Something is Wrong - Outline:


You Know Something is Wrong When

An American Affidavit of Probable Cause

Written by Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher

Table of Contents

Part One: The History You Don't Know or Think About -- pg 11

1. The Trust

2. The Trust Includes - Jurisdictions of Air, Land, and Sea

3. The Law Forms

4. The Services and Service Hubs

5. The Global Estate Trust Comes to America (1492-1776)

6. Seethe Problem?_

7. The Horns of Our Dilemma

Part Two: The Colonial Period - pg 28

8. The First Big Lie

9. The Second Big Lie

10. The Trust Again - Native Style

11. The French and Indian War


13. The Revolution - What We Got Out of It

14. The Revolution - What King George Got Out of It

15. The Jurisdictions Are Split

Part Three- Who You Are, Who They Are, or, What They Are - pg 40

16. American State Citizens, United States Citizens, and... UNITED STATES CITIZENS

17. From the Beginning...._

18. Hale v. Henkel Tells All!_

19. More Judges Spill the Beans

20. Americans Elect United States Citizens Vote

21. Red Alert! Red Alert! Protected Persons!_

22. Press-Ganging America

23. Three Citizenships and Three Forms of "United States"_

Part Four: Moving On - pg 53

24. The Titles of Nobility Amendment (Yes, It Exists)

25. Private Courts

26. The UN-American

27. Maxim of Law - "Responsible for What You Create"

28. Personage, Barratry, the ABA

29. Now, Right Here A Big Confusion Starts...._

30. Who is Responsible for This Mess? - Asleep at The Wheel

31. Legalese Caused the Confusion

32. "Legal Styles"_

Part Five: Getting Organized - pg 62

33. The Articles of Confederation

34. A Hot Time in Old Philadelphia

35. The Condo Association

36. The 1790 Follies....

37. The Office of the President

38. President Number One.... President Number Two....

39. So What is The Constitution?

40. Third Face of the Constitution

41. Pick a Constitution.. ..Any Constitution....

42. Interlocking Trust Directorates

43. States of States

44. The Constitution v. A Constitution

Part Six - The Civil War - pg 83

45. Where Everything Ran Amok

46. The Third Big Lie

47. No Contract

48. Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

49. One Stinking Word - Person

50. April 1863 51. April 1865

52. Poisoning the Well - The Reconstruction Acts

53. The Fourteenth By-Law

54. Just So We Are Clear

55. Pledge of Allegiance-Deconstructed

56. The Best Argument for Never Voting in Their Elections

57. The Dilemma of the states, States, STATES...._

58. Natural Law, "Democracy" and the Contract

59. 1900-1904 The Insular Tariff Cases

Part Seven - More Chicanery - pg 107

60. Circa 1912

61. What National Debt?_

62. 1913

63. The Money Machine

64. Note the "Note" Scam

65. 1917 Non-Existent "War Powers"_

Part Eight - The Great Fraud - pg 121

66. 1933-The Great Fraud

67. The Roaring Twenties

68. The Conference of Governors - March 6, 1933

69. Tompkins v. Erie Railroad

70. The Mortgage Fraud - 1934 to Present

71. What Are "Civil Rights"?

72. Seven Steps to Enslavement

73. Notice the Name Game

74. Your Given Name is Your Private Property

Part Nine - The Aftermath - pg 139

75. The Two-Step National Fraud Dance

76. Planned Bankruptcy, Identity Theft, and Credit Fraud

77. Finally, the Good News!_

78. Not Us

79. Paper Dolls

80. Public Notice of the Facts

Part Ten - The Journey On -- pg 147

81. All Roads (Still) Lead to Rome

82. 2009 - 2010

83. Hitler, Stalin, Bush, FDR

84. Money Isn't Money

85. Gold, Gold, Who's Got the Gold? 86. The IRS Scam

87. Public Lien

88. Summing Up - The Law, the "law" and Public Policy

89. Consent

Part Eleven - Going Forward -- pg 182

90. The Indian Answer

91. The Principle of Non-Aggression

92. The Icelandic Answer

93. The Power of No!_

94. The Number One National Security Risk: Ignorance

95. About Your Rulership

96. Rules of Rulership

97. The Words "Of" and "For"

98. Crimes Against Humanity

99. The Last Big Lie

100. Going Forward

101. The Man in the Mirror

Part 12 - J'Accuse - The Formal Affidavit - pg 221

Appendix pg 265

A. The United Colonies of America Today (Chart)

B. Selected Dunn and Bradstreet Listings of Government Services Corporations and Government Agencies

C. The Basic Fiscal Fraud

D. True Copy of UCC-1 Financing Statement 2013-765902-5

E. True Copy of UCC- Financing Statement Amendment 2014-785584-5