Sample letter requesting existing people in government to protect your God give and constitutional rights.

Earl Ray Tomblin, the living man, c/o Office of the Governor

1900 Kanawha Boulevard East- Capitol Complex

Charleston, West Virginia

                                                       27 July 2015

Notice to the principal is notice to the agent.  Notice to the agent is notice to the principal .


Please help me.  Educators, legislators, governments and news lead the general public and the people of West Virginia  to believe, and you accept, that you rule over the people of West Virginia, the republic, formed by the constitutions written during or after the Civil War, 1860-1870s. 

I ask you to intervene in various and current charges by the Kanawha County Magistrate Court, the City and State Police, and the State of West Virginia who are charging me, one of the people,  with driving offenses, dating from March 2015 and others.

The charges are flawed and attack my various established rights and they insult the constitutions in trespassing on it's limits.

You, and other West Virginia officers, In your capacities are bound to protect the interest of myself as one of We the People of the original West Virginia circa 1860s and United States of America's constitutions circa 1787.

There is the case number of the supposed claim on HENRY THEODORE ELDEN JR. or similar.

Please have this case dismissed and so notify me promptly.  Act to dismiss all charges within 30 days, or default.  If you do not have it dismissed, and or make no complete, lawful, sworn rebuttal to all my writings, your silence will attest that you breach your duty to uphold the constitutions.

It seems that court and those people continue to ignore all the status and standing I lawfully declared and established without rebuttal, as publically recorded in diverse writings and recorded, posted, published and or serves in various places and to various people.

I've shown that the U.S. Supreme Court's decisions and case law, common law established that Americans have the right to travel, unrestrained, without license, .

Note the publically recorded papers within.  If you have any comments, do so promptly as per the terms of that writing, called Lawful Protest, 10 June 2015.

I speak of what I know. I am over the age of majority, of sound mind, and do not intend to deceive or confuse anyone.  I am a flesh and blood, living man, one of the people of West Virginia, and of the 50 Union States. 

Respond as noted or within 30 days, to this temporary address.  Any variation, spelling, capitalization,  in this address will not be accepted. My name, information, property, rights are all protected by copyright and trademark.  Don't use them for any purpose but here noted.

Certificate of Service: The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of this writing and enclosures or references is served upon the one named and addresses at top of this page, 1st class by post to name and address at top, on 27July 2015, with these enclosures or references: - Lawful Protest, - Right to Travel, - Color of Law, as recorded at Kanawha Co. Court, 11 June 2015, in Misc. Book 45, page 116.  Note other items referenced and restated in their entirety.  View recordings at

                                                                                                                                           note finger print, seal

                                                                                                                                           stamp, initialed, dated

by :Henry-Theodore: Elden-Jr.. agent, 1546 Kanawha Boulevard E 1006, Charleston, West Virginia   zip exempt.

Below, we witnessed the above flesh and blood man, personally known to us, autographed or signed above, to subscribe to this instrument on 27 July, 2015If Notary, note commission expiration date.