Title 14 You
I know many people. Perhaps I know how some of them think. Most of them have learned, gotten information, had experiences, and somewhat settled on what they think. They are not open to new ideas. Perhaps if I had enough money or could otherwise stimulate them, they might hear new ideas, but I know that I do not have the time, resources money or influence to gain their attention.
So I look around the world and I see you. I do not wish to force you into anything, any way of living and or any way of thinking.
I, do however, invite you to different ways of thinking.
I take this gambit. I believe that in a short period of time, I can lay before you basic concepts, and some evidence that what I say is true. I believe that you (maybe) are intelligent enough to understand what I talk about and the guidance that I give.
I also believe that you (may) consider what I say, and find your own ways to confirm, test, and or practice what I advise.
I am strapped by many things that bind me. One is that I have very little property, cash, or influence.
I'd like to talk to a Senator, or Judge or someone who could change the world (although) I know these people would not, but I have nothing to offer them as a reward that would make them want to listen.
Am I a bully to work with you ? I think not.
Am I shellfish ? Some might think so. Unless I, we, can get many people to understand what we talk about, then the many of us will suffer in many ways, now and especially in the future.
So when it might seem that I strive to make people think like me, I think the broader picture is that I am striving to get people to think.
Unfortunately, many around me, media, government, corporations bribe, or tease people into accepting their premises, devices, benefits, without fully disclosing their problems, defects, harm.
I just want all of us to be more conscious of the world around us. Think of what freedom means, learn how to think independent of your current and easy sources of information and not be limited by how your friends think.
This seems hard, unfriendly at first, but in the end, I would bet that you too become passionate about what I and you can do, and that we will hold foothold, that we can withstand objection, disappointment, rejection, as we strive for the higher ground.
I did not intend to enter the world of truth, but I feel unique among millions as I have the will and the intelligence to see and seize the truth. I hope to pass this on to any I might meet. You would be a great helper, and or even leader.
I thin we should not choose our leaders as to the most popular, but to those who have the greatest understanding and wisdom.
Being smart, intelligent is 2 things to me.
- both what you already know and
- what you can learn.
When you find new information, sometimes you have to throw away old information as you have now learned or been proven that the old information was incomplete, bias or wrong.
Be ready to change. Be open to ideas. This is the best foundation to your best future. Do not be limited in your vision to what is immediate and around you, but uphold your vision of a better tomorrow.
I often (think I) do the right things, not realizing what the benefit might be. But only later do I see that I move without guilt, with happiness, joy, pride, and that I eventually have a benefit for some action I took long ago. I think I am generally regarded as an optimistic, happy, energetic person. I think the same of you. Am I right ?