Henry Theodore Elden

c/o 1331 MacCorkle Avenue SE
Charleston, West Virginia

In the Kanawha County Magistrate Court for the state of West Virginia

For the county of Kanawha


STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA                   )

                        Plaintiff,                                )           in Admiralty

vs.                                                                 )

            Alleged Case Numbers: 13M-00007966 FOP, 13M-00007967 FOP, 13M-00007968 FOP, 13M-0008119 FSI, 13M-0008120 FSI, 13M-0008122 FSI, 13M-0008123 FSI, 13M-0008124 FSI, 13M-0008561 FSI, 13M-0008562 FSI, 13M-0008563 FSI, 13M-0008564 FS,  13M-0008565 FSI, 13M-0008566 FSI, 13M-0008570 Ref Fingr, 13M-7965, 13M-7966, 13M-7967, 13M-7968, and Agency Case # 113111406 of Kanawha County Magistrate Court.



                        Defendant                             )           OF FIDUCIARY DEBTOR

HENRY THEODORE ELDEN                  )

                        3rd Party Plaintiff                   )

vs.                                                                   )


Ward Harshbarger, aka                               )

WARD HARSHBARGER                            )

Angel Cincinnati, aka                                   )

ANGEL CINCINNATI                                   )

Rebecca S. Johnson, aka                           )

REBECCA S. JOHNSON                           )

John Hardison, aka                                      )

JOHN HARDISON                                       )

_                      3rd Party Defendants           )


Henry Theodore Elden                                 )

___Real Party in Interest                              )



     I, Henry Theodore of Elden © family, “Third Party Interest Intervenor,” having terminated the previous fiduciary to the corporate entity (ens legis), a documented vessel under United States registry, otherwise described as HENRY THEODORE ELDEN JR, a.k.a. HENRY THEODORE ELDEN or any alphabetical or numerical variation thereof, a.k.a. (Debtor), nunc pro tunc the fifth month, the third day, nineteen hundred and forty eight C.E., said entity having as it’s trustee the Secretary of Transportation of the United States pursuant to and in accordance with [Title 46 App. U.S.C. § 1247] and there being no living sentient being responsible to accept service of process or other documents, and cannot appear in a court of the United States or act as a duly appointed transfer agent, and cannot achieve parity with real people.  Therefore I, Henry Theodore of Elden © family, “Third Party Interest Intervenor,” hereby nominate and do appoint Ward Harshbarger, a.k.a. WARD HARSHBARGER, as being qualified to fulfill the position of “Fiduciary Debtor” for the corporate entity described above in all-capital-letter-assemblages, the same to be effective immediately as of the date set forth below, and shall continue until further notice or reappointment, substitution or cancellation, within the venue as ordained and established by the People of the Territory of the United States, through their original Organic Constitution of the United States.


     Whereas, said fiduciary debtor’s responsibilities are to exercise scrupulous good faith and candor towards, and for the benefit and on behalf of Henry Theodore of Elden © family, “Third Party Interest Intervenor,” the exclusive and limited purpose of accepting and receiving all liabilities, accepting and receiving all service of process and other documents, instruments, bonds or other important papers, to appear and discharge, settle and close all matters material to above referred (Debtor) in all-capital-letter-assemblages, the same shall be by order of Henry Theodore of Elden © family, “Third Party Interest Intervenor” or other delegated or appointee of Henry Theodore of Elden © family, “Third Party Interest Intervenor,” including assignments for or on behalf of the principal (Debtor), HENRY THEODORE ELDEN, including any alphabetical or numerical variation thereof as described above, and to do all other acts requisite to faithfully execute said appointment, fully, faithfully, specially under this appointment.


            Fiduciary Debtor, Ward Harshbarger, aka WARD HARSHBARGER, is hereby authorized to use the private exemption of Henry Theodore of Elden © family, i.e. HENRY THEODORE ELDEN, 235783366, for the adjustment and set-off of this instant matter, Alleged Case Numbers: 13M-00007966 FOP, 13M-00007967 FOP, 13M-00007968 FOP, 13M-0008119 FSI, 13M-0008120 FSI, 13M-0008122 FSI, 13M-0008123 FSI, 13M-0008124 FSI, 13M-0008561 FSI, 13M-0008562 FSI, 13M-0008563 FSI, 13M-0008564 FS,  13M-0008565 FSI, 13M-0008566 FSI, 13M-0008570 Ref Fingr, 13M-7965, 13M-7966, 13M-7967, 13M-7968, and Agency Case # 113111406 of Kanawha County Magistrate Court, which is Accepted For Value, and Returned for Settlement.  Fiduciary Debtor is to issue the appropriate IRS 1099 forms and to be in compliance with all revenue requirements in this matter timely. Henry Theodore of Elden © family reserves the right to audit all records and activities of Fiduciary Debtor to maintain good faith.


I, Henry Theodore of Elden © family, “Third Party Interest Intervenor” asseverate that the facts enumerated herein are set forth in good faith with clean hands and that the same are true, correct, complete and not misleading, so certified without United States.

                                                                                                              10 February, 2014

Henry Theodore of Elden © family, Third Party Interest                              date

Intervenor, Secured Party, Authorized Agent For:


(ens legis)

                                                                                              _________                                rt. thumb print




included at end of the accompanying document NOTIFICATION of CANCELLATION


I, Henry Theodore of Elden © family, over the age of twenty-one years, competent to witness and with firsthand knowledge do affirm and say that on the tenth (10th) day of the second month of February, 2014, I did mail by regular first-class mail, postage prepaid the above document, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FIDUCIARY DEBTOR to the following party(ies):

Ward Harshbarger, aka
c/o 111 Court Street, Suite 218
Charleston, West Virginia 25301
Angel Cincinnati, aka
c/o 111 Court Street, Suite 218
Charleston, West Virginia 25301
Rebecca Stollar Johnson, aka
c/o Post Office Box 797
Ripley, West Virginia 25271

John Hardison, aka

c/o 301 Virginia Street 

Charleston, West Virginia 25301



Henry Theodore of Elden © family