Sovereign citizens believe that in the 1800s, the federal government was gradually subverted and replaced by an illegitimate government.
These are facts from which sovereign rights are derived.
REDEMPTION in brief: The path taken by people who know they are free but see judicial system is corrupted.
It’s important for understanding how the people in the government turned our lives upside down and made us believe that We are subject under them; when in reality they are subject under us, We The People. Here are important points:
1. On 21 Febr. 1871 the Federal Government formed itself into a CORPORATION and pulled itself from under the Constitution by the “Act of 1871” forming the municipal corp. “District of Columbia”, later renamed “UNITED STATES”, but only having dominion over the 10 mile square of Wash. DC, it’s territories and anyone who volunteers, but not over the people of the 50 States.
Corps only have control over their subjects. A US citizen is subject to the US corp. as an employee is to MacDonald Corp.
Be outside all that by just being a state citizen, not under Feds.
2. In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act created the Central Banks. Private banks that own and control the currencies of the world – in 13 families. Then the bankers started World War I to put many countries into huge debts, to pay back to the bankers. Bankers make the fastest money in wartime loans.
1917 Trading with the Enemy Act stopped US companies from doing business with our enemies, like selling to Germany.
3. In 1933 President Roosevelt put into effect the "Trading with the Enemies Act". This applied only for Federal Citizens. Citizens of the US Corp. under US Code, under statutory law.
This law says all US citizens are enemies to the (US) State.
4. In 1933 President Roosevelt took Gold away from the People- (People did not know they were not really required to surrender it) thereby leaving the people without "Money" for paying “DEBTS” with. Money and law are inter connected.
If you break law, you pay money or compensation to injured party. If there is no real, constitutional, gold banked money, there is no real money. When govn’t. took away money, they also took away real law, putting us all under Public Policy – It is voluntary.
5. In 1933 President Roosevelt passed HJR 192 June 5, 1933. Simply put- since the government took away all the gold, the People have no "Money"- the government would pay the "DEBTS" for the people-DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR-thereby giving the people-unlimited Credit. Now we live under Public Policy.
6. In 1938 Erie RR vs. Tompkins made CONTRACTS only rule Courts. Federal court use statues & contracts – not common law.
7. In 1946 we lost our government and courts through the Administrative Procedures Act 5 U.S.C.A. §§ 501. There are no US courts nor judges in uSA, it is all the US Corp., a private corp.
8. In 1965, silver was taken away as a means for paying “DEBT”, - the UCC became the supreme law for America concerning the Banking System, - the courts were pulled together in Administrative/ Admiralty and Civil (Contract or Commerce/ Corporation), and the Act and Intent were brought together thereby taking away your plea of Innocent. You have to prove there was no Intent. You’re Guilty until proven innocent - reversing what’s often thought and quoted. We are governed by illusions not laws !
The US borrows from intl. banks then goes bankrupt every 70 years since the original constitution of 1789. In bankruptcy, they give to their creditors, the property they hold. In 1780s they gave to creditor the US property, custom houses, forts, in 1860s near civil war, they gave creditors the southern states, after 1933, they gave all US citizens, their property, incomes and property & income of their children in perpetuity (forever). The foreign creditors call in the bankruptcy because US is not able to pay interest on their loans. The creditors are the same international bankers, the 13 banking families who own control of corporations, currencies & governments world wide. is a way anyone can find truth easily.
Elden shows details on web sites like