henceforth.
Therefore, Form
1041 would be the appropriate tax form for` those Americans who volunteer as
taxpayers, not the Form` 1040 as we’re told. This is a very interesting theory
and Mr.
Madsen has been
effectively testing it for a number of years.
Notice to the Department
of Commerce of the` Existence of a Constructive Trust (i.e., Birth`
Certificate) in YOUR NAME` Editor’s Note: We still advise not getting State-issued` “Birth
Certificates” from the State when your children are` born. For all newborn
children, prepare an “Affidavit of` Live Birth” noting the “Day of Birth,” not
the ”Birth Date.”
Get both
parents, the doctors, midwives or other witnesses` in attendance to swear under
penalties of perjury that the` child was indeed born. Then file these as legal
documents` at a County Recorder’s office and notarize an entry in your` family
Bible. These documents will be useful when the child` applies for a usA
Passport, or needs to verify American` Citizenship.
Madsen’s assertion
about the social security “Constructive` Trust” sheds another light on the
“Birth Certificate.”
We know that the
“Birth Certificate” was the first unrevealed` “Trust” instrument to put you in
commerce with the federal` United States government corporation.
It was instituted after
the Civil War to “register” the children` of the newly freed slaves. It is
filed in the District of` Columbia in the Department of Commerce via the
County` Recorder, Department of Health, Office of State Registrar,` Secretary
of State, and/or Bureau of the Census.15` The
“Birth Certificate,” like the “SS Trust,” also has the` elements of an
“Constructive Trust.” The “Date of Birth”
indicates the birth of the Trust as a legal “person,” not the`
natural-born person.
The “Date of Birth”
on driver’s licenses and other legal` documents is presumptive evidence of a
linkage to the Trust` instrument while the “Day of Birth” indicates the birth
of the` natural-born person. The “Birth Certificate” may be the` foundation of
all adhesion contracts.
Curiously, under
Thus the creditors
of the federal United States can act` against your property (vessel or vassal)
by arresting, seizing` or making claims against you. YOUR NAME CAPITALIZED` may
be the prize.16`
The authority of the federal United
States is based on its` ability to tax and regulate commerce, thus the “Birth`
Certificate” is the foundation of all claims to jurisdiction, as` virtually
every American citizen has been placed into` commerce via a “Birth
enough, the federal United States government` corporation is named as a
“Beneficiary” of the “Trust” which` you operate on their behalf as “Trustee.”
Thus your life,
liberty, productivity, labor have been` transferred to the foreign
principals/creditors and sovereign` Power structure, and you are indebted for
life quite literally` as chattel property.
Note: I read, but cannot prove, that you were` enrolled into the “Joint Stock
Trust” of the Federal Reserve` Banking System as a “beneficiary” via your
“Birth Certificate.
How can this
be so, if the Federal Reserve is a corporation` with shareholders, not
beneficial interest holders?
It could very well
be that neither of these “Constructive` Trusts” (SS Trust and Birth
Certificate), interfere with the` sovereign character of the individual that
they adhere ONLY` to the corporate and commercial side of the legal fiction.
Perhaps, they have
a foundational relationship to the same,` “Constructive Trust.”
Therefore, neither
would have to be revoked or expunged,` but simply acknowledged for what they
are distinct legal` fictions from who you really are in your sovereign
Getting Your Business in Order` We’re going to look at banking options and transiting away` from
sole proprietorships, self-employment situations, and` corporations as the
primary legal structures for operating a` business, or holding assets and
Do this after
you’ve already set-up the statutory/domestic,` non-domestic, or foreign
entities through which revenue,` income, investments and property are
Take your
We’re going to look
at ways to enhance protection and` privacy regarding your money matters. Start
out with a clean` slate and close your existing individual and business`
accounts at your present bank.
Onshore Your Foreign Estate` As
you probably already know by now, all your individual or` dba (i.e., doing
business as) bank accounts are all linked to a` SSN, TIN or EIN Number.
non-domestic, W-8 accounts are not that difficult if` you’re working through an
entity, but attempting to open` them as a free sovereign individual is almost
futile in the` United States. We haven’t though, given up doing banking in` the
United States (e.g., American Savings & Loan).
Attempt to reopen
an account as a sovereign “state” Citizen` or sui juris freeman/woman at a bank
willing to recognize` your tax-exempt, foreign status and not require a SSN,
TIN` or EIN (e.g., Washington Mutual). This is increasingly` difficult, but not
You may have to
shop around for a bank in your area.
Admittedly, they’re
not easy to come by. This is getting` increasingly difficult to do for
Americans living and working` in the continental united states of America.
The Federal Reserve
Banking System is a global cartel and` they don’t appreciate anyone slipping
through the cracks.
In this scenario
your assets are considered a “Foreign` Estate,” foreign to the federal United
A non-resident
alien, OR tax-exempt individual or sovereign` “state” Citizen doesn’t need a
SSN. At one
On all checks
deposited stamp “For Deposit Only as part of` my Foreign Estate per 26 U.S.C.
§7701(a)(31),” and over` your signature stamp “With Explicit Reservation of All` My
Unalienable Rights and Without Prejudice` pursuant to the UCC 1-207.”
Get two rubber
stamps made. Use cash or postal money` orders whenever possible instead of a bank.
These give you` more privacy and are harder to track than checks.
Onshore Your Trust Account` After
you’ve set up a non-domestic Common law or Pure` Trust organization, you can
open a “non-interest bearing` passive account,” or “fiduciary account” in the
name of the` foreign entity or Trust at a bank that offers that service (e.g.,`
U.S. Bank). These are also called W-8 accounts.
Note: Bank of America recently closed all their` W-8 accounts.
Non-Interest Bearing
Passive Account Or` Fudiciary Account` If the bank requests it, give them copies of the Trust` documents
or bylaws that are part of the public record and` pertinent to banking
activities. Do not give them the entire` document, as it is your private
business. Here’s how to open` the account.
1. posture yourself
in a position of strength.
2. ask for
“non-interest bearing passive account” (not` trust account).
3. ask who opens
new accounts at the bank?
4. ask what the
assets of this bank are and the current` ratio of losses? look over the
prospectus seriously and` read it.
5. introduce
yourself as an officer of a lucrative trust or` foreign entity.
6. you fill out
their paperwork, don’t let them do it for` you.
7. go with trust
documentation and trust officer or` foreign entity I.D.
8. do not offer
them a tax I.D. # of any kind.
9. go with IRS
documents to support the W-8.
10. if they ask
about your SSN, tell them “I don't need a` social security number because I'm
financially` independent.”
Have an associate
or authorized representative open the` Trust Account(s). Have them bring the
signature card back` to you to sign. Do not under any circumstances commingle`
your signature, SSN, or TIN, with the Trust or foreign entity` Account(s).
If they demand them
for identification purposes only, either` refuse, find another bank, or get
them to sign an agreement` not to co-mingle your accounts with the Trust
Account. If` you’ve decided to get an EIN for a statutory Trust, you can` offer
them that. Sign the signature card(s) and checks with` “Trustee” or “Business
Manager” only.18`
Debit Cards
Offshore For Entities` Now,
regarding banking in an offshore jurisdiction foreign` to the federal United
States government corporation.
Remember a debit
card is simply an accounting procedure` for extracting your money, or FRN’s,
from an account over` which you have control.
You can get debit
cards in a number of offshore jurisdictions` foreign to the federal United
States government corporation` and the Federal Reserve Banking System. Foreign
to the` United States would include:` • Republic of Panama`
• Isle of Man` •
Switzerland` • Belize`
• Costa Rica` •
Cayman Islands` • Bahamas`
• Turks and Caikos Islands` • St/ Vincent and
Grenadines` • British Virgin Islands` • Antiqua` • Kingdom
of Hawai’i` • Indian Reservations` • or Other Sovereign
Nations` These debit cards are generally attached to a foreign entity,` applied
for by an officer of the Trust, IBC or S.A. Funds can` be deposited offshore
via a cashiers check, courier, money` orders or other negotiable instruments
into the account. The` debit card can then access the funds through any bank`
machine around the world.
There is often a
minimum deposit required, and an annual` maintenance fee for these accounts.
They can also be linked` to an investment account to earn passive income while`
sitting in the bank.
Offshore Debit
Cards` By law, U.S.
citizens, cannot import or export more than` $10,000 in cash, or other
negotiable instruments, without` reporting to the IRS or other federal customs
As a beneficiary of
a foreign entity though, a U.S. citizen can` bring money into the country
These laws also do
not apply to sovereign “state” Citizens,` but you don’t want to be caught and
snagged regardless of` your Citizenship. You cannot trust the government`
corporation to honor this distinction.
These banks are
outside the jurisdiction of the federal` government and have strict banking
privacy laws. If there is` no paper trail, no 1099 reporting, no cancelled checks
from a` SSN, TIN, EIN linked account, and no bank reporting — ` your business
is for your eyes only!` Remember, total liquidity is total financial freedom to
go` where you want, when you want.
Credit Cards
Onshore Individual Or Trust` Credit
cards are a completely different animal, even though` they look the same as a
debit card. Credit cards are a debtcreating,` bankruptcy-making addiction to
borrowed money` and borrowed
Instead of being
reliant on credit cards, FRN’s or other` negotiable instruments of debt in the
exchange of products,` goods and services — utilize gold/silver coin,
warehouse` receipts, or local scrips whenever possible.
Use cash, postal
money orders, or checks only when` necessary.
We the People must
learn to get along without an addiction` to bank credit created unlawfully by
the banks from nothing` with interest added to the insult.
Borrowed money is
always borrowed
Borrowed Money
= Borrowed Time` Sever your
links ASAP with bank credit. Become a creditor` yourself instead of a debtor.
The bankers are desperate to` loan you money, as it’s the only way they can
expand the` economy.
But ul
Give Yourself
Some Credit` If you are not ready
to tear up your credit cards, allow your` present credit cards to expire. Then
apply for a new card, if` you must, in your name, or in the name of your Trust`
Account if credit has been established.
Do not associate
your signature or SSN, TIN or EIN with the` Credit Card if at all possible. If
you apply for a credit card` and must use an SSN, then be certain to specify
it’s use is` “For Information Only.” 19` Be
prepared to repudiate these cards at any
If these credit
cards are ever used as a presumption to` negate your sovereign “state”
Citizenship, you must be` prepared to expose the banker’s fraud in the court.
It is` against the law for banks to create “money” and that’s` exactly what
they do when they issue you a credit card.
Licenses` Most business
licenses are totally unnecessary especially if` you’ve organized and
restructured outside the jurisdiction of` the democracy. Cancel unnecessary
“Business Licenses” or` “Fictitious Business Names (i.e., dba’s).
Keep them if
necessary ONLY if they’re NOT associated with` your SSN, TIN, signature or
corporation. A Trust` Organization doesn’t need a Fictitious Business Name.
You must though,
provide certain parts of the Trust` document to authenticate the organization
(e.g., opening a` bank account).
In some
professions, it would be a hardship to operate` without certain professional
licenses (e.g., general` contractor, medical doctor). These licenses could be
secured` in another name, or in a company not associated with you as` a
sovereign Citizen. If they must be in your name, then` declare and file an
Affidavit rescinding your signature on the` contract under threat, duress and
In Oregon, a SSN is
not associated with the DBA. You can` also file your own DBA with the County
Recorders office or` with the Common law court. Reapply in the name of your`
Trust Account(s).
negate your Common law “right to` work” in the profession and skill of your
choice or talent. Do` you need permission from the government to go to the`
bathroom too? Free yourself from “permission” to contract` when you have the
unalienable “right to contract.”
Papers and Common Law Contracts` As far as doing business as a sole proprietorship, using a dba`
(i.e., doing business as) company, a self-employment` situation, or a
corporation, we suggest you dissolve or` disassociate from these structures.
Avoid these and other` statutory “legal fictions” as your primary mode of
doing` business. These can still be useful as a part of a complex` business
investigate general and limited partnerships, limited` liability companies,
Common law and foreign trusts, international` business corporations, society
anonymous, and` corporation soles for preserving wealth, protecting assets,`
holding real estate, holding private, place-travel devices, or` for operating a
business — domestic, non-domestic, and/or` offshore. There are a multitude of
options available.
Dissolve existing
corporations, profit or non-profit, after` you’ve designed a plan of action to
transfer your business` into other foreign entities.
• INCORPORATION for your for-profit or non-profit` business
with the limited liability for the payment of` debt is a BENEFIT from the
government, which costs` the private individual 100% ownership and control`
over the corporation. Corporations are creations of` and chartered by the
State. You are now working for a` government- protected enterprise, and subject
to all` the rules and regulations thereof. When the churches` incorporated
recently they lost not only their` sovereignty and independence, but their 1st`
Amendment rights to freedom of religion as well.
Don’t make the same
mistake. Consider other legal` structures that preserve Common law rights.
• NON-PROFIT CORPORATIONS are owned and` controlled lock,
stock and barrel by the IRS and it’s` foreign principals/creditors. If you’re
working in the non-profit sector, the Federal Reserve and its`
principals/creditors are your bosses. They don’t give` grants and funding away
without receiving control` over the agendas of these organizations, some of`
which is well meaning.
