You can know a deeper truth.
6 March 2015 by Ted E
Is Truth Important to YOU ?
Why & what we do. This may help you !!!
You can know a better, deeper truth than you get from Main Stream media.
By using your own reason, you can consider revealed information of deception in:
9-11, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon bombing, taxes, law, court, debt, history, etc. ...
To that end, you can get a direct benefit. This writing concludes with how you can get the knowledge and get the benefits. I recite why and how I got to where I think, & how I gather others to help in pursuing, confirming the real truth.
I hope you are not offended.
This writing is to invite you to help me/ us. It is why I / we know what I / we know and why & how I can teach you. Forget what I know. Follow where I point to great people who have discovered and clearly revealed things you can see, comprehend, know. That may improve your life & freedom.
in Feb. 2005, a friend send me a link to a 7 minute video about 9-11. I watched and saw things that I knew were not true. I have never paid much to news, but what the video showed were things I thought were not true, that the Pentagon hole was just 40 fee wide, where a 150 foot wide plane crashed into it. Oddities of the World Trade Tower Collapse and the Shanksville crash site.
Just for fun, I decided to investigate those subjects. On searching the internet for World Trade Towers Explosions 9-11
I found 4 million web sites.
Wow, what are all these people talking about. Obviously some people were just making claims without backing, without evidence, without clear understanding, but among many sites, I found reasonable engineers, architect, material scientist, scholars etc that did give clear explanations, and offered proof, evidence and or lucid explanations that I could understand, like the fact that any office burning materials, tables, chairs, walls, computers, those things could not produce high enough temperatures to weaken or melt steel, and certainly would have no effect on concrete floors beams and columns.
So I read or watched videos. I bought books, materials, videos. I studied and studied.
On 9-11, I read an hour or two, then 10 hours, then 100s of hours, then over 1,500 hours.
I did not go out and ask my friends or fellow architects about these things because I knew (assumed) they would not read or consider the "evidence" I collected.
I was a member of Anvil Club, a men's discussion group where one member presents a thesis for 30 minutes then, over dinner, we discuss and question him.
I volunteered to speak publically on 9-11 on 5 May, actually the date was 05/05/05.
I spoke of what I learned on 9-11.
In the audience was Ed Rabel, a radio newscaster who had been on national radio from Washington DC. He retired to Charleston to work at the Univ. of Charleston. I knew he would tell me I was wrong and berate me for these "theories".
After I spoke, he and most in my audience had no comment,. Some said then and others since these things cannot be true, but occasional I encourage other people to look at materials I have collected.
To speed my learning, I began to buy materials. I bought and built a collection of over 2,500 of each of these: - DVD documentaries, - books, - articles, - audio interviews, etc.
As I / we determined 9-11 was a great deception, with the truth being far different then most people can imagine, I pushed on.
I found that maybe income tax was not required, so I learned of that and how to stand against paying tax.
I was afraid as I mailed a 100 page affidavit to the IRS, US Pres., Atty, Gen., Sec. of State and those offices in W. Va.
I told the IRS & all that I would no longer be paying income tax, and why. They needed to rebut, prove me wrong for them to have authority over me. I thought they would send a swat team to my home, capture and jail me. Instead, they basically quit writing to me. I didn't expected that result.
I talk/ talked to many people. If I talked to one guy, he would then talk to his friends who never heard from me. They would convince him that I was lying and he fell back in agreement with his friends.
I saw that I need to talk to many and share information, so I started hosting Truth Seeker meetings, at my home, my office, then at libraries and churches.
I arranged and went out and talked to civic groups: Rotary, Exchange Club, Lions Club, etc., colleges etc.
Now for 10+ years, I have been trying to communicate with many to consider these facts and get involved.
I span many different subjects: law, history, money, suppressed medical cures and technologies, deception in many fields by those at the top.
I learn and speak of many subjects so that I have a variety of ways that I can talk to others.
If I meet a doctor, I don't tell him of deception in the medical field. He earns his money there and would not want to know of flaws in his world.
Lets say you go to a church and learn that your minister is having an affair. You might tell him to stop, but he will not.
So now you think that you should not support or be involved with him. The other people at the church are not concerned with his behavior, but to you it seems wrong.
So here is your choice, accept the evil that he does or leave that church. You like the people and activities at the church, so you don't want to leave it, so you find that in a way, you are accepting and approving the evil of your minister, rather then you change your life to step away from a participant in that evil.
So it is with people and their "government", bank, job, and their friends in the military, banks, government, etc.
Many choose to NOT know what is really going on, as they can have little effect to change it and they want to continue to "accept" benefits from that which they discover involved in some injustice.
