Bus Pres | fName Pres | lName Pres | Ad2 Pres | City Pres | State | zip Pres |
Cornell University | Martha E. | Pollack | 511 Cayuga Heights Rd. | Ithaca | New York | 14850 |
Frank Lloyd Wright | Aaron | Betsky, Dean | 12621 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. | Scottsdale | Arizona | 85259 |
Harvard University | Lawrence S. | Bacow | 17 James St. #1 | Cambridge | Massachusetts | 02446 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | L. Rafael | Reif | 132 Morrison Ave. | Somerville | Massachusetts | 02144 |
New School of Architecture and Design | Marvin J. | Malecha, FAIA | 1262 Kettner Blvd #506 | San Diego | California | 92101 |
Princeton University | Christopher L. | Eisgruber | 83 Stockton St. | Princeton | New Jersey | 08540 |
University of Arizona | Dr. Robert C. | Robbins | 1200 East University Blvd. Old Main Rm. 200 | Tucson | Arizona | 85721 |
University of Colorado - Denver | Bruce D. | Benson | 1800 Grant Street, Suite 800 | Denver | Colorado | 80203 |
University of Pennsylvania | Amy L. | Gutmann | 1 College Hall #100 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | 19104 |
University of Virginia | James | Ryan | Post Office Box 400224 | Charlottesville | Virginia | 22904 |
Virginia Tech | Timothy D. | Sands | 225 Grove Ln. | Blacksburg | Virginia | 24061 |
Yale University | Peter | Salovey | 43 Hillhouse Ave. | New Haven | Connecticut | 06511 |
Stanford University | Marc | Tessier-Lavigne | Office of President, Building 10 | Stanford | California | 94305 |
Also sent to : Typically of great deceptions, 9-11, Moon Landing Hoax & lies in science and teaching.
Carnegie Mellon Univ. (Pitts. Pa.) President & Engineering teacher, and former head of Dept. of Architecture (my alma mater)
Blair Academy, Blairstown N.J. Headmaster, Miller - Skeptics Club, Trommald, retired history teacher.
WVU President, Gordon Gee
Many colleges presidents around Pittsburgh, Pa.
All W. Va. College / University Presidents including Univ. of Charleston, Roth
Twice or more to a Physics teacher in each W. Va. High School & each W. Va. College (about fake moon landings)
Letters to Am. Inst. of Architects: All AIA state administrators & National president, my classmate Douglas Steidl, in Ohio, former president of AIA.
To the administrator in each state for the Natl. Council of Arch. Registration Board, and President in Wash. DC. headquarters.
Also twice or more wrote to each Dean of each School of Architecture in uSA. (9-11 the way the WTC was demolished in NYC on 9-11)