Merge the Common
law into your standard legal forms and` statutory contracts. Include something
comparable to the` following in all contracts.
“All parties agree that this ‘Contract’ shall be
under the` jurisdiction of Common law right of contract as provided` for under
the Constitutions of the sovereign states of` America, including the Oregon
Republic (1859) and the` Constitution for the united states of America (1787).”
“No party shall reveal any records or contracts` concerning the
other party without written` authorization of the other party concerned, or a`
duly issued court order. Neither party is required to` report any information
to any federal, state, county` or local government agency.” 20`
Right To Travel` As
an American National or sovereign “state” Citizen, you` have a constitutionally
secured right to travel without` getting permission from the government, unless
you “drive” commercially for hire.
Driver’s licenses,
vehicle registration, license plates or` insurance are required for commercial
persons, operating` commercial enterprises upon the highways in vehicles they`
do not own. By accepting a driver’s license, vehicle` registration, license
plates and insurance, you must comply` with the provisions of those contracts.
If you have NOT
established a contractual nexus within any` of the fifty federal States, then
you are NOT a person` required to acquire the above permissions and licenses.
If you do NOT own
the vehicles you are operating in` allodium and hold the true title (i.e.,
MSO), then the State` has the right to license the use of their property.
Although, your
right to travel has been seriously encroached` upon by the de facto government,
they have neither repealed` the Constitution, nor have they crossed the line
and` legislated away your right to travel.
We the People have
simply misunderstood these distinctions` at-law, between an unalienable
sovereign right, and a` government-granted license, permission or benefit.
Attorneys and
legislators have twisted and confused the` statutes, but they have NOT yet
abrogated the Common law` of the land.
“Even the legislature has no power to deny to a` citizen the
right to travel upon the highway` and transport his/her property in the
ordinary` course of his business or pleasure, though` this right may be
regulated in accordance` with the public interest and convenience.”
— Chicago Motor Coach vs. Chicago, 169 NE 22`
It has taken a lot
of effort and research to get this` unalienable right acknowledged by the courts.
Now with the` Common law courts being consummated across the united` states of
America, our right to travel can be adjudicated in` these courts instead.
To exercise this
right takes a brave and courageous Citizen` willing to risk arrest, impoundment
and inconvenience. The` traffic stop is where the police state begins. It must
be` stopped here.
“The right of the citizen to travel upon the public` highways
and to transport his/her property thereon,` either by carriage or by
automobile, is not a mere` privilege which a city may prohibit or permit at
will,` but a common right which he has under the right` to life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness.”
— Thompson vs. Smith, 154 SE 579`
Most Americans do
not realize they do not own their` “vehicle,” “private conveyance,” or
“place-travel device,” even if it’s paid
in full with FRN’s. The State has the true title` and you are licensing the use
of a government-owned vehicle` which you must register, license the use of, and
When you purchase
an automobile or truck from a dealer,` the “Manufacturers Statement of Origin
(MSO)” is sent to` the State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV),` microfilmed,
then destroyed.
The MSO is the true
title to the automobile or truck, and the` State acquires it from the dealer
directly when first` purchased. You do not see it. You were not told that the`
State had a secured a financial interest, and is the trustee of` the property.
You purchased it
with FRN’s, not lawful money of the realm,` thus you do not own it. The State
records the true title on a` State inventory of property and issues you an
equitable` “Certificate of Title,” not to convey title, but to certify that`
there is a title, and the State has ownership and control of it.
“...a state may not constitutionally require a Federal` employee
to secure a driver’s permit as a` prerequisite to the operation of a motor
vehicle in` the course of his federal employment.”
— supreme Court Justice Holmes, Johnston vs. Maryland, 254 U.S.
For a free
sovereign individual interested in securing true` title to their private
automobile, truck or motorcycle, they` must purchase them with at least $21
silver and the balance` in FRN’s, along with a “Bill of Sale.” Only the brave
and` courageous need apply.
In summary, the issues
regarding your unalienable right to` travel include:`
1. driver’s license
— are you a free sovereign individual` exercising your right to travel, OR are
you a` commercial person engaged in a commercial activity?
2. ownership,
registration and licensing — have you` secured the allodial ownership of your
property, OR` does the State have trusteeship or legal ownership of` the
3. financial
responsibility — are you economically` sovereign and financially responsible to
cover damages` incurred due to your actions on the highway, OR must` you accept
insurance to meet your liabilities?
“The right to travel is a part of the liberty of` which the
citizen cannot be deprived without` due process of law under the 5th
— Kent vs. Dulles, 357 U.S. 116, 125`
Posturing Yourself at a Traffic Stop` If a police officer stops you for an alleged traffic
violation,` you have many different “postures” to offer. A “posture” is a`
stand, a place of power from which you must relate to` remain free of their
jurisdiction, and committed to your` own.
We must become
practiced and conscious of these postures,` and arrange our paperwork to
support our posture of choice.
A posture is more
powerful if it’s indeed lawful and true, not` just an act. If you’re posturing
yourself in a foreign` jurisdiction, then you must be able to demonstrate or
prove` it with your paperwork, and mostly to be able to stand there` in your
Think these through
in advance, decide which posture to use` and have your papers in order.
1) PURE SOVEREIGNTY in a NEW CONVEYANCE: The` police officer
will ask for a State-issued “driver’s license,` registration and proof of
insurance” regardless of which` posture you choose.
Posture yourself as
a sovereign “state” Citizen and offer your` “Sovereign Citizen Identification
Card.” As a sovereign` “state” Citizen you won’t have a State-issued “drivers`
license.” In fact by law, you’re prohibited from having one.
If you’re fortunate
to have successfully purchased a new` “Place-Travel Device” or private
conveyance with the MSO` then offer the MSO in lieu of registration and the
Bill of Sale.
You won’t have
State-issued license plates either.
Keep it a brand new
conveyance preparing for export to` another jurisdiction or country (which is
absolutely the` truth).
Offer your
“Certificate of Financial Responsibility” or a bond` in lieu of insurance, or
exercise a self-insurance option.
If you have any
luck, you’ll be on your way. A State-issued` driver’s license is required on
State-licensed, registered and` insured “motor vehicles” only.
But beware of what
information to volunteer to the police` officer. If he asks you if you’re a
“resident” and you say yes,` you’re done for. Refuse to answer on the grounds
that it will` incriminate you.
After all, the
police officer is a private Citizen, a professional` witness for the State. Do
not incriminate yourself. Do not` offer information about yourself freely or
gab. Loose lips` sink ships!` Be prepared for possible citations, even
impoundment at the` officer’s discretion.
as a sovereign “state” Citizen and offer your` “Positive Identification” and
“Sovereign Citizen I.D.” You` cannot secure true and lawful title to a used
conveyance, but` you can revoke the State’s trusteeship over your private`
Send the
State-issued plates, registration and “Certificate of` Title” back to the
State. Keep a record of your revocations` and the State defaults.
Do not put your
home-made plates on the conveyance.
Prepare the
conveyance for export to another jurisdiction or` country (which is absolutely
the truth).
Offer your
“Certificate of Financial Responsibility” or a bond` in lieu of insurance, or
exercise a self-insurance option.
Be prepared for
possible citations, even impoundment at the` officer’s discretion.
ENTITY not REGISTERED in the STATE:` Posture yourself as a permanent tourist
with a foreign` domicile and offer your “International Motorist’s` Qualification
Card” or “International Driver’s Permit (IDP)”
as an American National,` U.S. citizen, or citizen of another country.
The IDP is only` good outside the country of issue, therefore you must be`
domiciled in a foreign jurisdiction to the forty-eight states` (e.g., Belize,
Costa Rica, Bahamas or any of 200+ countries).
If you’re fortunate
to have purchased a new “place-travel` device” with the MSO then offer that in
lieu of registration.
You won’t have
State-issued license plates either. In this` scenario, offer your “Certificate
of Financial Responsibility,” or a bond
in lieu of insurance, or exercise a self-insurance` option (e.g., Peugot
If they realize
they’ve got no jurisdiction, then you’re on your` way. They certainly don’t,
over YOU, but they may suspect` the MSO as evidence of title. Be prepared to
ENTITY REGISTERED in the STATE: Posture` yourself as a permanent tourist with a
foreign domicile and` offer your “International Motorist’s Qualification Card”
or` “International Driver’s Permit (IDP)” as an American` National,` U.S.
citizen, or citizen of another country.
Register, re-title
and get State-issued plates for the “motor` vehicle” in the name of a foreign
entity, trust or IBC. Offer` your “Certificate of Financial Responsibility,” or
a bond in` lieu of insurance, or exercise a self-insurance option.
They’ve got
jurisdiction over the “motor vehicle” because` they’re State-issued plates and
registration, but YOU are not` in their jurisdiction.
Remember, you’re
NOT a “resident” even though you may` very well be an American National (not
“state” Citizen in this` posture). You’re on your way.
Securing Your Right to Travel` Right to Travel (Affidavit5)` Editor’s Note: I used Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS)
as an` example for the definition of terms. You must convert the` cites into
your own Motor Vehicle Code.
In summary, the
issues regarding your unalienable right to` travel include:` 1. driver’s
license — are you a free sovereign individual` exercising your right to travel,
OR are you a` commercial person engaged in a commercial activity` like “driving
a motor vehicle.”
2. ownership,
registration and licensing of the vehicle — ` have you secured the allodial
ownership of your “Place-` Travel Device,” OR does the State have trusteeship
or` legal ownership of the vehicle?
3. are you
economically sovereign enough to be` financially responsible to cover damages
incurred due` to your actions on the road, OR must you accept` insurance to
meet your liabilities?
Dealing with the
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can` be more difficult at
This is probably
why the government persists in turning a` deaf ear to the pleas of most
sovereign “state” Citizens, and` the courts have continued to enforce the
revenue collecting,` bureaucratic scam of the government instead of enforcing`
the clear intent of the law regarding your right to travel.
Collecting, Bureaucratic Scam` To
enforce the law would cost these State corporations` billions in lost revenue
that they rightly fear would not be` replaced, so they continue to pretend to
enforce the law,` when in fact they are enforcing a complete fraud and`
violating your rights and due process as well.
Notify the DMV who
you are and assert your sovereign right` to travel. You must get evidence into
the public record` regarding your status by Affidavit, and give them`
Constructive Legal Notice. This is the first step towards` reclaiming your
right to travel.21`
Certified Mail
- Return Receipt this Affidavit
&` Constructive Legal Notice to:` 1) Your State, Department of Motor
Legal Notices: Right to Travel` Have legal notices and educational information on hand in` your
vehicle to give the police officers at a traffic stop to` inform them of their
individual liabilities should they` proceed to violate your rights.
As with many other
areas of our lives, police officers` routinely ignore these “Constructive Legal
Notices”, and` have no sense of their individual liabilities because rarely`
have they been taken them to task. They’re beginning to get` the message.
They must receive
this message from many sovereign “state” Citizens, and be educated as to their
responsibilities. The` legislators have made the police officer liable to
collateral` attack because they are unwittingly engaged in unlawful` process.
The public
policies, procedures and revenue-collecting activities` of the various
government agencies must be changed.
The police officer
on the street needs to demonstrate better` discretion in determining who is
required to have a drivers` license and vehicle registration, by asking the appropriate`
questions, such as, “Are you a U.S. citizen subject to my` jurisdiction?” How
can they be relied upon as a State witness` if they don’t even know what
constitutes a crime?
Determinations & Rulings` You
will need to “Request a Legal Determination & Ruling”
from the DMV,
regarding your right to travel. If they fail to` respond to your request, their
denial becomes admissable` evidence in a court of law. I would also suggest
petitioning` the Common law court for the same.
You may “Request a Record
Change” from the DMV at the` same
You must exhaust
all your administrative remedies before` proceeding with an Aricle 1 court
Get all your
evidence into the proceeding through the` administrative hearing before ever
showing up in court. The` rules of evidence and civil procedure apply in all`
administrative hearing processes, 90% of your case ought to` be set into motion
You will also need
to demand that the courts respond to` your “Request for Admissions &
Stipulations.” These will` box the court into admitting or denying basic,
fundamental` principles of law regarding your right to travel, which can be`
used for identifying reversible error at a higher court level.23`
Traffic Complaint` & Citation Process` If your rights as a sovereign “state” Citizen are violated, and`
most certainly they will be, you can give a “Notice to Appear` Cross-Complaint”
to the police officer at a traffic stop. Ask` him/her for his badge number,
bond number and if you are` under arrest.
Or file any
Cross-Complaint in a court of competent` jurisdiction. You can get a copy of
this citation book from` Citizens for Sovereignty.22` File “Non-Statutory Abatements” against the police
officers` who initiated the action against you and demand that he/she` correct
the process before reserving it to you in your proper` name, to your proper
If they persist in
violating due process and your unalienable` right to travel, you can sue them
for civil rights violations` under Title 42, §1983.
ORS 807.020
Exemptions from requirement` to have Oregon license or permit.
A person who is
granted a driving privilege by this section` may exercise the driving privilege
described without violation of the requirements under ORS 807.010. A grant of`
driving privileges to operate a motor vehicle under this` section is subject to
suspension and revocation the same as` other driving privileges granted under
the vehicle code.
