Law, Rights & Court Victory, as sovereign, in common law   02/26/2016  

Regain Your Rights        More on Legal Process    Process     Missing 13th Amendment

Government Styles Manual - bracket, box exclude information..

Jennifer West, the Liberty Lion, Youtubes show in their written law, most Americans are separate, beyond the reach or jurisdiction of the codes, statues of the UNITED STATES, THE STATE OF .., etc.

Introduction  US Laws are for US Citizens, as established by the 14th Amendment.
Do you want the government to control you ?  Learn how to be free of all government. control.

Be Sovereign.   see Ted's solution to step out of US codes. 08/07/2024
Learn about your natural human rights, more then Constitutional Rights. I am not a US citizen.
United States does not mean our continental 50 states. US is just a corporation like Exxon, IBM, etc.  They make rules (called laws) and they have members and employees who must follow them.. 

They only have control over the 10 mile square around the Dist. of Col. and PR & Guam, and any person who volunteers. You can be citizen of your state, with all human rights and not be a US citizen.  Any court action, tax, jail is only required when you volunteer (but you were never told this).
At left click on US is Corp. to verify this. See Rights

When you enter a court room, state you are living, breathing human, not person under statues, in a common law jurisdiction. Then all US laws vanish, and you are in common law.  Others can only have a claim against you if someone is injured.  In common law, the only crimes are if you hurt another human; physically, hurt or trespass on his rights, his body, his property, or if you break a contract obligation. Then, and only then, can they charge or sue you for damages.  Speeding tickets, running a stop sign, and or building a porch addition, these are not crimes in common law. Only when an injured party claims damage you did to them. The "state" will not take the witness stand to claim penalty on you.  If you go to court, and they call your name, reading the CAPITAL NAME, never answer (because that is not your name) and they can never charge or fine you.

If you get a traffic ticket or a court summons, it is just an offer for a contract, like buying a washer, car or house. You have 3 days, 72 hours to simply return (and reject it ) or make a counter offer (accept it for value).  You must physically return and reject it. If you ignore it, you accept it and default to it's conditions.

No matter who or what government or lawyers send you, serve you; a ticket, summons, bill,
    you have 3 days you can return it for any reason.
If your 3 days has passed, and you come to realize that their is something that was not disclosed, or some other fraud or flaw in your contract against you can have the contract, ticket, summons, canceled for fraud, and it loses all power.

At any time in a claim, or suit or a court proceedings, you can interrupt it with a Conditional Acceptance for Value for a Proof of Claim. You state what you want proved. If they cannot prove each and every point completely, then the case, suit dissolves with no further action. 
Here are some sample letters.

Proof of Claim  Conditional Acceptance for Value, to interrupt & possibly dissolve any court action.


Administrative Remedy Memo

Administrative Remedy- Notice         Void in the Law                Void Judgment cites   

Challenge to Jurisdiction                     Copyright Your Name   2

You can travel in your private automobile with out driver's license, owner's registration (to the state) and proof of insurance, when you learn how. You have the free right to travel anywhere on public by ways, outside of gov't. control, but you must learn how and proceed cautiously.

CAFV Dept of Motor Vehicles  

There are many excellent resources:

Bill Thorton, Common Law

Robert Menard, many lectures on Your Tube, Bursting Bubbles of Gov't. Deception, Magnificent Deception, Security of the Person, lawful Excuse

David Everett Robinson, Maine Patriot, many books, like regaining your Christian Name.
    You name in CAPITAL LETTER is not you. Your Name is in mixed upper and lower case as your parents named you.
    The CAPITAL NAME appears on your licenses, Drivers, Marriage, Home & Car Titles, and bill from a corporation and or government or taxes, and many places but it is a fiction of law to manipulate you. They only have dominion, control over you when you answer to the fiction name.

John Harris, Human Rights- Porisky See   
Click on Rights and read those articles for an introduction.

Mary Croft; How I Clobbered Every Cash Confiscatory Bureaucratic

Truth Seekers home page

Common Law Marriage    from

People's Rights Non Consent

1. definition- 'Acceptance' = 'Intent to Retain' (per CJS).

2. definition-'Appearance' = 'If One does ANYTHING 'Beneficial' or  'Detrimental', One 'HAS MADE APPEARANCE' as a Party' (per CJS).   If it ain't 'Neutral', you HAVE "MADE APPEARANCE".

3. definition- 'Contract' = Offer, Acceptance (of Offer), consideration. Contract arises by the 'Acceptance' (by Law), and Offeror can NO LONGER  withdraw the Offer. Both Parties are BOUND & HELD to Specific Performance (by the Acceptance). We teach "Do NOT Accept", thus = No Contract/Agreement exists. "No Contract = No Authority/jurisdiction" (Maxim of Law).

4. definition- 'Controversy' = Contract Dispute or Disagreement.- Requires Existence of a Contract. (See Const.ART III, sect.2)

5. definition- 'Due Process' = "WRITTEN NOTICE", "proper Service of Process", 'Informed Consent' (Contract). 

No Contract = No Case/Controversy = No jurisdiction (ART 3 Const.) Government "derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.",(Declaration of Independence 1776 para. 2). We teach "Activate your "Non-Consent".