Imposter or President?
by Alan Adaschik
Most Americans are aware of the controversy surrounding Barrack Obama’s birthright to be President of the United States but as usual, have no clue as to what is really going on or the importance of this issue to us as a nation. From a practical point of view, resolution of problem is simple; either he is or isn’t qualified and it is incumbent upon Barrack Obama to settle this question. However, nothing in the politics is reasonable or this simple anymore and the fact that this controversy continues to rage exemplifies everything that is wrong with America and demonstrates why we are a failed nation.
Essentially, the facts are that Barrack Obama was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a foreign born father. To substantiate this, Mr. Obama has given us a Certification of Live Birth (COLB). To him and his supporters, this settles the matter. However, a COLB is easily forged and to many Americans, the document settles nothing especially when Mr. Obama’s own words have confirmed he is in possession of his original birth certificate issued at the time of his birth. This being the case, numerous Americans have filed suite in Federal Court to force Mr. Obama to make public his original birth certificate and to date, he has spent almost one million dollars fighting these lawsuits. So far, the courts have sided with our alleged President by refusing to hear these cases or by dismissing them on issues of standing. Therefore, it should be clear that our judicial system does not consider the particulars of these cases to be worthy of consideration.
To the Founders, such circumstances are absurd. Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5, of our constitution provides that our President must be a natural born citizen of this Nation. This being the case, it follows that a candidate for the office of President is obligated to prove he is qualified because a refusal to do so means that an individual so doing has the power to unilateral void this provision of our Constitution. It also follows that by refusing to fulfill this constitutional requirement, a person has forfeited his or her right to be President. Never in their wildest dreams did the Founders imagine that a President or a candidate for President would be allowed to decline providing definitive proof of his or her citizenship. And never in their worst nightmares did they imagine that the legal system of this Nation would help a sitting President break the law, especially a high sacred law enshrined within our Constitution. But these absurd dreams are now the reality which Americans are forced to live with.
Barack Obama is our President elect and as such took and oath of office to preserve and protect our Constitution. To be sure, in order to preserve and protect our Constitution the President must make every possible effort to ensure that its provisions are followed and this includes providing definitive proof of his eligibility to hold the office he has been elected to. Not only has Barack Obama failed to do this in clear and flagrant violation of his oath of office, he has spent almost one million dollars to stonewall the issue. Surly a remedy to this sad and deplorable situation must exist within the scope of our Constitution. If none does, then what does this say about the Founders and the document they bestowed upon us?
The Founders were not stupid and the constitution they created to govern our government is a wondrous document with a plethora of checks and balances to ensure that our government functions properly. However, these checks and balances will only function if there are people in government willing to honor their oath of office and fulfill their constitutional duties and responsibilities to the people of this nation. Unfortunately, our government stopped being our government many years ago and is now a criminal enterprise. I know that many Americans will cringe at this last statement, but “criminal enterprise” is the only appropriate description for a government peopled by those who deliberately violate their oath of office by conspiring to violate our Constitution for the sole purpose of ensuring their own well being and status in life. Unfortunately, this includes every government official presently holding office, elected or otherwise, save a precious few. And those precious few have been rendered impotent by the corruption which totally engulfs them. The situation within our government as it really exists today is so pathetic that “criminal enterprise” is not an overly harsh description but instead, the nicest way possible to describe it.
If President Obama was truly our president, he would, without hesitation or reservation, produce valid documents which prove he is eligibility. If our Attorney General was truly our Attorney General, he would appoint an independent special prosecutor to look into this matter. If Congress was truly our Congress, they would demand that President Obama provide them with definitive proof of his eligibility to be President and hold him in contempt if he refused. If the House of Representatives were truly our House of Representatives, they would impeach President Obama for being in violation of Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5, of our Constitution. If our judicial system was truly our judicial system, judges would honor the oath they have taken and ensure that the provisions of our Constitution are obeyed by ruling that President Obama must surrender documents which will settle this issue. And finally, if our government was truly our government, the issue on hand would not be an issue at all and we would not be forced to endure the farce which is unfolding before us within the courts of this Nation.
The present situation is such that no one in our government is willing to take responsibility for ensuring that the provisions of our Constitution are obeyed and yet every single government official has a sworn duty and responsibility to do so. Can it really be true that Congress and members of the Judicial Branch of our government would have us to believe that Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of our Constitution is a meaningless and useless provision such that, under it, Barrack Obama is not accountable to the people of this Nation? Apparently he isn’t, because the alleged President has been successful in holding off our fellow citizens who have called him to task in this regard. How can anyone explain the obvious contradictions and absurdities associated with state of affairs? Can anyone truly say that our elected officials and government authorities are trying to do the right thing and what is best for the people of this Nation? If you think this is the case, then send me your E-Mail address because I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.