This section is in
addition to any exemptions from the` vehicle code under ORS 801.026. The
following persons are` granted the described driving privileges:` (1) A person
who is not a resident of this state may operate a` motor vehicle without an
Oregon license or driver permit if` the person holds a current out-of-state
license issued to the` person by the person’s home jurisdiction. To qualify
under` this subsection, the person must have the out-of-state` license or
driver permit in the person’s possession. A person` is not granted driving
privileges under this subsection: ...
License` Send the “driver
license” back to them along with an` Affidavit: Right to Travel and Constructive
Legal Notice, and` order them to delete it from the records through a “Request`
for Record Change.” If you’re willing to defend your right to` travel, then you
can either:` 1. revoke the driver’s license.
2. do not renew
your driver’s license.
3. get a commercial
license instead for commercial use.
4. get a driver’s
license in the name of your SS Trust Account.
5. posture yourself
with an offshore International Driver’s` Permit (IDP).
6. posture yourself
with a foreign entity I.D. card and lease.
It’s also advisable
to “Request a Legal Determination &` Ruling” from them with the appropriate
“Admissions &` Stipulations” so that you can demonstrate that you have`
exhausted all administrative remedies before proceeding` with lawful action to
defend your right to travel.
More than likely
the DMV will ignore your requests and` default on your Affidavits and
Constructive Legal Notices.
This driver license
attaches to you.
ORS 801.245` “Driver license” or “license” may have any or all of the`
meanings provided for the terms under this section as` required or appropriate
under the section referring to the` term. The term “driver license” may be used
interchangeably` with “license” and either term may be used in any or all of`
the following ways:` 1. It may refer to a document issued by this state or any`
other jurisdiction as evidence of a grant of driving` privileges.
2. It may refer to
general driving privileges granted by` this state or another jurisdiction.
If you revoke the
driver license or don’t renew it, then get` your papers in order to either
weather a citation, impoundment` situation, or posture yourself in a foreign
Use your “Sovereign
Citizen Identification Card (SCIC)” for` a traffic stop instead of a drivers
license. This will not` prevent you from getting a citation or finding yourself
in an` impoundment situation. You must be prepared to fight the` process.
If you posture
yourself with an “International Driver’s` Permit (IDP)” your paperwork will be
in order at a traffic` stop.
Driver’s Permit (IDP)` 1.
only good outside the country of issue` 2. not regulated by UN` 3. use in
country where passport is not required for` entry/exit (or get entry/exit
stamps in your passport)` 4. use to validate non-residence/nonsales tax` 5.
also get an entity driver’s license for private` conveyances leased from a
foreign entity` The third scenario relates to the SSN as a trust I.D. #. Thus`
apply for the driver license in the name of the trust with the` trust I.D. #
associated. Sign the driver license with your` name and “Trustee.”
If you wish to
maintain your present driver license, place` “Without Prejudice, UCC 1-207”
under your signature on the` driver license, obey all traffic laws and be prepared
to pay` your tickets as usual. You could also get a commercial` license, for
commercial use only as a chauffeur. It would` only kick in for commercial use,
or at a traffic stop.
ORS 801.360` “Motor vehicle.” “Motor vehicle” means a vehicle that is
selfpropelled` or designed for self-propulsion.
“Operating” or
“driving “a “motor vehicle” is defined by the` various legislatures as a
“commercial activity”, and is not` applicable to individual use.
You must reference
the statutes and the legislative intent of` the public laws in your State which
define those who are` “eligible or required.”
Registration, License Plate, Certificate of` Title, OR Manufacturer’s Statement
of Origin` If you’re not ready
to defend your right to travel, then` continue with your present vehicle
registration — rubber` stamp “Without Prejudice, UCC 1-207” over both the`
renewal and the certified copy (if you can get away with it).
This will
compromise your sovereign “state” Citizenship as a` presumption will stand that
you have exchanged rights for` privileges. Registration, license plates and
insurance attach` to you if it’s in your name. Otherwise it attaches to the
entity` it’s registered, licensed and insured to.
If you do NOT
register the State-owned vehicle, you must` surrender the plates to the DMV. Do
not put your own` license plates on the vehicle. After seven years, if a
vehicle is` not registered, the records for the vehicles are destroyed.
The State Owns
Your Property` Registration
begins with the “Title” to the vehicle. There is` no law requiring you to
register or license anything unless` you don’t own it. You can only register or
license someone` else’s property, in this case automobiles, motorcycles and`
We call them
“Place-Travel Devices” or private “Conveyances.”
If you can secure
“Title” to your property, then there` is no law binding you to registration,
plates and insurance.
ORS 801.526` “Title” means an ownership interest in a vehicle that is`
evidenced by a record of the Department of Transportation` or of some other
The record may be
in the form of a certificate of title or it` may be in another form, including
but not necessarily` limited to electronic or machine-readable form...
Secure The
Title To Your Property` If
you can, get a copy of the original “Manufacturer’s` Statement of Origin (MSO)”
from the Manufacturer for your` present vehicle(s). Few have found success in
getting these` documents or even locating their whereabouts especially for`
used conveyances.
The “MSO” is apparently
on microfilm in the federal State` from which the vehicle was originally
purchased from the` Dealer, although it’s difficult to track them. The State
will` not admit to having any evidence of title other than the` “Certificate of
Title,” except in their own Code.
Statement Of Origin` ORS 801.185` “Certificate of title” means a paper document issued by any`
jurisdiction specifically as evidence of vehicle ownership. A` certificate of
title is not necessarily the only evidence of` vehicle ownership issued by a
Notice the “For
Official Government Use Only” sticker on` the back of your new stickers from
the State. Notice the` words “VOID” in the watermark of your “Certificate of
Title” in several places. Still don’t
believe the State owns your` vehicle?
Certificate of
Title` 1. indicates
“beneficial holder” as part of a trust` relationship` 2. State is the trustee`
3. registration, license and insurance required by owner` 4. only an owner can
license` 5. revoke State trusteeship over “vehicle” after clearing` yourself of
adhesion contracts` To hold true or allodial title to automobiles, trucks,`
motorcycles, or as we call them, “place-travel devices,” requires a process of either securing the
MSO, or revoking` the State’s trusteeship over the motor vehicle and exporting`
it into the jurisdiction of the free republic.
This will not only
purchase the vehicle, but also transfer the` allodial title to you. You must
pay for the vehicle with $21` silver with the balance in FRN’s.
Do not register the
vehicle with the State. Leave the plates` vacant, looking like a new car from a
dealer (even if it’s an` old klunker).
So here is a
summary of the steps necessary to purchase a` used conveyance, and revoking the
State’s trusteeship over` the motor vehicle and securing true title:`
Buying a Used
Car` 1. likely, you
cannot get the MSO, because it’s been` destroyed or microfilmed by the State,
therefore you` must revoke the States trusteeship over the motor` vehicle` 2.
purchase it with a Bill of Sale including a Bill of` Conveyance along with $21
silver and the balance in` FRN’s to transfer allodial title` 3. return the
“Certificate of Title,” registration and plates` to the DMV` 4. dismantle,
salvage or export to a foreign jurisdiction` OR register it in a company or
Trust organization` 5. travel by right freely in your private property OR
lease` the vehicle from a company or Trust organization.
If the “Certificate
of Title” is presently in your name, you` must notify the State of your allodial
ownership via a Bill of` Conveyance or the MSO if can locate it.
Revoke the State
trusteeship over the “vehicle.”
You could also
transfer the equitable interest of the` automobile or truck into a Common law
Trust and isolate` your liabilities there. Go ahead and transfer the title
into` your name, or directly into a trust or foreign entity.
So here are the
steps necessary to purchase a brand new` “Place-Travel Device” from the dealer
and securing the true` title:`
Buying a New
Car` 1. do not negotiate
with a salesman, sales manager or` owner — deal with the business manager
directly` 2. don't let your emotions rule, or cave in to pressure to` conform
to their paperwork — use your own contract` and bill of sale` 3. demand the MSO
(Manufacturer's Statement of` Origin), keys, and warranty as a condition of the
sale` 4. make sure the MSO has only the dealer's name and` information` 5.
purchase with $21 silver + the balance in FRN's` 6. use a bill of sale
purchased for export to a foreign` jurisdiction — purchase as an individual not
an entity` 7. don't get a State-inspection sticker` 8. don’t register, put
self-made OR State-issued plates on` 9. in the alternative, you can purchase in
a foreign` jurisdiction offshore and ship to the continental United` States; BUT
if you buy overseas and import, there’s a` customs tax AND they’ll demand
registration and` license to bring into the country.
If you choose to
remain in the system and are not ready or` able to purchase a new “Place-Travel
Device,” debt-free,` then you can have a Trust Organization, IBC, or SA`
purchase, register, license and Certificate of Title the motor` vehicle in the
State DMV.
As an individual,
you can lease the vehicle from the` company, or as an officer of the company,
you can be` permitted to use company property for business purposes.
After a year and a
half traveling without plates, I’ve had` enough grist for the mill, and am
involved in enough court` cases to defend my right to travel.
I will now make a “Motion
for Change of Venue” to the` Common law court and have all my cases adjudicated
Traveling can be
hazardous to your health, peace-of-mind,` and your pocketbook, especially in
States that routinely` impound your vehicle for failure to have plates,
registration` or driver’s licenses (e.g. California).
Bond or Certificate of Financial` Responsibility` In the case of financial responsibility, the individual
would` be responsible to either secure a “Certificate of Financial`
Responsibility,” a bond in lieu of insurance, or insurance in` the individuals
name with the company named as an` additionally named insured on the policy. Be
aware that` there are riders in most, if not all, insurance policies that`
invalidate the coverage if you fail to have a State-issued` drivers license or
vehicle registration. There are offshore` insurance policies available outside
the United States` jurisdiction if you have a foreign domicile.
Had I invested
everything paid out in insurance policies in` my life, I would be a
millionaire. Trouble is, We the People` didn’t know any better. Take your
average monthly` premium, invest it and collateralize the returns.
A minimum of
$100,000 in trust meets the financial` responsibility requirements of most
States. The trust then` issues a “Certificate of Financial Responsibility” in
lieu of` insurance or a bond.
Even if you are
sovereign, and out of the jurisdiction, each of` us must demonstrate financial
responsibility to be a good` sovereign.
There are no free
lunches, and we must take responsibility` for the consequences of our actions.
If we damage or injure` another, then we must meet our liabilities.
Insurance has been
defined as goods for interstate` commerce, thus it is an adhesion contract.
It’s preferable to` get an individual bond in lieu of insurance for the
minimum` required in your State (e.g., California requires $35,000` minimum
bond). Insurance is not an investment, but a` wager and comes under the
gambling laws of the United` States Code (U.S.C.).
For those with no
assets striving for economic sovereignty,` isolating your liabilities by
placing your vehicles in a nondomestic` Trust organization, may be your best
insurance` policy yet. Your liability would be isolated to the assets of the`
Trust, whatever was still in your name and nothing more.
This is purely a
transitional tool, and not the ul
Restructuring Tax Liabilities` Did the government ever come to you and say directly, “Pay` your
taxes”? Did you ever do your own thinking and look` into the law yourself?
Are you an
individual or a “person” required under the` Internal Revenue Code? Or do you
file every year simply` because other people (i.e., family, friends, employers)
said,` “You have to.”
The IRS in
Are your sick and
tired of volunteering 1/3 - 1/2 of your` annual income?
Stop supporting the
presumption that you are in their` jurisdiction.
Stop filing and
signing your income tax returns unless you’re` a “person” required.
So how do you
restructure your tax liabilities? Stop` triggering tax liabilities in the first
place. If you are a` “person” required, tax liability triggers when
“value” changes, not because of
“income.” If you are NOT a “person”
required, then the IRC is IRRELEVANT!` It doesn’t apply to you as an
American National OR` sovereign “state” Citizen unless you have sourced income`
from “within” the federal U.S. government corporation.
If that’s the case,
you’d file a Form 2555.
If you’re a government
employee or officer of the` government, you’d file Form 1040. If you’re
operating as a` statutory trust with a SSN, TIN or EIN, you’d file Form 1041.
If you’re an
American National OR sovereign “state” Citizen,` you wouldn’t be liable to file
at all.
Are You A
“Person” Required?
1. Social Security
Number (SSN) OR Taxpayer` Identification Number (TIN)`
a) file Form 1040
(utilize tax reduction strategies,` legi
• W-2 wage-earners can gift all compensation` to W-8 foreign
• W-2 wage-earners can justify losses in` private contracts
with foreign entities.
Deduct as an
expense on Schedule A or C` (professional services) $10,000 - $15,000.
b) file Form 1041
(as a statutory trust strategy deduct` “wages” or “salary” as an expense of the
trust,` show no net gain thus zero tax)`
2. Employer
Identification Number (EIN)
a) file Form` 1040
w/Schedule C (utilize tax reduction strategies,` legi
b) for statutory
trusts file Form 1041` (deduct “wages” or “salary” as an expense of the trust,`
deduct other legi
3. Government
employee or official w/SSN — file Form` 1040 (pay tax)`
4. American
National OR Sovereign “state” Citizen — no` filing, no withholding, no
participation in SS or` government benefits programs`
a) with “income
(i.e., gain)” sourced from “within” the
federal United States corporation, file Form` 2555 (deduct $70,000 from gross,
pay tax on` balance, where ‘native tax country requested put` N/A).
b) with NO income
sourced from “within” the federal U.S.
corporation sourced income, file` no form, pay no tax.
If you’ve been a
loyal slave, filing and paying your income` taxes, then before “de-taxing”
yourself be certain that your` business and financial affairs are in order.
You want to
disappear from the system gradually and` deliberately. Get judgment-proof,
lien-proof, levy-proof and` restructured for minimizing your taxes or becoming
Deal with the IRS
before they attach liens or levies. Don’t` become one of the 3,000 properties
the IRS attaches to each` month.
Become Judgement
And Lien Proof` Dealing with the IRS (pre-lien, pre-levy)` 1) get judgment-proof (civil & criminal), lien-proof`
2) demand delegations of authority and enabling` regulations` 3) legal
determinations and rulings` 4) FOIA & PA request for information (FOIA #1)`
a) Individual Master File transcript complete` b) Document 6209 Decoding Book`
c) Form 5546 - excise activity codes` d) Form 668W - notice of levy service
& treasury` authorization` e) Form 2039 - summons` 5) decode and evaluate
your IMF, BMF with Document` 6209` 6) refuse all correspondence and notices for
fraud` If you have a profitable business operation or lucrative` investments,
then place part or all of your assets into a` complex business organization
comprised of statutory and` foreign entities. There are Common law, pure Trust`
organizations, International Business Corporations (IBC’s),` and Society
Anonymous (SA’s).
All Income In Foreign Entities` Complex Business Organizations` 1. Common Law Trusts (CLT)`
a) one non-domestic
or foreign trust for your private` conveyance or “place-travel device”
b) one non-domestic
or foreign trust for property` and real estate` c) one non-domestic or foreign
trust for operating a` business` 2. International Business Corporations (IBC)`
a) one for holding shares in a foreign corporation` 3. Sociedad Anonimie (SA)`
a) another type of foreign corporations` 4. Partnerships` a) one for
professionals` b) one for holding property in the united states of` America` If
you have few assets and nothing linked to your name, then` you have little
concern about the IRS attaching` garnishments, liens or levies to your assets
except with` regards to bank accounts or real property.
Find a safe place
to stash your cash, gold or silver and other` tangible assets. Bury it in the
back yard if necessary.
If the IRS should
ever activate a collection, audit or lien` against you, you’ll have prima facie
evidence in your favor. If` they come head on, be prepared for a fight.
The law may be on
the side of the sovereign state Citizen or` sui juris freeman/woman, but these
“colorable” courts` provide few remedies and recourses.
Dealing with
IRS (post-lien, post-levy)` 1)
sue for refusal to comply with FOIA request` 2) challenge assessment in U.S.
Bankruptcy Court` 3) pay debt with gold/silver; redemption strategy, illegal`
for them to accept` 4) letter regarding Title 42 against agents` 5) letter
regarding Title 18 against agents` 6) commercial affidavit against withholding
agent (e.g.,` insurance company, bank, employer)` 7) ten years is the maximum
for a statutory lien; if they` cannot collect after ten years, it goes away.
There are a few
workable strategies for defeating the IRS in` the Article 1 courts, but they’re
There is also LaMar
Hardy’s “Reliance Defense” in` bankruptcy court, or David Myrland’s “Chapter
83 Offense” in federal or tax court.
Getting Your Taxes in Order` Tax-Exempt Foreign Status (Affidavit 6)` Your “Affidavit: Tax-Exempt Foreign Status” gives`
“Constructive Legal Notice” to the IRS which they must, by` law, respond to. If
they do not respond, and it’s likely they` won’t, then the IRS has defaulted
and in essence has agreed` with your Affidavit. This can be used of prima facie
evidence` in a court of competent jurisdiction.
The only court
where the burden of proof is on the IRS is the` United States Bankruptcy Court.
[Editor’s Note: ALL Return` Receipts sent from the U.S.P.S. must be corrected
to be sent` “Non-Domestic.”] Certified Mail - Return Receipt this` Affidavit
& Constructive Legal Notice to:` 1) IRS, Commissioner of Foreign Operations
District 2) IRS,` District Director, District Headquarters 3) IRS, Regional`
Director, Regional Headquarters 4) Your State Department` of Revenue.
Demand the
delegations of authority and enabling` regulations from the IRS that give them
jurisdiction over` you. Request a copy of your Individual Master File (IMF)-`
Complete (not abridged) from the IRS, or Business Master` File (BMF).
This request will
not trigger an audit. Also request a copy of` Form 5546, the excise activity
codes assigned to you so you can decode the IMF or BMF. Incorporate these
requests into` a FOIA.
You can also
request a “Legal Determination & Ruling” from` the IRS regarding your
status, although our understanding` is they charge an enormous fee for this
service and it’s` supposed to be done before any returns have been filed.
“Ruling and determination letters are issued to` individuals and
organizations upon written` requests...as to their status for tax
purposes...prior` to their filing of returns or reports as required by the`
revenue laws. Rulings are only issued by the` National office. Determination
letters are issued only` by District Directors and the Director of
International` Operations.” 24` If they answer your Affidavit and challenge your statements` with
a form letter, or individual response, then you must` respond to them
accordingly. You can either challenge their` jurisdiction, or their
Keep up the
correspondence until you get the determination` letter, or until they have left
you alone.
If you get a form
letter regarding your delinquency in filing,` write the following on the IRS
notice and send it back.
Revenue Service:` “PLEASE BE ADVISED that I am an American National,`
sovereign “state” Citizen of the continental` United States, never having
lived, worked, nor` having income from any source within the District` of
Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam,` American Samoa or any other
Territory or possession` within the United States, which entity has its` origin
and jurisdiction from...[1:8:17] of the Constitution` for the usA; therefore,
he/she is a nontaxpayer` outside of the venue and jurisdiction of` 26 U.S.C.” 30` Letter and Notice to Employers: Withholding`
Requirements (Notice 11)`
If you are a W-2
wage-earner, inform and educate your` employer about their responsibilities and
liabilities if they` fail to honor your request to stop withholding from your`
private-sector earnings.
If you’re working
for the federal U.S. government corporation` or a government-funded
corpora-tion (county or State),` you must file and the employer must withhold
Until you inform
your private-sector employer of your` American national, sovereign “state”
Citizen, the IRS will` presume you are an “employee” making “wages” under IRC`
§3401, and direct your employer to withhold taxes under` IRC §3101(a). 25` There are numerous Article 1 court cases attesting to our`
conclusion that a SSN is voluntary for employment purposes` including the
famous Taco Bell case brought by an attorney` on behalf of his son who was
denied employment because he` failed to provide a SSN. He was rehired with full
back pay` and Taco Bell now makes a SSN optional for employment.
Another case
brought forth by the federal government’s own` Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission won a` judgment regarding an employee’s religious objection to`
providing a SSN. He was reinstated with full back pay and` damages.
If your employer is
unwilling to honor your evidence of taxexempt` foreign status, you can file a
criminal complaint and` civil suit. This is not the most comfortable
relationship to` have with your employer, yet it is necessary to assure that`
your rights will be respected.
A smart employer
will “fire” all his/her employees and` contract with them for services needed
as sovereign state` Citizens. Your employer would not have to pay their usual`
share of the withholding tax either, and would benefit` financially from this
arrangement. 27`
Certified Mail
- Return Receipt this Letter and` Notice to:` 1) Your Employer, or` 2) Any Company required to do
government reporting` (Form 1099) or withholding.
Employer:` “Pursuant to
Department of the Treasury, IRS Publication` 515 (Revs.Novs.1992) Cat. No.
15019L, this is my written` statement that I am...
“If you continue to withhold from my lawfully`
earned compensation, after you have been duly` noticed, I will have no recourse
except to file legal` action against your company. Please be aware,` that the
IRS cannot and will not afford your` company with immunity from such suit.”
Certificate of
Exemption From Withholding in Lieu` of Form W-4 (Affidavit 7)` If you are a W-2 wage-earner, do not file a W-4 as it is
an` estate and gift tax form for federal employees. Filing a W-4` under
“exempt” does not exempt you from volunteering to` pay the tax.26 Certified
Mail - Return Receipt this Affidavit` & Constructive Legal Notice to:` 1)
Your Employer, or` 2) Any Company or Broker required to do government`
reporting (Form 1099) or withholding.
Letter, Notice
and Affidavit to IRS Indemnifying` Employer From Penalties (Notice 12)` There is no law requiring “your employer” to withhold
taxes` on behalf of the federal government or the IRS. Most` employers are just
as in
To protect “your
employer” from in
Certified Mail
- Return Receipt this Notice &` Affidavit to:`
1) IRS, Regional
Certificate of
Foreign Status (W-8)` You can use Form
W-8, or a substitute form declaring that` you are a nonresident alien
individual, foreign entity, or taxexempt` foreign individual not subject to
specific United` States information return reporting.
Do not include any
TIN or SSN. Do not use 2-letter postal` abbreviation. Do not include optional
account information.
Modify the perjury
jurat as stated above. Mail copies of the` Form W-8 to all banks reporting
interest, payers,` middlemen, brokers, and/or barter exchanges.29`
Restructuring in Foreign Entities` Your “right to contract” is unalienable not only in the
united` states of America, but in most of the so-called civilized` world. Tony
Gold calls this your “right to entity” clause in` the Constitution.
You can chose to
organize your individual and/or business` affairs in a sole proprietorship,
partnership, corporation, or` other “foreign” entity.
Any entity foreign
to the jurisdiction of the federal United` States government corporation is
“foreign” by definition.
“No State shall...pass any...
Law impairing the obligation of contracts...”
— Constitution for the usA [1:10]`
These include
domestic, non-domestic and foreign trusts,` international business corporations
(e.g., society` anonymous), and corporation soles.
A complex business
organization utilizes a number of these` foreign entities along with statutory
corporations and` partnerships to weave a tight web of impenetrable wealth`
preservation and asset protection for the sophisticated` individual.
1) domestic or
statutory trusts`
2) non-domestic and
foreign trusts`
3) international
business organizations`
4) sociedad
5) corporation
6) complex business
What are the risks?
Yes, you need someone you can “trust.”
The nature of third
party contracts is that you need to be` able to play ball with other people you
can trust.
You must appoint
competent officers, and trustees to handle` thee business affairs of the trust,
and/or company, and step` forward and defend the foreign entity if attacked.
Here’s` how to utilize a foreign organization:` 1) sells products` 2) collects
funds` 3) deposits funds` 4) delivers the product` 5) foreign to a state` 6) no
jurisdiction` Domestic or
Statutory Trusts` Statutory,
parliamentary or living Trusts are usually formed` by attorneys, thus are
creatures regulated by the federal U.S. government corporation. They are
“Domestic Trusts.”
Those associated
with SSN’s or TIN’s are “revocable,”
Grantor-type trusts where the trustee is simply the alter-ego` of the
Grantor or Creator.
They are treated as
such, and every precaution must be` made to handle them according to the IRC
rules and` regulations.
These “Statutory
Trusts” are easy to pierce, and we don’t` recommend them except as components
in a complex` business organization.
Domestic =
Statutory` They can be
utilized in a complex business organization as` the frontline organization for
1099 reporting requirements` of an employer or broker that cannot be
restructured` otherwise, or for doing business with the government or` other
A “Domestic” or
“Statutory Trust” would require an` Employer Identification Number (EIN)
granted by the IRS.
When you apply for
an EIN with Form SS-4 as a Trust, they` will request your principle officer
supply their SSN.
Obviously, if you
do not have one, or have revoked yours,` then you cannot provide it. You could
use another individual` with a SSN as the soon-to-beretired “Authorized
Agent” empowered only to apply for the
Be certain to
document this in the Trust Minutes as you` don’t want this individual to come
under attack for any` reason. Some of the features are:`
1) Apply for and
receive EIN Number from the IRS with` Form SS-4`
2) Settlor is U.S.
citizen or “foreign entity.”
3) Trustee is U.S.
citizen or “foreign entity”
4) Officers and
Directors are U.S. citizens`
5) Signer on bank
account is U.S. citizen`
6) Beneficiaries
are U.S. citizens and 'foreign persons'`
7) 95% capitalized
by non-domestic “foreign entity.”
8) keep books and
9) annual filing of
Form 1041, K-1’s`
10) all 1099
reporting attributed to this Trust`
11) GOAL: <5%
net, reportable, taxable income` Keep the Trust organization on the up and up,
account,` report and demonstrate no taxable income at the end of` each year.
Any net income not
distributed to the beneficiaries is taxed` at 37.5%, or whatever the current
rate is. Make certain there` is as little net income (<5%) as possible that
is not` distributed to the beneficiaries.
You could leave a
bone for the IRS of 5% taxable net income` to appease them.
