Truth Seekers - Join us First Saturdays monthly 1:30-4:30
South Charleston Library, free & plenty of easy parking
Thrive web by Proctor & Gamble heir
watch - - > Thrive Movie - What on Earth will it Take ? (Full Film Complete)
or go to You Tube and search for Thrive, full movie
the problem, the solutions shown together
Follow the money;
banking, corporations, government, media, education …
the elite are concentrating money and power,
advancing thru history
A few secretly rule our world in every facet.
Wealth of Rothschild about $100 Trillion
of Rockefellers about $11 Trillion
Excellent over view of current situation and coming change
Also watch
Change on Horizon, by James Rink from You Tube, or from Elden
It shows our true history and why laws evolved to take our rights.
Victors or Victims ? Winners or Winers ? Learn how to step outside of US laws and debt !
You can learn of law & rights and prevail in freedom, property, law & courts. will give us a seminar in our area when we pick a time to meet together.
Driver’s License accepts your CAPITAL LETTER name,
under jurisdiction of private, for profit, federal corporation.
You can be free, learn how.
Let’s learn from each other.
A thinking people, and active internet is our best defense against their draconian control.
Ted 304 344 2335
“The individual is
handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous,
he cannot believe it exists."
- J. Edgar Hoover
33 Conspiracies well explained here.
We will have a better life, not by ignoring our aggressors (letting them thrive and prosper,)
but by communicating with each other in truth, to rise above their deceptions.
You can learn to cancel: - any bank loan, - car, house, college
- any traffic ticket, court summons, IRS or other bill. Materials from
The truth will set you free. John 8:32
All rights reserved. © 2011 All terms & conditions subject to change without notice.
Truth Seekers Home Page
"THRIVE brings breakthrough science and enlightened truth to the problem, solution and resolution of the 'healing crisis' in global civilization. It clearly navigates many 'taboo' subjects that enslave humanity only by our willful ignorance and heartless indifference. If humanity is going to THRIVE, this is a good place to begin." -- Christopher Rudy, UltraMedics Services
The Big Picture – CEO George Green
UFO, Free Energy, Secrecy, Deception !