Title 13 Freedom - Truth
What is Freedom ? Do we have it ? Can you expand your own ?
I have, on my own, and through the associations of other people, come to learn that much that I learned in (government sponsored) schools, and from the TV& news and from my associates and main stream is far from the deeper, closely guarded and hidden truths.
I now see the world as a giant glass cage.
We choose to live within the walls of what we know, but that is limited to
what we are told.
Some freedom lovers have taken the bold step to look out beyond the glass cage, to search, find and know new things. Thereby, they take wing and fly far above and beyond the limits of those who accept their confinement in the glass cage.
We are told Americans are free, and many accept that, never questioning.
There are none so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Goethe
So the giant force that restricts, binds, enslaves us is simply the words that are common among us, We are free, We need not strive for freedom.
When you look back at the ideas of our founding fathers, inscribed in the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and other documents, you can see they had a vision of what freedom might be and how to obtain it.
When we don't study and know these concepts, when we let new laws, forces, delusions enslave us without giving them thought, and response, we slowly close the door to our cage to our bigger world.
The Bible speaks of freedom. God want us to live freely under his realm, His guidance, His laws. Yet many are quick to abandoned their freedoms for quick and easy solutions, benefits, securities.
Ben Franklin warned, They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.
So the freedoms that we have or seek are limited to what we know, consider, learn.
The potential freedoms for us all are much greater then most currently think.
Because we do not learn, and know, we do not seek and find & achieve.
Those who would restrain us, who would profit form controlling us, are not about to lose that control by giving us knowledge of freedom. So we live in a dark cage, intentionally separated form the simple ideas that could free us.
Many would be sad to learn that many freedoms to Americans are quickly disappearing, while we are clinging to walkmans, homes, jobs, the illusion of prosperity around us.
Your world of freedom, movement, is limited by your thinking, by your mind.
Other profit in many ways by keeping us working as servants to them.
They gain money, control, submission and continue to increase their power.