The Trust would be
required to provide K-1’s reporting all` distributions to beneficiaries. Make the
beneficiaries taxexempt` foreign entities, not U.S. persons (i.e., U.S.
citizens),` otherwise U.S. citizens would be required to pay tax on the` K-1
This “Statutory
Trust” could also be capitalized 95% by a` foreign entity (e.g., non-domestic
trust), thus expensing 95%` of all income to service the loan by a foreign
entity. For` sovereign-minded people, the better strategy is — no` “Statutory
Trusts,” no statutory accounts, no reporting, no` tracking. You’re home free
and tax free!`
& Foreign, Offshore Trusts` A pure, “Non-Domestic” or “Foreign Trust” must be` “irrevocable.”
They can be domiciled in any of the state` republics or offshore in a foreign
country and jurisdiction.
Common law Trusts do not need to be filed` or registered with any government
They are NOT
registered within the D.C. jurisdiction. They` can be authenticated with two
witnesses or a Common law` notary. Florida state is one state that recognizes
the` Common law Trust by statute as well. 40`
Non-Domestic =
Foreign` A trust
relationship is the contractual act of one party giving` or exchanging property
or assets to the control of a second` party for the benefit of yet another
third party.
The Trustee has the
authority to appoint officers and/or hire` business managers, property
managers, production` managers, or a managing
The Trustee has
powers like an attorney, powers to do` something (i.e., resolution of
empowerment; deed of` settlement). The Trustee has the power to rent, lease,`
purchase, subscribe, and/or contract with utilities in name` of the trust.
These Trusts must
demonstrate at least an arms length` between the three parties to the contract
to be impenetrable` or unassailable by any powers that might attack the entity.
It` is preferable for the initial individual with the assets to` exchange into
the trust to become an officer, not the Settlor,` Trustee or Beneficiary.
Checks should be
deposited in non-interest bearing fudiciary` accounts. Any accounts opened must
not be linked to the` SSN, TIN, EIN of any officer, or any Statutory`
Trust/Association. The Trustee, business manager or other` authorized agent(s)
will be the signer on all checks.
We advise that
accounting and records be kept in case this` Trust comes under attack for any
reason by government` authorities. After all, these accounts are still
physically in the` continental united states of America, even though lawfully
it` may be foreign to the federal U.S. government corporation.
Some of the
features are:`
1. Settlor is
foreign to the federal United States or a` “foreign entity” (i.e., American
National or sovereign` “state” Citizen`
2. Trustee is
foreign to the federal United States or a` “foreign entity.”
3. Officers and
Directors are foreign to the federal United` States`
4. Signer on bank
account is authorized agent (U.S. citizen OR American National or sovereign
“state” Citizen`
5. Beneficiaries
are U.S. citizens, American Nationals or` sovereign “state” Citizens and
“foreign entities.”
6. 95% capitalized
by offshore “foreign entity.”
7. GOAL: <5%
net, non-reportable income.
“Non-Domestic” or
Common law pure trusts have recently` come under considerable scrutiny and
attack by the IRS.
There is a wave of
people utilizing these Trusts, some poorly,` and it’s gotten the attention of
the IRS. The IRS calls these` “abusive trusts.”
As if a piece of
paper can abuse anyone. I’ve got the feeling` the IRS is being battered by the
rising use of these` instruments. More power to We the People.
Should a Trust come
under attack, the Trust bears the` burden of expense. The Trustee bears the
burden of responsibility` to defend the Trust. The Settlor or Exchangor(s)
bear` the burden of heat if the trust is pierced or broken.
Note: In Tony Gold and Wealth Builders` International’s trusts, the signature
of Governor of the` Cayman Islands is included with all trust documents as`
“Foreign Trusts”
are the same Common law instrument` fundamentally as the “Non-Domestic” Trust,
except that` they are domiciled in a country physically as well as`
jurisdictionally foreign to the United States.
The Settlors,
Trustees and the Officers and Directors are` “foreign” persons. This could mean
“foreign” as Citizens of` the united states of America, or Citizens of another
country` (e.g., Costa Rica). They are similar to “Non-Domestic` Trusts” in all
ways except:`
1) Settlor is a
foreign “person”(entity, American National` or sovereign “state” Citizen,
individual from another` jurisdiction)` 2
) Officers and
Directors are U.S. citizens OR foreign` “persons”
3) Signer on bank
account is U.S. citizen OR foreign` “person”
4) Beneficiaries
are U.S. citizens, American Nationals or` sovereign “state” Citizens and
“foreign entities.”
5) income is foreign-sourced`
6) Entity was created before U.S. person involved` 7) Entity is source of
capitalization` 8) GOAL: 100% non-reportable, liquid income accessible` from
any cash machine.
In the scenario of
a series of “Foreign Trusts” capitalizing a` Statutory Trust or Partnership,
95% of the gross income` from the “Statutory Trust” is paid to a “Non-Domestic`
Trust,” then 95% of the gross income from “Non-Domestic` Trust” is paid to a
“Foreign Trust” for capitalization costs.
A similar result
could be achieved using foreign entities as` beneficiaries, and distributing
95% of the net income each` year after expenses. The capitalization scenario
looks like:` 1) statutory trust or partnership is 95% capitalized by a`
non-domestic trust` 2) non-domestic trust is 95% capitalized by a foreign
trust` 3) foreign trust distributes 95% of its net income to a U.S. beneficiary
(tax-free) or other foreign entity.
Keith Anderson and
Anderson Ark Associate’s (AAA)` strategy for foreign entities involves
appointing the` individual with the assets to exchange, or a W-2 wage-earner`
(U.S. citizen) as an agent of a foreign trust.
The individual
contracts with AAA as an employment` agency (which provides a Schedule A
deduction for those` still filing). The individual provides management services
in` exchange for salary and perks (occupation). Some of the` features are:` 1)
employment contract arrangement w/U.S. citizen.
This strategy
removes the U.S. citizen from being associated` with the foreign entity. There
is a tax penalty to all U.S. citizens who capitalize a foreign trust. But a
foreign entity` can capitalize another foreign entity without a penalty.
Since the IRS has
declared war on all foreign jurisdictions,` every precaution must be taken.
There is a huge exodus of` funds due to oppressive government in the United
Foreign Trusts Explained` There are over 145 different kinds of Trust Organizations.
When someone talks
about “Trusts,” they can imply all kinds` of different functions and
utilizations of these instruments.
We’ll be discussing
simple or complex “Common law,“ “Pure` Trusts,” “Business Trusts,” and/or
“Foreign Trusts.” These` can be domiciled onshore in the continental united
states of` America in any of the state republics, or offshore in` Common law
countries where English law once reigned (and` still does).
Onshore Or
Offshore` There is a lot of
confusion about Trusts, what kind to choose,` and which ones offer the most
wealth generation and asset` protection. Be aware, you must be discerning about
who to` trust with the responsibility for managing your property and` directing
your affairs. A trust is a three-party contract and` involves distinct
individuals or entities besides yourself.
A “Domestic” Trust
is statutory by nature, subject to the` rules and regulations of the federal
United States` government corporation. Examples of these are any Trust`
organizations with IRS assigned EIN numbers, or the “living` trust” created by
Non-Domestic Or Foreign` A
“Non-Domestic” or “Foreign” Trust is Common law by` nature, NOT subject to the
jurisdiction of the federal United` States, or any of its political
It is based on your
unalienable “right to contract.” Attorneys` and the government corporation
discourage these` unregulated Trusts as they are outside their venue and`
taxing authority. “Foreign” Trusts can be domiciled onshore` in any of the
state republics of the united states of America,` OR offshore in a foreign
jurisdiction to the United States.
Onshore Or
Offshore` Trusts are valuable
tools to restore our rights and freedom` today. They have been utilized by the
sovereign Power` structure for centuries to structure their affairs outside
the` jurisdiction of nation states.
These, along with
complex business organizations, are how` the wealthiest and most powerful
people on the planet` manage their business and financial affairs.
They have managed
to accumulate vast, unreported and` mostly invisible portfolios of assets
beyond all taxing` authorities. They operate on the high seas of international`
These freedom
technologies and transitional tools are now` available for the sophisticated
individual and entrepreneur` with the motivation and desire to succeed, but
not` compromise their property and assets into the hands of the` hungry,
welfare-minded State that feeds off the productivity` of the hardest working,
most brilliant individuals in our` society.
We can break the
back of the welfare State mentality by` ending the taxation of our wealth and
productivity. These` freedom technologies and transitional tools are our best`
friends. Use them wisely, and study them well.
Besides utilizing
foreign entities and banking offshore, being` sovereign-minded, is the most
important step you can take` to restore your liberties. It will take
Having a Trust
isn’t the final remedy if your life, liberty and` unalienable rights have all
been surrendered to a tyrannical` government.
You must become
knowledgeable enough about Trusts and` other foreign entities to ask
intelligent questions, bypass the` probate and inheritance taxes that the U.S.
Congress has` passed, and to convey substantially appreciated property to` your
heirs and assigns without penalties.
How is a Trust
A “Trust” is a
three-party contract involving a Grantor /` Creator, Trustees, and
Beneficiaries. A Trust is a form of` property ownership in which one person
agrees to hold` property for the benefit of another.
The person holding
the property is called the “Trustee,” and` the person who benefits is called
the “Beneficiary.”
The Trustee must
hold the property in Trust and is the` fiduciary agent for the Beneficiary. The
Trustee is the legal` owner of the property.33` Trusts
exist in Great Britain, the united states of America,` and other countries
whose legal systems are derived from` British Common law, although many other
countries` recognize the Trust. Trustees have the responsibility to act` on behalf
of the Beneficiary and in their best interest.
The Trust contract
spells out these responsibilities, and if` they do not fulfill their
obligation, the Equity courts can step` in and offer equitable ownership on
behalf of the` Beneficiary.
Nothing in the
Trust contract may be construed in such a` manner as to evade any State or
federal law. Pure Business` Trusts are not subject to legislative control. Most
Trusts` formed by attorneys are statutory, not Common Law Trusts.
> TRUST— a three-party contract in which the Settlor` (Creator,
Trustor or Grantor) transfers property (real,` personal or both) to one or more
Trustees to be held and/or` managed for one or more Beneficiaries.
The Settlor (i.e.,
Grantor, Creator, Trustor) grants into the` Trust real and personal, tangible
and intangible property` which is owned by the Trustees.
The Settlor has
utilized the authority of sovereignty, which is` protected by the
constitutional rights of an individual.
A Settlor may
convert him/herself into a Trustee, although` this may trigger the Grantor Rule
causing the Trust to be a` “Grantor Trust” which offers little or no
protection. 34`
The Trust is a legal fiction which
requires one or two real,` live Trustees to accept the granted items and to
follow` the instructions established by the Trust contract.
Trustees must
operate in agreement and do not have the` power to act independently.
They hold their
authority in joint tenancy, the property is` owned in Trust in Fee Simple
Absolute on behalf of the` Beneficiaries.
They manage, hold
title and increase the Trust in value` through administration, buying and
selling and sound` investments. Their powers are broad, yet confined to`
furthering the financial well being of the Trust.
The initial
granting to the Trustees is for $21.00 in gold or` silver, lawful
consideration. Once the properties are` conveyed, no one can rescind or
challenge the conveyances.
The Trustees have
both absolute and equitable ownership,` and all evidence of ownership must
reside in the Trustee.
There can never be
a claim against these properties in the` event of a claim against the Settlor.
The Trustees must
defend against claims against the Trust.
They are to keep
minutes and document the proceedings,` and make periodic business reports. If a
Trustee resigns or is` removed from office, a Resolution should be written
concerning` the vacated seat, and the appointment of a successor.
During the life
The Trustees may at
their discretion, or by virtue of the` Trust contract make periodic
distributions from the` proceeds and income of the Trust proportionately to
the` shares of Beneficial interest each holds.
Simple Trusts are
required to pass all income to the` Beneficiaries every year who, if a U.S.
person (NOT a` sovereign “state” Citizen or foreign entity), must declare as`
taxable, income on their own personal returns (IRC §651).
Complex Trusts are
not subject to the corporate tax on` dividends, and can treat the income as a
deduction. A U.S. Beneficiary who receives income as a K1 distribution rather`
than as W-2 wages will realize a tax savings on selfemployment` tax.
Simple Or
Complex Trusts` Initially, 100
Trust Certificate Units (TCU’s) are issued to` the Settlor in fair trade
exchange for the properties which he` conveyed into the Trust.
To establish
further Beneficiaries, the Settlor must first` cancel his units or surrender
them to the Trust. Units of` Beneficial Interest (UBI’s) or Certificates are
non-assessable,` nontaxable, non-negotiable, and transferable only to the`
Trust upon death.
Trust contracts are
executed for 25 years, or until the corpus` of the Trust is liquidated, or
transferred to another Trust by` unanimous decree of the Trustees.
Trust records are
not available to the public. Anyone lending` or paying money to the Trustees
does not have the privilege` of seeing the records, nor seeing the application
for the` funds.
Trusts are
fundamentally distinct from a Corporation which` is chartered and regulated by
the State.
The State owns the
corporation and you are franchising it` from them. Unlike a Trust, the State
may come in and order` the corporate records produced.
Trustees must pay
themselves something. It is not necessary` for the Trustees to go to court for
permission to do anything` within the Trust. They are acting solely under the
auspices of` the constitutional rights they possess.