So if I meet a doctor, I don’t', at first, tell him of suppression of medical cures, I might talk to him of 9-11, banking, Waco, Ruby Ridge. I want to find some subject that he might explore by himself and or get deeper to eventually see that news and government lies and for a purpose.
Eventually if he gets deep enough into any subject, I hope that he can finally see the big picture.
That people at the top, the elites, the bankers, the world rulers, they rule us by suppressing certain information to keep us dependent on their system, suppurating wars, taxes, fear and isolation, us depending on them and not talking to our neighbor or other Truth Seekers.
So, as I have learned that there are important things that many of us should know, I realize that I must become a teacher. When people go to public (or private) school or college, they may pay to go, they are in a group of others, they learn as they think that it might increase their income and or general knowledge.
Why would anyone want to learn from Ted or hear what I have to say or share.
Actually, I don't really want anyone to learn anything from me, I simply want them to consider the kind of information that I collect.
But still what would motivate others, especially to let go of the benefits and knowledge that they already have.
The had part for me is that other people "already know" about 9-11, war, taxes, etc. I think their information is incomplete or misguided, but they fit in with the news, their friends and associates.
So I have to offer people benefits. I have paid many high school kids to help me on my research, but I cannot pay adults to listen to me. I have to appeal to their reason. I have to motivate them to want to learn.
The first thing is I have to learn, and even to apply and succeed with remedies before anyone would listen to me.
to that end, I have purchased books, videos, seminars, courses, papers, wills, documents, etc.
To me, finding and obtaining freedom and even truth is important. Surely I have researched these topics for 10 years 12 hour days, 7 days a week.
Yes, I have lost my former job and my former friends, but along the way, I am learning much and making new friends.
I quickly, within 3 months, saw how deep is this deception and more importantly I realized that I could get out of the deception by study.
That is the main thing that I think that others lack. They may envision there is deception and forces around them, but they doubt that they or anyone can escape the forces on them.
I think that people can. I offer that message of hope. I want people to study, connect with other people to both learn and teach. Many people are hard to work with. They demand that I do all the research of their particular problem and show them guaranteed answers and that I do all that gratis without them paying or helping me.
I can only do that for a while. I cannot solve everyone's' problems. I only try to persuade them that THEY might be able to find remedy to their problems. And that they should also talk to us and others to get a larger crowd of people working on finding and applying solutions.
Yes, we can talk of gloom and doom: Chem trails, fluoride, vaccines, GMO, underground bases & tunnels, Waco, Ruby Ridge, 9-11, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon bombing, many many things, but once we understand the deception, we should search for the truth and learn how to communicate, aid and involve other people.
I mailed over 4,000+ letters with 2 to 6 ¢ of postage. I found the law and I pushed on it, through incredible resistance, until my post office regularly sells me 2 ¢ stamps and they carry my mail to it's destination.
I gave away 3,500+ DVD documentaries, and spend countless hours and circulated the information.
Some sell info; videos, books, services. I find that if I mention money, that other people will not pay to see or learn something that they already don't believe.
I would think that someone might send me a donation for my postage, copies, purchase, but mostly the people who I know want me to give them all these things without their paying me.
I spent over $ 3,500+ buying books, seminar, videos, and other information. I spent the money because I wanted deep answers.
Some things I have found on the internet. I have gotten about 150 books from across the country via Inner Library Loan. I copied and converted the whole books to digital MS word files to share with others.
If I had some money, I could buy food or postage, etc.
The reason that I give things away is that I think that others should know, and get involved with us and help us.
What I give away, I don't really own, I got it from others. I don't know that it is true or that it works, but the more that I learn, the more I see others confirming what I am learning.
I often believe something that I see from many different people, who I am sure do not know of or talk to each other.
Many people rely on authorities: Professor, University, Dept. of Health, US President, Judge, etc.
They seek the endorsement of someone respected, experienced and deeply involved in his field.
I use to do that, but now I find info from strangers, I don't kwon their background or their education, but I can reason thru what they say, I can confirm what they say.
So it is with the info that I distribute. It shows things that are shocking and different then most "already know" but if they take those topics and or people and research them, they can easily find that the new info is true and important.
They have to do the research. I cannot give them 1, or 10, or 100 books that prove something to them. They would always find a way to fault whatever I do.
But if they learn that they have a brain and ability and how to use the internet, they too can find an echo of the truths that we share.
Sure, most prefer to let some authority rule over them, but I advocate if they realize that they alone can look deeply at these subjects and confirm they are true, then essentially I have launched their freedom or search for it.
