Ted's Notes


I had always been interested in math, science, and architecture,

but I had never considered being an architect until I read Fountainhead, at prep school.


On reading the book, I abandoned my ambition to be a nuclear physics,

I went to Carnegie Mellon University to study architecture.

When I became a registered architect,

I served on the state board of architects and on national architectural boards.


14 March, 2016 is the first time I have seen this incredible movie.

Here, Howard Roark, architect, stands for integrity, pure form & structure.


He is much like Frank Lloyd Wright, and even my Dad.

I think that my parents had this kind of a romance, too.

She was cool and aloof, he was focused and passionate.


That is the kind of relationship I seek, and the kind of life I wish to live.


See the Script on the left - I highlight special parts of the script, scenes, speeches, quotes.


At left also is  a link to watch a trailer for the movie and see photos of the scenes.

web link with trailer, photos


I work with many people who are actively studying law, rights, government, history & more.

We are much like Howard Roark in the Fountainhead

as we are trying to find how to express our free spirit,

and we fight for the rights of the individual,

against the mediocrity of collectivism.