The liability of
the Trustees is limited to the assets or` property of the Trust. Settlement of
any debt, tort, damage,` judgment, or decree for any indebtedness is payable
only` from the corpus of the Trust. Trustees are not personally` liable in any
Trustees cannot be
forced to make disbursements because of` the demands of any creditor against a
Beneficiary. Claims` against the Trust are not enforceable. No one can become
a` Certificate holder by bequest, gift or seizure of an estate for`
indebtedness including any form of bankruptcy, sheriff’s` sale, or IRS action.
Corporations Into Trusts` All
sole proprietors, independent contractors, and selfemployed` individuals, and
corporations could be candidates` for a Business Trust. People operating
through corporations` could divest themselves of their real estate by selling
the` property to a Business Trust in exchange for Beneficial` Units, and then
leasing the property back from the Trust.
The corporation
could also divest itself of all business` equipment and other assets by placing
them into separate` Business Trusts. The corporation would continue to operate`
as usual, but would own few assets passing on profits to the` Unit holders.
Corporate Attributes` A
Trust must avoid attributes that would cause it to be` treated and taxed like a
corporation. If a Trust possesses any` three of these attributes it will be
treated and taxed like a` corporation. When corporations learned to create`
monopolies by having competing firms controlled by the` same Trustees, it led
to the passage of the anti-trust laws.
The four corporate
attributes are:` 1. centralized management` 2. continuity of life` 3. limited
personal liability of the Trustees` 4. easy transferability of Beneficial
Interest in the Trust.
Do Not
Restructure to Avoid Creditors or Court` Judgments` If you are presently being sued, then granting your
property` or assets into a Trust or foreign entity to avoid your creditors` or
a judgment against you requires three conditions:` 1) the Declaration of Trust
occurred prior to the date of` formal court judgment` 2) the conveyance is not
for the express purpose of` avoiding liability` 3) that the judgment is of a
civil not criminal nature. Be` certain that the Trust is being managed
professionally,` and that accurate records are being kept.
Acquiring or Gifting Property` Editor’s Note: It is always advisable when conveying,
transferring,` exchanging, gifting or selling property, that you` consult with
professionals with a track record of accomplishing` these transactions lawfully
and legally. You don’t` want to be stuck defending an accusation of “fraudulent
There are
lots of traps and sticky distinctions.
An entire estate
may be reorganized by restructuring it into` a Trust or other foreign entities.
Restructuring your affairs` before a bankruptcy, lien judgment or attack by a
creditor is` better done sooner not later. Liability insurance can be`
minimized through the organization of foreign entities.
Never tell anyone
that you have restructured to protect` YOUR assets. They won’t be YOURS
anymore. You are` divesting yourself of ownership in exchange for freedom,`
protection and privacy.
Your control is
executed through the wisdom and` intelligence of your restructuring efforts.
Don’t rely on` anyone to do your thinking for you. Ask intelligent questions`
and work with people of integrity.
= Freedom, Protection, Privacy` When conveying real estate into a Trust or foreign entity,` don’t
call the lenders and say that ownership has changed.
The loans are NOT
to be re-titled. If you fail to do this, the` lenders could call the loan due
in full and cancel the` mortgage. A sale did NOT occur, only a transfer,
exchange or` gift of equity occurred. If the Trust or foreign entity needs a`
loan, request it in the name of the entity.
If property is
conveyed into a Trust in exchange for Beneficial` Units and sold within two
years, a tax is imposed on the` Trust equal to the tax that would have been
paid had the sale` been included in the income of the exchanger (IRC§ 644).
If the conveyance
is made to a foreign-domiciled Trust or` foreign entity, the two year limit
DOES NOT apply.
You can exchange
real property for real property of equal` value and not trigger a gain. An
exchange of stock for real` property is NOT allowed by the IRC. Do not
“exchange” domestic` property (held by a U.S. person) into a foreign entity.
This will activate
the top tax rate on that U.S. person. When` real or personal property is
conveyed by a U.S. person to a` non-U.S. person, a 35% excise tax is imposed on
the amount` of appreciation (IRC §1491). 35 Acquire
property by` purchasing it via a foreign entity (IBC. S.A. or Trust). The`
foreign entity capitalizes the purchase of the property. It can` be “owned” by
a partnership or non-domestic Trust. Build a` home on it if you wish.
Sell shares of the
corporation (if an IBC), instead of` subdividing the property. Updating the
land patent is yet` another issue for the sovereign “state” Citizen.
If you gift a
$100,000 property to a foreign entity, and there` is NO value change (no gain),
then there is — NO tax` liability. Do not “transfer” property, then show up as
an` officer of the entity. Be aware of any linkages between you` and the
foreign entities. You can hold or invest property.
There is NO tax
until the capital is distributed or liquidated.
Types of Trusts`
Trust created in a simple` “Will” which is most commonly used for families with
small` estates; doesn’t offer any of the benefits, privacy or` protection from
liabilities that a Common Law Trust offers.
> INTER VIVOS TRUST— a Trust created between the` living, otherwise known as
the “Living Trust”; the Grantor` retains the right to revoke the Trust at any
> INDENTURED FAMILY TRUST— this Trust, like the` InterVivos Trust, is set up during
the Settlor’s life
> COMMON LAW TRUST— in the name of a “naturalborn”
individual, not necessarily terminating at death; John` Hancock Life
Insurance Co. is an example of a Common Law` Trust which is now considered rare
in the United States’` these are also “irrevocable Trusts.”
> PARLIAMENTARY TRUST— name of a “person” who` continues beyond the life of the
Settlor, but must terminate` at some designated
> STATUTORY TRUST — common name for any “Trust”
with a SSN, TIN or EIN Number assigned by the IRS; these` are subject to
the jurisdiction of the federal United States` government corporation;
1,336,000 fiduciary tax returns` (Form 1041) were filed in 1987.
> JOINT STOCK TRUST— a close cousin to the` corporation except that it is
legally existent forever; this` trust was banned to “U.S. citizens and
residents” in 1873 by` an act of Congress; the Federal Reserve System was set
up as` a “Joint Stock Trust” which was grandfathered (1870 before` 1873); the
fundamental difference between a “Joint Stock` Trust” and a “Corporation” is
that the stock of the “Joint` Stock Trust” is exempt from securities regulation
while the` stock of a “Corporation” is not.
form of a charitable foundation; they have no securities or` right to print
currency or issue bank charters as “Joint Stock` Trusts” can.
> SOVEREIGN TRUST— largely service the immediate` needs of royal families; some
represent the entire wealth of a` nation; have the power and authority to print
currency, issue` bank charters, debt instruments, corporate charters and`
securities, land patents, letters of patent and copyright and` licensing of
chattel, professions, guilds and services; the` Queen of England and other
monarchs use Sovereign Trusts.
> ULTRA-SOVEREIGN CANON LAW TRUST— served` as the model and basis for most democratic and
parliamentary` government formed in the New World, including the` sovereign states,
the Declaration of Independence and the` Constitution for the united states of
America; manifests all` the strengths of the “Sovereign Trust”; holds all the
powers` of portfolio that any “Joint Stock Trust” might hold; the Vatican` is
an example of an “Ultra-Sovereign Canon Law Trust”;` parliamentary laws are
inferior to the Canon laws and will` not provide the same amount of trust
to uphold the Ultra Sovereign Canon Law` trust provisions is ‘treason in the
United States’` subject to all the penalties that go with that act.”
— Capital Parish of the Oversoul.
> LAND TRUST— commonly
referred to as an Illinois` Land Trust for houses, property, or other real
estate, or` notes and mortgages secured by real estate.
> OFFSHORE TRUST— established in a Common law` country (e.g., Belize, Costa Rica,
Cayman Islands, Bahamas)` that doesn’t have a strict tax treaty with the
federal United` States; you can achieve privacy, protection and be able to`
operate financially without an SSN or tax reporting liabilities` through
various foreign entities; Supreme Court of Belize` (January 20, 1995) recently
upheld the country’s confidentiality` laws by revoking a previous court order
set in motion` by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) requesting`
confidential bank documents of the Swiss Trade &` Commerce Trust.38`
adapted to` business or commercial activities; an Unincorporated` Business
Organization (UBO); created under the Common` law of contracts and do not
depend upon any statute or` authority other than the Settlor; formed by
contract and` executed by third parties; your name never appears on the`
document; adaptable for both personal and business use; all` assets can be
exchanged into a Trust with a minimum of` effort and with no need of an
attorney; legal in every State` and in countries recognizing the Common law;
same` sovereign constitutional rights as an individual; brought into` being
through a Declaration of Trust; Pure Trust is` synonymous with a Business
Trust; the North American` Land Company founded by Patrick Henry in 1765 is
the` oldest Pure Trust of record and it’s still in operation today;` American
Express, one of the largest travel/financial` concerns in the world is a
Business Trust; Fidelity Magel-lan` Fund, the largest mutual fund in America
was reorga-nized` as a Pure Business Trust on October 1, 1984. 39`
Allodial Titles and Land Patents` We the People have the unalienable right in a free
republic` of American Nationals and/or sovereign “state” Citizens to` acquire,
utilize and “own” property. We the People have the` unalienable right to have
and hold that property free and` clear of government liens and encumbrances.
These rights have
NOT been abridged, although they have` come under attack by the government and
the` principles/creditors controlling it.
But We the People
must understand not only our rights, but` how to acquire, utilize and “own”
property as it was intended` by our founding fathers and guaranteed in the
united states` of America.
We the People must
understand not only the nature of` money, but the political, economic and legal
systems to be` able to claim our rights to acquire and “own” land.
You cannot trust
the government, the corporations, the` media or the educational system to
educate you, even to` fully disclose and provide honest information about your`
property rights.
One of the major
motivators of the first American` Revolution was the issue of allodial rights
to land, free and` clear of the liens and encumbrances of the King of England.
The American people
desired to acquire, utilize and “own”
their own land without interference from any government,` including the
government of the united states of America.
As a result of
generations of constructive fraud perpetuated` against the American people, and
the peoples of the world,` we’ve been conned into believing we are “owning”
property,` when in fact, and by law, we’re only in ”possession” of` property
utilizing it as a renter or tenant would.
So long as we pay
our rent (i.e., mortgages), get the licenses,` pay the fees, have it insured,
regulated, zoned and` permitted, we can still remain in “possession.”
But as soon as we
exercise what we believe is our sovereign` right to do as we please with our
private property, providing` we don’t damage or insure another or their
property, we` often get slam-dunked by a fine, eviction or foreclosure.
We must learn about
allodial titles, land patents, deeds and` conveyances to reassert our sovereign
right to private` property.
An allodial title
was bestowed, by law, upon the land with` unalienability forever. No
government, agency, bank or` other sovereign power could place any lien,
attachment or` encumbrance on land held in an allodial state.
An allodial title
is derived from the original, federal land` patent. “Land Patents” are still
today the highest evidence of` title and have never been refuted by any court
of competent` jurisdiction.42` All federal “Land
Patents” flow from the treaty (e.g. The` Oregon Treaty, 9 Stat. 869,
6/15/1846), therefore no state,` private banking corporation or other federal
agency can` effectively challenge the superiority of title to land holders` who
have “perfected” their land patent.
With an updated
land patent brought forward in “Your` Name” you can hold the rights and title
to land as a` sovereign, “state” Citizen. Be very clear that this is distinct`
from the equitable interest, title and deed.43`
Property tax
attaches to the equitable title and interest in the` property and real estate through
a hidden federal lien. If the` property and real estate is recorded with a deed
(i.e., Trust` Deed, Warranty Deed, Quit Claim Deed) at the County` Recorders
office, then it’s trust property executed and` managed by the legal owners —
the County, State and` federal United States government corporation, and it’s`
Thus they are the
legal owners of the recorded property and` real estate, and they can require
you (i.e., the tenant) to get` building permits, abide by zoning restrictions
and other` statutory regulations including environmental laws because` it’s NOT
your property or real estate. Most Americans are` simply glorified “tenants” on
what they erroneously believe` is “their” property and real estate. Wake up
America!` The original “letters of patent” were from the King of` England.
There is a record of these “Land Patents” in the` state archives and county
Under English land
law all realty (i.e., real estate) was` owned by the sovereign, and from the
crown all titles (both` lawful and equitable) flow.
"All federal land patents flow from treaty rights` and hold
superior title to land.”
— Constitutional Law Research Trust`
After the
Declaration of Independence (1776), the American` Revolution, and the Treaty of
Peace with Great Britain` (1783), the American people became complete,
sovereign` freeholders in the land with the same prerogative as the` King. The
King had no further claim to the land and could` not tax or otherwise encumber
it.41` The “Land Patent” is the only evidence of title to land.
Land` Patents are derived from the treaties and enabling acts of` congress
under the signature of the president of the United` States when each state
entered the Union. Land Patents are` stare decisis (i.e., res judicata). It is
already well settled law` and decided.
Note: See Suma Corp. supra ; Wine Vs. Gastrell, 54` Fed 819; U.S. Appeal 581`
For example,
railroad land granted and patented in the late` 1800’s is still “sovereign”
today. Building codes and local` zoning ordinances do not apply to railroad
property.44` Railroad patents were also issued by a special act of congress`
(Railroad Grant Acts) granting alternating sections of land` in each township.
