Magic Hexagon 19

     9 11 18

  14  6  1 17

15  8  5  7  3

  13  4  2 19

    10 12 16

Add any row or diagonal.

They all total 38.

If you memorize the corner points, 3, 9, 15, 10, 16, 18 the 18 1 5 to center, then you can computer the other missing numbers.  Of any line if you have just one number missing, add the other numbers, tehn subtract that from 38 and you know the missing number.  That only works when you just have one number missing.'

Make grid points

Line length 3, 4, 5, 4, 3 dots.

Each line dot is mid point to points above.

Note there are 3 axis @ 60 degrees rotations.

Use the numbers 1 to 19.

Any line in 3 angle ordinate system totals 38.

If you have all numbers except one, you can add/ subtract to find missing number.

Learn 8 #s & position,

   then you can determine all.

   19 #s in their positions.

Rotate on hex corners.

  counter clockwise 4, 2, 2, 4.

  3+6=  9   +6=15.

10+2= 12 ÷6= 18.

From all 12 corners,

   compute missing centers #s.

Step inside from 18 to 1 to 5.

5 is center to whole matrix.