Title 5 Ideas
I do not think I am talking about nor living in a world of bad news. I simply try to find and know truth. Many avoid these subjects, because it might make them sad or different. Yes, I was there, but now I am past that. Now it is just information, that I chose to learn, know and act on. When you are acting on lies, then you are working to do things or help others who are working against you !
Trust me. You have to consider, see, learn some new tings before you can see the world as I do. Many will tell you (without looking) things that are different they you know are not true.
I found I first had to find, look at consider the new information before I could judge it. I think that the people who study the world around us, can easily see the truth, but people who just follow the popular leaders are easily deceived.
You may be the one who can help me, but maybe not.
I've had a little trouble getting you on the phone yesterday.
You could help me one day a week, or several, one hour a week or several.
I just need know what you plan is. Many are happy to have me pay them to learn, but then when I want them to do, they quit. That is foolish for me to pay to teach others, and then they don't help me. Therefore I really need to find someone who is committed to continue working with me.
I accept that we are strangers, and your can certainly find more fun things to do.
Let me try to tell you again, why I want to work with you.
I think that you and your mother can sense that I know and look for things that others do not. I hope that you can sense that I can help you to get better information and make your own decisions.
There are 2 ways to influence or control other people; 1 by force, and the other by persuasion. In the end only persuasion works, force causes resistance.
But here is how persuasion is now working (against you) You are given bad, incomplete, wrong information. It is all you know so you respond to it to help the people who gave you the bad information.
I want to sharpen your perceptions, study and thinking skills, so that you (like me) can easily see more, broader information. If you see both sides to an issue, and choose to stay with the popular voice, news, commonly help beliefs, that is OK. I can find others to help me.
But if you choose to know the truth, the deeper subjects, then you can get a benefit.
I am older, I learned lots of stuff in life, so it was harder for me to throw out all the stuff that I learned, step away form all the people that believe that, and to find the deeper truth, and meet new people. I hope that young people are not so filled and committed to bad information.
I believe that you can have an opportunity that I did not have when I was young. You can get directly to information that has taken me many years to find and confirm.
No one has told me my reasoning process is bad, although many do not want to know what I know. Many people just want to fit in and go with the crowd, letting other people make decisions for them, so they don't have to be responsible, they don't have to make choices.
That does not work, you throw away your natural rights and become a slave to those who control your information, your limited view of the world.
Here is how the world really works. 13 families own most of the wealth of the world; Rothschild, Kuhn, Loeb, Rockefellers, ... etc. They own the Federal Reserve banks in most countries of the world (not Iran and I think that another country, like Libya or Ireland are getting out of the Federal Reserve.
The families who own the wealth, own the banks, own the corporations. With their incredible wealth, they give bonuses, payments (bribes) to congressmen, lobbyist, governments, to corporations, to news media, to book publishers.
Yes it seems unbelievable, but if you really study it, you can follow their names through the board of directors, to see the small group who owns most of the wealth of the world.
Now as bankers, they make loans, and then people; corporations have to do certain things to pay back the loans. The bankers begin to set policy, and eventually they take over many when market conditions have forced them out of their ability to take over loans.
Perkins wrote a book, Economic Hit Man. He was employed by the US Government to go to foreign nations and convince them they needed new roads, bridges, dams, water systems. The countries borrowed huge amounts to modernize. Things changed, they were unable to pay back their loans, so the bankers said, OK, give us your coal, or copper, or oil for a fraction of market price, give us cheap labor from your citizens. Perkins explains how the US has taken over other countries, not by war and guns, but by economic scansions.
Why are their 3rd world nations ? Because the US is everywhere, actually the global bankers, controlling their governments and populations, keeping their citizens form prosperity and wealth. Africa is rich in minerals, diamonds, oil, etc. Why are their people so impoverished, starving, lacking health and sanitations. Because rich with elites have taken over the wealth from mining and selling their resources around the world. They keep the wealth and do not share it with the people of Africa. I have and share book and movie (& web site) What I've Learned about US Foreign Policy -or 50 years we have keep33rd world nations impoverished while we, the rich elites, mine, steal their valuable resources. DeBeers is a diamond company who mines from Africa, and carefully controls what diamonds are sold world wide, to hold back the extra, to keep the prices high. By their manipulations, they keep the prices of diamonds, high, rather then let the volume available from mining flow to the market and let the value drop. Those who rule our world extract huge profits by manipulating the markets. These are only concepts, you need not believe me, but I can lead you to the method to find and confirm these subjects.
As you come to understand banking, you will see they strive to get everyone in debt; home loans, cars, education. The interest you pay heaps huge profits for the bank. Actually as soon as you make the loan, you could stop paying, because the banks did not loan you money, they created new paper money to supply your loan, creating more money, making all the money that you now have worth less. Banking is complicated but in the end, it is house of cards, house of mirrors. They make huge profits keeping most people from understanding how banking and money works.