They are still the largest land owner in` America.
Lands = Lands Not Patented` During
Finally, the states
relented and unappropriated lands were` given to the federal government to
distribute to the people` on the condition that they would grant full allodial
title. A` “Land Patent Office” was established to distribute these unappropriated`
land by grant to the people.
State Has No
Authority Over The Land;` Right And Title Held By The United States` All right and title to the un-appropriated land was held
to` the disposition of the United States government to be` granted (not sold)
to the people. This is how land comes to` the people. In the enabling acts,
each state republic agreed` and declared they would give up all right and title
to land.
The state has no
authority over the land. Except for Texas,` which never gave up its lands
(State Patent Office) or` military (i.e., Texas Rangers) to the federal
government. It’s` still a free and independent sovereign state. The federal`
United States government became the trustees with a power` of attorney over the
disbursement of land to the people.
“Land Patents are issued (and theoretically` passed) between
sovereigns. Deeds are executed` by ‘persons’ and private corporations without
these` sovereign powers.”
— Leading Fighter vs. County of Gregory,` 230
Through various
acts of congress, land was made available` for granting (not selling), and the
American people became` the recipients of those land grants. Land Patents are
the first` conveyance of title ownership to land. One of the earliest` laws for
granting Land Patents was passed by Congress on` April 24, 1820.
It was also how the
American people qualified to become` sovereign “state” Citizens and electors in
their respective` state republics. Landowners are the only authority in the`
united states of America with the power to elect public` officers of the
government at every level, county, state and` federal.
This whole system
of granting land worked well until the` western state republics entering the
post-Civil War Union` surrendered un-appropriated lands to the federal United`
States government that did not get distributed to the people.
Large portions of
the west were not distributed to the` people, but held as “federal land” or
distributed to the states.
This was a flagrant
violation of the principles upon which` America was founded.
So who has all the
land in America? If the state doesn’t have` any authority over land, and the
federal United States` government corporation can’t own land, then who has the`
We the People still
have all the land in America! The land is` still ours. It hasn’t gone anywhere.
The rights and titles` haven’t been bought or sold. They are not for sale. By
the law` of the land, We the People are still holding the right and` titles to
every square inch of land in the united states of` America. We the People must
reclaim what is ours (and let’s` return the better half of it back to the
native Americans).
Land Is
Granted, Not Bought And Sold` What
has been bought and sold is the “real estate,” the` equitable interest to
property — to the buildings,` improvements, equipment that occupies the space
above the` land, not the land itself. This is evidenced in the land patent`
itself, even in the deeds and title insurance contracts. Title` insurance
excludes coverage for the Land Patent.
They cannot and
will not insure you against a claim for the` right and title to the land
itself. The warranty deed grants` (not sells) the land, and sells the property
or real estate. The` United States government corporation may not own any`
land, but it does have equitable interest in lots of “real` estate.”
Real Estate
vs. Land` You cannot buy
land. You cannot sell land. As a sovereign` “state” Citizen it’s yours,
inherent since the original thirteen` colonies formed the united states of
America, and each` additional state republic entered the Union. Full payment
is` already made in the Land Patent and all subsequent` assignments.
The registration
and fees in the securing of a Land Patent` were paid to the Surveyor General
($1.25 acre or $2.25 acre` for a mining claim). This was NOT the purchase of
land. The` land patent speaks plainly, “...to give and grant (not sell)` unto
“Your Name” and his heirs and assigns forever.” To` grant is to give freely,
not to purchase.
Right And
Title Is Conveyed By Assignment Or` Grant` All right and title to land is conveyed by assignment, gift or`
grant directly from a Land Patent. Land Patent rights flow` from the treaty and
enabling acts via power of attorney to an` individual landholder who in turn
gives, grants and assigns` the land patents to his/her heirs.
Freehold (i.e.,
allodial) land is beholden to no one.
Possession is still
9/10th of the law. Caveat emptor — buyer` beware. You have seven years to
perfect a claim against land.
If notice is duly
given and no one contests your claim, it’s` yours after seven years.
That’s the “fistful
of dirt” doctrine. Permission to grow your` own crops as a tenant is in effect
an assignment by the` landowner, if you claim it.
Hereditament =
Inheritance = Heir Apparent`
— that which belongs to
something` else, an adjunct or appendage; that which passes as incidenta,` as a
right of way or other easement to land.
We’ve been selling
property, real estate and equitable` interest for generations and abandoning
the rights and title` to land. Rights and title to land is well established in
law. All` you need to do in law is to prove that “Your Name” is a heir` or
assign to the original Land Patent.
The original Land
Patent Office is now the Bureau of Land` Management (BLM) which consisted of
government land` officers. Records of the original Land Patents are kept there.
Perfecting an
allodial title requires updating the original` land patent and rewriting the
legal description for the land` in metes and bounds — the measurements of the
original` Surveyor General.
Research the
abstracts of title, make a claim, and bring the` title forward minus any
exclusions (i.e., easements). Update` and record your Land Patent in the “Great
Book” at the` County Recorder’s office.
Because bringing
forth the true title is pursuant to the` Common law, you must be a sovereign
“state” Citizen to` claim the rights and title to land.This is distinct from
any` actions relating to the equitable title, and any liens or` encumbrances
attached thereof.
1. update the
original Land Patent with the legal` description for your parcel in metes and
bounds` 2. research the abstract of titles, make a claim as a heir or` assign,
and bring the title forward minus any` exclusions` 3. re-record the updated
Land Patent at the County` Recorder’s office in the “Great Book.”
Update The Land Patent As A Heir Or Assign` Federal Liens and Property Taxes` In the de jure united states of America and under the`
Common law, the land patent is the highest evidence of title` for the sovereign
American “state” Citizen, evidence of` allodial title and true ownership.
But in a bankrupt
and de facto federal United States` inhabited by U.S. citizens and directed by
its creditors under` Admiralty law, the Land Patent is collateral hypothecated`
against the debt which has been fraudulently transferred to` the international
There is a hidden
federal lien on all property and real estate` in the federal United States
because of the federal debt to` the International Monetary Fund. This federal
lien is NOT` attached to the land, but to the property and real estate`
situated above the land. It is assessed and collected through` the property
Note: Eric Madsen asserts the “real estate” of the` united states of America
was quit claim deeded to the` International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the last
sitting U.S. supreme Court in 1944 as their last action. The rights and` title
to land still belongs with We the People.
Release The
Liens On Equitable Title` Discover
how much federal debt is attached to your property` and real estate by writing
the Department of the Interior and` requesting an accounting of what portion of
the federal debt` is attached to your property.
To motivate them,
tell them you want to pay off the debt in` full. Borrow the FRN’s if necessary
to discharge the debt in` full, OR offer to “pay” the debt in full with
gold/silver (they` will refuse to accept).
Now, you can sue
the title insurance company for treble` damages for not revealing the hidden
federal lien when you` purchased the property and real estate in the first
They failed to
perform on their end of the contract. They will` likely settle out of court.
This lien must be
satisfied, paid or released to own equitable` title to your property and real
estate free and clear, as well as` any outstanding bank mortgages. Then notify
the County` Tax Assessor that the taxes (i.e., liens) have been satisfied in`
full, so please take us off the tax rolls forever.
1) there’s a
federal lien on all property and real estate`
2) discover how
much debt is attached to your property`
3) borrow the FRN’s
if necessary to discharge the debt in` full, OR “pay” the debt in full with
gold/silver (they will` refuse to accept)`
4) sue the title
insurance company for treble damages for` not revealing the federal lien when
you purchased the` property and real estate in the first place` 5) notify the
County Tax Assessor that the property tax` has been paid in full - send no more
Deed Is A
Trust Instrument` Deeds and Conveyances` The deed is a sales (i.e., trust) instrument. If a deed is`
recorded at the County Recorder’s office, then the property` or real estate is
the trust property of the State.
The land, property
and real estate must be re-conveyed out` of the County Recorder’s office with a
“Quit Claim Deed” from equity to the
Common law. Note that NO rights convey` or are warranted with a Quit Claim
A “Warranty Deed”
does grant the land, admits valuable` consideration, bargain, sells and conveys
the appurtenances` and warrants the performance of the contract. Note the`
elements of a “Warranty Deed:”
1) admits valuable
consideration` a) a thought process` b) must have full disclosure` c) $21 of
real “money” is evidence of consideration` grant rights and title` a) land is
not bought or sold -it’s free` b) those who do not update the patent have`
abandoned the right` c) must be brought up in your sovereign name` 2) bargain,
sold and conveyed a) equity is fairness b)` chattel and other appurtenances c)
stuff and` improvements on the land is bought` 3) assignment is responsibility`
a) must be accepted or admitted` 4) warrants performance` a) will defend this
title ifcontested` 5) exclusions` a) such as easements, right of ways,
assessments,` water, minerals. These cannot convey and cannot` be warranted.
Equitable Title To Foreign Entity` Economic Sovereignty and Lawful Money` Regarding a Land Patent, you must be a sovereign “state”
Citizen free of all legal disabilities to hold title to any land in` the united
states of America. Furthermore, get yourself out` of indebtedness and become
economically sovereign as` quickly as possible.
Then individually,
you won't need the loan from a bank. As a` sovereign “state” Citizen, you will
not qualify for any loan` from any bank, but foreign entities through which
the` property or real estate is purchased can.
Getting a “loan” is
not paying for it either because the bank` hasn't loaned you any “money.” You
can purchase the` property or real estate even with a purported “loan” providing
the loan is not in your name (let a foreign entity or` trust purchase the
property directly and qualify for the loan).
Rights and title to
land does not convey without the` tendering of real “money” or “consideration.”
Consideration` is a thought process, and the “money” is evidence of it. If you`
haven’t tendered at least $21 of gold/silver in the “purchase” of the property
or real estate, then it hasn’t been bought.
Do not place the
land in escrow.
Do not get title
insurance, or use the land as collateral or` security against any debt. These
are adhesion contracts and` remove any true title from the land as a condition
of the` contract.
There are no rights
or title conveyed on the improvements` or buildings on the land, only equitable
title and interest.
Remember, if the
property and real estate is recorded at the` County Recorder, then it’s a trust
property of the State and` you simply have the equitable title. A Trust or
foreign entity` can hold equitable title though, while a sovereign individual`
makes a claim to the true title. The property and real estate` must be
re-conveyed to a Trust or foreign entity when` purchased with a Bill of Sale,
but not re-recorded with the` County Recorder. In matters of deeds and
conveyances, you` must be educated and know exactly what you're doing.
Title, Equitable Title` Protection From Foreclosures` You protect the land from foreclosure actions by banks,`
unlawful seizures and forfeitures by the government, and` prevent foreclosure
by the international bankers when the` federal, United States government is
officially declared.
> ALLODIAL— owned freely; not subject to the restriction` on alienation that
existed in feudal law; land held absolutely` in one’s own right, and not of any
lord or superior; land not` subject to feudal duties or burdens 45`
means on death terms.
“A ‘mortgage’ is a
commercial lien and doesn’t convey an` estate or title...A bank has to prove it
has title to the land in` order to take it over...A title company insures absolutely`
nothing except the land.”
Allodial titles
only apply to the land, not the improvements` upon the land which can still be
attached by a commercial` lien, although your creditors cannot walk across the
land to` seize the improvements without a trespass on the land.
Today, most
American people do not “own” their land, not` even after they’ve paid off the
“mortgage” and satisfied the` bank note. This comes as a surprise, perhaps a
shock, to` most people. Instead of sovereign, allodial ownership of` property
as the founding fathers intended, most people have` only temporary possession
and minimal control over a` particular piece of land for so long as they pay
the bank note,` pay the taxes, submit to building codes and regulations, and`
the government doesn’t condemn or take the land for public` use, with or
without compensation.
Americans have not
yet figured out that they have so little` control over what they do on “their”
land because they do` not own it. The federal United States government maintains
the true title in the original land patent which it has` pledged as collateral
against the un-payable federal debt.
If you had the true
title, the government couldn’t utilize your` land as a security against the
unpayable federal debt. Your` government and the international bankers via the
Federal` Reserve Bank has been using your land for it’s own` purposes, without
your knowledge or consent.
Getting a mortgage,
and paying a bank note is nothing more` than glorified “renting”, a qualified
and diminished` “ownership,” and a return to a feudal relationship with the`
land that the serfs and slaves endured for hundreds of years.
Qualified ownership
means that the ownership of land is` shared (with the government), while
absolute ownership is` not.
The underlying
reason the American Revolution was fought` and won was over the right for the
sovereign, state Citizens` to own land absolutely, without government
encroachment` of any kind. The founding fathers abhorred the idea of` feudal
land and owing allegiance to any foreign, sovereign` power.
The American people
have unwittingly surrendered their` allodial titles and sovereign rights as a
condition of every` bank contract or mortgage involving the purchase of land
or` property, or the use of land and property as collateral, and` bought with
debt currency, money substitutes, checks or` other negotiable instruments.
You can only
“discharge” debt with negotiable instruments.
