Last Night Kurtis Kallenbach explained how law works on us.
He once was stopped while driving by police. He rolled down his window and a young copy shot him with a taser.
He thought that was attempted murder and wondered why he, Kurtis was in trouble and not the cop for the cop's actions.
What he realized was that he did not understand the world. He thought he was innocent until proven guilty, but then learned there is some special reason that it was legal for that cop to so abuse him.
Kurtis has now written a 33 word waiver to remove him or us from any legal claim.
You can play back or download & listen to his discussion.
Kurtis explains when your mother went to hospital (pregnant) and delivered you, some of the after birth, the DNA remained in the hospital.
The Roman Catholic Church uses that after birth to register that DNA and make a claim on that entity, which they title as your name in ALL CAPITAL letters.
Thru your life, on any account, driver's license, soc. sec. card, bank account, tax bill, utility bill, they always refer to that ALL CAPITAL NAME.
When you understand this, you can separate yourself from that legal fiction and begin to enjoy freedom.
You have a CHOICE. You can accept all the lies and deceptions around you or you can learn the truth and stand free of the oppressive forces on most people.
Some think they can just hide and avoid these problems.
Count how many documents you now hold with your name spelled in ALL CAPITAL letters.
Do you know the 64 million laws that effect that name ?
We think it is better to understand the truth, then to live in illusions until you are stung and forced into reality.
People come to Ted when they have serious problem. I hope to help people BEFORE they have a problem.
The way we do that is to learn of reality and make adjustments in our life.
Ted 304 344 2335
To Authenticate a document:
Get a copy of the LONG FORM (and SHORT FORM) BC,
Take it to the state you were born on, and authenticate w. the SoS there for a NON-HAGUE country only!
like Tailand
Then you take that SoS authentication and mail to US SoS w. John Kerry.
information on website under becoming a national.!page3/cee5