Title 8 Free Speech to spared knowledge and freedom
There are none so enslaved as
those who falsely believe they are free.
I went to the conference, titled and sponsored by the America Free Speech newspaper (& Barnes Review magazine), Sept, 2007, Washington DC.
At that time, I had studied to know that much that was in the news and reported by the US government was far from the deeper truths, and specifically did not include things that I independently confirmed to be true, easy to verify and important, over shadowing the conclusions one got to consider only news and government reports.
At this conferences, I met many people, hear speakers, saw and bought books, DVDs, on many subjects. I had formerly been told hat we had free speech in America and that we had freedom of the press, anyone would write or say anything, and any one could buy or read any such writings.
I was pretty innocent, pretty green.
Here I met people who had a different story, showing and telling me facts and information that I had near heard, never considered before. Why had I never seen this before ? Could it be true ?
Then I began to meet people, and or their spouses and friends how spoke of their being throw in jail, or fined, or taxed, or investigated for false reasons. Some even killed, or suicided for simply for said, wrote or how they think.
I began to think. What is so inflammable, so dangerous in words or thought that other people should not know ?
If a doctor prescribes (many times) something that causes others to suffer or die, surely the survivors could sue and win awards and penalize the doctor.
Same with any profession or professional that causes damage to others. They could complain get compensation, and cause fines and injury to cause that person to stop.
But what if the reverse happens ? What if a doctor or a writer tells you something that give you a benefit, keeps you out of hospital, cures you, makes you well ? What if this solution is simpler, cheaper, and causes you not to submit to the protocols of hospitals, American Medical Assoc. doctors, and other complicated and expensive procedures.
What if you learn ways, methods, procedures, sciences that offer a simpler, cheaper, more reliable solution. This could devastate the co profit and control of those (monopolies) who seem to be our only answer. These new scientists, new sciences must be cursed to protect the livelihood, the profit and control of those tied to the establishment, the status quo.
It is far simpler to just crush new ideas, then to consider, examine, learn from them.
So now I have a list of just such people who have found amazing things, written about them then been imprisoned, killed, their books burned, simply for offering their thoughts.
I have come to believe if there is some reason that someone is capturing and burning these banned books, that maybe I should look at them directly and not just assume they have bad information.
William Reicht -Orgone, Bions
Was the Holocaust as extreme or even
similar to what we are told ?
Holocaust Ernst Zundel, David Irving
UFOS ? Disclosure Project, Dr. Stephen Greer
Underground Bases & Tunnels - Sander, PhD, Phil Schneider
Royal Raymond Rife - cures for cancers and 100sof diseases, 1930s, celebrated by Am. Med. Assoc. until the primary stock holder, Fishborne could not get a percentage of the profits on selling the Rife Machine, so he bribed his assistant, smashed and destroyed his lab and precious research.
When you know these key words, people to research, you can slip past all the Veils and defenses to keep you from knowing these basic truth. You begin with simple curiosity, then you can fill you mid with hidden facts to see A New Reality !