Since you never
actually pay for it with lawful money, unless` it’s with gold or silver, you
cannot “own” your land or` property either. You are “renting” property with a
“rented” debt currency system.
All land not held
in allodial title has been hypothecated to` the Federal Reserve Bank, as
collateral against an unpayable` federal debt. As legal “persons,” U.S.
citizens have` no right to “own” land, anymore than corporations or trusts`
could prior to the 14th Amendment.
By defining U.S.
citizens as legal persons, a doorway opened` for legal “persons” such as
corporations and trusts to gain` control over land, and take it from the
U.S. citizens have
entered adhesion contracts with the` federal United States government under the
14th` Amendment whereby their unalienable rights to own land` absolutely in an
allodial state, have been reduced to a` qualified ownership and “color of
title” under the Negotiable` Instruments law. In the twentieth century, America
has` returned to the dark ages of feudalism, its former “state” Citizens having
been reduced to tenants and renters once` again, not the sovereign owners of
their land.
Having an allodial
title will not eliminate any debt or` mortgage if any is presently attached to
your land or` property. The allodial title will prevent the creditor from`
going after your land to collect on the debt if you cannot` make a payment for
any reason. After having received` proper notice, your creditors have 60 days
to challenge your` “Declaration of Land Patent.”
If they don’t the
land reverts to its allodial title. If they do,` they must take you to court,
and you must demonstrate the` superiority of your allodial title. The law is on
the side of the` sovereign “state” Citizen regarding allodial titles.
If for some reason,
you cannot pay your mortgage or default` on the loan, instead of a bank
foreclosure whereby you lose` everything, a land trust might be created whereby
you and` the bank become “partners” in the property until it’s paid.
With an allodial
title, debts or claims will remain, but the` land itself will be forever
removed from assets upon which` creditors can attach. Allodial land cannot be
foreclosed upon` or liened.
Debts or claims
could be made though on the` ”improvements,” although no “person” could access
your` property to seize the improvements without trespassing.
Land and
improvements are still separate and distinctly` assessed and liened. That’s why
banks primarily finance` improvements not land, because they cannot attach
liens or` foreclose upon the land if it is ever declared allodial.
Are Land
Patents Valid?
Regarding the
validity of allodial titles and Land Patents. It` depends on who you ask. If
you ask an attorney, they’ll snort` and say it has no validity in the courts.
If you ask the
title insurance company, they’ll hiss and snort` and turn red in the face from
embarrassment. If you ask a` clerk at the Bureau of Land Management, they’ll
roll their` eyes and say that land patents are worthless.
If you ask fellow
sovereign “state” Citizens who've` successfully kept the State or the banks
from foreclosing on` their property due to a land patent clouding the
equitable` title, then you would say it has validity.
I assert there are
hundreds of people who have successfully` staved off government intervention
through the use of land` patents. How long that will last depends on the
judicial and` political activism of the American people. Still, there is no`
better way to cloud an equitable title than to update the land` patent in “Your
Land Patents
Cloud Equitable Titles` There
haven’t been any great victories in the courts lately,` but then again we
haven’t had a justice system for several` generations. The issue of Land
Patents has already been` decided, res judicata.
It also depends on
the political strength of the Constitution` and how diligent the courts are in
upholding the law of the` land. People want problems solved without taking any`
responsibility for creating them in the first place through` ignorance, neglect
and fear. It also depends on the political` strength of the sovereign people.
Are you willing to stand for` your rights and property or NOT? Land Patents
were upheld` and respected for generations until the American people` went to
sleep. Suddenly, they’re waking up and realizing` they’ve been had by their own
government` Be prepared to defend your Land Patent in an Equity / Amiralty` /
Tax Assessor` • An
alternate method to notice the other parties would` be to publish a “Notice of
DLP” in a legal publication` in your county (once a week for 3 weeks, or for
the full` 60 days)` • Post “NOTICE and DLP” at the 4 corners of your` property and
leave them posted for 60 days` (witnessed)` • They have 60 days
to challenge your claim to the` allodial title, or forever keep their silence.
An allodial` title is the highest title to property.46`
Rediscovering America` Sovereignty has been asleep in the hearts and minds of the`
American people since the Civil War and has continued until` recently.
But this sleeping
giant is now awakening to the political,` economic and legal consequences of
having taken such a` long nap— that We the People are losing our liberties,
our` property, and our country.
There are many
nations and traditional indigenous cultures` in the world living nearer to the
roots of their sovereignty` than Americans today (e.g. Hawai’i, Texas, Quebec,
Republic` of Georgia).
We the People must
remember who we really are otherwise` Americans will wake up homeless in the
land of their forefathers` as Thomas Jefferson had warned. Sovereignty in`
America today has been severely compromised. Sovereignty` is the primary issue
of our
In the united
states of America lives a great sovereign American` Citizen who established a
republican form of government` by the people and for the people, that was a
model for` constitutional governments around the world.
Our republican form
of government was based on the sovereignty` of the individual not of Kings,
Queens or the Pope.
This sovereign
American Citizen, now an impaired U.S. citizen,` has had their rights, property
and country taken` through the political, economic and legal occupation of a`
foreign power, in a manner similar to the ways the British` occupied the
colonies and the early Americans stole the land` and destroyed the cultures of
the indigenous North American` people.
This is perfect
justice as the cycles of history are always repeating` themselves for those too
ignorant or nearsighted to` see the larger patterns of events.
Very few Americans
know what sovereignty is and how it relates` to them. Most Americans presume it
has something to` do with indigenous North Americans, or the Hawai’ians, not`
them. Today, more and more people are beginning to grasp` this virtually
extinct concept of “sovereignty” that is:`
1) the foundation
for all political, economic and legal systems;`
2) the source of
authority for all laws and governments;`
3) the intersecting
point between the political and the` spiritual;`
4) all wars and
conflicts are found around the issue of` sovereignty— who is in charge, who is
in control, who is at` the helm of the power structure.
Sovereignty is at
the heart and soul of every human being.
Every child born in
this world is a natural-born sovereign individual` with the innate will to
freedom. Every child is a natural-` born revolutionary who questions authority
and challenges` convention. Every child is also actively suppressed by` the
existing authorities and power structures — parents,` schools, churches and
We are programmed
by the media and our educational systems` to surrender our freedom and
sovereign rights for the` illusion of security and the comfort of belonging to
some established` order.
Thus the child
learns very early to give up their sovereignty` and rights to the purported
authorities. Initially dependent` upon the mother and the father, then upon a
democratic/socialist` State, a child grows into the adulthood of their fullest`
sovereign potential in the maturity and wisdom of age by reclaiming` what was
lost in their childhood. As adults, most of` us have forgotten who we are.
We the People must
cast off the mental chains of our social` and educational programming. We are
controlled by powers` that profit immensely through systematic manipulation.
This is the entire
nature of advertising. They seek to limit` our visions and dreams by harnessing
our desires and will` for their benefit.
Those political,
economic and legal power structures must` be brought to task and exposed for
what they really are — a` massive legal fiction of thieves and pirates,
organized crime` on the high seas plundering the Common law nations of`
Their only real power
comes from the massive ignorance,` consent and unconditional surrender of the
people worldwide` who have chosen to avoid their duties and responsibilities`
as sovereign individuals. We the People have no one to` blame except ourselves
for the present, intolerable situation` in America. We the People must take
responsibility and take` our country back and once again export freedom
technologies` to the rest of the world.
Notes and Sources`
1. Sourced from
John LeCarre, The Russia House,` (Knopf, 1989, p.207). p.26:`
2. See also Sui
Juris, Pardon Me, but... by Norm Davis,` published by Northpoint Teams;`
3. The UCC
Connection: Free Yourself from Legal` Tyranny by Howard Freeman.
4. See also
Domestic Corporation Tax Act, Statutes at` Large, Ch. 120 p.489 from Dec. 5th,
1859— March, 3rd,` 1863 (domestic meant federal United States, nondomestic`
meant American); Domestic Mail Services` Regulation §122.32 (use of the zip
code is voluntary);` Public Law 91-375 (crime to discriminate against` anyone
for the nonuse of a zip code).
5. Sourced from
Sharon A. Bigg, Sui Juris.
6. 12 Stat. at L.
Ch 71 §23 (cost for non-domestic mail is` limited by law to $0.02 per 1/2
7. Sourced from
Mosaic Media.
8. See also the duties
of the County Recorder as specified` in your State codes.
9. See also the
registries of Common law “state” Citizens` (or the Great Book of allodial land
owners or electors)` or get one started in your state.
10. Local and state
challenges are needed for providing` Voter Registration forms which include
sovereign` “state” citizens from voting.
11. Sourced from
Blacks Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition` (1933).
12. Sourced from
the USA Passport.
13. Notice that the
Selective Service Form is for U.S. citizens only.
14. See also UN
Child Treaty Hits Parent Rights, The` Spotlight, March 6, 1995, p.8.
15. Sourced from
Government's Liberty...Brings Death To` Freedom.
16. Sourced from
Jeff Ganaposki, Patriot Primer #2,` (Living Word, p.31).
17. IRC §3401(c)
(non-resident alien, tax-exempt` individual doesn't need a SSN, use federal
ID#` beginning with a "9"); 26 USC §7701(a)(31) (defines a` foreign
18. Most commercial
banks will open up a Trust Account` without question if you have the proper
Trust` Documents.
19. Establish
credit in the name of your Trust, or get an` offshore VISA/MASTERCARD without a
SSN, TIN or` EIN (not required).
20. Sourced from a
Whole Earth Alliance contract.
21. Compiled from
Citizens for Sovereignty, Richard` McDonald, and Johnny Liberty. See also
Velma` Griggs, The Original 13th Amendment, (Inyawe
Trust` Company p.26) (extensive right to travel arguments).
22. See also
Freeman's Traffic Complaint & Citation` Booklet, Citizens for Sovereignty.
23. Sourced from
Richard McDonald, The New Sovereign,` and his BBS.
24. Sourced from
Lynne Meredith, Vultures in Eagles` Clothing.
25. Compiled from
Goodbye April 15th, Citizens for` Sovereignty, and Johnny Liberty.
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid.
28. Sourced from
Lynne Meredith, Vultures in Eagles` Clothing.
29. Sourced from
Tim Brittain, Sirius Graphics.
30. Sourced from
Lynne Meredith, Vultures in Eagles` Clothing`
31. Compiled from
Goodbye April 15th, Citizens for` Sovereignty, and Johnny Liberty.
32. Sourced from
Lynne Meredith, Vultures in Eagles` Clothing` 33. Sourced from Lonnie Crockett,
Trusts Explained, p.4.
34. See also U.S.
Constitution [4:2].
35. Sourced from
Lonnie Crockett, Trusts Explained.
36. Sourced from a
confidential essay of the Capital Parish` of the Oversoul; See also Corporation
Tax Act, 36` Statutes at Large 11, Ch. 6, 112 §38 (corporations from` Europe
gradually replaced the great American` Common Law Trusts).
37. See also
Commonwealth Trust Company.
38. See also Belize
Trust Program & Crown Trust` Corporation.
39. Sourced from Lonnie
Crockett, Trusts Explained.
40. Contact the
Cascadian Resource Center for resource` people and organizations competent in
the area of` Trusts.
41. See also: Who
Owns Your Land: Allodial Titles & the` Feudal System by Ed Ober,
Perceptions, Summer ’94` p.17.
42. See also: I
Want to Own My Land, (ABS Publishers);` Credit also goes to Al Davis for
perfecting his Land` Patent and sharing his process with me. Al Davis has a`
good introductory video presentation on allodial titles.
See also: Joe
Steven’s Top-Secret: Allodial Titles &` Land Patents, Contact-(208)
6893230AND Team` Law’s audio cassette program, Do-It Yourself Land` Patents,
43. All Land
Patents are derived from one of the following` treaties: Treaty of Peace, 8
Stat. 80 (1783), Treaty of` Cession, 8 Stat. 200 (April 20, 1803), Treaty of
Ghent,` 8 Stat. 218 (Oct. 20, 1818), The Oregon Treaty, 9 Stat. 869 (June 15th,
1846), Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 9` Stat. 922 (1848), Gadsden Purchase, 10
Stat.1031 (Dec. 30, 1853), Cession of Texas (annexed by the` independent vote
of the inhabitants).
44. That railroad
property is sovereign and not subject to` building codes was derived from
personal experience` with a construction company.
45. See also 1
Washb. Real Prop.16 McCartee v. Orphan` Asylum, 9 Cow., N.Y., 511, 18 Am.Dec.
516; Barker v. Dayton, 28 Wls. 384; Wallace v. Harmstad, 44 Pa. 499.
46. See also the
Allodial Title packages compiled by` Citizens for Sovereignty, and R.A. Davis;
Leading` Fighter v. County of Gregory, 230 N.W.2d.114.116` (1975). Land
Statistics sourced from U.S. Congressional Record, p.s12323, 1981;How the
Other` Half Dies by Susan George, Penguin Books, 1976; Land` Rush: A Survey of
America's Land-Who Owns It, Who` Controls It, How Much is Left? by Peter Meyer,`
Harpers Magazine, January 1979.