Yes, some start this venture, but they soon give up. It is hard, friends speak against them, they get force or threat from authorities.
I think there is some threshold that people must pass before they themselves realize that they must do something.
I think that I have undergone extreme force, threat, jail, fines, loss (lost my $ 1/5 million home) etc, but I also think that I am learning very fast and also touching many people. 312,000+ hits or people have gone thru my many different web sites.
I have said al this to you to try to get you on board and helping us.
I do not have any guarantees for you, nor do I offer any proof. I simply try to share the original materials that I have gained.
Let's say I read 100 books on 9-11, but I think that Judy Wood and or Theology on 9-11, and or Painful Questions by Eric Schmidt are the best sources for others to see, read, etc. even the 9-11 Mystery video. I bought these things, I try to share them for free to others.
But I have costs, filing, converting, mailing, talking, presenting, 100s, 1,000s of hours in trying to move the info that I have forwarded.
Most people will not read 100 books on 9-11, maybe they read 1 or 5.
Do I have deep knowledge ?
Do I have conviction >? Sure I found many reasonable, clear presentations that echo many fundamental truths.
I find the proof is not in the writer. the speakers, but in the fact that many separate, and different people keep returning to obvious, public records, hard evidence, that supports their claims and conclusions.
I repeat: Many read one things many times wondering if it is true. I read many different things that confirm to me that a thing is true.
Some people lead you deeper into truth, like Alex Jones, but they also do not look at certain deeper things.
So they collect you in their audience, but they don't take you deeper.
If they talk of the deeper ideas, they might lose their audience.
Many people like to have an audience or work with a group or a crowd. If they see an idea that they can't get their friends to accept, they themselves give up on the idea.
I have 100s of ideas I do not know any living person to whom I could talk to them about it.
First, I'd require that they study the materials or any materials on the subject:
- underground bases & tunnels, - colonization of Mars, - Hollow Earth, and 100s of more topics.
I myself looked at these because I found them to be ridiculous, all without fact or evidence, but the more that I looked I did find fact and evidence. When I find some things, and look again for that which I found, then I find other related things.
I follow one thing to the next.
I do not require that I have many also considering a subject.
But I find that the more, the deeper that I read, know, the more that other people avoid and separate from me. they don't want to read, study what I study. They "already know" it could not be true.
John Searl practiced anti gravity and free energy in the 1960s, and was shown many times on CNN.
He says the only limit that we have is what we can put in our head and or imagine.
What you cannot imagine, you cannot do.
But from simply the idea, if you persist, you can manifest it into a working reality (not counting how much time, money, resources and thought it takes)>
Many start, but quit as the price is higher (they think) then the possible reward.
Adults are like that. They monitor their time, money, resources as they seek a goal. If the goal is too costly, they abandon the goal.
Children work in opposite manner. They aimlessly play with a piano or building block until they accidently find or discover some things. They learn. They get something they were not expecting as they took the time, energy and thought against a random world until they perceived they found something of value.
I try to do that. To work blindly, on stupid, ridiculous ideas until find my footing and see, in the distance, a possibility.
I am filled with hope and energy. I think I have more energy then most, maybe because I have had lost of successes. You can't image how many failures I have had, but I don't count those, those are just a part of finding the answers or successes.
I tell you all this because I want to give you want I have spent dearly to get. But what do I require of you ?
A donation or help on 1,000s things would be good. Get other involved. Bring them to our skype conferences, host and or research and or present yourself on subjects to skype.
What I require of you: - learn how to use your computer and the internet. I can teach you many things. then you, like me, can find things for free (but they take your thought, time, energy, and your computer skills !)
I can do in minutes what it would talked others hours to do. If something takes an hour, you might do it once or twice then quit.
I can do 100s of things in minutes, so I do hundreds of things. I'd like you to learn some of my tricks and tips so you could help your self and all of us.
Learn how to set up your computer to work faster with you. Learn how to find things in your house, on your computer, on the internet, and or people who have similar interest.
Learn, learn, learn. Many adults do not what to change. They don't want to learn.
A retired school teacher told me:
"Ted, I don't want to learn anything new (the stuff I was telling her).
No, I want to work with what I (already) know.
Well I am done. I can't affect her. She has chose to live in the bondage of the way she thinks government, banks, corps work.
She will not and cannot see the alternative way he world might work, so she cannot get the benefits that I see: - pay no tax, - never go to court, - clear loans, etc.
Through much effort, I came to where I am.
I want to help you and many people. Actually, I also want them to help me. We must help each other. I hope that others would learn and do simple things I do, like hosting skype conferences. We have to get ourselves and others involved.
