The world is very different
then main steam news and government tells us.
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< - - - - See the several parts, 1 thru 5, of Judge Dale, retired.
He explains the true history of America and
what is really ongoing with the corporations pretending to be courts & governments.
General links or notes:
Recent Discussion: Are we on a Flat Earth - not a globe ? Have we been deceived for 500 years ? https://www.abodia.com/fe
Alaska Supreme Court Judge Anna von Reitz explains how the world really runs (not how we think it does).
Many great articles here: www.MaineRepublicemailalert.com/ by David Robinson
G. Edward Griffin: The Collectivist Conspiracy (Full Length)
The Fourteenth Amendment Hoax – Judge Anna von Reitz Exposes the Fraudulent Congress
Ft Lauderdale Extraction Exercise and Jade Helm Psyop An Act Of War On American People
America : Freedom to Fascism Income Taxes were set up in fraud. Learn you need not pay them.
Are You Liable For The Individual Income Tax?
Retired Judge Spills The Beans by Judge Dale
Before Things Get Out of Hand……Judge Anna von Reitz
Surprise! The 1986 “Dead Challenger Crew” Still Alive And Well…
G. Edward Griffin: The Collectivist Conspiracy (Full Length)
The Hidden Agenda for World Government (summary) — as told by the late Norman Dodd
Benjamin Fulford: Fall of the 6,000-Year Old System of Babylonian Debt Slavery….
Jade Helm: Seeing Things in a Whole New Light; Brilliant!
Significance of the Papal Decree — 11 July 2013
The New History of America US was set up in Fraud !
The Act of 1871 created a corporate municipal government for the District of Columbia, the Insular Tariff cases of 1900-1903 allowed Congress to operate as a separate municipal government and operate the District and federal possessions as an independent city state which deceptively calls itself “the United States of America” and which has come to be called “the United States of America Minor” as opposed to the United States of America Major — meaning the 50 domestic states. This has led to no end of semantic deceit and confusion that has been purposefully manipulated to fleece the unsuspecting American public.
Chem Trails are Coal Ash, from Naomi
Here is the You Tube Video to watch:
or here is the pdf file to read
Have you wondered where they get the chemicals that they are constantly spraying all over America ?
Coal Ash, the spent ash from coal burning in power plants.
What do they do with all this toxic waste ?
They spread it in the skies to block the sun,
build electro-magnetic field in the sky for HAARP actions (Weather control)
and for causing death & disease in our populations (to reduce populations)
and to reduce the soil's ability to nourish crops.
Have "they" Done this before ?
Well fluoride is a neuro toxin,
a product from production of aluminum and uranium.
Where do they dispose of fluoride ?
It is too toxic for land fills, so they put it in public water supplies.
The best place to hide things is in plain sight.
We, American, don't see things before us, we wait for the "news" to tell us what we see.
like the fable of the Emperor's New Clothing.
People with money, property, titles & jobs can't see Chem Trails, they don't exist.
but the rest of us see them almost daily all over the country.
When you mind is conditioned to let others think for you, you lose your ability to even see.
Similar, God, or our creator, is constantly talking to us like little Jimmie Cricket (carton when I was young)
We know intuitively what is right but if we just quit listening to our consciousness, it's voice gets weaker and weaker.
What are Chem Trails ?
In the sky, following airplanes are vapor trails.
If they disappear in 5 minutes or less, they are contrails, condensate from the jet engine combustion.
If they linger for hours or days, spreading over and blocking the sky cover, they are chem trails, a mix of chemical with evil purposes for people, plants and animals.
The Georgia Guidestones near Atlanta show the goals of the elite who rule the planet.
A primary goal is to kill 90% of the existing populations,
How ? with war, famine, vaccines, chem trails, fluoride ??
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Stop contracting & consenting (in law) - It is Voluntary
from David Robinson, author of 30+ books (Am history)
and candidate for US President.
It's about MARRIAGE to the STATE).
He shows us exactly why we are under courts, laws, taxes.
BECAUSE WE continually consent to all this.
Declaration by Robinson
1) This is my declaration of immortality, freedom, immunity from earths authority structure, and personal declaration of independence of the eternal soul.. . . . .
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