Looking at this dilemma from a different angle, we should ask ourselves what course of action is best for this Nation. If Barrack Obama is constitutionally qualified to be our President and he is required to prove it by providing a copy of his original birth certificate, then no harm has been done and an important precedent has been set for future presidential candidates. Furthermore, the many citizens who are concerned about this issue will have had their concerns satisfied. On the other hand, if this is not done, then this controversy will remain unresolved and forever be a stain on the history of this Nation. On the other side of the coin, if Barrack Obama is not qualified to be our President and is required to provide us with a copy of his original birth certificate, a liar and a fraud will have been exposed and removed from office to the benefit of all Americans. Conversely, if no action is taken, Americans will be forced to suffer an imposter as their President and this terrible truth will far outweigh any good this usurper may accomplish while in office. To argue otherwise is shear sophistry. Let’s allow a fraud and con-artist to be our President because he is the most qualified to lead and will do a good job. Please excuse me while I throw up.
All of the above being true, what about the 64 million Americans who voted for Barrack Obama as president and the majority of Americans who feel his qualifications to hold office are not an issue? First and foremost, we are supposed to be a Constitutional Republic where the rule of law is paramount. Therefore, the votes and opinions of citizens, even majority opinions, should play no role in the settlement of this issue. The question is one of fact and legality, not one of perceptions and personal preferences. Either Barrack Obama is qualified to be our President under the Constitution or he is not and the onus is upon Mr. Obama to establish his credentials in this regard. If he refuses or fails to do so, then he should be impeached and removed from office because no individual is more important than our Republic irrespective of race or how well liked they are. To hold otherwise is the epitome of demagoguery and a nation ruled by demagoguery is a well spring of tyranny.
Unfortunately, today, America is ruled by demagoguery and as a result, those of us who truly care about what is happening will be forced to live through the next several years wondering if our President is a liar, fraud, and usurper. No citizen should have to live under such a deplorable state of affairs but this is exactly the position our leaders will place us in because they dance to the tune of a different master. This being the case, they are indifferent to the pain we suffer. They have “arrived” and this is far more important to them than truth, honor, and their oath of office.
I am a citizen of the United States of America. As such, I have a constitutionally provided right to know if my President is qualified to hold the office he was elected to. Presently the situation is such that members of the judicial system of this Nation, in violation of our Constitution and their oath of office, are working to deny me and every other citizen of this Nation this constitutional right. If you disagree, then, either you are constitutionally challenged or for some ignoble self-serving reason have wrongfully chosen to side with those who oppress me. In either case, you are an enabler of tyranny and an American in name only and I challenge you or anyone else to demonstrate why I am wrong to reach these conclusions.
What most Americans fail to realize is that in a Constitutional Republic, it is the citizens themselves who are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the law obeyed. If the situation is such that government officials have joined together in a conspiracy to break the law, then a time has come for each and everyone of us to stand up and be counted. In the United States of America, clearly and without any shred of doubt, this time has come. If you as an individual citizen of this once great Nation decline to join the ranks of those of us who stand against such tyranny, then you are part of the problem and a traitor to the rest of us. This is what our constitutional contract is all about and this is the most fundamental aspect of being an American. Those who fail this test forfeit the right to call themselves an American. What in God’s name do they think separates us from everyone else in the world?
A truly lamentable and tragic aspect of our situation is that a strong majority of Americans, through ignorance, fail to comprehend what is being done to us. Therefore, against their own best interests, they foolishly stand with the oppressors and detractors who lead us. This is exactly why these charlatans, ignore the fact that we are, first and foremost, a Republic and why they trumpet the word democracy like a sacred and holy mantra. In a Republic the rule of law is paramount. In a democracy the ignorant and misinformed trump common sense, reason, the law, and yes even the fundamental principles which are the bedrock foundation of a Republic. Thus, our leaders hide behind the illusion of democracy so the majority will perceive those of us who go against the grain as a threat to society. We are not a threat to society or to anyone. However, we are a threat to the established order of things because the order we now live under is no longer the ideal established by us but instead, a criminal enterprise wrongfully established to benefit the criminals who lead us in violation of our Constitution’s provisions.
Alan R. Adaschik
Citizen and Patriot
July/August/September 2009 - What’s New
Articles & Essays: This month’s article is entitled “Imposter or President”. The article takes to task government officials and members of our judicial system for violating their oaths of office and shirking their duties under our Constitution by conducting a charade around Barack Obama’s qualifications to be our President. This sordid affair illustrates everything that is wrong with our government and the article lays bare why this is the case.
Click here to go to: Imposter or President?
News Views has been updated with several stories that appeared in the press this past month. These are:
Americans give former President George Bush a resounding round of applause at a 4th of July celebration clearly demonstrating how naive they are.
Representative Alcee Hastings, from Florida, would have Americans who disagree with our government classified as terrorists.
Let’s legalize marijuana not because it is the right thing to do but because we can tax it.
The CEO who presided over GM’s bankruptcy is rewarded with a $10 million retirement package.
According to the Economic Cycles Research Institute we have turned the corner on our recession despite the fact that unemployment is still growing.
The House of Representative wants to spend more money on defense than the Defense Department asked for, proving that wasting money makes this Nation stronger.
According to FBI Director Robert Mueller the United States should be the only country in the world which is allowed to break the law.
According to Osama Ben Laden the existence of the State of Israel is the reason behind their campaign of terror.
The House of Representatives has ruled that it is okay to lie to the American people, but it is not okay to accuse liars of lying.