The United States is just a corporation formed 1871. They and all existing government; cities, police, counties, states are again all just corporations.
When Wal-Mart Corporation says you have to wear shoes in their store, do you have to wear shoes in your home or yard ? No.
Same with the US and various government corporations. Although they make many laws (really just rules) you don’t have to pay taxes, abide by their rules, etc. when you come to understand that you, the living man / woman are outside of their jurisdiction.
When you learn that, then you act, to file papers that say so, and then they cannot touch you, no arrests, no fines, no fees, nor jail, nor levies.
Sure it is frightening at first, but the more you learn and know, the better off you become.
History, public records, reliable sources speak of these things and give you proof, but you have to look for them.
When ever you fall back to listen to news, government, “authorities” they will wrap you into their world again. They want to have control over you, your money and your property.
They get control when
you permit them.
You permit, when
you lack knowledge.
My people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6
So how do you get the information ?
I have devoted many web pages to teaching you introductions, basic concepts. I do not prove anything to anyone, it is just information.
If you learn to use the internet, like with you can learn how to find deep and viable sources and prove what ever you want.
If you study 9-11 like at surely you will come to see that government reports and news is a great distraction keeping most people far from the obvious truth.
Everyone should want and seek freedom, to make their own choices, direct their own live, not be taxed or robbed form people who do not have lawful authority over you.
If you want to attain freedom, here are some places to begin:
When you want to know more, I have or recommend many great books & companies.
American Sovereign Bulletin, their Redemption Manual 4.5 & shows 27 ? books by author David E. Robinson.
He gives clear and details information of how US lost the Revolutionary War in 1776, i.e. the troops left, but we have been paying tribute (money, taxes, laws, control) to England (the Crown) ever since and continue to day. We (most Americans) are still under their control over us.
When you come to realize the truth, you should adjust your life to quit doing things that are not required.
I know, have done and teach things like:
Be exempt from property and income tax
- clear any debt – home, - credit card, - car, - college, etc.
Learn how to refuse, return any traffic violation or court summons, or bill or IRS bill.
Learn how to discharge any bill by just signing it, put on your exemption # and return to sender or to the IRS to discharge it. This money does not come from your own personal checking account, but from the account controlled by the government in the trust named your name in capital letters, like JOHN DOE.
Here are some simple concepts, that when you see them, you will know right away they are true – you just never thought about them.
Obvious Truths
The Truth will set you free. John 8:32
I’ve had meetings for 6 years, I have 1,000s of DVD documentaries, books and more for people who want to learn and to be free.
You can call or visit me and or come to meetings and meet and work with others. You can do this, when you want to.
This is temporarily posted at
Truth Seekers
Meet 1st Saturday monthly 7 April 11 - 4:30 pm South Charleston Library
304 344 2335
I have many other exciting people & places to share, when you are interested.
How I Clobbered Every Cash Confiscatory Bureaucrat, Mary Croft, Canada
Robert Arthur Menard - Freeman on the Land, Canada The People's United Community
Note: United States
(federal corporation) went bankrupt in 1933.
We are not living in laws, but only in public policy. Everything is voluntary.
Congressman Traficant explains this in Congressional Record, 1993
Google: Traficant Congressional Record Bankruptcy 1993 1933
Who Remembers Congressman- Jim Traficant? | Peace . Gold ...
The Bankruptcy of The United States United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303 The Speaker is Rep. James Traficant, Jr. - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
Congressman Traficant speaks out
The Bankruptcy of The United States United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993. Vol. 33, page H-1303. Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
REMIXX WORLD!: Did Ohio Congressman James Traficant Really ...
Jul 7, 2009 ... H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session June 5, 1933 – Joint resolution to ... The receivers of United States Bankruptcy are the international bankers, via the ... I looked up the Congressional Record at issue for Traficant's statement, ... Does anyone have the CSPAN tape of Traficant 2009/ 07/ did-congressman-james-traficant-really.html - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
The Bankruptcy of the United States
United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the ... - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
Why Congressman James Traficant, Jr is in jail
Why Congressman James Traficant, Jr is in jail ... He warned us! The Bankruptcy of The United States. United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 ... AllodialLandPatentReports/ Why%20Congressman%20James%20Traficant.htm - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight
Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House: