Aerial Photos Charleston to Summerville    10 May, 2015, Mother's Day                             

        Above are thumb nails only. See links below to get to larger images.

        Captions: David & his plane, the largest free span building in the state (at the time) designed by Elden Architects.

The locks at London, W.Va., Glen Ferris/ Valley Falls, New River Bride, Summersville Lake & air strip, Charleston runway & airport.

David Fredericks flew Ted Elden from Charleston to the New River Gorge and then over Summersville Lake, landing on the Summersville air strip.

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         or as an album, click on any image to enlarge it.  

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                         (Album & Slide Show takes 2 minutes to load).

                     These programs are safe, but old. Windows may block this down load, but it is OK to run anyway.

Photo Contents:

- photos of the Charleston Airport & landing strip,

- photos of the Air National Guard, and Executive Air Terminal.

- photos of David Fredericks & his plane.

- photos up the Kanawha River

       - thru Glen Ferris and the Valley Falls across the river from that.

       - the end and intersection of the New River coming into the Kanawha River at Gauley Bridge

- the New River Bridge & gorge, the overlook headquarters

       (They bought one of our Abodia Slide Storage Cabinets we import from Germany)

- Summerville Lake, marina, camp grounds

       This is utopia of summer vacations for many West Virginians !

                   water ski, scuba, swim, fish, jump from the rocky cliffs, camp by the lake side, kayak, canoe

- note the near infinite pristine, rural, remote, isolated, inaccessible forests, mountains, rivers of W. Va.

       World wide, most all the land is NOT occupied by people and buildings.

       The planet is not over crowded, just the cities are crowded !

       Note the horizon, viewed from any height, is still a level line.  The horizon does not curve.

       We live on a Flat Earth. To understand this better, see here:

                   We do not live on a globe as we are told !  You can know this to study the facts at link above.

- note vast scars of mountain top removal

Thanks David Fredericks.  Wow !  I'd not been in a small private since decades ago

       when Steve Doty, owner of Peerless Block, use to take me on flights over Charleston area in his helicopter.

(Yes, little Ted was anxious as the plane bounced about, but I have faith in David & in God, that all would go well.

We flew about 1,000 foot above the ground most of the time, some times a little lower (perhaps).

Air speed was about 80 knots, nautical miles.  His plane has 115 horse power engine.

He checked EVERYTHING before take off.  David is a very careful and thorough pilot.

I turned on my Samsung Galaxy 5 phone and ran the maps program. 

Yes, I could see the little dot (representing where I was) moving about the map of W. Va. Cool, it even worked from his plane.
I have used this on trips for directions and even in town to locate addresses.

I adjusted the images with software to render them more as you see or think of the images.

The raw images appeared a little hazy, and were faint from looking thru the plane windows.

Thumbnail images of the larger set.  The images on the web are about 1/10 the resolution of the original images that I have.

From Google Maps, here is Summerville Lake aerial view:


See more of our world at

The world around you is very different then news tells you,

but you can easily learn the deeper truth.

God Bless you all.

Ted Elden, Charleston