Tool and definitions
.... A tool is something that can magnify your thoughts your efforts, or what
you desire to do or Learn. Perhaps humans and animals can make or use tools for
their willful purpose. Possibly, the more sophisticated or complicated tools are
the culmination of one or many people's thinking and our development from
simpler ideas The complex often arises out of new combinations of the simple,
the basic.
Sometimes, when you dissect an idea Into its parts, you might find some of the parts are not true, reliable, or are exaggerated. This would defeat The composite or the whole idea as far as it's truthful foundation.
I seek people who are open to ideas, thinking and reasoning. I try to find a subject of our common interest, and a language or way to present the information to them. Talking can convey some things only so efficiently however by adding visuals and references and Internet & videos, you can convey far more complex Idea., then is easy to remember and convey in a conversation only.
Some people preferred to learn by questioning as they develop an idea However if you simply read or watch a presentation to completion, you often find your basic questions already answered.
False Flag
When one party injures another party and leaves evidence to implicate or cause to be accused a third-party. The result is that someone eventually seeks revenge on an innocent 3rd party who did not cause the initial harm.
Doing a slight injury to a person or organization may bring a huge wrath from the injured misdirected back to an innocent party.
This is how wars, skirmishes, false flag events are started.
Bankers often sponsor these as they ultimately lend money to both parties in conflict for arms & ammunitions. The loans are paid back after the wars thru taxes on the people.
So when we let these false flags convince people, then we pay for the lies they produced.
Is it from By this deceptive means, Someone can
do a small injury to someone And cause a far greater injury to fall upon The
Also five.... Perpetrator.
Hey Galan Method.
Hegelian Method
When someone causes harm or threat creating the problem or the thesis and then poses a solution or anti-thesis that will actually further Incapacitate the party intended to ultimately have the intended party willingly yield their resources, freedoms etc. to avoid what they think Is their greater threat. By deception they will rule. This is a way that powerful people with money, Intrigue and deception cause those who trust them to further depend on their supposed rulers.
Learning affects our future.
You cannot know what you do not know until after you know it. Many discount or
ignore something that someone else told them Is neither relevant nor important
nor true.
However if you yourself investigate, particularly with an open mind, and dedicate the energy resources necessary to understand, you may learn and/ or shift from what you already know to something new that you learn.
Learning is the process of accepting things you did not know before. When we are established with money, title, reputation, property, etc. we often refuse to learn, because we are satisfied with our status.
Some things, you cannot know the benefit until you have learned the discussion.
Sometimes you have to learn other, related things, or entirely new subjects and/ or concepts before you can learn the primary thing you're now considering or discussing.
Many people are affected by herd mentality were in they think whatever see other people knowing or doing or is popular or printed is true, safe, correct, useful.
Often these popular ideas come from people who choose not to investigate the idea itself but are simply riding on the coattails of other people who think these things have already been reviewed considered, and proven true and are thereby accepted as good, true, useful.