So here is the point. All the info that most people get; news, TV, movies, books, it is coming from people and organizations that are owned and controlled by the banks. New information is blocked (or ridiculed, denied). Information about free energy, health cures, new technologies, truth in government, truth in news, these global corporations control and stop the flow of beneficial, important information.
Most people watch TV, or read news, even pay extra money to get the Wall Street Journal and or Washington Post.
People want to be popular and know what others know. People (even me) find it impossible / improbable that our news could be controlled and not entirely true. It is hard to think that all around us people are lying.
Doctors lie to get you to follow their prescriptions, avoiding all the natural solutions, developed and proven over 1,000s of years. Actually the doctors just don't know and will not learn, because those natural solutions do not make a profit for them.
Colleges fill our heads with knowledge to control those around us and make a profit. We are not exposed to things that are general truth, that help many, because these things do not make a profit for us directly.
We are a layered society; you see a lawyers, accountant, doctor for your special needs. These people don't want to know things that you could know and act by yourself. They want you to be dependent on them.
When I found that Tom Cryer did not file and pay income taxes for 10 years, and he earned about $ 70,000 per year. The IRS and the US Dept. of Justice took him to federal court, with jury. Tom spoke of his constitutional rights and convinced the jury who acquitted him, they found he has made no error. Millions of people have heard of Tom Cryer and his new web site Truth Attack.
I told lawyers and accountants of this and they don't want to know, because they make money as long as people think they have to pay tax, they have to pay them for the service.
Once accountant said he would look up the court case. I gave him the court case number in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and then he said. I will not look it up, because I already know that it could not have happened.
I sent $ 5 directly to the court and the clerk there sent back to me notes of the court case and the verdict that Tom Cryer was acquitted, found without fault for not filing and not paying.
There are many subjects, where most people do not have or get the foundation of knowledge.
One more case.
I have a local friend, Ollie. She took me to the American Free Speech conference in 2007 in Washington DC. I did not know why I wanted to go to this conference.
I was aware that news is not true, starting with 9-11 and also in other subjects.
I did not yet know that all US news is controlled by just 9 global corporations.
Anyway, at the free speech conference, I heard of many other issues, where the truth is hidden. Then I came to realize when free speech is blocked, then we cannot find or see the truth. That is why I want to teach you how to find it.
We are told in America that we do have free speech and free press. When people are told we do, then they innocently believe it. The big loud voices of media, government, schools, makes us think that is popular and true.
But when you begin to see the subjects and information that is blocked, you realize that is the problem.
All our information is carefully controlled and we cannot find and get the other side of the story, the details, the truth.
What I want to create in you or anyone, is the desire to know.
Many people just want an immediate benefit and to be compatible with other people.
When I found these deep truths, I chose to follow them, and therefore some old friends don't like me any more. They will not study and change, they are stuck in their old life.
But when I changed what information I study, then I found new friends who help me on this.
Few are those in America, just millions, who are interested in truth and right actions.
Most are completely controlled by people who are stuck in what they once learned and are not curious to consider others subjects.
I was like that for 50 years. I hope that you and God will forgive me that I was blind so long.
I want to teach and or inspire you to want to know the truth.
It makes a better foundation to all that you do.
As long as others support, believe, cooperate with people who are lying, it gets our whole system messed up, we send more money time and effort tot the bad people doing bad things, like crimes, and we silence and hurt the good people trying to bring forth truth and help us all.
God Bless You.
Desire is the fire for whatever you aspire.
Most run their lives doing what they want/ need most first, delaying other obligations, study until later or never.
But when you choose to learn, study, know things, then your desires may change.
For 50 years, I accepted the world around me and what I could get.
I never considered that I lacked any freedom, or truth.
When i found that I did, I laid aside the other things that I was doing and decided that above all things, i wanted to know the truth, so that I could protects my rights. Rights are what we can have when we have knowledge.
Rights are the most important of things to have as they effect t what property you can get and keep, what money you can earn and how you can spend it, and what people you can deal with.
If you don't known the truth, then you will never know of many people who seek and share truth and tit's blessings and benefits.
It is all tied together. You either seek truth, or avoid it, and everything else in your life is so effected: your - wealth, - health, security, property, freedom, and more.
I too would like to pursue my hobbies, interest, sports, work, photography, etc.
but I know that since the Congress, the news and the colleges are not working to find, expose truth and correct the world, teat I alone have to find and do these things.
I speak openly about what I do to anyone, because i am always seeking other people to help us do this.
I have collected many people to whom these truths and benefits are important, because I talk to many people.
1/4 million people / hits have come thru my various web sites.