3 by 3 Magic Square  All Rows, Columns & Diagonals  Magic Squares explained by Ted E    
    15    They all add up to the same total.4 by 4 Magic Square   
 816=15       4258102642       
 357=15   15179111166=34 3x3, 5x5, 21x21    
 492=15   46121414893=34 Odd squares are easy 
 ===15    511133212515=34 4x4, 6x6   
 151515     101628713410=34 I have NOT YET  figured out 
4 Rotations + 4 Inverse = 8 patterns, 2 in one plane. diagonals - >32323634   how to do even squares. 
          column totals - >34343434        
 5 by 5 Magic Square 65      6 by 6 Magic Square  This one needs corrections ! 
 =====65 2836210182028362101896     
 6565656565    diagonals - >137129871359312399     
          column totals - >111111111111111111      
 7 by 7 Magic Square   175    9 by 9 Magic Square     369  
283039481101928=175 344547586980112233445=369 
29384779182729=175  4657687991122334446=369 
37466817263537=175  5667788102132435456=369 
455141625343645=175  6677718203142535566=369 
41315243342444=175  7661719304152636576=369 
122123324143312=175  516272940516264755=369 
202231404921120=175  1526283950617274415=369 
 =======175< - diagonal totl.2536384960717331425=369 
 175175175175175175175 < - column totals3537485970812132435=369 
          diagonal totl. - >=======360378369  
          column totals - >3693693693693693693693693690  
             Magic Squares Barbarossa7/15/2014     
How Tiles or Patterns Work,     Make Magic Square:  Go up & over right ! If place is filled,   
  repeating sideways & upwards.
         Put 1  in top center box     then drown down 1 square. 
492492492       2        
816816816  1   1     6   
357357357     3  3 35    
492492492       2  4     
357357357 If new position is out of square, see red # If out of box, then place 
492492492 find the place in the square that is like that position.in same position IN box. 
Magic Squares: Each column, each row, and diagonals all add to same total.     8168  
They are all numbers from 1 to 9, 25, 49, or 81.  Make them by putting 1 in top center     3573  
`Then next number is up & over right. If off square, then to same position on square.     492   
If you overlap a lower number, then drop down one square and continue.              
Note the number patterns in the square repeat on both sides & top & bottom.      If already filled, then down 1.
  The Magic Square is a pattern, repeating like tiles in all directions.  Magic CUBE is similar !    How to Fill 5, 6, 74  
Colored numbers show repeating nature, but are not in THE magic square.       816   
On the correct diagonal, any sequential 3, 5, or 7 numbers add to the row totals.      357   
If square has diagonals thru center of square, then diagonals = row & column totals.     4     
Odd number squares work by these rules and combinations.               
Even squares have column totals equal, but vary on row & diagonal totals.             
Magic Squares have mused mathematicians for millennium.      16321334    
Albrecht Durer - great artist, did Magic Square so bottom center block showed the date 1514 drawn.51011834    
See The John Searl Story on You Tube. He dreamt of these as youth,     9671234    
Grew up, worked for power company, and learned how to use these number combinations 41514134    
to designate relationships of real quantities of: mass, measurements, distances:   3434343434    
to create inverse gravity disc to fly remotely around the world and Free Energy devices.  Albrecht Durer - 1514     
 from Ted Elden, 304 344 2335, t@abodia.com   www.abodia.com/MagicSquares