Convert book, page or image to text.
You can get information from scanning or photographing books, articles, posters.
You can get info form the internet, or discs or chips.
Of a web site or streaming video, you can capture your screen.
Print Screen is a key.
Once you do that, then open your Paint Program and Paste or Control V the screen to the pain program.
You can right click and crop the image to only what you want.
Control X completes the cropping.
You can save the image on your hard drive, or paste into an e-mail or paste into or read into an Optical Character Recognition program.
If your OCR program cannot read the graphic, or the PDF, you can load the pdf and print it back to your hard drive, using
CutePDF Writer.
Sometimes if you do this once or many times, you can break the secure image and allow an OCR program to then read the words or images in that file.
When you have finished marking the shapes of text or images to read, you can proof read or correct the file,
then save it on your hard drive, as a pdf, or MS word or even just an RFT Rich Text Format - holding bold, underline, margins, etc., or text file, losing font types, styles, bold, underline, color etc.
Select a block of text form a pdf, or web page.
You can use Control A to mark al the page, or click and shift click to mark a part of the page.
Control C copies that selection
Paste that selection into your Note Pad program file.
All the text fonts are forgotten, removed. Styles, fonts, markings like bold, or underline are lost as the Note Pad cannot hold such information.
Only the text and or numbers are retained.
You can copy that and paste that back into a word file.
You can save a MS or RTF word file or even Text file on your computer, and or print or e-mail it.
You can even use Cute PDF Writer to print your word file into a PDF file so that others cannot change or edit your file.
Total Commander will both zip and unzip any singe or multiple file.
You can find ways to encrypt files so that only those who have the code or pas.sword can open to read and or edit your files.
There are also private e-mail companies to encrypt or make secret your messages.
If you take any piece of text. .
The more that you do learn, the more that you are able to learn.
You often have to learn some things before you can see, understand or learn other things.
Some times, by accident, we learn something that then allows us to see or understand things that we did not formerly understand.
having or engaging other people often makes this work or discoveries more fun.
People who think about, read, explore information that no one else seems to know or care about, may eventually run out of interest, as their information seems to isolate them.
Truth is never a bad thing, but some times it seems hard to find other people who care.
We should all care about truth.
If you can't find people to talk to, then you should develop your diplomatic skills and learn how to engage, entertain and invite other people to think of these important truths.
If you learn to communicate by phone, groups, visit, calls and or the internet, you can find other people who are interested in most any subject, and certainly truths that you find.
Communication skills affect who you are, what you can talk about, and who your friends are.
I have lost old friends, as I lost old interests.
But I have gained great new friend as we pursue truths that are uncommon or unpopular.
We get a benefit to learn, know and act in truth.
That benefit is unknown to people who have not chosen to consider these truths.
I learn and use many things that are free, like commands in windows and or free programs. If you install & use the programs I learned, I can help you. If you get similar programs, you will have to figure them out yourself. The more we do in common, the more that we can help each other.