I do many things on a computer that are simple (I can teach a junior high school kid my tricks) But it is HUGE difficult for me to teach adults.
Many adults buy stuff; papers, solutions, help of others.
Few adults realize they don't have to spend money, but they can learn and do things them selves.
I have had many careers; architect, importer, photographer, publisher, computer systems & sales.
I once had 3 secretaries and I could keep them all busy at once. sometimes dictating to the 3 of them at one time.
But as I acquired computers, I learned that I can do work; thinking, acting, reading, more quickly and more articulately by my self, then I could afford to pay others to do for me.
I'd still like help, but that which I offer people is NOT all the info that I want to share.
That is what people take from me.
But what I really want other to take from me is PROCESS ! I can show YOU how you can find and implement solutions.
I want to teach you PROCESS, which I think is far superior to knowledge, it is the path to knowledge.
You don't have to get it from someone else, buy a book, pay for a seminar. There are many things you can do by and for yourself.
Also if I do give you information; a video, a web site, a book, once you see that which I show you, if you want confirmation, YOU can go to the internet, using my Thought Print and or my book, A New Reality, and you can determine if what I said or showed you is true.
I certainly cannot test or prove everything, but when I see a trend, like that the Fed. Resv. owns our govrn't, our corporations and our news media, then I see I must get my info from different sources.
Truth will make you Free. John 8:32
My people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6
I seek donations to pay high school kids who like to and are able to:
- read, - think, and - type questions to the internet, to help me/ us get and organize materials. I convert a lots of things from one form to another, taking photos or scans of books, and or pdf files and converting them to MS word documents so they can be read on a tablet, or phone. This takes me 1,000s of hours. I convert videos to audios only.
People can get a $ 20 mp3 player, a $ 20 DVD player, a $ 80 tablet, a $ 250 computer. What ever their device, I can feed them incredible materials.
I give people many things, then others can look and find things they want to read or watch. I don't like to mail them something different every week or month.
I want them to have 100s of files. They can look as they want.
I will not put 90 % of what I have on the web, nor send by e-mail, as what I have is possibly copyrighted. I could be damaged, harmed, and or compromised if others find or prove I am distribute things that are copy written.
Once you see what I show you, YOU could go out and buy the book or video, but most people just take what they get and feel no obligation to me or the source or writing to PAY them for their effort.
Once you see or understand something, you feel no obligation to thank or PAY someone.
But if you have to PAY to get the info, you will avoid it as you think that you have more important things for your money; food, rent, car payments.
I think information, or more particularly knowledge is the most important things as it affects everything; how much tax, rent, loan you do pay etc.
I spent $ 35,000+ for my college degree.
I can give you 2,500 books, like 100 college degrees for $ 5 on a DVD data disc. things you would probably never otherwise learn.
Once you see or discover something, it seems that you don't have obligation to the one who told you.
But if you don't have that info, then your life is limited, or diminished by lacking that knowledge.
Those around us (maybe) don't know what we know. They are happy (sort of) in their life and they don't want to change.
If we cannot get some (or many) to see things from our perspective, then we all suffer as the other guys continue to empower, support and honor the draconian forces that control us.
Knowledge is the thing that will allow us to topple the evil forces that control us.
This is the hierarchy of information.
Random stuff, cut grass on ground, impressions in mud, stars in the sky.
Data: a form of things or information, numbers, letters, words, books, videos.
Knowledge: intelligent understanding of language and or meaning to data
Wisdom: the proper, gentile, timely use of knowledge. (This is the big one, I don't know that I am there yet) Yes, some people know what I am learning, yet it is not apparent in their daily life, but maybe in some secret or subtle ways they are applying or reaching for solutions. I think that intention, thought, prayer and meditations are effective tools. I try to use them also.
Everyone has a god, whatever they call him. It could be their car, house, possession, job, etc.
The question is does your God interact with you, help, guide you ?
I think that my/ our God has clearly spoken in his written word, the Bible, and thru His son Jesus, and thru the working of the Holy Spirit.
I do many things without fact or basis.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Hebrew 11:1
If people read from my web site, and talk of that, we can unify our group to help each other.
Particularly learn Thought Print and consider A New Reality. Both are free from my web site: 312,000+ hits, many subjects How to find most anything on the internet.
A New Reality How to use your own logic to pierce thru the veil hiding important truths. Index to many topics: debt, taxes, law, ..
Start at See how you can listen in, even question our group conference calls Tuesday & Thursday evenings. 7 to 9 pm
We have quite lively debates among intelligent and informed people from across the continental United States.
Ted of Elden family, t @
304 344 2335