Our Conf. calls Build Friendships.
I deal with many people.
I build increasingly complex, private paths to communicate:
- a mailing address
- then a 2 ¢ letter
- then a 4 to 10 ¢ package
- ultimately Free mail.
- then data DVD or thumb drive, or SD Secure Digital chip
Our friends have done some of these things yet we are still different in method & conclusion.
Use Total Commander & Index Your Files, then I can send you much info
Meet other people on our conference calls.
Ultimately, you may talk directly with them, without including me.
I am a MATCH MAKER. I collect & connect people & ideas.
If people & ideas are compatible, or sympathetic, they may help each other and bring insight to all of us.
We cannot do all this alone.
We need God's help & blessing and we need each other.
I know may smart, helpful insightful people like YOU,
but surely we are scrambled as to how we communicate and what we hold in common.
I can communicate better with you if I know: which, do you use:
- windows, and/ or android?
- have a DVD drive on your computer ?
- can read any or all: data DVD, USB thumb drive, Secure Digital or mini SD chip, external USB hard drive ?
If I send you info on one of these media, will you mail it back to me or to another whose address I will suggest ?
Can you see & or edit each of these types:
I use many different file types: avi, mp3, mp4, wmv, wma, doc, rtf, tiff, odt, pdf,& more
Learn how I work: www.abodia.com/lesson
Many people live / decide with the information that they have.
I find it easy to find new, alternative information. I live in a bigger world because I have more info., more choices. Here is how I find & confirm information: www.ThoughtPrint.org
Please learn what I teach, then you can find & do much without needing my help.
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I think RADICALLY different than other people.
If you look at info from me or my website, you'll question things you had assumed were true.
No one wants to study, think, reason, CHANGE. (until they feel forced to.)
If you learn the suppressed truths when you are not in jeopardy, then you can think and do more, and quickly. When under threat or stress, you tend to fall back on the WRONG solutions you formerly knew.
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I seek only truth/ reality on which to build my life.
I am quickly releasing a life time of incorrect knowledge to build a New Reality manifest on truth.
Let's say I want to send you docx files but you can't read them.
Please don't make me convert to all the different file types.
YOU find someone that can covert docx to doc for your use.
If you do things different that I do them and
you won't change,
then you find someone to convert what I send you to a
form you can use.
I work with many file types, many media formats, many systems, many people.
Everyone knows more than I know,
but, by my
technical skills and software, I can bring much into compatibility with other
I am just a clerk with lots of info. & search ability.
I try to bring different people to see similar things and consider them.
I am a hollow shell.
It is the people & ideas I collect that makes my position as the
hub valuable to many.
I collect info. I consider it to determine if it is true.
Other people only consider what is true (mainstream ?) and are easily mislead by never looking directly at the obvious truths that are suppressed from news, government, universities & corporations.
Consider this. Most everything we know, we learned from someone else, a teacher, friend, associate, a university or a book or video. But were they true ? Did they research their information or did thy just accept it as a part of their paid salary for teaching or business.
We often just accept information as we are rushed on to other things, without considering investigating the information that we are getting.
When people get a benefit, they throw out their moral code. They reason, if they get a benefit, privilege, salary, perk, then all must be right. It is only when we are damaged or suffering that we begin to consider what is true, right, just.
Anyone may send me a donation in cash or blank money order, but over all, I prefer HELP ! I am engaged in many clerical tasks to gather, edit/ groom information to make it available and interesting for others to consider.