To University PresidentS 07/07/2023
Imagine if our will, that I, a child of God, might reach out to talk to you, a man honored in your learning & wisdom.
Note I mail to you with 2¢ postage, as I have mailed 14,800+ times. This shows there are 2 jurisdictions, the united States of America, formed by US Constitution of 1789, governing the people of Ohio, Maine, Texas, and the other, the UNITED STATES, a private, for profit, foreign owned corporation having jurisdiction ONLY over "persons" who live / work in Dist. of Columbia or any territories they acquired like WV, OH, PA, CA, etc. their mail cost 55¢ between corporations.
Next imagine that 13 banking families, or the illuminati, have organized a matrix of secret societies to control the people, resources & assets of the world. They first established the illusion of banking, whereby they create money, Fed. Resv. notes out of nothing, just paperwork where in people make loans of the fake, valueless currencies and promise to pay back with interest from money they earn by their labor. The banks risk nothing, and cause all people to slave to increase the assets & power of the banks.
With their nearly unlimited money, they have bought control, funding or bribes of: universities, news media, governments, etc.
All governments are established as private corporations. Money, mail & law are all tied together.
Only like kinds can make agreements. I, a man, cannot join or procreate with an elephant to produce off spring. Only like kids can engage in agreements or contracts. Men can contract with men, corporations can with corporations, but not with men.
Styling your name in All Capital Letters like JOHN DOE, is a government created corporation over which the government. pretends they have dominion.
God created men, men create governments, corporations & laws to govern corporations.
The higher controls the lower, the lower must submit to the higher.
If you are a man, you are beyond the reach or control by government, but if you are JOHN DOE, a presumed corp., then you are subject to government & laws (actually codes).
The laws and courts put presumptions on you to have control of you (fine, tax, jail, steal property.) But if you know you are a living man, and you rescind your contracts (driver's license, voters registration, …) then you step out of the control or jurisdiction of government.
The World Rulers have control of most things, including news. Events happen: Moon Landings, Sandy Hook, Flat earth, local news often reports facts, national news rushes into "correct" news. History records the revised version of events: Pearl Harbor, Lusitania, Bay of Tonkin.
History is the pretend story that guides future generations as to a way of living.
Money is continually flowing from the poor to the rich. The rich can create "scarcity" to inflate prices. All theft & war, start with deception. When we don't understand truth, we build our lives, property, assets on false foundations that can be taken at ay time.
Truth will make us free. John 8:32
My people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6. The ancient wisdom of the bible is true in all time. Everyone has access to intuition, or the Holy Spirit which may aid your life as you seek & listen to His teachings.
From kindergarten onward, we are taught ideas that are not true. Universities teach to unify the world (but not in truth). If most people think a particular way, they are easier to control.
The illuminati who rule the world desire to kill off 90% of the world's population as shown in the Georgia Guidestones, Ga.
To judge a matter without considering it is foolish. Prov. 18:13.
I (& you ?) have read 100s of crazy ideas. As I studied them I learned they were true.
You must see many pieces of puzzle fitting together before you understand the workings of the individual pieces.
Learn: All corporations in world are private, foreign owned, bankrupted & working against the individual people,
- Fed. Resv. - US gov.
Gov. agencies hold powers over persons, like holding patents for diseases.
NIH, Atlanta CDC, & others profit on lying to & deceiving people.
To learn & understand ideas, you need to encounter information, which you get thru language; articles, books, interviews, documentaries, etc.
I collected 8,000+ books to understand the world. In college, perhaps we read 30 or 50 books. Who holds or reads 8,000 books ?
Any individual profession: architect, accountant, lawyer, only sees a part of reality. They are dependent on (manipulated) popular opinion on how world works which conceals or suppresses real events & meaning.
I studied and wrote 10,000+ articles to try and explain all this at
I have 100s of sub websites. I host conf. calls for 14 years, since 2005 when I began to figure all this out. I work without any income to share truth with the world. I, one man studying, have attracted nearly 1/2 million people or hits thru my website.
The jig is up. the deceptions are being disclosed. The evil is coming from the cooperative effort of many people.
The ruin of people, lives, fortunes, comes from the arrogance, greed, deception of prominent people.
Nicholas Cage, in a movie on US secretly selling weapons to our enemies, said, I do it, because if I did not, someone else would make all this profit. That is the wrong answer.
Men need to know of and obey God. Evil men need to stop the carousel and return to sanity, justice, peace.
Any who participates in any evil will ultimately be condemned.
God knows all and delivers justice in His time & manner.
I mail to you as I know I can for pennies.
I encourage anyone to learn and stand in truth, even against huge strong holds, like the powers and positions of prominent men like you.
I know of more evil than most people yet, I fear not nor am I depressed. I know God sees all things. My life is not important in the scheme of things, but if I, a simple common man, sees these things clearly, it should follow that others quickly pick up these ideas and strive to stop or squash the evil around them.
I carry no weapon nor have malice of any people, yet by simply pointing to deceptions, other people awaken.
Each man must look in the mirror. Is he a part of any injustice or evil ? If so he must stop, repent and be forgiven.
If he continues in knowingly participating in the evil around him, then he is culpable.
Pease read at my website, join our conference calls, talk to me or better, talk to those of your ilk, fellow associates & university presidents.
I seek no glory nor to even be involved.
I call upon you to Wake Up & pay attention.
It seems the teaching profession is the primary cause that most people are locked into a deception they never escape in their lives. As they learn of the deceptions, they would have to abandon their material acquisitions, assets, home, job, to start again in a correct, lawful, just manner.
Most simply choose to ignore the evil around them as they support & honor it.
We can learn, we can change. We must.
I would like help in my research and proclamations of truth.
I wrote a book, I'd like to publish it by a university press. is 2 my page website explaining how any teenager (or adult) can seek, find, confirm truth outside of authorities, experts, etc. As the internet links people & ideas. I collect & connect people & ideas. Don’t we all?
Most people gather information that supports what they already believe. Inertia rules our thinking. What we now believe, we want to continue to believe. We do not what to change.
Inertia: A car is hard to get moving and or to stop. It takes force & energy. Same with thinking. It is hard to change our thinking.
Since we avoid change, we avoid learning.
When we learn truth, we must change to apply it. E-mail me and I will show you contacts for other Univ. Presidents I wrote.
ted elden 304 344 2335
This letter was mailed ot you & is posted at Click University Presidents.
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Here is a list of names & addresses of some of these University Presidents to whom I write.
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President's addresses
Harvard, Yale, M.I.T., Cornell, Stanford, Univ. of Virginia, W.V.U.,
Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Colorado, Univ. of Penna., Virginia Tech. & others.